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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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Jeremy, Zach, Molly and Jacob think of the big house as home..that is why Amy wants the house.  When they come home they don't want to stay in the double wide..they want to stay in the big house...Amy then maintains control.

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Is the DW not a "mobile home"? Why can't Matt just MOVE THE DARN THING to a location on the farm way away from Amy and the big house? He could put it on a better foundation so the floors don't creek or wobble, like he was complaining about. He could do some LP customization to it to make it more friendly to his situation, not only being a LP but using crutches. He just wants to whine and kick and hiss like a baby! This way Carin would not see Amy and Amy would not see them. Am I wrong?

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In fairness, until Matt cleared out the extra bedroom in the double wide where he was hoarding all his crap, it wasn't as though Matt could offer any of his children a room of their own to sleep in. 

And you know what? Boo fucking hoo for Matt. This was filmed in August of last year, and he is STILL squatting in the intensely uncomfortable and awful double wide that his kids spurn because they're all shallow pieces of shit who only want to stay at "the big house". 

He's got the money to buy a flip house? THEN HE HAS THE MONEY TO BUY A HOUSE FOR HIMSELF. He could get a nice big four or five bedroom place so every kid has a room and they can have their parties and stage their lives in front of him. 

Instead, he insists on making himself live in misery. He's not poor. He doesn't have to live like this. 

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It is kind of a mystery as to where Chris goes off too - Did someone mention he is diabetic ?  Maybe he goes off to test himself & insulin ? I don't know. I still think it is rude if he is just taking off and not telling her, after all he invited her on the trip. 


I think Matt should just move into the pirate ship and stfu

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1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

Is the DW not a "mobile home"? Why can't Matt just MOVE THE DARN THING to a location on the farm way away from Amy and the big house? He could put it on a better foundation so the floors don't creek or wobble, like he was complaining about. He could do some LP customization to it to make it more friendly to his situation, not only being a LP but using crutches. He just wants to whine and kick and hiss like a baby! This way Carin would not see Amy and Amy would not see them. Am I wrong?

Basically no you're not wrong. But he needs somewhere that has sewer (or septic) water and electricity. And he wouldn't be winning against Amy and that's what this is about.

If Miserable Matt bought a house elsewhere Caren would move  in so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. Staying where he is is protecting him.

Edited by Willowsmom
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Maybe I've been missing it but Matt & Caryn don't seem very affectionate toward each other given they're in a relationship. It's not like I need proof, but from observing them they seem like nothing more than good friends who work together.

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Maybe he hasn't come out and said it, but Chris is already committed to Amy.  They have been together a year, and he isn't seeing other people.  To me, that's a commitment.  There isn't any reason for them to get married.

In one of Amy's TH's the producer asked if Chris had told her he loves her.  She was pretty coy about it.  For all we know, he has told her.  We don't know everything that goes on in their lives.

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I agree about how the DW was brought onto the property as a solution to the wedding preparation they needed.  Did Matt have ulterior motives? Probably.  But, if it was originally a business expense? Hmmm.... I'm sure he got tax advice on it. lol But, I will say this, while his DW is very nice and lovely, it's not like living in a house. I can say this, because I have lived in one before.  It's just different. I can't recall if Matt's is a prefab that was assembled on the property or rolled in on wheels, but, I think they are still constructed similarly.  The feel of walking across the floor is just different. The walls are different. It just has a very different vibe and I can understand why adjusting to that would be challenging. It's not that it's less than, but, it is very different. Also, the way the things are constructed, you can't renovate things easily, because of the materials in the walls and floors.  I say, Matt, you've worked hard and if you want a house, get one.

When Amy and Chris hit the one year mark, it occurred to me that a lot of things can surface around that time.  Usually, the warts will come out and people let down their guard, so you see what you're really dealing with.  So, by now, Amy should have a pretty good idea about Chris.  She respects him a lot. She says he's thoughtful, not selfish. So, I just wonder about this disappearing thing.  Is it for real or just a part of reality tv?  

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Like I said, if Matt has the money to buy a house to remodel and flip, then Matt has the money to buy himself a nice house in Portland that he can make as comfortable and accessible as he wants. And where is he? Still living in the DW, publically noting how miserable he is and how awful it is that he is FORCED to live near his ex. 

Matt is choosing his misery. No one is making Matt miserable except Matt.

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Isn't the key to making a good flip doing it rapidly so you don't have to make that many mortgage payments? Hmm. Perhaps there were complications. And I could see Matt changing his mind and taking forever to get things done. Or maybe Matt is not much of a contractor. For example, why did he do the interior painting after the custom cabinets were installed in the kitchen and the hardwood floors were laid? They had to do this elaborate wrapping/covering to protect them. I'm not a professional by any means, but it seems like you could paint first, skip having to cover everything, then just touched up the paint after everything was done. But like I said, I don't flip houses so what do I know.  But it just seems like painting first would be the faster, easier, and cheaper way to do it.  Which I thought was the essence of doing a flip. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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You made a bad deal in your divorce because you were in such a rush to go public with Caryn and now you're paying the price. Consider beating the lawyer who represented you senseless with one of your crutches because that person really dropped the ball when it came to protecting your interests. Or more likely you just refused to listen because you were in such a rush to get in Caryn's pants without having to hide it anymore. Either way, no sympathy for you at all, Matt Roloff, no sympathy at all.

Let it never be said that I can't be fair. 

I don't think this was a BAD deal for Matt in the grand scheme of things... and I think thats part of his anger issue over it. 

The reality is that in order to maintain the SHOW, they have to keep the farm. No one wants to watch these people live in Portland, they have to have the farm as the base for the family. 

Like it or not, Matt is the one who walked away from the marriage. Amy would have had him move back in up until the point that they signed the papers. That's pretty obvious from the show scenes - Amy isn't a good enough actress to fake the tears over her marriage disintegrating. If Matt had insisted they "switch" and foisted Amy into the DW, not only would Amy resent him, and the kids would resent him, but the audience would resent him. Because whether Amy was a harridan bitch or not, Matt pushes the Christian man stuff off screen and being the asshole who leaves his wife, forces her out of the family home that's pretty lavish and then crows about winning. While the wife is shown not only upset by the divorce that he initiated and insisted on, but is now living in lesser circumstances because he dumped her out into the cold.... I'm sure someone explained how leaving Amy high and dry and desperate was going to make him look like asshole of the year. 

I also suspect the house was a bitch point to Amy in the divorce, because I can see her arguing how the kids need a place etc etc etc. 

I just don't think there was any way, and there still really isn't a way, for Matt to have gotten the house in the divorce without Matt paying a huge price for it.

Celia - yes, in an actual flip situation, the name of the game is upgrading quickly and reselling the place before you're out too many mortgage payments. One of two reasons this took so long - Matt is no where near the master organizer he claims to be (entirely possible) or Matt decided to keep the house for himself. (also possible and therefore he'd take longer making sure his every whim and need is accounted for).

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Yes, you want to flip quickly if possible.  The house down the street from me is being done.  They're about a week and a half into it and almost done.  It seems to have been planned and organized to half an inch.  All the material was moved into the garage the morning of day 3.  The first two days were rip out and beginning painting.

I don't think Matt ever stood a chance of getting what he wanted from the divorce.  I think he was like a guy at work who kept saying he wanted half a pie not half of half a pie.  What that guy really wanted was 3/4 or more of the pie.  His wife left and took all the cash type investments.  She left the house, the collections, motor home, and all but one of the vehicles.  It ended up he actually owed her a few thousand dollars, but we kept hearing the pie story and how he was screwed. 

Matt probably wanted the entire farm and all or almost all the business ventures, but both couldn't afford to buy Amy out at fair market value and deeply, deeply resented that she would be entitled to half the fair market value of both the property, the businesses, and earnings from the show.

Edited by Absolom
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Well if Matt is deciding to keep that house for himself he's made a hell of a mistake because absolutely nothing about it appears to have been designed with a little person in mind. All the cabinets and everything all look average height I didn't see one thing that would make it uniquely suited for a little person's use. My personal opinion is that they will drag Matt Roloff's cold stiff body off that farm he has absolutely no intention of ever leaving it.

As far as Matt not making a bad deal in the divorce, I gotta stand by my point he absolutely did. He gave Amy the right to live in this big beautiful house for as long as she wants to and he himself settled for a "miserable" little double wide. He could have had it included in the divorce agreement that he was entitled to build as nice a house for himself using marital assets but he didn't.

I understand what you're saying about how it would have looked bad if he had tried to oust her from the big house and I completely agree.  But he didn't have to throw her out of the big house in order for him to have as nice a place for himself. He wasn't thinking. His lawyer wasn't thinking for him the way the lawyer should have been. Matt made a rash decision in order to get out of his marriage because he saw Caryn and his freedom at the end of the rainbow ... well now he has his freedom and Caryn. And Amy has the big house. And it's tough toenails for Matt.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Was surprised to find out that Chris was a photographer before he became a real estate agent. Looks like he and Jer both have had failing photographer careers. Also seems like Chris has gotten the lazy gene by hanging around the Roloff's. He has only sold two homes in 2018 and only has one current listing in his name. Guess hanging around and entertaining Amy and trying to connect with her unemployed brood has put a damper on his career time.So figure he is riding on the TLC gravy train too.

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So, I've got all the new episodes of this show at the ready but have only managed to motivate myself to watching the first two so far.  I've enjoyed watching Tori & Zach in their new baby adventures because they are the main draw for me at this point.   But as for the rest?  UGH.  I suppose I can tolerate watching Amy & her girlfriends squeeing like tween schoolgirls over Chris and I can manage my way through anything Matt & Caryn related because I really don't care about them that much at all.  Caryn does have nice hair, so there's that, I guess.  But as far as having to subject myself to watching the Special Snowflakes that are Jeremy & Audrey moping around, bitching and moaning and whining and complaining and basically just being miserable about EVERYTHING , I am going to lose my shit.  They are too old to pull off this teen angst act and I am too old to tolerate it.  Jeremy did himself no favours by marrying this person.  She has seemingly sucked the life out of him.  They are a joyless couple.  I feel like I am watching Twilight with these two. 

I came here to read up on the other episodes past the two that I have watched to see if it's worth even watching anymore.  I think I may be out.  Because I know I can't watch the Very Special Birthing episode where Bella Audrey goes into labour because I will end up throwing something at my tv. 

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On 4/27/2018 at 5:51 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

It is kind of a mystery as to where Chris goes off too - Did someone mention he is diabetic ?  Maybe he goes off to test himself & insulin ?

No. Someone suggested upthread that he might be diabetic and was going off to test his blood sugar. It hasn't been mentioned on the show. It's possible that he is, but, if so, Amy should know that. They've been together for a year and needing to test that often should have come up by now. Also, they go out to eat together and Amy cooks for him. Special dietary needs are also something that should have come up by now.

Chris hasn't been shown to be rude before, so I expect this will turn out to be some sort of contrived "misunderstanding." Chris will have said something like, "On these trips I'm used to just walking away sometimes" and Amy will have failed to understand that he meant he just walks away sometimes.

21 hours ago, Bark said:

Was surprised to find out that Chris was a photographer before he became a real estate agent. Looks like he and Jer both have had failing photographer careers. Also seems like Chris has gotten the lazy gene by hanging around the Roloff's. He has only sold two homes in 2018 and only has one current listing in his name. Guess hanging around and entertaining Amy and trying to connect with her unemployed brood has put a damper on his career time.So figure he is riding on the TLC gravy train too.

How do we know Chris "failed" at a photography career? He was in his early thirties when he went into real estate. If he'd been supporting himself as a photographer until then that's not exactly failure. It's not unheard of for a person to leave a successful career for something else.

On his Zillow Overview page, under his 5 star rating, it says Chris has had 11 sales in the last 12 months. I don't know if that's good, bad, indifferent or even accurate, but it's more than 2 this year. The website linked from that page has over 4,000 listings and it appears he at least has access to them. It's been said here that people outside of the core family, like Matt's parents, don't get paid by TLC. It doesn't seem like Chris is slacking off and maybe the exposure has actually helped his career.

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Chris strikes me as a rather romantic guy. Therefore, I have a different theory regarding what he may be up to every time he "disappears." Perhaps he is gathering/purchasing a memento from each stop along their journey as keepsakes for Amy. For example, I happen to collect small pins from every National Park I visit which are then affixed to a military surplus booney hat I wear on outdoor adventures. Just a thought. Hopefully, the "drama" won't drag out beyond tomorrow's episode. 

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On 4/28/2018 at 5:00 PM, Bark said:

Was surprised to find out that Chris was a photographer before he became a real estate agent. Looks like he and Jer both have had failing photographer careers. Also seems like Chris has gotten the lazy gene by hanging around the Roloff's. He has only sold two homes in 2018 and only has one current listing in his name. Guess hanging around and entertaining Amy and trying to connect with her unemployed brood has put a damper on his career time.So figure he is riding on the TLC gravy train too.

At least Chris was smart enough to change careers and find success unlike a certain individual who thinks he has all the answers to marriage.

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On 4/27/2018 at 10:47 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

from what I saw in the early years neither parent had any control over those kids. I'm sure Amy, being a teacher, tried to make them do homework and study but from what was shown that didn't happen. I think you have to have a desire to want to learn and want to do good but it takes work and neither of the boys ever showed that. Molly had the drive to want to do good and she did. 

Amy just shuttled the kids to school and back...I never saw her helping them with homework or being involved in any way with their studies. She was way more into their soccer game and practices. She paid little attention to Molly's volleyball or her other activities. Molly had her own inner drive and desire to excel in school...the boys were intellectually lazy and got away with bad behavior in school and doing what they wanted with little to no consequences. Matt was busy building up the farm and side businesses. Amy was out on the road giving speeches and doing her foundation. Jacob was left to his own devices and ended up getting expelled from the Christian school they all went to and becoming a drug user. Didn't even finish high school...quit going and finished up online...left home and wandered around with his girlfriend and dogs smoking pot and fighting with people on Twitter. All in all despite her homespun persona with cooking, baking and making jams and salsa, Amy did not too much nurturing. And Matt did little fathering. Both had their favorites...Matt with Jeremy and Amy with Zach. Thankfully, Molly spent a lot of time with her paternal grandmother who was supportive and spent quality time with Molly. Jacob was basically raised by Mike the friend of the family that did a lot of work around the farm...when he died from that accident with the pumpkin thrower, I think Jacob suffered a lot and became angry and belligerent. I found it interesting that Amy chose going on motorcycle trip with new boyfriend rather than staying home and being present for an impending birth of a grandchild.

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28 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Amy just shuttled the kids to school and back...I never saw her helping them with homework or being involved in any way with their studies. She was way more into their soccer game and practices. She paid little attention to Molly's volleyball or her other activities. Molly had her own inner drive and desire to excel in school...the boys were intellectually lazy and got away with bad behavior in school and doing what they wanted with little to no consequences. Matt was busy building up the farm and side businesses. Amy was out on the road giving speeches and doing her foundation. Jacob was left to his own devices and ended up getting expelled from the Christian school they all went to and becoming a drug user. Didn't even finish high school...quit going and finished up online...left home and wandered around with his girlfriend and dogs smoking pot and fighting with people on Twitter. All in all despite her homespun persona with cooking, baking and making jams and salsa, Amy did not too much nurturing. And Matt did little fathering. Both had their favorites...Matt with Jeremy and Amy with Zach. Thankfully, Molly spent a lot of time with her paternal grandmother who was supportive and spent quality time with Molly. Jacob was basically raised by Mike the friend of the family that did a lot of work around the farm...when he died from that accident with the pumpkin thrower, I think Jacob suffered a lot and became angry and belligerent. I found it interesting that Amy chose going on motorcycle trip with new boyfriend rather than staying home and being present for an impending birth of a grandchild.

There's more than one scene of Matt yammering on about how useless education is. If he said it on national TV I'd bet he drilled it into the twins. Their distain for education should be laid at Matt's door.

If I was Jacob I'd be proud of being expelled from a " christian" school for thinking on my own. Btw either he finished on line or he didn't finish at all, it can't be both

I don't blame Amy for putting time with Chris first. Tawdry has been extremely clear how she feels about Amy. And I'm sure Amy has seen the clip where Tawdry and Jerkamy are grousing they're gonna have to limit Amy's granny time. Heck I'd never go to see that kid.

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Mike the friend of the family that did a lot of work around the farm...when he died from that accident with the pumpkin thrower, I think Jacob suffered a lot and became angry and belligerent.

Mike died of an aortic dissection several years after the incident with the pumpkin trebuchet. His death, while tragic, had nothing to do the injuries from the trebuchet incident. I otherwise mostly agree with you and am glad to see both Amy and Matt put in the crummy parent pile when it comes to Molly and Jacob.

Here's my opinion - there's no reason aside from possibly undisclosed learning disabilities for all three of those boys to not have done *well* in school and to have attended real college and not a for profit, no portfolio required for entry art school. No reason at all. All three Roloff boys are bright enough. They just never were required to put more than minimal effort into their school work. They were never taught to value education and they were never required to take care of themselves in even a minimal way.  That problem comes from both Matt and Amy's parenting. Neither of them gave two shits about the kids education. 

The surprise is that Molly seems to have escaped the flaws and the fate of her brothers ways. 


I found it interesting that Amy chose going on motorcycle trip with new boyfriend rather than staying home and being present for an impending birth of a grandchild.

I was a lil surprised because Amy usually lets Jeremy treat her like a doormat but here's my thinking. 

1. I really do think Amy agreed to the motorcycle trips months prior and the dates couldn't be changed. She and Chris had discussed it in a couple of other episodes. 

2. If you notice, they really aren't giving us actual dates. Per Amy's facebook, she left on Aug 25 and was home by Sept 1st. Zach and Tory went on their trip on the 25th and were back by the 28th. So a lot of this is show drama and not real drama - Amy was there on Auj's due date.

3. There's a point where I think Jer and Auj may have worn out some of the family good will. We rarely see Amy at Jeremy and Auj's house and I don't think we've EVER seen Matt step foot in the money pit. Jer and Auj have made it pretty clear that they have their way of doing things and don't want the grandparents interfering... so it kinda turns into why does Amy need to sit vigil when Jer and Auj don't even want her around?

I'm curious to see if Auj even asks for Amy to attend the natural childbirthing because I am pretty certain that was never even on the table. 

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Mike didn't die from the trebuchet.


I see that was covered while I was typing.  :)

5 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

2. If you notice, they really aren't giving us actual dates. Per Amy's facebook, she left on Aug 25 and was home by Sept 1st. Zach and Tory went on their trip on the 25th and were back by the 28th. So a lot of this is show drama and not real drama - Amy was there on Auj's due date.

Yeah, TLC does a lot of date fudging and fake drama.  It's sad but we can't believe what we're told on the show.

I wonder what has been said to Amy by Jerk and Odd in private since what has been said on the show has been horrible from my viewpoint as a grandma. 

Edited by Absolom
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On 4/26/2018 at 6:22 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

You know, your description reminds me of someone that I know that I always wondered about.  They do not have Aspergers, that I am aware of, but, they have never been in a romantic relationship nor have they ever seem to have wanted to. Just platonic relationships period.   They have actually turned down very attractive women who showed interest.  They never seemed to have the slightest sexual interest at all.  I never understood it.  This is a very attractive and friendly person with a good personality, good family, good job. Now, I'm wondering if that is what was the issue.  Not that he didn't marry, but, that he had no interest in any sort of romantic relationship.  Not even casual. And, he's not gay either. Interesting theory. 


They are likely just asexual. Aspies can be sexual or asexual, but being sexual is just harder because it's like getting a guide book and map but in a foreign language with no translations or knowledge of places to visit and all foreign currency you've never used before. It's hard to pick up body language or social cues in the first place and then it's hard to understand how to be romantic or sexual once they want to try.

On 4/27/2018 at 1:23 PM, funky-rat said:

I felt the same way about "trailer parks" until I started looking at them, and realized they're not all created equal.  Some I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, but we have a lot of retired people where we live, and it's peaceful and quiet, and most people are friendly.  You could always try finding a nice park, and showing them how far money will go there, and maybe they'll change their minds (a lot of our friends did when they saw what $14,000 bought us, and the tax advantages, etc).  Then again, some people just won't budge.

I couldn't remember the whole story about how the DW came to the farm, but I called it from the minute it showed up that Matt would be living there soon enough.

Arguably 'tiny houses' and their community areas, are glorified just trailer parks. Except the difference is there are often more expensive customizations and the clientele is more privileged.

Edited by Lilacly
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1 hour ago, kicksave said:

Amy just shuttled the kids to school and back...I never saw her helping them with homework or being involved in any way with their studies. She was way more into their soccer game and practices. She paid little attention to Molly's volleyball or her other activities. Molly had her own inner drive and desire to excel in school...the boys were intellectually lazy and got away with bad behavior in school and doing what they wanted with little to no consequences. Matt was busy building up the farm and side businesses. Amy was out on the road giving speeches and doing her foundation. Jacob was left to his own devices and ended up getting expelled from the Christian school they all went to and becoming a drug user. Didn't even finish high school...quit going and finished up online...left home and wandered around with his girlfriend and dogs smoking pot and fighting with people on Twitter. All in all despite her homespun persona with cooking, baking and making jams and salsa, Amy did not too much nurturing. And Matt did little fathering. Both had their favorites...Matt with Jeremy and Amy with Zach. Thankfully, Molly spent a lot of time with her paternal grandmother who was supportive and spent quality time with Molly. Jacob was basically raised by Mike the friend of the family that did a lot of work around the farm...when he died from that accident with the pumpkin thrower, I think Jacob suffered a lot and became angry and belligerent. I found it interesting that Amy chose going on motorcycle trip with new boyfriend rather than staying home and being present for an impending birth of a grandchild.

Many good points, but, as stated upthead, Mike didn't die from the pumpkin thrower.  

I'm a Type I diabetic, and I have kept my status away from some people when I first met them.  But, if there is some safety issue, like you are on a motorcycle, on water or something where low blood sugar could cause a real problem to the other person, you would need to tell them upfront, imo.  Most of the time, I get a feeling if mine is low and know to get some sugar quick, plus, now I wear a continuance glucose monitor, that alerts you and keeps you informed on your numbers, but, that is not risk free.  I can't imagine driving someone on a motorcycle as a diabetic and not informing them.  If they did that.....OMG...I hope that's not the case, because I would be very shocked if anyone was that careless. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Arguably 'tiny houses', are glorified just trailer parks. Except the difference is there are often more expensive customizations and the clientele is different.

And most of the clientele move out within a year. Tiny houses are a scam, in my opinion. They're certainly not long term viable options for a family.  I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

But I digress. :)

Actually I think tiny houses would be a great way for Jer and Auj to build their wedding retreat business on the farm. They would need an area to set the tiny houses but like 5 to 8 would give them a nice size and then they could set up a big yurt as "the meeting hall" where they lecture the retreaters. People could do work on the farm projects as part of their "togetherness" and have paint ball fights and or quiet reflective walks, depending on taste. 

Hell, maybe *I* should start a wedding retreat!

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

The first time I watched a tiny house show featuring a couple with a small child moving into a tiny house, I thought "Interesting form of birth control, but I'll bet it works great!"

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

And most of the clientele move out within a year. Tiny houses are a scam, in my opinion. They're certainly not long term viable options for a family.  I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

But I digress. :)

Actually I think tiny houses would be a great way for Jer and Auj to build their wedding retreat business on the farm. They would need an area to set the tiny houses but like 5 to 8 would give them a nice size and then they could set up a big yurt as "the meeting hall" where they lecture the retreaters. People could do work on the farm projects as part of their "togetherness" and have paint ball fights and or quiet reflective walks, depending on taste. 

Hell, maybe *I* should start a wedding retreat!

We all know there will never be a marriage retreat business. Too much work.

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6 hours ago, Rap541 said:

And most of the clientele move out within a year. Tiny houses are a scam, in my opinion. They're certainly not long term viable options for a family.  I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

But I digress. :)

Actually I think tiny houses would be a great way for Jer and Auj to build their wedding retreat business on the farm. They would need an area to set the tiny houses but like 5 to 8 would give them a nice size and then they could set up a big yurt as "the meeting hall" where they lecture the retreaters. People could do work on the farm projects as part of their "togetherness" and have paint ball fights and or quiet reflective walks, depending on taste. 

Hell, maybe *I* should start a wedding retreat!

I can definitely see people moving out at least the ones who aren't plotted in their parents backyard.


Reminds me of this 

5 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

The first time I watched a tiny house show featuring a couple with a small child moving into a tiny house, I thought "Interesting form of birth control, but I'll bet it works great!"

The thing I hate the most is how those same people will be sneering at or pitying families who are forced to share a basic one room apartment out of necessity and not because of the lofty, privileged choices.

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16 hours ago, Lilacly said:

Arguably 'tiny houses' and their community areas, are glorified just trailer parks. Except the difference is there are often more expensive customizations and the clientele is more privileged.

Yep.  Suggest people who want to downsize move in to a mobile home, and they are offended.  They all yammer about their footprint, but my home has been on it's spot for 41 years.  It's still in great shape.  And doesn't require me to drive a gas guzzling vehicle to move it from place to place.  So tell me again about reducing your footprint.

16 hours ago, Rap541 said:

And most of the clientele move out within a year. Tiny houses are a scam, in my opinion. They're certainly not long term viable options for a family.  I swear, every time I see a tiny home show where they are shoving a child into a small cubby hole, I find myself wondering if they realize that children grow. And children can hear mom and dad screwing in the loft directly above their cubbyhole. 

We lived in a 24'x24' cottage/bungalow - before "tiny house" was a thing.  We were there for 18 years.  How we got out with our marriage intact is beyond me.  We were constantly fighting.  Even my cats did a 180 when we left.

15 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

The first time I watched a tiny house show featuring a couple with a small child moving into a tiny house, I thought "Interesting form of birth control, but I'll bet it works great!"

Yeah, there were times we had company over (who had to sleep in the living room) and forgot they were there until things had progressed.  Made for some embarrassing mornings.

9 hours ago, Lilacly said:

The thing I hate the most is how those same people will be sneering at or pitying families who are forced to share a basic one room apartment out of necessity and not because of the lofty, privileged choices.

Yep - suggest they try an RV (because it was made specifically to be lived in while it moves) or a mobile home, and you'll get 30,000 reasons why they are superior to you in every single way.

That's probably why Matt's whining about the "big house" and "double wide" annoy me so much.  First off, the "big house" wasn't always that big - it was added on to several times, and had a huge remodeling on the show.  The double wide is probably a little closer to the size of the house when they bought the farm (save for the house having a 2nd floor).  Apparently he forgets that.  Most doublewides are 24' wide and anywhere from 48' to 70' long, depending, which is not small at all, and everything is on one floor.  If he wants to gripe about quality of workmanship, fine, but he picked that DW.  There are some that are built with housing materials and cost almost as much as a house - he could have chosen better.

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Yes, the big house wasn't always so big. There were several expansions.

I actually liked the remodel where they added the kitchen and the large living room. That was big enough to hold everyone comfortably but not so ridiculously big that you wondered why they were doing it. 

I personally really liked all the wood features that Amy slapped white paint on and I find the white living room area a lil sterile now. 

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I personally really liked all the wood features that Amy slapped white paint on and I find the white living room area a lil sterile now. 

Same here.  I liked the wooden kitchen cabinets better before they were painted white.  I also didn't like Matt's makeover at the DW.   Weren't the kitchen cabinets painted like an oxblood red color?  All I remember is that I thought it looked better before.

20 hours ago, Rap541 said:


Here's my opinion - there's no reason aside from possibly undisclosed learning disabilities for all three of those boys to not have done *well* in school and to have attended real college and not a for profit, no portfolio required for entry art school. No reason at all. All three Roloff boys are bright enough. They just never were required to put more than minimal effort into their school work. They were never taught to value education and they were never required to take care of themselves in even a minimal way.  That problem comes from both Matt and Amy's parenting. Neither of them gave two shits about the kids education. 

I agree 100%.  Besides not showing an interest in their childrens' education, they did a horrible disservice to them by letting them live in filth.  I remember Jer & Zach's bedroom.  Clothes and crap scattered all over the floor, they didn't even have sheets on their beds.  I remember their whole house looking like crap.  Not sure what happened, perhaps Amy hired someone to clean.  All I know is that my parents would NEVER allow me to trash the house like Amy and Matt allowed their kids.  My mom taught me to have a clean environment, to take pride in my home.  She also taught me to cook and be self-sufficient.  On a recent episode this season, Amy had to show Zach HOW TO USE A KITCHEN KNIFE.  Seriously?!  

Edited by Phoebe70
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On a recent episode this season, Amy had to show Zach HOW TO USE A KITCHEN KNIFE.  Seriously?!  

No, the Zach cooking lesson with Amy nonsense is production driven.

There have been multiple episodes over years and years where the storyline is "Zach needs to learn to cook so Amy gives him baby lessons because he's so clueless and awkward and dumb, he's forever a baby".  The other go to storyline for Zach is Matt taking Zach out for some babyish treat and attempting to explain to clueless Zach how Zach will eventually need to learn how to wipe his own ass and function as an adult but Matt always seems to end these sessions rolling his eyes at how Zach is the idiot lump. 

I mention it so harshly because precious Jeremy the Golden Boy and Shining Star never has had to have his ignorance/idiocy/all around inability to function pointedly displayed. No lengthy "Jeremy needs to learn to make his own meals" lessons, no lengthy "Jeremy do you understand that at some point Daddy won't take care of you" sessions, no "Jeremy, do you have any plans in life other than beating your meat and growing your hair?" onscreen lectures, complete with Matt rolling his eyes at how incompetent and stupid the answers are. 

There's always been a narrative on this show that Jeremy just smiles and is successful and Zach is the grubby little loser who will always suck and be stupid. 

Personally I'd like to see Matt actually sit Jeremy down and explain to Jeremy how much Jeremy will need to work in order to *earn* the farm. Because I might not like Matt, and I might question some of his choices, but I will always give the man credit for not being afraid of working. And I don't think Jeremy has any idea how difficult it is for that "farm" to make money.

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21 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Mike died of an aortic dissection several years after the incident with the pumpkin trebuchet. His death, while tragic, had nothing to do the injuries from the trebuchet incident. I otherwise mostly agree with you and am glad to see both Amy and Matt put in the crummy parent pile when it comes to Molly and Jacob.

Here's my opinion - there's no reason aside from possibly undisclosed learning disabilities for all three of those boys to not have done *well* in school and to have attended real college and not a for profit, no portfolio required for entry art school. No reason at all. All three Roloff boys are bright enough. They just never were required to put more than minimal effort into their school work. They were never taught to value education and they were never required to take care of themselves in even a minimal way.  That problem comes from both Matt and Amy's parenting. Neither of them gave two shits about the kids education. 

The surprise is that Molly seems to have escaped the flaws and the fate of her brothers ways. 

I was a lil surprised because Amy usually lets Jeremy treat her like a doormat but here's my thinking. 

1. I really do think Amy agreed to the motorcycle trips months prior and the dates couldn't be changed. She and Chris had discussed it in a couple of other episodes. 

2. If you notice, they really aren't giving us actual dates. Per Amy's facebook, she left on Aug 25 and was home by Sept 1st. Zach and Tory went on their trip on the 25th and were back by the 28th. So a lot of this is show drama and not real drama - Amy was there on Auj's due date.

3. There's a point where I think Jer and Auj may have worn out some of the family good will. We rarely see Amy at Jeremy and Auj's house and I don't think we've EVER seen Matt step foot in the money pit. Jer and Auj have made it pretty clear that they have their way of doing things and don't want the grandparents interfering... so it kinda turns into why does Amy need to sit vigil when Jer and Auj don't even want her around?

I'm curious to see if Auj even asks for Amy to attend the natural childbirthing because I am pretty certain that was never even on the table. 

My bad...I forgot that Mike died from the aortic dissection...I think I confused it with the trebuchet because that was a pretty bad incident that could have killed him and Jacob.

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6 hours ago, kicksave said:
On 4/30/2018 at 4:30 PM, Rap541 said:

Mike died of an aortic dissection several years after the incident with the pumpkin trebuchet. His death, while tragic, had nothing to do the injuries from the trebuchet incident.

My bad...I forgot that Mike died from the aortic dissection...I think I confused it with the trebuchet because that was a pretty bad incident that could have killed him and Jacob.

I do think the trebuchet incident was a turning point for Jacob. I think for him, once he got older and realized that his parents had consented to allow TLC to show what was a horrible accident and what had probably given him nightmares and I'm sure scars he can find even if we can't in the name of making a buck, he was over the show and over his parents' treatment towards he and Mike. Especially when the next year Matt tried to get him to help make it bigger and "better". That thing should have been immediately pulled down for his kid's sake but Matt didn't care one bit about how Jacob might feel about it.


Jerk almost slipped up talking about with his mom being back in time with the birth of her first grand.... daughter. He came real close to trying to  claim his birthright and tossing Jackson under a bus.

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Did you hear that Audrey and Jeremy didn't anticipate? Because you can't. I had a horrible pregnancy and then flawless birth (and vice versa for my second).  That is the one universal truth in labor and delivery....unpredictability. 

I can't believe she said her water would break and then she would labor at home. Um no. No no no no.

At least Tori is honest by saying breastfeeding sucks. I tried breastfeeding my first for about 30 minutes and I was done. So I exclusively pumped for both my first and my second, because I too found breastfeeding to suck!

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43 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I was impressed with Jeremy the father...he seemed a lot more comfortable with it than I expected.

Amy is so testy about Matt you'd almost think she was still in love with him.

Yes—i Agree it was weird. And I hate that I have to say Matt seemed so much more mature, but he did. I would understand her hostility if it was still fresh, or maybe if she didn’t have Chris...but they have both moved on. I liked that Matt extended an invitation to them and he always seems very cordial to Chris—-shaking his hand, smiling. Amy’s surliness was very unbecoming and petty. 

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Eh, while I do think it is possible for Matt to act nicely in the face of a grandchild recently birthed, I also think Amy has been burned one too many times by Matt's oh so very public acts of niceness when the cameras are running. Matt has always come across as more mature, because Matt is very camera conscious. He's never going to bad mouth Chris on camera or be anything but expressly polite and cordial because guess who the asshole is to the public in that situation? Not Chris. 

Thats partly why Amy clearly carefully considers her words when she references the Caryn situation. There is already a vocal group of fans (check Matt's facebook out for vocal examples who very much think the only words that should ever come out of Amy's mouth are "I'm a terrible person for ever doubting you, Matt. I'm dirt compared to you. Your every idea is perfect and I am a fool who needs a constant bitchslap to remind me how you're always right and I am always shit compared to you. I will pray to Jesus to bless you and curse me as I am truly a nightmare of horrors in your life". 

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