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S04.E13: Ain't No Thang Like A Chicken Wing

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Thomas is officially the worst human being ever. And he should probably be wary of future cocktail waitresses bringing him drinks because apparently he believes them to be the lowest of the low. #idareyoutodrinkthat

Shep rounds out the #2 spot. If you can't refrain from drinking long enough to get on a plane, well, nuff said. Dude, get thee to a rehab stat, I'm sure Kathryn can recommend a good one. 

Did you hear that? It's Jane Austen rolling over in her grave. 

  • Love 13
6 minutes ago, sadie said:

Thomas is officially the worst human being ever. And he should probably be wary of future cocktail waitresses bringing him drinks because apparently he believes them to be the lowest of the low. #idareyoutodrinkthat

To be fair to Thomas, though I am not sure why, he was using it in context of how he would be polite and brief in the exchange as he would with a waitress not that there was something wrong with that of course we know front his beverage cart girl story he looks down on them but that wasn't his point in this instance. 

  • Love 8

Thomas is such a idiot. Kathryn's entire visit to his house was calculated as fuck and he fell for the whole damn thing. Waltzing in with a literal olive branch and breathy voice, then taking off the cape so he could check out her whole bod then saying how cold it was and putting the cape back on... first off you should never have invited her to your house in the first place, meet somewhere public. If this was staged I don't see why Kathryn of all people would agree to go along with a storyline that made her look so desperate to get back in his pants especially if she's trying to get some custody of her kids back. Her final dinner party outfit was atrocious but I did like her red dress look in the talking heads.

Shep is an ass who lives in constant vacation mode. In Key West he was at least on beer number three while ordering breakfast. Obviously the drinking continued since he had the airport drama. Hey, I'll admit to being there before in my early 20's waking up with a beer instead of coffee. That was my wake up call. He's going on 40 and still pulling that shit. Not cute. 

I felt bad for Craig this episode because Shep was an ass and I don't think Cameron stood up for him at all. She could have done better than a talking head about it. Still, Craig needed to drop the Kathryn and Landon thing yesterday. They don't like each other. Oh well.

Thomas is indeed an ass and looks older and older each episode!

  • Love 9
17 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

While sweet Craig's onsie made no sense because when the baby wears it will no longer becoming soon. I also hate when people assume in as yet conceived child is a boy.

JD looked like he was trying not to laugh at Thomas during their convo.

Of course it didn't make sense, but he's a guy and they don't know from sizes and colors, etc.  The point was that he was happy for Cam and made that precious onesie that she will probably treasure for the rest of her life.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Of course it didn't make sense, but he's a guy and they don't know from sizes and colors, etc.  The point was that he was happy for Cam and made that precious onesie that she will probably treasure for the rest of her life.

It wasnt the size or the color it was what he chose to put on it "Coming Soon in 2017" and he knew what the color meant because he said it was for "him".

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, nexxie said:

Thomas and Kathryn have it bad for each other - lust, that is.

I am kinda hoping they get back together.  My reasons are 1) no one else will have to deal with both those crazy people and they can Taylor/Burton each other all day long and 2) their kids will always have kind loving nannies they can depend on.  

Kathryn looked AWFUL in the clips for the reunion.  REALLY awful.  I noticed last night that while she may be 24 (?) she carries herself like a contemporary of Patricia's.

Don't tell Cameran OR Naomi a secret.  

Craig seemed pretty hurt by Naomi.  She is a brat.  Don't REALLY like either of them but I felt badly for Craig and wished after her apology he broke up with her.

Shep,  Man he is messy.  I really feel he needs to handle that budding if not full blown alcoholism.  Get your shit together dude.

Still don't really like Chelsea or Austin but loved her warning to him.  Succinct and to the point without belaboring it.  He deserved it.

I know this is not popular and I may go to my corner of shame but <small voice> I like Whit.  Sure he may have a friend named Renfield and be totally weird but I like him.  Could be the small doses.  If anyone wants to join me in my corner of shame I've got snacks.

15 hours ago, rideashire said:

So I was really holding out hope through out this entire baby arc that Cameron would actually remain child free and come to terms with that choice.

How refreshing would that have been.

I should have known that she’d come around to reluctant acceptance of popping out a kid. Of course she would.

Sigh. Oh well, maybe someday the alternative outcome will be showcased on tv in a positive light.


In other news, Craig and Naomi continue to look super unhappy with each other every episode and I’ll be curious to see what season they break up in and if that will be a storyline in itself.

He looked pretty miserable in that convo and much as he may be obnoxious and somewhat of a lay about, I don’t get the feeling that he’s vicious in nature or tries to intentionally hurt her.  To steal Kathryn’s phrase, I just don’t think he’s that deep.

I do get that feeling from her though. That some of how she treats him is intended to cut the quick. Time will tell if they’re both really serious about making some changes. Not holding my breath there.

Also, that hug between Kathryn and Thomas….ya’ll, these two idiots just deserve each other. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but some people just fit in a completely dysfunctional way and no amount of fighting it will stop them from eventually drifting back together to fuck up each other’s lives again and again.

I am not even convinced that either of them are as put out by the other as they claim to be.

I think they need to go live unhappily ever after and be done with it.

Last but not least, Maybe I’m in the minority here but I have a soft spot for Austin and think he seems sweet, like a happy go lucky, sometimes dopey puppy. I dig that about him and it was nice to see Chelsea finally admit she likes him enough to be exclusive. Though I don’t buy for a second that most of their “conflict” wasn’t just made up for the cameras anyway.


Shep needs rehab. Time now.

My people!  I would love that.  It is an acceptable choice and becoming a lot more common.  I would like to see people like me represented!  And not in a bitter way.  Those of us that choose it are VERY happy with our choices.

I LOVED Cam's dress for the last dinner in Key West.  Not everyone can wear something like that.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

As annoying as drunk asshole Shep was being at JD's event, Craig's whining excessively to his drunk buddy and his pals that he's going to physically assault him, and then actually punching him in the leg at a fancy event?! He literally acted like an angry adolescent boy and I was more embarrassed for Craig than for Shep. Also, I think drunk asshole Shep had a point: Craig is the one with anger issues, not Shep. Not to insinuate anything, but I *really* hope he doesn't get physical like that when he fights with Naomi. His quick temper and catty put-down's are definitely showing a nastier side of his character.

Speaking of nastier...ugh...yes Kathryn, you and T-Rav are indeed both crazy. Not in a good way. And please don't ever wear that shade of dark lipstick ever again.

Thomas chuckling to JD that he would be treating Landon like a cocktail waitress...gross. Just when I think I can't help but like the dude, he makes degrading comments like that.

Who wants to take bets if Landon will be asked back next season? Her bridges all appear burned by now...her rental house is being sold...the other gals barely tolerate her anymore...even Thomas and Patricia seem over her...her website is still DOA...yeah, she's on really shaky ground, it appears.

Chelsea and Austen ended up winning me over this season after all; I like them both and thought the scene of them finally deciding to exclusively date was cute, even if it was just for the show. Nice additions to this cast indeed!

Strangely abrupt ending to the season, but hey, I've grown used to such oddly random endings since season 2 with this show. 

It really showed Thomas to be the elitist ass he is.  Even JD looked kinda embarrassed.  

13 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Allow me to just add that despite the many, many, MANY delights that oral pleasures provide, cheese is among my favorite ever foods---so give me cheese or give me death. I feel ya there, Craig!

Also, I find it sad that Kathryn is never shown gushing over Saint the way she does Kensie; hopefully she's been able to bond with him a bit more despite his young age and her legal situation, but it's always "Kensie is such a model" or "Kensie and I do crafts"...

Sing it Sun-Bun!  

  • Love 5

I've been thinking about what y'all have posted here about the Kathryn having an apt (that TRav doesn't know about and she states that she's living at her parents). *I suspect she has a secret paramour.*  It's his apt and she's tried to keep the relationship well under wraps so it doesn't interfere with trying to see her children more or become a storyline on this show. Allegedly she only spent 3 (?) nights at Whitney's (Patricia's) in season one. When they cut to the stuff that she had left there, piled in a corner, it was quite a large amount if I recall correctly. She could be stashing clothes in the place where the viewer saw her.  That way she doesn't get caught for the 'same clothes for two days' scenario.  Pajamas optional lol.  Appearances are everything. Anyway, that was my thought. 

  • Love 6

I could not believe how wasted Shep was in the morning while delivering Cam her biscuits and gravy. I expected him to trip and go flying face first on to the deck, biscuit gravy everywhere! He has a very big problem.  It's not cute. It's awful to see his demise. I don't get what's going on with him.  At least Craig grew out of his getting drunk every night phase and he's alot younger than Shep.  I can't help but believe no matter how much Shep denies it, he's jealous of Craig and Austen because he has directed most of his vitriol towards them all season.  

  • Love 13

I could not believe how wasted Shep was in the morning while delivering Cam her biscuits and gravy. I expected him to trip and go flying face first on to the deck, biscuit gravy everywhere! He has a very big problem. 

I wanted to know the timeline between when Shep first greeted Cam and she told him to switch to water and to when he delivered the biscuits and gravy because his level of drunk increased substantially between the two. And it couldn't have been all that long.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

While sweet Craig's onsie made no sense because when the baby wears it will no longer becoming soon. I also hate when people assume in as yet conceived child is a boy.

JD looked like he was trying not to laugh at Thomas during their convo.

Maybe he only had blue thread. :). It's something they can frame and hang in the baby's nursery. Once Cam gets all of that gray and silver junk out of there.

2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I am kinda hoping they get back together

They won't. Ever. Read the latest online.

  • Love 1

Regarding Craig assuming the baby would be a boy, I think it's all about the gender of the person giving the gift. I always had a feeling our daughter was going to be a she, but a guy will assume boy. He would have been better off using green embroidery or some other gender neutral color. That was so sweet though and Cam was truly touched. Extremely thoughtful. I think she announced via Instagram that their baby is a girl so she can save it for if/when they have number two. I bet he'll make a pink onesie for her featured next season. If C and N break up, he better get custody of Gizmo. Shep, don't be a jerk. Let Craig have his moment to shine. Can't help but love a guy who talks to his cat.

Does Kathryn truly have a separate apartment? Someone else said it could be a caller trying to stir the pot. I think I'm in the minority of those who don't like her TH dress. The color is fine, but that plunging neckline made her breasts look odd. 

Shep needs rehab. Yesterday. We're all beating that dead horse.

Cam, Naomie was a jerk to Craig. Stay out of their biz.

Thomas, you're a narcissist. You are not Mr Darcy. You are Mr Douchebag.

Edited by Atlanta
  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, Atlanta said:

ia Instagram that their baby is a girl so she can save it for if/when they have number two. I bet he'll make a pink onesie for her

Then it will make even less since it says 2017. 


7 minutes ago, Atlanta said:

 Shep, don't be a jerk. Let Craig have his moment to shine

Shep was a jerk but Craig most certainly wasn't shinning with his stupid advice and how he was "mediating".


7 minutes ago, Atlanta said:

Cam, Naomie was a jerk to Craig. Stay out of their biz.

And he was a jerk to her and complained about her giving him an ultimatum when he did the exact same thing to her. And it wasn't just Cam who has commented on how he treats her in public. Chelsea, Shep, Whitney and Danni have all mentioned it.

  • Love 5

I can't wait to throw an Austen quote at my husband the next time we argue...

I feel like we've seen the "behind the scenes" moments with Naomi and Craig and she's not been mean to him.  I'm surprised she could get through that conversation with Katherine giving her advice with a straight face.  I think their drama is completely manufactured for the show because "happy couples" (unless you're JD and Elizabeth) aren't entertaining in reality tv.  Their fights have just been so silly, I mean Craig embroidering the house basically and Naomi can't be annoyed that's all he's done all day?  I'm sure they have a housekeeper so it's not like he's washing dishes, we saw him make them one meal and he was annoyed at having to do that. 

Dani fainting was scary, I was shocked that none of the cast went with her to the hospital.  I'm guessing that a crew member did?  Apparently she has a history of fainting and knows that she's supposed to stay hydrated.

Cameran and her mom seem a lot a like, I can see both of them being the life of the party.  It sure does seem like Cams only having a baby so her husband doesn't miss out but, from what I've read elsewhere, they always planned to have kids, so this is just another BS storyline.  I wonder if Thomas or maybe Katherine can't leave the country (or go somewhere in the Caribbean) and that's why they went to Key West?  I would've expected the Bahamas at the least.

Austen and Cheltsie continue to be boring.  Austen is like a puppy and Cheltsie will get bored with that.

Oh Lando, what the heck?  She flirts with Thomas for a couple of years and then, when they could actually date, she takes the side of the woman who's been bad mouthing her all over town?  What?  Sure, it doesn't perhaps make sense for Thomas to have the kids all the time, especially when they are with a nanny no matter who they are with.  Elizabeth was right on in her assessment.  I thought it was interesting that the women seemed to think that Landon was fairly shallow.  I think she's just extremely self involved.

Shep doesn't worry me.  I'm guessing he wasn't actually planning to leave that day since they probably had a day off from filming.  If he wants to get drunk in the morning on his vacation, ok.  He has businesses and investments that make it so he doesn't have to work so I'm guessing he's more with it than he's being portrayed on tv.

Whitney's just there because he likes hanging out with Cameran and Thomas right?  He also doesn't want to have to recast himself.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

I wonder if Thomas or maybe Katherine can't leave the country (or go somewhere in the Caribbean) and that's why they went to Key West?  I would've expected the Bahamas at the least.

Thomas has left the country and I think Kathryn's last arrest was a few years ago so that along wouldn't be in issue.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Oh Lando, what the heck?  She flirts with Thomas for a couple of years and then, when they could actually date, she takes the side of the woman who's been bad mouthing her all over town?  What?  

She's very indecisive but covers it with false bravado. "I know if it I snapped my fingers, I'd get a ring from Thomas," etc. Crying over her dad offering her a job was telling. 

What happened to the biscuits and gravy? Lol when Cam and Craig left there was no container in sight...

24 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Whitney's just there because he likes hanging out with Cameran and Thomas right?  He also doesn't want to have to recast himself.

I wonder about his friendship with Cam. He must be more fun/interesting off camera if she likes to hang out with him. If only he'd show us!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this is not popular and I may go to my corner of shame but <small voice> I like Whit.  Sure he may have a friend named Renfield and be totally weird but I like him.  Could be the small doses.  If anyone wants to join me in my corner of shame I've got snacks.

I like him too. I have a soft spot for weird, awkward, smart people. And though he has proven he can be a jerk sometimes, it's often warranted, so I can usually forgive. As you said, maybe it's the small doses, but he can stay.

I'll bring the drinks.

  • Love 15
45 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

What happened to the biscuits and gravy? Lol when Cam and Craig left there was no container in sight...

And did you watch JD's drink? He had a little in it, Thomas talked, then when the camera went back to JD it was full. I wonder how long that short scene actually took to film, and how drunk JD was by the time they finished.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Giselle said:

Shep is gonna be found dead. Pants around his ankles, worst case of diarreah all over the place and himself, and choked on his own vomit.

I'd have no sympathy for that wasted mess. 

I seriously question why anyone would be real friends with this guy. He hasn't shown any kindness and decency towards any of the people he considers friends this season. His version of "friendship" is just putting other people down, ribbing them and criticizing them because apparently that's what a real friend does. I have a feeling that if the situation was reversed and it was Craig who got in trouble at the airport that Shep would just laugh at him and let him be arrested because that's frickin' funny and he would have a funny story to tell back home to his other "friends." 

Unless you're just hanging out with him because he buys you drinks and can get you laid with the women who throw themselves at him. Or you're just a sucker for punishment, like Austen is. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, chewycandy said:

She's very indecisive but covers it with false bravado. "I know if it I snapped my fingers, I'd get a ring from Thomas," etc. Crying over her dad offering her a job was telling. 

What happened to the biscuits and gravy? Lol when Cam and Craig left there was no container in sight...

I wonder about his friendship with Cam. He must be more fun/interesting off camera if she likes to hang out with him. If only he'd show us!

I think Whitney likes that his mother likes Cam.  I don't know that he would hang out with her otherwise?  How would they even be in the same social circle?  He's also realized that Cam is generally the smart one and she's safe because she's married, so he just fades into the background next to her.  I would like to know how they all met up.  I get the Thomas, Whitney, Shep circle.  And Craig was allowed in for a while.  I think Shep brought Lando in.  But how did they get Cam?  Maybe through her husband?  Shep's also brought in Austen and Cam brought in Cheltsie--who is no Cam.

Edited by scenicbyway
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this is not popular and I may go to my corner of shame but <small voice> I like Whit.  Sure he may have a friend named Renfield and be totally weird but I like him.  Could be the small doses.  If anyone wants to join me in my corner of shame I've got snacks

i'll bring the wine/whine

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

She was already known in reality TV circles for Real World. Maybe that's how?

Whitney was friends with Cam. How they ran in the same circles, I have no idea. Considering also that Cam was working the make-up sales counter at Gwynn's (along with Chelsea) not too long before she joined the show. When Bravo told Whitney he needed women for the show, the first woman he approached was Cam.

  • Love 5

What happened to the biscuits and gravy? Lol when Cam and Craig left there was no container in sight...

I was disappointed to see Cameran leave that styrofoam container out on the dock.  You could see it sitting next to the lounge chair as they walked away.  The world is not your garbage can, Cameran.  I despise litterers.

  • Love 10

Shep was one of my favorites along with Cameron from the beginning of this show. She's still my favorite although I understand the "should I have a baby or not?" was just a story line for her. I'm fine with that. Now, however, I think Shep really needs to go to rehab. Even after his doctor told him he had a compromised liver from drinking alcohol, he seems to have gotten even worse. It's time for his family and true friends to do an intervention on this young man. It's not too late to save him. He can stop drinking, grow up, find a passion for some kind of work and make something of the rest of his life. His family has done him no favors AT ALL to give him all of this money. If he'd had to work to support himself, he'd have some kind of work ethic, not be out drinking every night and have dedicated himself to some worthwhile activity. I do like Shep, think he does have a good heart but has been allowed to be a ne'er-do-well all of his life. He's gotten a good education so is obviously smart and capable but has never been required to make something of his life. Sad, sad.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

So Naomi left the island.  What's the big deal .. They aren't married.

Katherine is giving out advice now?  Funny .. Her life is one big wreck.  She still belongs in rehab.  

And, what happened to Landon?  From a shy, quiet girl who came back home, she became a loudmouth, and a nasty one at that.

I don't recall never seeing J.D. Or whatever his name is, without a drink in his hand at any time.

Too much with Craig & Naomi already.  Looks very scripted.

I can't stand JD! You're right about him never appearing without some sort of alcohol in his hands. 

Naomi and Craig should stay far away from eachother. Even if it is scripted you can tell they hate eachother.

  • Love 1

Yeah they are distant cousins they mentioned it once but not 1st or even 2nd but further back they talked about it briefly in the isn't it interesting we are related kind of way not that there was a deep family connection. 

Big Southern families take that seriously. They may not be close, but they are blood.

  • Love 3
  8 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this is not popular and I may go to my corner of shame but <small voice> I like Whit.  Sure he may have a friend named Renfield and be totally weird but I like him.  Could be the small doses.  If anyone wants to join me in my corner of shame I've got snacks

i'll bring the wine/whine

I'll supply the cheese.

  • Love 3

 I really enjoyed that scene with Cameran and her mom. 

I like Danni and think she's an ace at coming off well on TV and don't think she can help it but she always looks like someone is holding shit or rotten food in her face. Even when spouting praise and positivity her face looks like she's smelling explosive gas. 

Shep was a real disappointment with the onesie.  Maybe he should hook up with Naomie and they could spend their days shit talking about Craig while also exclaiming how amazing they are.

For sure we all know school of any level is hard but her saying her brain had space or whatever since she finished exams was kind of funny- in the line of please shut the fuck up variety.  She's so tiresome. And her nose somehow takes up more space each episode. 

Leave it to me to notice on the finale- but is Chelsea not in the intro?  Too lazy to rewatch. She seems a main player to me and I hope she stays around. I like her and find her beautiful.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I thought Craig was totally in the wrong in that whole sit down and Shep and Landon were trying to tease him out of being an idiot. He wanted Landon and Kathryn to sit down together again and say all the the things they dislike about each other. That's when Shep said that would be like the Bay of Pigs (weird reference, but right sentiment). Craig's insistence that he's the one who's right and he's going to use his mad therapy skillz with Landon and Kathryn (this after telling someone else that therapy was a bust). I just found it so condescending and paternalistic. Both Landon and Kathryn said they were fine with how they left things after their talk in the Keys, so why did they need to sit down again? I'm sure the producers pointed Craig in this direction, but he's just douche-y enough to be convinced he knew best.

Craig seems not to understand the difference between a close relationship -- in which it is important to get to the root of problems -- and a causal friendship -- in which it is not important to hash everything out, but it's enough to just smooth things over. Craig is sort of dumb, exhibit 1,000.

  • Love 4

Here's my unpopular opinion: I haven't seen Naomie do or say a single thing to Craig that I thought was wrong. I was really sorry to see her apologize to him, because it validates his completely wrong view that being a supportive partner means never calling someone on his bullshit.

Can we just take a step back and look at how big-picture crazy it is that Bravo used that Landon-Thomas sitting-on-the-bench conversation as the frame for the whole season? To start the first episode with that, as if the whole season is leading up to it? When actually their relationship was over before it began. It never really gelled into anything. Just as a matter of narrative structure, I don't get why the producers thought they needed to set it up like that. This season was sort of aimless. I think this show is running out of gas.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Whitney was friends with Cam. How they ran in the same circles, I have no idea. Considering also that Cam was working the make-up sales counter at Gwynn's (along with Chelsea) not too long before she joined the show. When Bravo told Whitney he needed women for the show, the first woman he approached was Cam.

Whitney might have been a customer. 

Speaking of... Kathryn's black lipstick was a "no from me, Dawg." ?? That shade actually is pretty on Rihanna, MIA, Dita Von Teese, and Kat Von D but maybe they just have faces and skin that can pull off that shade. 

  • Love 3
On 6/26/2017 at 11:56 PM, zoeysmom said:

Oh my, Kathryn is living back with her folks.  Glad she is thinking of returning to school, but just no with a degree in psychology.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kathryn-c-dennis-life-update

Nope she would be great. All of my shrinks have been crazier than me by far.

16 hours ago, biakbiak said:

To be fair to Thomas, though I am not sure why, he was using it in context of how he would be polite and brief in the exchange as he would with a waitress not that there was something wrong with that of course we know front his beverage cart girl story he looks down on them but that wasn't his point in this instance. 

He is now dating a hospice nurse. He knows he will need someone to wipe his ass in the not so distant future.

Thomas is absolutely despicable. There is nothing there.

  • Love 8
On 6/27/2017 at 0:55 AM, rideashire said:

Catching the rerun in the background, and I think I figured out why I tend to be on team Craig more often than not. There’s something about how he’s always so eager for approval that tugs at my cold, dead heart just a little bit. He’s almost childlike about it sometimes.

When he was showing his friends the handkerchief(?) he sewed, clearly proud of it, and then Shep fake sneezed in it I sort of wanted to punt Shep.

Craig gets that reaction quite a bit when he’s excited about something, maybe he’s just an easy target idk, but if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s when people shit all over someone else’s happiness. Even when it’s something tiny like that…maybe even especially when it’s tiny like that, because it takes two seconds to not be a dick.

Just let your friend be happy about something for fucks sake, Shep.

Team pretty and underdog as well!

Shep is just team petty.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, nexxie said:

"I want to be with a woman who feels privileged and honored to be with me" - must be all about the money and name because Thomas is actually a horrible catch. Typical rich white guy thinks he can act like an asshole day in and day out and still have people kissing his feet. Blech!

(That comment about treating a noncompliant Landon like the waitress was telling.)

And where exactly is that dumb ass going to find this rare bird?

Bravo shows are playing world wide....

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know this is not popular and I may go to my corner of shame but <small voice> I like Whit.  Sure he may have a friend named Renfield and be totally weird but I like him.  Could be the small doses.  If anyone wants to join me in my corner of shame I've got snacks.

I'll bring a box of chocolates. I also like Whitney, or at least, I enjoy watching him on this show. He's certainly different and his take on things can be funny.

  • Love 9

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