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S04.E12: A Tribe Called Key West

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Craig also can't handle anyone disagreeing with him.

That is what he and Naomie have in common.


1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

He's too dumb, or lazy, to get out of a relationship that will never work. Handwriting is all over the wall, the floors, the yard....

I guess he's still into her, or into their roles on the show. Seems like he would figure out that now he can use his Bravolebrity to get other women as easily as he got her. I think they both realize that without the relationship they wouldn't have much of a storyline.

  • Love 5
On 6/21/2017 at 2:57 PM, Former Nun said:

Very noticeable.  I wouldn't hurt Austen's feelings by suggesting a poll on Andy Cohen's show.

I agree! I was telling my daughter last night that there was something about his mouth and how he moves it that bugs me. (She's a teenager and just thinks when I mention stuff like that I'm kinda mean... lol)  I noticed it right off the bat but couldn't dissect it as well as some posters here have! But now I will think about a ventriloquist every time I see him talk ....

OTOH....I find Naomi's looks really pretty.  Her features aren't conventionally pretty (like I think Cameran's are) but I think she's really pretty, except for one TH where she's totally overdone and looks super thin.

I am already tired of Cheltsie. I think she is working the Southern-girl-but-hangs-well-with-the-guys angle super hard. 

Finally.....I'm from the South and I definitely think Craig did not want the world to know he dips. Though maybe Naomi thought that would be a way to get him to quit. It is a super disgusting habit and one he needs to stop. It does cause oral cancer.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 5
On 6/22/2017 at 6:46 PM, Gam2 said:

MrSmith, I totally agree with you about Kathryn and Thomas. Anyone who could be so cold and unfeeling on camera about Jennifer's child and his condition/surgery on a newborn baby is just a stone cold bitch. I used to excuse Kathryn's behavior on her age but no longer. If you can't have compassion for a mother and child coping with those critical health issues, you have no feelings at all. Thomas will never mature re: women. He seems to be a decent father, as far as what we've seen on screen but who knows what happens in real life? That nanny is their mother and father. Those two should hide their heads in shame for what they've done to two innocent babes. What's so sad to me is that we see this every day in the news no matter the educational level, the socioeconomic level or whatever. Makes me just sick to my stomach.

Particularly a woman who thinks everyone is supposed to kowtow to her because of her vaunted role as a "mother," as Kathryn often does.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I have never in my life heard of someone ordering a "double" of chardonnay in a pint glass! Keep it Klassy, Craig.

Thank you for bringing this up, because I'd almost forgotten this hilarious moment---I gasped out loud in shock because my mom orders this *exact same* drink at Mexican restaurants!! Only she asks for it in a chilled mug and "poured all the way to the top" instead of asking for a double. And with a straw. This is because my mom is a cheap old wino who discovered this trick for getting more wine for less thanks to her favorite ever waiter, Diego.

Go figure that Craig likes cheap wine poured up in a mug too---although this is a guy who also embroiders baby clothes, talks to cats and chews tobacco, so I suppose anything is possible with that one.

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I'm from the South and I definitely think Craig did not want the world to know he dips. Though maybe Naomi thought that would be a way to get him to quit. It is a super disgusting habit and one he needs to stop. It does cause oral cancer.

He has been seen doing it on camera at least once that I can remember so if he doesn't want it known he shouldn't do it while they are filming. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I listened to Craig on a radio show he was on last week.  He and Naomie are still together, he has dropped off social media, he and Naomie have nothing in common, Naomie loses it when people make fun of her looks or disagree with her in general.

But wait.  There are a few opinions on this and we seem to have only Craig's word.  Maybe someone should let Naomie on the same radio show: Point/Counterpoint.

  • Love 2
On 6/21/2017 at 2:27 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

There must be a bunch of us Carolina girls (or guys)  around here.  I'm in Raleigh. 


On 6/21/2017 at 3:07 PM, Major Bigtime said:

I am not that old and I thought the same, he looks and sounded like a nice guy. Danni is a lucky girl, by what I can see.

I'm nowhere near the capital, but I do root for the Tar Heels. :) I'm in the mountains. Went to ASU and loved it so much I stayed here.

Hello fellow NC people. I'm in Raleigh too.

20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I listened to Craig on a radio show he was on last week.  He and Naomie are still together, he has dropped off social media, he and Naomie have nothing in common, Naomie loses it when people make fun of her looks or disagree with her in general.  Sound like a fun couple.  If I were Craig he might as well just skip the glass and drink from the bottle. 

I really liked Naomie last season, but she's bugging me this year. I'm imagining her in grad school, working on MBA team projects and totally controlling everything and whining if she doesn't get to be leader of the project. She seems like she'd be a nightmare to have on a team.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:


Hello fellow NC people. I'm in Raleigh too.

I really liked Naomie last season, but she's bugging me this year. I'm imagining her in grad school, working on MBA team projects and totally controlling everything and whining if she doesn't get to be leader of the project. She seems like she'd be a nightmare to have on a team.

Okay, so I know I'm going to get dragged here and I know I'm in the minority but I just don't get where all Naomie's anger toward Craig is coming from.  I get it, he's not pounding away at traditional 9 - 5 job right now but that is temporary.  Soon he'll be pulling all-nighters cramming for the bar and he will get a job.  So what if Craig's taking some time off as a house husband of sorts before he gets back into the proverbial rat race.  Why is Naomie so perpetually pressed about that? 

As long as Craig pays his half of the bills (he has Bravo income and I assume is generating some kind of income from his rental property) why is Naomie hating?  Their house looks clean, Gizmo's being well looked after (and being pulled around in a wagon no less!), Craig takes care of the outside yard/property and even built a deck on Naomie's parent's house (which I'm sure adds dollar value to their home).  Where is all the vitriol coming from?

Naomie acts like Craig is some scumbag loser that contributes nothing and is making her do all the financial heavy lifting (i.e. - financially supporting him 100% which I highly doubt is the case).  So what if the dude spends money on power tools to enhance their physical surroundings.  Craig could be out in a bar every single night (#Old Craig) pissing away all his money on booze/drugs with Shep, coming home at 3 a.m., sleeping the entire next day away and nursing a never-ending hangover and have nothing to show for it.  But Craigs's not doing that.

Craig mentioned to another cast member earlier this season that instead of wasting money in bars all night he uses that party money to buy a new power tool every week and does something constructive and creative with that.  Sober, I may add.  I give Craig credit for this because he had a huge problem with alcohol/substance abuse in the past and he turned that around.  Many cannot turn it around.  It is a lifelong struggle.

Naomie complains about Craig and wonders what he does all day (he's at home creating, staying out of trouble and being a cat dad!  You know right where he is).  Naomie could be lying awake in bed every night tossing and turning at 4 a.m. wondering where her man is, what he's doing and who he's doing it with.  No ma'am.  I lived that life with my ex husband and it was a positively excruciating experience I wish on no one.  Back in the day I wish I knew where my partner was, tinkering in the garage working on maintaining our cars or out building a gazebo in the backyard.  Naomie doesn't have it that bad.  Really!

So what if Craig wants to put his money toward a sewing machine and create things to make their home a more inviting place to live.  These things that Craig is doing is all temporary and he has many years left to work once he gets married and has a family.  At the end of the day, no one put a gun to Naomie's head to get her MBA.  It was a conscious choice on her part.  I'm sorry Naomie's tired and dragging ass working 12 hours a day right now but the MBA was her conscious choice, no? just like it was Craig's conscious choice to stay close to home now, lie low, until he has to study his butt off to take the bar.  I suppose Naomie will complain about that as well when the time comes? (Craig has already passed the bar in real time but you know what I mean!)

I think Craig and Naomie should split now so they can remain amicable, stay friends.  They have no children.  They went to couple's counseling yet cannot stop putting each other down in public as well as in private.  Time to cut bait and be done with it.  Sometimes when I look at Naomi looking at Craig I can just see the physical disgust in her face.  Naw, they need to part ways.  They are two attractive people, each with a lot to offer someone else.  Apologize for this rant being so long!  Commence Craig haters and tell me what I'm not seeing and what I'm missing!

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:


Hello fellow NC people. I'm in Raleigh too.

I really liked Naomie last season, but she's bugging me this year. I'm imagining her in grad school, working on MBA team projects and totally controlling everything and whining if she doesn't get to be leader of the project. She seems like she'd be a nightmare to have on a team.

I didn't pay much attention to her last season, but, I'm not sure what to make of her.  She definitely has reached her saturation point with Craig.  Once that happens, I think it's difficult to get the spark back or even to tolerate the person. It seems like she wants to punish him for disappointing her.  I suspect that Craig has lied so much, that she just doubts anything from his lips and waits for proof.  How can you live that way?  Then there's the tobacco chewing.....OMG.  That's grounds for complete shut down, imo.  She may be totally different around other people.  IDK.  I sense that with she and Craig, they both want to be right.  Sometimes, you can be right or you can be happy.  

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I didn't pay much attention to her last season, but, I'm not sure what to make of her.  She definitely has reached her saturation point with Craig.  Once that happens, I think it's difficult to get the spark back or even to tolerate the person. It seems like she wants to punish him for disappointing her.  I suspect that Craig has lied so much, that she just doubts anything from his lips and waits for proof.  How can you live that way?  Then there's the tobacco chewing.....OMG.  That's grounds for complete shut down, imo.  She may be totally different around other people.  IDK.  I sense that with she and Craig, they both want to be right.  Sometimes, you can be right or you can be happy.  

Right, but Naomie wasn't even in Craig's life when he was doing all that heaving drinking, lying about graduating and not telling people he lost his job at the law firm due to partying, was she?  That was before he got with her? Did Craig start chewing tobacco after he met Naomie or before that?  Some posters up thread mentioned Craig played baseball in HS or college?  There is a HUGE culture of dipping/chewing where baseball is concerned with young people, high schoolers, etc.  It is prevalent in my community.  They're trying to get the kids to chew gum as an alternative but good luck with that.  Zero takers and the kids continue to chew.  It is so disgusting and gross.

I don't understand where Craig is lying to Naomi all the time.  About what?  To me it seems Naomie likes things just black and white, one does this, this, and this, you stay in said lane and don't ever veer.  Life doesn't work like that.  Sorry, honey.  It seems that Craig's varied interests really bug the shit out of her right now and it drives her positively insane.  

I know Naomie wanted Craig to take the bar like yesterday but isn't the bar only given certain times per year?  What's Craig supposed to do?  He has to wait in queue just like everyone else.  I guess Naomie wants Craig to phone the powers that be and tell them to make a special snowflake exception for him to speed up the process of him becoming an attorney because his GF is super agitated and wants him to hurry up?  Things are not flying at warp-speed right now and Naomie's hella agitated?

I wanted to go back to school last year.  I missed the application process deadline in my field of study by 3 weeks and had to wait an entire year before I could apply and be accepted into my program of choice.  I was super pissed and have been spinning my wheels (school wise) for basically a year now.  I have to wait until the fall of 2017.  Was I mad?  Sure, because now I'll graduate a year later than anticipated.  Set back yes.  End of the world in the grand scheme of life, no.

I know Craig has had some setbacks regarding his career (due to substance abuse) but damn, life throws us curve balls.  Some bigger than others.  Craig fucked up BADLY, took a time out and went back home to Delaware? to live with his parents, re evaluate, dry out, and course correct.  He did that and has not relapsed since.  Craig is back on track and I'm sorry it's not fast enough for Naomie but well, life.  Sometimes it gets in the way.  The point is, forward motion, even if it's not at a constant break neck pace.  Hell, back in the day I wanted to complete my university degree in 4 years and it took me six,  Why?  Because shit got in the way and I had to deal.  Sometimes one step forward, two steps back, you know what I mean?  

I don't want to be a Naomie hater (I know it sounds like I am).  I do like Naomie.  I admire her work ethic, she's very beautiful, poised, and educated.  She's very driven.  Craig is just too much of a free spirit for her.  They are not compatible.  You hit it on the head Sunnybebe when you said Naomie seems like she wants to punish Craig for disappointing her.  OY!  I wrote a freaking novel and your one sentence said every.single.thing I was trying to convey.   

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 6

She was with him for morethan a year when he was lying about applying for and studying for the bar.

To me she didn't come off as wanting him to take the bar yesterday she wanted to know if being a lawyer was something he actually wanted to do and her told her she was being stupid for asking such a question.

Also, buying a house and starting a fashion line came as a complete surprise to her. Yes, he doesn't have to ask her permission to do either but he hadn't talked to her about it when he had already talked to other people and was moving forward with those decisions which is weird to do with your live in girlfriend.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Also, buying a house and starting a fashion line came as a complete surprise to her. Yes, he doesn't have to ask her permission to do either but he hadn't talked to her about it when he had already talked to other people and was moving forward with those decisions which is weird to do with your live in girlfriend.

He didn't talk to her that we were shown. I keep getting the faked storyline vibe from them about things like that. Craig is a lot of things, but I cannot imagine he'd not mention any of that to her beforehand. I think they wanted a big blowup scene on camera and someone suggested that.

  • Love 1

At the end of the day, you either accept the person you're dating as they are, worts & all...or you move on.  I agree with Beesknees, nothing Craig is doing is detrimental to their relationship,  If she wants someone with more drive/ambition, then it's on her.  From my vantage point, dipping aside, Craig looks like an ideal house husband.  My dogs would love to have someone home with them during the day and I'm in constant need of a handyman.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, snarts said:

From my vantage point, dipping aside, Craig looks like an ideal house husband.  

And the belittling of her. 

3 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

didn't talk to her that we were shown. I keep getting the faked storyline vibe from them about things like that. Craig is a lot of things, but I cannot imagine he'd not mention any of that to her beforehand. I think they wanted a big blowup scene on camera and someone suggested that.

I just don't think she is that great of an actress she seemed genuinely shocked when Cam brought it up.

  • Love 5

Well, maybe Craig "told" Naomie he wanted to add "landlord" to the list of male model, clothing designer, attorney, bourbon purveyor, etc. and, Naomie, le sigh, wearily said "Yeah, sure Craig".  I think Naomie knew Craig was looking around half-assed at houses but then when he actually closed on one Naomie was super shocked and surprised when Cam told her he actually pulled the trigger and  purchased a home.

When Naomie saw Craig's new house she seemed genuinely happy and impressed with the house as a whole during the walk through.  Gizmo surely seemed to love it.  He ran right up the stairs like he owned the joint and was scoping out his new bedroom!  Feline literally tore up those stairs!  On second thought, maybe the reason Naomie seemed genuinely happy for Craig was because she was secretly hoping Craig would just move into said new house, build a new deck there and leave her the hell alone.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 6
On 6/21/2017 at 9:11 AM, pasdetrois said:

Given how the Charleston locals think Southern Charm is simply dreadful, there's no way Cam's physician husband would appear. He may be status-conscious.

I mentioned on a previous episode's thread how I went to high school with her husband, who was a couple of grades behind me. The older brother and I had classes together. Yes, the family is very status-conscious, and very old-money. Dad is a doctor, and I know two of the sons are as well--Cam's husband and his older brother.  I was about to say something about how Bravo loves the nouveaux-riche, but then there's Thomas Ravenel. Therefore,  I vote for "not interested."  

Turns out my husband and I missed the SC crew by about two weeks.  We were in Key West in late December.  That restaurant where they ate is near Mallory Square and right across from this nice sculpture garden. I saw a kid chasing one of the ubiquitous Key West chickens there.  

  • Love 2
On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 10:58 AM, beesknees said:

Okay, so I know I'm going to get dragged here and I know I'm in the minority but I just don't get where all Naomie's anger toward Craig is coming from.  I get it, he's not pounding away at traditional 9 - 5 job right now but that is temporary.  Soon he'll be pulling all-nighters cramming for the bar and he will get a job.  So what if Craig's taking some time off as a house husband of sorts before he gets back into the proverbial rat race.  Why is Naomie so perpetually pressed about that? 

As long as Craig pays his half of the bills (he has Bravo income and I assume is generating some kind of income from his rental property) why is Naomie hating?  Their house looks clean, Gizmo's being well looked after (and being pulled around in a wagon no less!), Craig takes care of the outside yard/property and even built a deck on Naomie's parent's house (which I'm sure adds dollar value to their home).  Where is all the vitriol coming from?

Naomie acts like Craig is some scumbag loser that contributes nothing and is making her do all the financial heavy lifting (i.e. - financially supporting him 100% which I highly doubt is the case).  So what if the dude spends money on power tools to enhance their physical surroundings.  Craig could be out in a bar every single night (#Old Craig) pissing away all his money on booze/drugs with Shep, coming home at 3 a.m., sleeping the entire next day away and nursing a never-ending hangover and have nothing to show for it.  But Craigs's not doing that.

Craig mentioned to another cast member earlier this season that instead of wasting money in bars all night he uses that party money to buy a new power tool every week and does something constructive and creative with that.  Sober, I may add.  I give Craig credit for this because he had a huge problem with alcohol/substance abuse in the past and he turned that around.  Many cannot turn it around.  It is a lifelong struggle.

Naomie complains about Craig and wonders what he does all day (he's at home creating, staying out of trouble and being a cat dad!  You know right where he is).  Naomie could be lying awake in bed every night tossing and turning at 4 a.m. wondering where her man is, what he's doing and who he's doing it with.  No ma'am.  I lived that life with my ex husband and it was a positively excruciating experience I wish on no one.  Back in the day I wish I knew where my partner was, tinkering in the garage working on maintaining our cars or out building a gazebo in the backyard.  Naomie doesn't have it that bad.  Really!

So what if Craig wants to put his money toward a sewing machine and create things to make their home a more inviting place to live.  These things that Craig is doing is all temporary and he has many years left to work once he gets married and has a family.  At the end of the day, no one put a gun to Naomie's head to get her MBA.  It was a conscious choice on her part.  I'm sorry Naomie's tired and dragging ass working 12 hours a day right now but the MBA was her conscious choice, no? just like it was Craig's conscious choice to stay close to home now, lie low, until he has to study his butt off to take the bar.  I suppose Naomie will complain about that as well when the time comes? (Craig has already passed the bar in real time but you know what I mean!)

I think Craig and Naomie should split now so they can remain amicable, stay friends.  They have no children.  They went to couple's counseling yet cannot stop putting each other down in public as well as in private.  Time to cut bait and be done with it.  Sometimes when I look at Naomi looking at Craig I can just see the physical disgust in her face.  Naw, they need to part ways.  They are two attractive people, each with a lot to offer someone else.  Apologize for this rant being so long!  Commence Craig haters and tell me what I'm not seeing and what I'm missing!

  Actually I think you make a lot of valid points about Craig, even though he annoys the heck out of me (probably because back in the day,  instead of working, I would have liked to stay home and sew also, amongst other things.    I can understand her point of view BUT does she have to be so nasty about it?     Yes, the smartest thing they could do is go their separate way before there is more arguments.    If you need a "marriage counselor " at this point, I suspect your marriage has zero chance of succeeding based on their discussions there.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

He didn't screw Landon nor Jennifer. Jennifer has been with Lee for 10 years. Landon has no interest in Thomas. 

Didn't Jennifer later admit she'd slept with Thomas? That has confused me because I have believed she and Lee were in a solid, long-term relationship. Maybe they were on a break...

Landon has not complained about Thomas' insinuation that she gave him oral sex, and my feeling is that she did, perhaps (while drunk?) on the London trip, but after that I think she was no longer interested in him except as a showmance.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Didn't Jennifer later admit she'd slept with Thomas? That has confused me because I have believed she and Lee were in a solid, long-term relationship. Maybe they were on a break...


9 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Jennifer never admitted she slept with Thomas. If it was on a tabloid site, that's the only way that rumor got started. She may have had to stick to the script and let viewers think something happened, but it didn't. Ever. 

I think what she admitted to was that she went on three dates or so with Thomas, before knowing he was involved with Kathryn and before she (Jen) was asked to be on the show  - maybe she and Lee took a break - but she's consistently denied sleeping with Thomas.

  • Love 2

I liked Chelsea until she did a 180 and started acting like Austen was overreacting when she was the one who painted it in the light of being aggressive. That visit from Shep and the peanut butter must have turned her around because as soon as Shep told her he had feelings for her she started distancing herself from Austen and everyone started gaslighting him acting like he was out of line when that's exactly the seed Chelsea planted.  Apropos of nothing, That white cutout dress she wore to dinner was kind of fug

Is Chelsea a salon owner or just work at that salon?  


Poor Landon! Once she figures out the girls all pretty much hate her and might start looking at Kathryn as the "victim" she goes all girl power and gets in Kathryn's face to apologize and try to finger Thomas as the culprit!  I know it's a different episode but I can't believe how flustered she got when her dad gave her a job offer and made some bullshit excuse as to why it wouldn't work and she didn't want to be handed anything. She's totally fine with him just giving her money outright but expecting her to show up on site every day? Geez, Pops, why do that when you give me money anyway? She's such a loser. And desperate and only marginally cute. 


I've always liked Dani though since she lost a drastic amount of weight she looks very drawn and unhealthy. Her hair looks very brittle. When I say her husband is on the verge of being fat, it doesn't preclude him from being a nice guy nor does it lend itself to him necessarily being a nice guy but I know nothing about him and am no judge as to whether Dani is truly happy. Wealth and private jets and big engagement rings can convince people they are happy at least for awhile. But I do hope she is since she seems like good people.


Naomi just needs to leave.  Clearly, Craig is not the man she wants and she can't make him be. I would be annoyed af with Craig but I'm not in the business of trying to change someone. Other than him trying to get Landon and Kathryn to have it out, I've liked that he's called out people's double standards and general douchery.  Why is a yankee boy even on this show? I wish they had found more southern born and bred cast But Im assuming the gentry would want nothing to do with this spectacle.


I really wish Kathryn would get her act together completely not just for herself and her children but to show the ones who think she's full of it and will amount to nothing and never change that she can and can do it successfully-maybe show Landon how to get a job and actually do something. I don't understand the sobriety thing.

 I was under the impression she was not drinking since she made a comment in a TH about everyone drinking at that first meeting earlier in the season. Even IF she can handle it (doubtful, especially the rumors going around about Saint having FAS) the optics of her drinking don't do her any favors trying to regain joint custody.

Taking it a step further, would it mean that if I were a recovering alcoholic I can take drugs recreationally as long as I don't drink?  


I have to say I really like this reality show. It's one I can watch without having to be doing something else during it. I might be an anomaly here as I don't even have a tv. I buy seasons of shows from iTunes or Amazon to watch on my iPad so I don't have every show at  my disposal  and granted I only buy a few but this is one I get every season. Can't say the same with the Savannah version. I bought two episodes and said Hell No! To that one. Lol  

  • Love 2
On 6/25/2017 at 10:58 AM, beesknees said:

Okay, so I know I'm going to get dragged here and I know I'm in the minority but I just don't get where all Naomie's anger toward Craig is coming from.  I get it, he's not pounding away at traditional 9 - 5 job right now but that is temporary.  Soon he'll be pulling all-nighters cramming for the bar and he will get a job.  So what if Craig's taking some time off as a house husband of sorts before he gets back into the proverbial rat race.  Why is Naomie so perpetually pressed about that? 

As long as Craig pays his half of the bills (he has Bravo income and I assume is generating some kind of income from his rental property) why is Naomie hating?  Their house looks clean, Gizmo's being well looked after (and being pulled around in a wagon no less!), Craig takes care of the outside yard/property and even built a deck on Naomie's parent's house (which I'm sure adds dollar value to their home).  Where is all the vitriol coming from?

Naomie acts like Craig is some scumbag loser that contributes nothing and is making her do all the financial heavy lifting (i.e. - financially supporting him 100% which I highly doubt is the case).  So what if the dude spends money on power tools to enhance their physical surroundings.  Craig could be out in a bar every single night (#Old Craig) pissing away all his money on booze/drugs with Shep, coming home at 3 a.m., sleeping the entire next day away and nursing a never-ending hangover and have nothing to show for it.  But Craigs's not doing that.

Craig mentioned to another cast member earlier this season that instead of wasting money in bars all night he uses that party money to buy a new power tool every week and does something constructive and creative with that.  Sober, I may add.  I give Craig credit for this because he had a huge problem with alcohol/substance abuse in the past and he turned that around.  Many cannot turn it around.  It is a lifelong struggle.

Naomie complains about Craig and wonders what he does all day (he's at home creating, staying out of trouble and being a cat dad!  You know right where he is).  Naomie could be lying awake in bed every night tossing and turning at 4 a.m. wondering where her man is, what he's doing and who he's doing it with.  No ma'am.  I lived that life with my ex husband and it was a positively excruciating experience I wish on no one.  Back in the day I wish I knew where my partner was, tinkering in the garage working on maintaining our cars or out building a gazebo in the backyard.  Naomie doesn't have it that bad.  Really!

So what if Craig wants to put his money toward a sewing machine and create things to make their home a more inviting place to live.  These things that Craig is doing is all temporary and he has many years left to work once he gets married and has a family.  At the end of the day, no one put a gun to Naomie's head to get her MBA.  It was a conscious choice on her part.  I'm sorry Naomie's tired and dragging ass working 12 hours a day right now but the MBA was her conscious choice, no? just like it was Craig's conscious choice to stay close to home now, lie low, until he has to study his butt off to take the bar.  I suppose Naomie will complain about that as well when the time comes? (Craig has already passed the bar in real time but you know what I mean!)

I think Craig and Naomie should split now so they can remain amicable, stay friends.  They have no children.  They went to couple's counseling yet cannot stop putting each other down in public as well as in private.  Time to cut bait and be done with it.  Sometimes when I look at Naomi looking at Craig I can just see the physical disgust in her face.  Naw, they need to part ways.  They are two attractive people, each with a lot to offer someone else.  Apologize for this rant being so long!  Commence Craig haters and tell me what I'm not seeing and what I'm missing!

I'm with you 100%. Naomi is not a good person. Craig is a sweetie. 

On 6/25/2017 at 0:19 PM, biakbiak said:



On 6/25/2017 at 6:26 PM, Nancypants said:

I'm eagerly anticipatimy the Reunion, where The Village Idiot has to defend her actions this season. My prediction is She will make herself look even dumber than she already does

I have no idea WHICH village idiot you're referring to. I think of 4 off the top of my head! 

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1 hour ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I'm with you 100%. Naomi is not a good person. Craig is a sweetie. 


I have no idea WHICH village idiot you're referring to. I think of 4 off the top of my head! 

Its the one that makes everyone else look like they have their shit together.

Its The Village Idiot that sets The Gold standard for cringeworthy stupidity and entitlement. Our Useless little Squinting Dolphin that likes liike Arrt and Twwaaavel and Aarrt and stufff. 

THAT Idiot.

  • Love 3
On 6/28/2017 at 8:00 AM, Babyfoot said:

Not sure if she's the owner but Powell Clements is Landon's sister, Bam: http://willow-salon.net/team/powell-clements/

Oh! Now her name makes a little more sense: "Powell" > "Pow" > "Bam" like a superhero comic. Every time she's on I think surely someone wouldn't name their daughter Bam. But for the life of me I couldn't figure out what Bam would be short for. Then again, Landon isn't a real name either, so that didn't help! Bamdon? Or, if Landon is like London with an "a," maybe Bam's name is Bambay (instead of Bombay)? I seriously spent far too much time out of my life (possibly 5 whole minutes cumulatively!) trying to figure out her name! You'll always be Bambay to me, Powell!

Edited by JenE4
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10 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Does anyone else find the fact that Landon's sister goes only by "Bam" on the show to be ultra annoying? I dunno if it's her actual real-life hipster nickname or just a pseudonym used only for the show, but it just comes off so twee and try-hard. Kinda like big sister Landon!

When she first showed upper they said it was her childhood nickname.

2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Hmmm, yet Cheltsie doesn't show up under the "artist" list on the site.  The show couldn't have just had her pretend to work there for us, could it?


2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Of course they could! :)

She's right here:


She's still classified under "Stylist-In-Training" but from what I know from people who are her clients, she's a full-fledged stylist now.

Chelsea works at a different branch than Landon's sister.

Edited by slowpoked
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Maybe it's a temp job.  Or a job created for the show.

It sure was convenient because the show was able to film scenes with Shep and Kathryn's convos with Cheltsie.

Really generous of the salon to let them film there.

I would imagine when they're filming, the salon's regular business had to be interrupted, because it doesn't show other clients and stylists when they filmed there.

16 hours ago, scrb said:

Maybe it's a temp job.  Or a job created for the show.

It sure was convenient because the show was able to film scenes with Shep and Kathryn's convos with Cheltsie.

Really generous of the salon to let them film there.

I would imagine when they're filming, the salon's regular business had to be interrupted, because it doesn't show other clients and stylists when they filmed there.

No, it's her real, actual job. One that she has been doing before she was even discussed to be on the show. One of my friends started seeing her at that place since December 2015. She also has a separate IG page for it:


She's done Cameran, Shep, Austen, Kathryn, and even Thomas' nanny. 

I don't see why it would be a big problem for the salon to film there. That's a huge exposure for them. I'm assuming they're getting a lot of bookings right now, especially Chelsea.

And yes, it does look like they film during off hours. But there was a scene with Shep where it looked like they were filming during business hours, and you can see other people in there.

Edited by slowpoked
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On 6/24/2017 at 0:20 PM, zoeysmom said:

I will forever remember that order.  Stemmed glassware a challenge for Craig?  Here is an idea Craig-order a bottle and share what you don't finish.  Craig has obviously experienced bar service failures to have hatched that elaborate scheme of wine drinking.

I listened to Craig on a radio show he was on last week.  He and Naomie are still together, he has dropped off social media, he and Naomie have nothing in common, Naomie loses it when people make fun of her looks or disagree with her in general.  Sound like a fun couple.  If I were Craig he might as well just skip the glass and drink from the bottle. 

Craig specifically said on the radio that he and Naomie have nothing in common and that she loses it when people disagree with her? 

On 6/28/2017 at 0:50 PM, Nancypants said:

Its the one that makes everyone else look like they have their shit together.

Its The Village Idiot that sets The Gold standard for cringeworthy stupidity and entitlement. Our Useless little Squinting Dolphin that likes liike Arrt and Twwaaavel and Aarrt and stufff. 

THAT Idiot.

I was listening to an interview with Mark Cuban and he said that the way he recognizes a gold digger, is that they all say that they want to travel and do charity work.

there. Landon is certified by Cuban's standards.

I also thought about Craig too.....

Edited by LIMOM
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