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Paul & Karine: These Condoms Ain't For Sexin'

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My guess is that the father wrote Paul off at the time of the arson.   The records on the arson said a property owned by the parents, I bet Paul has never owned anything in his life, unless Mom and Dad gave it to him.   I bet his parents agreed that he's not getting in their house, or on their property, and there will be no rescue of him, or bail either, and I bet he's going to have to get a public defender too.     I suspect the father said Paul was never coming back in their home, once he was gone.    I bet getting Paul out of the house was a big relief to both parents, but the mother isn't as strong about cutting Paul off as the father is.   

His mother must be afraid of him to only meet for the cameras, and in public places.  I believe everything Karine said in her protective order statement.  

 I think Paul was born the way he is, and I think somewhere along the way, he will come to a bad end.  I'm just hoping it isn't taking others with him.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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John Yates has totally taken Paul's side and thinks Karine is lying... So all of his followers are defending Paul and talking shit about Karine...  Made me sick.. I had to quit reading it because I was getting pissed off! 😡😠

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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And they hit me hard, too. I'm shook. This may be the worst backlash I've ever faced online-and I had an AOL account. It's disturbing. And I'm a nobody that they'll move on from in a few days. I can only imagine some of the bullshit Karine must be getting. I get that she's kind of polarizing, but those accusations against him are pretty awful. If even half of them are true...yikes. 

I'm so sorry to hear all this happened to you.  I really hope for your sake that you are right and the crazies move on from you.  It's one thing to disagree with someone or their actions but to expose them to potentially harmful people is beyond the pale.  Especially since I, for the life of me, can't figure out what's wrong with simply directing a person towards resources. Even if Karine was somehow lying or whatever, she simply wouldn't receive the resources.  If she's telling the truth (I, for one, completely believe her) then you could potentially be saving both her life and Pierre's.  Even if people hate Karine or think she's lying they should want her contacting the proper authorities so  those people can at least make sure Pierre is OK and being taken care of.

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7 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

I'm so sorry to hear all this happened to you.  I really hope for your sake that you are right and the crazies move on from you.  It's one thing to disagree with someone or their actions but to expose them to potentially harmful people is beyond the pale.  Especially since I, for the life of me, can't figure out what's wrong with simply directing a person towards resources. Even if Karine was somehow lying or whatever, she simply wouldn't receive the resources.  If she's telling the truth (I, for one, completely believe her) then you could potentially be saving both her life and Pierre's.  Even if people hate Karine or think she's lying they should want her contacting the proper authorities so  those people can at least make sure Pierre is OK and being taken care of.

And again, all I said is that I previously worked in that field and we have a lot of good resources for these kinds of situations. It was pretty weird. I was being called a "creep" and a "psycho" and at one point someone was literally like, "Let's find out who this bitch works for and complain to her boss. This bitch needs to be fired!" Good luck with that. While my boss is a bit of a nut from time to time she IS loyal (I'm self employed). 

I feel like Sharp should jump into this situation, at least a little. The production crew is probably the closest ties she has in the US.

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6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And again, all I said is that I previously worked in that field and we have a lot of good resources for these kinds of situations. It was pretty weird. I was being called a "creep" and a "psycho" and at one point someone was literally like, "Let's find out who this bitch works for and complain to her boss. This bitch needs to be fired!" Good luck with that. While my boss is a bit of a nut from time to time she IS loyal (I'm self employed). 

I feel like Sharp should jump into this situation, at least a little. The production crew is probably the closest ties she has in the US.

How sad that such a caring act had ridiculously awful consequences for you.  Many of us have said from the very first time he appeared on the screen that Paul had a lot of scary mental issues and seemed like he could be dangerous, there should have been a LOT more support from the producers for Karine and her innocent child.


Edited by ThereButFor
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@mamadrama I’m sorry this is happening to you! I am hearing more and more accounts of serious cyber bullying lately.  Document everything!


Do you think Karine is better off in the US where there are more social/economic resources to help her and her children  or back in Brazil where she has her family?

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On 8/4/2020 at 1:22 PM, mamadrama said:

This has been a tough week. The Paul/Karine stuff has been disturbing, but it actually got personal. You know, I'm fairly local to them. I have some ties to other cast members, but my former social services job has given me some ties to that community as well. I actually reached out in an offer to help. I've never done that before, but I didn't know if her attorney was local. At the very least I wanted to make sure she was aware of safe housing and had a bilingual advocate. It was just a few phone calls and emails. My involvement stopped there. However, word got around and I wound up in a ton of drama on another show discussion place. Screenshots were shared and a bunch of crap was directed at me. There were even some fake screenshots shared. Even worse was that I was doxxed. My home address and personal information was shared to what may have been thousands of people. My husband had to change his number yesterday. The mods eventually stepped in and things were removed, but by then it had been hours. Lots of people had seen the stuff.

One person started it. I don't know that person's username and we've never interacted. When the mods contacted me, though, they said that there was so much vitriol that they thought it might be personal. Or that the person knew me from another show discussion site. So there's that.

I just wanted to offer some assistance. It's not like I was driving up there and getting between Paul and Karine. I just helped direct someone who could. Even local people have difficulty traversing our system here, and there are many helpful programs that people don't know about. Sometimes even law enforcement is unaware of everything, especially for the immigrant community. When I went through my abusive relationship it was overwhelming knowing where to start-and I worked for a VAW office. The police could help with the EPO, but that was the extent of their assistance. I basically just shared those resources. I never said where she was or how she got there. That's not information I would even know (not to mention a horrible invasion of privacy). She even said on the live stream that she wanted to go to a shelter. I felt bad for her. She seems to have been isolated here and I can't imagine how that must feel. I've had bad things happen to me in foreign countries when I've been alone. It's not cool.

So I've spent, like, 4 days being concerned for her but also for me. I've got kids, you know? I honestly felt like MY safety could be at risk. It's left me in what feels like a 4 day panic attack. People suck.

I’m on same site and saw this all go down and felt terribly for you. I even posted in your defense. I got slammed on same forum for posting some pretty harmless info about Ariela (bc I use to work for them). Luckily though they were just a couple trolls and posts deleted. I didn’t see where they gave out your personal info, that is absurd and ridiculous. I’m so sorry, people are crazy! 

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It would never occur to me to get involved in real life with any of these people because they're all batshit crazy for the most part. And Pole is the worst of the worst. These two numnuts have done so many fights and 'we're over' videos only to get back together, that it's never clear if they're doing it for attention and a lasting contract with TLC or not. But this time it feels more real and I hope to hell that Karine can get her child and herself out of the US and back to Brazil, where she belongs. Her family will help her and her mother will probably be a better mother to that child than Karine will, she was never mature enough to have a kid. Oy, what a fucking mess!

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13 minutes ago, gingerella said:

It would never occur to me to get involved in real life with any of these people because they're all batshit crazy for the most part. And Pole is the worst of the worst. These two numnuts have done so many fights and 'we're over' videos only to get back together, that it's never clear if they're doing it for attention and a lasting contract with TLC or not. But this time it feels more real and I hope to hell that Karine can get her child and herself out of the US and back to Brazil, where she belongs. Her family will help her and her mother will probably be a better mother to that child than Karine will, she was never mature enough to have a kid. Oy, what a fucking mess!

Exactly, these two have had so many fake break-ups and make-ups that I'm not totally convinced that all of this is real even though as you said this time it does seem more real.

I've never been completely comfortable with Paul.... right from the start he had a Norman Bates vibe that was creepy.

I don't like how he treats Karine... Always threatening her with divorce etc.

He's a bully.

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10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And again, all I said is that I previously worked in that field and we have a lot of good resources for these kinds of situations. It was pretty weird. I was being called a "creep" and a "psycho" and at one point someone was literally like, "Let's find out who this bitch works for and complain to her boss. This bitch needs to be fired!" Good luck with that. While my boss is a bit of a nut from time to time she IS loyal (I'm self employed). 

I feel like Sharp should jump into this situation, at least a little. The production crew is probably the closest ties she has in the US.

I'm so sorry you were treated like that for trying to help. People have too much time on their hands these days and instead of doing something useful, like you were trying to do, they would rather use their time to bully. It's really sad.

I used to work for iVillage wayyyyyy back in the late 90's... back when the internet was still pretty prehistoric. I once reprimanded a member and she was not happy with me. It was my job. Long story short, I logged into my email one afternoon and saw pictures of me in my front yard with my kids. I don't know who took them, I don't know how she found out my real name, my address, etc. Again, this was back when the internet was pretty basic. When I went to the police, they were like, "ummmmmm??????" They seriously didn't even know how to write up a report. I can giggle about it now because it was so absurd.... but I was scared and angry back then. 

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1 hour ago, UniqueHandle said:

I'm so sorry you were treated like that for trying to help. People have too much time on their hands these days and instead of doing something useful, like you were trying to do, they would rather use their time to bully. It's really sad.

I used to work for iVillage wayyyyyy back in the late 90's... back when the internet was still pretty prehistoric. I once reprimanded a member and she was not happy with me. It was my job. Long story short, I logged into my email one afternoon and saw pictures of me in my front yard with my kids. I don't know who took them, I don't know how she found out my real name, my address, etc. Again, this was back when the internet was pretty basic. When I went to the police, they were like, "ummmmmm??????" They seriously didn't even know how to write up a report. I can giggle about it now because it was so absurd.... but I was scared and angry back then. 

Yeah I used to be a mod on reddit and one time someone said I saw you cutting your lawn yesterday.  I had cut the lawn but I wasn’t sure if they were bluffing so I said sorry couldn’t be I use a landscaping service lol.

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7 hours ago, Meowy said:

@mamadrama I’m sorry this is happening to you! I am hearing more and more accounts of serious cyber bullying lately.  Document everything!


Do you think Karine is better off in the US where there are more social/economic resources to help her and her children  or back in Brazil where she has her family?

I wondered about that too. Definitely there is more emotional support for Karine in Brazil but there are more material supports for her here and better economic opportunities. There also are probably better mental health resources for her here than in Tonatins. It’s a tough situation for sure; wherever she is, she doesn’t have everything she and Pierre probably need.

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I believe I read on here that her parents moved closer to a big city.

The big issue to me is that if she leaves Paul, and divorces, that he will get some kind of visitation.   After the Susan Powell case (the woman in Utah where her husband killed her, and later killed the sons on a supervised visit), I don't trust supervised visitation.   Or Paul's mother will be the supervisor, or get partial custody, and she won't refuse to let Paul near the little boy.    I know too many people who had supervised visitation, and neutral drop off sites for the kids, but the relatives of the children violated the rules, and let abusers around the kids.    

I wish I was very rich, and knew someone with a jet that could reach Brazil.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I've read this thread, listened to and watched the (recorded) "live," and now I want to assault Paul.  So mach crazy!  That mile-a-minute talking where he has to repeat himself 3 to 4 times just to be understood, constantly repeating HIS side of the story, like he thinks that if he says it more frequently it's more believable, etc.   And that's just so he can get it on camera!  I feel SO sorry for Karine and the baby, and wish them only the best to get away from him forever.  What do we need to do to get him committed?

Mamadrama, I'm so sorry for your troubles.  You were only trying to help.  There are some terrible people out there.

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On 8/4/2020 at 6:03 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I just watched the HBO documentary about the Golden State Killer and he was horribly abused as a child and saw his sister raped by soldiers when she was seven.  It doesn’t excuse what he did but it sure explains it.

Paul talks about his father quite a bit in one of his youtube videos, sounds like they have a complicated relationship, not a lot of love there I don't think.

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6 hours ago, Kath94 said:

I've read this thread, listened to and watched the (recorded) "live," and now I want to assault Paul.  So mach crazy!  That mile-a-minute talking where he has to repeat himself 3 to 4 times just to be understood, constantly repeating HIS side of the story, like he thinks that if he says it more frequently it's more believable, etc.   And that's just so he can get it on camera!  I feel SO sorry for Karine and the baby, and wish them only the best to get away from him forever.  What do we need to do to get him committed?

Mamadrama, I'm so sorry for your troubles.  You were only trying to help.  There are some terrible people out there.

I too have watched a couple of his videos and he is none stop, in the video with the cops his mother says Karine was fine the day before, so what's up, and he responds that she's bi-polar.  I think if anyone is bi-polar it is him but not sure he sees that, it's all really sad and unfortunate to see this play out like this on social media.  It would be so wrong if TLC were to continue any future episodes involving them.

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Any news on these two idiots? I noticed that moron Pole removed that video from his IG feed, he must have gotten stern advice from a lawyer to do that, otherwise he wouldn't have done it on his own I don't think. And since Krenny has been silent except to say she's okay in that message the other day, I wonder if she too, is getting stern advice and maybe being overseen by someone who wants to help her get back to Brazil ASAP. If I was a judge and saw any footage from that show, I'd personally escort her to the plane myself and send her off...But I wouldn't pay for her, because she's a moron too, and is likely to let Pole back into their lives in a few weeks time. I think she is addicted to the drama and Z-list fame that comes with it. The best thing her parents can do is get her back home, never let her have a phone again, and get her working somewhere so she can be occupied and not on social media 24/7. That, and get Pole on a persona non grata list so he'll never be allowed into the country again.

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US Weekly has an article from Pole's side, claiming Karine has a 3 year restraining order against him, and I hope against his mother.    Of course, he blames his ex-girlfriends for hurting him, and we all know what the truth is about that.   He's also the one who claimed Karine took Pierre, and disappeared, but that's not true either.   


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As much as I believe the psychopath that is Pole should be banned from all TLC appearances and money I will still watch him run next week (and hope he trips and falls).  

Edited by ThereButFor
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I can't wait for the running of the Pol next episode.

I find it bizarre that Pol had to ask the lady at the pet store if that was good dog food.   He claims he's a dog trainer (more likely shoveled poop, since that seems to be his only skill), or he was the tackling dummy for the dogs for bite work.


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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I can't wait for the running of the Pol next episode.

I find it bizarre that Pol had to ask the lady at the pet store if that was good dog food.   He claims he's a dog trainer (more likely shoveled poop, since that seems to be his only skill), or he was the tackling dummy for the dogs for bite work.


If you watch the sneak preview on demand it’s there.

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For anyone here that watches Auntie's Advice channel on YouTube, she put out a video the other day called "Paul Talks to Auntie." I know she has spoken with him in the past and while she thinks he is crazy, I think she has a soft spot for him. So I was curious to see if she made any headway with him (not holding my breath or anything), but the video has been taken down. I still have it in my notifications, so I know I didn't imagine it. Did anyone here see it and/or know why it was removed? And for what it's worth, I can't stand Karine, but I wouldn't wish Paul on anyone. She needs to stop playing around with him and go home. Enough with the drama in the U.S.

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4 minutes ago, Teri313 said:

For anyone here that watches Auntie's Advice channel on YouTube, she put out a video the other day called "Paul Talks to Auntie." I know she has spoken with him in the past and while she thinks he is crazy, I think she has a soft spot for him. So I was curious to see if she made any headway with him (not holding my breath or anything), but the video has been taken down. I still have it in my notifications, so I know I didn't imagine it. Did anyone here see it and/or know why it was removed? And for what it's worth, I can't stand Karine, but I wouldn't wish Paul on anyone. She needs to stop playing around with him and go home. Enough with the drama in the U.S.

I see two videos about Paul from July 30 and 8/1. Was it one of those?

Edited by Gobi
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2 hours ago, Gobi said:

I see two videos about Paul from July 30 and 8/1. Was it one of those?

No, she did those, then did another one actually with him yesterday. I was going to watch later, then it was pulled. I wonder why...???

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1 hour ago, Teri313 said:

No, she did those, then did another one actually with him yesterday. I was going to watch later, then it was pulled. I wonder why...???

Perhaps Paul woke up and realized that it would be best if he stay mum during this time? Oh who am I kidding, his legal counsel probably pushed him to have it taken down. 

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@ColteesSpeedont I'd like you to know that I truly appreciate you not making your avatar match your username.

I've been avoiding anything to do with these two because I didn't have the patience. If Mamadrama's harassment was on Reddit, I'm not at all surprised. I do not follow this show there and only read when I'm linked something or go looking for something specifically, but have noticed that the members regarding this show have increased by considerable amount, and many are simply trolls. Thank you Covid-19! Paul himself has three known sockpuppets there.

Pole has been posting non-stop on his IG. These are from another account so as not to give him views. I'm posting the first two, of which there are probably another dozen, so that the third one makes sense.

I'm guessing an attorney or his therapist told him to get off social media, and expect it will last as long as the last time, which was about a week, I think. In any case, it is a good first step and I actually give him thumbs up for it. That is the first time I think I've said that about him.


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6 hours ago, Christina said:

@ColteesSpeedont I'd like you to know that I truly appreciate you not making your avatar match your username.

I've been avoiding anything to do with these two because I didn't have the patience. If Mamadrama's harassment was on Reddit, I'm not at all surprised. I do not follow this show there and only read when I'm linked something or go looking for something specifically, but have noticed that the members regarding this show have increased by considerable amount, and many are simply trolls. Thank you Covid-19! Paul himself has three known sockpuppets there.

Pole has been posting non-stop on his IG. These are from another account so as not to give him views. I'm posting the first two, of which there are probably another dozen, so that the third one makes sense.

I'm guessing an attorney or his therapist told him to get off social media, and expect it will last as long as the last time, which was about a week, I think. In any case, it is a good first step and I actually give him thumbs up for it. That is the first time I think I've said that about him.


IRONY:  Paul posting about his regrets of oversharing on social media...as he continues to overshare in a social media post regarding his regrets about oversharing.    

These people...



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7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

IRONY:  Paul posting about his regrets of oversharing on social media...as he continues to overshare in a social media post regarding his regrets about oversharing.    

These people...

I don't do any "social media" except Facebook, so I only know about some of this stuff when it's copied here.  I was reading the first one above out loud to hubby - wherein Pole talks about taking Pierre on long walks.  The first thing that popped into my mind was, "He should have taken him on long runs . . . and had a camera filming from behind."

I am a terrible person.

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38 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I don't do any "social media" except Facebook, so I only know about some of this stuff when it's copied here.  I was reading the first one above out loud to hubby - wherein Pole talks about taking Pierre on long walks.  The first thing that popped into my mind was, "He should have taken him on long runs . . . and had a camera filming from behind."

I am a terrible person.

Welcome to the club!!  I have almost nothing positive to say about many of the 90 Day-ers, Pole being the one I consider worst of the worst.

My first thought when Pole mentions having to "double up on my therapy" is that he needs to be committed (voluntarily or not) to full-time inpatient therapy where at least he can't hurt anyone.  I don't believe anything he says anyway, and hope those poor children can grow up without his madness.

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Wow, so much self-pity from Pole.  He took care of everything! Everything!! And now he's all alone.  Also, huge side-eye at the "I took for granted we would be together forever, happily ever after."  Um, Pole, did you even watch your seasons?  No one thought you two would be together forever happy.  Lord.

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I find it ridiculous that Pole says he thought they would be together forever, since he's always threatening to divorce her, and that talk starts up every time right about contract renewal time.   

I know that others have said this was shot last summer, but if TLC / Sharp sign that lunatic up for another season, they're so wrong.      TLC needs to edit him and Karine out as much as they can, even if it means more of some of the others (Larissa) that I don't like.  

I wish that Karine had listened to her mother, and stayed in Brazil, and then Pole would be denied entry.     Sadly, with the U.S. custody system, I bet she'll never be allowed to take her son to Brazil, and escape Pole.   It terrifies me that she might go back to him, or he might go berserk, and hurt her and the little boy.   With his history of stalking, and arson, I worry for the safety of Karine, and her little boy.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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11 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

It seems like if Pierre was born there he should be able to return there.

I agree.  Seems like either he is either a Brazilian citizen or holds dual citizenship.  If Paul tried to get a court order to forbid Karine from taking Pierre to Brazil, all she would need in her defense are videos from 90DF.  

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8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I don't do any "social media" except Facebook, so I only know about some of this stuff when it's copied here.  I was reading the first one above out loud to hubby - wherein Pole talks about taking Pierre on long walks.  The first thing that popped into my mind was, "He should have taken him on long runs . . . and had a camera filming from behind."

I am a terrible person.

Go back and read the police report from 6-28-2014 wherein the officer wrote that Pole had been “on the run.” Now THAT made me chuckle.

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I hope someone who knows the actual law can chime in.   My understanding is that if Pole won't let Pierre leave the U.S., then Karine can't take him.   I hope that's wrong, but I'm afraid it's not.     I'm hoping Karine stays away from Pole, divorces him, but I worry about Pole and his mother getting access to the little boy. 

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19 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I hope someone who knows the actual law can chime in.   My understanding is that if Pole won't let Pierre leave the U.S., then Karine can't take him.   I hope that's wrong, but I'm afraid it's not.     I'm hoping Karine stays away from Pole, divorces him, but I worry about Pole and his mother getting access to the little boy. 

Pole needs an attorney.  He has no money, and only an idiot would do legal work for him either gratis or for free advertising.  But - as we have learned from watching this show - there are a LOT of idiots who are happy to appear on it.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Pole needs an attorney.  He has no money, and only an idiot would do legal work for him either gratis or for free advertising.  But - as we have learned from watching this show - there are a LOT of idiots who are happy to appear on it.

Don’t most cities have legal aid clinics, staffed with third year law students or paralegals? 🤷‍♀️

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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I hope someone who knows the actual law can chime in.   My understanding is that if Pole won't let Pierre leave the U.S., then Karine can't take him.   I hope that's wrong, but I'm afraid it's not.     I'm hoping Karine stays away from Pole, divorces him, but I worry about Pole and his mother getting access to the little boy. 

But if she has a restraining order against him that may change things maybe.  At most he would have very limited supervised visits with Pierre.

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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wouldn't be surprised if his mother would pay for an attorney, in a bid to get the little boy.   

I feel like his mother could just as easily be on Karine’s side.  She seems pretty done with Paul and now there’s possibly going to be another baby.

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15 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I don't do any "social media" except Facebook, so I only know about some of this stuff when it's copied here.  I was reading the first one above out loud to hubby - wherein Pole talks about taking Pierre on long walks.  The first thing that popped into my mind was, "He should have taken him on long runs . . . and had a camera filming from behind."

I am a terrible person.

In one of Pauls youtube videos he briefly touches on how people like to watch him running and he goes on to say how even Pierre mimmicks  the way he runs 🙂

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7 hours ago, endure said:

In one of Pauls youtube videos he briefly touches on how people like to watch him running and he goes on to say how even Pierre mimmicks  the way he runs 🙂

Maybe that's one of the reasons that Karine holds the kid all the time.

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8 hours ago, endure said:

But if she has a restraining order against him that may change things maybe.

I believe she has a temporary restraining order, which is granted almost automatically with minimal consideration of the evidence. It isn't determinative of anything in the long term.  Even if were made permanent, it doesn't terminate his parental rights.

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:22 PM, Teri313 said:

For anyone here that watches Auntie's Advice channel on YouTube, she put out a video the other day called "Paul Talks to Auntie." I know she has spoken with him in the past and while she thinks he is crazy, I think she has a soft spot for him. So I was curious to see if she made any headway with him (not holding my breath or anything), but the video has been taken down. I still have it in my notifications, so I know I didn't imagine it. Did anyone here see it and/or know why it was removed? And for what it's worth, I can't stand Karine, but I wouldn't wish Paul on anyone. She needs to stop playing around with him and go home. Enough with the drama in the U.S.

It's up now on YouTube, as of this afternoon at least. 

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