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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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23 minutes ago, awaken said:

Ooooh, a TAT, really?  He defamed the Temple of the Lord?  Do tell!

That really is mind boggling.  7 aimless, un-self-supporting, unmarried adults at home, not pursuing an education or solid career.  Wow.  And the married adults are not self supporting or pursuing actual careers, either.    

Aw, c'mon! They flip cars on the side of the highway! Not to mention, they're all "experts" at construction! 

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4 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

Look at the body language in this pic.  Both Michelle and Jinger are making fists.  There is some anger or hostility there...and Sponge Bob's chipmunk grin.  Looks like he is uncomfortable too.  Jeremy is the only one who looks relaxed.

Uh-oh. That sort of suggests to me that he doesn't really know what he's getting into. Although I can't imagine how he wouldn't. ... Maybe he's like Bin -- so obsessed with the idea that the Duggar connection will build his "ministry" into something spectacular that he's been blind to what their lives are really like? I don't really see that. But he does look comparatively relaxed in that picture. Odd.

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7 adults over the age of 18 at home, living rent free and doing nothing?? Honestly if they had one ounce of initiative, persistence, and enthusiasm within them -- they could start a legit business. It's something MANY people would like to do, but they don't bc they don't have the startup capital and bc they have to pay rent/utilities/bills so they can't risk it on some crazy idea. I realize they offer nothing in terms of education, but kids with ideas could find some way to make it happen. John Webster (Alyssa Bates' husband) was just shown running his commercial cleaning business -- which he does on the side after his 40 hr week HVAC job. And it wasn't even particularly disgusting; he has agreements with a local dance studio and an ice cream shop to clean after their closing every night. These aren't places that get particularly nasty -- but obviously need to be swept/mopped/wiped down nightly. Just think how many similar businesses 7 young adults could service?? They know everyone in their local area -- and have a lot of fans -- I'm sure they could get some contracts just based on their last name. Why not take some of their income from the show, start up this kind of thing, and then grow it/branch out/hire employees/invest in other things once you have good profit?? It's something to do while waiting for Prince Charming to ride up on his horse??

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5 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

Look at the body language in this pic.  Both Michelle and Jinger are making fists.  There is some anger or hostility there...and Sponge Bob's chipmunk grin.  Looks like he is uncomfortable too.  Jeremy is the only one who looks relaxed.

I think that Jinger looks like she is holding something in that pic, rather than making a fist.

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43 minutes ago, cereality said:

7 adults over the age of 18 at home, living rent free and doing nothing?? Honestly if they had one ounce of initiative, persistence, and enthusiasm within them -- they could start a legit business. It's something MANY people would like to do, but they don't bc they don't have the startup capital and bc they have to pay rent/utilities/bills so they can't risk it on some crazy idea. I realize they offer nothing in terms of education, but kids with ideas could find some way to make it happen. John Webster (Alyssa Bates' husband) was just shown running his commercial cleaning business -- which he does on the side after his 40 hr week HVAC job. And it wasn't even particularly disgusting; he has agreements with a local dance studio and an ice cream shop to clean after their closing every night. These aren't places that get particularly nasty -- but obviously need to be swept/mopped/wiped down nightly. Just think how many similar businesses 7 young adults could service?? They know everyone in their local area -- and have a lot of fans -- I'm sure they could get some contracts just based on their last name. Why not take some of their income from the show, start up this kind of thing, and then grow it/branch out/hire employees/invest in other things once you have good profit?? It's something to do while waiting for Prince Charming to ride up on his horse??

I've wondered the same thing. We know they don't clean. I guess the car flipping biz is one attempt they have made.  The market would be limited since people don't need cars at the same frequency that they would need a business cleaned. But then, they might have to start mixing with us heathens. Princess Jessa thinks she's a big TeeVee star now, so she won't lower herself to do such menial labor.

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46 minutes ago, cereality said:

7 adults over the age of 18 at home, living rent free and doing nothing?? Honestly if they had one ounce of initiative, persistence, and enthusiasm within them -- they could start a legit business. It's something MANY people would like to do, but they don't bc they don't have the startup capital and bc they have to pay rent/utilities/bills so they can't risk it on some crazy idea. I realize they offer nothing in terms of education, but kids with ideas could find some way to make it happen. John Webster (Alyssa Bates' husband) was just shown running his commercial cleaning business -- which he does on the side after his 40 hr week HVAC job. And it wasn't even particularly disgusting; he has agreements with a local dance studio and an ice cream shop to clean after their closing every night. These aren't places that get particularly nasty -- but obviously need to be swept/mopped/wiped down nightly. Just think how many similar businesses 7 young adults could service?? They know everyone in their local area -- and have a lot of fans -- I'm sure they could get some contracts just based on their last name. Why not take some of their income from the show, start up this kind of thing, and then grow it/branch out/hire employees/invest in other things once you have good profit?? It's something to do while waiting for Prince Charming to ride up on his horse??

I really am confused by this whole stay home and do nothing mentality.  I grew up with a similar religious group, very strict and fundamentally Biblical, and the women, while they do wait upon the Lord to choose their mates, for the most part do go to college while they wait for prince charming to appear.  Mostly they get degrees in teaching or nursing, and give that up when they get married and have children in order to keep house and homeschool.  They also travel independently and with other unmarried friends, have hobbies, and go to stores and church-approved events with friends or on their own.  (Some even go so far as to wear culottes!) So this extreme lack of education, training, contact with the outside world, or doing *anything* with their lives really does seem to be Duggar-specific.

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I think this is Duggarism entirely. Both the parents are stuned and backwards and have serious issues. The Bateseseses don't do this after all. Even the Maxhells, in their own very special way indeed value education and activities.

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14 hours ago, cereality said:

What do they have to be angry or hostile about? Isn't the goal of every girl in that house (except Jana and JoyAnna) -- marry a hottie who allows me to leave the TTC, even though he can't provide financially bc he's yet another BS minister?

I could be wrong, but I think that there isn't much joy in Mudville over this match. Jeremy is the complete opposite of the type of husband Jim Bob selected for Jill and Jessa...he is worldly.  And he has a past.  He is "impure" by Gothard standards.  However, with the whole Josh thing and his being "forgiven" and accepted back into the flock, not accepting Jeremy would be going against the whole "the lord is forgiving and so am I" thing that Jim Bob is currently espousing.  Not that there is a single dang thing that he has to forgive Jeremy for in the first place, but you know what I mean.  Turning Jeremy away because he has a past negates what he is trying to do with Josh...and that's showing forgiveness and compassion, even if it's only for show.  

I think the ultimate goal for Jim Bob is to marry them off, but keep them close and maintain control to build the empire. Can't do that when they are across the country and married to someone who has lived (by the looks of things) successfully enough on their own.  Especially when the new spouse has the smarts to put their foot down and say "no, we aren't doing that" and takes his place as Jinger's equal in marriage.  

From what I saw, I don't think that Jim Bob was pleased in the least when Jill and Derek took Izzy and hightailed it to Danger America.  Not only was Jill completely unprepared for life off-compound, Jim Bob was unprepared for relinquishing control of Jill.  Having her local, in his McMansion, allowed him to still maintain his headship over her and, by default, Derek.  Now he faces the very real chance that he could lose his control of Jinger to a man who seems at first glance not to ascribe to his way of thinking.  

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13 hours ago, awaken said:

Ooooh, a TAT, really?  He defamed the Temple of the Lord?  Do tell!

That really is mind boggling.  7 aimless, un-self-supporting, unmarried adults at home, not pursuing an education or solid career.  Wow.  And the married adults are not self supporting or pursuing actual careers, either.    

If Mr. Barb was the patriarch of this family, he'd be dead for sure.  He almost gave himself a stroke/coronary worrying that it took a good 6 months for our well-educated son to find a job in his field.  No way would he last being around  7 not self supporting adults ( being his children or not.) 

Cereality - what great points you bring up about the kids starting a business of their own. Unfortunately, just another wasted idea for them.  What a shame.  Like you said there are many people that would love to start their own businesses but don't have the resources to do so. 

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29 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

If Mr. Barb was the patriarch of this family, he'd be dead for sure.  He almost gave himself a stroke/coronary worrying that it took a good 6 months for our well-educated son to find a job in his field.  No way would he last being around  7 not self supporting adults ( being his children or not.) 

Cereality - what great points you bring up about the kids starting a business of their own. Unfortunately, just another wasted idea for them.  What a shame.  Like you said there are many people that would love to start their own businesses but don't have the resources to do so. 

I'm an engineer and I know plenty of engineers who had to humble themselves to move back in with family and some are considering applying for food stamps.  We WANT to work, and those of us in the oil patch who are still working are working for almost half of what we were making before and damn grateful to get it. I know engineers far more competent than I ever dreamed of being who gave been out for 2 years and who gave been turned down for even a retail jobs, grocery stores, coffee shops, and restaurants.

These failure to launch Duggars just blow my mind.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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The Bateseses have jobs.  Lawson started a lawn business which he has passed on to Trace (?) for now.  The tree business employs several of the older boys. Erin has made money from her piano expertise (?) and Michaela had a nanny job.  Not to mention Zach, a REAL police officer.  Duggars look pretty pathetic in comparison.  So it must be Duggarism, not Gothardism, that has resulted in these differences.

Edited by riverblue22
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13 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

The Bateseses have jobs.  Lawson started a lawn business which he has passed on to Trace (?) for now.  The tree business employs several of the older boys. Erin has made money from her piano expertise (?) and Michaela had a nanny job.  Not to mention Zach, a REAL police officer.  Duggars look pretty pathetic in comparison.  So it must be Duggarism, not Gothardism, that has resulted in these differences.

Plus before she was married, Alyssa was working in at a florist in town - actual work, not just - I'll work for 1 day so we can film here. Plus they've attracted sons in law, all of whom work/have some education. Chad (Erin) has a finance degree from some Christian college and is a finance manager for a local metals company. Brandon (Michela) is a preacher -- but actually went to seminary. John (Alyssa) works in his family's HVAC business and runs a commercial cleaning business on the side.

So the isolation + fake online education/training + lounging at home all the time is a Duggar thing, not a fundie thing.

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27 minutes ago, cereality said:

Brandon (Michela) is a preacher -- but actually went to seminary.

Although we need to qualify that Brandon went to a 3 year Gothard program not a real accredited seminary. 

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42 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

To be fair, it is more of Preventing them from launching as opposed to Failure to launch.  They are not given any options, it is Dumb Bob's way period. 

EXCELLENT point.  They can't launch because their teachings gave deprived them of a normal life. 

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Although we need to qualify that Brandon went to a 3 year Gothard program not a real accredited seminary. 

Ok -- wasn't clear on that. But Zach, Erin, Michaela, Alyssa, Nathan (in the tree business), and Lawson holding down jobs or running businesses for at least some period of time after age 18 + John Webster and Chad Paine doing the same -- makes the Bates look like MIT grads or Wall Street investment bankers compared to the Duggar clan, who I only imagine sleeps until noon out of sheer boredom.

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Even though Brandon and TFDW work at Loony Tunes Central, I'll give them some credit for bringing home a paycheck every week. They're not my cup of tea, but they seem to have the whole "adult" thing handled pretty well.

The Lonely J's Club is going to stay lonely if they don't start getting their shit together.

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I kind of wonder if these kids are prepped at ALL for adult life? Can they balance a checkbook? Do they know what to do when their vehicle registration expires? Do they know anything about investing? I know the girls can grocery shop, but there is more to life than that. Or does JB specifically NOT want his kids and inlaws to know anything about those things, so he must manage it for them and thus keep them under his control?

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On June 22, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Jynnan tonnix said:

Not to defend the courtship, as I've mentioned that this guy already sets f my creep-o-meter like crazy, but exactly what are these Fundy types allowed to say when it comes to an attraction to each other? The only interaction they have had has been God-centric, so that's the only reference point they have for anything they might have in common. A sense of humor is probably considered frivolous. Physical attraction might exist, but must be squelched and sublimated until after the wedding, but seems to be a forbidden subject in any case, being far more "of the world" than "of God". Traits such as kindness, gentleness, integrity, thoughtfulness,  etc, all pretty much fall under the umbrella of "Godly". Intelligence doesn't seem to be in their vocabulary, and any sort of intensity or diligence is only valued as far as it is used toward glorifying God...So what words of affection are left to them to describe what they find attractive in a chosen life-partner?

I feel like this is worldwide, lol, at least in my experience.  I've had plenty of secular girlfriends even up to residents of NYC, who have enthusiastically counseled my trying to make eyes at men whom I found frankly ugly, because they're good providers.  In my experience it's just about verboten for your first words to be a comment that your potential spouse is physically pulchritudinous, because then you're the shallow idiot who cares about nothing else.  (I mean, often times I suspect the selfsame women are just jealous that I can pull, because they have made this snap judgment that the hot guy is a jerk after 5 seconds of setting eyes on him when they couldn't possibly know anything about him, but still.)

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4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I'm an engineer and I know plenty of engineers who had to humble themselves to move back in with family and some are considering applying for food stamps.  We WANT to work, and those of us in the oil patch who are still working are working for almost half of what we were making before and damn grateful to get it. I know engineers far more competent than I ever dreamed of being who gave been out for 2 years and who gave been turned down for even a retail jobs, grocery stores, coffee shops, and restaurants.

These failure to launch Duggars just blow my mind.

I've had a period of unemployment like that. My heart goes out to your and your friends. The huck huck huck-don't need no job Duggars,mom the other hand, can suck it.

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8 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I've had a period of unemployment like that. My heart goes out to your and your friends. The huck huck huck-don't need no job Duggars,mom the other hand, can suck it.

Thanks, JoanArc. It really is a bummer, but fortunately, I've been employed thru most of the worst of it, though I'm on my 3rd layoff in 18 months and my hubs has been out longer than that.  I'm more fortunate than most have been. Hoping the end is in sight soon since Saudi Arabia has stopped flooding the market with cheap oil.

Those Lonely J kids, in particular the boys, won't be "headship material" without some vocation since their chosen bride won't have any real marketable skills either. 

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The finances made from the show might also have influenced the failure to launch. At one point, and maybe still, the kidults didn't need money for themselves, or to contribute to the family.

As for the Bates, both parents have college educations and they appear to have common sense and make adjustments to their lifestyle when things don't work out. Like when poor Zach couldn't even court because of fear. The children have also contributed to the household financially. Not having a TV income probably gave the kids more incentive to find a way to make money, and the parents more likely to allow it.

With that said, the Duggars appear to be one of the laziest families around.

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7 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Theres only a finite area of lawn to mow. 


And they couldn't follow the lead of some folks I know who've expanded mowing businesses into general yard and garden care. Because they're lazy, ignorant idiots who'd kill all your plants.

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On 6/26/2016 at 3:08 PM, cereality said:

I kind of wonder if these kids are prepped at ALL for adult life? Can they balance a checkbook? Do they know what to do when their vehicle registration expires? Do they know anything about investing? I know the girls can grocery shop, but there is more to life than that. Or does JB specifically NOT want his kids and inlaws to know anything about those things, so he must manage it for them and thus keep them under his control?

Some of the girls can do laundry. And they know about bankruptcy law! What more do you need to know?

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Gothard cult teaches parents to isolate kids. Even when married in Jimhovah cult. Jim Bob probably hates there are men better than him. There's a reason why Jimhovah is so competitive with his sons and brags about his sex life. 

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On Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 8:06 AM, Fuzzysox said:

I know! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Why would a party boy that probably has had sex before want to convert to becoming a fundie freak? (I hope he gets tested for STD's before he gets married. I'm worried he might have something) IF he was raised Catholic some of his upbringing has to come out somehow. You just can't change over night. 

And back to the discussion of being Italian......I can't believe Boob is ok with his daughter marrying someone so ethnic and with a TAT no less.

Power and control. Some men like virgins because they can mold them to their liking. 

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23 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Thanks, JoanArc. It really is a bummer, but fortunately, I've been employed thru most of the worst of it, though I'm on my 3rd layoff in 18 months and my hubs has been out longer than that.  I'm more fortunate than most have been. Hoping the end is in sight soon since Saudi Arabia has stopped flooding the market with cheap oil.

Those Lonely J kids, in particular the boys, won't be "headship material" without some vocation since their chosen bride won't have any real marketable skills either. 

Marjorie. Come back Marjorie! I would prefer to see her hook up with the third boy, Joseph?

30 minutes ago, Darknight said:

Gothard cult teaches parents to isolate kids. Even when married in Jimhovah cult. Jim Bob probably hates there are men better than him. There's a reason why Jimhovah is so competitive with his sons and brags about his sex life. 

If Jeremy plays his cards right, I will love him. Just for this reason, JB cannot brag about his sex life near JerJer. Now Jeremy, remember the names of the guys you were friends with on the team? Any of them suitable for Joy? They just have to be faux born agains for one tv season. 

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That really is mind boggling.  7 aimless, un-self-supporting, unmarried adults at home, not pursuing an education or solid career.  Wow.  And the married adults are not self supporting or pursuing actual careers, either

And none of them even has their own bedroom.


Marjorie. Come back Marjorie! I would prefer to see her hook up with the third boy, Joseph?

I think that should be Josiah.

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That  brings up an interesting question.  If one sibling is courting & it doesn't work out can another more 'suitable' sibling step in? 

I would be inclined to say no bc of the whole 'pieces of your heart' bullshit. Also most secular friends & family have an unwritten 'you dont date my ex' rule but with the Duggars you never know. Everything they do is counterintuitive.

Edited by lulu69
stupid autocorrect
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Round up the Duggar boys ready for marriage and Reverend Sun Myung Moon the whole bunch with one fell swoop.

Eligible bachelors (courtesy Of Google):

John David



Find 3 women who are willing in spirit and feel the calling to be paired with any of the Duggars listed above for a group wedding.


One Rice Krispy wedding cake

Green sherbert ice cream punch, definitely better than root beer floats

Pigs in a blanket

Individual spaghetti pie tarts

Salad layered  in Parfait cups(so fancy)

I'd watch that.

I'd eat that if you can keep Josie from licking everything.

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18 hours ago, sometimesy said:

Marjorie. Come back Marjorie! I would prefer to see her hook up with the third boy, Joseph?

If Jeremy plays his cards right, I will love him. Just for this reason, JB cannot brag about his sex life near JerJer. Now Jeremy, remember the names of the guys you were friends with on the team? Any of them suitable for Joy? They just have to be faux born agains for one tv season. 

Except bragging about heir sex life to them, is to be able to say you didn't have intercourse until marriage, and you've only been with your spouse. More than one partner is something to hide and be ashamed of, or any premarital partner for that matter. JimBob has the bragging rights here.

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6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Except bragging about heir sex life to them, is to be able to say you didn't have intercourse until marriage, and you've only been with your spouse. More than one partner is something to hide and be ashamed of, or any premarital partner for that matter. JimBob has the bragging rights here.

I think JB's bragging is that he is getting some, the rest is a cover for the years he couldn't get laid. Gothard was perfect for this creep. 

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10 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

I think JB's bragging is that he is getting some, the rest is a cover for the years he couldn't get laid. Gothard was perfect for this creep. 

Which considering he was only 18? when they got married. Not that bizarre for a 18 year old from a conservative family to not have had sex yet. These people are stunted and obsessed.

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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Which considering he was only 18? when they got married. Not that bizarre for a 18 year old from a conservative family to not have had sex yet. These people are stunted and obsessed.

Not bizarre even from a non conservative non religious family for a kid over 18 not to have  had  sex yet. 

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On 6/23/2016 at 11:11 AM, ginger90 said:

Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.


7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Round up the Duggar boys ready for marriage and Reverend Sun Myung Moon the whole bunch with one fell swoop.

Eligible bachelors (courtesy Of Google):

John David



Find 3 women who are willing in spirit and feel the calling to be paired with any of the Duggars listed above for a group wedding.


One Rice Krispy wedding cake

Green sherbert ice cream punch, definitely better than root beer floats

Pigs in a blanket

Individual spaghetti pie tarts

Salad layered  in Parfait cups(so fancy)

I'd watch that.

I'd eat that if you can keep Josie from licking everything.

That made me laugh!  Of course you can't stop Lil Lickin' Josie!  That is her jurisdiction.

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8 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Me too. I always look forward to Duggar weddings so maybe one day I'll get my Breaking Duggar wish.

You picturing something like the ending of The Graduate? Jana's long-rumored secret Internet love busts into the parking lot where she's being wed to yet another incompetent faux preacher, yells "Jana!" She turns, yells "Secret Internet Love!" and runs madly back up the aisle (wearing shoes) to him. They roar off in his car to an unknown but happier future. (They drive because it's a long wait between buses in Tonittown.) Yeah. I could get behind that one.

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OK what's the current count?  JB still has 6 girls and 9 boys to get rid of eventually right?  4 of the girls are still littles, and 6 boy littles left?  Something like that.  So then 10 of the 15 are littles and 5 are adults.   The only guy to marry - and very unsuccessfully is Josh.  What's wrong with the men and why doesn't anyone seem to want them?   Sure most normal people don't have to court... and marry by their early 20's but their only other option is the JB compound.  Maybe because the men have more freedom at the compound they're not in a rush?  But if they can't have 'relations' unless they are married what are these guys doing?  And - why aren't they rushing to court? JD is Jana's age and Joseph is 21. Josiah 20 soon.  It'll be interesting to see how the other male marriages turn out.  

Edited by Defrauder
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1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

OK what's the current count?  JB still has 6 girls and 9 boys to get rid of eventually right?  4 of the girls are still littles, and 6 boy littles left?  Something like that.  So then 10 of the 15 are littles and 5 are adults.   The only guy to marry - and very unsuccessfully is Josh.  What's wrong with the men and why doesn't anyone seem to want them?   Sure most normal people don't have to court... and marry by their early 20's but their only other option is the JB compound.  Maybe because the men have more freedom at the compound they're not in a rush?  But if they can't have 'relations' unless they are married what are these guys doing?  And - why aren't they rushing to court? JD is Jana's age and Joseph is 21. Josiah 20 soon.  It'll be interesting to see how the other male marriages turn out.  

Wonder whether maybe the main difference between the Duggar male and female marriage ratio could be the relative amount of as-yet-unsatisfied desires among the potential mates, not necessarily anything about the Duggars themselves.

I expect that a whole lot of stunted fundie men (the only kind of man/boy I can imagine being willing to sign up as a Jim Bob Duggar in-law) are desperate to find some fundie woman into whom they may freely ejaculate and who might also provide regular cooking and housecleaning services as well as frequent upward glances of respect and admiration. Some in that group could be fairly hot to court Duggar girls, Jim Bob and Michelle notwithstanding. And, of course, all three who've volunteered also probably have ambitions to be tv preachers. Something tantalizingly promised by the Duggar connection.

Stunted fundie women, however, likely don't have such a list of strong desires that Duggar men might fill, seems to me.

Their sexual desires are more likely to be kind of inchoate and ill-understood by their owners, so they may not drive their behavior as much. And they don't have a chance of getting cooking, cleaning, or admiring and respectful looks from their potential fundie spouses, so I doubt that many stunted fundie women sit around craving those things. Desire for a headship who supports the family also wouldn't be in play since the Duggar boys clearly can't support anybody. Even the one who works several jobs works all of them for free. Can't support anybody on that. So it looks to me as if the potential wives just have a lot less motivation to overcome their JimBob-induced gag reflexes than the potential husbands would.

Could just be age too,  though, I guess. Two of the three as-yet-unspoken-for Duggar men are still a bit younger than any of the Duggar wimmenfolk have been when married off. And one of them has already had a courtship (which, notably, was with one of the -- I expect -- relatively few fundie young women who's bold and entrepreneurial enough to openly crave the media spotlight and strategize means of getting into it.) Plus, of course, the guy-is-at-least-as-old-as-or-a-bit-older-than-the-woman tradition holds in fundie world, I think, Bin notwithstanding.

Given those things, maybe we need to wait a few years before concluding that Duggar boys are even less interesting to potential spouses than Duggar girls. (Of course, if they go off tv, the whole family's marriageability stock may drop, given that the TeeVee fame factor clearly played a major role in all the courtships so far, I think ....)

Edited by Churchhoney
vain attempt to limit the helping-verb quotient
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3 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Wonder whether maybe the main difference between the Duggar male and female marriage ratio could be the relative amount of as-yet-unsatisfied desires among the potential mates, not necessarily anything about the Duggars themselves.

I expect that a whole lot of stunted fundie men (the only kind of man/boy I can imagine being willing to sign up as a Jim Bob Duggar in-law) are desperate to find some fundie woman into whom they may freely ejaculate and who might also provide regular cooking and housecleaning services as well as frequent upward glances of respect and admiration. Some in that group could be fairly hot to court Duggar girls, Jim Bob and Michelle notwithstanding. And, of course, all three who've volunteered also probably have ambitions to be tv preachers. Something tantalizingly promised by the Duggar connection.

Stunted fundie women, however, likely don't have such a list of strong desires that Duggar men might fill, seems to me.

Their sexual desires are more likely to be kind of inchoate and ill-understood by their owners, so they may not drive their behavior as much. And they don't have a chance of getting cooking, cleaning, or admiring and respectful looks from their potential fundie spouses, so I doubt that many stunted fundie women are sitting around craving those things. Desire for a headship who supports the family also wouldn't be in play since the Duggar boys clearly can't support anybody. Even the one who works several jobs works all of them for free. Can't support anybody on that. So it looks to me as if the potential wives just have a lot less motivation to overcome their JimBob-induced gag reflexes than the potential husbands would.

Could just be age too,  though, I guess. Two of the three as-yet-unspoken-for Duggar men are still a bit younger than any of the Duggar wimmenfolk have been when married off. And one of them has already had a courtship (which, notably, was with one of the -- I expect -- relatively few fundie young women who's bold and entrepreneurial enough to openly crave the media spotlight and strategize means of getting into it.) Plus, of course, the guy-is-at-least-as-old-as-or-a-bit-older-than-the-woman tradition holds in fundie world, I think, Bin notwithstanding. Given those things, maybe we need to wait a few years before concluding that Duggar boys are even less interesting to potential spouses than Duggar girls. (Of course, if they go off tv, the whole family's marriageability stock may drop, given that the TeeVee fame factor clearly played a major role in all the courtships so far, I think ....)

Well said as usual Churchhoney.  I also wonder since all of the children are forced to rise up and call Michelle blessed, perhaps there is a bar set high for the boys to come up with the best zombie fundie wife in the land.  Who could possibly compare with the great Michelle after all?  The girls on the other hand have only JB to live up to so any controlling fundie thumping douchbag will do - as we've seen.  

Still laughing at 'their owners'.  So true. 

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