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S13.E24: Ring Of Fire

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On 5/19/2017 at 1:32 PM, MV007 said:

I thought Riggs initial reaction was one of disbelief and shock.  And once he realized it was really happening he became happy.  On the other hand, I can buy Hunt's initial reaction as shock but then he goes into this self-blame thing and there was never really a moment where I remember him being happy she's alive.  At least not in any way beyond being cursory.  And honestly, it didn't really jump out of me until we saw Riggs and I started to think to myself, why the eff was Hunt not happier?

I find both reactions equally believable.  Owen has always been more in his head than Riggs, and he has a pretty serious case of PTSD himself.  And he's just realized that his sister was being held prisoner just a few miles away from where he was stationed.  Since I have no way of knowing how I'd react in such a situation, I'm not judging him.

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8 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

I'm not sure if Minnick is entirely gone as Marika was hella enthusiastic on Twitter for someone's last day on a show. She also said that playing Eliza is the best thing that has happened to her. obviously she's enjoying the attention one would easily get if they're paired opposite with Arizona (or Callie). As much I don't like the character, I won't mind if GA kept her off screw vile as Arizona's partner (she can show up once a season like Adele or like Ben used to be in earlier season) as long as the series runs or Sara returns.... 



50 minutes ago, nic said:

I was hoping that the firefighter that Arizona flirted with would make an appearance. She's the first person i thought of when the spinoff was announced. Do you think any of the firefighters shown in this episode will be part of the spinoff? (specifically the woman introduced by Bailey on the stairs)

Replying to both of these in the Speculation thread.


It would have taken Minnick two minutes to tell the firefighters Stephanie was missing. It took Meredith 30 seconds while she was assisting on a surgery. Telling someone wouldn't have prevented her from treating patients which is how she was behaving.   It doesn't matter if it is in her job description.  She said she would do it and didn't.  Her attitude about forgetting was like she forgot to turn lights off. 

She can also lose me with patients are priority she kept spewing.  She has never shown that.  She's shown her method and winning the residents over was the end all, be all. Her method is so important,  she killed a child because of it. I'm still irritated this was glossed over and never addressed.  

Someone would have been in danger, once they found out liver lac was a rapist.  

Edited by Court
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29 minutes ago, Court said:

It would have taken Minnick two minutes to tell the firefighters Stephanie was missing. It took Meredith 30 seconds while she was assisting on a surgery. Telling someone wouldn't have prevented her from treating patients which is how she was behaving.   It doesn't matter if it is in her job description.  She said she would do it and didn't.  Her attitude about forgetting was like she forgot to turn lights off. 

She can also lose me with patients are priority she kept spewing.  She has never shown that.  She's shown her method and winning the residents over was the end all, be all. Her method is so important,  she killed a child because of it. I'm still irritated this was glossed over and never addressed.  

Someone would have been in danger, once they found out liver lac was a rapist.  

That's exactly it, Minnick was given no retroman for her actions. She was not only gun-ho but she didn't care who she pissed off, bridges she burned or threw under the bus. She was like: "I'm the best and Katherine Avery loves my ass, I'm God's gift to the hospital." Then add in that Bailey was trying to keep Katherine happy made it worst, because she was the damn chief of surgery. Not HR, not Financial, she is the head of surgery. Richard saw what Minick did in her first surgery. Knew her record of the "all to perfect" basically left Stephanie take the fall for the kid dying. Should have kept Steph out of the building before the rapist was ever there. "Oh no, It's so and so's fault, I'm awesome. Oh... I forgot to tell the firefighters and police that there was a missing doctor who was most likely taken hostage by the rapist and a little girl is missing." "Oh well, I sewed up three patients who were already taken care of, I'm awesome!" Hey, I know a bus that is heading your way soon and the driver is texting, stand in front of it on the way home. 

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8 minutes ago, readster said:

That's exactly it, Minnick was given no retroman for her actions. She was not only gun-ho but she didn't care who she pissed off, bridges she burned or threw under the bus. She was like: "I'm the best and Katherine Avery loves my ass, I'm God's gift to the hospital."

If you're going to have a character that arrogant, then you need to show why they are so arrogant (and/or make it funny like with Mark Sloan).  All we ever saw was Minnick doing stupid things and passing them off as learning opportunities.  We heard a lot about how great her marvelous "Minnick method" is, but that doesn't fly.  Her storyline was just poorly written all around, much like everything else this season.

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Minnick may have been right that Stephanie s shouldn't have taken the rapist to who she thought was his lover but it's something everyone else at the hospital would have done.  Her insistence that Stephanie go to counselling and be off work during it was nonsensical; Stephanie is the sort of person who gets over things better if she's able to work.

Not telling the police that there was a missing doctor is inexcusable -- she could have still saved patients to her heart's content and called out to a police officer or fire fighter as she was wheeling patients down the hall. Blaming Stephanie for her own negligence is the lowest of the low.  What a terrible character, whose only point was to make us feel sorry for Richard.  I feel more sorry for him being married to Catherine though.

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Wow. This show actually surprised me a couple of times this episode. First, there was the pleasant surprise of not killing Stephanie. I agree that it was a lame send-off, precipitated by a whole pile of needless horror due to bad decisions. But at least she didn't die.

And then there was the scene with Meredith and Nathan. Although Megan's alive status was not remotely surprising, Meredith's whole behaviour around it was shockingly mature. First, she finds out about it and immediately goes to tell him. Then, although she doesn't tell him in the middle of the surgery (which is a good decision), she also doesn't wait for the "perfect" moment. Basically, as soon as the full-on crisis has passed, she tells him. Which is a very welcome change from the way people on TV usually handle big news. And then, oh my god. His reaction, combined with her reaction to his reaction, was kind of beautiful, and it actually made me cry, which this show has not done for years. I teared up a little when Derek died, and more recently when they flashed back to when Derek died, but I haven't actually cried since I don't even know when, but seeing that did me in. Watching him going from not even really processing what she was telling him to understanding and being ecstatic, then being self-aware enough to realize that this might be hurting her, but still being beyond elated was lovely. Watching her be genuinely thrilled for him with the kind of understanding that can only come from experience, and only breaking a little after he was gone was also lovely. I'm actually not dreading seeing where this story goes from here.

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15 hours ago, Starscream said:

If you're going to have a character that arrogant, then you need to show why they are so arrogant (and/or make it funny like with Mark Sloan).  All we ever saw was Minnick doing stupid things and passing them off as learning opportunities.  We heard a lot about how great her marvelous "Minnick method" is, but that doesn't fly.  Her storyline was just poorly written all around, much like everything else this season.

That's exactly it! Trust me I have worked and known arrogant people, but after you meet them and see how they are. You understand why they are arrogant. Reminds me in that flashback when Bailey was still an intern and why Richard took her under his wing. The surgical resident there just seem to hate being shown up. Yet, she basically had almost let several patients suffered because she wouldn't hear an "intern's" opinion. Yet, Richard explained back then that she became that way because she had to be either a shark or a mino, but then let it go to her head that she had to even be a shark to peers. However, we got her motivation and while petty, made sense. With Minnick, we never got it and their excuse was: "She never lost a patient, ever." So, she walked around as if she was God's gift to everyone. However, then they constantly had Minnick pissing off other doctors, really not teaching "better" and then blaming everyone else or throwing them under the bus right in front of others. That doesn't speak as a good teacher, doctor or person. That shows a stuck up brat. 

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Minnick was a very poorly conceived character, probably one of the worst in the shows history. No consistency from episode to episode (her method gets a child killed, Steph understandably has a breakdown, the next week she's totally fine with Minnick again- wtf?) and it made everyone look like assholes, whether they were pro-Minnick or against. Just a complete fail of a storyline- and not a maternity leave in sight!

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Very satisfying episode...I'm actually kind of bummed there's no new one this week. But, y'all are harshing my mellow with the speculation that Minnick might not be fully gone, lol. Think positive!


Chemistry was Sara and JCap.

The actresses may have had chemistry, but the couple they portrayed was tired AF, and needs to stay buried.


Ellen Pompeo had a fairly noticeable one in the early seasons; I don't know if it's lessened over the years or if I've just tuned it out.

The first time I tried watching this show, I was surprised that someone with a lisp was doing the voice-over. But, like you, I don't much notice it, anymore. I wonder if Sarah Paulson's lisp factored into her being cast as flashback Ellis?


But WHY OH WHY is Katherine acting like she [Minnick] is the be all and end all?

Because she can't stand to be proven wrong?

I forgot if it was said or not, but is Megan also a doctor? (That's probably a "duh" question.)

Edited by jaync

What made me happy about this episode : Stephanie being given a good send-off (she's one of the very strong character on this show I think, and I was really worried she would be killed off. She deserves a good life); Meredith being all about someone else and not all about herself for once (and she was pretty sweet and mature about it); Minnick fired (which should have happened a lot of episodes ago when a child died in surgery because of her teaching methods).

What I really don't care about : Maggie-Jackson (they have zero chemistry); not-dead Megan and Owen's PTSD; Alex and Jo's husband (if that story stops there, it was pretty useless, but on the other hand I don't really want it to go any further).

Altogether I feel that not much happened this season and the characters are pretty much where they were 24 episodes ago (except Stephanie probably).

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On 5/20/2017 at 10:21 PM, kingshearte said:

And then there was the scene with Meredith and Nathan. Although Megan's alive status was not remotely surprising, Meredith's whole behaviour around it was shockingly mature. First, she finds out about it and immediately goes to tell him. Then, although she doesn't tell him in the middle of the surgery (which is a good decision), she also doesn't wait for the "perfect" moment. Basically, as soon as the full-on crisis has passed, she tells him. Which is a very welcome change from the way people on TV usually handle big news. And then, oh my god. His reaction, combined with her reaction to his reaction, was kind of beautiful, and it actually made me cry, which this show has not done for years. I teared up a little when Derek died, and more recently when they flashed back to when Derek died, but I haven't actually cried since I don't even know when, but seeing that did me in. Watching him going from not even really processing what she was telling him to understanding and being ecstatic, then being self-aware enough to realize that this might be hurting her, but still being beyond elated was lovely. Watching her be genuinely thrilled for him with the kind of understanding that can only come from experience, and only breaking a little after he was gone was also lovely. I'm actually not dreading seeing where this story goes from here.

I LOVED that scene. Meredith's "if that was Derek, I would already be in the car" brought tears to my eyes and for the first time, I bought these two as a viable couple. 

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On 5/19/2017 at 3:17 PM, marceline said:

I was just so annoyed that Stephanie couldn't find a fire extinguisher, especially in the stairwell. My office building has a fire extinguisher on every landing in the stairwell. The fact that she couldn't find one in the lab was pretty ridiculous too. A room with explosive material like that would have extinguishers, sprinklers, and probably even a halon fire suppression system.

What I did like was the burns on Stephanie. I've been a burn patient (which made this a difficult watch) and it drives me crazy to see people jump through flames and get no injuries.

When her and the girl got into the stairwell they were seriously standing next to a connection for a fire hose deciding on to go down or up. I wanted to yell "GET THAT FREAKING HOSE!!!!"  so do those just not work like that?  

I'd also like to know how you are like 2 feet away from an explosion and survive with burns yet your clothes and hair look near perfect. 

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On 5/20/2017 at 10:06 PM, statsgirl said:

Minnick may have been right that Stephanie s shouldn't have taken the rapist to who she thought was his lover but it's something everyone else at the hospital would have done.  Her insistence that Stephanie go to counselling and be off work during it was nonsensical; Stephanie is the sort of person who gets over things better if she's able to work.

Not telling the police that there was a missing doctor is inexcusable -- she could have still saved patients to her heart's content and called out to a police officer or fire fighter as she was wheeling patients down the hall. Blaming Stephanie for her own negligence is the lowest of the low.  What a terrible character, whose only point was to make us feel sorry for Richard.  I feel more sorry for him being married to Catherine though.

that's the thing. everyone would have done it. Hell. Meredith and Derek did a booty call for the two kids with brain tumours remember? Liz and someone? (Journee whatever her name is was the actress). I think too, say no one did. say that the rapist decided to risk the Lac to make sure his almost rapee didn't talk, and grabbed the first doctor/nurse he saw with said scalpel. Then what? Who does Minnick then blame for not opening her damned mouth and tell someone she was missing. . That was what got Bailey + Weber so flabbergasted. Not only did Minnick forget (how do you FORGET that someone is missing in the fire) then she was like but you know the patients are our first priority, AND YOU KNOW IF STEPHANIE WASN"T ..... 

that's what lost me. 

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On May 20, 2017 at 11:18 PM, Starscream said:

I thought Meredith going so far as to check his breathing before telling him was the sweetest thing I'd seen on this show in ages.

And this is why I get so fucking angry with this show. They are capable of creating genuine, touching character moments, and we have gotten so much shitty writing this season. It's infuriating.


That was what got Bailey + Weber so flabbergasted. Not only did Minnick forget (how do you FORGET that someone is missing in the fire) then she was like but you know the patients are our first priority, AND YOU KNOW IF STEPHANIE WASN"T ..... 

It's inexcusable. I don't know if it was the writing or acting, but having Minnick be so cavalier about forgetting to give the police vital information was down right atrocious.

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On 5/18/2017 at 8:11 PM, Blonde Gator said:

I am so SICK of that.  Someone needs to tell her to sit down, shut up, you have ONE vote, lady....and it currently belongs to her son.

Oh, my, and now I've gone and forgotten why! I vaguely remember nearly an entire episode devoted to this...


She is so imperious, she SEEMS like an entire board, LOL.

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I really got on board with Riggs/Meredith so it's a shame they ended things. It felt like closure.

i have to say though I've zero interest in watching Megan deal with PTSD, anger issues, watching her aggressively blame Owen for what happened, watching Owen aggressively blame Riggs. 

I'm really hoping that Bridget Regan is unavailable so that thus can all happen offscreen.

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i have to say though I've zero interest in watching Megan deal with PTSD, anger issues, watching her aggressively blame Owen for what happened, watching Owen aggressively blame Riggs. 

Same here. Remember when Riggs first came on the show? He and Owen were at each other's throats, literally. So here we go again. Been there, done that. How can they make Megan's return even remotely interesting and compelling for us viewers? And if Megan has amnesia, I will scream - the oldest soap opera trick in the book. So they'd better not go down THAT road. Or, if Megan was pregnant when she was taken hostage and there's a 10 year child of Riggs' out there somewhere - that would be absurd as well. I'm hard pressed to think of how Megan's return could be made interesting. All it's going to do is wreak havoc on Riggs, Owen, and Amelia. I'm not looking forward to it. Maggie should be thanking her lucky stars that she didn't get involved with Riggs!

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

Same here. Remember when Riggs first came on the show? He and Owen were at each other's throats, literally. So here we go again. Been there, done that. How can they make Megan's return even remotely interesting and compelling for us viewers? And if Megan has amnesia, I will scream - the oldest soap opera trick in the book. So they'd better not go down THAT road. Or, if Megan was pregnant when she was taken hostage and there's a 10 year child of Riggs' out there somewhere - that would be absurd as well. I'm hard pressed to think of how Megan's return could be made interesting. All it's going to do is wreak havoc on Riggs, Owen, and Amelia. I'm not looking forward to it. Maggie should be thanking her lucky stars that she didn't get involved with Riggs!

I'm curious as to how Megan and Amelia get along. Amelia can't get her own ish together, but she seems like a "fixer". She was hands on with Meredith's kids as soon as she arrived in Seattle and she immediately took action when she saw Owen falling apart upon hearing about Megan. I could see her immediately bonding with Megan or acting as a go between between the siblings and this being what brings her and Owen back together. 

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On 5/24/2017 at 7:14 AM, TVForever said:

Daniel Sunjata- always nice to see him. I know he was most recently in Notorious. Was that a Shondaland show?

No, it was sandwiched between two Shonda shows, but was not produced by Shondaland.

This season was a perfect example of a show that is just writing to sustain itself. It's not writing toward an ending. It's just continuing for the sake of continuing. I figure we've got at least two more seasons of this. With Scandal ending next season, we're not going to get a Grey's finale, too. The writers need to set an end date and start wrapping things up.

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I guess I disagree that the writers need to set an end date.

I don't see this show like Lost that was telling a story over a period of time in which folks became completely focused on "how will this story end", "how will they explain everything".  That's the kind of story where it lost (if you will) focus during the middle years and it almost killed the show before they could tell the full story because folks didn't care about the middle stories they were telling, they only cared about the reveals.

Here, the story will always continue on (it continued after Burke, Izzy, George and Christina, it got better (in comparison to other later seasons), in my opinion, for the first season post-Derek. Who knows what will happen next season.  If perhaps there had been an ending Shonda had in mind when we started, we are well past that.  What does an end date do for the stories they tell other than end the show and stop the stories?  I assume that when Ellen decides to leave the show, it is likely the show will end.  She will give enough notice to Shonda that the show can write to an end and until then the show will continue to tell its stories.

Lots of folks still like the show and aren't waiting for the end. There's no compelling conclusion that they are working towards, and shows like this can go for many years. Also, this show continues to be a ratings success and huge money-maker for the network and studio.  

I understand that sticking with a show can lead to horrific disappointment.  I'm thinking of "How I Met Your Mother" and how it destroyed the entire run of the show in the finale of that show such that I cannot bring myself to watch another episode in reruns.  That's a show that ran a couple of years too long, but tried to stick a landing that they had pre-planned, but blew past by being renewed beyond the stories they had to tell. 

What gets destroyed here by running a couple of more years, when we've obviously blasted past any pre-planned endings (certainly Meredith/Derek is out the door)?  This show seems like ER in that you can get tired of it after a decade or so, tune out, but tune in for the finale and not feel excluded from missing the end of the run.  

Why not let the folks that enjoy the show continue to watch the show for a couple of years that you don't want to watch anymore and we all join back together again for one big last thread for the finale? 

Edited by pennben
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16 hours ago, pennben said:

I guess I disagree that the writers need to set an end date.

I think I'm kind of in the same boat, but my feelings are based (in large part) on the fact that there is a new (er, returning) show runner coming back.  If there hadn't been a change at the helm of this show, I'd rooting for season 14 to be the last season.  However, with all the problems with season 13, one thing it didn't do was write itself into any corners.  Yeah, there were plenty of lousy, annoying, boring elements this season--but nothing that can't be taken care of if the story line of the show is refocused.

I'm optimistic about next season, and I'm even willing to hand wave things and allow for "correction time' if things look promising.  I can think of more than one show that ended far sooner than it should have because no one had the guts to just pull the show runners and put someone fresh in.  Sometimes, that's all it takes.

I also hope Meredith isn't pregnant. That would be a dumb storyline as she already has three kids she rarely takes care of. One thing that irritates me about this show Is how everyone gets pregnant. I understand Derrick and Meredith not using protection but these are doctors not 15 year old who think disease and babies won't happen to them. No reason for two adults who aren't even in a relationship to have unprotected sex. 

I don't like Maggie and Jackson. Just seems desperate. Maggie was all about Riggs and now 15 mins later she is all about Jackson? Not realistic. Not everyone needs a love interest. 

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I'm watching re-runs on USA.  Today they are playing "Change of Heart" (where Richard goes to propose to Katherine Avery after Christina loses the Harper Avery).  While they are fighting in her office, she says "Do I need to remind you why there's a Grey Sloane Memorial Hospital, or should I take my $24 million dollars back?"  The description of the episode says the original air date was 4/24/14, but I'm not sure that's correct....the OAD's seem to be kind of arbitrary on DISH.

So there it is.  The Foundation bought a controlling share in the hospital for $24 million. 

So, I call BS on Katherine Avery being able to run the place "because, Foundation".  The sum total of two or three other share-holding board member's shares should be able to out-vote her, every single time.  Like to shit-can Minnick the second she walked through the door with her hair on fire.

Just another plot hole, I suppose.  But we discussed this pretty thoroughly a couple of weeks ago.  So I thought I'd toss this out there. 

21 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I think I'm kind of in the same boat, but my feelings are based (in large part) on the fact that there is a new (er, returning) show runner coming back.  If there hadn't been a change at the helm of this show, I'd rooting for season 14 to be the last season.  However, with all the problems with season 13, one thing it didn't do was write itself into any corners.  Yeah, there were plenty of lousy, annoying, boring elements this season--but nothing that can't be taken care of if the story line of the show is refocused.

I'm optimistic about next season, and I'm even willing to hand wave things and allow for "correction time' if things look promising.  I can think of more than one show that ended far sooner than it should have because no one had the guts to just pull the show runners and put someone fresh in.  Sometimes, that's all it takes.

Why oh why couldn't they have burned Minnick to a crisp, and given Stephanie a fabulous opportunity (hint, Christina's hospital, Switzerland) as a send-off?

Edited by Blonde Gator
question marks are for questions, d'oh!
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Just finished watching the season finale and I also found it a mixed bag.  I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread but I very much agree with this:

On 2017-5-19 at 0:34 PM, Chicken Wing said:

I mean, really, when you think about it, absolutely nothing happened. Everyone is in almost the exact same place they were last season finale. Meredith and Riggs are still, technically, in "will they or won't they" mode with the Megan stuff. Nothing came of Alex beating the crap out of DeLuca and nothing came of the Jo being married thing. Owen and Amelia got married and then immediately had almost nothing to do with each other for nearly the entire season. (Granted, these last two things were partially the result of the actresses' pregnancies, but still.) Bailey is still an incompetent chief. Maggie started and ended the season whining about Riggs. Jackson and April have their baby and that's all. Nothing. Nothing happened to anyone!

And all the storylines that were left hanging/unexplored, too - the Alex/Jo/nasty husband one, the Omelia one, the "will Japril get together again after their bonding experience in Montana" one.  This is something the show didn't do in the past but even though I'm enjoying it again, it seems to be a new and consistent thing these last couple of seasons.  

Glad that Stephanie didn't literally DIAF, as the saying goes.  The actress is much better than the material they gave her and I hope she gets a good gig somewhere.  I just don't get this thrown-together Mackson/Jaggie thing.  They barely spoke until about four episodes ago and now they've suddenly developed feelings for one another?  How? When?  And the Omelia thing, pregnant actress or not, was ridiculous even for Grey's.  I'm glad I am not a fan of either character because what happened with them this season was utter shite.

One last thing - as an Aussie I'm happy to have Riggs on the show.  Okay, I know he's a Kiwi, but he sounds Aussie enough to add a bit of flavour to the cast.  So often Australian actors who work in the USA have to lose their accent and on some level I find it a bit offensive, as though we don't speak English or something!

3 hours ago, katisha said:

One last thing - as an Aussie I'm happy to have Riggs on the show.  Okay, I know he's a Kiwi, but he sounds Aussie enough to add a bit of flavour to the cast.  So often Australian actors who work in the USA have to lose their accent and on some level I find it a bit offensive, as though we don't speak English or something!

Well, if the character is supposed to be American, then the character should be speaking in an American accent.  What annoys me is when producers cast non-American actors in American roles, especially when said actor can't really do an American accent and when there are plenty of perfectly wonderful American actors who, you know, can.  Of course, I also hate it when American actors are cast in roles that call for particular accents (Southern, Midwestern, etc.), and they can't do the accent.  I wanted to stab Bryce Dallas Howard's Southern accent in The Help to. fucking. death.  So goddamn terrible.

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IIRC Riggs mentioned something about having been born in NZ or having Kiwi parents, so he comes by the accent honestly, although he grew up with Owen in Seattle.

Since we've made the ER comparison quite a bit lately- I always liked how they let the actors keep their original accents in that show, whether Brit, Aussie or Croatian. It made things a bit more interesting and is also realistic with the number of foreign doctors in the US (although the lack of Asian doctors on both ER and Grey's certainly isn't realistic!)

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15 hours ago, katisha said:

Just finished watching the season finale and I also found it a mixed bag.  I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread but I very much agree with this:

And all the storylines that were left hanging/unexplored, too - the Alex/Jo/nasty husband one, the Omelia one, the "will Japril get together again after their bonding experience in Montana" one.  This is something the show didn't do in the past but even though I'm enjoying it again, it seems to be a new and consistent thing these last couple of seasons.  

Glad that Stephanie didn't literally DIAF, as the saying goes.  The actress is much better than the material they gave her and I hope she gets a good gig somewhere.  I just don't get this thrown-together Mackson/Jaggie thing.  They barely spoke until about four episodes ago and now they've suddenly developed feelings for one another?  How? When?  And the Omelia thing, pregnant actress or not, was ridiculous even for Grey's.  I'm glad I am not a fan of either character because what happened with them this season was utter shite.

One last thing - as an Aussie I'm happy to have Riggs on the show.  Okay, I know he's a Kiwi, but he sounds Aussie enough to add a bit of flavour to the cast.  So often Australian actors who work in the USA have to lose their accent and on some level I find it a bit offensive, as though we don't speak English or something!

I get the feeling that they originally had a season predominantly featuring Jolex planned, but Camilla's real life pregnancy got in the way.  Sometimes you can hide a pregnancy in baggy clothing and props, but action scenes and love scenes would be nearly impossible.  Same with Owen and Amelia.  Caterina's pregnancy was (mostly) hidden by props, but any storylines they might have had planned would have to work around her maternity leave.  Same with any storylines feathering Ellen Pompeo.  Then there was Jessica Capshaw's maternity leave and Sara Ramirez' rather abrupt exit at the end of last season which probably also had an impact on storytelling direction.  Finally, you have one show-runner leaving and someone else coming in to do the job.  I feel as if they left a lot of storylines deliberately in limbo at the end of the season so that the new showrunner could "choose her own adventure" with the direction of the characters and stories going forward.  

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I noticed they stated several times that they are sure it's Megan.    Someone said they won't notify you unless they are sure.  Also referenced a couple of other times.  Was that to abate speculation that it isn't really Megan, or was it to lull us into a sense of security that it's her, so then they can surprise us with her being incorrectly identified as Megan? 

It seemed to me like they said it more than was necessary, that they were sure it was her.  


I see good potential for the Megan storyline. Wasn't there a flashback where she was shown to be a lighthearted, sweet person? The opposite of Hunt?Maybe she can be a great addition to the show. Being optimistic here for a change!

Why did we do to deserve Maggie? As much as I hated Minnick, Maggie is even worse. Can't stand the smug smile, the arrogance, the immaturity, the narcissism, the annoying voice, the fact that the character exists. Why would any man want to date that stupid person? Why? Please send her away. Fire, plane crash, bus, fun shot, drowning I don't care. Just go.

Edited by maddie965
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I just finished watching this episode. All 13 seasons complete on Netflix, its been a great ride. I love this show. One thing about this episode, I'm glad edwards survived the explosion but I don't realistically see how. The explosion blew a hole in the wall and would have vaporized her. she is becoming a good doctor, I didn't care much for her at first, but Ive grown to like her, I hope she appears more next season. I was really surprised to see Minnick get fired, she was kinda growing on me. I think I will rewatch the first couple of seasons now. I want to see George again.

On 2017-05-20 at 10:06 PM, statsgirl said:

Minnick may have been right that Stephanie s shouldn't have taken the rapist to who she thought was his lover but it's something everyone else at the hospital would have done.  Her insistence that Stephanie go to counselling and be off work during it was nonsensical; Stephanie is the sort of person who gets over things better if she's able to work.

Not telling the police that there was a missing doctor is inexcusable -- she could have still saved patients to her heart's content and called out to a police officer or fire fighter as she was wheeling patients down the hall. Blaming Stephanie for her own negligence is the lowest of the low.  What a terrible character, whose only point was to make us feel sorry for Richard.  I feel more sorry for him being married to Catherine though.

If Stephanie hadn’t missed that religious father’s head she would’ve been charged with assault and wouldn’t have even gotten the same 6month suspension or hearing that Ben did. She would’ve been fired especially because it happened on hospital grounds.  It’s mind boggling to me how they kept showing the footage of Ben and the open elevator as some kind of heinous crime and yet the camera would show Stephanie and Karev lied about the kid having a seizure, her throwing whatever the thing was that she did near the kid’s father and wheeling the rapist down to an area that he shouldn’t have been in.


i just wonder if they’ll actually follow through with the guy suing the hospital for going against his parental rights and Stephanie’s attempted assault.

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