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S08.E02: Down that Route: 2017.07.24

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This talk about tantrums is raising my blood pressure as I wonder how I'll deal with them. Luckily I have a couple years before real tantrum-tantrums. 

Can someone remind me if Adam has any visitation with Aubree, and if it is supervised? I'm confused about their arrangement. 

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Kail and her stank ass attitude.

How does anyone ever date her? I know a lot of people have low standards but damn.

I'm also sure she will be on baby daddy number 4 in a few years.

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23 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

This talk about tantrums is raising my blood pressure as I wonder how I'll deal with them. Luckily I have a couple years before real tantrum-tantrums. 

Can someone remind me if Adam has any visitation with Aubree, and if it is supervised? I'm confused about their arrangement. 

Someone else will probably have the documented scoop, but I'm pretty sure he has supervised visitation (supervised by his mom), which he used to make sure he got when the cameras are around, but now doesn't even bother.

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3 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

It was just so obvious that Aubree was feeling sad and insecure during her melt down. I know Chelsea and Cole are probably also both sleep deprived, but I wish they would have approached it from a place of trying to understand her rather than going right to punishment.

Just a "I know things are out of whack right now and you're feeling like you don't have as much attention. It's ok to have feelings. We love you very much." pep talk. 

Nah, I thought Chelsea handled it very well. Aubree was being a brat and she deserved a scolding, imo. I was glad Chelsea didn't use it as an opportunity to gang up against Cole, "Cole is meeeeaaan. He's going out and leaving us all alone. Mean Cole."  That would have probably made Aubree giggle and join in, but it would make Cole the bad guy, which he wasn't. 


Leah: "my favorite class is Comm because we get to talk and say things and talk and I can say whatever." (I need to rewatch and catch it verbatim. It sounded ridiculous.)

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Brianna has offically taken the title of "Dumbest Mom in the Teen Mom Franchise" from Amber!   

Nsthan is such a danger but Jenelle is one bad arguement with Uncle ID Channel away from her and Kaiser ending up at the bottom of a lake.

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My god the DeJesus coven are absolutely unbearable. Briana is an idiot...was she really shocked that this guy she met at a club and literally went home with that same night (not shaming that, but wrap it up!) would cheat on her? Lmao! By the way honey, beer goggles are a real thing.


I found Kail's scenes to be the most unwatchable and I actually skipped them because she's a terrible person. 


Jenelle actually reminds me of Barbara when she complains and argues with UBT. Cut the histrionics and parent. I have never seen someone so put off by you know...parenting. *kid cries* "Oh ma gawd duuuuuude!" 


You know, I'm actually sad Leah left school. I was rooting for her. Her description of Comm 101 was totally ridiculous though. "You can talk about stuff with people!" 

Edited by TonAmi
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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

UCH hysterics from Roxanne and Brittany. I get it. Cheating is wrong. But this is a dude she hooked up with in a nightclub and got pregnant with one month later. They barely KNOW each other. And you're acting like Brianna's husband of 20 years had an affair with her best friend. I get family loyalty, but these people need some healthier boundaries. Brianna is old enough to take care of herself. Step back and let her. 

Of course NOW she wants to talk adoption since she doesn't have the man. I can't tell if she really is that much of a diva that she refuses to entertain the idea of co-parenting with another ex (did she really think this would last???) or if she's just trying to get attention and sympathy. 


Yes this. And Brianna should have known better than to have unprotected sex with a guy and risk the possibility of pregnancy. Yes, it sucks that women have to be responsible for preventing pregnancy, but until men start having babies, that's the way it is. Brianna is not a naive 16 year old. She has information and access to BC. That said, when Luis baby daddy told Brianna that adoption was a no go, and if he left her, she was strong and independent and could take care of the kid. I wanted to punch him in the throat. I interpreted that to mean that he would stop by occasionally and play daddy, show up at the child's life events, like birthday parties , want to take the kid when it suited him to visit his family and never pay a dime of support. 

37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She is just SO nasty. I agree that Javi probably shouldn't have brought up the potential of going back overseas with the boys until it was a sure thing. But he clearly realized that too and she could have been more understanding of the fear and sadness that prospect was causing him. She's all, "Nope. Don't give a fuck about your life. Don't want to know unless I'm legit losing my babysitter. Bye."

Actually, Javi said he was considering offering to go in another guy's place. I'm thinking that Javi would like nothing better to stick it to Kail, because he gives zero fucks, but he realizes that a deployment means he is separated from his kid and family again. So he is conflicted. So I wonder what the sea cow is going to do after baby number 3 is born. She ships off Lincoln and Isaac as a package deal to both Javi and Jo. Does she seriously think she can add child #3 to the package and have either one of them watch all 3? I don't see that happening. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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10 hours ago, pheebs said:

 Leah - "Do you want to hear about me at school?" and the kids yell back "blahblahblah blah!"  Yeah, girlses, we know, we know. WALMART!      

I hate Wal-Mart with the fire of a thousand suns. But the fact that Addie has been to California beaches and Great Wolf Lodge and all these other places and WALMART is still her jam just totally cracks me up. 


10 hours ago, Linny said:

Shout out to Corey and that brief scene of him telling the twins they can't date until after college.

Gracie probably had to go home and look "college" up in the dictionary after; surely that's the first they've heard of that word. 


10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

The fight over Kaiser between Jenelle and Nathan is like watching two rabid dogs fight over a chipmunk. Whoever gets it will destroy it. When I watch Barb and Jenelle fight over Jace, I have some degree of satisfaction knowing that with one of those two he'll be safe. Not the case here.

PERFECT analogy. It's like, "Okay, good, someone is going to supervise Roll with Nathan. But oh wait, the future serial killers of North Carolina get to watch him all on their own. Shit."


8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Did I hear Jenelle right? She started telling David why she was going to court. She said, "My mom told me about...uh...there are beer cans all over his house." Was that a slip of the tongue there? Barb told her about the beer cans? 

I thought I heard that too! What was Barb doing at Nathan's house. Maybe she said HIS mom? But I could have sworn she said "my". 

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6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Can someone remind me if Adam has any visitation with Aubree, and if it is supervised? I'm confused about their arrangement. 

I think they're SUPPOSED to be supervised by his parents, but from what we've seen, nobody really abides by that order. 


5 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Leah: "my favorite class is Comm because we get to talk and say things and talk and I can say whatever." (I need to rewatch and catch it verbatim. It sounded ridiculous.)

Pepper in about 2 dozen "likes" and you've basically got it. 


10 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

That said, when Luis baby daddy told Brianna that adoption was a no go, and if he left her, she was string and independent and could take care of the kid. I wanted to punch him in the throat. I interpreted that to mean that he would stop by occasionally and play daddy, show up at the child's life events, like birthday parties , want to take the kid when it suited him to visit his family and never pay a dime of support. 

He has another kid. I'm curious as to his level of involvement there. That should have been something Brianna considered before getting pregnant by him. Yea, right.....

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@ghoulina, YES re: Brianna. I get that it's upsetting, they agreed to be exclusive, and Luis' "strong independent woman" comment was gross, but omg--- let's not get too hugely self righteous about the cheating. She knew she was pregnant within a month, which means she got pregnant 1-2 weeks or less after meeting the dude. This is not her husband whose wedding Brianna's mom officiated and in which her sister was a bridesmaid having a six-year affair and a child with another woman while Brianna worked to support the family after a car accident that left him with a TBI that rendered him unemployable. But you wouldn't know it from all the histrionics. It's club dude screwing other club girls. Get upset for two days, chalk it up to terrible decision making on everyone's part, and move on. 

And yeah exactly re: Nathan and Jenelle. He absolutely needs to be supervised with any child; apparently multiple judges have thought so as he is supervised with his other child as well. But can we get supervision for Jenelle too? Like, can Kaiser just come with his own supervision wherever he goes and J/N will just be there to give him pizza and take Instagram photos with him? Aka can he have different parents? 

Edited by Lm2162
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41 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

He has another kid. I'm curious as to his level of involvement there. That should have been something Brianna considered before getting pregnant by him. Yea, right.....

I think on the last ep Brianna said he has an 8yr old but the kid is in New York thus implying that he isn't involved but it would be different with her kid because logistics. Yeah, right. The TMs seem to make it to New York all the time. 

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Only halfway through but I literally cannot deal with Briana. Trying to put all the blame on Luis when she is also responsible for being in this situation makes me so angry. Every kid she has she tries every which way to get rid of them-adoptionn, abortion, like if you are so against being a single parent WHY NOT TAKE PRECAUTIONS?! And why is it so out of the question that he wouldn't be an involved dad? I know it is a risk, but who's to say he won't be around? And if anyone on this series says CO PARENTING one more time......

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Gracie was being so rude to Leah in the car, but a part of me also feels glee that a 7 year old is calling out Leah's expository bullshit about her love of college. So IDK if calling out bullshit is more important than teaching a kid manners...

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How far along is Brianna and how long has she been in negotiations with MTV to join Teen Mom ? I ask because I have a feeling that Luis would have lost Brianna's number had it not been for the potential check from MTV.

"This isn't your house anymore!" And it won't be your house anymore once MTV pulls the plug, Kail.

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49 minutes ago, HooHooHoo said:

Of course she will!  She just has to toss the baby in the crib with a bottle and a hot dog and she will be good to lay on the couch all day and post. This is why we watch this show. For these valuable Mommy lessons. ?

I will be, like, SO bored dude. Leave me aloooooone!

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

mega confused as to how they were able to get the keys that late at night, when they didn't think it was possible at 4 pm.

Yes I was wondering this too.  I would love to have heard that phone call from David or Jenelle with an attitude about the keys. Did some poor realtor have to meet them late at night? And then how are there stuffed animals and toys in the house already? Furniture, that I can understand but the house looked fully staged.

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10 hours ago, Hagosaurus said:

Leah never gets away with anything when greasy is around. That kid has her number.

Leah: Do you want to hear about My day at school?

Gracie: (hands over ears) Fuck no! I'm sick of listening to your bullshit! Shouldn't you have a job by now?

@Hagosaurus, thank you for this! I laughed out loud, for an indecently long time. Hilarious. Gracie is so over it all.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Can we just talk about Isaac making a math paper to help his friend who isn't good at math? That kid is LITERALLY the sweetest child on earth and Kail does not deserve him.



@ghoulina, your post was full of goodness, as they always are, but I wanted to address this observation. That Isaac is the sweetest, kindest child and yes, Kail does not deserve him. He is lovely.

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59 minutes ago, swishandflick said:

Gracie was being so rude to Leah in the car, but a part of me also feels glee that a 7 year old is calling out Leah's expository bullshit about her love of college. So IDK if calling out bullshit is more important than teaching a kid manners...

I give no fucks about Gracie's bad behavior because A. She's not my kid and B. She just says what everyone is thinking! 

Leah was pointing out that SHE asks the girlses about THEIR days, and it's polite for them to show interest in HERS as well. Valid point. Except, she certainly didn't ask them THIS time. She jumped right into talking about herself. Maybe if she lead by example, she'd get the results she wants. 

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Kail is one of the most miserable fucking toads I've ever seen. She has a lot of nerve, sitting on her new money throne, acting like she rules the roost and her way is always right. Javi can't get a drink, but she can drop off her kid so his mom can watch him, GTFOH you Garbage Pail Kid looking bitch. She needs a Garbage Pail Kid card named after her, Karl the Kunt. She, like her bff Amber, are going to be in for a rude awakening when Teen Mom is done.  

While I agree that Aubree is old enough to know better than throw a tantrum, I think she was looking for attention whether good or bad. I'm sure it's hard having your Mom all to yourself for so many years, to all of a sudden having to share her attention, so much attention, with a new baby. I just hope with the punishment, Aubree was able to talk about any feelings she may have had about the new arrangement.

Serious question. Cole is always wearing American flag clothing, is he starting a clothing line like ttm? Or a friends brand of clothing promoting? Or is he just prideful of his country?  

David looked deranged during lunch with his   Wooly Willy hair and face. 

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6 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Don't forget the indoor sunglasses.

Haha that's right, he looked ridiculous. Like a fugitive on the run trying to disguise himself. Hummm, probably not too off from reality. 

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17 minutes ago, politichick said:

I think Jenelle said her mother said that the police said there were empty bottles, etc., in his apartment.

That's what I heard as well, that it was her mom reporting what the police said or wrote in a report. 

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I haven't watched either of the new episodes and have just been reading here, I was curious how it's working with 5 girls though, can you tell the individual segments are shorter? Without drama it already felt like Chelsea's segments could be missed if you blinked, I was just wondering if there was a noticeable difference.

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Was it weird that when Kail brought the kids to Javi's, she didn't say hello to anyone or make sure that anyone was aware that they were there?  I can't imagine just dropping off my toddler son with my school-age son and leaving the house.

(lookit' me, all w/my fancy manners!!)

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1 hour ago, poopchute said:

Yes I was wondering this too.  I would love to have heard that phone call from David or Jenelle with an attitude about the keys. Did some poor realtor have to meet them late at night? And then how are there stuffed animals and toys in the house already? Furniture, that I can understand but the house looked fully staged.

I was actually wondering if it was an AirBnB, but they just said rental to make themselves sound fancier?

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3 minutes ago, teapot said:

Was it weird that when Kail brought the kids to Javi's, she didn't say hello to anyone or make sure that anyone was aware that they were there?  I can't imagine just dropping off my toddler son with my school-age son and leaving the house.

(lookit' me, all w/my fancy manners!!)

Javi's mom answered the door. I am sure Maria knows to just walk away and not interact with the Hulk. The Hulk has no manners and just walks right in anyways and acts like it is her place, according to Javi. Maria must have learned to just nod at Kail and walk into the other room and wait til the sea hag is gone. 

8 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I haven't watched either of the new episodes and have just been reading here, I was curious how it's working with 5 girls though, can you tell the individual segments are shorter? Without drama it already felt like Chelsea's segments could be missed if you blinked, I was just wondering if there was a noticeable difference.

Leah's segments are the shortest. Nothing is being shown that is worth her paycheck. Gracie should earn her own paycheck. Next is Chelsea. Kail comes in third. 

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36 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

That's what I heard as well, that it was her mom reporting what the police said or wrote in a report. 

I just rewatched that scene. Clearly Jenelle said "My mom said, the police said there were beer bottles and liquor bottles..." So, Jenelle is repeating what Barb told her. 

Barb must have dropped off Kaiser at Nathan's at one time or picked him up? For whatever reason, Barb was at Nathan's place. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Briana's family is just too extra. Roxanne, seriously. If you want your daughter to be a wife, tell her to stop acting like a booty call. Lou is garbage, but Briana would've figured that out if she'd bothered to date him for more than five seconds before getting knocked up. That "strong independent woman" comment though? Yeah, fuck you, Lou. 

Kail is a raving bitch, but she was right that Javi shouldn't have said anything to the kids until he knew for sure he was getting deployed. Isaac is a sensitive worry wart and there's no point in getting him worked up over nothing. 

I agreed with Chelsea in regards to Aubree. She's way too old to be pitching tantrums like a toddler. Cole meant well by trying to lighten the mood, but laughing and cracking jokes was just egging her on.

Omg, Gracie? That kid is everything. That cynical expression on her face when Leah was rambling on about school? She's won me over for life.

Edited by BitterApple
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@BitterApple I thought Cole's reaction was a "nervous laughter", not laughing because he thought Aubrey's tantrum was funny. Granted he shouldn't be laughing, that was not a good response. 

Ive recently learned of the phrase "so extra"- it's useful. 

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17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Briana's family and their outrage was ridiculous but I think Briana's words regarding how hard it was to raise Nova on her own and considering adoption were real. I don't think she's that good of an actress or that emotionally manipulative.   

I agree. Briana's already been down this road with Devon, where she heard a million empty promises and none of them panned out. It's hard enough raising one kid on your own, never mind two, never mind two with absentee fathers. Lou was already giving himself an out when he said she'd be fine on her own, so she wasn't off-base with her feelings. 

I also agree about Cole. I think he's in that awkward position where he's still in the buddy phase with Aubree and doesn't know where he fits in as far as discipline is concerned. 

I will say I am getting bummed that the other girls' segments are getting chopped down because of Briana. I don't hate Briana, but I haven't been watching her for the past seven years, so I really don't have any attachment to her or her kid. We've got Addie and Gracie giving us comedy gold, we don't need anyone else.

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32 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. Briana's already been down this road with Devon, where she heard a million empty promises and none of them panned out. It's hard enough raising one kid on your own, never mind two, never mind two with absentee fathers. Lou was already giving himself an out when he said she'd be fine on her own, so she wasn't off-base with her feelings.  

Right?!!! And why was Roxanne acting all surprised by this revelation? Lady, you know who and what your daughter is (an irresponsible idiot) by now. 

Also, I'm living for Javi being all happy in Kail's presence, trying to hug her, walking around the house, and helping himself to water.....because I know it has to annoy Kail that he isn't as miserable as she is. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I did like that Briana gave Luiz the truth. Like yeah, she can handle it because she has to, but it's clear he's already using that as an excuse to have one foot out the door.  Soon to be two feet.

I could have cheered her then.

And then her sister had to go and get all weird and threatening. I'm sure she could get a few smacks in, but she's not gonna actually win in a fight. Don't people even think that far? It sounded tough, but also ridiculous.

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I loved Leah's voiceover that it's the second day of school and it's going well but she's exhausted. Leah, it's the SECOND day of school. You most likely haven't even had a real assignment yet. You just had to get to campus, find the classrooms, and sit your behind in a chair. Maybe if you didn't spend an hour on your pageant-hair to sit in class next to other girls who have thrown their hair up in messy buns and ponytails, you'd be a little less tired. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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24 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I will say I am getting bummed that the other girls' segments are getting chopped down because of Briana. I don't hate Briana, but I haven't been watching her for the past seven years, so I really don't have any attachment to her or her kid. We've got Addie and Gracie giving us comedy gold, we don't need anyone else.

I agree. Plus, I'm OCD about weird crap, and I like even numbers. Five bugs. I liked the old format - all 4 girls get an intro segment; then, after the first commercial, we see two girls - commercial - other two girls. Now it's all wonky and it irritates me. 

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Can Gracie host the reunions and after shows? I'd love to see her throw some side eye at Kail and go "blah blah blah blah" while Jenelle goes on about how hard her life is....

Also, my two year old son loves going to Wal-Mart with his daddy (because I hate going to Wal-Mart & Daddy will buy things that aren't on the list for him), so it cracked me up that Addie was asking her daddy to take her to Wally World. Haha.

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Just now, ghoulina said:

I agree. Plus, I'm OCD about weird crap, and I like even numbers. Five bugs. I liked the old format - all 4 girls get an intro segment; then, after the first commercial, we see two girls - commercial - other two girls. Now it's all wonky and it irritates me. 

Yes! The entire flow of the show has been disrupted! It's like someone's moved our food dishes. I can't get into a routine with five girls and an uneven rotation. 

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Kail and Javi both promises Isaac Javi would be coming home when he was deployed the first time. Kail included. So Javi letting the boys know why he was crying and Kail getting grumpy about it made me roll my eyes. Please. Y'all both lied to that sweet boy knowing you had already filed for divorce. Kail is just desperate to find reasons to yell at Javi.  

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I fast forward through Brianna's segments. I just don't care.

I am not sure what I loved more last night: Grace not wanting to hear about Leah's day at school or Sterling on the phone telling Kail she's pregnant and Kails gritted teeth "I'm filming!" I mean I know we already know cause real time and also she's wearing baggy clothes and showing even worse than when Janelle was pregnant and not telling and wearing skintight shirts and dresses but still funny, especially Sterlings "oops".

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I'm kind of surprised this show hasn't been cancelled yet.  If it wasn't for the shit storms that are Kail and Jenelle's lives it would be so boring. Don't care about Brianna and her over dramatic sister and mother. Leah seems more in balance now. Chelsea has a nice family. And of course I'll still watch. 

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27 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Kail and Javi both promises Isaac Javi would be coming home when he was deployed the first time. Kail included. So Javi letting the boys know why he was crying and Kail getting grumpy about it made me roll my eyes. Please. Y'all both lied to that sweet boy knowing you had already filed for divorce. Kail is just desperate to find reasons to yell at Javi.  

One thing though is, Javi said Kail was giving him the idea they might work things out.  I can't blame him for thinking there was a chance to salvage his marriage and in his eyes, there was a chance he might come back to the family home. This went on until Christmas time 2016.  Kail was stringing Javi along for who knows what reason, possibly to get him to commit to her if Chris wasn't wanting her? I don't know.

Something about that issue with Kail about not wanting to know anything unless it happens. I guess if someone has a lump in their breast they shouldn't tell Kail unless they find out for sure it is benign or the person has cancer? If someone is ill and it could be terminal, don't tell her until you know for sure you are going to die? If Kail gets a pap smear and finds out she not only has more STDs and possibly cancer, don't tell her until you know for a fact? That girl is straight up twisted.

I get behind the idea that kids shouldn't be told very important things unless you know for sure, but eventually they will reach an age where I believe it is important to let kids know things might happen. Javi is in the service. Being deployed is a big possibility in his life. The boys will eventually need to know there is that chance. Anyone who is in the military or was the child of a person in the military (me!) knows this is one thing families must face.

I once had a lump in my breast many years ago. I didn't want to tell my children (who were all over the age of 12). My spouse felt I should let them know so they can be aware up front and not have it dumped on them all at once if it should come back as cancerous. I consulted with a therapist and she said it was up to me to decide however, she felt it would be an opportunity for my children to watch and learn how I cope and deal with the situation. She said it more eloquently than that, just wanted to point out the gist of it. When the results of the test came back negative and non-cancerous, it was a joyous time. One thing I remember was how my children told me how I handled the situation very well and how I didn't let it affect my day-to-day living, although in private, I was deeply worried.

Why is it Kail, supposedly an adult manatee, cannot be told there is a possibility Javi may get deployed to help out a fellow service member who is having some personal issues? Life is going to throw things at you that you don't want to deal with. Sorry. That is how the fucking cookie crumbles, as she now knows while dealing with a guy who dumped her sorry ass.

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I just watched the episode. I haven't read any of the comments yet, so if I repeat anything already mentioned I'm sorry.

Chelsea - If this were Reddit I'd most likely get downvoted for this comment but it was refreshing to see a little bit of drama between Chelsea and Cole.

It wasn't anything serious, but finally witnessing these two act like a normal married couple was nice. I don't care who you are and how perfect your marriage is, couples always argue just a little bit, it's sometimes healthy. The perfect couple narrative was getting old.

The reason behind their TINY bit of drama was because of lack of sleep and energy with a newborn being in the house. My husband and I hardly fight but when we did it was usually after the birth of our three kids because we were exhausted and crabby.

We'd get upset over the smallest things and that's why I was a little happy to see that even the king and queen of happy marriages (Chelsea & Cole) couldn't bypass the uneveditable newborn boot camp.

However, I do think MTVs editors tried WAY TOO HARD to make the little drama seem more than it really was. 

I wish them a happy and healthy life with their entire family and newest addition with a little sprinkling of normal arguments couples have thrown into the mix. Nobody is perfect. ?


Leah - I kinda felt bad for Leah when she was sharing her day and Gracie kept being a rude brat but Gracie was probably thinking "why do I care when you're not going to make it as far as your new box of crayons will take you."

Leah is super annoying but at least she's being normal-ish this season. Such a low bar I hold for these boneheads.

Kailyn - You can't let the father or your child get a glass of water you asshat? Dude fights for our country, show some respect! I don't care if you're divorced, he deserves to be treated like a person. Who cares if you think he's being fake for be cameras. Be the better person. 

She can take several seats with her not wanting a relationship crap. You're just saying that because Chris dumped your ass pregnant and you want people to believe that it didn't bother you.

You always want a relationship...the power to control another person is what you crave. You're just trying to save face...you'd take Chris in a heartbeat if he wanted you. You're SINGLE because you have no choice - nobody wants to be with you anymore!

Jenelle - I don't have much to add. Her segment was meh. 

Brianna - Dang I hate this fifth girl shit. I'm tired of typing lol. I actually felt bad for the girl for a split second only because nobody deserves to be cheated on especially when pregnant but that's what happens when you behave foolishly with someone you don't really know. You're a mom, you should've known better to get knocked up by a guy from the club. Teach your daughter the right way.

I'm beyond over Brittany's badass persona. Snooze.

I hate how they curse in front of Nova while pretending that they're avoiding drama in front of Nova. ?

I just don't like the format for the show anymore. There's not enough time for the main girls anymore and some of the girls aren't sharing much. I don't care about Brianna's life. I wish her and her baby the best but get off my TV screen. 

Nothing more to add. 

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5 hours ago, LunaMia said:


While I agree that Aubree is old enough to know better than throw a tantrum, I think she was looking for attention whether good or bad. I'm sure it's hard having your Mom all to yourself for so many years, to all of a sudden having to share her attention, so much attention, with a new baby. I just hope with the punishment, Aubree was able to talk about any feelings she may have had about the new arrangement.

Serious question. Cole is always wearing American flag clothing, is he starting a clothing line like ttm? Or a friends brand of clothing promoting? Or is he just prideful of his country?  

David looked deranged during lunch with his   Wooly Willy hair and face. 

Didn't they say that they were picking Aubrey up from a sleepover?  The girl was tired!  I could tell that immediately.  My son does the same thing when he is tired and didn't sleep enough.  She was irritable, and while she should know her manners and chill, I give my kids extra leeway when they are tired.  They just are not themselves!

Cole and the American flag shirt and patriotic stuff.  It is weird, yes?  I mean, I am sure some people have a red, white and blue shirt somewhere, but this is excessive.  

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