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S08.E02: Down that Route: 2017.07.24

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4 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Didn't they say that they were picking Aubrey up from a sleepover?  The girl was tired!  I could tell that immediately.  My son does the same thing when he is tired and didn't sleep enough.  She was irritable, and while she should know her manners and chill, I give my kids extra leeway when they are tired.  They just are not themselves!

Cole and the American flag shirt and patriotic stuff.  It is weird, yes?  I mean, I am sure some people have a red, white and blue shirt somewhere, but this is excessive.  

She has slept over at Papa Randy's.


As for Cole he even has an American flag tattoo on his arm. I've often wondered if he has served and it was never mentioned. I would understand all the love for the red, white, and blue if that were the case. Guess we would have heard by now but boy is full blown 'Murica. Hahaha 


i fast forward through the new girls stuff, too. 

Edited by Mkay
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Chelsea and Cole live in God'n'Guns country, so the flag obsession probably isn't an anomaly out there. Kind of like Cory and his addiction to camo.

Was Dave high in that restaurant? Why was he wearing sunglasses? 

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6 minutes ago, Mkay said:

She has slept over at Papa Randy's.


As for Cole he even has an American flag tattoo on his arm. I've often wondered if he has served and it was never mentioned. I would understand all the love for the red, white, and blue if that were the case. Guess we would have heard by now but boy is full blown 'Murica. Hahaha 


i fast forward through the new girls stuff, too. 

As a Veteran, I believe he is also a Veteran but we haven't received any confirmation. Cole is one of the few people adjacent to the TMs who values his privacy and will not compromise for dollars. 

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22 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Why is it Kail, supposedly an adult manatee, cannot be told there is a possibility Javi may get deployed to help out a fellow service member who is having some personal issues? Life is going to throw things at you that you don't want to deal with. Sorry. That is how the fucking cookie crumbles, as she now knows while dealing with a guy who dumped her sorry ass.


1) LOL @ adult manatee.  Good one.

2) You are assigning Kailyn a normal reaction to stress and to life in general. She is capable of none of it.  Anything that doesn't directly impact her in that moment is unimportant. I assume that's a tactic she inherited from Susie. 

Praise Jebus that Isaac is such a sweetheart who takes after his father in having a normal level of empathy and I hope Kailyn's new baby is a little girl who gives her a run for her money.

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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Cole live in God'n'Guns country, so the flag obsession probably isn't an anomaly out there. Kind of like Cory and his addiction to camo.

Was Dave high in that restaurant? Why was he wearing sunglasses? 

UBT was high.

I tend to wear my Ray-bans when I am out and about just like they are my prescription glassed. Usually when I am not wearing my make-up. But I eventually take them off if my husband and I are out eating somewhere. 

What is up with his hair? Damn! It is piled so high on his head. 

11 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Cole live in God'n'Guns country, so the flag obsession probably isn't an anomaly out there. Kind of like Cory and his addiction to camo.

Was Dave high in that restaurant? Why was he wearing sunglasses? 

I think you are right. When we traveled out to Georgia, my gosh there were so many guys wearing American flag t-shirts, American flag stickers on their cars, it was everywhere. This was about ten years ago. 

I have an American flag hanging in my backyard. I remember after 9/11 we went out and bought all kinds of t-shirts and stuff to show our pride. 

Kail is a prick. She needs to get her dildo out and just buzz away. It might help to relieve her of stress. 

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18 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Gracie was da real MVP in the car tonight 

Gracie for president! I love that kid. She's 7 and she's had her mother's number since she was 3. I actually hold out hope that she's the one the gets out of that cluster fuck town without a baby, divorce, or meth habit.

And of course Kali is pregnant. Of course she is.

I love how Janelle manages to be insufferably smug anytime she manages to be sober for 5 minutes. 

I thought everybody in Chelsea's house was just a little sleep deprived. They'll work it out.

ok, did Luis actually cheat on Brianna? I mean, I know he slept with someone else, but were they actually together or sort of seeing if they could be for the sake of the baby? I guess they were together? Sort of? Whatever. Brianna was right to consider adoption. She and Luis are obviously not going to end up together. They don't even seem to know each other.I know it sucks for Brianna, but they are so obviously strangers it's not surprising one of them started seeing someone else. 

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Maybe my parents were weird but I don't ever recall my mom picking me up and telling me all about her day.  Not when I was 7. Because I'm sure I didn't care! I know Leah I guess has to do it to advance the narrative of the show but of course her kids don't want to hear about her day. She did ask how their day was but didn't ask any follow ups or for any details, which I thought was weird but typical of a piece of shit self absorbed mother.  How do you not ask anything else? What was your favorite thing you did today? What did you play at recess? How did that math test go? What do you have for homework? Etc.  Instead she asked a perfunctory "how was your day" and then exclaimed WELL I WENT TO SCHOOL TODAY AND I LEARNED!!!!! It was so strange.

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Re: UBT's indoor sunglasses 

Now, I totally believe he was high a fuck -- but to play devil's advocate for a moment. The scumbag has Vitilago and there are many eye conditions that are associated. Irisitis is very painful. 

That said, he was high. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Cole live in God'n'Guns country, so the flag obsession probably isn't an anomaly out there. Kind of like Cory and his addiction to camo.

Was Dave high in that restaurant? Why was he wearing sunglasses? 

And a Confederate flag in his truck. *yikes* (Corey not Cole)

Edited by Lm2162
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20 hours ago, Mkay said:

I fast forward through all [Brianna's] scenes. 

Unfortunately, Nova doesn't have that luxury.  Why they are having this discussion in front of her is just beyond me.  And that sister of hers...I just can't stand that thug.


18 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

When Leah's professor asked who liked mathematics I totally would've raised my hand. I don't love it but come on, help a guy out! Start the semester off on a positive note! (I could be slightly biased here since I also teach apathetic freshmen in a subject they think they don't need...)

I thought that was a stupid question to ask that particular group of people because you know the answer--let's just reinforce the idea that math is unlikable.  Also, this is mean, but I scanned the students and I'm just engaging in some heavy profiling here, but I would have guessed it wasn't Harvard.


1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

Something about that issue with Kail about not wanting to know anything unless it happens. I guess if someone has a lump in their breast they shouldn't tell Kail unless they find out for sure it is benign or the person has cancer? If someone is ill and it could be terminal, don't tell her until you know for sure you are going to die? If Kail gets a pap smear and finds out she not only has more STDs and possibly cancer, don't tell her until you know for a fact? That girl is straight up twisted.

I guess I'm straight up twisted, too, because if I suspected I had cancer, I wouldn't tell anyone other than Mr. Outlier before I knew for sure.  But I'm a very private person, and Kail obviously isn't.

As for Javi telling the kids about his possible deployment, this pissed me off because I was actually in total agreement with Kail because they're young and Isaac is a worrier, as pointed out by someone upthread.  But then she couldn't just be right, she had to turn into a huge bitch and get on her fucking phone during the conversation.

Add to that that idiot Brianna, who in the "next week on" says to Nova, "To give the baby to somebody else that really wanted a baby, would you understand?"  WTF????????????????

It's almost like everyone on this show is the same fucking age.  The adults act like 15-year-olds, and the kids are treated like 15-year-olds. 


49 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Gracie for president! I love that kid. She's 7 and she's had her mother's number since she was 3. I actually hold out hope that she's the one the gets out of that cluster fuck town without a baby, divorce, or meth habit.

I loved her in the car, but these days, I'm not sure that particular attribute is all that presidential.

But I'm with her on this one.  It's not her job to care about (or even feign interest in) what her mother's doing.  True, she shouldn't be rude, but sometimes enough is enough.  At least she didn't bring up why her mother was wearing wedding makeup to school.

And...I believe Leah was exhausted.  She could barely keep her eyes open while driving Addie, when they called Jeremy on the phone.  At least she'll look good when they use the jaws of life to cut her out of the car.

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Briana's mother and sister need to just back the fuck up and out of her business. Children need to learn how to problem solve. If someone is constantly there to catch you when you fall, tell you what to do, how to handle a situation or problem (looking at you Jen Edwards)  you will never learn how to handle life's problems. I know it is too late for this Helter Skelter crew of women as they seem bent on handling all of Briana's problems. That is why Briana acts like she can't wipe her ass without her mother or sister's help. Nova will be the next one who will have these people up her ass about everything.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I guess I'm straight up twisted, too, because if I suspected I had cancer, I wouldn't tell anyone other than Mr. Outlier before I knew for sure.  But I'm a very private person, and Kail obviously isn't.

Well, of course you'd tell your spouse. And that is actually my point, but I guess me being a bit facetious needed to be more clear. From what Kail angrily said last night, anyone with a problem, dilemma, or has anything negative going on, they shouldn't tell her until they know for sure. Does the same hold for the person she was living with? The girl didn't make it clear. Perhaps what she truly meant was, only she can  declare what her problems are, what challenges she is facing, what troubles she is having, and only she can be a sad and upset about it. It is also a contrast to what she proclaimed several seasons ago when she declared she needs a heads up on everything.

Even though Javi and her are no longer married, he is the father of her children and I think she should at least be aware of anything that affects Javi because in essence, it affects his kids, the ones he shares with Kail. I know without a doubt if Javi did not give Kail a head's up about a possible deployment and he told her only after making the decision, his head would be rolling after she ripped it off his body. Kail would be laying into Javi for not having told her sooner. I think everyone knows this of Kail by now.

Edited by SPLAIN
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21 hours ago, Reppiks2897 said:

Kail " it's not like I was going to marry the guy or anything"  ....no she'll just get pregnant again and yet another child will grow up in a broken home being shuffled from house to house to house to house.  This girl is ridiculous and has no family values or morals!

That one killed me.  Who purposefully gets pregnant by a guy that she's obviously not serious about and doesn't see a future with, when she already has two small children at home and is going through a divorce.  No amount of Pinterest laden décor and Mercedes can make up for that level of trashiness.

I cannot handle Brianna's stupid ass and her ridiculous family.  They're aware that Nova has ears, right?  That she can HEAR them?

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Otherwise she'd be planning their wedding, which to stick it to Javi would probably be at the nicest Zoo she could find in Delaware.

With an orangutan as Kail's maid of honor.

I wish I could "like" your post more than once.


I know it is too late for this Helter Skelter crew of women as they seem bent on handling all of Briana's problems.


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17 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Meh, parenting evolves. My parents were pretty old school too.

I almost wrote in my first post that the approach I suggested probably wouldn't work with a kid like Jace, say.  All kids are different and respond to different things.

I try not to humiliate  my kid or anyone else's kid who is in my care. I consider having a contest of wills in front of other people (or cameras) to be humiliating for them. What do they learn from being humiliated? 

The parent is obviously going to win. You have all the power. Why not reasonably acknowledge that you understand that the kid is having big feelings while letting them know that their behavior isn't acceptable? Aubree seems like the kind of kid who would respond to that.

One of the great things about being an old ass parent (aside from financial and relationship stability) is that one has much more patience, perspective and gives zero fucks about what anyone else thinks about the kid or the parenting style.

YMMV...it's definitely not for all kids or all people. I'm also blessed with a super laid back kid who has had zero tantrums ever. They're all different...

Yeah...the bolded part is key.  We've watched Chelsea parent over the years and she seems like a very devoted, attentive parent.  I'm sure if your approach worked with Aubree, she would've already discovered that and tried it.  Every kid is different.  Your approach works nicely for my son, for example.  My daughter, however?  She basically has to be shocked out of a tantrum like Chelsea was doing with Aubree.   

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Cole live in God'n'Guns country, so the flag obsession probably isn't an anomaly out there. Kind of like Cory and his addiction to camo.

Was Dave high in that restaurant? Why was he wearing sunglasses? 

I live in God'n'Guns country too and, uh, it is still weird. You might see an occasional flag tattoo, and around the 4th you will see lots of flag-inspired wear, but nothing to Cole's extreme.

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5 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I need someone on this show to be filmed considering ALL of their legal options when an unexpected pregnancy occurs. Parenting, adoption, and terminating the pregnancy. Come on, MTV.

There are no unexpected pregnancies among this group. They were all planned. 

Dejesus - it should be DeFuck. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I can't help but feel like the show just isn't the same anymore. Not just because of BriDumber and coven joined. 

Both episodes we've seen just consisted of Leah sitting in her car facetiming and a glimpse of her in class. Oh, and a short clip of one of the twins looking for her toothbrush. Nothing intimate. Just her driving.

There just isn't anymore substance, just watching people FaceTime people. 

Jenelles scenes were weird, too. 


Ugh, I'm having difficulty conveying what I'm feeling about the show. It's just not the same as it once was. I'm surprised MTV is already filming next season without seeing how the ratings would be for this season. I wonder if they increased BriDumbers salary or they're doing a part B where there's not an additional salary/check/contract.

I guess we got a little from Chelsea with her introducing us to the handsome baby Watson. 

I'm just not feeling this season like I usually do and adding BriDumber made things worst.

TMOG still feels somewhat the same, as they've always been the boring cast. 

I'm almost officially over this series, altogether. I will stay as long as you funny people are commenting but other than that, I'm not feeling the change. Bad move MTV, pull the life support while the ratings are still impressive.

I'm curious on how these last two episodes did on the ratings scale and if BriDumber helped or hindered.

Edited by Calm81
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8 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

There are still options, even if initially "planned."

Well, it depends. How far along was Briana during last night's episode? She might have been too far advanced for an abortion. Adoption was discussed and she did talk about not wanting to co-parent. 

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Can Brianna proceed with placing the baby for adoption without Luis's consent? Technically, he isn't the father until establishes paternity.  I am curious if he is willing to go to court to pursue the matter since it seems like he wants to be daddy off the books. 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

 My daughter, however?  She basically has to be shocked out of a tantrum like Chelsea was doing with Aubree.   

That made me LOL. IDK, something about the word shocked...I know you meant as in a big immediate consequence, but IDK. I'm just giggly today and everyone here is cracking me up.  We seriously need LOL buttons instead of just "like."

but "LIKE!"

Also loved "DeFuck" instead of "DeJesus." @GreatKazu

And no fucking way are those transition lenses.  WTF.  Those don't even look like prescription glasses! Look at the way the lenses are curved. She must think we're all as stupid as she pretends to be.

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I have a feeling I am really going to hate Luis. He was tooooooootally testing the waters / giving Briana a not-so-subtle warning that he might leave. What a prick. The dude sat there in fake awe of her "parenting skills." "You'd be fine even if I wasn't here." What kind of jerk says that, and then is against adoption?! The weird thing, though, is at least moments like this are a dose of realism. The main girls are so rich and famous that we rarely see "real" moments like this with scumbags. Any of the originals (except Kail this time, hahahahahaha) would be headed to the altar with a billion percent committed man in the event of a pregnancy. In fact, the guy may have been thrilled with a pregnancy after a month or two, a la Jeremy and Nathan. It's a little odd not seeing everyone kissing the TM's butt. 

I LOVED the moments of tension between Chelsea and Cole. I might actually like Chelsea better again if they'd show her in a more realistic light! I enjoyed seeing some normal friction in their relationship instead of pretending everything is perfect. Also, when Cole told the producers about Watson' birth, he was using his real voice instead of a baby voice. It was still high pitched, but I could tell the difference. Please, DeBoer family, keep being real! 

Edited by Christina87
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Yeah, it would be nice instead of so Pinterest perfect. In real life people get on each other's nerves, and people have issues and problems. It's not realistic.  I think that could be why she and Cole have gotten on my nerves.  I thought it was fake.

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I had completely forgotten that Jenelle had taken Nathan back to court and was awarded supervised visitation. I must have already turned channels to Preacher by that point. Nathan is every bit as awful as Jenelle and David but I still want him to get it together. He was injured in the service and I'm a member of a large family of military, medically unable to join myself, and watching him struggle, knowing there is help for him, and seeing his son light up when in his presence, along with recognizing that Jenelle and David are beyond hope, make me think he is Kaiser's last chance.

When I saw Briana was joining, I figured that would be the nail in the coffin for me. Not only was her entire family awful on TM3, but I was unexpectedly greeted with a photo of her crotch that she tweeted to some man she met, who didn't want her, and she was selling herself to him with a photo of what he could have. It was disgusting and trashy and completely unexpected which made it more disgusting and trashy. She didn't send it to him, she tweeted it to the world, then defended it when people said something to her instead of deleting it if it was on accident. Come to think of it, that is probably why I don't follow any of these people anymore, and only read when it's linked here or mentioned somewhere. She's obnoxious and so are her sister and mom, and they aren't even fun to hate watch, because their obnoxiousness is boring and crass at the same time.

With this episode, it is probably the end for me. I don't watch Sister Wives any longer, because it became too boring, and I'm way behind on 90 Day Fiance and its iterations and probably won't catch up, because they are soooo boring and I don't like anyone on them, but I still read the forums here. Corey and Barb are the only people I like on this show, I think, other than the kids. Chelsea doesn't bother me, but she doesn't show anything so I'm not missing anything. Plus, everything plays out online way before it airs, and what does air is the sanitized version of events and rarely the truth.

Edited by Christina
Added a word that changed the meaning of the sentence I originally typed incorrectly.
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

My husband wears transition lenses. Those are definitely NOT transition lenses. Lying liar who lies. 

UBT was in school? I like how Jenelle tweets "for a short time". Like everything else in his life. 

Someone responded with a picture of a different angle on his glasses. It is fuzzy but it looks like he has sun glasses on over anther pair of glasses.  


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4 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Someone responded with a picture of a different angle on his glasses. It is fuzzy but it looks like he has sun glasses on over anther pair of glasses.  


Honestly, that looks like a strand of his hair. He kept moving his hair away during the scene. I look at his face during that scene, zoomed in on his face and I don't see glasses behind those shades. I could be wrong as my eyes can fuck with me on occasion. 

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36 minutes ago, Christina said:

Chelsea doesn't bother me, but she doesn't show anything so I'm not missing anything.

I like Chelsea a hell of a lot more than I like Kail. (Hate her face!) But it's weird that the fandom gives Chelsea a pass for not showing everything but not Kail. Granted, likability goes a lonnnnng way. I just found it a tad irritating/insulting(?) that, eg, Chelsea recreated Aubree's birthday party (the carrot cake one). Just felt inauthentic. I get the privacy issue. I really do. But it still just bugs.

Now, does anyone have any Kail theories about the following? When she married Javi and moved into her dream house, she seemed to have achieved everything she'd ever wanted: her own family unit and a comfortable existence full of material wealth/near-wealth. So why did she implode her life? Javi was willing to work on the marriage. Why wasn't she? Did she really trade up in her decision to sow her wild oats?!?

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There is a HUGE difference between a child's birthday party being private for family and friends versus a no-good smug-ass bitch like Kail who deliberately cheated on her husband and then later tries to hide a pregnancy on a tv show called TEEN MOMS, a show about how young girls ended up pregnant and how their lives are affected by their choice. Purposely hiding a pregnancy (as Maci did) will never get a pass from the viewers of a show where the cast members' lives have always been the main focus. Re birthday at home is not giving a pass as much as it is not a factor for many to see a kid's birthday party play out in real time. 

For the record, I myself have had birthday cake at home for my kids and then later celebrated on another day with our family. It is not so out of the ordinary. Kail getting pregnant on purpose is so ordinary. 



Plus, I've never seen transitions lenses the size of sunglasses. If he really wore transitions, they would look like big 1970's glasses when he wasn't in bright light. 

Transitions can be put on sunglasses. My husband did that. He bought a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses and had the prescription lenses put on the frames. I do agree the sunglasses Dave was wearing were far too big for someone to use as everyday eyeglasses. Besides, when did we ever see him wearing sunglasses? 

Edited by GreatKazu
HAVE not HAS - I need caffeine.
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22 minutes ago, nikita said:

Now, does anyone have any Kail theories about the following? When she married Javi and moved into her dream house, she seemed to have achieved everything she'd ever wanted: her own family unit and a comfortable existence full of material wealth/near-wealth. So why did she implode her life? Javi was willing to work on the marriage. Why wasn't she? Did she really trade up in her decision to sow her wild oats?!?

I think she was unhappy with Javi.  He was a dick about the miscarriage, he was constantly accusing her of cheating (maybe rightfully so), and they were just bad for each other. I don't think she can be good with anyone - she ripped the dreads off some dude she'd been seriously pursuing for at least months and maybe years.  She can't be in a happy relationship. She's not capable. 

I don't think she traded up. She might have thought she was trading up for the newest shiny thing, but like everything else she shit all over it once she got it. I said it before, but if the sexes were reversed, we would all be applauding Chris for getting the hell away from his abuser and imploring him to get a restraining order.

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I said it before, but if the sexes were reversed, we would all be applauding Chris for getting the hell away from his abuser and imploring him to get a restraining order.

Can't be said enough. Well put.

Let's be real. Screw not watching Aubree have a real birthday party on camera. This is not a show about children's parties a la Real Housewives. So what if we don't see a child's party play out when there are more pressing issues on the show. Let's point out how Kail, the abuser, gets a pass for her criminal behavior. Kail is the embodiment of what a DV abuser is. There is no reason whatsoever for Javi to have worked on an abusive marriage unless Kail was willing to admit she had anger problems and was willing to enter into therapy along with constructive anger management therapy so she could be a mentally healthier person for herself and her family. Kail created her problems and she deserves everything that is happening to her. She can't have healthy relationships because she is mentally not a healthy person. Would anyone have wanted Kail to work on her marriage with someone who was abusive? Hell no.

It bugs to see a well-paid cast member on a show trying to hide her pregnancy. She was chosen to be on this show because she was pregnant and the drama she brings. No other reason. Kail is not on a tv show about house designs although she wishes she was. She chose to lay down with a guy and purposely chose to become pregnant. She chose to sign that contract before filming began. She knew she was going in pregnant and loveless. That is her doing. Teen Mom is her job. That will certainly not get a pass.

Edited by SPLAIN
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On 7/24/2017 at 10:04 PM, pheebs said:

UBT is soooo on blow. Major signs - fiddling with his nose, stiff shiny upper lip, stilted speech, indoor sunglasses. Of course Jenelle doesn't want him out of her sight. He'll do it all.

Not sure what the UBT moniker is, but assuming you mean David: when they showed him eating with his sunglasses on, my first thought was that he was high as a kite and didn't want it to show.  

(thanks to the wonders of the internet re-enforced by folks here, I figured out how to watch these locked episodes on MTV even though I don't get them through my cable provider.  Long live the snark!!)

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Okay, as this episode took its sweet time loading for me, I realized... that's it. I'm over it. I thought I would be, and I was. If I want to, I can catch Chelsea's clips, or whatever. Otherwise, these boards have become much more entertaining than the original content. Onward! 

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8 hours ago, TresGatos said:

And if anyone on this series says CO PARENTING one more time......

Back when I was a kid we had visitation...same as with funeral homes...

Does this mean when two parents are actually together in a family relationship, they are actually doing something other than co-parenting?


I am still trying to figure out how, at the end of the season reunion shows, when asked what they are doing for birth control, all these women rattle off all of these implanted devices, etc, yet by the next season, many of them are pregnant.  WTF is going on between seasons??  LOL

Edited by salvame
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

There is a HUGE difference between a child's birthday party being private for family and friends versus a no-good smug-ass bitch like Kail who deliberately cheated on her husband and then later tries to hide a pregnancy on a tv show called TEEN MOMS, a show about how young girls ended up pregnant and how their lives are affected by their choice. Purposely hiding a pregnancy (as Maci did) will never get a pass from the viewers of a show where the cast members' lives has always been the main focus. Re birthday at home is not giving a pass as much as it is not a factor for many to see a kid's birthday party play out in real time. 

For the record, I myself have had birthday cake at home for my kids and then later celebrated on another day with our family. It is not so out of the ordinary. Kail getting pregnant on purpose is so ordinary. 


Transitions can be put on sunglasses. My husband did that. He bought a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses and had the prescription lenses put on the frames. I do agree the sunglasses Dave was wearing were far too big for someone to use as everyday eyeglasses. Besides, when did we ever see him wearing sunglasses? 

He and Jenelle wear those fake black framed glasses. They look dumb. 


The reason why Chelsea gets pass from me is that she is respectful to the crew (that's we have seen) and doesn't stomp off and get angry when things don't go her way. Kail acts like a two yr old stomping out of the room.  She has been caught in lies, cheated, is rude, etc. If she ever acted sorry or admitted she was just being a witch, maybe I'd be a little more forgiving. But for 2 seasons now she hasn't admitted she was too mean or she was wrong. Nothing. She's right and that's it. 

Edited by Mkay
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One thing I will say is that if Brianna's mom does have lupus, I have a lot of sympathy for that. Can be a devastating diagnosis. It's not really related to anything on the show, but when she said she couldn't help this time around, I felt for her. 

Also, Luis can gtfo with his righteous "I would never do that to my daughter, how can you even think of that" speech about adoption, a few months after he considered aborting said daughter because he impregnated a girl from The Club (I like to imagine it has no name other than that). And when he fully knows that he's going to be out of there before the epidural wears off and get praised for taking his kid for ice cream once a week. It's easy to look down on adoption if you're not planning to change any diapers or fix the kid's breakfast every morning. 

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Doesn't Brianna just drag down an already down show?  It is not as if she has grown up from becoming a Teen Mom.  It is like her 16 and pregnant all over again.  But she is just older.  

I can't imagine she will help ratings if Teen Mom 3 didn't last, and she was on that show.

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