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S29.E03: Bucket List Type Stuff

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Well, it didn't take long for people's true colors to show. Redmond and Matt can go fuck right off. Since they claim that using the U-turn is for weak, jealous people, that means that they DEFINITELY won't use it on anyone if they manage to get to the next one before two other teams, right?

While I know that Ashton holding a grudge isn't the best race strategy, I can see why she was like screw it, we got here first so let's use it on them. Not only did the guys not follow through on their coin flip helicopter agreement in a previous episode but then they cut in front of everyone else at the ferry line this week. If they'd only done one of those things, I could see trying to rationalize their behavior but doing both of those things so close to each other just shows that they're assholes who have no consideration for other people.

Look, I know it's a raaaaaaaaace so do what you have to do, but if you're going to be one of Those People, then don't do things like make deals with people and then not follow through. Don't cut in front of EVERYONE who is standing in line and then give the old "who, me?" innocent act. There's a difference between racing hard and deliberately being a jerk. Redmond and Matt fell into the latter category, even before they started trying to intimidate Vanck and Ashton. I loved that when one of the guys said something meant to be intimidating, Vanck just said, "Uh, okay."

Shamir continues to be a baby. I was cracking up when Sara said that they joined everyone else and then Shamir immediately began talking about his junk again. Normally I would have a momentary twinge of sympathy for someone with a splinter but by the time that happened, I was like yeah, you need to shut it, Shamir. And for the record, children put together Ikea furniture. It's not rocket science.

Becca's fun face dropped at the first sign of trouble. I get being upset that Floyd lost his passport, but damn, woman. Calm the fuck down.

2 hours ago, mertensia said:

I liked that Floyd went to hug the cab driver thanks, saw that the cab driver was taking a step back and stopped.

I noticed this little moment too and it just made me like Floyd even more. Finally, a racer who respects the personal space of other people! There was another team that did something similar after they finished building their table. One of them looked like they were going to hug the judge, noticed the hesitancy from the judge, and then hugged their partner instead.

Vanck did well at the market, as did the chef guy (Michael?), so they both get high fives from me. I was wondering if whoever used their leftover Brazilian money would be penalized for using money that wasn't from this leg (I wasn't sure if the clue said they could only use the $350 they were given for this leg), but I guess not. I was glad Sara was able to convince one of the vendors to give her some money back because you know if they had been eliminated, Shamir would have said it was all her fault.

So crocheting doesn't mean you're automatically good at weaving baskets out of leaves? Who woulda thunk? At least she was smart enough to realize it early enough to switch without falling way behind. Knowing when to give up on a task is an important thing on TAR!

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I enjoyed this episode from a travel perspective: Tanzania and Zanzibar were beautiful, I enjoyed the little things like the tree-climber and the school kids/language lesson.

I really dislike the u-turn being before the detour though, as it becomes luck on who has the best cab or seats on the flight. Really screwed over Seth and Olive. Speaking of them, I'm not entirely convinced they cared for each other. I wonder if they got a positive edit, being 'team America' and all, and that they weren't around long enough. I never got the impression from watching them that they cared for each others company. 

I was happy that becca and Floyd were able to get the passport back: that would have been quite the jarring ending. And I can't hold too much against becca there, as her race was in danger of ending there at no fault of her own, so I likely would have had a similar reaction.

It finally clicked halfway through last night that #thesandsexpress was supposed to read like S and S Express. For 2 weeks, I kept saying, what the hell is the sands express? Like most viewers, I love how much of a competitor Sara is, and detest how much of a whiner her partner is.

Overall, I thought this season has a good premiere, but the strangers premise is finally starting to wear a bit on me.

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2 hours ago, helent said:

And Becca... I'm done with you. Switch the genders and then see how funny it is to joke about breaking someone's nose. Not cool.

Was just going to post this.  I had to rewind but yup, she threw her fist at his face in the stairwell.  It was a fake-out pull-back but shows a nasty, angry side behind the fake fun with her.  The amazing cameramen know their job because it's a really blink and you'll miss it moment but they got it.  I couldn't catch what exactly Becca said to Floyd, maybe she called him an idiot.  I get being pissed since he was holding both passports, but, I said it in the first episode, shut UP, Becca.  And keep your fake fist to yourself.

Redmond is an ugly bully but unfortunately he and Matt are a strong team that work well together.  Ashton needs to let go the whole "lied to my face" deal - seriously, who cares?  She's annoying me.  I hate the U-Turn also but it's part of the game and it doesn't mean you're weak to use it.  As I remember, Ashton & Vanck came in ahead of Matt & Redmond last leg as well, so shut up Redmond.

Shamir - enough said. Though it is funny how the camera enjoys showing his whiny moments.  Let's get rid of his whiny ass, get rid of Becca and team up Sara and Floyd.

Sorry to see Seth and Olive go (which the local RI news spoiled for me this morning, thanks guys).  The basket task must have taken a long time and it seemed like good strategy on Matt/Redmond's part start with it.

The full faces of makeup that Ashton and Sara are wearing crack me up. 

Another first place for Liz and Michael!  Good work for them.

Butterfly was a natural entertainer!  Beautiful locations on this one and I enjoyed the market task. 



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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

It seems like the Weave detour took a lot longer than the other task. Matt/Redmond were still on their task when Seth/Olive showed up so I think the weaving task was a lot harder to master if you can't get the pattern right away.

The weird thing was that Matt/Redmond's woven baskets were all kinds of janky, with fronds hanging off all around the top edge, yet they were approved. Seth/Olive's were all tucked in and neat around the edge, which obviously took much longer to do.

9 hours ago, etagloh said:

Still, something seems off about this season. I don't know if it's the moments where the editing gets messy, or the whiff of Survivor Rules around all of these people cast as individuals, but there's an anxiety about watching all this that I don't associate with TAR (apart from HWSNBN and Victoria in Berlin ten years ago.)

The editing is really bad this season. One example from this episode: Joey grabs a live chicken that's not halal and is shown having an "Oh, no!" moment when he realizes this at the judging mat. Then he's shown a few minutes later getting approved with a bunch of other people checking in at once, with no intervening footage showing him going back to the market.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was glad Sara was able to convince one of the vendors to give her some money back because you know if they had been eliminated, Shamir would have said it was all her fault.

I've never seen that in my life -- a vendor you paid being convinced to give money back. I wonder if the producers didn't want someone going out because of no money. It just seemed so odd "You charged me too much!" "OK, here's some money back." I'm trying that at the grocery store next time.

Adding to the very interesting theory this was a defunct Survivor season (other than the petty attitudes of the contestants): it filmed the exact same time as the current Survivor season (June 2016). Makes you wonder if they were going to go with these folks if they couldn't get enough returnees.

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Oh man, why did it have to be Seth & Olive instead of Mr. "Ow, My Balls!"?

Love that Liz and Michael have gone from screw ups to being quietly competent.

I was inclined to like Redmond, but he was pretty obnoxious on this leg, and his behavior to Vanck after finding out about the U-Turn was borderline bullying.

I didn't like that the U-Turn came at the beginning of the Detour instead of after the task like usual.

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Zanzibar: the place where last time we went there, it took like what, a week?  (Or felt like it from the lack of flights and the amount of time for racers to get to Phil. Oh All Stars season, how I miss ye. Sort of.) 



I liked that Floyd went to hug the cab driver thanks, saw that the cab driver was taking a step back and stopped.

Outside of making me feel old ("I've been watching this show since fifth grade!") he's clearly watched the show long enough to understand social and cultural cues and checked himself before he actually hugged. 

I didn't mind the leg, though not sure if I liked the U Turn before the Detour: isn't the point of it going to the marker to make sure you lose even more time and to test your resolve? It became "Well, we got U turned, at least we know."


Meanwhile in the "birds of a feather flock together" Redmond and Matt can leave anytime.  There's racing skills and then just common courtesy.  Would have pulled that stunt in front of the locals?

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I call bullshit on the U-Turn being placed before the Detour. That just brings it down to taxi-cab luck in who gets to use it, instead of who finishes the Detour first. Maybe the producers thought it would help the teams who were U-Turned because they'd know from the outset they had to do both Detours, and would hustle more. But I just wish this show would go back to old-school rules and drop the Detour altogether. Some idiots at the network decided they wanted the show to have more back-stabbing and drama like Survivor, and they ruined it.

We saw a really ugly side to both Redmond and Becca this week, and I'm getting a sinking feeling we could wind up with a winner this season as disagreeable as Flo. There's got to be a reason this season was shelved for so long and it might just be because they knew everyone would hate who won.

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3 hours ago, Lukeysboat said:

Can someone let me know what Becca said in the stairwell and what happened? Somehow I caught a glimpse but missed it. 

I feel like my impressions from the first episode were off in many ways. I really thought Matt and Redmond were going to be a fun team to watch. Boy was I wrong about them! I also wasn't sure if I'd like Liz and Michael, and it turns out they are a favorite so far. Of course, things can turn in a dime on TAR. 

First off, I recall seeing that - luckily - Becca and Floyd had gotten their cab driver's business card.

After checking in with Phil, they came back to the Matt.  Here's a transcription, with the first letter of each person's name indicating who said what.

P:  Becca and Floyd, when you checked in, you thought you had your passports.  Is that correct?  You've discovered you do not have them.  I cannot check you in until you have your passports so do whatever you need to do, go do it.

B&F start running down the stairs.

F:  OK, we need to call our taxi.

B:  You are an absolute idiot, dude.  Are you kidding me?

F:  Let's call them, let's call them

They get to the taxi office.

B:  Did anyone turn in a passport in here?

F:  OMG, I'm going to have a heart attack.

Their driver turns up and gives them the passport.  They thank him and run back to the pit stop.  When they get there, Wuss and Sarah have just checked in as Team #7.  Phil says to B&F, "Floyd and Becca, what would you like to tell me?"

F:  I'd like to tell you that the passport is right here, so we found it.

P:  It's the first time that I've not seen a big smile on Becca's face.  Where's the fun meter right now?

B:  It's not high.  I'm getting it.  I lost a lot of trust in that moment.  I will be holding onto this from now on" (tucks Floyd's passport into her fanny pack).

P:  If you lose that passport, the race is over for you.

B:  And he has a broken nose.

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1 hour ago, raven said:

Was just going to post this.  I had to rewind but yup, she threw her fist at his face in the stairwell.  It was a fake-out pull-back but shows a nasty, angry side behind the fake fun with her.  The amazing cameramen know their job because it's a really blink and you'll miss it moment but they got it.  I couldn't catch what exactly Becca said to Floyd, maybe she called him an idiot.  I get being pissed since he was holding both passports, but, I said it in the first episode, shut UP, Becca.  And keep your fake fist to yourself.

I don't know if Becca's fun is fake. She might be that all-out, heart-on-your-sleeve kind of person that is just at 11 no matter what emotion she experiences, whether she is having fun or is scary angry. Notice she didn't try to downplay her anger there, she totally owned it in front of Phil.

1 hour ago, raven said:

Redmond is an ugly bully but unfortunately he and Matt are a strong team that work well together.  Ashton needs to let go the whole "lied to my face" deal - seriously, who cares?  She's annoying me.

My thoughts on Ashton exactly. Chill, there's no need to keep getting worked up and declaring how much you hate liars. What's the purpose of that? You've learned a valuable lesson about what kind of people Matt and Redmond are. Now you know what to expect from them. File it and move on.

57 minutes ago, rasalas said:

The editing is really bad this season. One example from this episode: Joey grabs a live chicken that's not halal and is shown having an "Oh, no!" moment when he realizes this at the judging mat. Then he's shown a few minutes later getting approved with a bunch of other people checking in at once, with no intervening footage showing him going back to the market.

The writing this season is not that stellar either. "School supplies are in short supply"? Really?

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In addition to calling Floyd an idiot in the stairwell, she faked punched him.  And her tone was not joking at that point.

Meant to mention this earlier....loved how Joey just hoisted Tara onto the small boat (dhow?) with no fuss.   You could see that other teams really struggled with boarding those boats.  I think Joey and Tara really do communicate well, and are enjoying being a team.

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Have to say, I missed the staircase fake-punch from Becca...unacceptable behavior from men or women...and this is only leg 3. The stress took the fun right out of Becca. Threatening your partner...it's a race, not a death match. 

Remond has already outed himself as a bully...one with a special hard-on for smart women who are not easily intimidated. He felt free to go after her after deciding that Vanck was no physical threat. That was seriously ugly stuff...and his giggling partner was no better.

Am liking Tara and Jody and Liz and Michael, big time. Decent people racing. That's what I want to see...not jerks behaving badly. I can see that on the subway. And Shamir is a casting mistake. Sara deserved better.

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9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm certain it's a trip for two for each Racer.

Really?  because in "regular"  seasons, that's not the case.   I assume, though, that the prize might just be a voucher of some sort, that they can use as they wish.  My comment referred to when the winning couple got the trip, it sounded like they were winning a couples trip, much like couples in previous seasons win trips. 

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9 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:


"Jeez, two episodes ago I really though Matt and Redman were going to be one of my top three teams for this season. Not anymore. Redman is a roided out, walking negative military stereotype of a bully who can't get off my TV screen fast enough. And Matt's the little shrimp of a kid you knew in high school who specialized in telling one kid that another kid was talking smack about him and vice versa so they'd fight each other and he'd laugh from the sidelines...Redman was borderline threatening/menacing to Vanck when they were running on the beach and I'd have loved Phil to slap a 2 hour or 4 hour penalty on them when he had that stupid shit-eating grin on his face while they were standing there on the Pit Stop mat jawing at A&V."


TAR needs to add a viewer penalty. If we see awful behavior we can vote on a penalty. Might improve the assholish behavior towards fellow racers  and citizens of the countries they visit. Kind of like a virtual slap upside the head. Redmond and Shamir would have both been recipients. Just wishing!

13 hours ago, urusai said:

I was waiting for Redmond to give Vanck a wedgie and shove him in a locker after the way he talked to him on the way to the boat.  What a dick.

Exactly what I was seeing. Redmond was acting like a bully in middle school. 

Edited by Maggie Mae
I need to learn how to quote
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5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Shamir continues to be a baby. I was cracking up when Sara said that they joined everyone else and then Shamir immediately began talking about his junk again. Normally I would have a momentary twinge of sympathy for someone with a splinter but by the time that happened, I was like yeah, you need to shut it, Shamir. And for the record, children put together Ikea furniture. It's not rocket science.

One of my favorite detour tasks ever was assembling a desk in the world's largest IKEA in Sweden during AR6 (the one with the pro wrestlers, Lena & Kristy, and He Who Must Not Be Named & Victoria).  Mainly because I so would've rocked that task.  Admittedly, they did have a manual for that one, whereas the teams in Zanzibar didn't, but this task did not look that complicated if you took a minute to examine the pieces before starting. 

4 hours ago, TheRabbi said:

For 2 weeks, I kept saying, what the hell is the sands express?

The drive thru at the Sands Hotel & Casino in Vegas?  (Yeah, I know, it's long gone :-( but I miss it.)

I was really disappointed in Becca's behavior after realizing their passports were missing.  (Was it both or just Floyd's?)  I'm hoping that she calms down after the first flush of panic and anger, and apologizes on camera to Floyd.  If not, my estimation of her will go down considerably and I won't be able to root for that team.  Which is a shame because I really like Floyd, especially after how he treated the cab driver who brought the passport(s) to the hotel.

Edited by proserpina65
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Don't like the boys... remind me of the tattoo douche bros from Survivor past season. But they are a formidable team and I worry they will win, or at least be around for a god bit.

Next on my dislike list is Shamir. Good God, man, what a baby. Big time props for Sara in dealing with that putz.

Then, Brooke. Her whiny voice reminds me of the make-up you tube sensation from past season. The one who raced with her 'Daaaaaddddieeeee'. Was her name Brooke too (or Blaire?)? Bless her partner too, for dealing with her.

I like the other teams, so far. Really like the 'mom and dad' team because, well, I am old too. I liked the Olive team and was bummed it was them who came in last.... like many of you I was hoping it would be Shamir.

Becca...yeah, didn't like the 'and a broken nose' comment as I too immediately thought that a guy would NO WAY say that to a girl. But I agree with another poster, up thread, who said Becca is always at an 11. And that little snafu Floyd had almost got them the boot. I also noticed Floyd's wanting to hug the taxi driver but reading driver's body language, he backed off. Good on him. I really like Floyd. And Becca reminds me of a cousin so I 'get' her and am hoping this team stays a while.

Edited by Lamima
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13 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

2) Lot of people being assholes here.  Ashton's dumb vendetta is dumb.  But Redmond was the big loser in the exchange.  Bully identifies nerd and hits on his insecurities and then talks over him.  Awesome.  Fuck you, Redmond.  Becca revealed that her "I'm the most positive" is a front.  Fuck you, Becca.  And Shamir was just a festival of dickishness.  Sara once again should have kicked him in the balls.

4) The editors hate Shamir so much.  I love that the self-proclaimed alpha male has his sister build his furniture for him.  That's my stealth favorite moment of the episode.

Yup.  I think Ashton's vendetta is stupid.  It was a dick move from the boys to not honour the agreement, but whatever, it didn't affect the standings.  It showed what kind of people the boys are so in the future, just realise what they are.  Matt and Redmond are obviously strong racers, so they would have been targets for U Turn anyways.  If Ashton hadn't gone on and on about "the deception" then it would have easily looked like just a strategic move, without the personal aspect.

Redmond is an asshole.  I had thought he was great, lost a leg but still perserveres and doesn't let it affect him, etc.  No more.

Was it Sara that talked in the beginning about how "Shamir of course goes into a corner with the other guys and is still complaining about his junk".  Too funny.  I agree that the editors hate Shamir.

I never liked "Team Fun" so I'm glad to see that their "fun" is an act.  Floyd might be fun and positive all the time.  But Becca is the type of person who claims they are a fun person, but then you find out she's only a fun person when everything is going right for her.  When things start to go wrong, she turned into an Ugly Unhappy Nasty Person.  Phil should have taken that stupid button off her and thrown it away.

I'm disappointed Seth and Olive are gone.  They were a quiet, competent team with no drama.  Instead, we're left with more "personalities".  I guess I'm rooting for London and Logan now?

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What the freak is wrong with Redmond? The way he taunted while running along side Vanck to intimidate him not only shows him as a bully but an immature ass. Like he was still in junior high school. Grow up, fella. You're not young anymore.

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8 hours ago, RealReality said:

No tea, no shade, but someone cutting the line would have set.me.off

There is nothing that says "me and my time are much more important than you, so suck it" quite like cutting the line.  I'm glad I'm not on TAR, because I would have said something and it would have gotten downright ugly.

Oh yeah. Nothing quite like cutting a queue to set me off. Renege on a stupid deal on the race, meh, it's not unexpected. But cut a queue?! One of my biggest pet peeves. I was surprised no one started shouting at them to shame them when they were doing it. I would have. Or even better if the server had told them to get in line. If Matt and Redmond are going to race this way because it's a RAAACE for a million dollars, don't get upset when teams U-turn you for personal or strategic reasons. All is fair in race, right? ;-)

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Becca: It's all fun and games until you lose your passport, moron...

Floyd: Sleep with one eye open, buddy...

I wish Floyd had stepped into her punch, then she'd be gone and Floyd could pick a new partner from the recently eliminated racers... that's how you get ratings to save Phil from retirement....

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7 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

I wish Floyd had stepped into her punch, then she'd be gone and Floyd could pick a new partner from the recently eliminated racers... that's how you get ratings to save Phil from retirement....

Maybe Becca and Shamir could have gone in one go, and then Phil could have let Floyd/Sara be a team! 

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Is anyone else amazed there is a direct flight from Sao Paolo to Dar es Salaam? 

Vanck and Ashton continue to impress me--they have really gotten over their rocky start and are really coming together as a team.  They're learning each others strengths and weaknesses and making great choices.  I was surprised that Vanck did the market task, not because I think a woman would be better at shopping, but because as a shy nerdy guy, the necessary social interactions would be hard for him to do.  But he purely rocked that task, and Ashton was so certain he could do it, that there must have been some heart-to-heart "I can do this, or I shouldn't do that" sorts of conversations they've been having.

Redmond and Matt are total jerks.  Cutting in line?  Not cool.  Bullying Vanck?  Not cool. 

Other than how awesome Butterfly was, that weaving task was all kinds of uneven.  Some of those baskets looked like total crap but they got passed through easily enough.  Either the quality control guy didn't give a crap, or the racers didn't truly understand the parameters that all they had to do was weave baskets that held together, they didn't have to be perfect.   Seth and Olive assumed they had to be perfect, and that took too much time.  I wonder if they'd understood that sloppy was OK if they could have gotten out of there sooner and then not been eliminated.

Holy cow, Becca got her Linda Blair on in the stairwell when she went all exorcist on Floyd.  I'm actually really liking Floyd.  Becca?  Not so much.  I found her annoying even before she got all demonic.  A few more bumps in the road, and she's going to be outright scary.  Yeah, Floyd, totally sleep with one eye open...

And in other news, I note that Shamir's ox remains broken.

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I just want to be on record - I don't like you, Redmond. Or the Wuss. Or Becca, although I'm still rooting for Team Fun because Floyd is terrific.

Seth & Olive - I said last week that we're going need to see some hustle. This would have been the place for it. I'll miss you, rational adults that you are, even though your reputation as a strong team was overrated.

Can we get Butterfly to be Sara's new partner? He looks like a way better Racer than Shamir.

Edited by Merneith
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9 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Holy cow, Becca got her Linda Blair on in the stairwell when she went all exorcist on Floyd.

Yeah, she might have been jokingly threatening to punch him, but that's not something you do with someone you don't have a history with, someone who knows there's no real threat there. *   If he had done it to her, he would be painted as a misogynistic asshole -  so it's not OK for her to do it either. 

* I will jokingly move toward my son like I'm going to slap him, but he's an adult, a foot taller than me, and it's a teasing response when he makes fun of me.  I would never do it to someone I didn't have that kind of rapport with.

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I like that it was caught on film because it completely changes the audience's impression of her, no longer TAR's sweetheart with the big smile.

Floyd  wouldn't have said anything because she is a his team mate.

Anything on Becca's FB about the fake out punch in the stairwell?

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OK,  I would like to point out that the "fun" team did socialize with their driver, probably slowed them down but looked how it paid off. there he was with their passport. Driver was a good guy SO even though temper and threats are never appreciated, we have to recognize how this team checked in at the middle of the pack and later discovered the missing passport, then had to find it which few ever do

Remember when one team tried to lie about having another team member's passport in their car, but when they left the car to do the task, the other couple went into the car and found it? Now that is foul play! Idopn't think the other partner on the team that lost the passport was happy, but did work to get it back. 

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15 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Redmond is a jerk. Shamir is a jerk. Redmond looked offended that a cute girl was standing up to him - how dare she? How dare a nerd and a girl U-Turn someone so magnificent? They should be in awe and feel honored that he even notices him.  Shamir is just a nasty jerk. And a Wuss with an owie.

It was cool seeing Zanzibar. I read a book that took place there in the late 19th century.

I was stoked about seeing some of Zanzibar...I too, read about it in a book...Trade Wind by M.M. Kaye, and have been very interested in it ever since.

Team 'Fun' isn't my cup of tea...He seems okay, but Becca is annoying.  She sure got really nasty with the passport mess, but then I probably would have too.  lol  Redmund is a huge jerk and a bully.  Hope he doesn't make it to the final 3, but they certainly have been a strong team so far.  Not sure who I want to win...maybe Tara and Joey or Liz and Michael.

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11 hours ago, Lukeysboat said:

Can someone let me know what Becca said in the stairwell and what happened? Somehow I caught a glimpse but missed it. 

I feel like my impressions from the first episode were off in many ways. I really thought Matt and Redmond were going to be a fun team to watch. Boy was I wrong about them! I also wasn't sure if I'd like Liz and Michael, and it turns out they are a favorite so far. Of course, things can turn in a dime on TAR. 

IIRC, she cocked back her fist and said something like "I'll break your nose!" to Floyd.  I am going to watch it again tonight.  I want to get a better idea if she was just goofing around and if it was obvious to Floyd that she was goofing around.  

ETA: I just rewatched.  In the stairwell she said, "You are an absolute idiot, dude. Zip your  (bleeping) fanny pack; are you kidding me?"  She sounded very annoyed with him, but not enraged.

She then cocked her fist back and feigned a punch toward him while grunting and said something about making a call on the phone.

When they checked in she said that she said that she would be holding Floyd's passport from then on.  Phil said "If you lose your passport your race is over." Becca (obviously joking) added, "And he gets a broken nose.", and everyone laughed.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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24 minutes ago, AlleC17 said:

I was stoked about seeing some of Zanzibar...I too, read about it in a book...Trade Wind by M.M. Kaye, and have been very interested in it ever since.

Team 'Fun' isn't my cup of tea...He seems okay, but Becca is annoying.  She sure got really nasty with the passport mess, but then I probably would have too.  lol  Redmund is a huge jerk and a bully.  Hope he doesn't make it to the final 3, but they certainly have been a strong team so far.  Not sure who I want to win...maybe Tara and Joey or Liz and Michael.

Read that book, too...and it made me very curious about Zanzibar.

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

Is anyone else amazed there is a direct flight from Sao Paolo to Dar es Salaam? 

I wouldn't take what the show showed us as guaranteed fact. I know there's been times they simplified it in the past, showing the yellow line going right to the city, when they actually connected somewhere (for some reason off the top of my head, I remember season 25 when they went from St Thomas to London, the yellow line went straight there, but teams actually connected in Atlanta.)

Not saying there wasn't a direct flight, just saying that the show has gotten lazy at explaining what teams are actually doing the last few years.

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Damm, there shouldnt be any U-Turn before the teams have to at least to do roadblock or one side of the detour first! Really messed up, we lost a really good team to watch compete to have to deal some very annoying/useless people. 

And Redmon? ´´Are you afraid of me?! Are you?! You should be! You´re weak!`` What a douch! Damm, he made himself look even worse than Shamir that is more like becoming lame. Just wondering if they have a U-turn to use and Vanck & Ashton are still on the race/behind them.. They will use it on them, even they being ´´weak``?

Edited by CaioF
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17 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

Lot of people being assholes here.  Ashton's dumb vendetta is dumb.  But Redmond was the big loser in the exchange.  Bully identifies nerd and hits on his insecurities and then talks over him.  Awesome.  Fuck you, Redmond.  Becca revealed that her "I'm the most positive" is a front.  Fuck you, Becca.

All so true.  Whoever got there first was supposed to wait for who is second, then toss a coin to see who went ahead first?  Stupid idea and stupid of Ashton to be upset about it.   But all the same, Redmond is a complete wad.  And Becca?  Not such a fun person after all.

17 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

And Shamir was just a festival of dickishness.  Sara once again should have kicked him in the balls.

Sing it!  A truly unpleasant person.

Vanck:  "These are yellow bananas!"  (While staring at hundreds of plantains...)

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Since the  u-turned knew  before hand they had to do both task, could they have split up and worked on each task separately?  Putting the desk together looked like it could have been-while taking  a little longer- a one person job as was the weaving.  Were the racers overcharged, it looked like they were being charged Whole Food's prices in a country where the average wage is 68 cents an hour.

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2 minutes ago, jww said:

could they have split up and worked on each task separately?

Racers aren't allowed to split up unless directed to do so.  (So, one can go parachute while the other stays on the ground, but otherwise they have to stick together.)

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1 hour ago, TheRabbi said:

Not saying there wasn't a direct flight, just saying that the show has gotten lazy at explaining what teams are actually doing the last few years.

Yeah, the yellow line is deceptive when the flights are spoonfed, especially over long distances. There's a shot of the departure board for SA188 (South African Airways) which means all the airport shots were from a connection in Johannesburg, including "we're going to Africa!" when they were already in Africa. Anyway, that's about 7000 flying miles total, and would probably contribute to a bit of early KF, even with the overnight bunch for the ferry.

(Re-watching the opening few minutes, there was a bit of foreshadowing for Seth & Olive changing money on arrival in Tanzania, so credit where due for the editors.)

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I kind of need clarification.  I thought that on team Redmond and Matt that Redmond was the snow boarder and smaller guy while Matt was the taller veteran.  Therefore, I thought it was the snow boarder who was the more vocal and aggressive one.  However, I have read numerous posts that imply Redmond was the veteran.  Any clarification would be appreciated.

And, will Shamir and Sara be the team that I dislike (due to Shamir) that outlasts teams that I like and would like to see go farther?  First the women's team last week and now Seth and Olive.  Sigh.  

Liked Becca and Floyd, now I just like Floyd and think that Becca should be given some type of penalty for her undue physical threat (I don't like the name calling either, but think there's a stronger case for the physical threat).  I would bet almost anything (not really) that she threatened Floyd in the dark stairwell because she thought nobody would know as it was dark and they were separated from the camera crew.  Not so much Becca.  Hopefully there will be an opportunity for team members to switch teams and Floyd can join up with Sara...

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4 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I kind of need clarification.  I thought that on team Redmond and Matt that Redmond was the snow boarder and smaller guy while Matt was the taller veteran.  Therefore, I thought it was the snow boarder who was the more vocal and aggressive one.  However, I have read numerous posts that imply Redmond was the veteran.  Any clarification would be appreciated.

Matt's the Snowboarder. Redmond is the veteran.

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4 hours ago, backformore said:

Yeah, she might have been jokingly threatening to punch him, but that's not something you do with someone you don't have a history with, someone who knows there's no real threat there. *   If he had done it to her, he would be painted as a misogynistic asshole -  so it's not OK for her to do it either. 

* I will jokingly move toward my son like I'm going to slap him, but he's an adult, a foot taller than me, and it's a teasing response when he makes fun of me.  I would never do it to someone I didn't have that kind of rapport with.

I so agree with the bolded.

I do the same thing, but like you said, its always when I'm in a joking good mood.  Its more like "5 to the eyes!," or "what did the 5 fingers say to the face?" or "to the moon Alice!" and then I'll mimic a slap.  But never when I'm angry.

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1 hour ago, jww said:

Since the  u-turned knew  before hand they had to do both task, could they have split up and worked on each task separately?  Putting the desk together looked like it could have been-while taking  a little longer- a one person job as was the weaving.  Were the racers overcharged, it looked like they were being charged Whole Food's prices in a country where the average wage is 68 cents an hour.

Regarding the overcharging, my Swahili is a bit rusty, but I think one of the vendors said, "Look what just fell off the turnip truck!"

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3 hours ago, holly4755 said:

OK,  I would like to point out that the "fun" team did socialize with their driver, probably slowed them down but looked how it paid off. there he was with their passport. Driver was a good guy SO even though temper and threats are never appreciated, we have to recognize how this team checked in at the middle of the pack and later discovered the missing passport, then had to find it which few ever do

Remember when one team tried to lie about having another team member's passport in their car, but when they left the car to do the task, the other couple went into the car and found it? Now that is foul play! Idopn't think the other partner on the team that lost the passport was happy, but did work to get it back. 

Yeah, it was the blind dating season.  I was surprised that they actually knew better than to trust the other team.  I'm much too trusting for this show.

1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Regarding the overcharging, my Swahili is a bit rusty, but I think one of the vendors said, "Look what just fell off the turnip truck!"

We went to belize for Christmas, and they quote prices in dollars.  The problem being that Belizean currency is called "dollars" and so is US currency.

But you knew when something was too much in US dollars that the price quoted was in Belizean dollars.  So I'm surprised she didn't pick up on it.  But she was probably just feeling pressured because Shamir was there yelling and would blame her if they got to the mat last.

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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

All so true.  Whoever got there first was supposed to wait for who is second, then toss a coin to see who went ahead first?  Stupid idea and stupid of Ashton to be upset about it.   But all the same, Redmond is a complete wad.  And Becca?  Not such a fun person after all.

Yes it was stupid but it was something stupid that Matt and Redmond agreed with so going back on it so early is even stupider because it wasnt only Ashton and Vanck who would know their word couldn't be trusted. When they cut in line Scott said this was the second shady thing that they had done referencing the helicopter thing so other teams find them shady when all they would have had to do is not agree with the deal in the first place. 

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I am not sure it was a vendor who gave her the money back. The vendors seemed to be blurred. The guy helping her said something about his brother giving her ten thousand. I got the feeling it was just a pity thing.


I thought it was Sand Sex Press. I was further away than the rest of you.

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Shamir is supposed to be a power lifter and he couldn't handle the desk?  he's such an idiot.  And I knew Brooke's elbow would be just fine....she made her partner do the scary height task because her elbow was supposedly so bad, yet less then 24 hours later there was no visible problem with it.  wish Sara and Brookes partner could be together...I bet they'd do very well.

Sorry to see Olive and Seth go.  They were fun to watch and I enjoyed how they handled themselves.  I would have been happy to see them win the whole thing.

I like Floyd.  While I don't approve of what Becca did, I can imagine thinking you're safe and then being thrown back into stress mode would be difficult.  I will reserve judgment until I see how she behaves in the future.

Needless to say, Redmand and Matt are jerks, with Redmand being the bigger jerk of the two.  But, I have to give them credit for their race performance.  Still I don't think they are invincible and there's a lot of race left and there's bound to be some tasks they find difficult.

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