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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm not happy with how easily Ruby folded under pressure from Turner.

I think Ruby is the weak link as far as putting pressure on the women goes, though, so it was smart of Turner to try to lean on her. 

26 minutes ago, Trini said:

I don't want [Turner] dead, and I don't think they need to kill him; but I do think that either a) his case against the Girls will fall apart somehow, or b) all the crimes will get pinned on someone else. (Assuming that TPTB let them get away with everything; maybe they won't ...)

I don't want him dead, either. But I don't want something dumb to happen that gets him off the case/out of the way. I hate it when law enforcement loses only because the plot demands it. I could see everything being turned onto Mary Pat, and that buys the other women some time (I'll accept the plot demanding she being the only who pays, at least for a certain amount of time), and we don't see him for a while. Then it becomes obvious somehow the other women can be caught and the series ends. Ha!

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't want him dead, either. But I don't want something dumb to happen that gets him off the case/out of the way. I hate it when law enforcement loses only because the plot demands it. I could see everything being turned onto Mary Pat, and that buys the other women some time (I'll accept the plot demanding she being the only who pays, at least for a certain amount of time), and we don't see him for a while. Then it becomes obvious somehow the other women can be caught and the series ends. Ha!

I just remembered that Rio still has the Body, so there's a good chance that it at least the murder will get pinned on Mary Pat, or someone else.

It might not have to be something dumb to stall the investigation; so far, he doesn't have enough evidence to pin anyone down. (Except maybe Stan for tampering with evidence.)

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I'm really trying to hang onto the fact that Ruby naively went to Turner thinking she was just turning herself in to save Stan and clearly was not expecting to have to rat on anyone but herself. Which just goes to show how little she thought about what she was doing (and probably also how little TV she watches, lol), but it also gives her some wiggle room as far as how big of a betrayal we're really looking at. I definitely think she's going to try to string Turner along with silly meaningless things ("Oh gosh, I'm so sorry this picture is blurry, I really thought I got a clear shot..."), but he's going to pick up on that ASAP, so she's going to have to get clever quick. And hope Rio doesn't find out. Aside from what he did to Dean, he's been mostly all bark and no bite, but given that he presumably offed one of his own guys for talking to the FBI in the first season, I'm not sure Beth's affection for Ruby would keep her safe if Rio finds out she's doing the same.

On 4/9/2019 at 9:48 AM, Glory said:

What does Rio have to do to convince Beth he's not to be trifled with? Kill one of her kids? She is playing with fire and as much as I think those two are HOT together, I know this can't end well. The appearance of Rio's lawyer earlier in the season makes me think he's got some kind of shell company or corporation going that will keep his hands clean from all the money laundering, but Beth is stupid enough to run all this crap through the family business.

Clearly Rio is capable of violence or he wouldn't be where he's at, but I don't think he would hurt any of their children directly (though obviously the kids would suffer emotionally if something happened to one of their parents). In the most recent episode, he put the gun away the second he saw Beth's daughter come out in Dean's arms--I don't think he was hiding it from Dean, considering that he shot him a few weeks ago! I didn't read too much into the lawyer--I just assumed the scene was there to remind us that he got arrested and is out on bail, so that's still hanging over his head, and obviously he'd have some crooked lawyer handling that side of things--but it could definitely be more than that!

On 4/9/2019 at 2:14 PM, PsychoDrone said:

Do we know if they attempted to do get counseling?  Did Dean approach Beth and she blew him off?  We don't know.

It hasn't been explicitly stated, but I'm going with no on both of those, because they've already had two arguments about this issue and none of that came up. If Dean had tried to talk to her about it before, especially if it led to counseling, I think he would have brought that up in his defense. "I tried to talk to you about it and you blew me off" or "The counseling wasn't working and I was lonely" are both better defenses than just "I was lonely."

I'm also really curious why we never saw the conversation about him faking cancer. He's not pretending to go to appointments about it anymore, so they must have talked about it. It was such a big part of the first season, so it feels weird that the writers just swept that whole storyline under the rug.

Edited by LaMatadita
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@SailorGirl My mom immediately went to Mary Pat too! She was like, there is no way that kid says "you put daddy in the freezer" in front of an FBI agent and he decides not to go after her. So I'm feeling less scared for Ruby now, because I think we're getting some misdirection and Turner is going to after Mary Pat. 

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10 minutes ago, Glory said:

My mom immediately went to Mary Pat too! She was like, there is no way that kid says "you put daddy in the freezer" in front of an FBI agent and he decides not to go after her. So I'm feeling less scared for Ruby now, because I think we're getting some misdirection and Turner is going to after Mary Pat. 

Hasn't Turner gone after Mary Pat? He threatened her and that's when she told him about Ruby's husband being a cop. The show bounces back and forth a bit with her story (in that we don't see her every week), but I don't think we've seen the last of Mary Pat. (Allison Tolman is too good not to use as much as possible, IMO.)

And anyway, for the time being Turner is (too) set on getting Beth. I love how she gets under his skin by not being intimidated by him.

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I assumed from Mary Pat's interrogation that she told the agent the girls killed him, chopped him up, and she only hid the body in the freezer? I know it doesn't make sense. Also those kids are picking up on more than they think, spelling MACHETE isn't helping.

Also, the side conversation about how good Beth's hair is looking... either she's stepped up her beauty regime for Rio, or since she seemed surprised by the compliment, perhaps some natural chemical hormones are kicking in. How long has it been since the "bathroom break"? Are they going to toss a pregnancy at us? Cuz Weeds did that. Nancy was a much better boss bitch than Beth.

Edited by andipandi
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Gonna have to re-watch since I missed a few bits because of weather; I didn't catch most of Dean's conversation with the fight instructor.

Why was Beth stockpiling all that cash anyway? I assumed that it was from Rio to launder, but then she would be using it, not storing it. I wasn't quite sure what was up with that. Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

Dean better leave Stan out of his shenanigans; he's already in too deep. It makes sense, but I hate this storyline for Ruby. 😢 Beth is her best friend, but she has to think of her family first.

Both Dean and Rio made some good points about Beth's new 'career path'.

And this week I regret not fastforwarding Annie's subplots.

The scene with Beth and geting the yarn was funny; they need to have more comedy/humor to balance things, I think.

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Did anyone else have a "Woah, so inappropriate..." reaction to Annie's new boss saying she's hot on their first day at work together? And then next thing you know they're going at in the back of the store. Of course. 

2 hours ago, Trini said:

Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

Would Turner need a warrant to dig in her yard, or is it just to enter the house? That was the first thing I thought of--he could go snooping around and find it without even having to go in the house. 

I was so distracted by the weird way Rio writes his E's that I didn't see the blankie return coming. That was actually... kind. I saw it as more of a parent-to-parent kindness than a romantic gesture, especially since he seemed to have backed off and was acting like her boss in this episode. 


With regards to Ruby, the pre-season promos show the girls robbing that quick cash place at some point this season, so would Turner be cool with Ruby participating in that, or should we assume the girls figure out a way to sideline him?

*The above "spoilers" only touch on things that have been shown in pre-season promos and in the promo for next week. 🙂

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8 hours ago, Momager said:

I just started watching this show 4 episodes ago and I love it.  Will someone please explain how/why Stan tampered with evidence?

The women left a pen cap with their DNA on it. The cops had it in evidence; Stan stole it.

I fell out when Beth was talking shit to the cat lady. It's a fucking cat. (I don't like cats. Don't @ me.)

As soon as Annie said she wasn't going to have sex with Noah I knew she was going to have sex with Noah.

I hate Dean but he was right when he said that what Beth was doing was going to come back and bite them. I also liked how Rio told her straight up that she was a drug dealer.

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My immediate thought regarding the new store manager was that he's undercover FBI assigned to befriend Annie. But wow did they get friendly! In real life there are stories of undercover agents going to extreme lengths to maintain their cover, so who knows, especially since this show does take liberties with reality alignment. 

He just seemed way too cool, way too accommodating, and way too interested in Annie right off the bat. If he's not FBI, that's not the way you manage a business. . . 

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2 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

My immediate thought regarding the new store manager was that he's undercover FBI assigned to befriend Annie.

Honestly, I don't think Turner is that cunning, but jmo.

I guess Dean only managed to clean the house that one time, huh? 

Beth must be exhausted, getting up at 5, coming home after the kids are in bed, trying to keep all the cars/money laundering straight...and she's still actually running a real car sales business, too, right?

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I’m starting to get really sick of Beth’s self-righteous act that she’s doing this for her family or it’s all Dean’s fault. People have financial difficulty all the time without becoming criminals. Rio’s given her several chances to get out and instead she gets greedy and wants more and drags Annie and Ruby along for the ride. If Ruby turns informant, Beth will be part of the reason. 

Annie’s eyebrows are my two least favorite characters on the show.

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Rio just straight up telling Beth that she was a drug dealer was pretty awesome, as awful as he is. Beth needs to stop acting like this is just some side job or a craft project for the PTA or something, she is a full stop drug dealer, even if she spends half her time searching for blankies for her kids, and tries to handle things as non violently as possible. 

Turners obsession with bringing Beth down seems more personal than professional at this point. It feels less like he is doing his job as he has a full on vendetta against her. I think he will end up crossing some serious lines, if he isnt already. 

As soon as a saw the new store manager I was like "how long before Annie screws him?" and then here we are. I dont trust him, he seems way too chill about Annie's lack of interest in her job, and way too quick to bang an employee on his first day. Is he just some random manager who isnt terribly professional, or is he a plant by Rio or some other drug dealer trying to get info on them? Or is he an undercover cop? If he is, I dont think Turner even knows about him, he isnt all that crafty.

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Even as somebody who likes cats more than most people, that woman was being ridiculous. Like, just say you got to the yarn first and tell Beth to ask an employee if they have any more. Be properly ashamed that you think your cat has a favorite color and keep it to yourself like the rest of us weirdos.

(I did find that scene funny, though, and love that this show gives all three actresses equal opportunities at comedy and drama.)

Five bucks says the Krav Maga guy's friend that Dean is gonna call to kill Rio is actually Rio.

I was all ready to come here and say that I really liked Annie's new manager and that he was such a refreshing change of pace from Boomer and then...that happened.

They've gotta find a way for Ruby to get out of ratting on Beth while still staying out of prison, right? RIGHT?

20 hours ago, Momager said:

I just started watching this show 4 episodes ago and I love it.  Will someone please explain how/why Stan tampered with evidence?

As mentioned above, a pen cap was found at the crime scene of a robbery the girls did last season (Beth, in an act of bad judgement, opened the pen with her mouth, left a lipstick stain, and forgot to collect the cap).

I would definitely recommend catching up with the show if you can, the whole first season is on Netflix. It has a bit of continuity lockout going on and can be really heavy on details that may not have heavy plot significance but help define the characters and their motivations.

17 hours ago, Trini said:

Why was Beth stockpiling all that cash anyway? I assumed that it was from Rio to launder, but then she would be using it, not storing it. I wasn't quite sure what was up with that. Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

I think that's her cut from the cars/drugs, not money that needs laundering. I suppose she's trying to save it for the next time the well runs dry.

14 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

I was so distracted by the weird way Rio writes his E's that I didn't see the blankie return coming. 

Hah, I noticed that too! They looked like Rs crossed with Ks. There's something endearingly realistic about that though--most people have some kind of odd handwriting idiosyncrasy, and I buy it more than the show trying to find the production assistant with the neatest handwriting to do it.

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11 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

 If he's not FBI, that's not the way you manage a business. . . 


It is if you're a sleaze and want a steady willing P.O.A. on the side.

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22 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

Five bucks says the Krav Maga guy's friend that Dean is gonna call to kill Rio is actually Rio.

I think it's going to at least be one of Rio's associate's and it will get back to him. If that happens, I wonder if he'll assume Beth is involved? I also wonder where they're going with this storyline, especially since they seem to be dragging it out. There have to be repercussions, otherwise what's the point? But killing Rio would be really stupid from a ratings perspective, and killing Dean leaves a widowed Beth with 4 mourning kids and no free childcare. I wonder if this will end up being our season-ending cliffhanger--whether or not one of them is dead. 

27 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

I was all ready to come here and say that I really liked Annie's new manager and that he was such a refreshing change of pace from Boomer and then...that happened.

I think I'm jumping on the undercover law enforcement theory. If he was a legit love interest, I think the writing would have moved a little slower...

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Just now, dubbel zout said:

Does Annie even want a legit love interest? I think she's more interested in getting laid.

Annie probably doesn't, at least not consciously, but that just supports the undercover idea more, IMO! It seems like a waste to introduce a recognizable actor to be nothing but a hookup for Annie, so it must be plot-related.

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2 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

But killing Rio would be really stupid from a ratings perspective, and killing Dean leaves a widowed Beth with 4 mourning kids and no free childcare. I wonder if this will end up being our season-ending cliffhanger--whether or not one of them is dead. 

I sure hope they dont repeat essentially the same cliffhanger as last season.

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21 hours ago, Trini said:

Gonna have to re-watch since I missed a few bits because of weather; I didn't catch most of Dean's conversation with the fight instructor.

Why was Beth stockpiling all that cash anyway? I assumed that it was from Rio to launder, but then she would be using it, not storing it. I wasn't quite sure what was up with that. Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

Dean better leave Stan out of his shenanigans; he's already in too deep. It makes sense, but I hate this storyline for Ruby. 😢 Beth is her best friend, but she has to think of her family first.

Both Dean and Rio made some good points about Beth's new 'career path'.

And this week I regret not fastforwarding Annie's subplots.

The scene with Beth and geting the yarn was funny; they need to have more comedy/humor to balance things, I think.

I kinda wish Ruby would just call Turners bluff and tell him to go screw himself. Because unless I missed something Turner doesn't actually have any evidence. So he is bluffing and I get why Ruby hasn't guessed it yet but I think she will in the end

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14 minutes ago, Emily Thrace said:

Also literally burying the cash didn't seem like the best idea.

Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!  There surely are better ways to "hide" the money. Burying it is not one of them. Didn't these girls ever watch Breaking Bad or Ozark?

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1 hour ago, katalizt said:

I sure hope they dont repeat essentially the same cliffhanger as last season.

I'm just afraid the writers will bring that story full circle and the season will end with a reversal in which Dean shoots Rio and we have to wait until next season to see the result. Rio is one of those characters that I probably could have lived without and still enjoyed the show if he had been killed off early or if the writing had taken a different direction, but as things stand, I've grown pretty attached to the guy despite his many flaws. You're probably right, though! I think my mind is just going to a "worst possible end to this storyline" kind of place, especially since there are only 2-3 episodes left.

1 hour ago, Emily Thrace said:

I kinda wish Ruby would just call Turners bluff and tell him to go screw himself. Because unless I missed something Turner doesn't actually have any evidence. So he is bluffing and I get why Ruby hasn't guessed it yet but I think she will in the end

There's an IA investigation into the removal of the pen cap from evidence, and Stan tells Ruby toward the end of the last episode that he was interviewed while attached to a lie detector. I suspect that Turner is sensing Ruby's reluctance and is going to attempt to blackmail her into cooperation ("I can make this interview disappear if you get me some evidence I can use against Beth..."). If that's how it goes down, though, I could see Ruby and Beth anticipating the move and Ruby recording her convo with him about it, because I don't think his actions would be lawful and could get everything dismissed?

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Cash stockpiled because banks have to file forms with the feds when there are deposits to accounts over a certain amount. It may be over $10,000. I'm not sure. 

Why am I still watching this? Rhetta. Other than that, I'm not big on any character. 

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On 4/15/2019 at 1:01 PM, deaja said:

I’m starting to get really sick of Beth’s self-righteous act that she’s doing this for her family or it’s all Dean’s fault. People have financial difficulty all the time without becoming criminals. Rio’s given her several chances to get out and instead she gets greedy and wants more and drags Annie and Ruby along for the ride. If Ruby turns informant, Beth will be part of the reason. 

Annie’s eyebrows are my two least favorite characters on the show.

On 4/15/2019 at 1:21 PM, tennisgurl said:

Rio just straight up telling Beth that she was a drug dealer was pretty awesome, as awful as he is. Beth needs to stop acting like this is just some side job or a craft project for the PTA or something, she is a full stop drug dealer, even if she spends half her time searching for blankies for her kids, and tries to handle things as non violently as possible. 

Turners obsession with bringing Beth down seems more personal than professional at this point. It feels less like he is doing his job as he has a full on vendetta against her. I think he will end up crossing some serious lines, if he isnt already. 

As soon as a saw the new store manager I was like "how long before Annie screws him?" and then here we are. I dont trust him, he seems way too chill about Annie's lack of interest in her job, and way too quick to bang an employee on his first day. Is he just some random manager who isnt terribly professional, or is he a plant by Rio or some other drug dealer trying to get info on them? Or is he an undercover cop? If he is, I dont think Turner even knows about him, he isnt all that crafty.

Beth was so stupid this episode. She actually put everyone in danger to retrieve a blanket? I think this is supposed to make us think she is such a good mom but it makes me think she is an idiot. Also, she has time to knit another blanket in between the car dealership, pill drop-offs, and four kids? I still have not finished a scarf I started in February and no, it is not for a cat.

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On 4/15/2019 at 8:29 AM, Empress1 said:

The women left a pen cap with their DNA on it. The cops had it in evidence; Stan stole it.

I fell out when Beth was talking shit to the cat lady. It's a fucking cat. (I don't like cats. Don't @ me.)

As soon as Annie said she wasn't going to have sex with Noah I knew she was going to have sex with Noah.

I hate Dean but he was right when he said that what Beth was doing was going to come back and bite them. I also liked how Rio told her straight up that she was a drug dealer.

Not @ you personally, just using this to talk about the fact that I hate the "cat lady" thing. Loathe it. I'm a pet lady, but I don't knit things for my dogs or cats. Other people might, but there is no way that someone would think a scarf for a cat (who has a favourite colour?) would be more important than a miserable little girl who just needs her blankie back. Speaking as someone whose mum admitted to me, as a teenager, that she deliberately lost my dummy at the beach, when she was ready for me to be finished with it. 😉 

Glad Rio finally pointed out that Beth is an actual drug dealer, and a criminal in general, with the money laundering. He has been an asshole, but he's also been much easier on them than others might. Beth could have been fine, could have left it where she did, but she chose not to. So she needs to accept what she is, that it's no different for her, just because she's a suburban mother, who knits. 

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15 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Beth was so stupid this episode. She actually put everyone in danger to retrieve a blanket? I think this is supposed to make us think she is such a good mom but it makes me think she is an idiot.

I hadn't thought of this until I read the above, but I think the point was that all along it's been obvious that the crime life shouldn't bleed into the home life, but this situation, and Rio's words, made it clear to her that the opposite is also true--she also can't let her home life and her role as a mother interfere with her crime life. The compartmentalization goes both ways, which is part of why you don't see Rio throwing his kid in her face all the time. He did bring his son to the park a couple of times when he was meeting with Beth, but that was a sound judgment call--it was a public place in broad daylight, Beth did not pose a threat to his son, and besides that, he was making a wordless point of the fact that he also has a child. Beth bringing her kids with her to make a drop did put them in a dangerous situation, and going back for the blankie even more so.

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Also, she has time to knit another blanket in between the car dealership, pill drop-offs, and four kids? I still have not finished a scarf I started in February and no, it is not for a cat.

I found that pretty ridiculous too. Do you know how long it would take to knit a whole blanket? The kid will have forgotten about it by the time it's finished.

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Rio had the best lines when he told Beth she was a drug dealer and criminal by laundering money.  Walter White knew what he was, "It's not about my family.  I do it because I'm good at it."  Beth needs to come to that realization too.  She will have fully come over to the dark side when she kills someone.  "Strike me down and take your place at my side!"  A little Sith-Emperor humor there.

Who didn't guess dude was the new manager?  And, they wouldn't be hooking up?  I expected it, just not that quick.  Oh Ruby.  How will you get out of this predicament?  Let's watch.

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1) Considering that this show is teetering on the brink, ratings-wise, I'm not sure cliffhanger or not or what form really matters much.

2) If I was the cat lady, I'd have told Beth "Sucks to be you." and moved off.  Cat lady disn't owe her one speck of explanation.

On 4/15/2019 at 10:01 AM, deaja said:

Annie’s eyebrows are my two least favorite characters on the show.

Differ'nt strokes -- I like them.

On 4/16/2019 at 2:25 PM, qtpye said:

Beth was so stupid this episode. She actually put everyone in danger to retrieve a blanket? 

Truth.  Think about it.  In a more realistic situation, Beth would have told the Creepy-Car Dude "You need me".  He would have told her that she's a f**** mule, a dime a dozen and shot her, then taken them all to "the basement" for some R&R.  Rio was moving the pills just fine until she honed in; his clients wouldn't put up with her s***.

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2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Considering that this show is teetering on the brink, ratings-wise, I'm not sure cliffhanger or not or what form really matters much

It is renewed for season 3, so at least cliffhangers can be resolved.

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On 4/16/2019 at 12:11 AM, Emily Thrace said:

I kinda wish Ruby would just call Turners bluff and tell him to go screw himself. Because unless I missed something Turner doesn't actually have any evidence. So he is bluffing and I get why Ruby hasn't guessed it yet but I think she will in the end

Keep in mind he might not need a ton of evidence. Sure he probably doesn't have enough to lock her up, but he probably has enough suspicion and circumstantial evidence against her husband to get him investigated at woek and possibly lose his job. I mean he is a newly hired cop right? Plus with their daughter's medical issues they probably don't want to lose a job like a police officer that probably has good benefits, because otherwise how do they explain how they pay for treatment?

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8 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Plus with their daughter's medical issues they probably don't want to lose a job like a police officer that probably has good benefits, because otherwise how do they explain how they pay for treatment?

They don't have good medical insurance—it's how Ruby got sucked into this in the first place.

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13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

They don't have good medical insurance—it's how Ruby got sucked into this in the first place.

That was before when her husband was working as a security guard. Would a police officer not have medical insurance?

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Wasn't he always a police officer? I thought the security guard gig was a second job to help pay for the expenses health insurance didn't cover.

The daughter's health issues haven't been dealt with directly for a while, though, so I could be wrong.

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6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't he always a police officer? I thought the security guard gig was a second job to help pay for the expenses health insurance didn't cover.

The daughter's health issues haven't been dealt with directly for a while, though, so I could be wrong.

The series started with him being accepted by the police department 

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22 hours ago, jhlipton said:

In a more realistic situation, Beth would have told the Creepy-Car Dude "You need me".  He would have told her that she's a f**** mule, a dime a dozen and shot her, then taken them all to "the basement" for some R&R.  Rio was moving the pills just fine until she honed in; his clients wouldn't put up with her s***.

I think my issue with the scene was that she didn't do a good enough job of explaining why she was essential to their dealings--she didn't really go beyond the "mule" role in explaining herself, even though she's actually more important than that. So yeah, I was also a little confused as to why they backed down. The reality is that Rio is moving the pills through the Boland car dealership, whether Beth knows about it or not, and she does kind of need to be alive in order for him to use her dealership. He would not have been happy if they had killed her and forced him to renegotiate with Dean or find a new way to move the pills and cash, but these guys had no way of knowing that from what she said. All I can think of, and it's pure conjecture, is that she was trying to reveal as little personal info as possible, but if they hadn't backed down, maybe she would have spelled out a clearer picture for them?

Ultimately I think it's just sloppy writing, like Rio saying there's no money in kidnapping little girls. But I don't watch this show for its realism--I watch because it's a fun guilty pleasure. I try not to think too hard about the plot and just enjoy the character relationships. This show makes me laugh, the cast has great chemistry, and it's a decent palate cleanser after heavier shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

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On 4/20/2019 at 4:45 PM, LaMatadita said:

Ultimately I think it's just sloppy writing, like Rio saying there's no money in kidnapping little girls.

He's probably right. Kidnapping is high risk with odds of getting away unscathed very low.

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Man, y'all were right on target!  Sam Huntington (fun story...had a crush on him when he was in that Disney Jungle to Jungle movie...so cute) is FBI!  Dammmnnn.  

I loved the flashbacks between teen Beth and Ruby.  In current times, I can see why Beth is upset, but I see Ruby's point too.  Both girls struggling with what to say to the other and such. 

Annie isn't a bad person, is she?  Mae Whitman is teeny, but I have decided she must give the best hugs.  All the hugs (holding Nancy in her own goo...which...nope; holding Sadie; comforting Beth) she gives as Annie feel warm and genuine.  I loved Sadie sharing his truth with his mom, and Annie's loving reaction.  I wish that loving openness for all kids.   All this Annie love to say that she is gonna flip her gourd when the girls all find out about Noah's real job.  Poor Annie can't catch a break b/c this "Noah" seems like a pretty cool guy, but he isn't real.  Sigh.    

Even if things get tough, I love the female friendships on this show.  When Beth is sitting the backyard after Dean left and took the kids, her girls had her.  Made me want to call/text my girls and tell 'em I love 'em.   **sheds a thug tear**

Speaking of Deansie....Jesus.  He can't do a damn thing right, can he?!  Dude.  Think.  Those two sketch kids were gonna carry out a hit?  On Rio?  Okkkaaayyyy.  And you take them to your house?   And show them where the money (WHICH ISN'T YOURS!) is buried?  I get he was mad Beth left him hog tied to check on the money, but shit, what does he expect?!  I don't believe she loves him anymore, as he represents everything about her past prior to criminal life that she dislikes. 

Rio was used sparingly tonight, but I loved his highkey amusement of Dean's predicament.   When it is just Rio and Beth, they're banter is nicely done.  

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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9 hours ago, preeya said:

He's probably right. Kidnapping is high risk with odds of getting away unscathed very low.

I wish Rio had said that! "It's too high risk, so there's no money in it for them" or something along those lines makes more sense than there just being no money in it, which isn't universally true. I think the whole purpose of the line was to minimize his coming off like an asshole, so that way at least he didn't just ignore the possibility of her daughter being hurt, but I wish the writers had phrased it more carefully. Thoughtless mistakes on details like that are part of what keeps the show from being great, IMO.

5 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Man, y'all were right on target!  Sam Huntington (fun story...had a crush on him when he was in that Disney Jungle to Jungle movie...so cute) is FBI!  Dammmnnn.

I do wonder if all his time with Annie was acting, or if Agent Turner is the one he's really putting on a show for, but it would probably be a bit much for him to actually fall for Annie and have her get in the way of doing his job. (I feel like we kind of already have that storyline with Rio and Beth, just on the opposite side of the law.)

I guess I'm a sap, but I actually teared up when Annie got into that nasty birthing tub with Nancy. Maybe it was just pinging memories of some of my more intense female friendships and mutual catharsis moments over the years, but it worked for me.

Also loved the flashbacks. I think many viewers have wondered how Beth and Ruby met, so it was great to see that and gain more insight into the depth of their friendship. I do think they will patch things up. As Annie said, you don't throw that away over "almost."

5 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Rio was used sparingly tonight, but I loved his highkey amusement of Dean's predicament.   When it is just Rio and Beth, they're banter is nicely done.

I think that's the only time we've ever seen them relaxed with each other, as opposed to angry or afraid or guarded like they usually are. They were just sharing a laugh and enjoying each other's company. And yet just a couple of episodes ago, they were only a few feet from that exact spot and he had a gun to her chin. Their relationship is odd, to say the least, but it's theirs...

ETA: Rio offering to get the money back was awfully nice of him, especially given how hard he was on her in the previous episode, but I guess he felt bad for her because it was out of her control--her dumbass husband did something she didn't see coming at all. I'm a little unclear on whether he knows that all of this happened because Dean tried to have him killed--their conversation was kind of vague on that point, so she could have told him Dean thought the kids were gonna landscape the backyard for cheap for all we know. If she did tell him the truth, he seems pretty chill about it! Also, in rewatching that scene to make sure their convo about Dean was as vague as I remembered, I noticed that Beth was barefoot, which was an interesting detail.

And that picture of Rio on Turner's desk had to be a Facebook profile shot or something, right? Because whose mugshot looks that amazing?!

And Dean. Dean Dean Dean. He's ruining your life? You ruined your own life. Beth wouldn't even know Rio if you hadn't run your business into the ground and kept it from your wife. She also probably wouldn't have slept with him if you had treated her with actual respect and valued her intelligence and competence. Even his taking the kids annoys me because him bringing those two idiots/"hit men" to their house put their kids in more danger than anything Beth has done, including her blankie shenanigans last week. Ugh.

Edited by LaMatadita
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On 4/20/2019 at 8:59 AM, Kel Varnsen said:

That was before when her husband was working as a security guard. Would a police officer not have medical insurance?

On 4/20/2019 at 10:50 AM, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't he always a police officer? I thought the security guard gig was a second job to help pay for the expenses health insurance didn't cover.

The daughter's health issues haven't been dealt with directly for a while, though, so I could be wrong.

I don't know about where this show takes place (I see it's filmed in Atlanta), but here in Massachusetts, municipal employees health insurance is ok but not great.  We have a cap on the deductible, but the additional fees that don't fall into the deductible is quite large.  I am paying off a $1,000 hospital bill/follow-up on my daughter for a one-time thing.  I can't imagine how much it cost for Ruby's daughter.  But, as stated, he wasn't even a cop when this started so it could even have been worse as a security guard. 

8 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Man, y'all were right on target!  Sam Huntington (fun story...had a crush on him when he was in that Disney Jungle to Jungle movie...so cute) is FBI!  Dammmnnn.  

I loved the flashbacks between teen Beth and Ruby.  In current times, I can see why Beth is upset, but I see Ruby's point too.  Both girls struggling with what to say to the other and such. 

Speaking of Deansie....Jesus.  He can't do a damn thing right, can he?!  Dude.  Think.  Those two sketch kids were gonna carry out a hit?  On Rio?  Okkkaaayyyy.  And you take them to your house?   And show them where the money (WHICH ISN'T YOURS!) is buried?  I get he was mad Beth left him hog tied to check on the money, but shit, what does he expect?!  I don't believe she loves him anymore, as he represents everything about her past prior to criminal life that she dislikes. 

Rio was used sparingly tonight, but I loved his highkey amusement of Dean's predicament.   When it is just Rio and Beth, they're banter is nicely done.  

I cut out some of your post just to comment that I agree with all of the above.  I also love Sam Huntington- although I suspected from the first second he was undercover.  I also loved the flashbacks.  Little Annie was a riot. But, mostly I want to say that Dean is the WOOOOORRRRSSSST.  He fucks literally everything up.  What an idiot.  The worst thing about it is, he doesn't even realize HE'S the one who cause ALL of this.  All of it from the very beginning and he just keeps digging them deeper and deeper. 

I really enjoyed the humor that Rio got out of Dean's predicament.  

5 hours ago, LaMatadita said:

I do wonder if all his time with Annie was acting, or if Agent Turner is the one he's really putting on a show for, but it would probably be a bit much for him to actually fall for Annie and have her get in the way of doing his job. (I feel like we kind of already have that storyline with Rio and Beth, just on the opposite side of the law.)

ETA: Rio offering to get the money back was awfully nice of him, especially given how hard he was on her in the previous episode, but I guess he felt bad for her because it was out of her control--her dumbass husband did something she didn't see coming at all. I'm a little unclear on whether he knows that all of this happened because Dean tried to have him killed--their conversation was kind of vague on that point, so she could have told him Dean thought the kids were gonna landscape the backyard for cheap for all we know. If she did tell him the truth, he seems pretty chill about it! Also, in rewatching that scene to make sure their convo about Dean was as vague as I remembered, I noticed that Beth was barefoot, which was an interesting detail.

And Dean. Dean Dean Dean. He's ruining your life? You ruined your own life. Beth wouldn't even know Rio if you hadn't run your business into the ground and kept it from your wife. She also probably wouldn't have slept with him if you had treated her with actual respect and valued her intelligence and competence. Even his taking the kids annoys me because him bringing those two idiots/"hit men" to their house put their kids in more danger than anything Beth has done, including her blankie shenanigans last week. Ugh.

Again, snipped some of your post to agree with what's quoted above.  It's SUCH a cliche to have the FBI agent actually fall for Annie, but I find Sam Huntington so charming and I feel Annie needs a break that I will give them a pass if they go that way this time.  I think he's putting on a bit of a front in front of Agent Turner.  

I'd have to say that Rio didn't know.  Beth didn't even know until after that conversation with Rio. She didn't know until she went and tried to "scold" those two idiots and they whipped out the phone and played the recording. 

And the last paragraph about Dean, I couldn't agree more!!  Gah.  I hate him so much.  Not even in a "love to hate" way that I do with some characters.  He's just useless.  He was needed as the catalyst to jump start all of this, but I wish Rio had killed him a long time ago.  Or, I just wish Dean had accidentally died from his own stupidity as that would be much more in line with his character. 

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9 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Annie isn't a bad person, is she?

She's careless and impulsive, but at heart she's very decent. I think she hasn't quite grown up yet, because Beth and/or Ruby will always be her safety net.

9 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Rio was used sparingly tonight, but I loved his highkey amusement of Dean's predicament.   When it is just Rio and Beth, they're banter is nicely done. 

I agree. The shot of him laughing so hard reminded me of BtVS when Buffy found out Harmony had minions.

25 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I don't know about where this show takes place

It's set in Detroit, but you'd never know it for the lack of any local color.

Dean is another character who needs to grow up.

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Years ago I read this (terribly-written) true crime book called Bully (later made into a movie) about this really horrible teenage bully and his friends got together and murdered him. They hired a "hitman" for, like, $30 or something, I forget, but they all ended up taking part - IIRC his best friend was the one who killed him. And at one point after the murder, the best friend was like "I'm afraid the hitman will come after us!" and somebody else (that wasn't involved in the killing) is like "Fool, forget that hitman, that's just some idiot y'all fell for." That's what I thought of when I saw those frapp-drinking teenagers. You can tell Dean ain't about that life. I loved when Rio was laughing about it. (He's so hot.)

I'd wondered how Beth and Annie knew Ruby so it was nice to get the back story.

Whoever called Noah as FBI got it in one!

There is zero way I would get into anybody's birthing pool. No ma'am. Afterward I kept thinking "SHE MUST STINK." She was all hugged up on Noah and Sadie and I kept thinking "EW." I laughed when Sadie called her on it. I honestly don't think I'd even stop to say hi to Sadie in that situation - at the VERY least I'd have to take off those stank-ass clothes.

26 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I don't know about where this show takes place (I see it's filmed in Atlanta)

It's set in Detroit - they drove to Canada last season. I assumed that Ruby and Stan had no insurance before he became a cop. I'm sure Ruby didn't have any as a diner employee.

3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

She's careless and impulsive, but at heart she's very decent.

Careless, impulsive, and immature. She pawned her nana's wedding ring! But she does have a good heart.

I thought "You're really just going to STEP OVER your husband to look for your money?" I mean, fuck Dean, but OUCH. Their marriage really is over.

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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It's set in Detroit, but you'd never know it for the lack of any local color.

9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

It's set in Detroit - they drove to Canada last season..

Thanks.  I didn't really think it was set in Atlanta, that threw me when I did a google search.  I was thinking for a minute it was set in New England as they said "frappe" which I thought was a NE thing.  I know I never heard it until I moved here- definitely not something we used in Minnesota when I was growing up. 

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