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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Marjorie seems like a lovely young lady.  Given that she is now courting a Fundie royalty, I am not saying that she should look like Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, but she could have dressed a little better. The dress looks cheap and her shoes are hideous.  She reminds me of Anna before the move to DC. 

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Marjorie seems like a lovely young lady. Given that she is now courting a Fundie royalty, I am not saying that she should look like Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, but she could have dressed a little better. The dress looks cheap and her shoes are hideous. She reminds me of Anna before the move to DC.

I think she looks a thousand times better than Anna did in her "match with mom" polo shirt! I thought she looked lovely and quite put together for a 17 year old. Maybe I'm just glad she wasn't in a denim skirt and flip flops, which is the fundie version of my students' yoga pants and flip flops.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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The dress actually looked homemade to me. Especially the hem along the bottom. She strikes me as someone who hasn't had a lot of negative feedback in her life, and heaven help her, she's about to get a boatload.

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The dress actually looked homemade to me. Especially the hem along the bottom. She strikes me as someone who hasn't had a lot of negative feedback in her life, and heaven help her, she's about to get a boatload.

Interesting. I wonder if maybe the dress was originally just the green color and then the two other panels were added for modesty? And yes, I hope she's got a solid support system. Even Duggar supporters are probably going over her blog, family, dress, and quotes with a fine tooth comb.

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As a fellow Latina, I can already feel the Jackson family's pain if Boob tries to speak to them in some half-assed Spanish, because if that was my case, I'd be the one snarking on the family for being the typical ignorant Americans, especially if one of them (most likely the head idiot) says something about how they never would've guessed that I was Mexican because I don't have the typical "Latin look." Although the one bright spot if I was to be in a relationship with one of the Duggars would be teaching my future children to talk about their grandparents in Spanish, and simultaneously giving them coronaries when I insist that my few offspring will all have Latino first names. I know I'm evil, but apparently I'm in the right forum for that.

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As a fellow Latina, I can already feel the Jackson family's pain if Boob tries to speak to them in some half-assed Spanish, because if that was my case, I'd be the one snarking on the family for being the typical ignorant Americans, especially if one of them (most likely the head idiot) says something about how they never would've guessed that I was Mexican because I don't have the typical "Latin look." Although the one bright spot if I was to be in a relationship with one of the Duggars would be teaching my future children to talk about their grandparents in Spanish, and simultaneously giving them coronaries when I insist that my few offspring will all have Latino first names. I know I'm evil, but apparently I'm in the right forum for that.

Right in that boat with you. Hello, fellow Mexican! I  hope little Carlos/Concha/Juan/Maria etc. Duggar will have the best in life.


Can't you just see JB and the kids turning up their noses at the spicy food and acting like they've been served slop? And I know it can often be a subtle nuance, but I hope they respect that there are many Latin American countries and the types of things that are popular in one (i.e., food) aren't used as much in another. I'm still not completely clear as to whether Marjorie's mother is Guatemalan or not.


Josiah has always struck me as gentle and respectful. I can see him being like Jill and willing to try all the non-American fare he can.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Josiah has always struck me as gentle and respectful. 

Me too.  Which is why I suspected, like many others, that he was forced into ALERT for a year as a form of conversion or reparative therapy.  Of course kindness and a gentle nature doesn't make one gay, but in the Duggar eyes, it does.


Remember how he ran off upset during the Jubilee pregnancy announcement.

Edited by CofCinci
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I think Josiah is a good person. Full stop.

And yeah, Masish is more snark than I'm personally comfortable with. Mariah is good fun.

Earl grey - interesting call on a modesty panel. I'm thinking maybe so, especially on the light brown final layer. Especially since she added the light brown scarf around her neck.

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I just remembered that date at Cracker Barrel that Jill and Derick had a few weeks ago. The poster said that the witness thought they were with a Duggar sister who was courting, but couldn't name her. I wondered, how does this person know they are courting (maybe they were being filmed)? 


Now we know. It was Josiah and Marjorie. 

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The dress actually looked homemade to me. Especially the hem along the bottom. She strikes me as someone who hasn't had a lot of negative feedback in her life, and heaven help her, she's about to get a boatload.


I feel for her. No 17 year old kid should have the kind of negative feedback she's about to get. That's a tough age to be put in a position where you will be judged for everything you do and there will be no way to do anything right in the opinion of those judging. I know people will say she's asking for it because she's courting a Duggar but we have no real reason to think she's interested in him because he's famous or a Duggar or that she's a fame monger. 


BTW - GEML - I meant to comment earlier. I am super jealous of you getting to live in Texas. I'd love to live there someday but I don't see it happening. *sigh*

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I think she's a bright, vivacious 17 year old who has been genuinely encourage her whole life, and who probably thinks most people are good people. I read one place that she loved talking to strangers. How completely different from the Duggars, who barely look up in public, from what I understand, although they are extremely polite and always make sure to speak to you when someone does approach them.

And she's about to get millions of strangers criticizing her. Even fans who want to like her. I can't help but feel, like some others have posted, that we are in for some good old "holas" from Jim Bob and company, if the way they treated Ben was any precedent. And I hate to think about that. No 17 year old asks for all that. She's a girl who is in love with a boy she knows.

(And I'm only in Tx another week before we move to Ireland!)

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One of the older Bates boys is very effeminate. Of course that doesn't mean he's gay, but he certainly has the whole TFDW thing going on.

Wish I knew what 'gaydar' is.  I obviously don't possess it because I don't see anything unusual in any of the Bates boys or Josiah.  Don't really care about their sexual orientation anyway.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
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I'm already cringing thinking about all of the criticism poor Marjorie is in for. I can't imagine going through that now, much less at 17. She seems like a lovely young girl to me, and I hope she and Siah make each other happy. As far as knowing what she's getting in to goes, all the girl did was fall in love. Josiah has been on this show since he was 7ish, through no choice of his own, so this scrutiny isn't his fault either.

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I'm already cringing thinking about all of the criticism poor Marjorie is in for. I can't imagine going through that now, much less at 17. She seems like a lovely young girl to me, and I hope she and Siah make each other happy. As far as knowing what she's getting in to goes, all the girl did was fall in love. Josiah has been on this show since he was 7ish, through no choice of his own, so this scrutiny isn't his fault either.

Agreed.  I really hope she has a good support system. People are saying that she's so young and that she shouldn't be getting married, but I don't think that will detract the negative comments that are about to come her way about how she looks, speaks, behaves, or even stands (?!).  I hope people are nicer to her than they are to the Duggars--like you said, all she did was fall in love with a boy whose parents put him on tv.  She definitely doesn't deserve the scrutiny she's about to get. Can she even sign a contract to be on tv/in People or would her parents have to sign for her?

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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I think she's a bright, vivacious 17 year old who has been genuinely encourage her whole life, and who probably thinks most people are good people. I read one place that she loved talking to strangers. How completely different from the Duggars, who barely look up in public, from what I understand, although they are extremely polite and always make sure to speak to you when someone does approach them.

And she's about to get millions of strangers criticizing her. Even fans who want to like her. I can't help but feel, like some others have posted, that we are in for some good old "holas" from Jim Bob and company, if the way they treated Ben was any precedent. And I hate to think about that. No 17 year old asks for all that. She's a girl who is in love with a boy she knows.

(And I'm only in Tx another week before we move to Ireland!)


Now I'm jealous - Ireland! That's where I'd love to live - for a while at least...

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You are all welcome to come and visit! And I will be relying on all of you for updates, since I only have two episodes left. I won't get to see Michelle tell us all about her own pregnancies on the special about Isaiah, and I'll miss the Josish courting completely!!!

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Marjorie appears at around 3:25. Ironically, the episode is called "Duggars Fly the Coop."


FFS, isn't it bad enough that they have to raise their siblings, but they have to go out & babysit OTHER kids too? I certainly hope they got paid.

I don't recognize the boy Duggars as well as the girls, but I like what I've seen of Josiah. He seems intelligent & quirky. It's a shame he isn't going to college, but maybe this girl & her family will be a good influence on him.

As far as "gaydar", well mine goes off strongly whenever I see Ryan Reynolds & he's been married twice & has a baby, so maybe it's not always accurate!

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Very surprised that Josiah is the next to be courting..I was rooting for Jana. Marjories mom is very pretty, and are those pants I see her wearing?! wonder how that will fly with the Duggars. Marjorie seems like she has a good head on her shoulders. Maybe her and Josiah will set their own standards and not have children right away or even alot of them.

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Agreed.  I really hope she has a good support system. People are saying that she's so young and that she shouldn't be getting married, but I don't think that will detract the negative comments that are about to come her way about how she looks, speaks, behaves, or even stands (?!).  I hope people are nicer to her than they are to the Duggars--like you said, all she did was fall in love with a boy whose parents put him on tv.  She definitely doesn't deserve the scrutiny she's about to get. Can she even sign a contract to be on tv/in People or would her parents have to sign for her?

She is 17 with a (her first real) crush on a guy. I'm not ready to call that "love."

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I was very much in love at 17. Not to the man I married, but it was very real. And although we never did more than an occasional frontal hug once or twice, I had definitely given given pieces of my heart away. I didn't set out to court, and would have been scornful of boundaries I hadn't set myself, but my boundaries were pretty tight. And they didn't protect me emotionally at all.

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She is 17 with a (her first real) crush on a guy. I'm not ready to call that "love."

I can't speak for Marjorie, but I met my husband when I was 17 and he was 18.  We got married a month before my 21st birthday and will celebrate our 35th anniversary this summer.  Granted, we both graduated with associate's degrees and had decent jobs, we were engaged for a whole year, and we didn't have our first child until we were married for 8 years, but I did in fact fall in love at 17. Of course, we spent lots of time together without chaperones, we really got to know each other, and we didn't save our first kiss for our wedding day, so our "courtship" was very different from the happy couple's.

Edited by 3 is enough
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Eh, maybe they just want to have some place of their own to stay during the many times they come to visit.

Maybe with Joshie's Hi-Profile DC Lifestyle and M4 in the oven, the Smuggers feel they've outgrown Boob's shed, I mean guesthouse.

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One of my boys and his wife fell hard for eachother when they were 14 and 15. Married in their mid 20's, and thirty years later they are still crazy about each other and have two wonderful sons.


I don't get gay with Si, more that he has seen life outside of BF AR. and is going for metrosexual. I like the kid, hope he is genuinely happy, and hope that they say screw courting and date for several years. Maybe Marjorie's family can throw a bed in a shed for him.

Just another thought; maybe this news was thrown out there ahead of tonight's episode because the VSA is that Jessa is pregnant. Hope not.

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Marjorie's mom looks awfully young. I sure hope that MEChelle doesn't attack her at the engagement announcement with just think in a year you'll be a GRANDMA. Yikes!

Yeah, but how cool would it be for Marjorie's mom to respond with something like, "I know! I'm so young to be a grandma. Maybe Marjorie and I will be expecting together!"

Michelle's empty ovaries would explode out of her body!

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Must be AR State Senator Jon Woods. I noticed that he's the only non-family member that Josiah follows on twitter. Yeah, those Duggars are enamored with politics, are they not? Interesting that Josiah has taken an interest there.

No, no, no. Stay away from politics, Josiah! You seem like one of the likable Duggars and taking after Josh is not the way to go. 

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Yeah, but how cool would it be for Marjorie's mom to respond with something like, "I know! I'm so young to be a grandma. Maybe Marjorie and I will be expecting together!"

Michelle's empty ovaries would explode out of her body!

That would be the single greatest moment of this show ever. I don't want to have unrealistic expectations of Marjorie or her family, it's not fair that they should have to carry my hopes and dreams, but if we could get some more shade thrown at Jchelle every now and then, that would be really precious.

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Interesting. I wonder if maybe the dress was originally just the green color and then the two other panels were added for modesty? And yes, I hope she's got a solid support system. Even Duggar supporters are probably going over her blog, family, dress, and quotes with a fine tooth comb.

That is what it looks like to me, a Duggar add on job. On the first page of comments, I said the bottom looks like Spanx scraps.    It also looks like she has part of an old drapery around her neck.   Fundie Fashion for sure.

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I guess the urge to use your phone as a portable porn box magically disappears when you're courting.

I don't see how. The courting couples we've seen so far act like the most platonic friends ever. Siah won't get to hold her hand until they get engaged.

That is what it looks like to me, a Duggar add on job. On the first page of comments, I said the bottom looks like Spanx scraps. It also looks like she has part of an old drapery around her neck. Fundie Fashion for sure.

I think that was an infinity scarf, the same color as the bottom of her dress. I might be in the minority, but I think she looks cute. It definitely looks like something I would have picked as a teen.

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I think she's a bright, vivacious 17 year old who has been genuinely encourage her whole life, and who probably thinks most people are good people. I read one place that she loved talking to strangers. How completely different from the Duggars, who barely look up in public, from what I understand, although they are extremely polite and always make sure to speak to you when someone does approach them.

And she's about to get millions of strangers criticizing her. Even fans who want to like her. I can't help but feel, like some others have posted, that we are in for some good old "holas" from Jim Bob and company, if the way they treated Ben was any precedent. And I hate to think about that. No 17 year old asks for all that. She's a girl who is in love with a boy she knows.

(And I'm only in Tx another week before we move to Ireland!)


Ireland sounds pretty awesome too!! I thought you had said Ireland but then you mentioned you'd be in Texas so I figured plans had changed. I know you aren't military but you wouldn't have been the first DC family to think they were moving one place and end up somewhere else. :-)


As far as Marjorie, it's too bad more 17 year olds haven't been genuinely encouraged their whole life and think most people are good people. I hope she and Josiah are very happy. 

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I don't see how. The courting couples we've seen so far act like the most platonic friends ever. Siah won't get to hold her hand until they get engaged.

I think that was an infinity scarf, the same color as the bottom of her dress. I might be in the minority, but I think she looks cute. It definitely looks like something I would have picked as a teen.

The vase just finished the outfit so well !

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If someone was going to hold hands, surely Josiah would be the one. He comes off as a warm genuine person, I think that could easily lead to some physical affection within the courtship stage. Hope they have the opportunity to develop a normal relationship, and not pressured to establish rules that they will be monitored on for years.

I was optimistic when I saw Jessa refer to Marjorie as Josiah's girlfriend on Twitter. Refreshing word which I don't think I've heard in Duggar land before, hoping it indicates a more progressive type of courtship.

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I think this is a good Match for Josiah.Dating a person from a background that values education will hopefully encourage him to follow his dreams- whatever they are. Also- He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would want to lord over his wife and force her to pump out kid after kid, 

What a miserable existence.


And seeing that she didn't grow up in chaos or raising a ton of her siblings, she KNOWS what a "normal" childhood  should look like Providing she doesn't have a narcissistic personality and pregnancy addiction like Michelle, I think she will put the brakes on and not feel conflicted about it.



Its a good sign she only have 4 other siblings, even if they got a late start

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I was optimistic when I saw Jessa refer to Marjorie as Josiah's girlfriend on Twitter. Refreshing word which I don't think I've heard in Duggar land before, hoping it indicates a more progressive type of courtship.

They've used the "boyfriend/girlfriend" terminology before with Jessa/Ben.

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Do we know for sure that both kids don't want lots of kids?

I think it's more of an assumption, based on what we know about Josiah. He seems to be one of the most disenchanted Duggarlings. He was all about the life when he was younger (like Josh and Jill) but as he has grown up, he seems more quiet and thoughtful. He was visibly upset when Mullet announced a pregnancy, because he was old enough to know that it was a threat to her health and life. He doesn't seem to get along well with Jim Bob LookHowManyKidsIHave Duggar, and I have to wonder how much he blames him.

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I think this is a good Match for Josiah.Dating a person from a background that values education will hopefully encourage him to follow his dreams- whatever they are. Also- He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would want to lord over his wife and force her to pump out kid after kid, 

What a miserable existence.


And seeing that she didn't grow up in chaos or raising a ton of her siblings, she KNOWS what a "normal" childhood  should look like Providing she doesn't have a narcissistic personality and pregnancy addiction like Michelle, I think she will put the brakes on and not feel conflicted about it.



Its a good sign she only have 4 other siblings, even if they got a late start

Makes me question why on earth her family would want anything to do with the Duggars.        

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I don't see how. The courting couples we've seen so far act like the most platonic friends ever. Siah won't get to hold her hand until they get engaged.

If someone was going to hold hands, surely Josiah would be the one. He comes off as a warm genuine person, I think that could easily lead to some physical affection within the courtship stage. Hope they have the opportunity to develop a normal relationship, and not pressured to establish rules that they will be monitored on for years.

I hope Mariah will finally be the ones to determine their own courtship and engagement guidelines. JB and Michelle have said many times that it's up to the couple, yet we've seen them flip out when Jill and Jessa have had their minor slips. I hope Josiah will say, "Mom and Dad, God has laid it on our hearts to hold hands during courtship, and front hug and share a quick kiss or two during engagement (hey, Pastor Binjermin said that was OK)."
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I've always liked Josiah because he breaks the mold.  I always thought he was spending so much time in that training thing because of just that - he's not one who toes the line and re-hashes the family soundbytes.  So I'm happy to see he's found someone who also breaks the Duggar mold.


I've also never thought he was gay, but rather metrosexual, as someone else mentioned.  I have pretty good 'dar, and it doesn't ping with him - not like it does with David Waller.  I don't believe we'll see Josiah on his wedding day running around, giggling, and singing "I kissed a girl!!" in a high pitched voice.


I've known some feminine guys over the years, and in every case, it was because they were close to or predominantly raised by a woman.  With him being raised by his sisters, this would make sense.  There was another show that I commented on (it's not on anymore), and so many people were criticizing a Fundy Lite couple on the show.  He, like Josiah, was a little feminine, and into skinny jeans, and writing Christian love songs and playing his guitar.  People were all over this guy and saying that he was only marrying the girl to quash rumors of him being gay.  Then a few episodes later, it came out that this guy's dad was a raging asshole, and he was much closer to his mother, as his father didn't really want to be bothered - he felt the son was a disappointment.  My husband and I work with a social program where we mentor at-risk kids.  We had one who was being raised by his doting and overprotective mother after his father died (the boy was an infant when he lost his father so he never knew him).  This boy had no male influences in his life at all, and he was very feminine, and was at an age where kids were calling him nasty names.  I don't believe the boy (who is now a teenager - we don't work with him anymore but see him occasionally at the store, etc) is gay, but it's just his circumstances.


And for the record - there's nothing wrong with being gay at all.  I've left 2 churches over the years because of their attitude toward LGBT people.  I just don't get that vibe with Josiah. 



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Makes me question why on earth her family would want anything to do with the Duggars.        


I hope that they love Siah and by allowing them to court they can bring him into their family more/ help him break free. Maybe all this time in spanish lessons they've been discussing a plan for him to break free from the duggars? And now that hes finally back from Alert its their chance. 


One can only hope!!!! The fact that the dad has one foot still in regular society as a graphic designer gives me hope. No rational person would want their 17 yo daughter married, nonetheless married to a guy with limited education and no real world experience. Perhaps they are banking on a 5+ year courtship but want to help Josiah in the meantime. God knows he would need a lot of support leaving that freakish Duggar mess.

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I'm afraid I think they will be married with a year or so. Unlike Jessa and Ben, they actually know each other - this isn't someone who pursued her from afar. I think the family came into the Duggar orbit, but hasn't, perhaps, the Gothard orbit, so there is that. The Seewalds were clearly impressed with the Duggars. I have a feeling the Jackson's are too. I'm not expecting a terribly long time, but maybe, just maybe, no one but Michelle is dying to be a grandma.

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The Seewalds were clearly impressed with the Duggars. I have a feeling the Jackson's are too.

I just don't get it. I know the Duggars are famous, but they're such goobers.


Okay, that's not true, rationally I do get it. Fame is a powerful lure and I suppose gooberness isn't as much of an issue for Gothardites. But... I mean... it's just... those hairstyles! That fashion! Per-pen-DICK-ular! Tater tot casserole!


Clearly I have my priorities straight.... 

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