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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The thing is - Kate M. can't eat whatever she wants and stay as thin as she is. She, too, controls her diet heavily. This is what Kate looked like in college.



IMO, Kate Middleton, at present, looks like she's only about a year out of a WWII concentration camp. Very pretty girl but no shape whatsoever - all straight lines and angles. Clothes literally seem to hang on her. If I ruled the world, I'd pack an extra 15-20 pounds on her. Before seeing this photo I was thinking she must be one of those poor kids who just can't gain weight, but obviously that's not the case. This photo shows a Kate who probably would have looked better with 10-20 fewer pounds, but IMO, still looks better than her current beanpole self does.

KM is not, in that photo, as thin as she is now, but she's still thin. It's an awful angle for her thighs and makes her look heavier than in reality, but you can tell that's not the case from her arms and lower legs.

On topic, it will be telling to see Jinger in the Aug 30 special. The camera adds weight, and all that.

  • Love 4

Seriously. She has everything taken from her. Jewelry box. The thread. Hell, even Jinger is the one that gets to drive the bus to Tennessee for the wedding.


Not to body snark, but Jinger is looking sickly thin these days. Does she have health issues? Or is it just from the molestation/cancellation stress?

I wouldn't be surprised if she's distressed about the whole world knowing she was sexually assaulted. Edited by Kokapetl
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Jana being the oldest girl would have some perspective on the Josh molesting incidents whether abused by him or not.  What did she think of the whole thing? No one knows.  Jill and Jessa told the world it was 'nothing really'.  Jana hasn't said anything and it's just strange.  She was in the house, the oldest girl so she must have some kind of insight into the sequence of events - locks on bedroom door, Josh leaving the home...Did JB & Chelle tell her to be careful around Josh?  Is she allowed to tell the world her view of things or are JB and Chelle keeping her quiet?  Do they think that if Jana said something about it it could scare off potential suitors? Does she or do they feel that she is damaged goods now or does she know too much about it?  Jana's silence while her younger sisters talk about it strikes me as odd.  Jill & Jessa are already married and out of the house so why is it safer for them to talk about 'nothing really', but not Jana?

Jellybeans, I totally agree. I'm a very thin female and I get comments all the time, people constantly say everything from "I wish I was so skinny!" to "Just a word of advice--men don't like women who are too bony." and "It's really too bad how you think you have to be anorexic to fit into society's standards, I'm so glad I embrace my curves." I've been left open-mouthed and speechless on plenty of occasions. I'm only saying all that because I want to stress that the OMG SKINNY crap annoys me more than anyone, on a personal level. I really felt compelled to express my alarm when I saw that picture of Jinger, though. I'm not speculating beyond that. I just hope she's okay.

  • Love 9

Jana being the oldest girl would have some perspective on the Josh molesting incidents whether abused by him or not.  What did she think of the whole thing? No one knows.  Jill and Jessa told the world it was 'nothing really'.  Jana hasn't said anything and it's just strange.  She was in the house, the oldest girl so she must have some kind of insight into the sequence of events - locks on bedroom door, Josh leaving the home...Did JB & Chelle tell her to be careful around Josh?  Is she allowed to tell the world her view of things or are JB and Chelle keeping her quiet?  Do they think that if Jana said something about it it could scare off potential suitors? Does she or do they feel that she is damaged goods now or does she know too much about it?  Jana's silence while her younger sisters talk about it strikes me as odd.  Jill & Jessa are already married and out of the house so why is it safer for them to talk about 'nothing really', but not Jana?

I don't think Jana really would have much to say about something that didn't happen to her, she's sort of mute and doesn't seem very insightful as it is anyway.

In their world doesn't that mean you are damaged goods?

They might hold "classic" rape against a woman, but it's unlikely they'd consider someone who was molested as a child "damaged goods". Biblically, they all (including Josh) remained virgins, right? I think her distress would be more about the violations of her privacy, she may now feel naked to the world in a way.
  • Love 1

If JB & Michelle respected their children's privacy they wouldn't have paraded them on a Reality Show for YEARS when they were too young to choose for themselves.  Now they call foul to the whole privacy thing not being respected.


Also - if Josh was the humble regretful molester that he claims to be why would he make a joke while he was courting Anna about Jana & John David being on a 

double date' with him - laugh, laugh,  smile.  How does he think that made Jana feel?  And Anna?  Anna who claims that Josh came clean and she knew everything and he humbled himself.  That joke was not humble, it was proud and thought of it as a joke.  Some kind of molester 'treatment' he received. 


As far as Jana 'feeling naked to the world' now, JB and Michelle are solely responsible for that completely.  

  • Love 8

We have to be careful about labeling girls/women as too thin... my daughter was very slender and she thought iv rude to comment on people's weight when they were heavy OR thin. And she is right...


You and your daughter are right, Jellybeans. It's rude to comment on any physical attribute, generally-speaking. And it's isn't any healthier to be underweight than overweight. But I become concerned about eating disorders or psychological pressures when I see any female go from an average-sized body to a bony, beanpole look.

  • Love 5

As far as Jana 'feeling naked to the world' now, JB and Michelle are solely responsible for that completely.

I was talking about Jinger. And I emphatically disagree. JimBob and Michelle may have violated their children's privacy with a tv show, but they never capitalized and exploited on anything as private or intimate as their children's sexual assaults. A magazine staffed by people with free will of their own did that. It was exploitative like child pornography, if the magazine used pictures of the assaults instead of written descriptions, it would be child pornography.
  • Love 2

I was talking about Jinger. And I emphatically disagree. JimBob and Michelle may have violated their children's privacy with a tv show, but they never capitalized and exploited on anything as private or intimate as their children's sexual assaults. A magazine staffed by people with free will of their own did that. It was exploitative like child pornography, if the magazine used pictures of the assaults instead of written descriptions, it would be child pornography.

I respectfully disagree.  The reports were issued within the scope of the law and had JB and Michelle reported said assaults in a timely manner instead of waiting for Josh to reach adulthood and the  statute of limitations to run out the reports would have been sealed.  I was wondering about how Jana felt about it all.  Also, for Josh to make a joke about incest on the Reality Show some years ago, in front of his future wife, and his sister, is not being respectful of anyone's privacy.


I suppose we can agree to disagree on the rights of the magazine. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.

  • Love 15

Jinger at Michael Bates' reception. You could cut glass with her shoulder. She also has a bad case of lollipop head. I know the Duggars are known for their big heads, but Jinger's has never been one of the super large ones (like, for instance, James). I am really worried for her. 



  • Love 3

Jinger at Michael Bates' reception. You could cut glass with her shoulder. She also has a bad case of lollipop head. I know the Duggars are known for their big heads, but Jinger's has never been one of the super large ones (like, for instance, James). I am really worried for her.


She's also gotten into the habit of standing sideways to the camera to look thinner. Not an encouraging sign.
  • Love 2

Jinger looks thin to me and there is a sadness in her eyes that wasn't there last year.  I think Jessa getting married really was extra hard on her. Then add the molestation issue, the show is cancelled...etc. 


EDit to add, I never comment on anyone's appearance in real life. In this case, I am agreeing that a public figure like Jinger does look thin in her public photo.  I truly hope she is OK. And I mean that.  I feel sorry for her. 


If michelle had this big history of eating disorders...she might want to keep an eye on her daughters.  Or maybe they are...I shouldn't really assume they don't know. 

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 4

That is a strange Jinger picture.  The clothes aren't helping any.  The fullness of her hair might accentuate the size of her head combined with what she is wearing.  She may want to experiment with different hair styles and clothing options.  Hopefully she's not pressured into being too thin but the Duggar philosophy seems to forbid a healthy body image for women.  Just because Gothard likes a woman to look a certain way doesn't mean they shouldn't ignore him unless they're lining up to marry that creepy old man.

  • Love 2

Just to throw this out there, I'm naturally thin but there was a time in my life when I became scary thin through no fault of my own due to thyroid problems. I was also accused of having an eating disorder by many around me. Jinger may have health issues or she may be dieting way too hard, but none of us know, and I hate accusing her of something that may not even be her fault. I know how hard that can be.

  • Love 4

Maybe Jinger is just over-worked at this point now that Jill and Jessa are married, there are a lot of kids to take care of!  Jinger might just be overworked.

Just to throw this out there, I'm naturally thin but there was a time in my life when I became scary thin through no fault of my own due to thyroid problems. I was also accused of having an eating disorder by many around me. Jinger may have health issues or she may be dieting way too hard, but none of us know, and I hate accusing her of something that may not even be her fault. I know how hard that can be.

True she could have a medical problem.  She could also be depressed.  Could be a lot of things.

  • Love 6

Maybe Jinger is just over-worked at this point now that Jill and Jessa are married, there are a lot of kids to take care of!  Jinger might just be overworked.

True she could have a medical problem.  She could also be depressed.  Could be a lot of things.

She has been this thin since before Jilly Muffin left the house. This didn't just happen once Jessa left. 


eta: I didn't see the thyroid post. I currently have hypothyroid (taking same dosage of thyroid that I took when I was hypo...50 lbs. ago). I am currently too damn HOT all the time. Running hot is a classic symptom of hyperthyorid. Jinger ALWAYS wears LONG sleeves. So no, not the thyroid. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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OK I don't think I've commented on appearances before, but this is scary to me.  There is something very wrong.  The body, the head, the expression, the eyes…all of it.  I wonder if crazy Bin has her thinking she is so sinful that her spirit has left her body.

Her proportions are so out of whack it looks like her head was photoshopped on.

It is scary.

  • Love 4

That picture makes me sad for Jinger.

Me too, she doesn't look well and I'm not talking about just her weight. Her face looks like it's sagging and her eyes look like they're trying really hard to appear happy. Even though separation is normal, it seems like Jessa has totally left her in the dust since getting married. You don't see any selfies of them grabbing lunch or coffee, or going on a shopping run the way you do with the married Bates girls and their sisters. She's stuck in the Tinker Toy Prison and wasn't lucky enough to get snag a husband before the molestation scandal broke. She's probably feeling very trapped right now.

  • Love 7

That is a serious case of lollipop head! I agree with whoever said that it looks like her head was Photoshopped on her body.  Maybe it is the way that she is standing or a bad camera angle but that is seriously strange.  Who would look at that photo and then post it on SM?  Do these people not see how strange it looks? 

  • Love 1
Jinger looks thin to me and there is a sadness in her eyes that wasn't there last year.  I think Jessa getting married really was extra hard on her.
Even though separation is normal, it seems like Jessa has totally left her in the dust since getting married. You don't see any selfies of them grabbing lunch or coffee, or going on a shopping run

That has bothered me too; there were 2 or 3 episodes when Jinger acknowledged struggling with her feelings about Jessa getting married and Jessa did nothing to comfort her, just like she did nothing when Jill was crying in the Megan interview. And, yeah, it seems like we'd see selfies of Jessa and Jinger together at least occasionally.

Don't forget they pressured Jana into weight watchers. Michelle did a good job of transferring her food issues onto her daughters.

This has always bothered me, and I was very sad to hear the same had happened to JoyAnna. I am willing to bet that neither one was EVER considered overweight by a chart or a doctor. Gothard likes 'em unhealthily skinny, though. Ugh. It brings to mind one of Gothard's victims who said she was struggling with an eating disorder when he took her aside and whispered seductively in her ear that he had noticed her "discipline of figure." It makes me sick on a few different levels, the creepiness being number one, of course, the horrible message regarding excessive thinness, and finally his pretentious way of giving a cumbersome title to everything. Discipline of figure? Really?


This photo shows a Kate who probably would have looked better with 10-20 fewer pounds, but IMO, still looks better than her current beanpole self does.

Wow, totally disagree. Kate is still average/thin in that photo, just not as stick-like as she is now. 

  • Love 7

We are a weight obsessed society. Even calculated BMIs are so general that they can often send the wrong message. There is a whole range between too thin & too fat. Even sizing has changed. For most of my adult life I never broke 100 lbs, years ago I could never find anything in my size, now 'large' in stores like H & M and Forever 21 are what used to be a medium or small.


I've seen too many photos of what some of you are calling lollipop heads and it is sad.


The fact that the Duggar parents put so much focus on looks, whether it be weight, or effing eye traps pisses me off. They have 4 more girls under Jana, Jinger & Joy, I hope they lighten up by then. 


Edited to add: No eating disorder here, I'm just tiny and weigh 111 lbs currently.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 10

As a former anorexic/exercise bulimic, I can add that many times eating disorders are an attempt at control. Control of something, anything in your chaotic world. 


If Jinger is suffering from an eating disorder (note IF), it may be because her sisters, one by one are leaving, the show's been canceled, and her mother & father are essentially running a jail with no chance for parole unless you get married & start popping out babies. Even then, you are ultimately under JB's arrogant obnoxious thumb. Run Jinger, run....its not a sin to live your life and chase your dreams! RUN

  • Love 12

Just to throw this out there, I'm naturally thin but there was a time in my life when I became scary thin through no fault of my own due to thyroid problems. I was also accused of having an eating disorder by many around me. Jinger may have health issues or she may be dieting way too hard, but none of us know, and I hate accusing her of something that may not even be her fault. I know how hard that can be.

I'd like to point out that anorexia nervosa is, in fact, a medical issue. I've been reading posts expressing concern that Jinger might be suffering with it; I haven't seen any posts blaming her for anything. And with our amazing group of posters and our equally amazing mod team, I don't expect to see anything of the kind. I hope you didn't mean to suggest that girls develop anorexia on purpose, as that would bedoing them a tremendous injustice. And this presumption in general can lead to girls not seeking or getting appropriate medical intervention.

I have no idea if Jinger Duggar has anorexia or not.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 12

Are Josiah and Marjorie still together? I haven't been back here for a while and was wondering why Josiah was listed in the "lonely J" thread now? Also, Zach and Whitney just posted a few pics from the wedding, and Josiah is there with other girls by his side and yet I don't think I see Marjorie in there. I thought weddings were the one approved fundie outing where you could bring your significant other -- since there are so many chaperones; I thought we saw Ben and Jessa going to weddings together before they were even engaged.

Are Josiah and Marjorie still together? I haven't been back here for a while and was wondering why Josiah was listed in the "lonely J" thread now? Also, Zach and Whitney just posted a few pics from the wedding, and Josiah is there with other girls by his side and yet I don't think I see Marjorie in there. I thought weddings were the one approved fundie outing where you could bring your significant other -- since there are so many chaperones; I thought we saw Ben and Jessa going to weddings together before they were even engaged.


Marsiah is no more. There haven't really been sightings since Josh's scandal broke, and they announced the break up a little bit ago.


hope you didn't mean to suggest that girls develop anorexia on purpose, as that would bedoing them a tremendous injustice. And this presumption in general can lead to girls not seeking or getting appropriate medical intervention.

JenCarroll, not to get too off topic, but as someone who has struggled with anorexia myself unfortunately, I was most certainly not suggesting anyone "develops anorexia on purpose".

Edited by emma675d
  • Love 1

None of the Duggar women have needed to lose weight.  The Duggar at-home dieting is troubling because they seem to do everything over-the-top. 


I wonder if they've Duggarfied the Weight Watchers program Michelle and Jana went to. At least Jana had knowledgeable people overseeing her diet <-- I don't think Jana needed go to weight watchers at any time, but she at least learned nutrition and healthy exercise from people who know what they are talking about.   


I hope Jinger is able to take a break to take care of herself - whether she is stressed, in workhorse mode, or something else.

  • Love 2

Agrreing that it seems like Jessa has left poor Jinger in the dust. Just because you get married doesn't mean you don't still hang out with friends/sisters/family etc. I am also surprised there are no Jessa/Jinger pictures. We don't know what's going on in their lives but since they put up pictures of everything, you'd think a few selfies of Jinger and Jessa would pop up. Nope.


I never liked Jinger and Jessa but now that they are apart, I think it was Jessa that was the bitch and Jinger got lumped with her.  Jinger seems pretty friendly and warm. 


I thought of her weight loss as a control issue when she can't control one single thing. I wasn't sure if that was overstepping in analysis...but since others noted it, I noted it too. 

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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