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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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They could call the show "Duggar Tots in Cleveland." And have Betty White introduce each episode as a grandmotherly figure in a revival of her Golden Girls character, Rose.

OMG. Betty White would skewer these people.

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I live in Cleveland, we don't want them either. They'd be lost here, too. Don't know where you heard 'there's almost nothing going on' here, time have changed for the better 'round here.  The Duggars are southerners, not Midwesterners and Cleveland has a lot more diversity than the Duggars would like.  They seem to only want to mix with other white Protestant fundamentalists.  Cleveland is filled with Catholics, Muslims, Hindus and nonreligious types of all races, too.  They Duggars couldn't walk down the streets here without being exposed to people of all races and cultures, not at all 'exactly like their families'.  We've got a few conservative fundies, but not many. And quite a few of those (homeschoolers, no pants on women, no birth control) in these parts are Roman Catholics which would cause the Duggars to head straight to the prayer closet in fear.I'm always amazed that there are still so many New Yorkers who are so unaware of the rest of the country. It's not the wilderness out here in flyover country, you oughta visit sometime and see for yourself.



Oh, goodness, I put that badly! Didn't mean to dis Cleveland -- I was just jokingly comparing cities of Cleveland's size to New York, which would probably be way too much for Duggar offspring and compared to which Cleveland really doesn't have anything going on. (neither does Washington, DC, by the way, although it has been picking up steam over the past few decades, as Cleveland seems to be doing now as well)  As I said -- and obviously should have said it better! -- Cleveland's low-key-nature-compared-to-New-York would still provide lots of new thrills for Duggar kids.  So ... if they really wanted to get away, I think a smaller city, and probably one in the middle of the country somewhere would be best. And since the whole point would be for them to experience a place that's much more diverse than they're used to and that would expose them to new things and different people, Cleveland would be ideal. (Of course, I'm assuming that people who'd like to see somebody Break Duggar sees the kids that try it as having some ability to succeed at it -- not ones who'd be completely terrified by the sight of Muslims or Catholic homeschooling mothers in slacks.)


In fact, I picked Cleveland because I'm at least half a northern Ohioan too. Born in the Cleveland area, lived in the Cleveland area periodically throughout my life and live in the Cleveland area now. As a kid, occasionally going for a drive through the city was my dream come true. I never actually got to go to the art museums or the ethnic restaurants, but I loved even the glimpse of the city from the car window, and I have always had a huge soft spot for Cleveland.


As far as Cleveland not having any of the fundie southern-type conservatism of Arkansas,  I have to disagree with you there, though. Once you've gone 20-plus miles from the city center -- and as you proceed outward -- the mix of people you mention completely turns on its head. The outer suburbs and beyond have lots of fundies and also plenty of homophobia, xenophobia, racism, anti-feminism, religious fervor that casts a jaundiced eye even on the somewhat plentiful Catholic and Jewish neighbors-- all the stuff Duggars are used to. (I know this because that's where I've lived -- and live.) But I'd actually call that another reason why Cleveland or another similar city would be the perfect venue for somebody to Break Duggar -- because when the city got too much for them, it would be short drive to a couple of Walmarts that, except for the lack of southern accents, would feel a lot like home. New York State has its share of those places, too, but they're a much tougher drive from Manhattan.


So -- Sorry I came off as a Cleveland disser. I'm not -- Up with Cleveland!

Edited by Churchhoney
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Oh, they should totally come to NYC.... let us corrupt you, dear sweet Duggars...


Or would the strip in Las Vegas be better for that? 


If it's corruption you're after, I'd vote for the Vegas strip. In New York, they might just be trampled on the sidewalk because they were walking in Duggar time.


But my bias is that if a Duggar or Duggars left I would want them to have a good chance to succeed. To me, that calls for Cleveland or some facsimile thereof. Like Minneapolis or Pittsburgh.

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Oh, they should totally come to NYC.... let us corrupt you, dear sweet Duggars...

Or would the strip in Las Vegas be better for that?

As a fellow New Yorker i banish you to the prayer closet! Don't tell mama (cabaret club) will suffice.

It even has the right name, I'm sure someone like 'siah will get a hoot out of it. I kind of want to take the Duggar boys to hooters now too...

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LOL me thinks they are in a Catholic church somewhere exploring changing their religion they look like confessional booths to me.

I see she has ditched the pants in favor of the Duggar girl favorite of black and white striped skirt.

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I was looking at this last night (originally posted on the duggarfam FB page). I think Marjorie does have a wonky leg/foot. She's 3 for 3 in pictures where we can see it. I can see it looking strange once, but three times? It doesn't seem to hamper her much, or at all. I hope they reveal what happened at some point. 

Those long skirts cover that, though. I thought she looked like she had rickets or something.


My gut reaction to that pic = 1) Marjorie is "ON" at all times. I hope she loves Josiah as much as she loves the attention and validation she gets from a courtship with Josiah, 2) the skirt is covering those legs and 3) Josiah has a "OMG she's getting on my NERVES. HELP! Slow it down, make it STOP! This is all going too fast" scared deer look on his face.

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I saw that picture earlier, and it just made me sad. I thought, fool me once . . .


When Jill and Derick began "courting" there was a lot of excitement on this board. Derick was educated, and a little worldly; he had a good job with a major corporation; and he came from an (apparently) loving home. He was going to expand Jill's world and crack open a hole that might let a little light into the world of all of the Duggar children. People pounced on every little thing: they went to a Broadway show! They eat hummus! They take the kids to college basketball games! The reality is that Jill got pregnant two weeks after the wedding and Derick drank the kool-aide so fast that he was punch-drunk in a couple of months.


No one had a lot of respect for Ben, but as the wedding drew closer, there was a lot of positive chatter. They were going to move to Hot Springs and Guinn would take Jessa under her wing! Ben's got his AA degree, he's going somewhere! Hey, it's been two months and no baby announcement, maybe they are using NFP! Of course none of that happened and Jessa is now married to an unemployed teen-ager and expecting her first baby in a few months.


Now we have Josiah and Marjorie. Everyone seems to like Josiah and have high hopes for him. Marjorie seems like a nice girl, and her parents don't seem like deranged kool-aide drinkers. She wears pants! The reality is, though, that Josiah and Marjorie aren't going to move to NYC and live on love while they attend college and try to break into the theater. Josiah is an uneducated teenager who works for his dad. Marjorie's parents apparently think that their 17 year old daughter is ready to be married. They've only been "courting" a few months and guess who doesn't wear pants anymore (I realize that this is just one photo, but I would be really surprised if we ever saw a photo of her in pants again). How long will it be before she is facing the camera and earnestly telling us that "God has laid it on my heart to purpose to xxxxx."


Honestly, even without the scandal, I don't know if I could take another Duggar "courtship." I am optimistic by nature and I really genuinely hope for each of these kids, and then I am genuinely saddened to discover that they, are in fact, actually the people that they were raised to be.

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I mean, all of these couples are still young, so it's anyones guess about what happens. Maybe they'll all drink the kool-aid when there's only one or two kids to take care of, and TLC money still coming in. But once it gets hard, i see the spouses influencing the Duggar half more.

Maybe 'siah will never live in NYC, but maybe he'll find a happy medium. He especially seems over the whole party line.

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I am optimistic that a few of the kids will take a different path, maybe just slightly different but it is a start.  Marjorie seems to have a lot of respect for her parents so even though she is probably enjoying the attention of being in a Duggar courtship I think she will continue to follow more her parents guidance so I don't see her giving up pants or theater.  


Everyone keeps going on about Derrick drinking the kool aide but I think he is being respectful of his wife's beliefs but he still is tied to his own family and I think he wants his kids to have an education like he had and the fun experience of Pistol Pete too.  Things won't change instantly for any of these couples but they will change, some a lot some just a little. 

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Ok I vote for Cleveland.  I've seen pictures of my grandmother when she lived in Cleveland, and I visited there a few times.  The streets were so clean where I was.  There was a German neighborhood, right next to a polish one, next to an Italian one and so on.  Distinct cultures and everyone got along.  So many sights and sounds and smells.  And fleeting looks at the city from car windows, that was fun and I still have a great longing to explore that city, including the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  So many stories.  The last time I was there for a funeral it was run down and ugly (the old neighborhoods) and the communities were gone.  In their place were the non-working, overpopulating, drug-dealing masses.  That was disappointing.  It will come around again in its own time and they will call it gentrification, when its urban renewal.  Oh well….  Neverthless, I'm in with you for the car trip through the city but this time we get out of the car and explore to our heart's content.

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Oh, they should totally come to NYC.... let us corrupt you, dear sweet Duggars...


Or would the strip in Las Vegas be better for that?

The obvious choice for a city for the Duggars to be forced to live in is NEW ORLEANS. I'd watch a spin-off of the Duggar kids living in the French Quarter in a heartbeat, especially if it had very special episodes where the kids experience Mardi Gras & Southern Decadence (http://www.southerndecadence.net).

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I can't believe I'm the first one to mention that Marjorie is wearing one of those maxi length patterned striped cotton skirts in that latest picture! I think it's all over for her pants wearing days and her college graphic arts classes. :( I think the fact that the Duggars are starting to post on social media again indicates that the storm has passed over and TLC may yet be giving them a chance. At least, a spinoff for the married/courting couples.


They really do remind me of theater kids. I've never been sure about the theories that he's gay -- because there are plenty of straight guys who are into theater and fashion rather than sports and hunting -- but either way, the Gothard world is not the place for guys like Josiah, so I feel bad for him.

Oddly, the Gothard headquarters seems to have more of this male type than the JD type. Just look at the husbands of Anna's sister, Pris and the Bates girls who all have married guys who work or worked at headquarters.
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Maxi skirts are trendy right now, particularly the striped/chevron ones. I don't think seeing her wear one is an automatic death knell for pants.

Oh, you are absolutely right. I own a couple myself, and I love them because they're just as comfortable as sweatpants but I at least tell myself they look more presentable in public. :) I'm just worried that Marjorie will go the way of Zach Bates's wife Whitney, who was "convicted" to stop wearing pants once they started courting.


Oddly, the Gothard headquarters seems to have more of this male type than the JD type. Just look at the husbands of Anna's sister, Pris and the Bates girls who all have married guys who work or worked at headquarters.

Well, you're right. TFDW! There are definitely a number of men at headquarters who don't fit the macho stereotype. I guess in a general sense, I meant that theater or fashion would never be approved Gothard fields, not so much just the personality type.


Would have been too much competition for Bill Gothard if Josh was there.

Sad and true. 

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I've watched a little of the Bates family, and I agree with other posters that they seem likable and especially engaged with their kids. Even the parents are personable. It's hard not to like them.

Doesn't it seem so WEIRD though, that they are more closely "tied" to the Gothard system than the Duggars, yet we "like" them? It seems to me we'd be viewing them as little Gothardite robots. How is it that they have managed to break free and be real people? Maybe I'm only seeing the "family", though, and not the son in laws. Most of the time, I get that creepy radar thing that pings "narcissist" about the top guys. Gil may be a narcissist, but he's a like able one.

I think it's a pretty thin line (and probably significantly overlaps sometimes) between a narcissist and a con man.

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I wish Josiah all the happiness in the world. From what I've seen on the show, he's always come off as caring and decent, a jokester also but that's okay with me!

I don't feel this is a "beard" relationship. While Si doesn't have the rough and tumble most of the other D boys do, he never pinged my gaydar. There's an older Bates boy who does, however! (And I, too, really like the Bateses.)

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I wish Josiah all the happiness in the world. From what I've seen on the show, he's always come off as caring and decent, a jokester also but that's okay with me!

I don't feel this is a "beard" relationship. While Si doesn't have the rough and tumble most of the other D boys do, he never pinged my gaydar. There's an older Bates boy who does, however! (And I, too, really like the Bateses.)

I tend to agree with you, and I'm quite sure it's the same Bates boy I have noticed. I don't get the horrible smug vibe with Josiah, and I also wish him all the best. I have to admit that I have watched the video of him singing with Marjorie a few times. I don't care about the words, but for some reason I find the arrangement moving.

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I wish Josiah all the happiness in the world. From what I've seen on the show, he's always come off as caring and decent, a jokester also but that's okay with me!

I don't feel this is a "beard" relationship. While Si doesn't have the rough and tumble most of the other D boys do, he never pinged my gaydar. There's an older Bates boy who does, however! (And I, too, really like the Bateses.)

I'll admit, I question with Si---but I agree on the Bates' boy, just think, it could be the Duggar-Bates wedding no one was expecting. ;p 

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I can't fathom being bored enough to watch through all of those, so I just clicked on the last Joy/Jana video. Guess it's Joy's turn to wear That Navy and White Maxi Dress. She looks cute. Anyway..........I swear if you flip those girls over I think you could pull a string on their backs that spits out random phrases......."Encourage on our walk......season of life.......godly parents.......purity is importance.......and so........purposing.........modesty........and so.......totally......awesome, neat, amazing.....and so......."


I seriously feel sorry that they truly think and believe they've had some extra special, amazing, better than everyone else upbringing, and that they have these awesome parents, while everyone else is chained under the stairs and beaten. The TLC show has indeed afforded them some really good travel opportunities and fans, which have resulted in some sweet swag, BUT they're also being denied the normalcy of education, independence, thinking, reading, making their own decisions, friends, etc., all while they're being tormented by the threats of hell AND were molested by their own sibling. When that ended, they were still forced to raise their own siblings and are largely ignored by their parents until it's time to parade them for some speaking tour or tv show.


No family is perfect, every family has some sort of problem or issues, but these kids really have been brainwashed to think everyone outside their circle is horrible, terrible, and awful, when their own home is full of horrible, terrible, awful things. 

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No family is perfect, every family has some sort of problem or issues, but these kids really have been brainwashed to think everyone outside their circle is horrible, terrible, and awful, when their own home is full of horrible, terrible, awful things.


Yes.  I really believe Jim Bob thinks he is the "Noah" of the 21st century.  I think he really believes that he and his family are the chosen people, and everyone else in the world are heathens and hell bound, and I think that he's brainwashed his children into believing that as well. 

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The thing is, lots of Fundy families are isolated, kept from being curious, live in fear, are uneducated, have parents with anger management issues, or so involved in "ministry" that they are completely ignored or put on display to be perfect accessories to their parents, not as people in their own right, etc.

But their children don't turn out like the Duggar children. Granted, we are only through about six of them, but that's a considerable number.

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The thing is, lots of Fundy families are isolated, kept from being curious, live in fear, are uneducated, have parents with anger management issues, or so involved in "ministry" that they are completely ignored or put on display to be perfect accessories to their parents, not as people in their own right, etc.

But their children don't turn out like the Duggar children. Granted, we are only through about six of them, but that's a considerable number.


Case in point - the Bateses. To me, the difference between the Duggar and Bates children is night-and-day. There is a lightness, a naturalness and a happiness about the Bates kids that the Duggars have never shown. The Bates kids on camera are just being themselves. Are ALLOWED to be themselves. The Duggars always seem to be performing, saying their lines, spewing company policy etc. I think they get rehearsed constantly. The proper responses for dozens of situations/questions are drilled into them from an early age. For the most part, only the smallest Duggars are ever allowed to say or do anything spontaneous on camera. And even then, those occasions have been somewhat weird. The M kids have been pretty cute in their THs - because they're all still very young - but we have Josie smacking her hands together trying to catch imaginary - or not - insects and then eating them. The difference in the families comes down to the parents. Boob dived headfirst into Gothardism from the get-go and hasn't looked back or questioned any of it since. In fact, in his endless need to compete, he's doubled and re-doubled his efforts. If a little is good, a lot is better. The Bates parents seem to have a sense of balance and reason that Boob and Me-chelle have never displayed.

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Yes. I really believe Jim Bob thinks he is the "Noah" of the 21st century. I think he really believes that he and his family are the chosen people, and everyone else in the world are heathens and hell bound, and I think that he's brainwashed his children into believing that as well.

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Is the oldest little j 'woman/girl' old enough to be the foster parent of her younger sisters? If so, why not have Jana, Jinger and Joy go on a mission to a foreign country with a predominantly Buddhist or Hindu religion. Let TLC follow them, they would be much more interesting than the Dullards. Jill will be useless either pregnant or incorrectly carrying her kid (just snarking)


TLC needs new editors badly. There are a lot of real issues that the J trio could be filmed doing. There must be orphanages that need help and they have a lot of experience.  If they want to stay in the limelight why not shed some on an actual worthy cause, not just hand out lollipops and pat kids on the head.  I just really hope Jana gets separation from her parents before she is locked into wedlock. The married have their special episodes and covers to make some money, but these single gals need to profit and entertain me :)  I would actually watch. Oh and send an all male crew between the ages of 20-30.


C'mon Jana be the one to file those shackles off.

Edited by sometimesy
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It's a tribute to Jana and John David's lack of personalities that they could make Malaysia so boring it became forgettable! :)

I only remember it because I had Malaysia on my mind, I was going to fly a certain airline. I also found it notable that they didn't dare try and convert Muslims, or go to India and try to convert Hindus. There's risk of violence in that. The only people who think any real conversions are done in Guatemala are the Duggars.
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I believe that trip was where they met the Hartonos for the first time. They're from Indonesia, IIRC. 


The only thing I remember from that trip was Jana's refusal to ride an elephant. There was deep mud involved in some way, which was the tipping point for her. JD didn't let her hear the end of that. 

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I can't fathom being bored enough to watch through all of those, so I just clicked on the last Joy/Jana video. Guess it's Joy's turn to wear That Navy and White Maxi Dress. She looks cute. Anyway..........I swear if you flip those girls over I think you could pull a string on their backs that spits out random phrases......."Encourage on our walk......season of life.......godly parents.......purity is importance.......and so........purposing.........modesty........and so.......totally......awesome, neat, amazing.....and so......."


YES!  It could be called the Duggar Crissy doll.  Complete with three maxi striped skirts.  Boob would so approve of the instant growing hair. 

http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/70stoys.html (It is about half way down the page.)

"Talky Crissy Doll

Manufacturer: Ideal

Price: $12.99

Description 17 1/2 inch Talky Crissy Doll with growing hair who says six phrases. Ask her a question, pull her ring, and her answers include "why not?", or she may say "I don't think so", press her and pull her hair it grows and grows, Crissy wears a long elegant robe.

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Yes. I really believe Jim Bob thinks he is the "Noah" of the 21st century. I think he really believes that he and his family are the chosen people, and everyone else in the world are heathens and hell bound, and I think that he's brainwashed his children into believing that as well.


Only think Jim Bob and Noah have in common are they both live with a bunch of wild animals.

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Is the oldest little j 'woman/girl' old enough to be the foster parent of her younger sisters? If so, why not have Jana, Jinger and Joy go on a mission to a foreign country with a predominantly Buddhist or Hindu religion. Let TLC follow them, they would be much more interesting than the Dullards. Jill will be useless either pregnant or incorrectly carrying her kid (just snarking)


TLC needs new editors badly. There are a lot of real issues that the J trio could be filmed doing. There must be orphanages that need help and they have a lot of experience.  If they want to stay in the limelight why not shed some on an actual worthy cause, not just hand out lollipops and pat kids on the head.  I just really hope Jana gets separation from her parents before she is locked into wedlock. The married have their special episodes and covers to make some money, but these single gals need to profit and entertain me :)  I would actually watch. Oh and send an all male crew between the ages of 20-30.


C'mon Jana be the one to file those shackles off.


One of the truest things I've ever read on this forum: "TLC needs new editors badly..." Well, at least 19 Kids needs them - editors and producers. I think the crew of The Little Couple does pretty well over all, but anyone connected with 19 Kids is either pathetically-lacking in skills - or just plain not allowed to do what they know to be better - because of Boob's staggeringly-entitled desire to control.

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Yes. I really believe Jim Bob thinks he is the "Noah" of the 21st century. I think he really believes that he and his family are the chosen people, and everyone else in the world are heathens and hell bound, and I think that he's brainwashed his children into believing that as well.

Interesting how after Noah disembarked the ark, he soon became drunk on 'grape juice' and passed out naked. You never hear that in Sunday school.
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The lights are on but no ones home with Jana,she has zero personality.She only seems capable of that gushing fake conversation,and smiling without using her eyes.


Maybe there have been men who dated her,it was just she was so crashingly dull.

Edited by kandinski
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If you look at Jessa's newest IG video, Jana was let out of coal mines to enjoy a night at the rodeo.

I'm shocked Michelle didn't make Jana take the Littles with her when she went out. Remember how quickly Jill was having five kid sleepovers a week after returning from her honeymoon?

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The lights are on but no ones home with Jana,she has zero personality.She only seems capable of that gushing fake conversation,and smiling without using her eyes.

Maybe there have been men who dated her,it was just she was so crashingly dull.

Can you imagine dating. .. er, courting Jana? I doubt she'd even be able to strike up a conversation about her favorite bible verse.

The only times I've seen her animated was when she went fishing during the time JB thought it would be fun to make his mother do a nature hike in uggs and a skirt, and the time she got to paint over the trees in the girls room.

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Can you imagine dating. .. er, courting Jana? I doubt she'd even be able to strike up a conversation about her favorite bible verse.

The only times I've seen her animated was when she went fishing during the time JB thought it would be fun to make his mother do a nature hike in uggs and a skirt, and the time she got to paint over the trees in the girls room.

Another example of the Duggar parents breaking their children. I remember watching an old episode where Michelle was talking about the kids, and she stated something to the effect of, "Jana is our chatty one, well she used to be, and now she saves that for Mom & Dad".

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I'm pretty sure I've seen all of the Duggar clips and specials that everyone else has, and I just don't see happy, animated Jana. I see a very pleasant young girl who was still very much overshadowed by her two younger sisters.

And yes, Michelle is STILL telling us how wonderful Jana and John David are, but you know, they hide it awfully well behind bland personalities that occasionally are pleasant but are just as likely peevish (Jana) or rather crude (JD). So I don't know.

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And yes, Michelle is STILL telling us how wonderful Jana and John David are, but you know, they hide it awfully well behind bland personalities that occasionally are pleasant but are just as likely peevish (Jana) or rather crude (JD). So I don't know.



When it comes to offspring other than Josh and Josie, though, Michelle may view being bland as synonymous with being wonderful.

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