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S08.E11: Swiping and Griping

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5 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yes. On one hand, Luis can't win, but on the other hand...he wasn't ever going to anyway. Regardless of Bri's true adoption-or-no-adoption motives, he was adamantly against it and then isn't even going to be there when the baby he demanded SHE raise is born?! I know that she can't demand he live with or near her, but I'd like to have seen his face if she said, "OK, you take Stella three nights a week for nighttime feedings, and I'll take her the next four to be nice. Enjoy waking up every 90 minutes for the next four weeks!"

That's why I don't get the coven. They like to bitch but either Roxanne and Bri are incompetent or just professional whiners who don't actually want the problems to be solved. As 'mean' as they seem, I'd have been a lot meaner. Great! No adoption? Then let's sit down and talk about how much you'll be putting into Stella's college fund at the beginning of every month based on our respective incomes. Let's make a list of baby items, cut it in half and I can't wait to see the stroller and diaper bag you pick out. Should we go to every pediatrician appointment together, or do you want to take the 1 month and I take the 2 month? It would either call him on his bullshit and allow the adoption to go forward, or he'd step up. If not, a few months down the road, you could easily take him to court for child support and a restricted visitation schedule until he did step up.

They'd never do that because 1) it requires forethought and discussion and 2) it doesn't allow them to keep screaming and crying.

Right? I don't think Luis could have actually done anything to enforce the adoption/ no adoption thing. She just wanted to have a story and that's why it was such a thing, she was never going to actually go through with it once she had the baby and she knew it. Luis could never prove that he was actively supporting Briana throughout her pregnancy. For the record, I don't think it should be a woman's sole decision (adoption/no-adoption). I had a friend who stopped his ex from giving up a baby for adoption, but she was very shady and secretive, and when they went to cour  he proved that he went through, or attempted and was thwarted,  all the legal steps to ensure his ability to take custody of the baby when the time came. She ended up terminating her parental rights and he's now a solo parent, but he walked the walk as well as talked the talk, something that's not happening on this show. 

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22 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@CaughtOnTape I can believe Jace is absolutely afraid of David even if Kaiser is comfortabke (to a degree) around David. For one Kaiser is just a toddler and cannot "judge" David for his choices. If Jace said ONE thing David didn't like I could see David going off and scaring him, but not the violent scary that would scare a little kid like Kaiser but the subtle, threatening scarring an older child would understand. Threatening him, Barb etc. 

I didn't say I didn't believe it.  I said I was curious to understand why there was such a difference of opinion between the two especially when Kaiser is around him more.  And everything you pointed out seems to be something that would scare a younger child far more than an older child who would be able to see the reason behind the anger.  Jace isn't judging him for anything, but he can reason whereas Kaiser would just see anger, rage, irritation and not be able to rationalize that it wasn't anger directed at him.  I didn't say that either was better or worse, just that I would like to gain more understanding of the vast difference between the two of them.

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4 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I didn't say that either was better or worse, just that I would like to gain more understanding of the vast difference between the two of them.

It could come down to the fact that Jace and Kaiser are two very different people, with different fathers.  In families, one child often feels more than the others, despite being in the same environment.  Jace seems very sensitive.  He is also older and can perceive more of the undercurrents, which are pretty scary chez Jenelle.  

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1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

Janelle tried to spin it like her vast and lengthy criminal record could never be brought up again. Um , no. Your criminal past follows you around forever, unless it has been expunged. And it's not about smoking weed at 16. 

OH, I totally forgot about this until I read your post.  Did anyone else think there was  a LOOOOONG pause when Jenelle mentioned smoking weed...........when she was 16.  Like she remembered, oops, I'm on camera and they aren't going to show how in actual reality Endtable tested positive for THC so I have to pretend I haven't smoked since I was 16.

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@TexasGal Jenelle is so fuckin' high these days she forgets that everything about her daily life is up on the internet for viewers to investigate or already/will air eventually. How will she spin the fact Endtable tested positive for Marijuana? Blame it on Barb or Nathan?

"Dustin you have to help me, Barb took advantage of me being pregnant and having cravings that she and Nathan put marijuana in some brownies so that me and Enlsey would test positive for weed. It's apart of their plan to gain custody!!!! Why are they sooooo meeeeeaaaaaan to me!"

I also couldn't stand her eggplant outfit. Bring back courtroom white pants and eyeglasses. 

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19 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


TR Dues lived with her. From what we know of him, he was a weight-trainer with two kids. He is the kind of guy that Germy might take issue with because of his race. 


Didn't he tweet or Instagram about it incoherently at at the time? I seem to remember some gross shit about 'oreos' but some said it wasn't actually racial?

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I wonder if Jace's attachment to Barb plays a part in his feelings for UBT.  He loves his Meme and David openly yells and trashes her in front of him. Most kids automatically defend their 'parents' even when you know they are wrong and Barb is more his mum than the She Devil.

Jace to me seems to be such an anxious boy who internalizes his feelings, that can come out as angry outbursts. Until he learns how to deal with the anxiety he will probably keep lashing out. He broke my heart when he went from excitment of staying with Barb to looking so sad that he still needed to go to The Land. Barb was trying so hard to get him not to worry but you could see the concern written all over his face.

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59 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Janelle tried to spin it like her vast and lengthy criminal record could never be brought up again. Um , no. Your criminal past follows you around forever, unless it has been expunged. And it's not about smoking weed at 16. What about her case with Nathan's gf? That was just last year

Hell, pot at SIXTEEN? She tested dirty at the birth of her daughter earlier this YEAR! She can eat a bag of tacks. 

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Yep, Jenelle quickly attempting to correct the record regarding her pot-smoking was hilarious. Nice try you rat-faced little bitch, your rampant drug use may have been when you were 16 but it was also as recently as your last pregnancy with your now-deformed daughter.

Karl trying to lead Isaac into trashing his own dad about not showing up to prior soccer games was just quintessential Hulk: conniving, selfish and nasty. Oh the web we weave, Karl. It's all coming back to bite you on your over-inflated ass.

Nova was an emotional wreck because she's exposed to constant hysteria about her father showing or not showing, either way the guy can't win and the poor kid doesn't know which way is up. Someone's going to need some serious therapy. 

Addie and the puppy was scary and I liked how the producers also added the bit about "Hey mom the mailman's here", like, Leah, while you're twirling your hair extensions and looking at Bumble your kid is roaming down by the street talking to random male strangers and throwing your Boxer puppy around.

Chelsea's segments depicting a functional family are so incongruous amongst the rest of this shitshow. 

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Janelle tried to spin it like her vast and lengthy criminal record could never be brought up again. Um , no. Your criminal past follows you around forever, unless it has been expunged. And it's not about smoking weed at 16. What about her case with Nathan's gf? That was just last year. Idk what bs line her lawyer was selling her or if she just made up her own alternative reality of Barb being crushed during court, but I find it interesting that it never even got that far. I'm guessing that once Barb's lawyer showed psychologist and school reports, Janelle's lawyer said game over, you better settle. 

 I was confused about this too. Was this wishful thinking? On what planet wouldn't someone's history of past arrests, convictions, dirty drug screens and probation violations NOT be brought up during a custody hearing?

I guess since the dispute has ended with "Permanent Custody" awarded to Barb, her past transgressions won't be an issue since the court case has been settled? Or maybe she cried out that Barb better not bring up her past from across the courthouse entry way and Barb didn't answer so she took that as assent?

Both Jenelle and Adumb are so irrationally illogical. You don't get a fucking pat on the head for doing things that adults do. You don't get kudos for not getting busted for being on drugs and not calling the cops on your partner and showing up for parenting. That's the BARE FUCKING MINIMUM. They're baffling with their need to be praised for what they're not actively fucking up right that moment while demanding that all their past fuck ups are irrelevant because they happened "in the past."

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Leah's date looked awkward. The best part of watching that date was wondering when Leah would notice the crumb of bread she had stuck to her bottom lip. 

Hahaha yessss! I knew I couldn't be the only one who noticed the crumb!

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I took Jenelle's comment to mean that all her past transgressions in regards to Jace were taken into account in this current agreement. Which then turns into a Court order when the Judge signs it. So if Barb wants to challenge Jenelle in the future (say, to ask for her visitations to be supervised, or to stop them altogether), she couldn't use any of Jenelle's "past record." Barb would have to argue something Jenelle did AFTER this order was signed had adversely affected her visits with Jace. Hope this makes sense, but I just had a giant donut and I may be on a sugar high.

I was curious if anyone knows what the episode title means "Swiping & Griping?" Do you think it means that Kail and Jenelle view people as trying to "swipe" their children, so they're griping about it? I dunno, it don't make no damn sense.

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9 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Barb would have to argue something Jenelle did AFTER this order was signed had adversely affected her visits with Jace. Hope this makes sense, but I just had a giant donut and I may be on a sugar high.

Of course the current situation counts more than the distant past.  But remember, we're talking about Jenelle and UBT.  There will be issues.  

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16 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

I was curious if anyone knows what the episode title means "Swiping & Griping?" Do you think it means that Kail and Jenelle view people as trying to "swipe" their children, so they're griping about it? I dunno, it don't make no damn sense.

I think it refers to Leah swiping through the dating app.  The griping probably refers to any time Jenelle, Kail, or the coven are onscreen. 

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@Sprockets, sure there will be issues. I was just responding to a couple people who seemed to wonder what Jenelle meant, and was her record expunged. And was it you that said there were Christmas decorations up because Kentucky lol? I'll have you know as a proud redneck resident of Kentucky I took mine down in May and Leah lives in West Virginia!

@Abmis AH! Thanks, that makes sense.

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1 hour ago, Sprockets said:

Is that possible?  

Sure. Cory isn't so bad. I'm not just talking looks wise. He's a hard worker, stable, a very involved father. Germy is a few notches down, but he always provided for her and he seems to have a good relationship with his daughter. For as crazy as Leah is, she could have done WAY worse in the guy department. 

Briana's dudes on the other hand.....Devoid is just that. He's not around. He's a loser. Still doesn't have a license or his own place. Luis doesn't seem that great, but I'm willing to give him a bit more time. Still neither of these is taking care of their girlses the way Cory and Germy do. 

Edited by ghoulina
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18 hours ago, Mkay said:

Leah lied about not dating since her divorce with Germy. She had TR Dues living with her and the girlses before buying her new house. Jesus God Leah. We aren't stupid. 



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16 hours ago, nikita said:

Jenelle has GOT to be kidding me with gloating that dropoffs now have a designated location. She's the one on film multiple times altering the exchange plans and then proceeding to rip Barb a new ahole from two counties away for balking at the last minute changes.

David, take your disgusting diatribe and aim it at your babe, babe. Because everything you said about supreme selfishness is true of your swampmate, not her mom.

When David was speaking outside the courthouse about Barbara, I wanted to say, " Shut up, Sasquatch!"

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8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I think people were overreacting, too. Aubree is a kid. My kids are generally sweet, polite, gentle kids who wouldn't hurt flies. Being young and innocent, however, they still get carried away when it comes to small, fragile animals. They want to treat them like their stuffed animals and they're too naive to believe that something bad could actually happen to them. I have to stay right on top of them when they're handling little kittens or puppies. They get better with more practice. I think Aubree was just excited to be showing them off to the camera crew and she got careless. It happens. 

When my farm-raised mother was 6, she once killed 3 baby ducks because she was playing "baptism" in the pond. She had no idea they could actually drown. It haunts her to this day. 

And that is exactly why Chelsea didn't want to film a discussion about what had happened with the animals. People should not hate the girl cause she's happy and living a charmed life. Old Cole is starting to look a bit rough, though, isn't he? It's so good that Aubree has him and knows that even if they're not biologically related, he's the dad that counts.

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40 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I just couldn't with the puppy. Exactly how much animal abuse do we have to see on this show?

I must not have been paying attention because I thought that was a doll Addy was holding. I just watched the scene again which confirmed it was a helpless innocent puppy. Shame on Leah. It should be illegal for irresponsible adults to have pets.

2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Is there anyway Barb could mandate that Jenelle's visitation take place at a child safety center? Like Chelsea thought about doing with Adam and his visitation with Aubree? At least that way UBT would be excluded. 

I think Barb would have to petition the court for supervised visitation. 

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yes. That is how The Coven works. Catch up! LOL


Kail actually said it was the 5th game of the season. Isaac also seemed to concur with her that it WAS the first time Jo had been to a game that season. That being said, we still don't know the entire story. Issac does more than just soccer. He does Taekwondo as well, I think. And who knows what else? Jo has another child and a significant other. Perhaps there are work/school conflicts. Perhaps the baby has been sick. I wouldn't even put it past Kail to lie/hide soccer information to make him look bad. But I do know that she never once mentioned Jo missing games until he filed for 50-50. 


Briana reminds me a bit of Leah....but with worse taste in men. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. 


I think this may because Kaiser LIVES with David. And has since he was very young. He knows little else. Jace lives with Barb, and knows what a calm, loving house can be. Kaiser really only knows the hell that is Jenelle's house. And in that Hell, sadly, David is the one he can rely on. Yes, I do believe David has hurt him - but David is also the primary caretaker. So Kaiser has an attachment to him. This is common with a lot of abused kids. Jace gets out enough to know it's not right. Kaiser is a lot younger and has a different perspective. 

Given that barb has custody of the two other kids and apparently had to battle it out for them too, and given what we've seen of jaces behavioral issues from time to time Indont think Barbs home is very calm place but to me that only increases my "how ducking bad must things be at Janelle's" that he seems petrified of being there. Kaiser I think reacts differently to David because although he's abusive he is also the only one that meets his basic needs for food water and from time to time some level of affection. If kaiser was spending significantly more time with Nathan or Nathan's mom i think it'd be very different. 

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@Lm2162 @druzy could someone describe what happened with the puppy? I must not have been paying attention to that scene and I can't go back and  watch. The way animals are treated on this show drives me insane. MTV needs to do some segments on pet responsibility the way they did with the domestic abuse issues. It's important. 

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40 minutes ago, evilmindatwork said:

@Lm2162 @druzy could someone describe what happened with the puppy? I must not have been paying attention to that scene and I can't go back and  watch. The way animals are treated on this show drives me insane. MTV needs to do some segments on pet responsibility the way they did with the domestic abuse issues. It's important. 

Didn't MTV already try that shit when Jenelle had a scene where her dogs were being kept in cages? Someone has to know what I am referring to.

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Does anyone ever positively interact with Endtable? Watching all the love and attention Watson gets from everyone and then you see poor Entable and her misshapen head. I only ever seen UBT awkwardly carrying her from place to place. No interaction at all.


Wish Barb won full custody. Jenelle should have supervised visits only. It's very clear that her custody battle is no longer about her and UBT getting Jace. They both want to piss Barb off and watch her "lose" and be miserable. They couldn't care less about Jace.  In fact, if they ever did get Jace full time I bet Jenelle would be calling Barb to take him back once his issues and acting out started up. And you know he would be acting out even more after being ripped away from his one caretaker.


Not enough Lincoln this episode. That kid steals the show.


Chelsea needs to stop grilling Aubrey about Adam, especially in front of the cameras.

Edited by Purerockfury
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Does anyone ever positively interact with Endtable? Watching all the love and attention Watson gets from everyone and then you see poor Entable and her misshapen head. I only ever seen UBT awkwardly carrying her from place to place. No interaction at all.

Omg, are we watching the same show? Must I again point out that they make their voices go 5 octaves higher & speak in a sing-songy way to the kids when the cameras are on them? Everyone knows that's the true sign of excellent parenting. Don't be a hatter. I can't. They give me all the feelz. #parentinggoals #relationshipgoals

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Screw 50/50 custody, jo should be asking for primary custody at this point! His home is clearly more stable than hers! 

Did any of you catch her remark about moving again!? She said vee wanted jo to get 50/50 custody so she couldn't move again. Karl's response was something like "why would they be worried? Oh but I'll need to get a job in my field and this place has nothing to offer but ohhhh that's years from now!"

so you see vee has her number! She knows what a selfish ,user, bitch she can be!


my apologies this somehow  reposted from an earlier post. I didn't mean to post it twice. I am having some trouble with the quote feature and tagging. 

Edited by KittyKat133
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Kail's selfish response to Jo's request for custody was disappointing to watch considering how hard they've worked to get where they are and how far they've come from where they were.  I wish she would think before she reacts to things.  Jo is not Javi, Kail.  He deserves 50/50 for Isaac and if she'd stop and think about that for five minutes she would realize it will probably be better for her in the end.  The fact that he's allowing her to have the freak out, after knowing full well she was going to, and not marching forward with no regard for her feelings says a lot about him.  She needs to recognize the one decent person in her life who actually does care about her is Jo.  And he's become that despite all the ways she's pushed him away.  Jo will eventually get tired of her constant testing of his loyalty to her and stop making concessions.  



Original post by caughtontape, sorry the formatting wasn't working properly but wanted to make sure u got credit for the post. 

You say jo will eventually get tired of it, well he officially is. Kail is a selfish moron. She was telling her friend he came over with a "mock up" , well I actually thought that was an incredibly nice thing of him to do. He was giving her a chance to do the right thing before he got lawyers involved. But like I said he is totally sick of it and he said after her totally ridiculous response he went straight to his attorney. Enough is enough already! 

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4 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:


Did any of you catch her remark about moving again!? She said vee wanted jo to get 50/50 custody so she couldn't move again. Karl's response was something like "why would they be worried? Oh but I'll need to get a job in my field and this place has nothing to offer but ohhhh that's years from now!"


Jo can't get primary custody without showing Kail is an unstable parent. Even though she is a grade A bitch, she is not putting her children in harm's way nor is she doing anything that is remotely considered questionable behavior to the point that a judge would consider her home an unstable environment for the boys. 

I did catch Karl's remark. Aside from her being obvious that she will move one day, it also sounded to me as if she was hinting big time to MTV how much she needed a job. She wants MTV to take pity on her and hand her a job. 

Last thing, how would Karl know there are no jobs in Dover since all she did was lie on her back? She never looked for any jobs because she was too busy giving blow jobs. 

I loved Lincoln's shirt. It read, "If you want to know how I am doing, ask my grandma."  Got that right. 

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On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 8:02 PM, nikita said:

 "Have a good Father's Day if we don't see you"? Sheeit, Chelsea, is the day only for Coley now?

I took it to mean Randy and his wife were possibly going somewhere out of town or maybe to the family cabin. Chelsea saying "Have a good Father's Day if we don't see you" was in the event she didn't see him on that day. 

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23 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Jo can't get primary custody without showing Kail is an unstable parent. Even though she is a grade A bitch, she is not putting her children in harm's way nor is she doing anything that is remotely considered questionable behavior to the point that a judge would consider her home an unstable environment for the boys. 

I did catch Karl's remark. Aside from her being obvious that she will move one day, it also sounded to me as if she was hinting big time to MTV how much she needed a job. She wants MTV to take pity on her and hand her a job. 

Last thing, how would Karl know there are no jobs in Dover since all she did was lie on her back? She never looked for any jobs because she was too busy giving blow jobs. 

I loved Lincoln's shirt. It read, "If you want to know how I am doing, ask my grandma."  Got that right. 

I get what you are saying. The only thing jo could say is that issacs mental health is now in question bc of the choices kail has made. He has anxiety over being carted around to different houses, he is confused about this new baby and who that babies father is, and just that generally things just seem very unstable for him. Also the fact that he is really between three different homes including Javi's house. His mother is constantly jumping from dick to dick and she involves her kids in all this drama. So technically,even if it was to just piss off Karl, he could go for full custody, 

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10 hours ago, crazychicken said:

I wonder if Jace's attachment to Barb plays a part in his feelings for UBT.  He loves his Meme and David openly yells and trashes her in front of him. Most kids automatically defend their 'parents' even when you know they are wrong and Barb is more his mum than the She Devil.

This is what I was thinking. My dad never abused me personally, but he verbally abused my mom and would trash talk her in front of me when I was a kid. It made me very uncomfortable so I spent my childhood avoiding him. Jace may be in a similar situation.


Although I absolutely believe that UBT could also be physically abusive to Janelle or the kids. But we've definitely seen him verbally abuse Barb and fly into rages about her. My heart breaks for those kids. 

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If Jenelle had ever truly cared about getting custody of Jace, she could've asked Barb if she could move back in and take care of Jace. Let Barb work, live her life, and show her she was willing to lovingly do the work of looking after and raising her son. She never cared. It's not about Jace or being his mother, loving him, meeting his needs, getting to know him, or just spending time with him. It was always about her image and sticking it to Barb. What a GD shame.

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28 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

I get what you are saying. The only thing jo could say is that issacs mental health is now in question bc of the choices kail has made. He has anxiety over being carted around to different houses, he is confused about this new baby and who that babies father is, and just that generally things just seem very unstable for him. Also the fact that he is really between three different homes including Javi's house. His mother is constantly jumping from dick to dick and she involves her kids in all this drama. So technically,even if it was to just piss off Karl, he could go for full custody, 

Jo could file for full custody and make plans to move to Alaska. What a judge would allow is a different story. Judges are not about to rip children from a primary parent without good cause. Jo could easily acquire 50/50 with no problem. There is no need for him to try for primary since he would get the same, or even more, say over his son with Kail being the primary parent. 

Kail lives a dysfunctional life. There is no law against a person running a dysfunctional family. A court of law isn't going to demote Kail from being a primary parent unless there is substantial grounds that prove the home environment is harmful and detrimental to Isaac's well-being such as the parent being mentally unstable, suffering from an addiction or being physically abusive. What Kail does is questionable. Her choices are questionable. She sleeps around. That doesn't mean squat in a court of law. Men are allowed to sleep around all they want without it affecting their custody arrangements. It shouldn't be held against Kail.  She provides a roof over boys' heads, she tends to their basic needs and although the quality of her food deserves an F grade, it is not considered starving the kids or that they are malnourished.  Kail's behavior is not so egregious that any judge would see to it that Jo gets primary custody. They can have joint legal and physical custody and share Isaac for the same amount of time along with any provisions such as Kail and Jo will not move out of state. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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25 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Jo could file for full custody and make plans to move to Alaska. What a judge would allow is a different story. Judges are not about to rip children from a primary parent without good cause. Jo could easily acquire 50/50 with no problem. There is no need for him to try for primary since he would get the same, or even more, say over his son with Kail being the primary parent. 

Kail lives a dysfunctional life. There is no law against a person running a dysfunctional family. A court of law isn't going to demote Kail from being a primary parent unless there is substantial grounds that prove the home environment is harmful and detrimental to Isaac's well-being such as the parent being mentally unstable, suffering from an addiction or being physically abusive. What Kail does is questionable. Her choices are questionable. She sleeps around. That doesn't mean squat in a court of law. Men are allowed to sleep around all they want without it affecting their custody arrangements. It shouldn't be held against Kail.  She provides a roof over boys' heads, she tends to their basic needs and although the quality of her food deserves an F grade, it is not considered starving the kids or that they are malnourished.  Kail's behavior is not so egregious that any judge would see to it that Jo gets primary custody. They can have joint legal and physical custody and share Isaac for the same amount of time along with any provisions such as Kail and Jo will not move out of state. 

Totally understood, and 100% agree. I'm mostly saying it because I would just love to see jo just stick it to that  bitch for once for all the torture age has put him through. But 50/50 custody will get that hulk turning green enough and I just have to be satisfied with that. 

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54 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

Totally understood, and 100% agree. I'm mostly saying it because I would just love to see jo just stick it to that  bitch for once for all the torture age has put him through. But 50/50 custody will get that hulk turning green enough and I just have to be satisfied with that. 

I agree. 

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10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Didn't MTV already try that shit when Jenelle had a scene where her dogs were being kept in cages? Someone has to know what I am referring to.

Yes, that's actually one of the TM scenes that made me cry. 

And if sleeping around and impregnating people or getting pregnant could get your kids taken from you, like half of the U.S. would have no custody of their kids. 

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On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 8:32 PM, Mkay said:

Leah lied about not dating since her divorce with Germy. She had TR Dues living with her and the girlses before buying her new house. Jesus God Leah. We aren't stupid. 

That's what was going through my head when she was putting on her little good mom "I haven't been on a single date since the divorce, ya'll!" speech.  You were living with someone, sweetheart.  Maybe she doesn't remember since she was still popping the pillses at that point.

I felt for Barb after court.  She was clearly elated but didn't want to show it on camera after the hearing.  Jace's initial unguarded reaction of "yay!" when he heard Barb "won" was very telling.  His expression only darkened when he learned he'd still have to see Jenelle and David.  Poor kid.

I can't with Briana.  If you want a good dad who is going to be there for your child, maybe don't get knocked up by some rando in da club?  Just a thought.  It's like these girls don't REALIZE there's another way to have a family other than getting knocked up by every dude you're around for more than 5 minutes. 

Cole and Aubree are adorable.  That's all I have to say about that. I'm glad Aubree has a father figure that actually appreciates and enjoys her, outside of that waste of breath, Adumb.

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