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S07.E18: Diamonds Under Pressure

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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

PK lurking wasn't great, but I thought he was a lot more respectful than other instances when husbands have been in the middle of housewife arguments.

This is very true.  Ken is the worst!  Didn't he call one of the housewives a bitch and told them to stfu?  I think it was to Yolanda.  Yeah, PK looks like a slug but at least he's a gentleman slug.  LOL!


4 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

And no just no...the Hamlin girls are not the next Hadid sisters.  The Hadid girls absolutely got a leg up from being visible on a reality show, but those girls are working thier butts off and Gigi is just downright gorgeous.

I bet Yolanda was just about ready to cut a bitch when she read that byline on tonight's show.  In no way, shape or form are Rinna's offspring anywhere near the caliber of Gigi and Bella.  I totally agree Attackturtle!  Just no!

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, swankie said:

This is very true.  Ken is the worst!  Didn't he call one of the housewives a bitch and told them to stfu?  I think it was to Yolanda.  Yeah, PK looks like a slug but at least he's a gentleman slug.  LOL!


I bet Yolanda was just about ready to cut a bitch when she read that byline on tonight's show.  In no way, shape or form are Rinna's offspring anywhere near the caliber of Gigi and Bella.  I totally agree Attackturtle!  Just no!

IIRC LVP was going on about Lisa R "going off" on her telling her to "own it!" Ken actually used that term of "stupid b!tch" to describe Rinna! It was featured at the reunion last season where Eileen said she would be appalled if Vince said something like that to a woman! She gets into it with PK in the finale, baiting him so she can act appalled again! She was a fave, but no more! She's the enabler, allowing Rinna to be as mean and b!tchy as she wants and supports her without hesitation! She just won't call out Erika or Rinna; talking about Kyle and her relationship with LVP! She's the co-dependent one it seems! Talk about deflection! ;-(

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

IIRC LVP was going on about Lisa R "going off" on her telling her to "own it!" Ken actually used that term of "stupid b!tch" to describe Rinna!

Yes, I remember that, but he didn't say it to Rinna's face.  I do remember him calling Yolanda stupid and her telling him not to call her stupid.  Maybe I just threw in the bitch part because I couldn't stand Yolanda.  Lol! 

  • Love 6

Well that was  a typical ending to a less than steller season. Between the tacky style and superior attitudes these women have, I am not sure they could look at themselves and not see how ridiculous they look.  Then again they probably don't care.

Rinna is the worst. I have never seen someone talk so much bs. Eileen better watch out, she could be next on her list.  Speaking of Eileen, she is so boring. I don't know why she is on this show.

Kim needs to stay off this toxic show and enjoy being a grandma.

Erica, I find it hard to believe you were embarrassed about pantygate when you have less clothing on stage.

Kyle and LVP were ok this season. They didn't irritate me, so that is a plus.

Dorit had some valued points but I couldn't take her seriously with that hair. Though it was nice that PK was checking to see if his wife was ok, these men need to learn to stay out of women's business. Dorit is a big girl and handle things on her own.

Glad this season is done. Bring on the reunion.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ladylaw99 said:

Erica, I find it hard to believe you were embarrassed about pantygate when you have less clothing on stage.

While I do think that Erika has dragged this pantygate shit out WAY too long, I did feel for her in the beginning. I don't think her on stage persona negates her right to be embarrassed by what happened. Yes, she dresses very scantily on stage. But she's on a stage. She is elevated and removed from people, and she is performing. They paid to see her like that, and it was deliberate. I do find that different than accidentally flashing your friends' husbands in an intimate social setting. I think one of her final points to Dorit last night was the one that should have been made from the get go - that she felt embarrassed by it; and rather than having everyone talk about it and bring her panties to cover up with, she wished someone had said something THAT NIGHT. If one of the women had just whispered in her ear, or pulled her into the bathroom; it might have been a very different story. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 22
7 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I'm mystified as far as what exactly people offended by PK watched.

Erika specifically asked him to enter the discourse. She then at points did her best snidely antagonize with condescending shit like "I know it's hard for you, but try your best."

THEN Eileen directly addresses him and, when she doesn't like his response, starts talking over him with, "don't care! don't care! Don't care!"

But women should NEVER be talked to disrespectfully by men and at the same time should ALWAYS be free to disrespect men with impunity.

Otherwise, they are ALWAYS victims. 


  • Love 12
8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

He only got "involved" when Erika decided to confront him and called him over, so blame Erika for that!

Eh, I disagree. He was lurking nearby the entire time. He WANTED in there so badly. He finally found a reason to go over - bring Dorit some water. Yes, Erika did initiate by speaking to him first, but she didn't call him over. He was already right there. And I think it was just what he wanted. 


8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I know many people love LVP but she is a mean girl who uses 'humor'.  And, she never lets go of grudge.

I have a love-hate relationship with LVP. I really enjoy her in her personal life - with Ken and her dogs, even hanging out with Kyle. But in these group social settings she comes off horribly most of the time, IMO. She really is an instigator. Rinna (who I detest) WAS trying to be polite and cordial with Kim, as per their agreement last time they were together. Yes, LVP and Kim and whoever had just been talking about Rinna. But she didn't hear them and she didn't need to know that. It had nothing to do with Kim anyhow. But what does LVP do? Tells Kim to TELL Rinna that she was just talking about her. Starting shit right back up again! Sigh....

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Rinna " Oh look at your hair...how cool" 

Later "She looked like the golden goose came and took a Sh#t on her head"

um...two faced much? 

Hah!  Although, to be fair, there wouldn't be much of a show if they weren't all two faced.

I think I deleted the show from my dvr already, but I am debating rewatching after reading the responses here about PK.  My reaction was very anti-PK (not pro-Erika mind you) but on further consideration I think I really just reacted to him calling her honey.  That's a trigger for me personally - A. I'm not your honey.  B. I have a name. C. He was clearly saying it in a condescending way.  So I think I was seeing red about him from jump.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

ssssssAccording to Rinna what comes out of her mouth comes out for a reason and while it might not be appropriate there's truth to all of it.  Does this apply to the time she talked about pegging Harry with a strap-on?

Lisa Rinna in one fucked up lass

For manners, she does get NO pass.

Her biggest sin?

Is fucking harry hamlin

Allegedly with strap-on in ass?

Edited by ElDosEquis
God, I laugh before I post them and don't edit.
  • Love 4

It's like the man who uses those words "Honey" etc is using it to remind the woman that she's no more than a piece of tail. Or to be subservient. 'Back down sweetie, you are a woman and your opinion doesn't count'. 

2 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Lisa Rinna in one fucked up lass

For manners, she does get NO pass.

Her biggest sin?

I fucking harry hamlin

Allegedly with strap-on in ass?

You are very eloquent this morning and I'm very amused with your poems. Keep them up please! 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, charming said:

Erika wanted to talk to PK and demanded he look at her then he calmly defended himself and his wife. Oops. This is what happens when someone is not your paid employee. He's the husband of the woman you led an attack on and doesn't need to kiss your ass.

Dorit repeatedly apologized but of course Erika didn't remember. She also doesn't remember 90% of her interviews where she says she doesn't like or trust women, doesn't want to get close to anyone, has few non employee friends and it's all her Mother's fault. But then takes offense when PK says she's cold? Bitch please.

Can Eileen stop acting like Vincent is some shy and innocent schoolboy? I'm pretty sure when she's acting an indignant fool he's laid up at the strip club smoking cigars.

Stop ?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

It's like the man who uses those words "Honey" etc is using it to remind the woman that she's no more than a piece of tail. Or to be subservient. 'Back down sweetie, you are a woman and your opinion doesn't count'. 

You are very eloquent this morning and I'm very amused with your poems. Keep them up please! 

Well, you can have a haiku, poem (Love those Dr Seuss parodies), a limerick or flow chart.........


A haiku....

Ponies by the pool

Harpies arguing panties?

Season has ended.

  • Love 9
41 minutes ago, thesnarkiest said:

Some thoughts I have no life, and through the good, the bad and ugly I love this show, and thought last night was awesome. At this point I believe LR is a sociopath, she seems to have no remorse, or human emotion. She can be "likeable", and sociopaths are considered charming. I think Eileen flies around LR like a fly around shit. I think Eileen is a mean girl, but too much of a wimp to show it, so she hides behind rabid LR. That is why this relationship between Eileen and LR works, Eileen lets LR have the attention, and does not go against her, and LR helps Eileen express her mean side. 

I think it is frustrating that PK is supposed to stay out of woman's business, what is "women's" business...? He seems to be involved based on everyone maligning his character and calling him a pervert. Then you have the wives all attacking his wife, to which she has stood her own, and handled like a professional. 

I feel sad for Eden she seems like someone who wants to be liked so much and doesn't know how to be, no matter what she does. Also she has contributed way more to the show than Eileen, so she should be considered a Real Housewife not Eileen. 

Mileage may vary. :) 

I definitely think there is something wrong with Rinna. Normal humans are usually affected in some way when they see they have really upset someone. All she could do was mock Eden with her endeless "Woooowwww"s.  I am also not buying this great love and friendship! between Rinna, Erika and Eileen. Their friendship seems to consist mainly of taking sides, head bobbing agreement with nasty comments and reinforcing each others defensiveness. Grow up ladies, please. It's time. 

  • Love 21

A woman who thinks she owns truth

She shouts it from a top a roof.

Cannot come to grips

from what escapes her lips

Of that? we don't need no proof.


EJ you really ain't hot

your talent and fame is all bought

Your hits on 'the charts'

are as vapid as farts,

that travel from your ass to (lady parts).


I really can do this all day.

Edited by ElDosEquis
MY iambic pentameter needs underwear.
  • Love 12
11 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Eden two snaps for your girlfriend!  You read Lisa R like a science and ran off like Cinderella in her ball gown the next!  LOVED IT!!  I'm thrilled someone simply didn't bite their tongue and let Rinna get away with shit and you did that!  Defend yourself and you did it beautifully, darling.

Leaving behind rose quartz slipper – for healing - and an embedded nanny cam in the heel in case someone brings it home with them

The fairy tale doesn't come true as the pumpkin coach doesn't take her to the reunion sofa.

Eden will always be Jan Brady and I’m thinking London dude is her George Glass. Gurl, bye.


  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Sai said:

I don't know.  Dorit calls everyone honey also.  Maybe it's just the way they speak.

I still don't get the apology Erika was demanding.  She's the one who wore the super short mini with no panties and sat with her legs open.  She should be the one apologizing for being careless and flashing everyone including the married men who were there.  If I'm at the grocery store and I accidentally bump into someone I'm the one who says I'm sorry.  I certainly wouldn't expect the person I bumped into to apologize.  Erika is a freak.  She's an extremely self centered, narcissistic snob.  She can't even pet the ponies without label dropping about her Cartier ring.  Gimme a friggin break!  That was really pathetic and I rolled my eyes so hard.

On the Potomac RH, Clarisse (I think) almost flashed her breast and she apologized for that. I thought it was an interesting contrast. She didn't even announce that she wasn't wearing a bra, just apologized for (almost) not keeping her bits covered. Much more relatable I thought.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Eh, I disagree. He was lurking nearby the entire time. He WANTED in there so badly. He finally found a reason to go over - bring Dorit some water. Yes, Erika did initiate by speaking to him first, but she didn't call him over. He was already right there. And I think it was just what he wanted. 


I have a love-hate relationship with LVP. I really enjoy her in her personal life - with Ken and her dogs, even hanging out with Kyle. But in these group social settings she comes off horribly most of the time, IMO. She really is an instigator. Rinna (who I detest) WAS trying to be polite and cordial with Kim, as per their agreement last time they were together. Yes, LVP and Kim and whoever had just been talking about Rinna. But she didn't hear them and she didn't need to know that. It had nothing to do with Kim anyhow. But what does LVP do? Tells Kim to TELL Rinna that she was just talking about her. Starting shit right back up again! Sigh....

Why should she when they continually attack her character, it's okay for them to take the piss out of her accent or her taste (Yes Rinna I heard that disco comment), it's okay for people to call her an alligator or spider or puppet master, it's okay for people to want to see her cry or say sorry, but to quote Eden "God forbid" they are actually true friends to her and address their issues without trying to malign her character, yes that's you Eileen who sees and hears everything negative about Lisa V but ignores all the negativity and BS your bestie Lisa R brings to the table!

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 20
12 minutes ago, Jel said:

On the Potomac RH, Clarisse (I think) almost flashed her breast and she apologized for that. I thought it was an interesting contrast. She didn't even announce that she wasn't wearing a bra, just apologized for (almost) not keeping her bits covered. Much more relatable I thought.

Well once when I was in NY city someone bumped into me and for some I am the one who said I was sorry, that's when the woman looked at me and said watch where you're going bitch!    I started to say something and my husband grabbed my arm and pulled me away and told me to watch it because I could get shot.  True story.  LOL!!!

12 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Dorit: "Lisa, if I can smell your breath, you're too close".

Me: "Lisa, if I can see your lips, you're too close".

Yup, you can see those lips miles away and that's still too close for me.  Go away Rinna....far, far away!

  • Love 9
On 2017-03-31 at 11:05 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Do we have any idea what sets Eden off? I thought she and Rinna were on good terms now.

It seems Eden was under the same impression but Rinna's comments suggested otherwise which set her off.

So the summary of it from this episode:

-Rinna felt that Dorit didn't back her up in Hong Kong and should have being that she was the one that told her about what Dorit said about her (we'll ignore for now that what she said Eden said to her isn't actually what Eden said to her).

-Eden wants everyone to know that she has good intentions and isn't a trouble maker so after she acknowledged that she did in fact tell Rinna what Dorit said, she said she let everyone speak for themselves (and she did do that by not interjecting on the behalf of either side of the argument).

-Eden felt unsettled by Rinna's comments after Rinna's confrontation with Dorit among the group so when they got back to the table, Eden brought it up and Rinna quickly dismissed it and said 'oh honey, I told you that the wall was up with you once you went to LVP to talk about me. After that happened, I was done'. The latter part is what set Eden off. Being cautious with someone and completely writing them off are two different things. Eden felt used by Rinna and lashed out.

  • Love 14

There is a scene where Lisa makes a speech thanking people for attending and the purpose of the party. Talking about the launch of the new Rose (Pandora and Jason’s project). This was planned and I’m sure LVP knew what she wanted to say to the guests while pointing to the people behind her Pandora, Jason, Ken.

The gist of this speech was to talk about a new liquor and the people bringing it to fruition– and there stood the Town Drunk – Kim Richards hanging on to Ken for dear life. LOL


Another funny scene was hearing a guitar being strummed and then a shot of Keith with hands nowhere near the strings.

  • Love 4

I loved the way Kyle and LVP moved the party along almost as if-let's get rid of these losers, Eden, Rinna and Eileen  and have a good time.  LVP had already switched over to the good sipping wine-a nice red instead of the rose. 

Kim and the Vanderpump/Todds have made a nice little truce.  I think grumpy cat Ken has a soft spot for Kim and her trials and tribulations over the years. 

Production probably gave Kyle, Kim and LVP bonuses for wrapping the season under budget. 

  • Love 24
14 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

I also don't see the big offense with him calling her honey. Maybe it's the Southerner in me! We refer to people by saying things like honey, sweetie etc. I don't think he was saying it in a malicious way.

I call everyone and everything sweetie. It is almost a verbal tic of mine. I try not to, but if I'm not focused on it, it slips out. That whole thing should have ended after Erika asked PK not to call her honey and he agreed to stop. She didn't need to hammer the point over and over by telling him he needed to try hard. That pissed me off. If Erika had snotted off to me like that, I'd have been tempted to shift her wig a little.

  • Love 16

Did anyone else talk to their  TV screen and say "oh boy here we go" when PK marched (slimed) up to the group? So thirsty..... That was the best husband stalk since Vincent VP with the garage pizza. 

Dorito's gold flake drying up as the night goes on hahaha she is such a tool and I found her hair laughable . She makes Erikas pink clown hair look like Vidal Sassoon excellence. 

Dorito also dropped her fake continental accent when she got down to business with Erika with authenticity ! 

Speaking of Sassoon If I am not looking at the TV when Eden talks I hear Brandi Glanville minus the four letter words. 

Although she has the best takedown of Rinna I can get behind all season. Satisfying. 

LVP admitting she collects minions. Beautiful. Great ending. 

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

After seeing Erika come to an understanding with PK and Dorit, I finally understand what she was holding on to. Yes, she did make the decision to go commando but she was embarrassed not because she accidentally flashed everyone, but because it became a topic of conversation. It seems even that was forgivable, however Erika held on to the incident because she was told that Dorit and PK were telling people that she intentionally flashed PK and was trying to seduce him....which explains why she was so concerned about what Tom would think. For all the negativity toward PK in this episode (I didn't find him that bad with the conversation...though his lurking was creepy, lol), I think had he been part of the conversation with Dorit and Erika sooner, the whole thing would have been settled far quicker. It's what Erika thought PK was saying about her that was the real crux of the issue for her.

I agree with your take -- Erika was embarassed to be talked about. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me given her career choices and much of what she says, but still. Maybe the real thing is she was worried her husband would think she was trying to seduce PK by intentionally flashing him? 

Had Erika told Dorit she was upset, Dorit could have apologized. But Erika didn't give her that option because she lied and said she was fine with it.  

To my eyes, it appears that Erika is pretty passive aggressive and used her "offense" at it as an opportunity to punish Dorit. It's morphed way out of control and at this point, I kinda wish Dorit had just said, "Well I hope you have learned your lesson about going out of the house without underwear, Erika". 

Erika sure did get the redemption edit at the end though. I guess they must really like her at Bravo.

  • Love 19

Who knew that the word "inherently" was such a trigger for Eileen?  She seemed to go off the rails when PK called Erika "inherently cold".  As far as I can see, inherently simply means "in a permanent, essential, or characteristic way".  When it comes to Erika and her interactions with Dorit and PK, I would have to say that description of Erika is true.  Erika has come across as an essentially and characteristically cold person most of the time.  Hell, Erika comes across as inherently cold to almost everyone, and, she has admitted that she comes across as cold, puts up a wall, etc.

Why did Eileen decide to go off on PK because of that one word?  

I'm always trying to figure out what is going on in these women's brains.  Did Eileen realize that she needed to support/defend Erika so that she could retain her housewife status?  Or, did she view this as her last attempt at being relevant because other than Hong Kong, Eileen was kind of MIA most of the season?

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

While I do think that Erika has dragged this pantygate shit out WAY too long, I did feel for her in the beginning. I don't think her on stage persona negates her right to be embarrassed by what happened. Yes, she dresses very scantily on stage. But she's on a stage. She is elevated and removed from people, and she is performing. They paid to see her like that, and it was deliberate. I do find that different than accidentally flashing your friends' husbands in an intimate social setting. I think one of her final points to Dorit last night was the one that should have been made from the get go - that she felt embarrassed by it; and rather than having everyone talk about it and bring her panties to cover up with, she wished someone had said something THAT NIGHT. If one of the women had just whispered in her ear, or pulled her into the bathroom; it might have been a very different story. 

While I appreciate that having a persona and flashing your friends' husband are different, I still find it hard to believe she had that big of a problem with it.  To have that kind of persona to begin with you have to have alot of confidence, which she does not lack.  In my opinion she just didn't like being a joke among the girls.  These women have a real problem of saying things are dealt with only turning out it is not.  When you say you have let it go then actually let it go and stop rehashing it.  But this is my just opinion.

I agree, someone should have told her that night and then we as viewers would have been spared this issue.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

Who knew that the word "inherently" was such a trigger for Eileen?  She seemed to go off the rails when PK called Erika "inherently cold".  As far as I can see, inherently simply means "in a permanent, essential, or characteristic way".  When it comes to Erika, Dorit and PK, I would have to say that description of Erika is true.  Erika has come across as an essentially and characteristically cold person most of the time.  Hell, Erika comes across as inherently cold to almost everyone, and, she has admitted that she comes across as cold, puts up a wall, etc.

Why did Eileen decide to go off on PK because of that one word?  

I'm always trying to figure out what is going on in these women's brains.  Did Eileen realize that she needed to support/defend Erika so that she could retain her housewife status?  Or, did she view this as her last attempt at being relevant because other than Hong Kong, Eileen was kind of MIA most of the season?

What made it humorous to me is Eileen acted as if PK was calling Mother Teresa "inherently cold" a week earlier, warm, sensitive Erikas were telling Eileen to shut the fuck up.  Geez, we had Erika's own mother call her a tough old bird. 

I don't think Eileen knows what the word means.  She should also probably look up the resolution.

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

While I appreciate that having a persona and flashing your friends' husband are different, I still find it hard to believe she had that big of a problem with it.  To have that kind of persona to begin with you have to have alot of confidence, which she does not lack.  In my opinion she just didn't like being a joke among the girls.  These women have a real problem of saying things are dealt with only turning out it is not.  When you say you have let it go then actually let it go and stop rehashing it.  But this is my just opinion.

I agree, someone should have told her that night and then we as viewers would have been spared this issue.

I think she wasn't really clear about the issue.  I'd be willing to bet during those "four months of torture" Rinna was talking about. certain someones continually floated the idea that Ericka flashed PK to entice him.

Because if you pantiless and you flash someone, it sucks, but oh well.  I don't see it being an issue for her unless it becomes about her character i.e. when she put words in Dorit's mouth in Hong Kong that she was calling her a whore.

  • Love 8

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