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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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42 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Jason is that kid whose picture is above? How the hell do Duggar males, except Jim Bob, manage to look so much older than their age? Is Jim Bob sprinkling some potion in their tater tot casserole? 

I'm still going with my thought every time I see Jim Bob - it's a toupee.  Underneath he's got like 4 hairs like Homer Simpson.

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Jason does look like a gnome. I can't unsee it now. 


I think the next Duggar to court will be Sinner Twin. He's kind of an anomaly among the Duggar sons. Perhaps he is the one who is spiking the Tater Tot Casserole with aging potion.


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I do not think I have ever seen him before in my life. But then again, some of them all just blend together and I could not identify them in a lineup if my life depended on it.

On 3/28/2018 at 6:48 PM, ginger90 said:

Sturdy stock.

I'll walk myself to the prayer closet ...

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On 3/31/2018 at 10:51 AM, Nysha said:


The big difference between my cousins & the Duggar children is that my cousins were pretty much kicked out of the house at 18 and had to sink or swim on their own.


That's one reason I put the TeeVee show right up there among the worst things that have ever happened to the Duggarlings. Not that JB and M would have wanted to see them leave the jail nest at any point.

But if money were tighter and hanging around the fam didn't get you some TeeVee perks and some stupid TeeVee "fame" and a delusion dream that you might get to suck on the TLC teat forever, I expect that at least a few of them would be skedaddling in their late teens or 20s.

The argument I often see about the Duggars not leaving the compound of adjacency is that they have nowhere to go. But plenty of people leave homes with nowhere or next-to-nowhere to go. It's a calculation about whether home or the unknown will be more bearable. And I think TLC's presence tilts things much too far in Duggardom's direction. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 4/1/2018 at 1:35 PM, Churchhoney said:

That's one reason I put the TeeVee show right up there among the worst things that have ever happened to the Duggarlings. Not that JB and M would have wanted to see them leave the jail nest at any point.

But if money were tighter and hanging around the fam didn't get you some TeeVee perks and some stupid TeeVee "fame" and a delusion dream that you might get to suck on the TLC teat forever, I expect that at least a few of them would be skedaddling in their late teens or 20s.

The argument I often see about the Duggars not leaving the compound of adjacency is that they have nowhere to go. But plenty of people leave homes with nowhere or next-to-nowhere to go. It's a calculation about whether home or the unknown will be more bearable. And I think TLC's presence tilts things much too far in Duggardom's direction. 

So true. If they were fighting over the last tater-tot or waiting in line to poop, the over 18s would find a way. At least the male over 18s, as females aren't allowed to leave without a headship.

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On 01/04/2018 at 10:40 PM, madpsych78 said:

I think the next Duggar to court will be Sinner Twin. He's kind of an anomaly among the Duggar sons. Perhaps he is the one who is spiking the Tater Tot Casserole with aging potion.


He doesn’t believe in abortion or brushing his teeth. 

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On 4/1/2018 at 10:40 AM, madpsych78 said:

Jason does look like a gnome. I can't unsee it now. 


I think the next Duggar to court will be Sinner Twin. He's kind of an anomaly among the Duggar sons. Perhaps he is the one who is spiking the Tater Tot Casserole with aging potion.


There is a blurb on Lily & Ellie's site about the Wissman family. They are a larger musical family & are friends of the Duggars.  Some of the older daughters are starting their own advice blog.  I wonder if there will be courtship bells in the future with a Wissman daughter & Duggar son.  It  seems out of the blue to be showcasing this family, besides giving the girls a shoutout on their new blog. I'm thinking they want fans to get familiar with these "close family friends of the Duggars" so if or when a courtship arises, we know who they are. I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

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On 3/28/2018 at 7:58 PM, Booey said:

That's the one! I think it's the hairline and facial hair. So creepy...

It's his eyes and voice, to me. He's kind of scarily Josh-like. I hope it only extends to looks.

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So sad for these boys.  The odds are that some of them are going to resemble Josh- the are brothers after all. That can't be helped, and it is not their fault, but because Josh is such a vile human being, people look at them and get bad vibes.  Looks like they all are paying the price for Josh's sins...

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On 4/1/2018 at 1:35 PM, Churchhoney said:

That's one reason I put the TeeVee show right up there among the worst things that have ever happened to the Duggarlings. Not that JB and M would have wanted to see them leave the jail nest at any point.

Not necessarily.  Remember Michelle's "cleave and leave, baby!  Cleave and leave!" interview right before Josh got married?  Or maybe they just wanted Josh out of the house, in retrospect.

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On 4/4/2018 at 11:15 AM, Kokapetl said:

He doesn’t believe in abortion or brushing his teeth. 

Awww....he's just a few Crest White Strips and a regimen of Proactiv from being a Bates boy. (And maybe a few highlights.)

He better grab himself a Fundy girl quickly before he Joshes out.

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1 hour ago, Lemur said:

Not necessarily.  Remember Michelle's "cleave and leave, baby!  Cleave and leave!" interview right before Josh got married?  Or maybe they just wanted Josh out of the house, in retrospect.

Leave and cleave (which we all know was a lie because Smuggar didn't really leave; he was still living on Jim Bob and Grandma's dime, just in a different location). 

I don't think Jim Bob ever liked Smuggar, possibly because Smuggar was a rival for Mullet's affections, because he's an embarrassment and a threat to the family, maybe just because Smuggar is a lazy slob who lacks the impressive work ethic Jim Bob had when he was starting out. Jim Bob was in a hurry to marry Smuggar off. No other Duggar boy has been married off so young. If Marjorie hadn't come to her senses, Josiah might have been the second, but I'll argue that Josiah might also be an embarrassment to Jim Bob. 

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Jim Bob slob married Smuggar off quickly due to the fact he was probably worried Smuggar was up to no good aka porn and trying to hook up with ladies to have sex. He thought he could "cure" Smuggly Do Rite of his bad behavior by marrying him off so he could get his needs taken care of. It back fired on him big time because Smuggly Ugly still had his "needs" in trying to hook up with certain types of women and look at porn. Instead of getting him the help me needed, he thought he could find some girl to satisfied Josh. The interesting thing in all of this is the fact JB married off the son who molested four of daughters more than once, and then married off the daughters who were molested. I guess it easier to married the molester and the victims instead of admitting he did not get the help his son and daughters obviously needed, and then cry fowl when the nasty dirty secret came out.

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On 4/6/2018 at 1:56 PM, bigskygirl said:

Jim Bob slob married Smuggar off quickly due to the fact he was probably worried Smuggar was up to no good aka porn and trying to hook up with ladies to have sex. He thought he could "cure" Smuggly Do Rite of his bad behavior by marrying him off so he could get his needs taken care of. It back fired on him big time because Smuggly Ugly still had his "needs" in trying to hook up with certain types of women and look at porn. Instead of getting him the help me needed, he thought he could find some girl to satisfied Josh. The interesting thing in all of this is the fact JB married off the son who molested four of daughters more than once, and then married off the daughters who were molested. I guess it easier to married the molester and the victims instead of admitting he did not get the help his son and daughters obviously needed, and then cry fowl when the nasty dirty secret came out.

Yes even before the molestations were revealed and I thought they were just foul rumors twisted from a CONSTENTUAL encounter Josh had with another fundy girl, I said JB married Josh off because he was afraid he would embarrass the family brand and a girl would show up with a Duggar grandbaby in arms. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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28 minutes ago, kaleidoscope said:

Even though it is from InTouch, it's fun to read:


Wouldn't it be wonderful if even part of it is true?!

Not buying it because JD does not get to do what he wants to do because JB has to approve what his children do aka careers. Throw in the fact JB owns the planes JD flies around and probably pays for the upkeep, fuel and other expenses, and JD probably is only allowed to fly certain people around. He did not mind JB buying him the planes he gets to use or help him with his other "careers"

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31 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Not buying it because JD does not get to do what he wants to do because JB has to approve what his children do aka careers. Throw in the fact JB owns the planes JD flies around and probably pays for the upkeep, fuel and other expenses, and JD probably is only allowed to fly certain people around. He did not mind JB buying him the planes he gets to use or help him with his other "careers"

I think the extent of JD's ability to control the situation is that he (allegedly) may not live at home and is not courting. JB may allow that level of freedom as a tradeoff for JD not exploding about Josh, since it seems clear anytime the subject arises that JD has serious anger issues around Josh. 

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I think JD may not like the fact he is being paraded around as the number one good son, or he is feeling the pressure to get married and start producing more grandchildren. He probably has taken a good long hard look at his married or soon to be married brother(s) and brothers-in-law, and he does not want to do down the courting or married life road especially when he looks at Josh and Derelict. He may envy Jeremy a little, but I do not think he is close to Jeremy at all.

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1 hour ago, questionfear said:

I think the extent of JD's ability to control the situation is that he (allegedly) may not live at home and is not courting. JB may allow that level of freedom as a tradeoff for JD not exploding about Josh, since it seems clear anytime the subject arises that JD has serious anger issues around Josh. 

I think JD does too. Josh was the exhalted first born son who can do no wrong while JD and his twin (Jana)had to work like mules to keep the family afloat. Also Josh hurt his sisters- I can see JD being very angry about that (Joe would be as well but I think Joe may have been too little at the time to know exactly what was going on, if Joy-Anna was 5 he was 8). 

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1 hour ago, Vaysh said:

"There are things that Jim Bob does that John doesn't think are right," the source added. "Some of his real estate transactions, some of the equipment that he buys — a lot of this stuff, Jim Bob doesn't really need, but he thinks he does."

This is what makes me believe that the article has at least a grain of truth to it. It's not the first time that JB's irresponsible and stupid spending habits have been pointed out by "insiders" and while those sources obviously should be taken with heaping handfuls of salt, what we know about Boob in real life sure fits the bill; the man is the epitome of penny-wise and pound foolish. We know he's a grifting cheapskate (even Michelle said, on camera, that he's so tight that he squeaks when he walks) but we also know that he spends huge amounts of money on stupid things (like political campaigns he has no chance of winning, several planes only used for schlepping his family and friends around, etc). We also know he's got hoarding tendencies (that warehouse, those kids...). He seems like the type of person who is always looking for a great deal but is too stupid to tell a good deal from a bad one. He thinks he's a great businessman while in actuality he's a second-rate and shady one who occasionally lucks out but mostly gets stuck with a warehouse full of used chairs and vehicles that cost more to repair than to buy.


"Meanwhile Jim Bob hates that he's losing control over his son. "[John David] is old enough now that he can pick and choose what he wants to do, and that just kills Jim Bob,"

And THIS. Boob is an insecure control freak, we all know it.

JD should not be complaining about the planes since he is the one who gets to fly his family and friends around because daddy is paying for it. Plus the fact JD is not allowed to pick and choose what he wants to do because daddy has to approve of what career he can do. Anything he does has to benefit his family and of course JB. Maybe this is why he is angry because he is under JB's thumb.

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Of all the kids, I feel the least sorry for John David. If he's feeling resentful or put upon, he can leave. He has a GED, he has a work history, he has a pilot's license, while he wouldn't get a job at an airlines, he could probably find something within his wheelhouse that he likes and will support him. Unlike Josh, he doesn't have a wife and a horde of small children dependent on him or a reputation as a pervert. Unlike his sisters, he has been raised that he is expected to work and to "leave & cleave". If he is staying with JB, it's because either he wants to be there or he's too lazy to put in the effort to leave.

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3 hours ago, Vaysh said:

"There are things that Jim Bob does that John doesn't think are right," the source added. "Some of his real estate transactions, some of the equipment that he buys — a lot of this stuff, Jim Bob doesn't really need, but he thinks he does."

This is what makes me believe that the article has at least a grain of truth to it. It's not the first time that JB's irresponsible and stupid spending habits have been pointed out by "insiders" and while those sources obviously should be taken with heaping handfuls of salt, what we know about Boob in real life sure fits the bill; the man is the epitome of penny-wise and pound foolish. We know he's a grifting cheapskate (even Michelle said, on camera, that he's so tight that he squeaks when he walks) but we also know that he spends huge amounts of money on stupid things (like political campaigns he has no chance of winning, several planes only used for schlepping his family and friends around, etc). We also know he's got hoarding tendencies (that warehouse, those kids...). He seems like the type of person who is always looking for a great deal but is too stupid to tell a good deal from a bad one. He thinks he's a great businessman while in actuality he's a second-rate and shady one who occasionally lucks out but mostly gets stuck with a warehouse full of used chairs and vehicles that cost more to repair than to buy.


"Meanwhile Jim Bob hates that he's losing control over his son. "[John David] is old enough now that he can pick and choose what he wants to do, and that just kills Jim Bob,"

And THIS. Boob is an insecure control freak, we all know it.

What struck me when they showed that warehouse was yes you have a lot of stuff in case you need it but its all put in there so haphazardly many things are probably no longer useful.  It also showcased their laziness.  A camp stove that still had its fuel in it but was stored in a fire trap??  Didn't they also have JimBoob's OLD underpants in there?  They seem to buy and keep shitty stuff just in case.

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23 minutes ago, Nysha said:

Of all the kids, I feel the least sorry for John David. If he's feeling resentful or put upon, he can leave. He has a GED, he has a work history, he has a pilot's license, while he wouldn't get a job at an airlines, he could probably find something within his wheelhouse that he likes and will support him. Unlike Josh, he doesn't have a wife and a horde of small children dependent on him or a reputation as a pervert. Unlike his sisters, he has been raised that he is expected to work and to "leave & cleave". If he is staying with JB, it's because either he wants to be there or he's too lazy to put in the effort to leave.

Maybe he is waiting for JB to kick the bucket? Heading to the Prayer Closet.

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

JD should not be complaining about the planes since he is the one who gets to fly his family and friends around because daddy is paying for it. Plus the fact JD is not allowed to pick and choose what he wants to do because daddy has to approve of what career he can do. Anything he does has to benefit his family and of course JB. Maybe this is why he is angry because he is under JB's thumb.

To be fair no one has mentioned anything about JD complaining about planes, the articles were about other things like Boob buying a truck for a "bargain" and then having to spend almost twice the amount on repairs. One doesn't have to disapprove of everything in order to find certain things wasteful and stupid to buy. If the Duggars are set up as a family company where income is shared and everyone is dependent on the success of said company then it makes sense for anyone, not just JD, to be annoyed if the patriarch decides to squander away the money on bad deals.

Perhaps JD is starting to feel like he can in fact pick and choose what he wants to do and that is the reason why Jim Bob is allegedly upset, according to the article - he's losing control.

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Imo, JD cannot pick and choose what he wants to do because JB owns the planes and pays the expenses for his flying. He does thing his father and the Gothard movement wants him to do. Now if he told JB he wants to expand his flying to others outside his family and fundie world, apply for construction jobs with a regular construction company, or wants to apply for a full time law enforcement job instead of being the fundie version of a Barney Fife volunteer constable, then I would be impressed, but I do not see it happening any time soon.

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41 minutes ago, Heathen said:

I think you underestimate the power of emotional abuse and manipulation even on grown men. Who knows what Jim Bob and Mullet have laid on John's mind when the cameras aren't around. 

Plus not wanting to be a 'traitor' to the family, like his brother.

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I understand that JD may be suffering from emotional abuse, but I still think that of all the kids, he's the one who has had the most independence and has had the opportunity to build a support system that would help him escape if he wanted to. Josh screwed himself, with his reputation, lack of education, and ever-increasing number of children, the odds that he'll find a job that can support his family is pretty small. None of the rest of the male Duggars have been allowed to set foot outside the compound without an accountability partner/babysitter/snitch except JD. 

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1 hour ago, Nysha said:

I understand that JD may be suffering from emotional abuse, but I still think that of all the kids, he's the one who has had the most independence and has had the opportunity to build a support system that would help him escape if he wanted to. Josh screwed himself, with his reputation, lack of education, and ever-increasing number of children, the odds that he'll find a job that can support his family is pretty small. None of the rest of the male Duggars have been allowed to set foot outside the compound without an accountability partner/babysitter/snitch except JD. 

But that is assuming that "escaping" is something he wants to do rather than trying to improve the family situation, or that escape is what he feels is the right thing to do whatever his own desires. The older set of twins appear to be the most responsible and duty bound of anyone in this family, including the parents. Jana has always been a parental figure and JD had to step into Josh's shoes as the oldest trustworthy brother, and they both seem to take that responsibility quite seriously. I just don't see those two leaving their younger siblings to fend for themselves and I can't say I blame them for that, all things considered.

I guess I just don't understand the mindset that any Duggar offspring has to either escape completely or just accept everything and shut up. Shouldn't we be happy about any sort of  baby steps in questioning Jim Bob's authority instead of dismissing them outright unless they involve burnt bridges?

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This is why I call the whole article bogus because JD is still under JB's thumb. Daddy paid for his planes and related expenses and the right to fly even if it is just family members and friends. Why complain about how much money daddy is spending for other things when his flying may be one of the biggest expenses JB pays for.

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8 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

This is why I call the whole article bogus because JD is still under JB's thumb. Daddy paid for his planes and related expenses and the right to fly even if it is just family members and friends. Why complain about how much money daddy is spending for other things when his flying may be one of the biggest expenses JB pays for.

Because paying for rubbish will leave less money for planes and related expenses?

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9 minutes ago, Vaysh said:

Because paying for rubbish will leave less money for planes and related expenses?

Could be! Maybe JB is threatening JD with hurry up and get married to keep the gravy train rolling along with no more flying or payment for planes and related flying expenses, I am sure a JD or Jana courtship, wedding and first baby would be rating and big bucks gold in JB's eyes.

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Don't forget, Josiah is also a licensed pilot. In fact, two Duggar planes were in the air simultaneously today. So this also affects Josiah, who will obviously stay on Boob's dole after he gets married. 

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I didn't know Josiah was licensed as well. Jim Bob might be doing pretty well financially at hiring his pilot sons out to other fundies and who knows who else. 

8 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:


You also have to take into account the family's isolation.  If JD does leave the family then he loses everyone he has ever cared about or knows.  The level of courage to leave your whole life behind and everyone you have ever known is enormous. 

He'd probably lose his family, but it isn't as if JD is some completely isolated fundie, or even a pre-tv Duggar. He knows there is more out there than Duggarville. He's seen it. He knows plenty of non-Duggars and non-Bateses, too. 

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8 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:


You also have to take into account the family's isolation.  If JD does leave the family then he loses everyone he has ever cared about or knows.  The level of courage to leave your whole life behind and everyone you have ever known is enormous. 

I bet Amy would still talk to him. 

(Grandma and Deanna too.)

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3 hours ago, Vaysh said:

But that is assuming that "escaping" is something he wants to do rather than trying to improve the family situation, or that escape is what he feels is the right thing to do whatever his own desires. The older set of twins appear to be the most responsible and duty bound of anyone in this family, including the parents. Jana has always been a parental figure and JD had to step into Josh's shoes as the oldest trustworthy brother, and they both seem to take that responsibility quite seriously. I just don't see those two leaving their younger siblings to fend for themselves and I can't say I blame them for that, all things considered.

I guess I just don't understand the mindset that any Duggar offspring has to either escape completely or just accept everything and shut up. Shouldn't we be happy about any sort of  baby steps in questioning Jim Bob's authority instead of dismissing them outright unless they involve burnt bridges?

I agree with what you’re saying. JD May agree/disagree with many of the choices his parents made yet still love them, still want to change things in the family as well as feeling a sense of duty and responsibility to the younger kids. I think if anyone sees JB/Michelle in a true light it’s Jana/JD. 

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

This is why I call the whole article bogus because JD is still under JB's thumb. Daddy paid for his planes and related expenses and the right to fly even if it is just family members and friends. Why complain about how much money daddy is spending for other things when his flying may be one of the biggest expenses JB pays for.

JB is spending money that he wouldn't have had without a television program about his eleven million children.  In my opinion, any or all of the 19 have a right to complain if JB wastes money, because they helped bring in that money every bit as much as JB and his incubator Michelle did.  JB keeping the lions share of the money is not only unfair, but immoral in my view.  He exploited his family for profit, and continues to do so by controlling funds that rightfully should be theirs.  

The money from the show should be split evenly among family members, since they all were a part of making it a success.  From the beginning, there should have been trust funds set up for each child, since they were all under eighteen when the show started.  Apparently there are no laws to protect children on reality programs like there are child actors, but a parent who cares about their children would take steps to protect them simply because it's the right thing to do.  

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It's a shame when we need laws to protect children from their own parents. If this money situation is remotely true about Jim Bob, he's a dirt bag and Michelle is just like him for not giving a damn about her own children.

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JD does not seem to be struggling to me. He gets to fly planes his daddy paid for along with all flying related expenses. He has own business along with being a volunteer constable on the side. He is more successful than his brothers and brothers-in-laws except for maybe Jeremy. Yes, JB is an ass and a big time jerk, but JD should not be complaining about money after getting a few nice perks that his other siblings have not gotten and now he is supposedly complains about the way JB spends the money.

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A poster on FreeJinger posted that Jana is wearing a Kappa Delta sorority shirt in some recent group pictures (the Waco trip maybe?). Sorority members aren’t supposed to donate their shirts because non members aren’t supposed to wear the letters. But of course Jana has no clue because she is so sheltered, and so a 28yo who will never be permitted to attend a college class is dressed in Greek letters.

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I remember that JD got a house for clearing up some property. So I can imagine that he is living there on the down low, sipping a cold brewski and playing World of Warcraft or another video game.

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2 hours ago, LillyB said:

I remember that JD got a house for clearing up some property. So I can imagine that he is living there on the down low, sipping a cold brewski and playing World of Warcraft or another video game.

One can only hope. 

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22 hours ago, LillyB said:

I remember that JD got a house for clearing up some property. So I can imagine that he is living there on the down low, sipping a cold brewski and playing World of Warcraft or another video game.

At the very least I hope he's allowed to do things any other normal male adult does when he's alone. 

On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:27 PM, Abstract said:

A poster on FreeJinger posted that Jana is wearing a Kappa Delta sorority shirt in some recent group pictures (the Waco trip maybe?). Sorority members aren’t supposed to donate their shirts because non members aren’t supposed to wear the letters. But of course Jana has no clue because she is so sheltered, and so a 28yo who will never be permitted to attend a college class is dressed in Greek letters.

Sorry, but this is an incredibly lame rule.  So people in need should do without second hand sweatshirts/shirts rather than besmirch a system that only sorority obsessed people even care about?  Rather elitist.  Unless these shirts are sold only to those who can prove they're in said sorority, it's free game.  The system gains money through these sales yet frowns upon those who wear them "inappropriately".

*Please realize my vitriol isn't aimed at you - just the silly Greek system.

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Happy 18th Birthday Jason.  Can't wait to hear J & M's Birthday greeting letting us know what a Godly man he is who helps others.   I'm sure they'll be off to get one of those messy chocolate sundaes. 

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