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S34.E03: Survivor Jackpot

Tara Ariano

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3 hours ago, Jolie said:

I totally forgot to read JP's Q&A with EW which I usually always did so I'm glad I had the reminder in the original post. Here it is:


From EW:

EW: So, let’s get into the whole goat situation. I realize it’s difficult to answer this on a full stomach, but what would you have done in that situation: eaten the mommy goat or let her go? And how much would your vote have depended on how the other people were voting?

Jeff: No question I couldn’t and wouldn’t kill either of the goats. I know it’s hypocritical given I’d be happy to eat one of the chickens. And I know it’s hypocritical given I’ll be having sushi tonight for dinner and steak later in the week. I am well aware that I am full of annoying contradictions, but in this case, it just didn’t seem fair. The only reason they caught the mom was because she was protecting the baby. It was an uneven playing field. But if the entire tribe wanted to kill the goat, then I would go along with it.


3 hours ago, Lukeysboat said:

Ok, this I actually did see. My take on this is that Jeff was answering the question about what he would do if he were a player in the game. I didn't think that it indicated anything about what production would or would not allow.  I'm not trying to be argumentative, I was just looking for something that was more definitive. 

I agree with Lukeysboat.  It is all in the wording and the wording is such that it reads that if Probst was a player on Survivor what he would do. He said "I", not "production".  That to me is the clue here. 

Of course a quick read can give you a different take.  Which probably makes for a better PR interview to hint there might actually have been a goat killed when the goats were never in any real danger.  In fact I think someone said in the other episode thread the goats belong to a local farmer on the island.  They just wander into the "taped off for Survivor living/filming" areas at times.

Edited by green
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, PaperTree said:

It only took two buckets to drop the gate?

I was thinking about this too. I mean I know it was designed as a multi-part challenge so you don't want too much time at each "stop" along the way, but c'mon two buckets brought down each one? There should have at least been a few holes in there to reward swiftness dealing with that portion.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

If she was and you took the milk, how would the baby survive?

I'm not an expert in goat lactation, but as someone who breastfed three children for at least one year each, milk is basically supply and demand. The more my babies nursed, the more I made. When they started eating solid food and weren't nursing as much, my body would make less. My daughter went back and forth for awhile, and milk supply always adjusted. Some women nurse multiples. I would think that the baby would be able to nurse and you'd be able to milk the goat, and her body would just increase her supply. But I am just guessing based on my experience, I could be totally wrong. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, DEL901 said:

If she was and you took the milk, how would the baby survive?


4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Those of you with experience with farm animals please feel free to correct me on anything!


I live in dairy country, and though I'm not in the biz, I do believe that Lamb18 has it right.  In this case, working the mama goat up to greater milk production would have taken some effort on the part of the tribe with little reward at first, but gradually she'd give more and more milk if they milked/stimulated her to do so.  Right now, it looks as if as her baby is moving on to solid foods, so she'll produce less and less milk until he's completely weaned.

  • Love 1

Just for the record, I hate Sandra...I hate her loud mouth, and her willingness to talk someone else into killing a goat. Please get this woman off the show.

And Tai is a drag. Once he announces his values, you can be sure he will trash them a minute later. Of course he calls Caleb his best friend, and says they have a close bond...but he will vote him out without a second thought, or even try to make a move to save him. Caleb was gracious in his exit, but why he would waste time with Tai is a puzzle.  Tai is not loyal, has no physical game, is not good at puzzles...why not vote him off?  How he manages to hang on amazes me.

  • Love 7
51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They actually edited him to not be those things, but the live feeds showed what he really was. 

Ugh, yes. I was begging them to just boot him all ep. I can't deal with his bullshit at all anymore. I am gonna lose it if he goes all the way to the end again.

Yeah, the Tai is cute is getting old. I was a big fan of his the first time but now I know he sucks at this game. One minute he's all shocked & bewildered & then another time he's screwing up everyone's game up. Of course, everyone does that on Survivor but now it's annoying when Tai is doing it. This time, I think people are going to be tired of it and won't take him as far in fear of him ruining their game. He could possibly make the merge but not the jury. At least, that's what I'm hoping. 

  • Love 8
51 minutes ago, susannot said:

I still don't remember anything about Debbie or Sierra.  However, at least I have learned that it may be entertaining when Sierra's eyebrows grow in.

Who can forget Debbie?  She's the one who had a different occupation under her name in every talking head.  She's done it all!!!!  This season, she's already said she was a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol.

  • Love 7
On 3/16/2017 at 11:32 AM, Giesela said:

Is this the 500th anniversary of  Gilligan's Island?  Tribal Council seems like some sort of homage set.  That looks like the SS Minnow there in the background. 

Or Sanford and Son.  It looks like a junkyard to me.  

If this is the same location as last season, why didn't they have wild goats last season?  

I have a feeling if they killed the goats, it would've been edited out and they would've been asked not to mention it after the show.  Killing and eating goats doesn't bother me, ethically, but CBS knows no one (almost) wants to see it and it would just be bad press.  Maybe that's why the players didn't discuss 'how bad will we look on tv for killing goats?'  Not that it'd get aired if they did.  But if production told them any goat meals would be edited out, they would be able to discuss it how we saw it, without edits being a factor.  

There were goats, weren't there?  Jay chased them, maybe?  Some millenials did anyway.  But they were way up high out of reach.

I can imagine, if they ate the goats, a smash cut from "wow there's goats!  let's catch 'em!" to Sandra nibbling her leg of goat or whatever.  Barely a glimpse through the trees, and then Top Chef food photography.  And I doubt there would be much complaining, with the intervening steps removed.

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

I can imagine, if they ate the goats, a smash cut from "wow there's goats!  let's catch 'em!" to Sandra nibbling her leg of goat or whatever.  Barely a glimpse through the trees, and then Top Chef food photography.  And I doubt there would be much complaining, with the intervening steps removed.

This is so well observed.  Sigh.

  • Love 2

I rewatched the "Goatgate" segment.  A few comments:

1) Sandra was the one pushing the idea of catching and eating the goats from the start.

2) Once they realized the goats were mama and baby Sandra was the only one even considering killing and eating either of them.  JT and Malcolm, who caught them were adamantly opposed to killing them.

3) Sandra wanted to eat the baby goat.  She told Michaela she could pet it but not to get too attached because it was her next meal.

4) The kid was much smaller than I remembered.  Probably only 10 pounds or so.  I don't know much about goats, but I am fairly certain it would not have survived without the mother.

5) They were never even close to killing the goats.  Unless Sandra was going to grab the machete and kill them herself, it wasn't going to happen.  It was just a matter of how they were going to get Sandra to give up on the idea of killing them.

6) Malcolm and JT were willing to kill and eat a male goat or a female without a kid.

7) Michaela, very skillfully, pointed out that they had 4 chickens and when the others backed her, Sandra quickly came around to eating a chicken instead.

8) After Sandra took the baby from JT so he could help Malcolm who was struggling to control mama goat, Sandra told them to "watch the horns".  I found that amusing with her basically saying "Be careful over there with the dangerous stuff while I do the safe and easy part over here."

9) Sandra offered to "help" JT gut and clean the goats, and she didn't seem all that sincere about it.

10) Michaela referred to Sandra as a "villain" but I took it more as a Survivor villain who will do whatever it takes to win, as opposed to calling her a bad person.

11) Malcolm said that the goat were never in danger because the tribe members had hearts.  That could be taken as implying Sandra was heartless, but I didn't take it that way.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Malcolm said that the goat were never in danger because the tribe members had hearts.  That could be taken as implying Sandra was heartless, but I didn't take it that way.

He also said everyone could tell who wanted to eat the goats immediately and "Sandra doesn't give a damn.  Which is Sandra's MO about life, I've started to realize."  Which also could be taken as an insult or not, I guess.

On 3/17/2017 at 8:56 AM, Daisy said:

the idol is only placed if the player has a clue.

Yeah - but once a player HAS found the clue and the idol IS placed, what dictates that the clue-finding player is the ONLY one who can harvest that idol?  Granted Player A who found the clue would have an extreme advantage because they would be the only player who KNEW an idol would be available to collect - but what would happen if Player B noticed and grabbed the idol before Player A could get at it?  More specifically, what would Production do?  Take the idol away from Player B and give it to Player A?  Invalidate that idol?  Because if TPTB aren't going to let anybody other than Player A harvest the idol, then they shouldn't bother mucking about with the whole clue nonsense - just give player A the idol outright.


On 3/17/2017 at 9:53 AM, PaperTree said:

It only took two buckets to drop the gate?

Well... just because we only saw two buckets being dropped before the gates came down, doesn't mean there were only two.  If nothing happened on intervening drops between the first and the last drop (ex. someone getting injured on one of the trips over the cargo net teeter-totter), Production may have left the intermediate footage on the cutting room floor if the episode time was running overlong.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yeah - but once a player HAS found the clue and the idol IS placed, what dictates that the clue-finding player is the ONLY one who can harvest that idol?  Granted Player A who found the clue would have an extreme advantage because they would be the only player who KNEW an idol would be available to collect - but what would happen if Player B noticed and grabbed the idol before Player A could get at it?  More specifically, what would Production do?  Take the idol away from Player B and give it to Player A?  Invalidate that idol?  Because if TPTB aren't going to let anybody other than Player A harvest the idol, then they shouldn't bother mucking about with the whole clue nonsense - just give player A the idol outright.


Well... just because we only saw two buckets being dropped before the gates came down, doesn't mean there were only two.  If nothing happened on intervening drops between the first and the last drop (ex. someone getting injured on one of the trips over the cargo net teeter-totter), Production may have left the intermediate footage on the cutting room floor if the episode time was running overlong.

Good point.  I think if Player B did that, TBTB would have to let him/her have it.  Outplay, outwit and all.

But if Player A fails to snag the idol at the challenge, I assume a new clue would be planted.  Player A could also be seen by one or more players while snagging it, opening another "can of worms" of silly dramatic idol circular thinking.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Good point.  I think if Player B did that, TBTB would have to let him/her have it.  Outplay, outwit and all.

But if Player A fails to snag the idol at the challenge, I assume a new clue would be planted.  Player A could also be seen by one or more players while snagging it, opening another "can of worms" of silly dramatic idol circular thinking.

I agree with all of this.  Which answers the question of "what's the point".  Particularly the second part: players would generally prefer not to have their whole tribe know they have an idol right from the moment they get it.  Although it would be kind of funny to see someone just casually grab an idol without any subterfuge, right in front of everyone.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

But if Player A fails to snag the idol at the challenge, I assume a new clue would be planted.

This is the kind of question I want answered.  We've seen 3 Idols "hidden" at challenges, and all 3 were "found", so we haven't seen a failing case.  But what would have happened in the event Troy did not get the HII here? 

We can assume that the HII would be retrieved by TPTB and "hidden" again at a future challenge, as that makes sense.  But what would happen to Troy?  Would they give him a new clue since he did find the one clue in the first place?  Or would he (or anyone on Green) have to find a new clue in order to re-trigger the idol placement?  Or both? 

And what if someone else found the next clue, but Troy suspected that had happened and searched the next challenges for the HII anyway, and then found it before the other person?  We have seen times when two people have clues to the same HII, and one had a more detailed clue.  This seems like a parallel case, so it seems fair that Troy would be allowed to keep it, since he "knew" it'd be there based on the older clue he'd found.

Questions like this are part of the reason I watch the show, discuss the show, and want to be on the show.

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Would be funnier for someone to get caught up in the moment and hold it high in the air exclaiming "I got the idol bitches!!" Heh. Bad gameplay but entertaining teevee.

Kind of like Tony at the beginning with his "you guys make nice-nice, I'm off to get the idol!"

But it might be kind of an amazing move to dramatically pull it out so everyone can see, all the tribes.  Now the other tribes know there's idols hidden at challenges.  I don't know that I can come up with a reason to do it, but it might be interesting.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

Now the other tribes know there's idols hidden at challenges.

Interesting idea.  But one thing for sure - now Troyzan knows of the active possibility that other idols are hidden "in plain view" if one knows where to look.  Kind of makes me think he'll be looking at every nook and cranny at every gathering.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Interesting idea.  But one thing for sure - now Troyzan knows of the active possibility that other idols are hidden "in plain view" if one knows where to look.  Kind of makes me think he'll be looking at every nook and cranny at every gathering.

It's a double bonus: he has the idol and the knowledge of how/where/when idols can be found. He can decide to share or not both the idol and/or the information. Or use that information to look for another idol if he finds himself on another tribe or to observe people during challenges to catch other idol hunters. It's actually quite powerful to be the first one to know that about the idols. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, SVNBob said:

But what would have happened in the event Troy did not get the HII here? 

We can assume that the HII would be retrieved by TPTB and "hidden" again at a future challenge, as that makes sense. But what would happen to Troy?  Would they give him a new clue since he did find the one clue in the first place?

I doubt they'd give Troy a new clue. When the idols are hidden at challenges, the clues are not clues so much as they are maps with specific instructions. Here's a screencap of what Troy got:


Instructions, a drawing with the idol X'd, and as if that weren't obvious enough, an enlargement of the specific spot where the idol is located, not just circled but double circled and with an arrow. Surprised it also doesn't say, "LOOK HERE, DUMBASS. THIS IS WHERE THE IDOL WILL BE IN CASE WE DIDN'T MAKE THAT CLEAR."

If a player doesn't snag the idol the first time around and it has to be hidden at a different challenge, a new clue would have to be created. It should be analogous to what happens when someone finds a clue to an idol hidden at their camp but doesn't manage to find the idol. Then say the merge or a tribe shuffle happens and they're at a different camp where there's also an idol hidden. They wouldn't get a new clue to that idol based on having found a clue to a different idol.

7 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Or would he (or anyone on Green) have to find a new clue in order to re-trigger the idol placement?

This seems like it could go either way. They could reason that it should be treated like a different idol (the way idols at different camps are different idols, so that if you have a clue to your own tribe's idol, it means nothing with respect to the other tribe's idol), that Troy should have no advantage in finding it, and that therefore someone will have to find a clue before they place it at a challenge. Or they could reason that it's still the same idol and since Troy found one clue, he's entitled to have some advantage over the other players, so they will place the idol, but he won't get a clue to where it is. I am hoping it's the former; the clues are so explicit that I feel like that's enough of an advantage and if you don't get it on your first try, you should have to start over. Any time they have to re-hide an idol in a different location, it should be considered a different idol.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 4

Well, they all saw last spring's season and know there could be idols hidden in challenges.  I assume they're told they can't randomly search challenge structures before, during or after a challenge.  But IF they find a clue, they're then allowed to follow those directions in an attempt to retrieve it.  

I figured they must tell them just when they can no longer search, too.  If Troy had to find it before the challenge ended, that would've been much harder.  Letting him grab it during the post-challenge celebration made it much easier.  

I always wish someone would just openly wear their idol around sometimes.  I know it's bad play since it's universally not done but the at least some of the times when someone did have it and everyone knew, it kept votes off that person, it seemed like.  Though all I can think of is Rob on the season he won.  But if I was Troy and faced with leaving that challenge idol-less or grabbing it in front of everyone in plain sight, I'd choose the latter, I think.

10 hours ago, Nashville said:

Yeah - but once a player HAS found the clue and the idol IS placed, what dictates that the clue-finding player is the ONLY one who can harvest that idol?  Granted Player A who found the clue would have an extreme advantage because they would be the only player who KNEW an idol would be available to collect - but what would happen if Player B noticed and grabbed the idol before Player A could get at it?  More specifically, what would Production do?  Take the idol away from Player B and give it to Player A?  Invalidate that idol?  Because if TPTB aren't going to let anybody other than Player A harvest the idol, then they shouldn't bother mucking about with the whole clue nonsense - just give player A the idol outright.



ooohhhhh. nothing, i'd imagine. it's the same with any other idol. you can find it w/o the clue (except for the seasons where you CAN'T have it without the clue/key whatever). 

2 hours ago, Daisy said:


ooohhhhh. nothing, i'd imagine. it's the same with any other idol. you can find it w/o the clue (except for the seasons where you CAN'T have it without the clue/key whatever). 

But then you get into the Jeremy Paradox.  The suggestion was at least strongly implied (if not made outright - memory's weak) the clue Jeremy found for his midnight stroll was usable by JEREMY ONLY, and nobody else who might happen to be wandering around that night - or, more pragmatically speaking, following Jeremy to see what he was up to - would have been rewarded an idol for their pains even if they beat him to it.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1
On 2017-03-15 at 10:38 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Wannabe Lady Macbeth...... she fucking called for other people to commit murder... but she was too cowardly to do it herself.

We have Caribbean food places here in Canada.  I get that people eat goat, lamb.  But to kill an animal in THAT situation.  For goodness sakes.  So extremely cruel and stupid.

@vb68 - thank you.  I never remember anything Andrea ever did.  To me she is extremely bland.  Extremely overhyped.

I wonder how she would feel if the food situation got extremely desperate and they held a vote and decided that some Spanish food would be just ideal.

I wonder. Is Sandra from Mexico. I surely wouldn't want to insult her by calling her Spanish if she was actually Latino or Chicano or some other name that is related to Spanish.

I've never liked her and would never cotton to killing her unless it was for some desperate need to survive. Somehow, I'm guessing that it just might be agin the rules. You think?

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

But then you get into the Jeremy Paradox.  The suggestion was at least strongly implied (if not made outright - memory's weak) the clue Jeremy found for his midnight stroll was usable by JEREMY ONLY, and nobody else who might happen to be wandering around that night - or, more pragmatically speaking, following Jeremy to see what he was up to - would have been rewarded an idol for their pains even if they beat him to it.

wow. i totally forgot that. (my survivor memory is only good up until Heroes vs. Villians, barely). then. i really don't know. 

2 hours ago, LanceM said:

Sandra's family is from Puerto Rico but she was born in Connecticut.

She'd still be an American citizen even if she hadn't been born in Connecticut.  Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, and its residents are U.S. citizens the same as anyone born in the continental United States.  They simply don't have full voting rights at the Federal level (because Puerto Rico has no electoral votes because it isn't a State).

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 4

Debbie's full of it. I'm rewatching the episode and she comes up with this gem: "This is a dictatorship majority rules." (Sounds like democracy to me - aren't dictators usually a minority of one?)

Regarding finding the idol at the challenge, at least this particular challenge. It is very unlikely anyone else would have found this idol. The puzzle tables are at the end of the challenge area and the side of the table where the idol is faces away from the rest of the challenge set, that is, it faces out. If you look in front the puzzle table, everyone except the puzzle solvers are standing on mats. My guess is that they are supposed to stand there. The puzzle solvers are too busy solving the puzzle to look for the idol. The idol is not on the same side as the puzzle solvers are, it is on the other side of the table. So people couldn't really walk around randomly until the challenge was over.

I rewatched the challenge part and it's worth it to see Malcolm skipping along, singing "Duh ta da! Finally we won something!"

  • Love 3

I know it's called Survivor, but it's a game and a tv show.  I think butchering and eating the goats might be a bit more gruesome that the viewing audience wants to see.  I know I would not want to see it.  They will survive, without killing any goats.  I don't think they are as starving as they used to be, in the early seasons of this show.  But I have no doubt, they are hungry and some meat would be a treat, but it seemed too cruel, with it being a mom and baby. 

I am a meat eater.   I know where meat comes from.  I grew up on a farm.  I am still glad I did not have to see a goat slaughter while enjoying one of my favorite tv shows.  

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, fishcakes said:

If a player doesn't snag the idol the first time around and it has to be hidden at a different challenge, a new clue would have to be created. It should be analogous to what happens when someone finds a clue to an idol hidden at their camp but doesn't manage to find the idol. Then say the merge or a tribe shuffle happens and they're at a different camp where there's also an idol hidden. They wouldn't get a new clue to that idol based on having found a clue to a different idol.

This analogy makes a lot of sense to me.  So I'll agree that missing an idol hidden at a challenge means your clue becomes worthless and you have to find a new one yourself.

15 hours ago, fishcakes said:

the way idols at different camps are different idols, so that if you have a clue to your own tribe's idol, it means nothing with respect to the other tribe's idol

I get what you're saying here, but this isn't always the case.  Sometimes the idols at camp are hidden in the same place, so any clue could apply to any tribal idol.  See the twin idols in James' pants from China, the rice container lids in Philippines (Malcolm's first season), or idols hidden at camp during double Exile Island seasons (since the person from either tribe could get the clue in the random draw).  In theory, if someone on Blue or Orange had also found a clue for this idol like Troy, the idols might have been hidden in the same place at the challenge.  And that brings up a lot of fun possibilities...

It's because of these odd questions and unusual edge cases that I was hoping Troy wouldn't get the HII.  Not because I have anything against him per se (except his self-given nickname which I refuse to use (ditto with Benji)), but because I want to know what would have happened if he didn't.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Instructions, a drawing with the idol X'd, and as if that weren't obvious enough, an enlargement of the specific spot where the idol is located, not just circled but double circled and with an arrow. Surprised it also doesn't say, "LOOK HERE, DUMBASS. THIS IS WHERE THE IDOL WILL BE IN CASE WE DIDN'T MAKE THAT CLEAR."

Yeah, the double circling and enlargement was a nice touch. *insert eye roll here* Wasn't the last 'idol at a challenge' clue a little less specific?

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Wasn't the last 'idol at a challenge' clue a little less specific?

Looking back at Wentworth finding the first "idol at challenge clue", and it's pretty much the same as what we saw Troy find.  The only difference I could see is his is full color, while hers is black and white (well, parchment yellow), but still red circling.

  • Love 1
On 3/19/2017 at 2:22 AM, Wandering Snark said:

Would be funnier for someone to get caught up in the moment and hold it high in the air exclaiming "I got the idol bitches!!" Heh. Bad gameplay but entertaining teevee.

Players seem to spend quite a bit of energy getting the idol with no one seeing, wasn't there one under the shelter?  When during a challenge it certainly seems that someone will end up in a situation that they have to decide to leave it or get in publically.  I  too would think get it!  At the very least you could do the public burning like some have done to cement alliance/get a tgt off your back.  Or offer it to your alliance for whoever ends up on the block first.  A known idol isn't useless.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, SVNBob said:

In theory, if someone on Blue or Orange had also found a clue for this idol like Troy, the idols might have been hidden in the same place at the challenge.

If someone on other tribes had found a clue prior to the challenge, I'm pretty sure the idol would be hidden in the same place on that tribe's puzzle table. So you could have had three people hanging out on the idol side of the table, waiting for their moment. Funny if they saw someone on the other tribe reaching for their idol.

  • Love 4

Khaleesi did not enjoy the Great Goat Discussion of '17.  She also liked Caleb so this was a rough episode. 

JT's Island Snorkeling Tours:  Unless that raft's being circled by Great Whites right now, I'm not sure what they're doing.

Questionable exfoliationI literally can't look at Tai wearing his sand vest.  My internal organs are itching now.

Brad/Tai strategizingIt's almost like Tai thinks Brad is on this show to help him [Tai] win. 

The Goat Discussion:  Just like that, 5-1 JT makes everyone forget about that time he left them in the middle of the ocean.  He's the Gentle Huntsman and she's The Evil Queen.


But the hands-down winner...

Sandra "doesn't know how" to kill a goat:  The Queen, of all people, should be familiar with 'Off With Her Head.'

  • Love 14

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