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S09.E01: Oh. My. Gaga!

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My love for Drag Race is so deep (been watching each week live since Season Two premiered) that even when an episode or an entire season (ahem, Season 7) disappoints me it's still an exciting night of television. 

I didn't love it. I might even just full-on skip this episode when I inevitably binge re-watch the season after it's all done.

A lot of it was Gaga. I mean yeah, for starters I'm probably in the teeny tiny sliver of the Venn diagram where Drag Race and Gaga stans don't overlap. I'm glad she's out there, but she's just not for me. And especially since it was so heavily promo-d, her appearance just didn't excite or delight me. It kind of sucked the air out of the episode, and she pulled soooo much focus on what should have been a celebration of the queens. And Gaga's energy was so quiet, so serious. It made the episode feel cramped and rushed, and the energy didn't feel quite right to me. With some better editing, I think they could have pulled it off -- have her discussing the different outfits in a Ruvealed-style pop-up or a talking head rather than detracting from the runway presentation and judging. Or, just have her later in the season! They still could have made the first episode a non-elimination so all queens could meet her next week.

I really miss the Mike Ruiz photoshoots to start off the season! The pageant idea was really fun, but I wish they'd thrown something in that wasn't two runway looks -- it was basically a re-hash of Season 7's fashion show opener, except with a little introduction thrown in. I feel like they should've done one look, and an interview! Granted I've never gone to a drag queen pageant (I've seen the documentary, Pageant, which was great but has been gone from Netflix for a long time I'm pretty sure -- Porkchop and Alyssa are in it though), so I'm not sure if they do a Miss America style interview portion but I'm pretty sure they do at least a male interview. Anyway, had they done that, and gone over the top like asking Kimora Blac to explain how to take down ISIS in 30 seconds, it would have been a great test of not only their look but their wit and humor. And it's really not a pageant unless you're proposing world peace.

So far I don't have much of an impression on the queens, because we don't know them yet. The top three felt a little incorrect to me, maybe? I wouldn't have had Eureka up there for sure, and she was bothering me in general. She was a lot during the intros, and her and Trinity seemed to get the lion's share of the talking heads...and they're both more Robbie Turner than Jujubee or Katya. 

I wonder if the 14th queen is a stunt or an actual new cast member! I feel like reddit would have cracked the code already, because they're following all the past queens on social media...but maybe speculation/spoilers have been out there and I didn't notice them. Honestly, I kinda hope it's Shangela again. It looks like this season might be missing some death drops.

Edited by annewithaneee
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Wow...so my first impressions from before the episode were soooooo different from my impressions after.  Well, except for Sasha Velour, who I love!!  I expected to like Jaymes Mansfield, Eureka O'Hara, and Charlie Hyde, and dislike Nina Bonina Brown.  I loved Nina Bonina Brown wholeheartedly!!  Jaymes was a huge disappointment for me, Charlie hasn't made much of an impression, and Eureka seems too focused on hating Trinity.  

Farrah Moan is a friend of a friend who's also a drag queen, so I can't hate on her, but so far she just seems kind of vanilla.

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I can't form words. That's either a side effect of the unmitigated awesomeness of this premier, or all the tequila I imbibed during it. 

Sasha velour. I looooove. Even with that self indulgent entrance scream. 

Valentina, giving me such Serena ChaCha but with an actual esthetic. 

Eureka. Already. Episode one. So much bitter. Can't. Even. 

Trinity, girl. You are not all that. Silicone in your ass is still padding. You just can't take it off and pass as trade the next morning. 

Loved everything about this. Not looking forwRd to untucked Saturday,ornings. 

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Jaymes Mansfield is so out of her league.  Not impressed with the Vegas girls nor the one from Orlando.  Nina Bonina Brown is one to watch, and she seemed to have a great attitude.  There could be others, but can't say which because the show was a lot of Gaga.  Should have been a two hour premiere.

Does Charlie have a painting in the attic ala Dorian Gray?  Even without makeup looks in her 30's.  Damn.

Eureka, don't be Thorgy 2.0 with the jealousy.  Don't worry about the other queens, just take care of yourself, do your thing.  No one cares about your little pageants before this - that is all water under the bridge.  I think Sharon Needles said in her season, she couldn't win a thing in a bar in Pittsburgh, but she was then in the top 4 (eventually winning).  Sometimes small towns or areas can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to talent or who should "win". 

I'm wondering if it's Cynthia Lee Fontaine who came back?  Or perhaps Willam?  Maybe Rupaul is giving her (Willam) a second chance because Ru saw that she was talented.  From the shadow it looked like someone tall (which wouldn't be CLF), but that could be camera tricks.

Edited by hoosier80
Forgot something
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Never got around to watching the met the queen videos and I think I'm glad bc I went in without any expectations for any of the girls.  

Love Nina, like Sasha, could like Eureka if she lost the bitter vibe, so don't need so much Trinity, I also got the Serena Cha Cha vibe from Valentina, Charlie's face looks Ying but those hands not so much.

Love Carson and Ross, Gaga was so serious and Michelle seemed pissed than usual maybe bc she had her Boobs covered for a change. 

Wanna know if the 14th contestant is real.  Can't wait for next week

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I love Gaga and I love this show.  It was fantastic to see her appear as a judge.  Mark is so right, she was very detailed, giving good feedback but not mean, cruel or hurtful.  AND I do love that she considered herself a drag artist as well.  It is like a theatrical version of a woman, an uber woman illusion I think, and Gaga knows this world so well.  IT WAS SO GOOD.  Strong opener peoples, I'm getting excited.  I think it might be Acid Betty?  I don't know why I thought that but that's the name who popped into my head.

I think there are some truly beautiful ladies this season, I'm so excited.  I am so happy that there is someone in their 50s on the show!!  We need true diversity on the show, especially regarding AGE, I think they have really learned some lessons post season 7.

One thing I've noticed is that first episode and Michelle is already talking about costumes looking "cheap".  I do feel that there is a disadvantage for queens whose wallets are not so fat and I do think that Drag Race should have challenges that level out the playing field a bit more. 

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So this episode was clearly about Gaga, not the queens. It's understandable. I'll forgive you this time, show.  

I really think we have an excellent cast here, and I wish we got to see more of them, but since nobody went home in this episode and we're back to 14-episode seasons, it's fine. They'll have plenty of time to show their stuff.

I feel like Shea, Sasha, and Nina are the "obvious" final three, but I'm not counting Peppermint, Valentina or Alexis out. And then there's always going to be that filler queen who surprises everyone by turning it out, but I have no idea who that's going to be this season.

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What a great episode! I was jiggly with excitement at seeing Gaga mingle with the queens. Their dawning realization was really fun to watch.

Ru did a good psych-out with her announcement making it seem like she was going to change the pageant winner.

Am I supposed to be moved or impressed by Peppermint being transgender? For purposes of the show, she's just another contestant to me.

Totally in love with Sasha and her perfect makeup so far.

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Peppermint is giving me Jackee vibes.

I think its really interresting how different cities have completely different styles of drag. Overall, I don't think I care for the new york scene because I like the illusion aspect of it more than the artsyness. I appreciate the craft but moreso, I like when my husband walks in the room and goes, "That's a GUY???" (Farrah Moan!) To me, thats the art of drag. Not a bald man in a crown carrying around props.

I think the 14th queen will be a fake out and I think its Shangela. 

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3 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

What a great episode! I was jiggly with excitement at seeing Gaga mingle with the queens. Their dawning realization was really fun to watch.

Ru did a good psych-out with her announcement making it seem like she was going to change the pageant winner.

Am I supposed to be moved or impressed by Peppermint being transgender? For purposes of the show, she's just another contestant to me.

Totally in love with Sasha and her perfect makeup so far.

They didn't say anything on the show about it (I have yet to watch Untucked). Because Peppermint is already a fully realized transgender, we're not going to have a dramatic Monica Beverly Hillz moment. I know a few drag queens who are trans and while some pageants have rules against it and you'll always find people who will argue that "then it's not drag" (which is wrong), it's really not a big deal anymore. As great philosopher Gia Gunn has said of Monica: Trans is who she is, drag is what she do.

I watched this at a PACKED viewing party (BeBe was our guest host and Alyssa Edwards was there later -- for the record, her favorite is Sasha Velour). The room was heavily cheering for Shea Coulee because she's from Chicago and we're Minneapolis and she's our closest thing to a local queen this season (and several of our queens have worked with her and think she's great). I loved how Gaga knew the back stories of all her outfits and how SERIOUS she was. We don't need this every episode -- I love a snarky, comedic judge -- but she was clearly there for the love of the game and it was so fun to watch.

22 minutes ago, butterbody said:

Peppermint is giving me Jackee vibes.

I think its really interresting how different cities have completely different styles of drag. Overall, I don't think I care for the new york scene because I like the illusion aspect of it more than the artsyness. I appreciate the craft but moreso, I like when my husband walks in the room and goes, "That's a GUY???" (Farrah Moan!) To me, thats the art of drag. Not a bald man in a crown carrying around props.

I think the 14th queen will be a fake out and I think its Shangela. 

Not only that, but with NYC drag you get the Broadwayish Manhattan performer drag (Alexis and Peppermint) vs. the Brooklyn artsy (Aja and Sasha) going on here, too! Sasha's first runway look didn't do it for me, but that ArtPop look absolutely slayed it and she deserved her Top 3 placement. I also loved Valentina's first look -- it was thisclose to being too kitschy but she made it work -- and Nina is going to be this season's Kim Chi with her visual artistry. I like Farrah, and appreciate that she's doing more than rocking that body-ody-ody, but Michelle had a good point that because she's so small, that runway look overwhelmed her. (I'm a really small dude as well and if Farrah ever wants to go shopping for cute stuff in the kids' department with me, may she give me a call).

I'm so impressed that some of these queens are 22. I barely got out of bed when I was 22.

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I really wish this was a two part episode.  At the moment, I feel underwhelmed.  No lip sync?  No glamazon RuPaul?   I feel like I've only watched the first half of the first episode from season 7.  It probably doesn't help that I am meh about Lady Gaga.   I am guessing they only had her available for one day, so they had to rush the intros and runway.

Sadly none of the other queens are giving me much life.  Maybe I'm just bitter.  As a Milwaukeean, I feel I should be rooting for Jaymes.  But I don't think she's long for this competition.  Watching her in Untucked, and seeing her makeup up close, doesn't help.  In fact airing in HD is not too kind to many of these queens skin, makeup, or hairlines.  They all could use a good Vaseline filter. 

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Over at Reddit people are guessing that this new format is designed to introduce the show to new viewers at VH1 and beyond; probably Gaga alone will draw some new viewers. 

I haven't seen that speculation, but I don't see how that could be the case. The season was filmed last summer, and I seriously doubt the move to VH1 was finalized by that point. The seeming uncertainty regarding the premiere date during pre-season promo makes me think that was a fairly recent development. I agree with an above poster that Lady Gaga was probably only available for one day, so they made an entire episode of what was basically a glorified mini-challenge.

The next time a queen complains she's too poor to compete effectively (and it's a valid complaint, no doubt), all Ru needs to do is point her toward Miss Nina Bo'Nina and her Giant Peach Head. Because OH MY GOD. That's construction paper and makeup? BITCH. WHAT.

Please keep slaying, Miss Nina!

As for the welcome back, queen? I admit, I thought she might be a black queen, so I started running through who it could be. Shangela? ChiChi DeVayne? Dida Ritz? ...LASHAWN BEYOND?

Until next week when it'll be revealed to be none of these ladies, I'm going to go with LaShawn Beyond. Because maybe she's finally ready.

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I liked it as a premiere episode... As long the focus on the guest star dont become a pattern during the season, I dont see a problem to have this extra focus by having Lady Gaga on the show, a pop icon that is close to the drag aesthetics/culture and I really liked her.. Of course she would be a little more serious and wouldnt make fun of the queens. She showed respect to their work, different to some other guests we had in past, like that girl that I dont even know her name, with the big eyes, not nearly as popular as Gaga that just would roll her eyes watching the queens and bring them down with uncalled comments. Let this job for the judges, they are the ones paid for it. And, as long we dont have double eliminations, with this non elimination episode, we gonna have the regular elimination, lip sync, mini and main challenge episodes. This was more like a special debut.

As far the Queens, I see alot potential going on... Nina, Charlie and Farrah really stood out with their looks... I expect a little more from Sasha, I think we gonna get there.. Valentina still needs to turn down the Bianca Del Rio make up cause she could be really beautifull. And yep, Aja´s make up is rough, but is official : Jaymes Mainsfield is the one really out of her league, that is not even funny (literaly, since she tries to be funny but ends up let us feeling like ´´poor thing...``). Every appearance she made from the promos, shoots, premiere red carpet, the three looks on first episode. Eureka just redeemed herfelf with the Telephone/Gaga look. Other than that, very predictable jokes.

PS: Watched the untucked now and Gaga not only went to thank the queens but she shared her notes to every single one of them on how they can improve. That was very nice (I remember her as a mentor on American Idol and she did a great mentoring with great advices on how the contestants could improve their performances. Same happened here, very constructive advices).

Edited by CaioF
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I am not a huge Gaga fan (I don't love her or hate her - I like some of her songs but I'm not obsessed with her), but I think that she was a great guest judge because she is an icon. Not only are her different looks very memorable, but she is obviously someone who the drag community loves. So even before judging began, I thought she was a good choice for a guest judge. I laughed my ass off when she said she was going to see how long it took the queens to figure out it was really her.

But once she began giving comments to the contestants, I appreciated her as a guest judge even more. She had specific and constructive things to say about each of them, which is something we can't say for most other guest judges (or hell, even the regular judges sometimes). She was more concerned with giving real feedback than coming up with quippy things to say. I know we want the judges to be funny, but I liked that she didn't try too hard to be funny.

Charlie looks fucking amazing for 52! In addition to the Dorian Gray portrait that he must have locked away, he must also bathe in the tears of fairies or something.

I wasn't sure about Nina when I saw her mouse look, but she won me over with her Georgia peach look. Anyone who can create that with paper and makeup is a winner in my book.

Eureka is inevitably going to say that the other girls don't like her because she's the funny queen, but it's really going to be because she is too bitter about Trinity. I wish I could tell her to let go of that shit with Trinity and focus on herself.

Trinity was cracking on someone else's makeup, but I noticed that she is one of those queens who does something with her eye makeup/fake lashes that makes her look cross eyed. It drives me crazy. I was rolling my eyes when she said she doesn't pad - because she got implants. Girl, that's like having permanent padding! I fully support everyone doing whatever they want so if you want plastic surgery then by all means, get it, but don't then try to make it seem like you're better than girls who pad. You just chose a permanent and more expensive version of what they're doing. I also had to laugh when she said that thanks to plastic surgery, her butt went from a pancake to a Kardashian. Her ass still looked pretty flat to me.

I hope Valentina sticks around for a while because she seems like she is going to provide some interesting reaction shots. I know the other queens' reaction to her being a newbie was not very positive, but I think she looks amazingly well put together for someone who's only been doing drag for ten months. I know we've only seen three looks from her so far, but her hair, makeup, and costumes in all three were excellent.

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I have not watched Untucked yet but now I can't wait to since reading above, it seems like Gaga continues to give actual constructive, helpful advice to each queen, finishing what she started during the pageant. I must say I LOL'd when her first talking head was her boy self just before she made her work room debut, AND the the queens' reactions when they slowly realized who had actually walked in. 

I always have trouble keeping track of the queens' names and their boy talking heads at the start of the season (I get better week to week) but I do semi-recall the ones that do not impress me. Like Jaymes. Who knows, she may surprise the hell out of us and either coast week after week or get better but...I don't know. 

It took me a while to realize that Ru was not going to transform into Glamazon Ru, was this the first time ever?! And Michelle seemed off, maybe 'cause all attention was on Gaga? 

If the returning queen is Shangela I will scream and throw something. I spoiled myself already reading the other thread here that announced who it was but I would not put it past WoW to psych us out. 

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 I am so happy that there is someone in their 50s on the show!! 

This!  And she is gorgeous!  I want Jaymes to do well (hometown represent) but she is a bit out of her league which makes me sad.  I'm wondering if there were other girls from Milwaukee that auditioned.   

I did like Carson's criticism of Jaymes...there ARE so many options for a Milwaukee outfit--you could make it out of beer cans...cheese.... 

Other than that, I have no clue who my fave is so far....I did like Lady Gaga's constructive criticisms.  

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I don't normally watch this show, but I tuned in for Gaga... and she really DID impress. She navigated that really tough road between sounding intelligent and artsy-fartsy/know-it-all, she was compassionate and engaging, she laughed at people's jokes, and at herself. I even appreciated her look(s) on the show.

She's had some really shit TV appearances over the years (for example, go look up the horrible appearances she had on The Jonathan Ross Show, where she seemed drunk and/or high for most of them), but she's grown into the medium. Also, obviously the specific venue was perfect for her, because she didn't have to act interested in bullshit that isn't part of her world.

Meh.  I don't love any of the queens yet.  I think Kimora is beautiful, and I had a lot of appreciation for the Nina Georgia Peach look, that was marvelous.

But I'm not sure I have a queen that is going to really make fantastic looks like Kim Chi (she would have been amazing for this first challenge), or someone that is going to make me laugh nonstop like Bob.  There is no one I'm gonna want to be around like LaTrice Royale.

Agree that Lady Gaga doesn't really have the comedic chops, but thats okay, she is kinda legendary.  Speaking of comedy, I was dying at every stupid hot dog condiment joke....I hope they don't change this panel for a while, or if they do, maybe bring back Santino...though I always thought he was really mean to bigger queens.

So, on my TV, the "returning" queen looks black and is not a curvy girl (bring back LaTrice Royale!!!!)  But, I'm probably wrong and its going to be Ginger Minj or something.

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Ohhhhkayyyyy soooooooo somebody is looking into sponsorship deals with Proactive and Bic Razor’s right? I don’t know if there was more shade coming from the queens or from all the 5 o’clock shadows on my screen but I had to grab a sweater.   There seems to be a lot of them that don’t do make up well or is it just me?

This season is going to be a hot mess, can’t wait!  Right now there are a few that I think are going to become annoying extra quick – the NY queen that drops names and designers like she clumsy  and Eureka.  Eureka pace yourself you are doing TOO much.  Every word out of your mouth doesn’t have to be a shady snark especially when they aren’t funny or witty.  It’s not the quantity of shade that is thrown but the quality.  You are setting yourself up to be the insecure bigger girl who uses shade to bring others down to make herself feel better.  Not a good look. We want our Drag Superstars to be confident kick ass divas. Not seeing it in you, yet.

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Farrah Moan looks so much like Selena Gomez.

Nina is my favorite right now, but I'm really impressed by Valentina. Valentina is so new to this, but is doing a fabulous job.

Eureka is needlessly snatchy. Jaymes is a disappointment on so many levels.

Gaga is so thoughtful about drag. She's grown up and matured. I think she's comfortable in her skin and isn't as afraid that she is a flash in the pan. And now she can let her Tisch queer art and fashion freak flag fly.

And because it bears repeating, Nina is unbelievably talented and creative.

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I am not a huge Gaga fan (I don't love her or hate her - I like some of her songs but I'm not obsessed with her), but I think that she was a great guest judge because she is an icon. Not only are her different looks very memorable, but she is obviously someone who the drag community loves. So even before judging began, I thought she was a good choice for a guest judge. I laughed my ass off when she said she was going to see how long it took the queens to figure out it was really her.

But once she began giving comments to the contestants, I appreciated her as a guest judge even more. She had specific and constructive things to say about each of them, which is something we can't say for most other guest judges (or hell, even the regular judges sometimes). She was more concerned with giving real feedback than coming up with quippy things to say. I know we want the judges to be funny, but I liked that she didn't try too hard to be funny.

Charlie looks fucking amazing for 52! In addition to the Dorian Gray portrait that he must have locked away, he must also bathe in the tears of fairies or something.

I wasn't sure about Nina when I saw her mouse look, but she won me over with her Georgia peach look. Anyone who can create that with paper and makeup is a winner in my book.

Eureka is inevitably going to say that the other girls don't like her because she's the funny queen, but it's really going to be because she is too bitter about Trinity. I wish I could tell her to let go of that shit with Trinity and focus on herself.

Trinity was cracking on someone else's makeup, but I noticed that she is one of those queens who does something with her eye makeup/fake lashes that makes her look cross eyed. It drives me crazy. I was rolling my eyes when she said she doesn't pad - because she got implants. Girl, that's like having permanent padding! I fully support everyone doing whatever they want so if you want plastic surgery then by all means, get it, but don't then try to make it seem like you're better than girls who pad. You just chose a permanent and more expensive version of what they're doing. I also had to laugh when she said that thanks to plastic surgery, her butt went from a pancake to a Kardashian. Her ass still looked pretty flat to me.

I hope Valentina sticks around for a while because she seems like she is going to provide some interesting reaction shots. I know the other queens' reaction to her being a newbie was not very positive, but I think she looks amazingly well put together for someone who's only been doing drag for ten months. I know we've only seen three looks from her so far, but her hair, makeup, and costumes in all three were excellent.

Halleloo - I agree with everything you said from Gaga to Valentina. I can't say it any better, so I'm resuming my seat in the peanut gallery. Just yes, yes, yes.

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I was on the fence about Eureka, but the fact that she pointed out Nina in untucked and said she should be in the bottom three because she wasn't memorable? With that red lace all over her face? And the mouse outfit and the Georgia peach??? Nina is the only one who had two outfits I remember, never mind three. I'm getting bitchy bitch, not fun bitch, from her.

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On 3/25/2017 at 4:49 PM, Kathira said:

One thing I really liked about it was that they made sure that there was no overlap on the Gaga outfits. The producers must have coordinated that to avoid what happened when they did Britney Spears Madonna and ended up with most of them wearing her kimono look. I loved how serious Gaga was about all her looks and about the art of drag.

Fixed it for you. I think you mean Madonna. She do love a kimono, but not as much as those queens seemed to imply.

Edited by HunterHunted
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14 minutes ago, Egg said:

I was on the fence about Eureka, but the fact that she pointed out Nina in untucked and said she should be in the bottom three because she wasn't memorable? With that red lace all over her face? And the mouse outfit and the Georgia peach??? Nina is the only one who had two outfits I remember, never mind three. I'm getting bitchy bitch, not fun bitch, from her.

She was being a hater, but she wasn't talking about her aesthetic, but her personality. Nina was quiet, I'd imagine she was stressed with the switch from mouse to peach. 


Im verrrrrrrry disappointed Farrah didn't do the tearaway. With the way she fiddled with the robe you could tell something was under there, and it was a lot of look. I'm sad it only saw the light of day on untucked 

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