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S07.E20: Reunion Part 2

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1 hour ago, hecate2909 said:

That's one way to put it.

I put it that it is just wrong and those people need to take high school biology AGAIN.


I am not being pedantic, yet I must point out that "Conversating" is now accepted and then ask why?

What purpose does it serve?

I don't know of anyplace where "conversating" is accepted.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Rinna often goes back to "I have a good life" - her default when she's feeling wounded. But it's almost as if she's trying to convince herself - since Harry has a history of violence, do we know if Rinna's home life is good?

One of the many things that irritates me about Rinna is how she cites Harry as if he is a supreme being.  She discussed things with Harry before revealing to Kim she had said those things about her to Eden.  Harry suggested the bunny.  Funny thing is I don't think Harry and Kim have ever had a conversation.  And speaking of husband's butting in-why in the hell is Harry buying or suggesting a gift for Kim's grandson?  Boundaries, Harry boundaries.  If Harry truly watched the show he would realize his wife has been particularly vicious this year. 

I get Rinna wants everything to be about Harry but I would suggest they give another try with their own reality show.  Their last one managed to last six episodes.  All I know from Rinna's Instagram accounts she needs to stop competing with her daughters and their modeling careers.  She can't keep her mug out of their shots.  Same with Harry's career, go make money Rinna and quit bragging about being the primary wage earner.  The woman's ego know no bounds.  I also think Rinna has been rapidly aging this past six months.  She still is a pretty lady but between the thing going on between her fake breasts and the lumps and lines around her fake lips she is beginning to show her age. 

Photographing your 15 year old daughter attending Coachella is not a big "get". 

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Given Erikas vitriol against PK and what seems to me her odd marital  arrangement with Tom, I'm thinking she also has a problem with men in addition to her problem with women.  Unless they of course are her adoring glam squad, or fans, who don't pose any threat to her of an emotional or sexual relationship. I don't see her Erika Jane schtick as a highly sexualised women as much as a Barbie doll drag queen. Her indignation at PK sharing her stage despite Andy saying he was invited was so telling of her "I am the Queen" attitude. And I found her statement to Dorit about having her own and not being reliant on a man very interesting. hmmm. Also  her sexuality is up for the world as demonstrated in her stage act. She really needs to get over herself, do some soul searching and figure out why, with all she has, she is so humorless and unhappy.

Erikas vitriol against PK and what seems to me her odd marital  arrangement with Tom, I'm thinking she also has a problem with men in addition to her problem with women.  Unless they of course are her adoring glam squad, or fans, who don't pose any threat to her of an emotional or sexual relationship. I don't see her Erika Jane schtick as a highly sexualised women as much as a Barbie doll drag queen. Her indignation at PK sharing her stage despite Andy saying he was invited was so telling of her "I am the Queen" attitude. And I found her statement to Dorit about having her own and not being reliant on a man very interesting. hmmm. Also  her sexuality is up for the world as demonstrated in her stage act. She really needs to get over herself, do some soul searching and figure out why, with all she has, she is so humorless and unhappy.




Excellent post!!!!

Edited by Fanny Mare
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I noticed something in the clip from the gifting of the panties that I had missed before.  After Dorit gave Erika the gift, Erika says, herself, she didn't do it on purpose with any intent.  SHE was the one that started that topic of discussion, NOT Dorit or PK. So "the others" she was hearing the rumor from were herself and Erika Jayne.

OR maybe Dorit wanted Erika to wear panties because that's how Dorit wooed PK away from his first wife.  

  • Love 4

This is what Andy used to do with Brandi. He'd make her out to be the victim, throw softball questions at her, read 'fake' questions from Lynn in New Jersey attacking the other women and then try to shame them for not forgiving Brandi's awful behavior.

But even with all that protection Brandi still showed her true evil and bitter colors. Same is true with Rinna and Erika. He can try to prop them up all he wants but it's not going to work.

Edited by charming
  • Love 14
47 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

ITA! Erika is right in feeling very disrespected because Dorit wanted her to feel disrespected.  

"The ownly vajoina Pik-kay can take a gander at is moine! His first wife said the same thing, but bugger her!"


I'm thinking she also has a problem with men

Maybe she just has a problem with gross nasty men like PK.


as they're all she has supporting her on the show.

She also has Kyle, so that's 3.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 12
17 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

One of the many things that irritates me about Rinna is how she cites Harry as if he is a supreme being.  She discussed things with Harry before revealing to Kim she had said those things about her to Eden.  Harry suggested the bunny.  Funny thing is I don't think Harry and Kim have ever had a conversation.  And speaking of husband's butting in-why in the hell is Harry buying or suggesting a gift for Kim's grandson?  Boundaries, Harry boundaries.  If Harry truly watched the show he would realize his wife has been particularly vicious this year. 

I get Rinna wants everything to be about Harry but I would suggest they give another try with their own reality show.  Their last one managed to last six episodes.  All I know from Rinna's Instagram accounts she needs to stop competing with her daughters and their modeling careers.  She can't keep her mug out of their shots.  Same with Harry's career, go make money Rinna and quit bragging about being the primary wage earner.  The woman's ego know no bounds.  I also think Rinna has been rapidly aging this past six months.  She still is a pretty lady but between the thing going on between her fake breasts and the lumps and lines around her fake lips she is beginning to show her age. 

Photographing your 15 year old daughter attending Coachella is not a big "get". 

Rinna's just full of shit; trying to elevate herself being married to this man who's already been married a couple times! He's had some of the most beautiful and iconic women (Ursula Andress) in the world; what a step down with this trashy balloon lipped broad! She's lowering him, not elevating herself as much as she thinks! B!tch! ;-)

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

While in Kim’s custody, I don’t think the bunny was treated with care.


Rinna needs to bring the Blue Bunny to a stuffed animal Vet STAT.

The bunny needs to be examined for Voodoo needle puncture wounds and cigarette burns. It should probably be swapped for arsenic powder too.

As long as she didn't leave it around Kingsley...does she still have that 4-legged terror?

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

You must have a hard time watching this show in general, no? Why don't any of them leave if they are so offended? Obviously contracts play a role, but outside of that, don't they all do it? 

I do have a hard time watching! I scream at the TV to Eileen or Ericka to "STFU" and for Kyle to really get worked up to "go off" on Rinna! I wish more would happen to the person most guilty of vicious gossip; getting a bunny returned wasn't enough punishment! Rinna's gone back to her old b!tchy ways when Kim tried to speak to her! What a horrible woman! ;-(

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:


That settles it, Dorito does have an accent she all along has been prounouncing her husbands name as PK when his name clearly is "Peeking"!! :-) 

2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Didn't Dim Richards get caught with TOYS she was shoplifting from Target? Maybe the bunny brings up bad memories for her. Lol

Dim Richards. This slays me ! What a great comeback if Rinna had said "Don't worry I didn't steal the rabbit" or "your grandson has plenty of toys based on what you stole from Target." 

Look at Kyle's body language in the photo upthread leaning away when Kim hauled out the bunny. And chewing her own hand off. I one hundred percent golden goose gold plated gold shit hair authentically own it believe Kyle was horrified that Kim went there just when things were sorta kinda ok and wrapping up. 

Kyle is her hand in her mouth like when Michael Caine in Miss Congeniality watches Gracie Lou give a GREAT answer to her interview question and nails it for once. Michael Caine says I DID IT then Gracie Lou adds the psycho comments about hunting down anyone who wants to hurt her new friends. Awkward applause and there's Michael Caine "one shining moment....and then that mouth..." IIRC he was chewing on his hand in that scene knowing he couldn't be confident on what would come out of Gracie Lou Freesbushes mouth ! Like Kyle with Kim!!!! 

Kim is a pig. Rinna is impulsive and always starving which IMO makes her unpredictable but I'm fully on Rinnas side. Kim used a gesture toward an innocent child as a weapon. Ugly. Amateurish. 

  • Love 17
15 minutes ago, charming said:

This is what Andy used to do with Brandi. He'd make her out to be the victim, throw softball questions at her, read 'fake' questions from Lynn in New Jersey attacking the other women and then try to shame them for not forgiving Brandi's awful behavior.

But even with all that protection Brandi still showed her true evil and bitter colors. Same is true with Rinna and Erika. He can try to prop them up all he wants but it's not going to work.

This particular segment just got out of control with the Erikas arguing with each other, the host, friends and foes about whether or not they could discuss pantygate.  She showed who she was which is a petulant child who has not only does not possess the requisite intelligence to resolve a situation, doesn't seem to understand claiming something is over and within the same conversation bringing it up and shut it down does come off as either mentally healthy or even good TV. 

I see over dosages of Erika in hopes of her being the next LVP.  Why on earth is Erika filming a Reunion, on Dancing with the Stars, and filming another riveting scene for The Young and Restless, and flying back to NYC to be on WWHL all in the same time frame?  It reminds me of LVP's oversaturation Season 4.  LVP came up short on a couple of her endeavors.  Major difference LVP is always in the public eye with her restaurants.

I believe Andy has to accept the fact these shows need more episodes to keep up with ad revenue and less Reunion episodes.   The PK pile on was the better part of an entire episode.  In recent years it seems the RH have been holding back waiting to "bring it" at the Reunion.  There just isn't enough material for three parts.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 14
10 minutes ago, charming said:

This is what Andy used to do with Brandi. He'd make her out to be the victim, throw softball questions at her, read 'fake' questions from Lynn in New Jersey attacking the other women and then try to shame them for not forgiving Brandi's awful behavior.

But even with all that protection Brandi still showed her true evil and bitter colors. Same is true with Rinna and Erika. He can try to prop them up all he wants but it's not going to work.

OMG thank you Charming, I feel validated now blaming Brandi for this mess!  I knew it. Bahahaha!

Seriously, that's exactly what would happen, one or two treated special, given the victimization-benefit of the doubt treatment with Andy while going hard on the minor infractions of the other ladies.  Grrrrrrrr.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Dead @ boiled ham.  That metaphor is too good.

I admit that I wanted somebody to press Lisar for more details on that statement too.  You know what is funny is that both Dorit and PK answered that question with "I wasn't doing/don't do" coke.  I don't recall them denying that their other party guests were doing it though. I mean, this IS L.A. right?  I wouldn't think it would be that totally out of left-field if it happened. 

This is exactly what victim-blaming  and slut-shaming is.  It's the logic that says since a woman dresses in a certain way, that her body is no longer her own.  And anybody who wants to catch a glimpse of snatch, grab a tit - or much worse - is totally within their right. 

Grabbing and looking are 2 completely different things. And so ridiculous that it even has to be pointed out. You go to jail for grabbing. You do NOT go to jail for looking. Or even TALKING about grabbing. At least not yet in this country. 

Erika is no victim. I'm the victim for being forced to watch her horrid stomping-as-dancing on DWTS. where's my apology?

and I don't think Erika is a slut. I actually don't think she even likes sex. She's selling but I'm not buying. She uses sex to hook wallets. It's exxxxxpensive to be her. U want xxxxxx, U better pay up. Her freaking song that SHE sings makes that statement! Listen to her own lyrics for goodness sakes! 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 24

I admit that I wanted somebody to press Lisar for more details on that statement too.  You know what is funny is that both Dorit and PK answered that question with "I wasn't doing/don't do" coke.  I don't recall them denying that their other party guests were doing it though. I mean, this IS L.A. right?  I wouldn't think it would be that totally out of left-field if it happened. 

At least they didn't give a selective amnesia answer...."I don't really remember..."

  • Love 3

Rinna doesn't like Kim point blank period. She's still angry about what happened in Amsterdam. She openly gloated, mocked and laughed when Kim kept getting arrested. Then she still tried to claim that her intentions were pure, honest and good. Then the second she realized Kim wasn't going to apologize she went for the arrest jugular on camera. Then added to that by trying to use Eden to push the Kim's on the verge of death angle. That's a huge accusation to make. That's simply a terrible thing to do when you claim how wonderful you are. Rinna can't throw low blow after low blow and think a fucking bunny is going to make it all better. And this is coming from someone who cheered her on when she smashed that glass.

  • Love 23

I'm tired of watching all the women speak as if they've been victimized by one another. Shut up already. 

The scene with the return of the bunny...it was mean-spirited of Kim to wait to do that at the reunion but I also couldn't take Rinna's reaction seriously with the single tear Hollywood shot. And her explanation for why she gave the bunny did kind of play right into what Kim was saying. Kim said it didn't feel sincere to her...and then Rinna went on to explain that her husband prodded her to do it as a good gesture but she was unsure because things didn't feel right between the two of them. Well I guess Kim felt it too...and she probably always will. Kim doesn't move on easily.

Eileen is a waste of couch space. Hopefully they find someone else to replace her.

  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, charming said:

Rinna doesn't like Kim point blank period. She's still angry about what happened in Amsterdam. She openly gloated, mocked and laughed when Kim kept getting arrested. Then she still tried to claim that her intentions were pure, honest and good. Then the second she realized Kim wasn't going to apologize she went for the arrest jugular on camera. Then added to that by trying to use Eden to push the Kim's on the verge of death angle. That's a huge accusation to make. That's simply a terrible thing to do when you claim how wonderful you are. Rinna can't throw low blow after low blow and think a fucking bunny is going to make it all better. And this is coming from someone who cheered her on when she smashed that glass.

And...let's not forget about Rinna prepping by the bar at Kyle's house and joking with Erika about giving Kim the bunny.  Rinna, if she wants to get into intent, didn't appear to be all that sincere before she made her move and the token bunny gesture with Kim on the patio.  Rinna's expressions later that evening betrayed her pretend good intentions IMHO. 

part 2 was just a scream fest of accusations and deflections from the left couch, all talking over each other to defend each other against the dastardly Kemsleys & Vanderpump.  Andy sitting back and giggling from the sideline...speaking of a sniper from the sidelines.  I felt like they were on a roll with the real intention of driving LVP & friends off the show.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, charming said:

Rinna doesn't like Kim point blank period. She's still angry about what happened in Amsterdam. She openly gloated, mocked and laughed when Kim kept getting arrested. Then she still tried to claim that her intentions were pure, honest and good. Then the second she realized Kim wasn't going to apologize she went for the arrest jugular on camera. Then added to that by trying to use Eden to push the Kim's on the verge of death angle. That's a huge accusation to make. That's simply a terrible thing to do when you claim how wonderful you are. Rinna can't throw low blow after low blow and think a fucking bunny is going to make it all better. And this is coming from someone who cheered her on when she smashed that glass.

According to Eden, Rinna and Harry Hamlin, the way you deal with addicts in your life is to cut them out of your life and then whine after they die how affected you were by their addiction.  Eden, Harry and Rinna have all expressed disapproval Kim is in Kyle's life.  It would seem to me if Kyle wasn't burdening her friends with her choices when and when not to have Kim in her life they should not be so concerned.  Rinna doesn't want Kim on the show and yet she wants Kyle as a sister/hostess to reel Kim in.  The bunny was done to set Kim up to reject it when presented by Rinna.  The problem with Rinna's big reveal is after she did it, Kim and Kyle weren't convinced it was the end of Rinna's Revenge.  I honestly believe part of Rinna's rage at Dorit was Dorit stuck up for Kim during Rinna's admission.  Dorit did address they had seen each other numerous times since Mexico and all of a sudden a conversation in Mexico becomes earth scorching relative? 

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

Watching the reunion made me realize that the only things that happened this season were Erika's panties, Lisa's Xanax and now, bunny-gate. No wonder I get bored watching this show. 

Well we also got trips too Mexico and Hong Kong, (that Buddha was amazing) as well as raising awareness about Yulin, but of course all that was overshadowed by some of these women never being able to let go of anything and actually live in the moment and enjoy the privileged lives they lead. 

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Well we also got trips too Mexico and Hong Kong, (that Buddha was amazing) as well as raising awareness about Yulin, but of course all that was overshadowed by some of these women never being able to let go of anything and actually live in the moment and enjoy the privileged lives they lead. 

These b!tches can't enjoy life for too long; true need to create drama and flame conflicts! It's more than a little pathetic! ;-(

  • Love 3

As a joke, but the humorless EJ didnt get it..(rolls eyes.)

That wasn't a joke, that was a nasty mean girl bitch move...(rolls eyes even further.)


These b!tches can't enjoy life for too long; true need to create drama and flame conflicts! It's more than a little pathetic!

Well, yes, it's a Real Housewives show. It's been that way ever since Teresa Giudice overturned that table way back in season 1 of RHONJ, at least.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 12
10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Thank You, just went and read that info about him and that Dorit is credited as being LVP 's designer.

This show is now full of such down low scripted/non-scripted shit, I think I may be done after this season.

Really? Can you link the article? I have read a couple of articles on them, but don't remember Dorito being credited as LVP's designer. Wow. That isn't something I would brag about. Other than the  times we see LVP at home with casual clothes and minimal makeup, she always looks like she would smell like mothballs. When she dresses up, LVP looks like she is channeling Joan Collins from her Dynasty years. 

Speaking of minimal makeup, I wonder how many years it will be before these women look back and think "WTF was I thinking with the raccoon eye makeup?" The only one who looked lovely (as usual) was Eileen. 

The first episode I saw of the Real Housewives of Toronto, some of the women were riding in a limo to a function, and the conversation turned to underwear. Everyone in the limo from what I remember said they were not wearing panties. I thought back to what was happening at the time with pantygate and how scandalous it apparently was that Erika was not. Maybe it is more common that we think? Luckily for the RHOT ladies, PK was not in the car with them. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 7

I like Erika, and think Dorit's OK, and I can see how both of them can legit take issue with the flashing goings-on. However, at this stage, I think Erika is being deliberately obtuse (and I also thought so when she took umbrage with Eileen's "kill your child" remark--it's a figure of speech), and I feel a bit sorry for Dorit.

I usually can't deal very well with seeing people cry. But I don't believe that Rinna at all, and have no idea what she was even trying to convey with that. Of all things to bring tears? That?


He seems more interested in gossiping and meddling in the women's issues.

Haha, so if my BF ever steps in (after being beckoned over) should a bunch of fools ever start conspicuously squawking at me in front of everyone, I'll be sure to tell him keep his meddling ass away from his own GF!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 16

Oh for Gawd's sake, I can't believe we are STILL talking about that damn dress and lack of panties! It was such a small thing, done and over. Even on this board, people are still arguing whether it was an innocent mistake or a damned foolish mistake. Were the panties a funny way to tease, a nasty mean girl bitch move, or something in between? I vote something in between.

As soon as Dorit said she'd run it past everyone I could see Erick tense up and I will go to my grave believing that is what upset Ericka. It would have upset me as well. You're all talking about me behind my back? You talked about my inadvertent flashing and these panties, laughing and waiting for my humiliation? I too would have felt unsafe and mocked but like my 12 year old self had to learn the hard way, laugh at the joke, pretend you don't care and it will go away, soon forgotten.

I believe there is great power in humor and Ericka seems to be humorless, which is a bummer because I like a lot of what she brings to the show, but this so-called "Pantygate" is a bore and I'm over it.

I think PK redeemed himself, at least in my eyes, with his appearance on the reunion. Please get rid of Dim Richards (love that!) for the last time. I'm tired of her anger, interruptions, and general unpleasant demeanor.

  • Love 15
36 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Grabbing and looking are 2 completely different things. And so ridiculous that it even has to be pointed out. You go to jail for grabbing. You do NOT go to jail for looking. Or even TALKING about grabbing. At least not yet in this country. 

Thank you, @VedaPierce. I have no idea how many likes we can give per day, but let's just pretend I gave all of mine for the month to you.

  • Love 13

I know Rinna mentioned who designed her dress when she said she’d be wearing the dress again. I remember Andy pointing out that Rinna and Erika had the same shoes. Did he go down the line and ask each “who” they were wearing?

I’d like to know if Da-Twit’s dress was designed by Kingsley. It reminds me of a t-shirt  I washed that got stuck to the agitator

  • Love 2

Back the truck up because a poster several pages back said Kim says she still drinks ?!  What kind of meeting and programs could she and Eden have gone to/ worked together ???   So the sober Kyle refers to is no pills? I'm so confused. I'm aware that alcoholics sometimes say they can have a glass of wine and think of themselves sober but ya cant go to an AA meeting and consider that sober.  Kim is the alcoholic that is often referred to even sober as not having relationships ,  she holds people hostage.  Eden just holds them in a hug. 

Edited by athousandclowns
  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Really? Can you link the article? I have read a couple of articles on them, but don't remember Dorito being credited as LVP's designer. Wow. That isn't something I would brag about. Other than the  times we see LVP at home with casual clothes and minimal makeup, she always looks like she would smell like mothballs. When she dresses up, LVP looks like she is channeling Joan Collins from her Dynasty years. 

Speaking of minimal makeup, I wonder how many years it will be before these women look back and think "WTF was I thinking with the raccoon eye makeup?" The only one who looked lovely (as usual) was Eileen. 

The first episode I saw of the Real Housewives of Toronto, some of the women were riding in a limo to a function, and the conversation turned to underwear. Everyone in the limo from what I remember said they were not wearing panties. I thought back to what was happening at the time with pantygate and how scandalous it apparently was that Erika was not. Maybe it is more common that we think? Luckily for the RHOT ladies, PK was not in the car with them. 

Add the slight odor of Hanky poop masked by Fabreze and you nailed it.

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