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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)


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Congrats to Dave.  

For being one of the most annoying contestants in recent memory.  Jeez!  That Jeopardy! board was making me all kinds of stabby.  I like order, dammit!  DJ board wasn't much better.

I only got aloof tonight.  Had the clue read shoobies walk out on these thinking they are safe, until a wave knocks them over, I would have also gotten jetty.

I went back and forth between Austria and Poland, even though I couldn't figure out the peace palace part of the clue.

I was rooting for Jim, so bummer on that, but I'm happy annoying Dave lost.  

  • Love 7

I was torn between Poland and Norway.  Didn't think of the Netherlands :-(

Our youngest sister, Rosemary, probably knew it because she's a world traveller, and was a real Sound of Music stalker around Salzburg a few years ago -- so she would have known it's not Austria (the Anschluss was an annexation, not an occupation), or Switzerland!  She's still watching, since J! is on at 7:30 in her area.

Maybe she'll post later.


ETA:  Ro says she did not know it either.

Edited by The Wild Sow
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  • Love 3

Well that sucked big time.

I give a shout out to Dave, however, for talking over Trebek when he wanted to ramble on after the first clue. Dave was all, let's get on with it. So yeay for that one high point in this dreck episode.

Back to board jumping! Something we haven't seen for three days.

For some reason I knew Oglethorpe was in Georgia.

WTH with Suzanne being awarded the points after wrongly saying New Jersey, THEN saying Trenton. So players can say as many answers as possible in the allotted time and if they accidentally say the right answer, they get it? What is this, The $100,000 Pyramid?

Irritated that Elf on THE Shelf was taken away.

This episode was a good example of us being able to see all three players buzzing in at the same time as all three had their buzzers held in the same position. That never happens.

We got a GFY during the game this time. *drink*

Thank you that Jim was awarded $ for his correct answer of William Tell that he pronounced with the correct accent. Trebek, you are such a jackass. Just because it wasn't French you thought he was wrong.

I was pumped that Jim was ahead at FJ. Then everything went downhill. I, too, thought FJ was Poland. I swear, in all the years of learning world history, not once was it ever mentioned that The Netherlands had concentration camps.

Well Jim, that was a game well played. Plus you looked great ... very handsome if I do say so myself. Love the glasses and the CM bow tie. I'm beyond irritated that Suzanne topped you at the end. I don't like her or her chest. If Jim couldn't win, then board-hopping Dave would have been better than her.

Yes, I'm still carrying a grudge for her beating Scott. And now Jim. Now git off my lawn.

  • Love 14

Thank you that Jim was awarded $ for his correct answer of William Tell that he pronounced with the correct accent. Trebek, you are such a jackass. Just because it wasn't French you thought he was wrong.

To be fair, @saber5055, I'm pretty sure Alex ruled "correct" at first but then the judges were all like, no. So boo on the judges for that one.

I enjoyed your appearance, @Gimmick Genius, and was rooting for you all the way. What a bummer about FJ. For your consolation prize, you got a "Good for you" from Alex on your great turnpike story. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I was pumped that Jim was ahead at FJ. Then everything went downhill. I, too, thought FJ was Poland. I swear, in all the years of learning world history, not once was it ever mentioned that The Netherlands had concentration camps.

Westerbork.  An internment & transit (deportation)  camp, not a concentration camp.  Yeah, I looked it up!  Was leaning toward Poland.


But damn, there sure were a LOT of Axis-occupied countries during WWII!  Thanks, Dad, and Uncle Jimmy (KIA in Italy, 1944) for defeating them  that time.

11 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Thank you that Jim was awarded $ for his correct answer of William Tell that he pronounced with the correct accent. Trebek, you are such a jackass. Just because it wasn't French you thought he was wrong.

Well, the opera was written in French, by an Italian composer and a French librettist!  Either Guillaume Tell or Guglielmo Tell would have been correct also.  Glad they credited Jim for Wilhelm though!  

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Oh, my!  lol  (Again)  You are cracking me up.  

That's only fair since this:

53 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Congrats to Dave.  

For being one of the most annoying contestants in recent memory.  Jeez!  That Jeopardy! board was making me all kinds of stabby.

made me LOL and feel considerably better after a cr*p Jeopardy day.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Plus you looked great ... very handsome if I do say so myself. Love the glasses and the CM bow tie

Jim's Carnegie Tech/CMU bow tie is indeed a legacy from Dad (Tech 1949.)  Dad was one of the boys who graduated from high school in '39 and college in '49.  He and his brother Jimmy (Jim's namesake) spent those interim years defeating the Axis.   Dad came home.  Jimmy didn't get to.

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, The Wild Sow said:

Jim's Carnegie Tech/CMU bow tie is indeed a legacy from Dad (Tech 1949.)  Dad was one of the boys who graduated from high school in '39 and college in '49.  He and his brother Jimmy (Jim's namesake) spent those interim years defeating the Axis.   Dad came home.  Jimmy didn't get to.

I would give this one thousand likes if I could. Made me tear up. You are lucky to have a GOOD family.

  • Love 8

I figured that the "peace palace" had to be The Hague, but then I blanked on where it was. I guessed Belgium. Which was closer than other guesses, but still no cigar. I suck at geography. I did know that the Nobel Prize for Economics was the newest one.

Good effort, Jim. You did better than most people could have, and were only done in by a tough FJ.

  • Love 5

Boo hiss!  I was rooting for you mightily, Jim /@Gimmick Genius.  I was quite excited heading into FJ, but alas.  Good job, though.  I was impressed, especially during the opera category.  Dave was a tool; and I don't understand why some contestants act and sound bored out of their minds - I'm looking at you and your chest, Suzanne.

The only TS I got was jetty.

Yay!  I got FJ!  The Netherlands was on my mind because I read articles about their lovely PM, Mr. Rutte, today.

37 minutes ago, The Wild Sow said:

Jim's Carnegie Tech/CMU bow tie is indeed a legacy from Dad (Tech 1949.)  Dad was one of the boys who graduated from high school in '39 and college in '49.  He and his brother Jimmy (Jim's namesake) spent those interim years defeating the Axis.   Dad came home.  Jimmy didn't get to.

This made me tear up, too.  It makes me like Jim's bowtie, and his name, more than I already did.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
Because grammar counts
  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, The Wild Sow said:

But actually, I think all 5 of us would make a kick-ass Family Feud team.

"Good answer! Good answer!"

9 minutes ago, SHD said:

Wait, wasn't it that Dave said Elf on "A" Shelf and THAT'S what was taken away? Which was the correct thing to do.

I know, but this whole game made me cranky so I'm cranking about that too. (I wonder if they will ever use Mensch On A Bench.) Still, remember all the "the"s players have added to finish titles that have no "the" in them? Judges were okay with those. This show sometimes ...

Kit Carson.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, saber5055 said:


I know, but this whole game made me cranky so I'm cranking about that too. (I wonder if they will ever use Mensch On A Bench.) Still, remember all the "the"s players have added to finish titles that have no "the" in them? Judges were okay with those. This show sometimes ...

Kit Carson.

Alex did make a point of saying because it was a trademarked name, it had to be exact. But I'm with you on this being a mess of a game when it came to judging. I don't recall seeing so many "backsies" in one game before.

Also, I always assumed people board jumped to try to find DDs, but why would anyone do that right off the bat? Or I guess they're doing it to amass a big amount early in case they get a DD early in the game? Unless you need to catch up, I don't understand going for big clues first.

  • Love 3

Sorry about your loss, @Gimmick Genius, but at least Dave didn't win!  I could barely watch the first round with his jumping around crap.  It seemed less bad in the second round, but maybe he just wasn't buzzing in and picking clues as much.

I also said Poland for FJ, but didn't think it was right.  The peace palace part threw me off.

I did manage to get Atlanta, aloof, and jetty, though, and wondered if we really needed to hear a bit of Reveille.  I got that one before Alex finished reading the clue.  I was disappointed that Upton Sinclair and Sinclair Lewis weren't in the confusing authors category.

And good for you, Jim!  Drink! 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

WTH with Suzanne being awarded the points after wrongly saying New Jersey, THEN saying Trenton. So players can say as many answers as possible in the allotted time and if they accidentally say the right answer, they get it? What is this, The $100,000 Pyramid?

I know! This bugged me big time.



I don't like her or her chest.

Oh man. You made me laugh and laugh.

Jim -- Gimmick Genius -- I'm sorry you didn't make it further. You done good. 

I said Poland for FJ. I must have heard about the Peace Palace in The Hague at some time in my life, but I didn't have a clue today.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Dell Rhea Chicken Basket in Willowbrook,

Which is a lovely nostalgic restaurant in its own right, even without the Route 66 connection.

I didn't watch today, a rare thing for me. I was recording the Cubs game (it's kind of the law that I have to), and then the England vs. Colombia game went into double overtime and then penalty shootouts, so I developed an ulcer AND missed Jeopardy. I'm hoping to find it on YouTube, since "family" is involved.

  • Love 6

Great effort @Gimmick Genius! And you got a 'good for you' <drink!> Dave's jumping around was annoying, so if we couldn't have Jim as the champ, I guess Suzanne & her chest will have to do. 

Glad for the Elf on the Shelf correction, but also thought Suzanne should have been ruled incorrect for New Jersey/Trenton. To my ears Alex had already ruled her incorrect, which I thought was the criteria. 

4 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

and I don't understand why some contestants act and sound bored out of their minds - I'm looking at you and your chest, Suzanne.

She seemed a little more alive in Tuesday's game as opposed to Monday's, but still bored. 

4 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

But actually, I think all 5 of us would make a kick-ass Family Feud team.

I'd watch. 

  • Love 7

Well, Gotterdammerung it, anyway! I had fun.

And when it comes to Final -- sometimes you know it and sometimes you just don't. Thanks for all the kind words on this forum. I don't know if Dave or Suzanne are lurking here, but I hope not! When Dave started jumping all over the bottom half of the board, it did tick me off. I know it's a legitimate strategy, but I thought we were playing a nice mannerly game here! Also, I couldn't see Dave's face during taping but in the broadcast I saw he never smiled or seemed to be enjoying himself. Grim. Maybe it's his lawyerly demeanor -- or generations of taciturn Latvian ice-fishermen!

Honestly, I could hardly remember seeing these questions before; the game goes so fast in taping. A few thoughts: In the "F" Stop category one TS asked for a 5-letter synonym for haughty and standoffish (they wanted "aloof"). I was almost ready to ring in. I wonder if they'd have accepted "Stiff"??

In the Stars Fall from Alabama category, someone already pointed out that they accepted Dave's "Williams" for Hank. But at least Alex expanded it by saying, "Yes, Hank Williams." For the transgendered Emmy nominee, I just said "Cox" but no one asked for more or said, "Yes, Laverne..." Then when the Your Friend Monica clue came up I figured I'd better be complete and said Courtney Cox! Would the same "just the last name" work TWICE in one category??? We'll never know! I didn't mean to diss Laverne, honest!

I don't believe I've EVER heard of The Peace Palace as the seat of the Court of Justice at The Hague... but I'll never forget it now.

Edited by Gimmick Genius
  • Love 22
2 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Glad for the Elf on the Shelf correction, but also thought Suzanne should have been ruled incorrect for New Jersey/Trenton. To my ears Alex had already ruled her incorrect, which I thought was the criteria.

I heard Alex say "no" too - we were gobsmacked that answer wasn't one of the corrections.

  • Love 5

@Gimmick Genius Enjoyed watching you on the telly and you had a pretty good game. I thought you looked pretty dapper too; especially because I know the backstory of your bow tie. 

I had a pretty good game but got annoyed at Alex a few times. Ha, what else is new! FJ was an instaget for me and I don’t even know how I came up with it but at least I did. Happy Fourth everyone. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Gimmick Genius said:

I don't know if Dave or Suzanne are lurking here, but I hope not!


Me too! I remember feeling so bad on another board when I was criticizing someone who then started posting. So I try not to be TOO mean on boards. Just mean enough. :D



When Dave started jumping all over the bottom half of the board, it did tick me off. I know it's a legitimate strategy, but I thought we were playing a nice mannerly game here!

Ha! I would feel the same way. 



Honestly, I could hardly remember seeing these questions before; the game goes so fast in taping. A few thoughts: In the "F" Stop category one TS asked for a 5-letter synonym for haughty and standoffish (they wanted "aloof"). I was almost ready to ring in. I wonder if they'd have accepted "Stiff"??

I think they would, at least after some consideration. To me 'stiff' is acceptable.


2 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

Can someone please explain just what the problem with Suzanne’s chest is? Because I didn’t notice anything, and reading all these posts complaining about a woman’s chest seems extremely wrong.

Nothing's wrong with it. It just seems large and garnered the rapt attention of some men (mentioned here). (As well as this female.) :)

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, peeayebee said:
16 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

Can someone please explain just what the problem with Suzanne’s chest is? Because I didn’t notice anything, and reading all these posts complaining about a woman’s chest seems extremely wrong.

Nothing's wrong with it. It just seems large and garnered the rapt attention of some men (mentioned here). (As well as this female.) :)

Less noticeable last night than on her previous appearance. I hope she was (and remains) blissfully unaware of the comments on Twitter that first night. 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, rubaco said:

Less noticeable last night than on her previous appearance. I hope she was (and remains) blissfully unaware of the comments on Twitter that first night. 

Yeah. For anyone who thinks we are harsh here, take a sec and look at some twitter account. That's where the trolls live. We're choirboys (and girls) in this thread.

9 hours ago, Gimmick Genius said:

A few thoughts: In the "F" Stop category one TS asked for a 5-letter synonym for haughty and standoffish (they wanted "aloof"). I was almost ready to ring in. I wonder if they'd have accepted "Stiff"??

The F Stop category I didn't get until Trebek said something about words ending in F. I was all, "Where are the photography questions?" I could have aced them. And yes, I would have accepted "Stiff" for your answer Gimmick. I'll let you guys know when I become a Jeopardy! judge.

9 hours ago, Gimmick Genius said:

In the Stars Fall from Alabama category, someone already pointed out that they accepted Dave's "Williams" for Hank. But at least Alex expanded it by saying, "Yes, Hank Williams." For the transgendered Emmy nominee, I just said "Cox" but no one asked for more or said, "Yes, Laverne..." Then when the Your Friend Monica clue came up I figured I'd better be complete and said Courtney Cox! Would the same "just the last name" work TWICE in one category??? We'll never know! I didn't mean to diss Laverne, honest!

Excellent insight Gimmick. I noticed you said Courtney Cox but had already forgotten about Laverne Cox. What with all the board hopping and all. (No fault of yours!)

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

A few thoughts: In the "F" Stop category one TS asked for a 5-letter synonym for haughty and standoffish (they wanted "aloof"). I was almost ready to ring in. I wonder if they'd have accepted "Stiff"??

Jim -- just remember Charles Schulz's "Pigeons on the grass, alas.  Beagle on the roof, aloof!"


That's actually where I first learned the word "aloof."

  • Love 4

A well-played game, Jim.  Too bad about Final Jeopardy, but as you said, sometimes you just don't know it. *cough*Mozart*cough*  I didn't get to know the contestants from this week as well as I did those last week, but I remember you because of your spiffy bow tie.  You're a strong competitor; in a way I'm glad that I didn't have to go up against you, because I don't know if I would have gotten that Final either.  I know exactly what you mean about not remembering seeing the clues before.  I was the same way.  The contestant coordinators said that you don't remember the ones you get right, you remember the ones you got wrong.  I've found that to be true (Samuel Taylor Coleridge will haunt me forever!).

I'm not sure, but I believe that if the clues had been done in order, Laverne Cox would have come right after Courteney Cox.  One more reason to take the clues in order.  I suspect that if they'd been read in that order, you wouldn't have gotten away with just saying "Cox" for Laverne. :-)

I have made it a point to avoid reading anything about my games on Twitter.

  • Love 19
21 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I give a shout out to Dave, however, for talking over Trebek when he wanted to ramble on after the first clue. Dave was all, let's get on with it. So yeay for that one high point in this dreck episode.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one psyched he did that. Shut up, Alex.

For TS I got aloof and jetty. For TS I started with Poland, switched to Austria then back to Poland. Damn.

I think "Cox" and "Williams" should have both gotten a BMS. Similarly, on Monday Adam got two lucky breaks w/ "batboy" (should've just been "bat" and "Queens College" only until Alex prompted him to add "Kings"; luckily it didn't affect the outcome.

I'm glad Suzanne won.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

A well-played game, Jim.  Too bad about Final Jeopardy, but as you said, sometimes you just don't know it. *cough*Mozart*cough*  I didn't get to know the contestants from this week as well as I did those last week, but I remember you because of your spiffy bow tie.  You're a strong competitor; in a way I'm glad that I didn't have to go up against you, because I don't know if I would have gotten that Final either.  I know exactly what you mean about not remembering seeing the clues before.  I was the same way.  The contestant coordinators said that you don't remember the ones you get right, you remember the ones you got wrong.  I've found that to be true (Samuel Taylor Coleridge will haunt me forever!).

I'm not sure, but I believe that if the clues had been done in order, Laverne Cox would have come right after Courteney Cox.  One more reason to take the clues in order.  I suspect that if they'd been read in that order, you wouldn't have gotten away with just saying "Cox" for Laverne. :-)

I have made it a point to avoid reading anything about my games on Twitter.

Jim says he wasn't dissing Laverne, and would have given her name if asked!  

Scott, I only just made a twitter account a few weeks ago -- haven't used it much & never for Jeopardy!  I needed a way to comment on a newspaper article involving a relative without exposing my real name, and the comment board only uses FB and Twitter.  So Twitter it was! 

Our nephew Mike (Tom's son) is on Reddit so he was able to comment on the thread there!  Someone on that board thought Jim was a little, shall we say, pedantic!  But he's been a stage actor for much longer than he's been a delivery driver, and he has "Stage Presence" and a good, projecting voice!  Jim and Jan have been members of a traveling theater company since before they met  -- that's what they were doing driving back from Colorado in the winter when they hit the black ice.  And neither our Mom nor Jan's Dad had heard that story till now.

When they lived in California some years ago, Jim said they were in the audience for WoF, and the warm-up comedian was asking the audience questions.  Jim answered in his big, projecting voice, and the comedian was shocked because non-theater folks are usually hard to hear!

  • Love 3

I wanted them all to win!  Well, with a slight edge to middle girl, but they all were great contestants.

FJ was an ultra super instaget for me -- I had it before Alex finished reading the question.  I love them, and have seen them in concert a couple of times.  Can you start writing before he finishes talking, or are there lights to indicate when your pen is activated, too? 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

FJ was an ultra super instaget for me -- I had it before Alex finished reading the question.  

I'm embarrassed that it took me a few seconds. I got it in my head that Live Aid was the concert, so I started thinking, "Three men...The Police? Did they play Live-Aid?" Then Woodstock dawned on me and it came to me.

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