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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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50 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Dammit, John!  All you had to do was not wager like a doofus!  But nooooo!  I'm already sick of Lisa.  No, Alex, I don't think she's "a little weird".  She sounds like she was a precocious brat.  AJ was a buzzer masher extraordinaire. 

I didn't see your post until I posted, but that's exactly it. I love smart kids, but I can't stand know-it-all kids. It's usually parents who indulge them. 

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31 minutes ago, teebax said:

Alex always has to one-up everybody. If I make the show, I promise to give him shit if he does that to me. 

Here's hoping you make it Teebax. I've-done-everything-better-than-you Trebek has always bugged me. But since he gets to pick the interview topics, good luck with that.

If Lisa's interview tomorrow is about another letter she wrote when she was a kid ... gah. 

I was rooting for John. Oh well. The people I voted for in today's primary aren't winning either. I'm a jinx.

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Another game where I really couldn't root for any of them, but John was the least objectionable.  He was a bit slow to start.  Second choice was Lisa -- AJ offended me by wearing that jacket (first impressions count!), then by behaving like he needed to KILL that buzzer.  Ugh. 

I only got Star Trek and Elgar, and had absolutely no clue for FJ.  I probably couldn't have even come up with something inane like the Battle of Rome.

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2 hours ago, Fex said:

I had to pause the game for a laughter break after accidentally answering The Nightman Cometh instead of Iceman.

Thanks to Sports Night, I automatically said The Cut Man and then had to correct myself.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

That whole interview with Lisa was uncomfortable.  I mean, why would you tell Big Bird that your THIRD favorite color was yellow?  And then Alex calls her weird?  I mean, she kinda is, but if writing to fictional characters is weird, well, hi.

Also, her affect makes me cranky.

Well she was a child so she was being homest even though she lied about the bunnies! 

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I like Lisa. (Where's Mystery Author so she can back me up.) 

I was thinking that John certainly knows his Presidents, but he knows much more than that.

The only TS I got was Star Trek.

I don't know where my guess for FJ came from -- The Battle of Hippolyta. :shrug:

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On 3/19/2018 at 5:21 PM, opus said:

I got goats head soup because of The Rolling Stones album.

I got it because I connected aphrodisiacs (the clue did say something about that, right?) with goats (as in "horny old goat").

1 hour ago, teebax said:

My only get was Star Trek in a wild guess. I've never seen it, and the last Star Wars I saw was Return of the Jedi. (The genre is just not my cup of tea.)

Given that when I first heard of the Kardashians, I was confused "wait, a reality show about Star Trek aliens?",  it was an instaget for me.

16 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I like Lisa. (Where's Mystery Author so she can back me up.)

I'm no @Mystery Author but I'll back you up. I like Lisa and liked her stories.

Edited by Clanstarling
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39 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Thanks to Sports Night, I automatically said The Cut Man and then had to correct myself.

How about "The Melty Man" - from the UK original Coupling, one of the funniest shows ever.

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1 hour ago, Kathira said:

For the wager, I imagine that John was thinking he should bet enough to beat Lisa if they both got the right answer and she bet it all. She must have figured he would do that and then bet to beat him if she got it right and he didn't.

Yes, exactly.  They put themselves in each others' shoes and tried to guess what the other would bet.  Which is what you have to do when you are being strategic.

In retrospect, John would have won if he had bet $0, but he couldn't (shouldn't) have assumed things would work out that way.  He had to protect against Lisa betting everything and being right.  Which is why he bet $6001, enough to beat her by $1 if they were both right.  Which is exactly what I would have bet in that situation.

Lisa knew the only way for her to win (barring a dumb wager by John) was for her to be right and John to be wrong in FJ.  She correctly guessed he would bet $6001, so she bet $2200, enough to beat him if he was wrong and she was right.  Which is what happened.

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I was Team Lisa yesterday and though I'm not opposed to her, tonight I was Team John. What a great comeback in DJ, and he really know his presidents. 

The only TS I got was North Korea, and had not a single clue for FJ.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If Lisa's interview tomorrow is about another letter she wrote when she was a kid ... gah. 

Having such similar anecdotes 2 days in a row is a bit... unusual. I am kind of looking forward to seeing if Alex calls her weird again tomorrow, though.

If I have to choose, I will take a board jumper over a buzzer masher ANY day. I was SO relieved that AJ didn't win. He was shaking and pounding that thing so violently during the first segment that I figure someone on staff must have come over and told him to cool it before Double Jeopardy.

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AJ's buzzer mashing was annoying, but I would have picked him to win over Lisa (but after John). Hate that we're stuck with her flat effect (affect?) awkwardness. And what was her non-reacting to winning? Dsibelief? Relief? Either way, it was annoying. No need to be over the top, but also no need to have your emotionless face resting in your hands while leaning over the podium. 

The only 2 TS I got were Star Trek & ponder. FJ was an instaget for Dr. Toothbrush, but I had zero clue.

4 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

 No, Alex, I don't think she's "a little weird".  She sounds like she was a precocious brat.  

Exactly! And most precocious brats move on from that phase and cringe when reminded of it as adults, not use it as interview subjects on national television. 

4 hours ago, teebax said:

Alex always has to one-up everybody. If I make the show, I promise to give him shit if he does that to me. 

Rosaries & Novenas will be said, and candles lit for this to happen. 

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On 3/19/2018 at 10:33 PM, peeayebee said:

I wonder what problem young Lisa had with the Harry Potter question.

From Lisa herself:



Heh, you can add J.K. Rowling to the list of letter recipients.

It was great to see good wagering on display!

Edited by dcalley
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4 hours ago, teebax said:

My goodness. When she said she'll be sending Alex a letter, she's wasn't kidding. Now I'm wondering who else she's written to over the years. 

If she continues to win, I'm sure we'll find out!

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7 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

AJ's buzzer mashing was annoying, but I would have picked him to win over Lisa (but after John). Hate that we're stuck with her flat effect (affect?) awkwardness. And what was her non-reacting to winning? Dsibelief? Relief? Either way, it was annoying. No need to be over the top, but also no need to have your emotionless face resting in your hands while leaning over the podium.

I didn't read her as emotionless at all, much less when she won. I thought she was stunned and trying to control her reactions. Her awkwardness is endearing to me, maybe because I'm an awkward weirdo. My story would be how when I was a Brownie, my troop appeared on a local children's show - and we were invited to march around the stage at the end. Every other girl smiled and waved at the cameras. Me, I kept a straight face and my "dignity". I'm sure people were wondering what the problem was with that grim faced brat. LOL.

(well, actually that would be my day two story - my day one tale has to do with my grandmother-in-law, a major earthquake, and Jeopardy.)

Edited by Clanstarling
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10 hours ago, Roaster said:

Yes, exactly.  They put themselves in each others' shoes and tried to guess what the other would bet.  Which is what you have to do when you are being strategic.

In retrospect, John would have won if he had bet $0, but he couldn't (shouldn't) have assumed things would work out that way.  He had to protect against Lisa betting everything and being right.  Which is why he bet $6001, enough to beat her by $1 if they were both right.  Which is exactly what I would have bet in that situation.

Lisa knew the only way for her to win (barring a dumb wager by John) was for her to be right and John to be wrong in FJ.  She correctly guessed he would bet $6001, so she bet $2200, enough to beat him if he was wrong and she was right.  Which is what happened.

Very interesting. I don't think I could ever wager smartly. You all would be slapping your foreheads at my stupidity if I was ever on, which will never happen anyway.


8 hours ago, trow125 said:

Having such similar anecdotes 2 days in a row is a bit... unusual. I am kind of looking forward to seeing if Alex calls her weird again tomorrow, though.

He's not used to someone pushing back. I like it. Well, I like when someone pushes back, but I squirm as Alex goes on and on, trying to get the final, winning word.


7 hours ago, dcalley said:

From Lisa herself:

Heh, you can add J.K. Rowling to the list of letter recipients.

Thanks for the post. If Lisa is right, it's weird that the Jeopardy writers would use a reference from the British versions of the books rather than the American ones.


6 hours ago, teebax said:

My goodness. When she said she'll be sending Alex a letter, she's wasn't kidding. Now I'm wondering who else she's written to over the years. 

I wrote a letter to Ronald Reagan when I was in elementary school, and he wrote back. It was about our school having really old textbooks, and for some reason I thought he could help. My brother is 11 years my senior, and I had textbooks that had been signed out to him 11 years earlier. 

It sort of worked. There was an article in the newspaper about my letter and his response. I think the school district was so embarrassed we received new books the next year. 


I can't remember how old I was, but back in my school days I wrote a letter to Jonathan Winters and received a letter back. Unfortunately, I no longer have it.

About the wrong responses here re The Iceman Cometh: Can someone explain The Nightman Cometh and The Cut Man (Sports Night)?

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I think its kind of funny she wrote the letters as a kid and keeps bringing it up.  I want to read what she writes to Alex when she is done. 

And Alex has called other people weird after the interviews.  That part of the show is always so awkward and is clearly not his strength, which I think is funny.  Like him telling the torch runner he got to keep his torch after he did it. 

Didn't know final jeopardy, I said Carthage. 

And come on, none of them know about the Cardassians on Star Trek?  Though honestly I never made the connection with them and the Kardashians having such similar names.  They kidnapped Picard in one of the best episodes of the series, Chain of COmmand Part 1 and 2.  That was Patrick Stewarts most memorable performance and lines.  "There are FOUR lights!"

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AJ was very distracting with his buzzer technique. A couple of times he was still mashing the buzzer as one of the other contestants was answering, which I don't think I've ever seen before. Is anyone here ancient enough to remember the daytime J! where there was no limit on when it was permissible to ring in? The card would be lifted and the clue revealed, but before Art would even start reading it, someone would buzz in. I once asked my mom why they did that, and she said they wanted to get first crack at the clue and just hoped that they'd know the answer. As a four-year-old, I found that strategy dubious, at best. 

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I was listening more than watching last night so THANKFULLY missed the buzzer mashing, but I did notice that AJ oddly looked over and grinned at John when Lisa landed on one of the DD’s.

It was actually kinda creepy.

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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I didn't read her as emotionless at all, much less when she won. I thought she was stunned and trying to control her reactions. Her awkwardness is endearing to me, maybe because I'm an awkward weirdo. My story would be how when I was a Brownie, my troop appeared on a local children's show - and we were invited to march around the stage at the end. Every other girl smiled and waved at the cameras. Me, I kept a straight face and my "dignity". I'm sure people were wondering what the problem was with that grim faced brat. LOL.

(well, actually that would be my day two story - my day one tale has to do with my grandmother-in-law, a major earthquake, and Jeopardy.)

Thank you for your perspective. I wouldn't have thought you were a brat for not smiling & waving at a camera when you were a child - I would have thought you were out of your comfort zone, and probably would have wanted to give you a hug. And anyone who mistook the Kardashians for Cardassian is good people. 

I have 2 stories for Jeopardy also - not that I'll ever make it on to tell them!! 

2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I was listening more than watching last night so THANKFULLY missed the buzzer mashing, but I did notice that AJ oddly looked over and grinned at John when Lisa landed on one of the DD’s.

It was actually kinda creepy.

I noticed that too. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that it was an "oh well, what are you gonna do" type smile, since Lisa was already ahead at that point, and is a true DD wagerer. 

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4 hours ago, peeayebee said:

About the wrong responses here re The Iceman Cometh: Can someone explain The Nightman Cometh and The Cut Man (Sports Night)?

The Nightman Cometh is an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, in which the gang performs a weird creepy musical that one of the characters, Charlie, wrote. It's amazing.

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5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

About the wrong responses here re The Iceman Cometh: Can someone explain The Nightman Cometh and The Cut Man (Sports Night)?

"The Cut Man Cometh" is an episode of Sports Night.

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4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

"The Cut Man Cometh" is an episode of Sports Night.

I’ve never seen Sports Night but that episode title alone makes me think it would be something I would enjoy.

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7 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

I beg of you, please tell him in French.

The only foreign language I speak is German. I'll have to learn it in French since we know that's the only language Alex cares about. 

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Well, there goes one thing to put on my Jeopardy interview card. I'm sure Alex will tell me Reagan came to his house instead of sending him a crummy old letter. Then I'll tell Alex to kiss my ass and get escorted off the set. 

I might have to pay to go to LA and be in the studio audience to witness this! LOL

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2 hours ago, Driad said:

How much time do contestants have to choose their FJ wagers?  Also how: pencil and paper?

I've talked to former contestants who say you pretty much have as much time as you need, but they'll prod you along if you're taking forever. 

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5 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Thank you for your perspective. I wouldn't have thought you were a brat for not smiling & waving at a camera when you were a child - I would have thought you were out of your comfort zone, and probably would have wanted to give you a hug. And anyone who mistook the Kardashians for Cardassian is good people. 

I have 2 stories for Jeopardy also - not that I'll ever make it on to tell them!!

Aw, thanks. I'll never make it to Jeopardy either. Don't trust my thyroid brain these days (thanks whoever came up with that - I already forgot who it was).

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As soon as AT said Bernard Herrmann I had the answer.

Does anyone remember the Rebecca confusion leading to her return?

Edited by opus
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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

I’ve never seen Sports Night but that episode title alone makes me think it would be something I would enjoy.

Taking my response over to Small Talk since I don't want to get too off-topic (but can't refrain from sharing my favorite bit of dialogue from that episode).

From today's show: Rebecca was the contestant from January who lost due to the (unclear) FJ: "It's the first Oscar nominee for Best Picture to be produced by an Internet streaming service."

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I didn't remember the game with the badly worded clue, but I'm glad Rebecca got a do-over and won. For a while I was afraid Lisa would completely dominate and make it a runaway, but it turned out to be a really exciting game. Chris was a bit slow pokey for my taste.

I loved "What is yes?" "No!" "What is no?" "Yes!"

I knew the NY Post, Ishiguro, and De Soto. Agree that FJ was too easy. They could at least have omitted "thriller" from the clue.

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Turns out I know nothing about Pizarro! I guessed Panama because of the isthmus part of the clue, but otherwise felt like an idiot for that whole category.

I did know Ally McBeal, and FJ was an instaget.

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So Alex will talk about Willy Wonka with Lisa but won't talk about it with someone who was actually in the movie?  That makes sense, as Alex always does. [/sarcasm]

Yay, Rebecca!  What was up with Lisa leaning all over the place when the FJ category was revealed?  Did she do that for her other games and I just didn't notice?  Not sorry to see her go.

FJ was the instagettiest of all instagets for me.  I also got the TS/missed DD of Glory Days, New York Post, Saturn, and Ally McBeal.  I absolutely hated Ally McBeal, and possibly only watched one episode, but remembered that Portia DeRossi was on it, starving herself like all the other women.  Glory Days was a guess, based on the "they'll pass you by" part of the clue.

And now I have to figure out when tomorrow's and Friday's episodes are going to air.  Stupid basketball.

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6 minutes ago, mojoween said:

What is faster than an instaget?  Because FJ was that.

As soon as Lisa put her head in her hand I was rooting for her to go home.

I also had no sympathy for Lisa because she knew there was less than a minute left and clues of various denominations on the board, she was leading by I think $1800 and she selected a $2000 clue... which Rebecca answered correctly to take the lead.  Lisa should have been selecting lesser valued clues to lessen the chance of Rebecca passing her.  Then Lisa didn't even wager her entire 7200 for final Jeopardy! She deserved this loss.

Edited by Bosstonz16
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11 minutes ago, mojoween said:

What is faster than an instaget?  Because FJ was that.

As soon as Lisa put her head in her hand I was rooting for her to go home.

She was pouting so much today! Now I know why all her interviews are stories from her childhood. She never left it. 

I had New York Post, De Soto, Aly McBeal, and FJ. 

I'm glad Rebecca won, but it was a frustrating game to watch. I liked all the categories and knew they wouldn't clear the boards. 

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6 minutes ago, GenerationX said:

I got gouge.  Between the 5-letter words, ology, and triple rhyme time categories it was an absurd day for word play, heh.  I would need more of these (and Sports!) if I were ever on the show.

I agree. The TV lawyer one was up my alley too. I think Pizarro was my online weak category today. 

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25 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

FJ was the instagettiest of all instagets for me.  I also got the TS/missed DD of Glory Days, New York Post, Saturn, and Ally McBeal.  Glory Days was a guess, based on the "they'll pass you by" part of the clue.

Got Glory Days the same way and the others. My 16 year old car is a Saturn. FJ was extremely easy.

23 minutes ago, Bosstonz16 said:

I had no sympathy for Lisa because she knew there was less than a minute left and clues of various denominations on the board, she was leading by I think $1800 and she selected a $2000 clue... which Rebecca answered correctly to take the lead.  Lisa should have been selecting lesser valued clues to lessen the chance of Rebecca passing her.  Then Lisa didn't even wager her entire 7200 for final Jeopardy! She deserved this loss.

I agree that she should have been trying to run out the clock with the lower values, but I don't fault her for not betting it all. Lisa's wager today was to protect against Chris being right and going all in. The person in the lead usually bets to win by at least $1 even if the one in second goes all in. Lisa would have still lost by $7 had she bet the ranch. 

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33 minutes ago, teebax said:

She was pouting so much today! Now I know why all her interviews are stories from her childhood. She never left it.

I know, right? I barely remember being in kindergarten yet she tells a story about it on national tv. Of course, I've done a few things since then besides writing letters to Sesame Street characters.

45 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Alex will talk about Willy Wonka with Lisa but won't talk about it with someone who was actually in the movie?  That makes sense, as Alex always does. [/sarcasm]

I'll see your sarcasm and raise you five snarks.

1 hour ago, opus said:

As soon as AT said Bernard Herrmann I had the answer.

I didn't know who Herrmann is/was, but all I could hear was that frightening shower-scene music so yeah, instaget. Although Rope did quickly move through my brain first.

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