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S07.E16: Big Buddha Brawl

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55 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

Erika is half naked onstage during her performances, if Tom isn't annoyed by that, why should lack of panties bother him. Other than his wife makes horrible fashion decisions. I think ole Tom would be more embarrassed by the freakout at the restaurant. I sure was and I wasn't even there.


No way he cares.

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

unfortunately i'm thinking she'll have her mask back on and be cool as a cucumber shrugging it off.  I laughed during her fit and someone asked if she wanted to take a walk and she snaps I'm fine!

Yep, that's exactly what she did when they played the 'you don't know what I go thru at night' clip. She said Eileen didn't mean it and she ( Erika) overreacted. 

  • Love 5

Rinna makes me long for the days of Evil Camille.  To steal a RHOA line, "Rinna is just messy".  Camille could teach her a few things.

Oh and for the love of God, remove Eden from my show. She brings nothing to the table & yet she always has a blog.  

Regardless of your position on pantygate, Dorit held her own very well when a gang-up was in the works.  

  • Love 24
5 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Regardless of your position on pantygate, Dorit held her own very well when a gang-up was in the works.  

Dorit: I'm beginning to doubt you have feelings.

Others: that's mean!

Dorit: come on, it was a joke!

Erika: you really think I'm cold, don't you?

Dorit: yes I do.


Yeah, she was rock solid...

  • Love 15

The most amusing thing about the conversation on the boat ride was watching Eden. She was sitting beside Dorito, then lying on her stomach with her legs in the air, then sitting again. Hilarious. And for Dorito to say that PK has a beating heart so that excuses his boorish behaviour? My husband would never act that way, nor would any man I know.  Dorito has set the bar so low for her expectations of PK, she trips on it when she walks. Which is likely just as well as I doubt he could meet much higher standards. 

I laughed when Kyle was freaking out on the gondola, and assuming that Eileen was doing the same thing. Then it shows Eileen and company having a lovely, serene time on the gondola. Mind you I would have been more like Kyle as I am also afraid of heights. And had I been on there with someone like LisaV rocking it, I would have slapped them. LisaV really does have a mean streak - not that that is a surprise. 

  • Love 8

That episode was fucking amazing. I need a cigarette.

Dorit sucks and can fuck right off. I loved seeing Erika go after her. Wasn't a fan of Erika ripping Eileen's head off, even though I don't much like Eileen. And Rinna is the biggest piece of crap this show has ever had, which is really saying something. I desperately hope this is the last season for Rinna. And Dorit and her skeevy husband.

  • Love 13
22 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

On WWHL Erika does say she overreacted to Eileen's completely innocent comment.  So there's that...

I only caught a clip of Erika turning on Eileen like a viper! Re-watching the repeat now! Like I always say, "no good deed goes unpunished!" She was put on TV for Gawd-sake! How unappreciative can Erika be after doing all that for her? ;-(

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Jel said:

I thought so too. I mean if she was so upset by that, I'd expect the first person she'd tell would be her life partner/husband. There is something very WTF about that relationship.

On WWHL tonight Andy asked her what Tom thought/felt about pantygate and Erika told him he was only learning about it now! He asked her about telling him if she was that worried and she made a comment back to him that she "had a feeling that pantygate would become a storyline this season", so this is all her acting out her chosen "storyline"!

Weird thing I noticed tonight, Erika was not wearing a wedding ring on WWHL and Tom was not at her first dance on DWtS last night either! Things that make you go "Hmmmmm"! LOL

1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

Ok, I stand corrected, Lisa R asked if anyone does coke in Dorit's bathroom.

Seems like production has been feeding Lipsa her information to share with everyone.

Her expression and how she asked was telling.  Plus Dorit's response wasn't quick enough to deny.


I honestly don't think production feeds Rinna anything, she makes it up as she gores!

  • Love 16

Erika and LisaR certainly seem to know how to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory.

Erika did seem to be flipping out over something real.  The way she flipped out on Eileen made no sense in a way that seems like the way people overact to something as a vent for something else they don't want to deal with.  I have to admit that I wondered if this is another Camille/Kelsey Grammar situation and that marriage is hanging on by a very thin thread.  Only difference is that Erika married  lawyer and that can't be great for a post divorce settlement.

I wish Eileen had kept her trap shut and let Dorit swing with will she, won't she go apologize to Erika's husband.  Now that will get conveniently forgotten about.

And LisaR is also not helping.  She just got pissed off about the pill thing and decided to cut loose and accuse Dorit of being a cokehead for shits and giggles before she left the trip.  Idiot.  When your enemy is drowning, you don't give them the opportunity to find the high ground.

It is really not helpful to be team not- LvP and Dorit when their in show enemies are idiots and morons.

2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

On WWHL tonight Andy asked her what Tom thought/felt about pantygate and Erika told him he was only learning about it now! He asked her about telling him if she was that worried and she made a comment back to him that she "had a feeling that pantygate would become a storyline this season", so this is all her acting out her chosen "storyline"!

I didn't get the impression that this was her chosen storyline at all. I thought she was saying that she could tell the pantygate thing would end up turning into a big deal on the show, not that she wanted it to turn into a storyline.

  • Love 11

I think giving the parties to Erika was wrong.  That was embsrsssing, and I wonder if it was producer induced because it seems really odd.  So, yes, Dorit should apologize for that.

However, Erika going batshit crazy in Hong Kong? That was insane.  Basically all she wanted to do was yell at Dorit.  Dorit could have slit her wrists and bled out, and it still wouldn't have satisfied her. Once she got an apology, then TOM had to get an apology. wtf? And PK had to apologize too. All that means is Erika doesn't want it resolved.  

Rinna is totally awful. She will do anything. She wants to get the spotlight off her shady shenanigans, but just makes herself look worse.  I honestly fast forwarded through a lot because I can't stand that trio anymore, and I used to like Erika. Nasty business. I just want to see them chase cattle and play with their hair. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, Stinamaia said:

I think giving the parties to Erika was wrong.  That was embsrsssing, and I wonder if it was producer induced because it seems really odd.  So, yes, Dorit should apologize for that.

However, Erika going batshit crazy in Hong Kong? That was insane.  Basically all she wanted to do was yell at Dorit.  Dorit could have slit her wrists and bled out, and it still wouldn't have satisfied her. Once she got an apology, then TOM had to get an apology. wtf? And PK had to apologize too. All that means is Erika doesn't want it resolved.  

Rinna is totally awful. She will do anything. She wants to get the spotlight off her shady shenanigans, but just makes herself look worse.  I honestly fast forwarded through a lot because I can't stand that trio anymore, and I used to like Erika. Nasty business. I just want to see them chase cattle and play with their hair. 

Rinna was fueling that drama; actually invoking Dorit's husband in the conversation! Kyle pointed out how she flipped out when Kim brought up Rinna's! They're all just hypocritical COWS! ;-(

Edited by Jamie Satyr
Punctuation correction
  • Love 17
7 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I didn't get the impression that this was her chosen storyline at all. I thought she was saying that she could tell the pantygate thing would end up turning into a big deal on the show, not that she wanted it to turn into a storyline.

She said she knew it would turn into a storyline and she went with it and IMO, that is why she brought it back up months later. No one was talking about it and she brought it back to get the cameras/focus back on her.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, Stinamaia said:

I think giving the parties to Erika was wrong.  That was embsrsssing, and I wonder if it was producer induced because it seems really odd.  So, yes, Dorit should apologize for that.

However, Erika going batshit crazy in Hong Kong? That was insane.  Basically all she wanted to do was yell at Dorit.  Dorit could have slit her wrists and bled out, and it still wouldn't have satisfied her. Once she got an apology, then TOM had to get an apology. wtf? And PK had to apologize too. All that means is Erika doesn't want it resolved.  

Rinna is totally awful. She will do anything. She wants to get the spotlight off her shady shenanigans, but just makes herself look worse.  I honestly fast forwarded through a lot because I can't stand that trio anymore, and I used to like Erika. Nasty business. I just want to see them chase cattle and play with their hair. 

Had Erika been honest in the beginning, I have no doubt that Dorit would have apologized. Heck, had Eileen/Rinna not encouraged Dorit to pull this  joke on Erika and advised her that it would embarrass her, I doubt Dorit would have done it. I agree, there was nothing Dorit could have said/done to appease Erika, especially with Rinna/Eileen backing up her pain/embarrassment the entire time.

8 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Wow Erika told the Glam Squad about Pantygate but not her husband?  Erika and Tom must be really tight.

I know! Seriously! She didn't tell Tom when it happened and still didn't tell him before the show aired but it was so egregious that Dorit/PK owe him an apology?!? IMO, that says there is trouble in that house/marriage.

  • Love 24
1 minute ago, lunastartron said:

Yeah, if I was humiliated by an event and didn't want it to become a big deal, I know the logical thing to do would be to say the issue was resolved, finished, and done for multiple months and then revive it myself in the most batshit and scenery-chewing way possible. 

I guess I must be a runner! As soon as these b!tches started flippin' out over nothing, I would have taken my arse back to the hotel and prepared to go home! I don't look my age due to avoiding unnecessary drama! Rinna po'd me the most after all she's done this season to fuel this BS with her balloon lips! ;-(

  • Love 4

Wow, I wasn't sure the ladies of Beverly Hills could still pull something like this off.  I haven't had this much fun since the dinner with Alison Dubois.  

Thank god for Kyle and her facial expressions.  Much needed comic relief.  

Ok, I no longer have wonder if I like Erika or not.  The verdict is in!  

Where is zoeysmom?  I didn't see you anywhere up to this point.  

  • Love 4

Well, the show was a good diversion for me given my day.  Erika, Dorit and LR all have their 'issues'.  We have a woman who has an ulterior personality of a sex kitten getting all upset with a woman from CT who speaks with an English accent who, BTW, makes fun of the sex kitten's voice in a talking head.  And then we have another woman who just keeps throwing things out there.

Notice how Dorit's accent faded when things got heated between her and Erika?

And crap, poor Eileen.     

  • Love 10

Re: Erika vs. PK, I don't think either is without a little responsibility in the whole debacle. She's old enough to know that wearing a super short dress with nothing under it leaves her vulnerable to someone catching a peek, AND PK should have had the decency to avert his eyes after he noticed. I don't think noticing in and of itself makes him a creep, but continuing to leer up her skirt absolutely does. 

I agree with this. I do not think Erika was intentionally trying to flash anyone. Though I thought that Dorit was not trying to be malicious with the whole buying panties thing and I thought Erika did sort of laugh off the gift. There was a lunch or something after whatever activity that the group was at where Dorit gave the the panties to Erika where I thought LVP sort of moderated it. I thought that is where Erika looked uncomfortable. Of course she said she was fine, but it looks like she says that a lot when she isn't. Somewhere after it all I thought Kyle and Eileen said that Erika looked uncomfortable or had her feelings hurt afterwards. I was happy when panty-gate was over. I apparently am stupid to think that it actually was over. I do not really like or dislike Dorit or Erika. I find them both annoying and irritating at times.

I did hate that Dorit's apology included "if I hurt your feelings." I hate those apologies. Though if she apologized before during the whole shit show, maybe they did not include that. It all started to run together at some point for me.

I did dislike the way Erika turned on Eileen. That was harsh. It was not pretty to watch. I cannot imagine being there watching Erika turn into a she-beast. I thought she was going to kill the whole table at one point. It was a poor choice of words, but she did not mean them maliciously. I do admit everyone's reactions to that scene were kind of hilarious. So many of them looked like WTF.

Rinna was throwing everything out there and trying to see what would stick. 

I do not really hate anyone in the cast (except when Kim Richards shows up). I find I like/dislike them to varying degrees depending on the episode. I also find that they all have irritating things/quirks that I am not a fan of. I will admit I have been a bit tired of LVP and Kyle this season. I do not know why, but they have both been very meh to me this season. 

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

Kate Gosselin used to be number one on my list of people on TV that I would bitch slap if I ever saw in person.  Disgusting, smug, desperate UGLY outside and in Rinna is now in that top spot. 

Erika cries for her son every night?  I wonder how many nights he cried when his mommy abandoned him to search for a wallet to marry. 

Anyone with issues like that, I wouldn't care after apologizing 20 times (btw, I would have stopped after 2 or 3 and told them to go kill themselves)! I don't know what this broad wanted? Eileen even asked before Erika turned on her like a dog! I get real tired of these self-indulgent b!tches making issues out of nothing! Dorit should have pulled a Rinna and broken a glass "ala Amsterdam" after invoking husbands again! ;-(

Edited by Jamie Satyr
Added another sentence
  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Learning about the incident itself or learning about all the filmed drama that ensued?

At all! Andy asked what Tom thought of pantygate (as a whole) and Erika told him Tom is only finding out about it now as the show airs! I guess she doesn't think warning her husband is a priority but having other apologize to him because she accidently exposed herself to them is! LOL

10 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Well, the show was a good diversion for me given my day.  Erika, Dorit and LR all have their 'issues'.  We have a woman who has an ulterior personality of a sex kitten getting all upset with a woman from CT who speaks with an English accent who, BTW, makes fun of the sex kitten's voice in a talking head.  And then we have another woman who just keeps throwing things out there.

Notice how Dorit's accent faded when things got heated between her and Erika?

And crap, poor Eileen.     

And Erika's voice dropped several octaves! LOL

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I agree with this. I do not think Erika was intentionally trying to flash anyone. Though I thought that Dorit was not trying to be malicious with the whole buying panties thing and I thought Erika did sort of laugh off the gift. There was a lunch or something after whatever activity that the group was at where Dorit gave the the panties to Erika where I thought LVP sort of moderated it. I thought that is where Erika looked uncomfortable. Of course she said she was fine, but it looks like she says that a lot when she isn't. Somewhere after it all I thought Kyle and Eileen said that Erika looked uncomfortable or had her feelings hurt afterwards. I was happy when panty-gate was over.

I do ascribe some malicious intent to Dorit.  But its solely because she has gossiped about a number of things that anyone would assume the default reaction of the person who was being gossiped about would be hurt.  During pantygate, certainly no one tried to guide Dorit to kindness instead of rolling the dice on whether the person she doesn't know well will find it funny or humiliating.  But given her penchant for gossip, I'm sure it wasn't the first time or the last time she had a chance to learn that particular lesson.

What annoys me the most about Dorit is her default defense is amnesia in every one of these situations.

19 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh for fucks sake. Hey Bravo? Hi, loyal fan, total addict here. So you know when you got rid of Brandy? Yeah, that was awesome, I was happy to stop watching a desperate famewhore say whatever she possibly could at any given dinner or party just to get the jaws dropping and the gossips gossiping over nonsense. I cheered!

So why the ever loving hell did you decide to just replace her with some soap actress who isn't even as good as Brandy was, she's just more over the top, and horribly obvious. And constantly laughs at how "funny" she is. Rinna? You are not funny. You are no longer remotely believable. And you're not even a good actress. But you officially are more desperate than fucking Brandy, so congrats on that. 

Holy shit, to think I used to l like this woman. She is the worst. I'm officially rooting for LVP to school her at the reunion, and I don't even really like LVP.

Poor Dorit. And again, I don't really like her, but that was all kinds of nonsense. Erika has also lost me for a good long while. So much bullshit well after the fact.


<sigh> Rinna makes me miss Brandi. Brandi was a trainwreck but she made me laugh occasionally and I still wanted her to do ok after she left the show. Rinna on the other hand, I'd like to see shoved down a flight of metal stairs, stagger off and get hit by a bus. This gaslighting, acrylic sweater peddling, psychotic loser with verbal diarrhea can't leave the show soon enough. Tick. Tock.

I like(d) Erika, but I've grown weary of her pity party bullshit. She didn't wear panties. Anyone sitting across from her would have noticed. And ya, Dorit tried to shame her a bit but that's par for the course when you associate with anyone from Connecticut. They're prissy assholes. She really needs to shut up and get over it.


  • Love 21
2 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Before things went really crazy.  It did seem like Erika was genuinely afraid of Tom finding out this storyline.  I'm sure she's on the show with the condition she won't embarrass him.  I would guess with her alter ego rumors have dogged them before.  She's always so grateful in scenes with him and she's probably feeling like she's let him down.



I think she realized after months that this would end up being a big storyline in the season and started spinning the wheels on how pissed Daddy Moneybags (aka: her husband) was going to be. We saw in Erikas first season that she and Tom have a very old school style relationship where he wears the pants, silences her during conversations, etc. He also funds all her music videos, etc. (which she admitted she paid for those videos  this season) so I'm pretty sure they have an unspoken agreement (or hell, maybe even verbal) that she can continue on with her fun singer personality so long as she always acts right and never embarrasses him when she's off stage or on the RHOB show. 


I think there is a much bigger control and obedience dynamic in their relationship then the cameras ever catch (since he's rarely on the show). I'm sure it's just how they are in their relationship, nothing bad or horrible or abusive, but I get the feeling this is something that would cause an issue in their relationship for months. 

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I do ascribe some malicious intent to Dorit.  But its solely because she has gossiped about a number of things that anyone would assume the default reaction of the person who was being gossiped about would be hurt.  During pantygate, certainly no one tried to guide Dorit to kindness instead of rolling the dice on whether the person she doesn't know well will find it funny or humiliating.  But given her penchant for gossip, I'm sure it wasn't the first time or the last time she had a chance to learn that particular lesson.

What annoys me the most about Dorit is her default defense is amnesia in every one of these situations.

Just like Rinna! ;-(

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I do ascribe some malicious intent to Dorit.  But its solely because she has gossiped about a number of things that anyone would assume the default reaction of the person who was being gossiped about would be hurt.  During pantygate, certainly no one tried to guide Dorit to kindness instead of rolling the dice on whether the person she doesn't know well will find it funny or humiliating.  But given her penchant for gossip, I'm sure it wasn't the first time or the last time she had a chance to learn that particular lesson.

What annoys me the most about Dorit is her default defense is amnesia in every one of these situations.

Oh I do agree with what you wrote about Dorit and gossip (and the not remembering). I thought the initial gifting of panties was not that malicious. It very well could have been though, because I think Dorit does throw things out there then claims she was joking. I have no idea, except that an incident with someone not wearing panties got blown way out of proportion.

1 minute ago, lilsadone said:


I think she realized after months that this would end up being a big storyline in the season and started spinning the wheels on how pissed Daddy Moneybags (aka: her husband) was going to be. We saw in Erikas first season that she and Tom have a very old school style relationship where he wears the pants, silences her during conversations, etc. He also funds all her music videos, etc. (which she admitted she paid for those videos  this season) so I'm pretty sure they have an unspoken agreement (or hell, maybe even verbal) that she can continue on with her fun singer personality so long as she always acts right and never embarrasses him when she's off stage or on the RHOB show. 


I think there is a much bigger control and obedience dynamic in their relationship then the cameras ever catch (since he's rarely on the show). I'm sure it's just how they are in their relationship, nothing bad or horrible or abusive, but I get the feeling this is something that would cause an issue in their relationship for months. 

I think that ship has already sailed! She appeared nude, on camera,in front of production/crew, last season, so I don't think pantygate would cause him any embarrassment at all. Add to that, according to her tonight on WWHL, she never told him about it, not 1 word, while filming was going on and he is learning about it just like we are, as the show airs.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Erika is half naked onstage during her performances, if Tom isn't annoyed by that, why should lack of panties bother him. Other than his wife makes horrible fashion decisions. I think ole Tom would be more embarrassed by the freakout at the restaurant. I sure was and I wasn't even there.


I don't think it's the act itself that would upset him. When Erika was going on at the dinner, she mentioned the words whore, slut etc. 

She probably imagines that since Tom wasn't there that night, it might plant in his head the seed of "well how exactly DOES my much younger hot wife act when I'm not around and she's with other rich men all the time". That's the kind of seed you wouldn't want planted in your super rich, super old husbands head when you're off traveling the world, making sexy videos, wearing skimpy outfits all the time while he is hardly ever present.  


Someone up thread mentioned that Rinna didn't ask Erika the "does your husband trust you" question - that's a much better question. Maybe she's afraid that he won't trust her (thus removing her freedom) after this

  • Love 21
1 minute ago, Dutchgirl said:

Watching him shush his wife was like watching him hit his dog with a newspaper. They should be more embarrassed about that rather than whether or not someone noticed when Erika went commando ffs.

I think Erika believes she's the only subservient wife amongst this group! Why else would she make that comment to Dorit about "running PK?" ;-)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

This. I've said it since Eileen first appeared on the show.  Her neediness is exhausting. I could never be around this woman IRL. She never, ever knows when to SHUT UP and stop!

I know right?  I felt kind of bad for her, but then she's all "Let's take a moment to honor Erika's son."  Really, you moron? - maybe one day she will learn?

2 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

She did call him a handsome boy and express desire to take him home, though. I'm sure the sexy would come in time.

And expressed a desire to straddle him.  I liked how everyone just kind of ignored her foolery.

1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said:

She looked drunk. Actually, several of them did. 

I thought Sober Woman looked drunk/way crazier than usual in every scene she was in :)

  • Love 7

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