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S07.E04: The Spoils of War

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Episode Synopsis:

Daenerys fights back. Jaime faces an unexpected situation. Arya comes home.

Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show onlyno book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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Davos was so proud of himself for using “fewer” this time around.

Why would the Children of the Forest and the First Men be at Dragonstone in the first place?

House Reyne finally got their vindication!

Edited by Potanical Pardon
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This episode was too short, only 50 minutes without the previouslies. But that loot train battle was epic indeed. Don't get how Jaime and Bronn made it out without getting fried like everyone. Say bye to the loot, Cersei and Iron bank. 

Finally the 3 Starks are together, just need some Snow. Not liking the vibes from LF, not that I ever did, but hope he just witnessed how Arya was going to check him off her list.

I really thought Dany was going to propose to Jon in the dragonglass cave.

Edited by dizzyd
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OH. MY. DAMN. So many emotions!

Stark sibling reunion, I was so happy! Arya sparring with Brienne was fantastic.

I was terrified Bronn was going to die, I kept waiting for him to straight up just run. Thank goodness he got Jaime in the end, neither of them can go out like that.

I kept thinking Dickon was going to die, as well.

I was shocked Dany brought Tyrion with her, but not the other two dragons.

So the Dothraki vs. the White Walkers is going to be fucking mindblowing.

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Best episode of the season so far.

They are really going there with Dany & Jon. 

Jon should have beaten Theon at least a little bit for what he had done to his family.

Arya is back home and kicking ass! Now she needs to reunite with Gendry and kill Baelish with the dagger.

Epic battle scene....I was awwww at Tyrion fearing for Jaime, he still cares :) once a Lannister , always a Lannister!

Give Bronn a castle! He sure as hell earned it tonight!

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This show relies too much on all of Dany’s setbacks being swept aside by riding a @#$%@ dragon.

But damn, its still awesome when Dany rides in on a @#$%@ dragon.  Its especially awesome when Jamie is leading the opposing army.

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I can't even form thoughts after this episode. That was intense. They need to move this show to, like, Wednesday when I need this kind of adrenaline boost. Screaming at the tv like it's real, covering my face out of dread but peeking so I could still watch. Damn. 

I can't remember a show that's given me pretty much everything I want like this has been. I'm probably getting spoiled. 

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Jaime's not dead, right? Right?! He can't be dead. 

I wish Meera had throat punched Bran. She carried his ass (literally) for years and the best he can muster up is a lukewarm thanks? Wtf?

Happy Arya is back home. I expected a somewhat awkward reunion with Sansa, and I wasn't disappointed.

Not going to think too hard about how Dany got an entire Dothraki army halfway across the continent without word reaching to Jaime, so I'll let that one go for now. The battle was epic.

Best episode of the season for me, by far. 

Edited by BitterApple
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5 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Hoooly Shit. Dany dropped the fucking hammer. I've still got goosebumps.
Jaime really owes Bronn now. "Fucking idiot" indeed.

I was pissed that Bronn got in the way.  Jamie getting burned up?  Priceless.  Jamie should get burned to death for both following and fucking his sister, what a pig.  No I can't call Jamie a pig, I don't want to insult pigs.

Edited by Neurochick
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Such a great episode. The battle scene was awesome. Bronn has survived much longer than he should have. Sick of him and his mercenary shit. It was probably he who saved Jamie at the end — ugh! Both of them should have died by dragonfire in this episode. I had hopes that this would finally be the end of that stupid, sister-fucking idiot but no, he and Bronn miraculously dodged both the dragonfire and the Dothraki hordes. I can’t believe that dragon slayer contraption actually worked. It defies logic, really. All that smoke, a dragon twisting in the wind… I hope the dragon is okay.  

Loved the Stark reunion and Arya telling Brienne that "no one" taught her to fight. :wink:

Tyrion was insulted twice: first from Dany when she dismissed him and turned to Jon, then again when the Dothraki general told him that the Lannisters couldn’t fight. Why do I feel like he’ll turn again at some point? If given the choice between saving Jamie or Dany, I think he would still pick Jamie.

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Holy Hannah. 
I kept screaming. BRONN, JUST GO AWAY! i was scared that Drogon would flambe him. 

My heart was breaking for Tyrion. That look of seeing people he must have known, etc just become eviscerated like that - no matter where you stand must have been so hard to watch. And then he caught Jamie and his whole "run away." like Dany would show him no mercy whatsoever. 

This show. I can't even even with it man. 

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

I wish Meera had throat punched Bran. She carried his ass (literally) for years and the best he can muster up is a lukewarm thanks? Wtf?

Me, too! I know his mind is overloaded with the treenet, but he seemed ungrateful.

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Just now, enoughcats said:

Maybe my favorite almost-an-hour of television evah.

until next week. 

Just now, Popples said:

Me, too! I know his mind is overloaded with the treenet, but he seemed ungrateful.

he wasn't all... creeepy before (when he was learning how to be all Raveny.) what the heck is going on with that?

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My cats became very concerned as I cry-yelled my way through that last scene.  Great episode!  My son watched it early (boo) and said it was the best ever.  It might be, although the Battle of the Bastards is hard to beat.  Oh wow, what an hour!

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Re the dragon-slaying: we know that that dragon survived arrows before although he needed some recouperation time (Are any of the dragons female?) 

But could Cersi's nasty chemist have poison tipped that spear?

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1 minute ago, Daisy said:

he wasn't all... creeepy before (when he was learning how to be all Raveny.) what the heck is going on with that?

It must have something to do with being the Three-Eyed Raven. Meera said that "he died in the cave."

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Two things:
1. Notice how Missandei was about to talk about her night with Grey Worm right before the original Master of Cunninglingus showed to speak to Dany?
2. And then said Oral Exam Acer led Dany into a cave and he just happened to lose his v-card in a cave?
It's on like Donkey Kong, folks. Only a matter of time before Jon bends the knee again, the same way he did for Ygritte.

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I kept saying “Dany, that's enough! Get out now!” Shades of Oberon's need to keep going...I'm sorry to see Drogon shot, and hope he's only wounded.

I think Jamie's alive---wouldn't they keep around for more episodes? Sorry to see Bronn, whom I love as a character, was the one to shoot Drogon. But damn, that was some wipe-out battle!

Arya and Brienne's sparring session was gorgeous, and Arya's answer to who taught her to fight like that was so true---- “no one” indeed! She learned the dodging from “no one” but surely the “water dancing” was from her first instructor? (can't remember his name).

Those guards who denied Arya entrance are going to have to bow and scrape to her for a while...

How did Jon know there were carvings at Dragonstone showing the children and men fighting the white walkers? Convenient exposition.

I think we can guess that dagger is meant for LF.

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Just now, Calamity Jane said:

Question - did the gold get to KL or not?  I thought Randyll Tarly said it was safely through the gates, but I'm hoping not.  

That's what he said. It was the food they still needed to transport. I'm guessing Dany didn't know it wasn't the gold she was cooking.

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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Not going to think too hard about how Dany got an entire Dothraki army halfway across the continent without word reaching to Jaime

Same cloaking device Euron used to ambush Yara & co.

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Now this is war and what has to be done, has to be done.  But the one hurdle ANYONE who wins the throne will have to face is families.  Grudges are passed down in this story and though a representative of a bloodline can die on the battlefield, they likely have a relative somewhere vowing vengeance if they ever get the chance.   Dany appears to harbor dreams of changing this and Jon seems to feel the same but how realistic is that?  People who aren't their enemies still cling to grudges.  I saw that smirk on Sansa's face when she found out that Arya had a kill list.  Sansa is a fan of vengeance if she thinks she can get away with it.  We know Arya is.   I hope the show doesn't throw these conflicts in the garbage and bombard the show with pure Lord of The Dragon Rings.  

Since the Dothraki were there, why did Dany destroy the food instead of having it stolen?  Sigh.

So Cersei has the Iron Bank on her side and with them come, The Golden Company.  Not bad, Not Bad.  I as a viewer really did underestimate her.  She's not intelligent but she's crazy enough to keep plowing ahead regardless of the likelihood of success.  Her enemies are so taken aback by her insanity they are totally unprepared.

Meera, just be glad you can stop roll playing a pack mule and go home.  Cut your losses hon and be glad to do it.

I saw that smirk on Sansa's face when she found out that Arya really had a kill list.  I bet a part of her wishes Arya had gone to kill Cersei.

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2 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

Question - did the gold get to KL or not?  I thought Randyll Tarly said it was safely through the gates, but I'm hoping not.  

He distinctly said that the gold wagons had made it to KL. Right before his "we should flog the stragglers" line. 

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Arya and Brienne sparring is something I just want to watch for hours! That was so awesome! And Littlefinger was damn near pooping himself all, "Yeah, I thought when Jon went away, I could control Sansa more, but now her all seeing brother is here and her sister could kill me 5 times before I even have time to open my damn mouth to say something creepy about their mom". I'm harsh on Dany, and her continuous "Bend the knee" crap to Jon is getting a little old. Hey Dany, go find some other allies, oh wait...I will not deny however, that General Dany was badass! 

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So this episode was epic (watching it again now on DVR). The action in the last scene was amazing, and I agree that the chemistry between Snow and Dany was awesome. But is the Dragon going to survive? Is the weapon seriously effective against dragon skin???!!! I am worried about this. Maybe they could put extra armor on the dragons!

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Just now, CaptainTightpants said:

He distinctly said that the gold wagons had made it to KL. Right before his "we should flog the stragglers" line. 

Well, phooey.

Incidentally, the small amount of Cersei this week made it all the better as far as I'm concerned.  Done with her.  On to the White Walkers!

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14 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Is Jaime dead? Must not be (I got interrupted at the end...grrrrrrrrr)


He's wearing 50 pounds of armor plus a gold hand (gold is heavy). That said, the show still needs him to be the Queenslayer. So I'm guessing not.


DAMN, Jon & Dany's chemistry was smoking hot in the cave.


Dothraki vs. Bronn--I was rooting for the Dothraki. 


LOVED Brienne and Arya's fight! And I loved how clearly distinct the two fighting styles were. Ary was dancing through that fight.


That battle was fucking epic. And the Dothraki are mounted archers?! That was incredible! Again, loved seeing the two fighting styles--I lovelovelove studying military strategy. Tonight's battle showed how air support can make all the difference :)


Dany is a fucking warrior goddess, swooping in like an avenging Valkyrie.


Did the dragon roast the scorpion weapon?

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Since the Dothraki were there, why did Dany destroy the food instead of having it stolen?  Sigh.

I think she thought it was the gold, and I guess she didn't want to chance any of it getting to KL.

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So many thoughts. 

Sansa and Arya's reunion was awkward but surprisingly warm. They recognize that they've both suffered and lost so much. I think Sansa was a little conflicted and jealous both that Brienne was also pledged to Arya and that Arya is kickass in a way that she's not. But I think Sansa is wise in a practical way that Arya isn't which is why she's such a good Lady of Winterfell. Bran is creep as hell but you know he's got Littlefinger's number. Too bad even after the "chaos is a ladder" anvil drop, Littlefinger doesn't seem to realize it yet. 

Theon is a douche, I loved Jon's barely concealed anger. 

Trying to figure out Ser Davos' feelings about Missandei. She's a beauty so he just could be smitten, but I feel like it's something else. The chemistry if finally kicking between Jon and his aunt Dani though.  Squick. 

And I love to hate Cersei and the Lannister army deserved a beating, but I loved they way they showed Tyrion's inner conflict while watching the battle,  and Jaime's loyalty to his men. I adore Nickolaj Coster-Waldau since I saw him in Bent a million years ago so I'm hoping Jaime is sticking around a bit more. Of course with Cersei's loan paid off she can always buy another army, but not another brother/lover. And Bron and Dickon (snicker) share battle MVP for the losing side. 

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Just now, Katalina said:


I kept saying “Dany, that's enough! Get out now!” Shades of Oberon's need to keep going...I'm sorry to see Drogon shot, and hope he's only wounded.


Me too. It's like, "ok, put the dragon away now and say goodbye to your friends...it's time to go home."

I hate to see battle scenes with horses because I hate seeing them hurt. Real or imagined. 

I know it's wishful thinking, but the previously reminded me that there were two wine glasses on Olenna's table. Is it possible my homegirl is still kicking? Did she pull the switcheroo on Jamie like Sophia did to Dorothy with the dribble glass? A girl can only dream. 

I know this realm is not incest-phobic, but I just can't get behind Jon getting it on with his auntie. I know they're unaware of their relation, but still...gross.

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3 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

Incidentally, the small amount of Cersei this week made it all the better as far as I'm concerned.  Done with her.  On to the White Walkers!

I agree, there was way too much Cersei last week and just the right amount of little tonight. She honestly does nothing and contributes nothing to the plot at the moment. 

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2 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

That battle was fucking epic. And the Dothraki are mounted archers?!

I seem to remember someone (Maester Luwin? Tyrion?) telling Bran that he could learn to use a bow and arrow on horseback just as Dothraki boys did.  We haven't seen it, but it was mentioned waaaaay back in (I suppose) Season 1.  

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