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S19.E16: Nominations #5

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Jessica in that last DR cracked me up. She sounds like a five year old.

As much as I hate Alex being up Paul's was, trying to make a top 2 deal with him isn't the worst way to go. All these playing with seemingly no goal to attack the "leader" and fine with being his lackey bothers me.

Josh is the absolute worst.

I love Jessica growing tired of Cody's bull headed ways. He has zero chill.

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Josh is still so damned annoying!

It's fun watching Paul scramble.  Put Codica on the block and flush out the mystery power.  I give Jess credit trying to leverage more out of if, but Paul is not buying it.

Cody going to Paul about Mark was dumb.  The Alex secret alliance is very clever.  I hope Alex plans to cut him later, but I have my doubts.

Mark is just like a big dumb puppy.  Good for Elena trying to look out for herself.

I like this Temptation competition - so far.  It has potential to shake things up.  I like how it's a secret vote to compete or not.

Jess is right.  Not competing looks better.  Alex needs to lose those stupid kitty ears.  At least that stupid fur collar went away'

Matt is just Paul's little bitch, wow.

Nasty tasting potions.  And tutus!   LOL   

Whistle Nut  I think he's been kicked in the head a few too many times.

Alex kicks it.  I wonder if you could spin in both directions and alternate with each turn.  That might help.

Mark looks hilarious in that outfit.  He's lucky too.

Useless Matt is, well, useless.  ha  

Mark's win throws a wrench into Paul's careful plan.

Paul seems to think that Jess' power will work like his and when he nominates them something will happen.

Aaaaaaand.  Nothing happens.  The look on Paul's face was priceless.

I keep trying to figure out what that horrible mess of tattoos on Paul's chest is besides the giant eagle.

As usual, the Veto will settle the noms.

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Josh is the biggest bully I have ever seen on Big Brother.  And he is so very proud of himself the way he goes after Mark.  I don't understand why Mark doesn't turn the tables and go after Josh the way Josh has gone after him.  If I was Mark I would start bird dogging him every where he goes, repeat everything he says and the minute he is asleep I'd be right next to him with the pots and pans.  Heck, I would wait until he goes to the bathroom and stand outside the door giving a play by play.  Call him Boo and make kissy noises when he walks by.

It's not like Mark has anything to lose at this point and all those scenes of Josh crying would make it entertainment for us.

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I really hope that Cody and Jess play it smart and say NOTHING about the exact nature of the Hex. Best to leave them guessing plus it will be more exciting as a viewer watching Thursday if they don't know the whole thing is going to be brought to a screeching halt.

Given the producers love for manipulating the game I well imagine they are dissapointed that the Jody has to use the Hex this week. If it could have been held off until next week then it would allow t hem to keep the rivalry going at least for longer than not this thursday but beyond the thursday of next week which in all likelihood will be the fall of either Cody or Jess.

Jim Jones ordered people to their deaths but even he seemed to have less power than Paul has over these people. It's astonishing how stupid the house is that they blindly follow every order and command the guy gives. Do they all think they are going to get the chair next to him on finale night?

I really, really hope that Mark got a clue when Elena was so cold to him during that one on one coversation that he was too hasty choosing her as his mate on Day 1. Hopeefully he realized now that the great connection he had with Dominique was the true one and she  WOULD have been his ride or die and surely would be actively helping to get Paul out of the house where unbeknownst to him Elena will betray him at the earliest opportunity.

Every week that goes by the less I like Jason. Something about him just bugs. He's like a slightly more evolved man child than Josh who is complete imbecile by the way.

The editors must think we are stupid...the only reason they spent so much time showing Alex trying to decide whether to compete was that she was smoking hot in those short shorts and tank top and they were going to milk that for all it was worth. Thank you guys!

Speaking of Alex in a perfect world it would be Cody, Jess, Alex and Christmas working together to take out Paul and his sheep. Unfortunatly two very smart women have chosen to allie with the bearded slimeball.

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Josh is a bully?  Let's see, Paul has orchestrated this entire show.  He targeted Dominique for eviction, got her out.  He targeted Ramses for eviction, got him out.  Two nice players who did not bother anyone else but tried to slide by.  Alex does whatever Paul wants, Elena does whatever Paul wants, Matt and Raven do whatever Paul wants.  These people and the audience are so snowed.  Josh is harmless and has zero influence on anybody yet he's "the bully".   He is mostly just loud.  How does Elena have a mind of her own in comparison to Matt when all it takes is for Paul to suggest something to her and she blindly follows.  All these people just want Paul's acceptance and listen to his expertise for some reason.  It's sick.

I've never watched this show before this season, but I don't understand how Paul is such a fan favourite.  Did he target black cast members last season, too?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Josh is a bully?  Let's see, Paul has orchestrated this entire show.  He targeted Dominique for eviction, got her out.  He targeted Ramses for eviction, got him out.  Two nice players who did not bother anyone else but tried to slide by.  Alex does whatever Paul wants, Elena does whatever Paul wants, Mark and Raven do whatever Paul wants.  These people and the audience are so snowed.  Josh is harmless and has zero influence on anybody yet he's "the bully".   He is mostly just loud.  How does Elena have a mind of her own in comparison to Mark when all it takes is for Paul to suggest something to her and she blindly follows.  All these people just want Paul's acceptance and listen to his expertise for some reason.  It's sick.

I've never watched this show before this season, but I don't understand how Paul is such a fan favourite.  Did he target black cast members last season, too?

I'm sorry you didn't get to see this show before without a Paul in it. Unfortunatly the worst seasons of BIG BROTHER where there is one player controlling EVERYTHING....possibly the worst example of this was about three years ago where a guy named Derrick literlly called every shot and didn't even go on the block once. It was terrible as a viewer...absolutly terrible. Before Derek there was a guy named Dan who like Paul also controlled everything but at least he lost on his second return. Dan did put the black woman Jody that was just seen as a picture on Cameron's back out on her first day in the house....but as you know from SURVIVOR...minority players making it to the end are fairly rare...in fact I can't remember who the last person of color was that made it to the final two on BIG BROTHER....Season 3 Danielle almost won and she remains a BB legend as she was done in by the fact Juries weren't sequestered at the time and they saw all her Diary Rooms and voted against her out of spite and revenge

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18 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Josh is a bully?  Let's see, Paul has orchestrated this entire show.  He targeted Dominique for eviction, got her out.  He targeted Ramses for eviction, got him out.  Two nice players who did not bother anyone else but tried to slide by.  Alex does whatever Paul wants, Elena does whatever Paul wants, Matt and Raven do whatever Paul wants.  These people and the audience are so snowed.  Josh is harmless and has zero influence on anybody yet he's "the bully".   He is mostly just loud.  How does Elena have a mind of her own in comparison to Matt when all it takes is for Paul to suggest something to her and she blindly follows.  All these people just want Paul's acceptance and listen to his expertise for some reason.  It's sick.

I've never watched this show before this season, but I don't understand how Paul is such a fan favourite.  Did he target black cast members last season, too?

It can be two things. They both can and are seen as bullies.

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If they don't get Paul out they're screwed. Also word to the comment about his tattoos. They look like shit. He claims to be mr cool but couldn't get good ink. I live in the Midwest and work at a grocery store and even I got tats from a KVD artist. 

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I, again, wonder what Jessica gets/think she gets out of using her 'hex'. She has said it's more powerful than Paul's (which it SO is not...) and keeps making people think it's this amazing thing. It should just be called 'Ejection Delay'. All it does is give her and Cody one more week in the house then one of them gets voted out next week as the whole house will now be pissed about their shenanigans. People are already pissed with them and this won't make things better.

From Jessica's perspective it's this great game saving move, but it don't mean shit if you don't have numbers. They don't and the ones they do are crumbling. This gets them no closer to winning the game, it just, as they say, shuffles the deck chairs on the Titanic. They're still both going down. They needed to make connections/friends/allies but instead they are blinded by their need/desire to run the house and have everyone bow down to them.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Is Elena deliberately trying to look like a blowup doll? Those puffy lips, oy. But I admired her deciding not to go down with the ship as far as Mark is concerned.

So Josh did that crazy pot-banging stuff before the eviction ceremony? I'm amazed that didn't backfire on him.

I feel like Matt needs a good power-wash and detailing. What is the deal with that shirt he wears non-stop? At least he had to take it off for the ballet bowling game.

The Codybot was so cute trying to smile and laugh and seem personable. It's a wonder he didn't short-circuit. Meanwhile, Jessica was about to burst from a smugness overload. Why was she so upset in the DR after the nomination ceremony though? If Paul ends up wasting his HOH that's on him. Poor widdle thing.

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4 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So Josh did that crazy pot-banging stuff before the eviction ceremony? I'm amazed that didn't backfire on him.

right - he does that pot-banging, and singing that circus song, and people STILL voted Ramses out?   Paul is some kind of cult leader. 

Matt even calls himself a "team player"  when he agrees to do what Paul says.  THERE ARE NO TEAMS! 

Edited by backformore
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Jessica, shut up.

Jillian's hula and Megan's RAWR face in the intro make me a. glad they are both gone and b. wish the show would go back to the hamsters eviction exit as their credits pic but c. that wouldn't work in Megan's case anyways.

The producers are the ones who put Paul in the house but they sure didn't make Matt say "sure Paul, whatever you want me to do I'll do."

Cody trying to act like a real human is even more creepy than his robot form.

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Personally, I think Jessica's strategy of neither her nor Cody playing in the DoT comp was asinine (if one got safety, the other might win veto > don't even have to use your effing Hex, keep it a mystery), but whatever; she made her particular strategic bed and will sleep in it.

HOWEVER, she will NEVER be forgiven for talking Cody out of it, thereby depriving America of seeing Codybot in a neon tutu, quite possibly weaving and falling to the ground. Fuck you, Jessica - we are not entertained!!

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1 hour ago, tickles said:

Josh is the biggest bully I have ever seen on Big Brother.

I have no idea how anybody lives with Josh, but having said that, he's no Evel Dick.  I cringe just typing that name.

Jason was very amusing in that temptation competition, and I do appreciate the humor. Since he is a rodeo clown, I wonder if his instincts took over and was putting on a show and kinda forgot about the competition aspect a little.

2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Alex needs to lose those stupid kitty ears.

 I always want to think that she's auditioning for Josey and the Pussycats.

Paul and Cody/Jessica, rinse, lather and repeat honestly. Jessica's strategy with the hex was all wrong starting with revealing it like that. Paul's a giant asswipe about the whole thing and can not stand that someone else has a temptation and secret in the house besides him and that he knows nothing about at all. it just kills him. And Cody keeps trying to reboot and have a social game  to match a human's, but he's not quite there yet.  So yeah, same as it ever was basically. 

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34 minutes ago, mojoween said:

The producers are the ones who put Paul in the house but they sure didn't make Matt say "sure Paul, whatever you want me to do I'll do."

The producers did do a couple things though.

1)  Set up a situation where every housemate had to fight to get Paul's "friendship" as one of their FIRST tasks in the house.  That first impression has clearly stuck with a lot of these housemates.  Can't be a coincidence that only 1 of them, Cody, didn't seem to fall head over heels for him.  (I can't believe they're still wearing the stupid bracelets!)
2)  Give Paul a lot of advantages in the game right off the bat, including the above.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Personally, I think Jessica's strategy of neither her nor Cody playing in the DoT comp was asinine (if one got safety, the other might win veto > don't even have to use your effing Hex, keep it a mystery), but whatever; she made her particular strategic bed and will sleep in it.

100% correct!  She has this week and next week and then it is over.  She can only use it once.  Your theory is the best bet for her and she blew it.

Let's say she wins Veto this week and comes down but Cody is still up.  If she then uses the hex to save Cody I will personally fly to LA myself and smack her.  She deserves to lose if she puts Cody before her own safety.  Right now Cody is dragging her down.  She did better when he was out of the house.  He doesn't even seem human most of the time.  I remember a time when any showmance was killed immediately.  Why the non-showmance players didn't break up the crew is beyond me.

2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't understand how Paul is such a fan favou

In his own mind.  No one really liked him on his first run.  I thought he was taken to the end as the goat, he thinks he was inches from winning.  Ass!

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7 hours ago, tickles said:

Josh is the biggest bully I have ever seen on Big Brother.  And he is so very proud of himself the way he goes after Mark.  I don't understand why Mark doesn't turn the tables and go after Josh the way Josh has gone after him.  If I was Mark I would start bird dogging him every where he goes, repeat everything he says and the minute he is asleep I'd be right next to him with the pots and pans.  Heck, I would wait until he goes to the bathroom and stand outside the door giving a play by play.  Call him Boo and make kissy noises when he walks by.

It's not like Mark has anything to lose at this point and all those scenes of Josh crying would make it entertainment for us.

If you think Josh is the biggest bully ever on Big Brother you clearly have not watched BB8. Josh is a minnow compared to Evil Dick. He literally extinguished a cigarette on another Houseguest. 

Josh is just being an idiot. He isn't a bully. 

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Mark might be a doofus with no concept of strategy, but Jesus H he is built like a comic book superhero.

How much longer before Kellyanne Conway simply takes control of Jessica's body? If you're going to pay to be be cloned, you should reap some benefits. 

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 I thought he was taken to the end as the goat, he thinks he was inches from winning.  Ass!

He only lost by one vote so he was inches from winning. He definitely wasn't a goat.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

If you think Josh is the biggest bully ever on Big Brother you clearly have not watched BB8. Josh is a minnow compared to Evil Dick. He literally extinguished a cigarette on another Houseguest. 

Josh is just being an idiot. He isn't a bully. 

No. I have seen almost every episode of Big Brother and I religiously watched the Season of the Donato's.  Dick did not " extinguish a cigarette" on Jen.  They were in the backyard talking and he was smoking and gesturing with his hands.  Jen put her hand out at the wrong moment and brushed his cigarette.  Of all the things Dick did that season on purpose this is the one thing he was innocent of.  And trust me Jen was not innocent either.  She went after Dani tooth and nails because Nick liked Dani better than her.  Dick would never had gotten involved except when Jen and the other jealous women in the house all started shit with Daniele that is when Dick went into action.

I have been and perhaps will always be in the minority of those who loved Dick Donato.  For me he was like a 90's rock god version of Don Quixote tilting at windmills...(errr...comps.) trying to regain Dani's love.  He had me from almost the very first night when he and Kail were in the backyard talking about how all he wanted was to repair his relationship with Daniele. And when he lasted for 7 hours and 42 minutes during the bunny hop comp it was almost heroic in my eyes.  His battered and broken body could barely stand but he would not, could not give up.  But when Daniele went up to her dad in the pouring rain with a towel and told him that she was proud of him that was the moment he won Big Brother. I still tear up just thinking about that moment.  

There have been a lot of unworthy winners of Big Brother but in my eyes he will always be the most worthy of all.  Because the fight he fought was so much bigger than HOH's and veto comps.  He fought to protect his child.  And what parent in the world would not do the same?

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

Matt even calls himself a "team player"  when he agrees to do what Paul says.  THERE ARE NO TEAMS! 

Exactly. Too bad the Cult of Paul doesn't realize this.   He's like the Charlie Manson of the show and all the groupies want to be his favored one.  I wonder if they can even fathom that he can be voted out. 

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26 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

So, if only one person wants to play in the Temptation Competition, what happens?  Is that person automatically safe for the week?  Is that person automatically the third nominee? 

This was addressed when Paul read the TC rules to the other HGs; if only one HG opts to play, that person automatically wins safety for the week's eviction. 

(I had already been speculating on the same question, so I paid special attention to that point.)


26 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Elena was looking at the bottles, presumably to see if the liquid levels were equal in both bottles.  Smart girl.  Look to see if one has more liquid in it than the other.  That might give her the idea what bottle people were drinking from.


Or it might not - I expect Production was rotating in a new set of bottles for each HG, or topping off the existing bottle set at the very least.  :>

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8 hours ago, butterbody said:

I got it in my head last year that Paul's tattoo monstrosity was a cover up of a giant swastika. 


Ok.. The way this is going, he will be the other man in a made up Duggar scandal. 

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Josh is the single most annoying person on this planet. I am convinced. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why ANYONE would want to keep him in that house. I get that the other side likes him getting Cody and Mark all riled up. But how is not getting THEM all riled up? I don't care if Cody is my sworn enemy; *I* don't want to hear pots and pans banging to badly sung circus music. Nope. Nope. Nope. 

Once again, 90% of the house continue to be ignorant sheep. I can't hate on Paul. If these simpering idiots were content with letting me lead them around, I would! 

Alex - "Depends on what's best for the group". 

Matt - "I'll do whatever you want". 

No one is playing their own game, save Paul and Jessica/Cody. So at this point, I'm actually rooting for either Paul or Jessica, because they're the only ones I see thinking strategically. Or Kevin and Christmas, simply because I like them and wouldn't hate it if they won. But the rest? Fucking tools. 

Look at Elena. She sidled right up to Mark at the beginning. Showmance = safety. Now he's on the outs and she's ready to jump ship. But she doesn't have an original thought in her head. It's Mark. Or Cody. Or Paul. Why let all these men run your game? 

I generally hate new twists on the game, but I kind of like the temptation competition, and almost wish they'd keep it. I can't say why exactly, but I like the conundrum it puts you in. First, you have to consider if it's worth the risk - how likely are you to LOSE and go on the block? Second, what does it say to other people in the house? To your alliance? It's interesting. I was glad Cody ended up not playing. I was glad he listened to Jess. He DID admit that she has great intuition in this game, so I'm glad he realized it was the right thing to do; to act so comfortable that he doesn't need to compete. 

And, as much as I'm not one of the ones hating on Paul, I did like Mark winning and kind of throwing a monkey wrench in his plans. Jess is going to HAVE to use the hex now. 

I get why she told the house about having a temptation. She was hoping they just wouldn't put her on the block. And she could save it for another week. What I didn't get was why she kept pestering Paul to ask her more about it. It almost made it look like she WAS bluffing about having it in the first place - which Paul now feels has been proven right. If she wanted him to know the specifics, she should have just told him. I'm not sure that he'd do things differently. He might still force her to use it and get it over with. Especially with Mark being safe. His "side" of the house is too damn big at this point. His choices are limited. 

I hope things break up very soon. Let's see some more factions in the house. 

I had to laugh so hard at the fact that Raven's outfit towards the end of the show looked like one of those ridiculous bowling outfits. Except she didn't participate in that comp! 

Not NEARLY enough Kevin. That is all. 

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1 hour ago, tickles said:

have been and perhaps will always be in the minority of those who loved Dick Donato.

I am so with you and every time someone talks about how awful he was, I just cringe. Or actually, maybe I kind of get a sense of pride at knowing how good he played that game. NOBODY messed with Evel Dick - NOBODY.  That was the best season of BB ever! 

57 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Elena was looking at the bottles, presumably to see if the liquid levels were equal in both bottles.  Smart girl.  Look to see if one has more liquid in it than the other.  That might give her the idea what bottle people were drinking from.

I thought they refilled them to even after each house guest drank. 

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6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Raven's outfit towards the end of the show looked like one of those ridiculous bowling outfits. Except she didn't participate in that comp! 

That was Matt's tutu she was wearing.

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Josh is a bully?  Let's see, Paul has orchestrated this entire show.  He targeted Dominique for eviction, got her out.  He targeted Ramses for eviction, got him out.  Two nice players who did not bother anyone else but tried to slide by.  Alex does whatever Paul wants, Elena does whatever Paul wants, Matt and Raven do whatever Paul wants.  These people and the audience are so snowed.  Josh is harmless and has zero influence on anybody yet he's "the bully".   He is mostly just loud.

But Paul isn't bullying any of these people. They are willingly, happily following him! That's on them, not Paul. Paul is playing the game. He is good at manipulating people into doing what he wants, but that's part of Big Brother. And if they're all too stupid to realize what's going on, they get what they deserve. 

Also, he didn't "target" Ramses. Jessica put Ramses up. Paul simply convinced the majority of the house to oust Ramses over Josh; not because he had any issues with Ramses. But because he knew how much Jody hated Josh, and wanted to keep him around. 

I do not think Josh is harmless. When he gets angry, he gets scary angry. He raised a real red flag with me when he decided to go for that safety apple and completely went off of Megan afterward. He is paranoid and hot tempered, and I would be much more bothered by someone following me around the house and banging pots and pans in my ear than I would be by someone who is simply playing the game. 

2 hours ago, phlebas said:

Mark might be a doofus with no concept of strategy, but Jesus H he is built like a comic book superhero.

My husband randomly sat down and watched with my last night. He noticed bad stretch marks on Mark's shoulders and said it could be a sign of steroid use. That he grew suddenly before his skin had time to catch up. I don't know. If he has used them, it was in the past. I don't see any behavior to indicate he's on them now. 


1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Elena was looking at the bottles, presumably to see if the liquid levels were equal in both bottles.  Smart girl.  Look to see if one has more liquid in it than the other.  That might give her the idea what bottle people were drinking from.

I just wanted to know WHAT was in those bottles. I'd be throwing the side eye, and just pouring mine out on the floor. 

Seriously, though, I imagine production might put new ones out each time - for sanitary reasons. 

17 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

I am so with you and every time someone talks about how awful he was, I just cringe. Or actually, maybe I kind of get a sense of pride at knowing how good he played that game. NOBODY messed with Evel Dick - NOBODY.  That was the best season of BB ever! 

I'll join you guys at that table. I loved that season, and I enjoyed Evel Dick for the most part. It's also the only year my husband watched the entire season with me, so it holds a special place in my heart. LOL

13 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

That was Matt's tutu she was wearing.

Really? I could have sworn there was a part when she was just wearing her own clothes, but it happened to include some big, poofy skirt. I could be totally wrong, but I didn't recall it being green. 

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2 hours ago, Suzysite said:

Exactly. Too bad the Cult of Paul doesn't realize this.   He's like the Charlie Manson of the show and all the groupies want to be his favored one. 

This. This is why this season sucks. And as much as I hate Jedy (JEss coDY) and Marlena personally, I am rooting for them to flip the script. I was happy to see Elena's diary room discussion of not coming on BB for a romance. Finally, a girl wises up to being a couple is not good for their game. BUT....Paul is snowing her. He will cut her throat in a nanosecond so in this instance being a couple is the smarter way to go. Those four, the two couples, need to stick together. God I wish there was a way that Jess didn't have to use her hex and Jason went home....but it looks like she will have to use it. 

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11 minutes ago, Lamima said:

I wish there was a way that Jess didn't have to use her hex and Jason went home....but it looks like she will have to use it. 

I just hope she's smart enough to use it and not "trust the house" like she did with Ramses.   The "house" aka Paul, cannot be trusted.   Ever.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Elena was looking at the bottles, presumably to see if the liquid levels were equal in both bottles.  Smart girl.  Look to see if one has more liquid in it than the other.  That might give her the idea what bottle people were drinking from.

Ew, don't tell me they all had to drink from the same bottles?  I was hoping they were replaced before each person's entrance.

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6 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

If you think Josh is the biggest bully ever on Big Brother you clearly have not watched BB8. Josh is a minnow compared to Evil Dick. He literally extinguished a cigarette on another Houseguest. 

Josh is just being an idiot. He isn't a bully. 

No, he's a bully. Not as bad as Evil Dick, but still a bully. I would hate to be in the house with him. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I get why she told the house about having a temptation. She was hoping they just wouldn't put her on the block. And she could save it for another week. What I didn't get was why she kept pestering Paul to ask her more about it. It almost made it look like she WAS bluffing about having it in the first place - which Paul now feels has been proven right. If she wanted him to know the specifics, she should have just told him. I'm not sure that he'd do things differently. He might still force her to use it and get it over with. Especially with Mark being safe. His "side" of the house is too damn big at this point. His choices are limited. 

I found that scene interesting - it was as if the two power-players in the house have emerged and were quietly going head-to head, with Jessica basically telling Paul that she has an advantage and it would be in his best interests to know what it is, while Paul stared her down, which IMO was his way of saying "I don't care what your advantage is, it doesn't scare me."  It was an interesting dynamic (as interesting as it can get in this show, with these people) because I feel like anyone else with that advantage would've eventually fallen powerless at Paul's feet and spilled every single detail.  The fact that Jessica kind of shrugged Paul's disinterest off actually makes me like her a little more.  That, plus I love that she walked out on Cody, and Elena walked out on Mark.  If those two women teamed up with Alex, Josh and (useless) Raven to start picking off the alpha men, this season could go somewhere.

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4 hours ago, tickles said:

Dick would never had gotten involved except when Jen and the other jealous women in the house all started shit with Daniele that is when Dick went into action.


This is the epitome of victim blaming. It doesn't matter who was "going after" Dani (his fully-grown adult daughter, btw), that doesn't make any of his behaviour acceptable. 


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

He DID admit that she has great intuition in this game

That cracked me up when he said that.  He's boasting about her great intuition meanwhile she had just wasted her HOH when practically the entire house flipped the vote. If Kevin hadn't hadn't tipped her off, she would have had no clue it was coming. Although, I do think Cody is the albatross around her neck. Him coming back was probably the worst thing that could have happened to her game. 

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  • I know Paul isn't popular here, but he knows how to play the game.  I agree though, that it isn't fun to watch all the minions do what he wants.  That happened in Derrick's season, and it was boring.  

I am glad that Paul nommed J and C.  She thought she would be safe for a few weeks. Haha!

Mark controlled himself well with Josh.  He just looked like he was wondering what the hell was happening, when he was just standing at the bathroom sink, while Josh had the pans singing. I admit, I thought it was a little funny, but Josh really shouldn't do that.  It does him no favors. 

I sure hope they got new bottles for each houseguest to drink from in the den.  Because...eww. 

Mark looked hilarious in the bowling outfit.  Hilarious that Alex was doing kicks because she got all the pins, and had to be reminded to hit the timer button.  

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I'm amused that Paul and Cody have this big bullshit bonding scene, which Paul immediately recognizes and shrugs off as both of them lying through their teeth, while Cody seems to think he was the only one lying and he continues to "play" Paul.


I appreciate the frustration and resentment about "The Paul Show," but I don't really understand the sound & the fury directed at the guy himself.  What's he supposed to do, short of refusing the invitation to return in the first place?   Should he have skewed his own game negatively to counteract that big advantage Production (surely) gave him?  

He absolutely gets more than his fair share of DRs, but they're all locked in there together--it's not like they're watching the dailies and Paul's proud of gloryhogging all the screentime. 

Basically I just view him as a somewhat intelligent guy who's focused on playing hard and apparently doing a good job of it, given all the hamsters running on his wheel.  If they're being foolish, that's on them, not him.

So what could Paul do to earn a more positive response here?  (He ditched the fur collar!)

Edited by candall
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I found that scene interesting - it was as if the two power-players in the house have emerged and were quietly going head-to head, with Jessica basically telling Paul that she has an advantage and it would be in his best interests to know what it is, while Paul stared her down, which IMO was his way of saying "I don't care what your advantage is, it doesn't scare me."  It was an interesting dynamic (as interesting as it can get in this show, with these people) because I feel like anyone else with that advantage would've eventually fallen powerless at Paul's feet and spilled every single detail.  The fact that Jessica kind of shrugged Paul's disinterest off actually makes me like her a little more.

I didn't see Jessica as the winner in that standoff. She instigated it and was practically begging him to ask her the details. A weaker person might've succumbed to her high-handedness but Paul called her bluff, even to his possible detriment. Then when he went ahead and nominated her she realized her "helpful" attempt to intimidate him didn't work. If she wanted him to know what it was she could've just told him but it seemed like she wanted to look like she was doing him a favor. Neither Jess nor Cody seem to understand that everyone doesn't play by their rules or even respect whatever their rules are. I think they both have really bad tunnel vision, especially Cody. He seems utterly incapable of seeing others' points-of-view.

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17 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

He just looked like he was wondering what the hell was happening, when he was just standing at the bathroom sink, while Josh had the pans singing. I admit, I thought it was a little funny, but Josh really shouldn't do that.

Must be the mom in me - all I could think was "that's really not good for the pans," lol.

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Really? I could have sworn there was a part when she was just wearing her own clothes, but it happened to include some big, poofy skirt. I could be totally wrong, but I didn't recall it being green. 

It was purple or blue depending on how your tv color (or your color perception) dictates.

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7 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

If you think Josh is the biggest bully ever on Big Brother you clearly have not watched BB8. Josh is a minnow compared to Evil Dick. He literally extinguished a cigarette on another Houseguest. 

Josh is just being an idiot. He isn't a bully. 

I have completely blocked that whole season out.

5 hours ago, tickles said:

For me he was like a 90's rock god version of Don Quixote tilting at windmills..

I love it when anyone combines crap tv and classic literature.  Awesome!

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I just wanted to know WHAT was in those bottles. I'd be throwing the side eye, and just pouring mine out on the floor. 

You and me both!

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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

This is the epitome of victim blaming. It doesn't matter who was "going after" Dani (his fully-grown adult daughter, btw), that doesn't make any of his behaviour acceptable. 

I took @tickles's statements as more explanation of ED's motivation than any blame or other reference to his victims - but YMMV.


2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

That cracked me up when [Cody] said that.  He's boasting about [Jessica's] great intuition meanwhile she had just wasted her HOH when practically the entire house flipped the vote. If Kevin hadn't hadn't tipped her off, she would have had no clue it was coming. Although, I do think Cody is the albatross around her neck. Him coming back was probably the worst thing that could have happened to her game. 

Compared to Cody, Jessica's game intuition approaches near-psychic levels of uncanny accuracy.

Of course, this is the equivalent of saying a Labrador Retriever is stellar at long division when compared to an amoeba.

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During the first week or two I thought Jessica was the epitome of a mean girl.   But since then I find myself rooting for her.  And pretty much ONLY her.  She sees through Paul's self-serving manipulations, thinks Josh is a moron and says so, and tells Cody he needs to put a stop to his hot-headedness because it affects them both.   I'd love to see a big move from her that gets rid of Paul and Josh.  If only she had more allies. 

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3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

hat cracked me up when he said that.  He's boasting about her great intuition meanwhile she had just wasted her HOH when practically the entire house flipped the vote. If Kevin hadn't hadn't tipped her off, she would have had no clue it was coming. Although, I do think Cody is the albatross around her neck. Him coming back was probably the worst thing that could have happened to her game. 

I actually remember her getting paranoid BEFORE Kevin said anything, just based on how others were acting. I agree about Cody being an albatross, though. I think if he hadn't talked her out of it, she would have pulled Ramses down and put someone else up. 

Jessica is certainly no genius, but given what we're working with this year; I'm of the opinion that she's one of the sharper ones in the house. 

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I loved the fact that Jessica was practically begging Paul to ask her about the hex and got pissy when he didn't bite. A week was "wasted" because of you not your "stupid" housemates. I get that you want to be vague on the details but, don't get mad when things happen. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I actually remember her getting paranoid BEFORE Kevin said anything, just based on how others were acting. I agree about Cody being an albatross, though. I think if he hadn't talked her out of it, she would have pulled Ramses down and put someone else up. 

True but she could have put up Alex or someone else everyone liked and then Josh would have gone home.

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