Scarlett45 March 26, 2017 Share March 26, 2017 On 3/26/2017 at 7:58 PM, Christina87 said: I think it's possible that her older siblings got more attention as kids, because barb had a husband and second income, but then they said Jenelle was spoiled because barb gave her a lot of material things when she was a teenager in the house alone. That would make sense, because barb had more time to give he older ones, and more money to give Jenelle, so they all have something to gripe about. Jenelle might not have gotten to play Yahtzee, but Ashleigh may not have gotten a car, and may have been expected to have a job. I was really surprised on jenelle's 16 and pregnant when no one expected her to get a job, and her mom worked at Walmart!!! Expand Barb certainly has her personality flaws, but people are quick to jump on her as the reason her children have so many issues. Given Barb was in an abusive relationship for YEARS with their father (and worked and saved to leave him), he could have any number of mental health issues as well as general asshole-ish tendanices that the kids could've inherited and/or picked up on. Also I believe Barb has a lot of guilt that her children had to live in that environment which is probably why she cuts Jenelle so much slack on her behavior AND gave her material things when she could to improve her quality of life. She also doesn't want Jace to have to witness domestic violence the way Jenelle and her siblings did. At the start of the series Barb was with Mike, who seemed to be a stand up regular guy, who may have paid more than half of the household bills, hence more money for Barb to spend on Jenelle. 19 Link to comment
Christina87 March 26, 2017 Share March 26, 2017 Yes to all that! People are so quick to blame barb, but what about her abusive ex who said Jenelle could look him up in the phone book if she wanted? Why does he get off the hook so easily? Also, good point about mike! I wish he was still in the picture, because he seemed like a good guy, and also truly seemed to care about Jenelle. 18 Link to comment
Scarlett45 March 26, 2017 Share March 26, 2017 On 3/26/2017 at 9:13 PM, Christina87 said: Yes to all that! People are so quick to blame barb, but what about her abusive ex who said Jenelle could look him up in the phone book if she wanted? Why does he get off the hook so easily? Also, good point about mike! I wish he was still in the picture, because he seemed like a good guy, and also truly seemed to care about Jenelle. Expand Mike seemed like a nice normal guy. Many single mothers end up with scum bags that abuse or neglect their kids but Mike wasn't that way at all. I could 100% see him paying most of the household expenses (maybe not the mortgage because it was Barb's house) which left Barb with extra to "spoil" Jenelle and Jace. I'm sad it didn't work out between them. I could see Mike being okay with Jace but the stress of crazy Jenelle probably put a strain on their relationship. I mean people break up it happens, but he was nice and Barb deserves some personal happiness. 15 Link to comment
SPLAIN March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 (edited) Kail is bashed all the time about her looks on social media and that is why she had plastic surgery? If that is the case, then Kail would be a different mother to her boys and she would not be the petty, toxic, wretched, nasty piece of work she is to her exes, her boys and everybody else who crosses her path because her behavior, her attitude, and her other flaws are constantly pointed out to her by people on her social media as well. I also believe Jenelle's dad takes a lot of the responsibility for how his kids turned out. The guy was an abuser. He abandoned his children after his wife left the relationship, but I am sure he abandoned his duties as a father long before Barb left the relationship. Barb will certainly receive most of the blame because she is the one we are watching on this show, not Jenelle's dad. We don't know her ex-husband other than the fact he was a toxic individual. He should be held accountable as we know he presently isn't in his kids' lives and hasn't been for quite a long time. How old is Jenelle? How many children has she brought into this world? Does she give them the attention that she claims she didn't get as a child? Jenelle can cry me a river. I won't give her an ounce of sympathy because Barb made the mistake of not completing a game of Yahtzee years ago. If it wasn't that, Jenelle would certainly find something else to throw out about Barb just to make her look bad. I get that it isn't so much about Barb not playing a board game as much as it is Jenelle putting the blame on Barb for not giving her the attention she felt she deserved. If Barb not giving Jenelle enough attention has brought Barb and Jace all of this grief, then just imagine what will happen in the future when Jace turns the tables on Jenelle and tells her how she wasn't there as a mother to him since he was born seven years ago. Get ready Jenelle because that is going to be a shitstorm x 1000. What makes it even sadder for Jace is, Jenelle has the good fortune, opportunity, and time to be the kind of mother to Jace that she thinks Barb should have been to her and still she is neglectful to her own children. Barb couldn't be there for her kids 24/7 the way Jenelle currently has in her life. Barb had to work and she probably had to work two jobs. Barb had to work to pay for all the things she and her kids needed on a daily basis. She still works at Walmart full-time! God bless her. Barb couldn't afford the luxury of being a SAHM the way Jenelle does. How despicable of Jenelle to sit there and squeeze out fake tears about her mother supposedly not giving her the attention she deserved as a child when Barb certainly had valid reasons for not being a SAHM. Jenelle has all the time and money in the world that her poor mother didn't have when she was her age. Barb worked. Jenelle is neglectful. Edited March 27, 2017 by SPLAIN 22 Link to comment
Christina87 March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 Great post!!! Not only that, but Jenelle freaking left a NEWBORN for a week plus to go on vacation, and has left more than once!!! How is THAT not being a neglectful mother? Maybe she reasons that ensley won't remember it, but get real. You can't tell the world that Barb is a terrible person because she didn't complete a game of Yahtzee years ago, and then so blatantly neglect your child and expect the world not to notice! 19 Link to comment
SPLAIN March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 Jenelle might be receiving sympathy if her stance was more about how she herself is not a good mom and wishes she could be while at the same time lauding her mother for doing a great job in the past under the circumstances she was given and how she has been there for her and Jace since Jenelle couldn't be a good mom to her own son. Instead, Jenelle constantly pats herself on the back while neglecting her own children while making Barb out to be some kind of revolting parent who didn't bother to give her precious Jenelle any attention. 8 Link to comment
StatisticalOutlier March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 12:59 AM, SPLAIN said: What makes it even sadder for Jace is, Jenelle has the good fortune, opportunity, and time to be the kind of mother to Jace that she thinks Barb should have been to her and still she is neglectful to her own children. Expand I wonder how much of this is like children of child abusers who themselves turn into child abusers. You'd think abusing a child would be the last thing they would ever do, knowing what it did to them, but sadly, that's often not the case. Quote How despicable of Jenelle to sit there and squeeze out fake tears about her mother supposedly not giving her the attention she deserved as a child when Barb certainly had valid reasons for not being a SAHM. Expand I don't think her tears are fake. We may not think she is entitled to be hurt, but that has nothing to do with whether she is hurt or not. And I think she is--there's just something about the specificity of the Yahtzee example that strikes me. And I think that hurt, which is real to her whether it's justified or not, affects how she behaves. I think the bottom line is that everybody in that whole dynamic needs more therapy than even Teen Mom money could cover. 4 Link to comment
SPLAIN March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 (edited) Quote We may not think she is entitled to be hurt Expand I never commented as such. I don't believe she is hurting as much as she is out to hurt Barb. My opinion is Jenelle is doing all of this to hurt her mother for not relinquishing Jace. It is pure spite. Jealousy also plays a role. This is all connected to this whole custody matter and Jenelle's claims on how MTV has excluded her. Jenelle excludes herself. Jenelle is hell bent on getting custody while making sure her mother no longer has an income from MTV. I can easily blame UBT for his part in this, but I won't. Jenelle owns this situation. Jenelle has never shed a tear for her own children. I am skeptic at her suddenly having a painful moment over a supposed incident years ago that I am sure she has either made up in her head or is fully exaggerating the memory. I am skeptic about pretty much everything Jenelle says and claims as she is a pretty consistent liar. Edited March 27, 2017 by SPLAIN 11 Link to comment
shelley1234 March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 If the worst Jenelle can say about Barb is that she didn't play a board game with her....while we get to visually watch her abuse and neglect her own children....well then Jenelle, you just made Barb's case for her in court. She has no business being anyone's mother....Jace or her other 2 children. While it is clear that Jenelle is jealous of the attention Jace gets from Barb for many many reasons, she accepts no responsibility in the situation. I think there is no question that Barb is a better mom to Jace than she ever was to Jenelle. Be grateful for it. It's clear she can't because everything is always about Jenelle. Her development is still stunted as a bratty teen. She's been there since day one of filming and I keep waiting for her to grow up, but alas....I have accepted that it is never going to happen. 6 Link to comment
BitterApple March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 While I do think Jenelle suffered legit damage growing up in an abusive and dysfunctional home, she has all the resources in the world to get professional help, she just chooses not to do it. A good therapist is going to make her accountable for her own bad choices and she doesn't want to deal with that. It's much easier to blame Barb and keep using her as a punching bag. 11 Link to comment
Christina March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 Mike ran off with a Hooters waitress. Barb told us at one of the Tell-Nothings. He appeared once in a later episode, and we wondered if he was back in the picture, only to disappear again. I think, but don't remember for sure, that it was after she bought the house she is in now with her MTV money, because I remember a discussion of him possibly wanting her back because she got a new house. Until then, he did seem supportive and kind to both Barb and Jace, and even decent to Janelle who was probably hard to like during that time. And now. And will be in the future unless she receives a lobotomy. I realize this is an unpopular opinion here, but because it looks like some people don't know it, Barb's son suffers from schizophrenia. Barb's parenting did not cause that, although she may have passed a gene on to him. The dad has been accused of being a substance abuser and a violent man, and also may have passed a gene to him. Janelle has accused both her mom and her sister of having mental illness, and Barb of being an alcoholic, but I don't think we've ever found anything to support those claims. From watching the show, it seems to me that Barb always has wine, and I remember her saying at some point that she was a partier like Janelle when she was younger, but I don't remember seeing her intoxicated while filming and there hasn't been any mention of her having DUIs that would indicate a problem, but it is possible and I wouldn't rule it out if came out of the mouth of someone other than Janelle, a known liar who hates her. When Barb had her other daughter, Ashley's, son Gabe all the time, people were claiming that he was living with her, too, and one of the tabloidish sites said that she was undergoing job training and Barb was just babysitting, and one of the comments on that article said she was in jail. When someone here looked for it, they found comments from Janelle about her sister being mentally ill and also that she was married and had three kids (maybe was pregnant with the third; it's been a while and I've read a lot of trash about this show in the meanwhile) but couldn't find an actual jail sentence. If she was in jail, I'm not sure why the dad would keep one but not the others, but I guess there could be more than one dad involved. Janelle and her sister trash each other online. The sister finally said she wasn't going to respond to Janelle anymore, and had blocked her phone number and social media accounts, but continued to post comments that were clearly directed toward Janelle, like Kail and Javi do currently. I haven't kept up on all of it, but it doesn't seem to me that Ashley has a severe mental illness like their brother, or is a sociopathic drug addict like Janelle. Being raised in a home with domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse by the parents, and an older brother who suffers from schizophrenia and was likely not diagnosed until his issues became severe could definitely cause damage to the emotional and mental health of Janelle, but like someone else said above, she needs to get some perspective. Blaming Barb for everything wrong in her life and her absolute hatred and vitriolic response to everything Barb says and does cannot be laid at the feet of her mom, in my opinion. Barb eventually left her husband, took all three kids, has held steady employment for years, took Jace, lets Janelle have visitation with him, didn't press charges on her for the credit card fraud, fought to get her into treatment when she was in the throes of heroin addiction (and is still accused of looking the other way all over the internet), probably loses sleep with her fears of David harming Janelle, and still shows up to work where she learns from her co-workers that Janelle was in a car accident and was over ten weeks pregnant. Hell, Barb could probably blame Janelle for her alcoholism, if she is one, having to drink herself to oblivion to get through the day because of the crap Janelle puts her through. Okay, she couldn't; you can't blame someone else for your behavior. TL:DR - I don't think it is fair to blame Barb's parenting for the three kids having "issues" when one has schizophrenia which is not caused by parenting, we have ample evidence of Janelle being an inhumane toxic mass of cells, and nothing but the accusations of Janelle to say the sister has problems, too. 21 Link to comment
GreatKazu March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 @Christina Agree. I am one of those people who has NOT put the blame on Barb for her children's issues. As you pointed out, it is more likely than not a genetic thing at play here. Add that to the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in a home where DV occurs, the upbringing of those children will be affected. The other reason being that I don't have enough information about the siblings to form an opinion. On 3/27/2017 at 5:01 AM, BitterApple said: While I do think Jenelle suffered legit damage growing up in an abusive and dysfunctional home, she has all the resources in the world to get professional help, she just chooses not to do it. A good therapist is going to make her accountable for her own bad choices and she doesn't want to deal with that. It's much easier to blame Barb and keep using her as a punching bag. Expand This^^ can never be pointed out enough. Everything Jenelle complains about is within her control. In her world the problems she endures are problems that belong to someone else. When given the opportunity to get her tubes tied she chose not to. Even if she fails to recognize herself as a child abuser, all signs point to her having her hands full. 16 Link to comment
DudeLeaveMeAlone March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/25/2017 at 8:16 PM, StatisticalOutlier said: And as heinous as a lot of these names are, nothing will ever top Nevaeh. Expand Nah, I think Ka'den was the kicker for me. Such an unnecessary apostrophe. 8 Link to comment
butterbody March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 3:57 PM, DudeLeaveMeAlone said: Nah, I think Ka'den was the kicker for me. Such an unnecessary apostrophe. Expand Gahhh! That is the worst name that ever named. Who did that? 4 Link to comment
DudeLeaveMeAlone March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 5:38 PM, butterbody said: Gahhh! That is the worst name that ever named. Who did that? Expand Kianna from Season 3. And I got it wrong. She spelled it Kay'den. SMDH 3 Link to comment
butterbody March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 5:51 PM, DudeLeaveMeAlone said: Kianna from Season 3. And I got it wrong. She spelled it Kay'den. SMDH Expand Thank you! I had to google that shizz. Fun fact: K'apostrophe's' dad was recently arrested for sexually assaulting a 13 year old. Yeah mtv! Link to comment
BitterApple March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 6:25 PM, butterbody said: Thank you! I had to google that shizz. Fun fact: K'apostrophe's' dad was recently arrested for sexually assaulting a 13 year old. Yeah mtv! Expand These girls sure pick some winners, don't they? 2 Link to comment
HeySandyStrange March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 6:10 AM, Christina said: Hell, Barb could probably blame Janelle for her alcoholism, if she is one, having to drink herself to oblivion to get through the day because of the crap Janelle puts her through. Okay, she couldn't; you can't blame someone else for your behavior. Expand Holy fucking Hell, if I had to deal with Jenelle on even a nominal basis I would be drunk and/or high before, during and for a time after even the most basic conversations with her. It would either be that of pummel the crap out of her. The fact that Barb has never been arrested or accused of beating Jenelle's ass tells me she is a better person and parent then I could be to that psychopathic Harpy. Also, I want to give some credit to Barb for all the cool things she does for Jace. She uses her MTV money to put him in activities, take him with her on vacays, and bought a newer, nicer house for them to live in. Compared to Jenelle how mostly uses her money for herself and her losers, the kids being an after thought, I find it impressive. 17 Link to comment
lovesnark March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 6:51 PM, HeySandyStrange said: Holy fucking Hell, if I had to deal with Jenelle on even a nominal basis I would be drunk and/or high before, during and for a time after even the most basic conversations with her. It would either be that of pummel the crap out of her. The fact that Barb has never been arrested or accused of beating Jenelle's ass tells me she is a better person and parent then I could be to that psychopathic Harpy. Also, I want to give some credit to Barb for all the cool things she does for Jace. She uses her MTV money to put him in activities, take him with her on vacays, and bought a newer, nicer house for them to live in. Compared to Jenelle how mostly uses her money for herself and her losers, the kids being an after thought, I find it impressive. Expand Me too! If Jenelle was my kid, I'd be in prison for beating her to within an inch of her life. Spending life behind bars would be a more peaceful alternative to dealing with that bitch's hatefulness on the regular. Barb can ask her something as simple as 'What time is it?' and Jenelle launches into a rage filled attack. 10 Link to comment
gunderda March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/25/2017 at 9:47 PM, lilmarysunshine said: Didn't she make the comment at some point that she wears black and likes her men black? Or something like that. Which I get. I don't think it is wrong to have a physical preference. But to me it is damn rude to say that to the world when both of the men you've been in relationships with (one from whom you *just* divorced) are not black. I guess her husband wasn't her "type." Expand Yea it was when she was getting her makeup done - she said she wanted to open a clothing store (or just line?) and call it 'black soul' and it would only carry black clothing because like her clothes black, her cars black and her men black - but isn't her vehicle white??? On 3/26/2017 at 5:31 PM, HeySandyStrange said: Maybe it is a generational thing, my parents are in the same age range as Barb, and I can count on maybe one hand how many times they played with me (or my siblings) one on one. The way Barb and people of that generation grew up, kids played with each other or entertained themselves while parents supervised/worked/ran the household etc. I'm not saying that type of hands off parenting was particularly healthy but that was how it was up through the 90s for most of us Gen X/Gen Y kids. Mind you to, Barb was a single mom of 3 working 1 or more jobs to keep a roof over their heads. I'm not excusing her for her parenting failures but she at least had a legit reason for maybe not being able to maintain the energy to be her children's playmates. Jenelle gets paid good money to the point she could easily dedicate a majority of her time to her children and yet she doesn't. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Also, Barb certainly doesn't come off as a nurturer, but Jenelle can seriously can it with her poor pitiful neglected me crap. I turn to the evidence of her 16&P episode. Pregnant, no job, no one making her get a job, constantly at the beach and partying with friends, a decent roof over her head, a CAR, nice cloths and jewelry, food, and baby clothes, diapers, and formula for Jace. None of which she paid for. If Barb was really so terrible, she could've kicked Jenelle's pregnant ungrateful ass out on the streets, especially since she begged for abortion/adoption, but she didn't. That isn't the actions of a neglectful parent. If anything, I stand by the my opinion, Jenelle is a spoiled and coddled brat who never truly wanted for anything but a clue. Expand Same here, I'm 34 and my parents are great parents but I don't recall them every playing with me. I'm sure they did when I was super young.. but anything above 5 I know darn well I was out running around with my friends. Not to mention Barb was a single mom of how many kids... she was probably working all the time and didn't have the energy or time to play games with her kids. Get some friends Janelle! 14 Link to comment
SPLAIN March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 6:10 AM, Christina said: Blaming Barb for everything wrong in her life and her absolute hatred and vitriolic response to everything Barb says and does cannot be laid at the feet of her mom, in my opinion. Barb eventually left her husband, took all three kids, has held steady employment for years, took Jace, lets Janelle have visitation with him, didn't press charges on her for the credit card fraud, fought to get her into treatment when she was in the throes of heroin addiction (and is still accused of looking the other way all over the internet), probably loses sleep with her fears of David harming Janelle, and still shows up to work where she learns from her co-workers that Janelle was in a car accident and was over ten weeks pregnant. Hell, Barb could probably blame Janelle for her alcoholism, if she is one, having to drink herself to oblivion to get through the day because of the crap Janelle puts her through. Okay, she couldn't; you can't blame someone else for your behavior. Expand Drop that mic. Amen. How old is Barb? Considering what Barb has been through in life with the domestic violence, divorce, the end of her relationship with Mike, JENELLE!, caring for her grandson for 7 years all while working full-time at Walmart where Barb likely gets crapped on by ungrateful and shitty customers at her age, she has remained a pretty strong woman. I haven't heard her put the blame on anyone for what she has had to endure in life. She explains what she has gone through. Even so, nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself sometimes and maybe feeling hurt at what one has suffered with, but there is a difference between that and how Jenelle goes about it which is to blame every mutherfucking body for her woes. Jenelle is the only person who is suffering. Jenelle has it worst than anyone else. Only Jenelle had a troubled childhood. It is all Barb's fault. It is sure not that adult female with money at her disposal who keeps squeezing out babies with immature, jobless, abusive fuckers while ignoring the child her mother cares for full-time. 10 Link to comment
SweetieDarling March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 9:18 PM, gunderda said: Yea it was when she was getting her makeup done - she said she wanted to open a clothing store (or just line?) and call it 'black soul' and it would only carry black clothing because like her clothes black, her cars black and her men black - but isn't her vehicle white??? Same here, I'm 34 and my parents are great parents but I don't recall them every playing with me. I'm sure they did when I was super young.. but anything above 5 I know darn well I was out running around with my friends. Not to mention Barb was a single mom of how many kids... she was probably working all the time and didn't have the energy or time to play games with her kids. Get some friends Janelle! Expand When she said that I was wondering if that's because she has a black soul, or at least it looks black because it's an empty abyss of nothingness. 2 Link to comment
Christina87 March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 6:51 PM, HeySandyStrange said: Holy fucking Hell, if I had to deal with Jenelle on even a nominal basis I would be drunk and/or high before, during and for a time after even the most basic conversations with her. It would either be that of pummel the crap out of her. The fact that Barb has never been arrested or accused of beating Jenelle's ass tells me she is a better person and parent then I could be to that psychopathic Harpy. Also, I want to give some credit to Barb for all the cool things she does for Jace. She uses her MTV money to put him in activities, take him with her on vacays, and bought a newer, nicer house for them to live in. Compared to Jenelle how mostly uses her money for herself and her losers, the kids being an after thought, I find it impressive. Expand I loved when she took Jace to France!!! What a cool way to learn about their history, and he will never forget that trip. She seems to really seek out educational and enrichment opportunities for him, and even his daycare sounds pretty cool. I bet Barb wishes she could be with him all the time, but tries to supplement his life with cool experiences when she can't be there, and even cooler ones when she can. Jenelle COULD actually spend 24/7 with Jace, but what would she do if given the chance? Shut him up with pizza and stick him in front of a video game. 11 Link to comment
GreatKazu March 27, 2017 Share March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 3:57 PM, DudeLeaveMeAlone said: Nah, I think Ka'den was the kicker for me. Such an unnecessary apostrophe. Expand Going by the Briana thread, it appears Broncs (Mackenzie and Josh) takes the cake for worst name. Quote I loved when she took Jace to France! Expand How did I miss this? When did Barb take Jace to France? Lucky duck! Link to comment
Christina87 March 28, 2017 Share March 28, 2017 It was I think last season? At the reunion, barb talked about their upcoming trip. I think in real time, it was probably June of 2016. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina March 28, 2017 Share March 28, 2017 See, that tells you all you need to know right there. If JENELLE took Jace to France, it would be all over social media. "Look what a great mom I am! I took my son to France!" And the pics would be from her first day. Then she'd leave him with the hotel daycare and hang out with David the rest of the time. 13 Link to comment
GreatKazu March 28, 2017 Share March 28, 2017 (edited) On 3/28/2017 at 1:59 AM, Christina87 said: It was I think last season? At the reunion, barb talked about their upcoming trip. I think in real time, it was probably June of 2016. Expand I don't know why I can't remember that. Damn menopause memory. What a wonderful trip. Barb is just so awesome. Did she post any photos of her trip? Edited March 28, 2017 by GreatKazu 4 Link to comment
FairyDusted March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 Ive looked all over SM and haven't found anything other that the parody I follow on Twitter and Instagram. 1 Link to comment
Christina March 29, 2017 Share March 29, 2017 I don't think Barb has any social media accounts. She also hasn't spent her MTV money on plastic surgery and Botox like the others, which has nothing to do with the above posts but something I noticed, and appreciated, during the Reunion. She spent it on a nice home and a trip to France. I hope she took her daughter Ashley and those grandkids, too, just because the thought of Janelle learning that fact fills me with glee. Delighting in others misery is something a sociopath would do, but since I don't find Janelle or Kail human, I'm okay with myself about it. When I was very young, I used to see women who went completely gray, almost silver, and thought it was beautiful. I also saw women who would use those hair tints to turn their hair pink and blue and found it not as beautiful. My mom decided to break the news to me that most of the people in both sides of my family don't turn that beautiful silvery color, but more a yellowed hay color, and the hair rinses would probably be banned by the time I was old enough to use them. :crying: So, when I see women who are natural, their faces move, they don't look like the make-up was applied with a trough, I can appreciate it. 9 Link to comment
Christina87 March 30, 2017 Share March 30, 2017 (edited) @Christina I agree. Graceful aging is where it's at! I hate seeing even small signs of aging now in my late 20's, but I would so much rather see a well taken care of, classy, graceful person of any age than someone trying to look half of it. I have a coworker who is 40, and constantly bemoans her age, reminiscing about every single aspect of her youth. She's seriously hung up on the fact that she's not 21, and able to go party all the time with her former 80's hair. She also wears brands like American eagle and Aeropostale, I'm an attempt to look young, and often tries to befriend girls in their early 20's. She has everything a 40-year-old woman usually wants; a good job, great husband who adores her, and nice family. I could understand so much better if she was single, lonely, and bitter, with nothing going for her but her past, but I feel like she should be a classy 40-year-old instead of dressing and acting like a teenager. It all comes off as so desperate! People say I just don't understand, and I have just a small taste of how getting old sucks, but I really don't see myself changing my mind. My mom is the same way; she's 60, gorgeous, and always talks about how every stage of her life has held something wonderful, and every age is worthy of being embraced! Edited March 30, 2017 by Christina87 6 Link to comment
Christina March 30, 2017 Share March 30, 2017 On 3/30/2017 at 2:11 AM, Christina87 said: She's seriously hung up on the fact that she's not 21, and able to go party all the time with her former 80's hair. Expand It's mental illness caused by the large amounts of Aqua Net required for the upkeep of that 80's hair. We created a hole in the ozone but our hair was crimped and our bangs were a foot tall! 4 Link to comment
LBS March 31, 2017 Share March 31, 2017 To completely nit-pick :) - if she is actually 40, then she wasn't partying in the 80's unless she was a hard-charging 8-10 year old. She was a late 90's - early 00's party girl. Trust me - I just turned 39. Also trust me - no matter what H&M and Urban Outfitter are pedaling - you all are going to regret wearing a baby tee under a slip dress and high-waist mom jean shorts! Signed; a former 90's girl. 7 Link to comment
teapot March 31, 2017 Share March 31, 2017 wow, I just had a "come to Jesus" moment. I'm 48, but I like to wear big sunglasses, scarves, and "hippie style" tops and dresses and ripped jeans. (think loose and flowy, nothing tight or short). I just got an email from announcing that it was my "lucky day" because their "cheeky shorts" are back (think denim cutoffs that barely cover the bum), no. 6 Link to comment
FairyDusted March 31, 2017 Share March 31, 2017 Come on over and look through my closets @teapot! Exactly how I would describe my style @50.It's alllll good. 4 Link to comment
hoosier80 April 4, 2017 Share April 4, 2017 Ok, I really do not watch this show, but I happened across this behind the scenes episode. I know why I do not watch this show regularly. I would throw something through the tv each episode. Jenelle, saying I won't do this show next season if she (assuming she meant Barb) gets any screen time. Yeah you will do the show, even you are not that stupid to jump off this gravy train. What other prospects do you have? Three babies with three losers. Without the money, possibly even with the money, I just foresee jail in this chick's future. Sorry, but she's a thug. She doesn't give a shit about her kids nor anyone else. She doesn't really care about the guys, except how they can meet her needs. Then she starts yelling at the production people - why are you filming? Because maybe you're on a reality tv show and shit like that makes for good ratings? You got into this, and you know (or should by now) that any tantrum, scandal, outrageous behavior is what the producers want. They can show those outrageous moments in clips to draw in viewers. Kail - what a delusional piece of work. Who would even be with her? Her crying about Vee mentioning 50/50 custody, was so calculated. The end shot, with her looking up at the camera with a half smile/smirk, was telling, like the cat who ate the canary; her crying was all done for sympathy for HER. Leah - meh. Not memorable, but I thought she was kind of pitiful. She's going to be the one who relives how she was so hot in high school, and what she could have done had she not gotten pregnant. That'll be her excuse anyhow. I doubt she has the drive to much of anything, to be honest. The only one who had any sense was Chelsea, who apologized for not feeling well and leaving per doctor's orders. I do remember her as a spoiled teenager, and I have to say she's come a long way. Really, Dr. Drew, Jenelle wasn't 'feeling well'. She had a tantrum, yet again. What is with most of the chicks on these reunion shows running off like the 'you're not the father' baby mamas on Maury. All that's missing is them flinging themselves in the sofa of shame. 7 Link to comment
WhosThatGirl July 18, 2017 Share July 18, 2017 So. Rewatching this as MTV is playing it and I already posted this question in Janelle's topic but it's bothering me. Janelle keeps shouting about how she's always excluded every season from the show. She is? How? Is she trying to make herself the Farrah out of this version? And I dislike Farrah immensely but she is legitimately excluded from the TM 1 first by the production for not letting her back in until like episode 5 of OG and second by the girls, all of the girls on TM2 have never openly talked bad about Janelle like on TM original do about Farrah and producers seem to include Janelle quite a bit. When is she excluded? 3 Link to comment
Scarlett45 July 19, 2017 Share July 19, 2017 On 7/18/2017 at 12:37 AM, WhosThatGirl said: So. Rewatching this as MTV is playing it and I already posted this question in Janelle's topic but it's bothering me. Janelle keeps shouting about how she's always excluded every season from the show. She is? How? Is she trying to make herself the Farrah out of this version? And I dislike Farrah immensely but she is legitimately excluded from the TM 1 first by the production for not letting her back in until like episode 5 of OG and second by the girls, all of the girls on TM2 have never openly talked bad about Janelle like on TM original do about Farrah and producers seem to include Janelle quite a bit. When is she excluded? Expand I think because all the TM2 girls know Jenelle is a hosebeast. Chelsea is a natural sweetheart, Leah I am sure is pleasant enough to be around, Kailyn can be a bitch but doesn't tend to lash out and random people for no reason- Jenelle just has no redeeming qualities what so ever and I'm sure none of the girls want to be in her presence longer than necessary. 5 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice July 19, 2017 Share July 19, 2017 On 7/19/2017 at 12:46 AM, Scarlett45 said: I think because all the TM2 girls know Jenelle is a hosebeast. Chelsea is a natural sweetheart, Leah I am sure is pleasant enough to be around, Kailyn can be a bitch but doesn't tend to lash out and random people for no reason- Jenelle just has no redeeming qualities what so ever and I'm sure none of the girls want to be in her presence longer than necessary. Expand Exactly. Kailyn and Chelsea are friends and I'm sure as a coworker, Leah is perfectly friendly. Jenelle is just a whole different ball game. 3 Link to comment
teapot July 19, 2017 Share July 19, 2017 On 7/19/2017 at 1:36 PM, Lm2162 said: Exactly. Kailyn and Chelsea are friends and I'm sure as a coworker, Leah is perfectly friendly. Jenelle is just a whole different ball game. Expand Kail & Jenelle used to be close, but it kind of all went to shit 1 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice July 19, 2017 Share July 19, 2017 On 7/19/2017 at 1:44 PM, teapot said: Kail & Jenelle used to be close, but it kind of all went to shit Expand Yeah, she alienates everybody. 5 Link to comment
guilfoyleatpp July 19, 2017 Share July 19, 2017 If someone borrowed $150 from my broke ass when I was in college (and with a kid!) and then didn't pay it back, I would unfriend them. That's shitty. 6 Link to comment
WhosThatGirl July 20, 2017 Share July 20, 2017 Yeah I guess you guys all make sense but as far as the show goes, the girls on this version treat Janelle ten times better than the girls of TM treat Farrah and production treats Janelle fairly well too. When she was causing a scene they were literally running after her and shouting "Janelly!" And begging her not to go. But apros of nothing it sounded to me like she was making it seem like the show itself separates her.. which never happens. 1 Link to comment
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