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S07.E24: Cherries And Flowers

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32 minutes ago, MissMel said:

I do this too.  It really bit me in the butt this morning, though.  It doesn't help that my husband's name is Jeremy and I fell asleep watching Mtv.

5:28AM, Me: Jesus God, Jeremy, can we possibly turn on one more light in the house?

Husband/Jermy: I don't know.  Jesus God, Melinda, can we ever wake up in good mood? (he was laughing)

Me: Yes. I think I woke up in a good mood one time.  in 1980fucking7.  Sorry you missed it.  

We live in an episode of Roseanne, daily.  This Teen Mom stuff doesn't help.  

I'm sorry but that really made my day. OMG LMAO. My grandson has a snow day today and he just gave me the side eye. HA!

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19 hours ago, Christina87 said:

She is really immature and disrespectful! I still like her (a little), but last season she was a 7/10 in my eyes, and now maybe a 4 (all the others are like 0 though lol). She looks so good compared to the others, but I find myself having less and less patience for her...

ETA: I wonder if MTV is losing patience too. I thought the actual show was two hours, and that wedding montage was just a teaser for more to come. It's like MTV made absolutely the least deal possible about the wedding, no congrats or cutesy "mr. and mrs. Deboer" stuff. I wonder if their retaliation for not being involved is a "blink and you'll miss it" montage. Chelsea did sound really bratty when recounting her refusal to let them be involved in any of the festivities at all. Maybe that didn't set well with them!

As much as I LOATHE Jenelle, at least she puts her life out there. If everyone was so secretive, and acted like they were too good for the show now that they have their picture perfect family, there would be no show!

I'm not going to hate on her for not wanting her wedding televised.  These girls signed up for the show 7 years ago, when they were teenagers. I'm sure they didn't do it thinking the show would keep on going for this many years and that the general public would know and enjoy picking apart their personal lives for years to come.  The fact that she refused to let them film her wedding (opening the door to nitpickers and haters everywhere to slam everything from her dress to what I'm sure were hundreds of mason jars and twill) actually made me respect her more. Yes, I know they renew every season.  However, we're not entitled to see every shred of their lives.  I'm sure if Chelsea would've let them film it they would've paid for it so I'm willing to bet having her wedding be a private moment with her friends and family was more than worth it to her. Also, I seriously doubt if this show came back she'd sign on for another season.  She's outgrown it, and I consider that a good thing.

I've had issues with the attitude she throws at her mom, for sure.  But her mom was being pretty obnoxious in that scene.  I'm sure Chelsea is aware of how much hate she gets from Adumb leg humpers accusing her of trying to replace him with Cole.  Her mom was just giving them more fodder by acting like that on camera.  So while I normally side-eye parental disrespect, I think that one was justified. 

Kail is a terrible person.  That is all.

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

I think she was disrespectful, but the shushing her about Adam wasn't really what got to me. The whole time, she rolled her eyes and spoke really condescendingly to her mother. It was obvious she didn't want to be there. If I ever have a daughter that treats me like that, you'd better believe I will call her out on her disrespect! It may not be Jenelle level, but it's a sulky dismissive attitude that most people have grown out of by 17 or so. 

Chelsea's mom reminds me of watching my wife interact with my MIL. She gets into her head an idea, she won't let it go, and it takes an act of Congress to get her to stop. Sometimes my wife has to snap at her to get her to drop whatever the topic is. So I get it. 

Edited by TeenMomAngerMgmt
Dumb phrasing
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1 minute ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

Chelsea's mom reminds me of watching my wife interact with her MIL. She gets into her head an idea, she won't let it go, and it takes an act of Congress to get her to stop. Sometimes my wife has to snap at her to get her to drop whatever the topic is. So I get it. 

I do agree that Mary's an idiot, but literally Chelsea was rude from the first second she got there. Her mom always says something like, "oh, hey sweetie! You are looking so beautiful! It's been such a long time! How are you?" And all Chelsea can manage is a curt, "good," while rolling her eyes. Then she gave her mom major attitude about why she had to go to Nebraska to get the license, and was so condescending. She is usually a tad rude to her mom, but I just thought it was more than usual this time. She was cruising for an issue from the beginning, but I agree Mary shouldn't have said the things she said. 

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1 minute ago, Christina87 said:

I do agree that Mary's an idiot, but literally Chelsea was rude from the first second she got there. Her mom always says something like, "oh, hey sweetie! You are looking so beautiful! It's been such a long time! How are you?" And all Chelsea can manage is a curt, "good," while rolling her eyes. Then she gave her mom major attitude about why she had to go to Nebraska to get the license, and was so condescending. She is usually a tad rude to her mom, but I just thought it was more than usual this time. She was cruising for an issue from the beginning, but I agree Mary shouldn't have said the things she said. 

Chelsea's mom has annoyed me forever, and I rarely see her but on the show. I don't know how Randy put up with it for so long. 

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Just now, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

Chelsea's mom has annoyed me forever, and I rarely see her but on the show. I don't know how Randy put up with it for so long. 

Agreed! I would love to know the story of their divorce. Plus, if she did something to sabotage the family, that would at least explain Chelsea's attitude. 

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Chelsea: Congrats on your marriage to Cole.  I can see why she'd be annoyed when her mom referred to Cole as Aubree's Dad. He'd be her stepdad. Although, I wish he would adopt her.


Leah: Will you actually finish school this time? 


Kail: I'm starting to wonder who is crazier, you or Javi.  Also, my heart broke when Isaac was  crying when Lincoln was leaving. Kail pretty much ignored it, and said that it didn't matter because Isaac would be with his Dad. Kail is giving Isaac issues.


Jenelle:  Before David judges Nathan's parenting, he should worry about his own children.  Also, I feel like Nathan would be the type of parent that says that his child doesn't need pre-school because they didn't go to pre-school.  Also, Jenelle is vile to her Mom. I feel so bad for Babs.  She loves Jace with all of her heart. She shows more affection to Jace than Jenelle ever has. Also, the way that Kai just went with the strangers at the pre-school, shows that he doesn't know the difference between his parents, and who is watching him.  Jenelle should quit the show. I can't believe they keep paying her to pretend to be a Mom. 

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

The fact that she refused to let them film her wedding (opening the door to nitpickers and haters everywhere to slam everything from her dress to what I'm sure were hundreds of mason jars and twill) actually made me respect her more. Yes, I know they renew every season.  However, we're not entitled to see every shred of their lives.  I'm sure if Chelsea would've let them film it they would've paid for it so I'm willing to bet having her wedding be a private moment with her friends and family was more than worth it to her.

But that wasn't her "real" wedding. They're postponing that until a year after the official wedding, right? So I don't see why Chelsea couldn't have thrown her fans a bone by at least having the first ceremony filmed. But if it was important to her to keep that private, then why is the bigger wedding also private? To me, that's the perfect one to have filmed if she felt the original wedding was too spesh to have MTV cameras there.

1 hour ago, lezlers said:

I've had issues with the attitude she throws at her mom, for sure.  But her mom was being pretty obnoxious in that scene.  I'm sure Chelsea is aware of how much hate she gets from Adumb leg humpers accusing her of trying to replace him with Cole.  Her mom was just giving them more fodder by acting like that on camera.  So while I normally side-eye parental disrespect, I think that one was justified.

I think if Chelsea would give her mom a heads-up, Mary would be on board with whatever the official line about talking about/not talking about Adam is. I don't think Chelsea keeps her apprised the way she does Randy (every second of every day). Regardless, this isn't the first time we've seen Chelsea treat her mom rudely. Does she really want to model that (mis)behavior in front of Aubree? Be careful, Chels, unless you want Aubs treating *you* like an idiot.

TL;DR: Mary appears clueless because Chelsea doesn't clue her in and then blames Mary for that cluelessness.

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11 hours ago, poopchute said:

I see a lot of people say that even though Kail is an asshole in many ways, she clearly loves her kids. But I don't think so at all.  Look at how annoyed she was that Isaac was crying in this episode. She was a straight up bitch to him. I feel so sad for him. He's crying and all his mother can do is heave an exasperated sigh and say "why are you crying, he's coming back" while rushing him out the door.

Okay, I'm LOATHE to stick up for Kail and wanted to punch her myself during that scene, but I honestly think she didn't know HOW to deal with it.  Suzie wasn't exactly mother of the  year, and Kail most definitely did not get her emotional needs met growing up.   I'd be shocked if she ever had an adult comfort her and help her process through any of her feelings when she was growing up.  There's a reason cycles repeat themselves.

That being said: Kail is still the goddamn worst.

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See, I appreciate that Kail didn't have very good role models as far as dealing with basic emotional issues and empathy, but that is no excuse IMO. She's buys herself pinterest McMansions, endless Starbucks, luxury vehicles, and her kids are dressed to the nines to prove how "far she has come". But she hasn't improved herself in any way that truly matters. She has all the money in the world to spend on some medication, therapy and self-improvement but that apparently isn't important enough to her. If she wasn't so damned uppity about herself I might have more sympathy for her childhood, but the fact that she truly thinks she's made something of herself when she hasn't learned anything makes me dislike her intensely. She's her mother with less booze, same amount of dicks, and more money.

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Kail's endgame is simple: Secure a career in the "Industry" post-TM2 to maintain her lifestyle.

She fucked the Producer.  They had some fun the in the sun in Hawaii but dude was looking only for fun.  If he wanted a wifey, he would have worked on his marriage.  Kail had to resort to old tricks to keep him.  When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.  In her first blog post after the reveal, she spoke only of her 'brand' and not the two children (soon three) who will struggle with her continued poor choices.

I suspect Daddy was supposed to help her with her 'sizzle reel' but backed out, which is why she had to scramble to pull together the material at the last minute.

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2 hours ago, Chloecat said:

MY heart just breaks that one day little Roll will see that his Dad wanted to terminate his parental rights, that kid is already screwed but televising those texts is too much.

Jenelle shared those texts before the episode aired, didn't she? Jenelle loves to spill all the dirt on every one of her exes. She has no care as to how it will affect her children.

Going way off topic here. Who is Amy? I noticed a Starbucks cup with that name on it on the table when Leah was calling the college to find out about registration.


Mary appears clueless because Chelsea doesn't clue her in

We don't know what Chelsea has told her mother away from the cameras. And from the looks of it, Mary had to be told at least twice to shut her pie hole. Mary continuously brings up to Aubree how Cole will be her dad. She did so last season when Aubree was staying with her. Watch the 16 & Pregnant episode, Mary had an opinion then as well which was within her right to say what her feelings were about Adumb. Regarding last night, Chelsea informed her at least twice to stop with talking about those particular subjects. Knowing what we know about the removal of the Adumb discussion, it seems Mary was on a roll. I know for a fact we all had plenty to comment on when Chelsea was bringing up Adumb over the past few seasons. It isn't as if her comments were being ignored. With that said, I don't think Mary has a mean bone in her body. I think she is dense a lot of the times, but overall she just wants to express her disdain for Adumb when she can.


 In her first blog post after the reveal, she spoke only of her 'brand'

Kail better get to copyrighting hussy since that is the only brand I see.

Edited by SPLAIN
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4 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Going way off topic here. Who is Amy? I noticed a Starbucks cup with that name on it on the table when Leah was calling the college to find out about registration.

The "talent" has PAs that run to get their coffee and meals while filming.  Amy is probably a PA.

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On 3/11/2017 at 7:45 AM, FairyDusted said:

There is no  middle ground with Janelle. She is raging or practically on bedrest 24/7. Yeah perfect timing for one more child to ignore. LOL When I was getting my coffee I spied Cherry Poptarts. Now I can't eat them. 

I wonder if there is codeine in that couch syrup ?

Hmmm...couch syrup would be the perfect explanation for Janelle, Amber and Caitlynn!

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15 minutes ago, chrissybk said:

Hmmm...couch syrup would be the perfect explanation for Janelle, Amber and Caitlynn!

I thought so too. I saw that when I posted but I left it alone....cuz COUCHES is a main character.

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On 3/13/2017 at 9:03 PM, CofCinci said:

I question the quality of a school daycare that not only lets MTV film on their property --- but films Jenelle segments!

That's exactly what I said to my husband!  And I told him our kids would be removed immediately from any place Jenelle and that crazy boyfriend had access to!

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I always see a flat affect in Janelle when she greets or says goodbye to Jace. No hugs or kisses,no sadness when he leaves-no joy to see him. It is the complete opposite with Bard. Also, can we picket outside Kail and Janelle's houses? Not sure what the signs would say. Maybe fuck you Kail,fuck you Janelle? I'm sure you people in this forum could come up with witty signs.

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I thought Chelsea's reaction to Mary was fine, not super-sized or anything. I appreciate that Aubree speaks up for herself, and I also like that Paislee got a mention this time around.

Leah just bored me. Kail confounded me. Poor, poor Isaac. 

Kaiser won't be "occupied" so much as stimulated. That all was just weird. I could feel Kaiser's relief, being in the classroom. The gratuitous Maryssa shots made me roll my eyes. C'mon, now. The doe-eyed "I'd love to raise Kaiser with you" conversation gave me visceral yuckiness. Jace & Barb's back and forth play routines are fabulous. 

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9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Whenever I become exasperated with anything (TM-related or otherwise), I find myself saying "Jesus God, Leah!" It confuses most people, but I can't help it. 


If anything, that would have made her look WORSE. She couldn't let Javi take some luggage? She couldn't understand Isaac being said over a longer separation? 


I have no problem with that. If Adumb was my ex, I'd talk shit about him in private too. Chelsea USED to do it right in front of the kid. And she quit it. She also toned down the Daddy-Cole stuff as well. Good for her. That shows self-awareness and growth. She actually seems to have out-matured her mother (which I realize isn't saying much). 


I think he was naive as well. He made some big fucking mistakes marrying that girl, but I think he legitimately had his heart broken. I had a BAD breakup when I was his age and I acted really crazy and stupid. I'm talking following my ex, calling his new girl, pushing things way past the point of sanity. I am embarrassed to even recall it, but I'm not a crazy or horrible person. I never did anything like that again. So I can somewhat relate to that desperation and level of hurt. The difference is we didn't have kids. I'd like to think if we did, I'd be putting them first and trying to reign in the crazy. I don't think Javi is a bad guy, but he does seem very emotional and impulsive right now and needs to know when to stop. 

Yes. To all of this. Even the same experience (we didn't have children). I still thought I had every right to call when I wanted, to upset the new girlfriend, whatever I wanted. I'm the one who ended the relationship. Once I got married and had my daughter, you have no idea how much I wanted to hide or to call those women and apologize. It's embarrassing.  It happens. True, terrible heartbreak can make a sane person crazy. 

8 hours ago, MissMel said:

I do this too.  It really bit me in the butt this morning, though.  It doesn't help that my husband's name is Jeremy and I fell asleep watching Mtv.

5:28AM, Me: Jesus God, Jeremy, can we possibly turn on one more light in the house?

Husband/Jermy: I don't know.  Jesus God, Melinda, can we ever wake up in good mood? (he was laughing)

Me: Yes. I think I woke up in a good mood one time.  in 1980fucking7.  Sorry you missed it.  

We live in an episode of Roseanne, daily.  This Teen Mom stuff doesn't help.  

I say Jesus God Leah, too. 

And your name is Melinda? Are you my twin? I'm Malinda!!

(I feel like we figured that out once before, but my memory isn't that great)

Edited by Mkay
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16 hours ago, NannyBails said:

Best prop for the cameras this week goes to Leah for   the SAT study guide.

I think we ALL picked up on that one!  Would she even know how to fill in the answers??

This show is just getting so hard to watch - I want to bring every one of those kids to my house and just love the crap out of them!  I think if MTV goes forward with another "class" of 16 and pregnant, one of the show requirements should be that the "parents" take mandatory parenting classes.  I am sick and tired of these little people being turned into pawns for whatever power play the parents are working on.  Except for Aubree, the other kids seem to be full of so much angst and uncertainty.

Though Javi is certainly no saint, (remembering his jealousy scenes a couple of seasons ago) I can't help but think that he is driven by both immaturity and by things that occur off camera.  Kailyn is a messed up beatch, to be sure.  But he plays right into it and knows just what buttons to push.  That being said, if I was taking my kid for a week and Kailyn shoved a pile of clothes in my face without so much as a plastic bag to contain them, I would have literally dropped them on the floor and purchased a wardrobe for the kid to have at my house.  He would be sent back with whatever clothes he wore at the hand-off.  It would probably drive Kail nuckin' futs, as it would disarm at least one manipulative/humiliating weapon from her arsenal.  She needs to be shut down.  NOW.

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On 3/13/2017 at 8:49 PM, Christina said:

Javi is going to say whatever he thinks makes him look the victim. 


Javi is a victim.  He's lashing out because he's going through hell.  I'm putting myself in his shoes and I'd be a crazy mess too.  What do you do when the person you love and planned to share your life with tells you they can't stand to be around you and want you gone?  I am not a sentimental person but I'd be devastated.

His sadness is manifesting itself into hate because SHE IS playing THAT tune!  She's being spiteful and hateful, he's trying to play her game and he's drowning.


On 3/13/2017 at 10:40 PM, Mkay said:


Me too!! That C word comes to mind. A lot!!

Like someone said upthread- Kail is a bitch with a capital C.


On 3/13/2017 at 11:33 PM, BitterApple said:

Cole in that jacket reminded me of Mary Lou Retton at the 1984 Olympics.


Omg dying!  

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My husband and I have our own quirks that would annoy the crap out of other people if they are on tv, the way Chelsea and Cole do with baby voices.  That would be why we only do it privately.  I'd wager that most couples have their "things" that they say or do that are similarly annoying, and that they also keep private for those reasons.  Chelsea is just on tv so they aren't hidden.  I wouldn't do what she does, but I am aware that I'd drive people nuts if they sat and watched my daily life, so I can't really judge.

As a person who was raised by a step parent, who was more of a parent than my bio parent (who was also in my life), I can say that it is a sticky situation for a kid to be in.  Mary was WAY out of line in that conversation.  Aubree will, at some point, realize that Adam is an asshole who isn't there for her, and that Cole is the guy who is there when she's sick, and takes her to school, and helps with her homework, and pays for braces and does all the things that a dad does.  You don't miss that.  But, Adam is still her father, and no one should try to push him out of the picture.  I can say that I grew up well aware of things, and while I had a relationship with both, they were very different.  My step father is my dad, he's my parent.  My bio father was (he died) more of an uncle figure, not a parent.  He was there, a part of my life, but not someone I would turn to like a parent.  For Mary to try to replace Adam is wrong, and it wasn't rude of Chelsea to stand up for her child.  It's harmful to Aubree to do that, and it would be no different than if Mary was trying to talk her into doing something dangerous.  Chelsea would tell her to stop, if Mary continued, she would tell her to stop more sharply, as she did in this case.  No one would question Chelsea then.  

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On 3/13/2017 at 9:45 PM, Christina87 said:

Javi and Kail are literally the two most petty people in the world!!! It annoys me so much when they argue because they don't do what they want, but just what they think will piss the other one off the most. It was funny when javi said he couldn't stand Kail, in what sounded like an actual heartfelt moment, and she looked hurt. That's what you get, bitch! But then, after saying that, he refused to leave! Do they actually enjoy fighting and being so petty? I mean, they must. I can't imagine why anyone would want that hostility in their life. 

I don't think she looked hurt at all. It looked to me like she didn't give a fuck. When he said that, he couldn't even look at her, bc he didn't mean it, he was just hurt and wanted to hurt her, whereas she looked right at him and immediately shot back, "ok, sorry about it," in a I tone clearly meant to say, "oh well." 

She seemed like she's the one who couldn't stand him and had completely lost patience with him. People don't get blunt and rude like that unless they've really had it up to here. She was frustrated and annoyed as fuck with him and all she wanted was end the conversation and for Javi to leave the house (and probably wrap up filming for the day). 

Kail is very easily annoyed and frustrated, btw, so that doesn't necessarily speak to how bad Javi is, but nonetheless, it's clear to me that that's how she's feeling about him. 

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@NannyBails, TOTALLY spot on with the SAT book. What the ever loving fuck did she think we were going to imagine? She's like 25. She's not taking the SAT's, number 1. Number 2, there's literally ZERO chance she opened that book to do a practice test. Number 3, she's applying as a non-traditional student. She's not competing with anyone. To try and manufacture this "I got into college!" story line is 100% laughable to anyone who went to college at all. "You got in" mean "We have verified your payment will clear! Congratulations!" And where the fuck did they have that rent-a-friend and Leah take that "Acceptance" call? It looked like a showroom at a kitchen and bathroom store. Good god, I hate these people so much. I got into college! What'd you do, open the door? PLease let MTV cameras be there when they're calling her to tell her "You have missed too many of the 2 classes you signed up for, remedial math and Wrtin' 100, to receive a grade. Sorry." 

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What is the over/under on how many times Karl walks off when she has to sit with Dr. Wimpy and watch her despicable behavior at the reunion. She is gross! If I had to describe Karl's face to someone. Picture someone mooning you and spreading their ass cheeks apart.

Jenelle Lithgow...just fuck off!

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

What is the over/under on how many times Karl walks off when she has to sit with Dr. Wimpy and watch her despicable behavior at the reunion. She is gross! If I had to describe Karl's face to someone. Picture someone mooning you and spreading their ass cheeks apart.

Jenelle Lithgow...just fuck off!

I KNEW she reminded me of john lithgow ...that crescent moon ? longface thing. ?

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I know it's probably really hard not to react to her bullshit. I'm not a big Javi fan but I wish he would just cut his losses an move on. I know he's going to look back and think, what the hell was I doing with hideous beast.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

What is the over/under on how many times Karl walks off when she has to sit with Dr. Wimpy and watch her despicable behavior at the reunion. She is gross! If I had to describe Karl's face to someone. Picture someone mooning you and spreading their ass cheeks apart.

Jenelle Lithgow...just fuck off!

Kail has a face like a slapped ass. 

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14 hours ago, nikita said:

But that wasn't her "real" wedding. They're postponing that until a year after the official wedding, right? So I don't see why Chelsea couldn't have thrown her fans a bone by at least having the first ceremony filmed. But if it was important to her to keep that private, then why is the bigger wedding also private? To me, that's the perfect one to have filmed if she felt the original wedding was too spesh to have MTV cameras there.

I think if Chelsea would give her mom a heads-up, Mary would be on board with whatever the official line about talking about/not talking about Adam is. I don't think Chelsea keeps her apprised the way she does Randy (every second of every day). Regardless, this isn't the first time we've seen Chelsea treat her mom rudely. Does she really want to model that (mis)behavior in front of Aubree? Be careful, Chels, unless you want Aubs treating *you* like an idiot.

TL;DR: Mary appears clueless because Chelsea doesn't clue her in and then blames Mary for that cluelessness.

But why does Chelsea "owe" her fans televising either of her weddings?  Weddings are (supposed) to be a special, private thing shared with your loved ones.  There's no requirement that they be a televised event for millions of people to witness.  She's not the Duchess, she's a reality TV star who seems like she's getting more and more over it with every season.  I'm willing to bet she doesn't re-sign for another so it's not like she's trying to keep the producers happy for another paycheck.  Honestly, I think the girl has shown us enough of her life over the years.  She's entitled to some privacy, now.

And that's a pretty big assumption about Mary simply not knowing it's not appropriate to tell Aubree that Cole is replacing her dad in front of her and the cameras because Chelsea didn't tell her.  I mean, it's common sense.  Mary seems more the type to have to be told something 2,533 times before it finally sinks in.

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9 hours ago, salvame said:

I think we ALL picked up on that one!  Would she even know how to fill in the answers??

This show is just getting so hard to watch - I want to bring every one of those kids to my house and just love the crap out of them!  I think if MTV goes forward with another "class" of 16 and pregnant, one of the show requirements should be that the "parents" take mandatory parenting classes.  I am sick and tired of these little people being turned into pawns for whatever power play the parents are working on.  Except for Aubree, the other kids seem to be full of so much angst and uncertainty.

Though Javi is certainly no saint, (remembering his jealousy scenes a couple of seasons ago) I can't help but think that he is driven by both immaturity and by things that occur off camera.  Kailyn is a messed up beatch, to be sure.  But he plays right into it and knows just what buttons to push.  That being said, if I was taking my kid for a week and Kailyn shoved a pile of clothes in my face without so much as a plastic bag to contain them, I would have literally dropped them on the floor and purchased a wardrobe for the kid to have at my house.  He would be sent back with whatever clothes he wore at the hand-off.  It would probably drive Kail nuckin' futs, as it would disarm at least one manipulative/humiliating weapon from her arsenal.  She needs to be shut down.  NOW.

Shit man, my kids spend one day a week with my in laws  and they have a full wardrobe for both of them! And they're not even spending the night!  Not to stick up for Kail again, but Javi really should have that for Lincoln at his house anyway.  And bonus points for being guaranteed to annoy Kail's control freak ass.

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16 minutes ago, lezlers said:

But why does Chelsea "owe" her fans televising either of her weddings?  Weddings are (supposed) to be a special, private thing shared with your loved ones.  There's no requirement that they be a televised event for millions of people to witness.  She's not the Duchess, she's a reality TV star who seems like she's getting more and more over it with every season.  I'm willing to bet she doesn't re-sign for another so it's not like she's trying to keep the producers happy for another paycheck.  Honestly, I think the girl has shown us enough of her life over the years.  She's entitled to some privacy, now.

I didn't say "owe" but "throw a bone." She's having/had two weddings. She can't have one be filmed?

16 minutes ago, lezlers said:

And that's a pretty big assumption about Mary simply not knowing it's not appropriate to tell Aubree that Cole is replacing her dad in front of her and the cameras because Chelsea didn't tell her.  I mean, it's common sense.  Mary seems more the type to have to be told something 2,533 times before it finally sinks in.

Not an assumption, but based on (a) Chelsea pushing the same thing, even if she's backpedaling now and (b) seeing Mary throughout the seasons try to say and ask things to Chelsea that she thinks would please Chelsea...but sorry, Mary! Chelsea flipped the script and didn't send you the memo.

And people elsewhere are going even harder than I am, theorizing Chelsea wasn't miffed her mom said that stuff but rather because it was *on camera*.

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14 hours ago, Chloecat said:

MY heart just breaks that one day little Roll will see that his Dad wanted to terminate his parental rights, that kid is already screwed but televising those texts is too much.

It's unthinkable. Being drunk is no excuse. What these kids will see when they're older is disgusting. I'm also not buying the drunk excuse because he was also texting about it the next morning. I believe he was really considering abandoning his son just like he abandoned his daughter who is being raised by her grandparents.

Chelsea is a bit bratty but she's always been more friend than daughter with both of her parents. If someone saw me interact with my mom sometimes they'd probably think I was being "rude" and "bitchy" and maybe so, but there's a long history there and lots of back story. It's not the first time I've asked her to please not bring up my college exes or my suicidal thoughts at age 16 at gatherings, it's the 50th or 100th or 1,000th. So it's not going to be rainbows and flowers and polite requests. Personally that's what I saw. This is definitely not the 1st, 3rd or even 20th time she's asked Mary not to call Cole Aubree's replacement dad in front of her. At some point they're both adults and Mary being older doesn't mean she doesn't have to adhere to her daughter's wishes for her own child. 

Edited by Lm2162
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On 3/13/2017 at 9:32 PM, druzy said:

I would watch a spin-off of Leah going to college and living on campus-lol 

That could be a semi-funny prime time comedy about a single mom going back to school after her divorce.  Hijinks ensue!

On 3/13/2017 at 9:40 PM, Christina87 said:

What the fuck does Kail have against civility? "Don't be nice for the cameras?" She must have a miserable life!


On 3/13/2017 at 9:48 PM, Miss Chevious said:

Kail won't even let Javi have a drink at their house? She lived with him, loved him, had a child with him and now she won't let his even have a glass of water! What a beast!

I think she's mad he outed her thirstiness.


Kail seems like a person who is so, so angry because she's been so, so hurt in the past.  She needs years of therapy.  As my fiance would say, she's someone to be sad at, not mad at.

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14 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Going way off topic here. Who is Amy? I noticed a Starbucks cup with that name on it on the table when Leah was calling the college to find out about registration.


Amy is the producer Leah was talking to in that scene.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

What is the over/under on how many times Karl walks off when she has to sit with Dr. Wimpy and watch her despicable behavior at the reunion. She is gross! If I had to describe Karl's face to someone. Picture someone mooning you and spreading their ass cheeks apart.

Can we also talk about how fucking rude she is when people come to her door?  She does it EVERY TIME.  She opens the door and then turns her back to the person and walks 10 paces ahead of them - not even engaging them in conversation or whatever.

This person has ZERO social graces. 

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Regarding the wedding, I agree Chelsea doesn't necessarily owe her fans a front row seat, but her overall storyline is boring as fuck. She sits on the couch and does baby talk with Cole-eee. It's just kind of ridiculous that she's collecting a 300k paycheck while the other girls do the heavy lifting. I'm not saying they should manufacture drama to make her more interesting, but you'd think she'd be willing to meet the producers halfway on certain things. 

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I'm guessing for Chelsea and Kail it is still September.  Javi mentioned Lincoln flying to Guatemala with his family on twitter back then.  Chelsea mentioned it was a week until their wedding.  Remember, for 3 episodes or more we were stuck on one day with Kail. 


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I don't think Chelsea wants to give up the fame or paycheck that TM2 affords her. The only stories that are compelling from a reality TV standpoint involve what a shitty parent Adam is (and sorry....totally boring to me).  And those hurt Aubree.  So she doesn't want to show "private" things and she doesn't want to produce drama (to her credit), maybe she should just bow out?

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I agree. The man left for deployment with a family and came home to an empty apartment (or wherever he moved to) and never got a chance to adjust to homelife after 6 months of being overseas. 

Putting myself in his shoes, if I left for deployment with my husband and children waving me off to only come home and Have my hubby ask me to hand over my keys, have visitation with my kids and discover another woman's shoes in my home my level of mental stability will be shaky. That's a lot to take in all at once when all you longed for during that deployment was to be with said family.

I know both of them were with other people during those 6 months but it was Kail that let Javi to believe she was doing stuff with both sexes so he had cart blanc to do the same. Actually, scratch all of that because I don't know exactly what went on. All I'm saying is that's a HUGE life change Javi just went through without being mentally prepared for it because fail strung him along making him think they were going to try and work on things. She had 6 months to get over him because she knew the day he left for deployment that she wanted to end things...she expects him to get over it and move on in a matter of days.

I think Javi is taking it pretty well given how Fail has screwed him over. He's hurt and angry. Rightfully angry. His newly ex-wife is already pregnant for goodness sake.

IDK. I have witnessed a few family members and friends go through a divorce and theirs are on par with many divorce proceedings where people feel hurt and betrayed. I'm not saying it's right of him to sneak in basements but, IDK, fail would make anyone lose their marbles the way she mindfucks people. What do men see in her? Gawd. Even when she's nice to people she sounds pushy, arrogant and entitled.

I've wondered that before, too. Clearly something we don't see. smh. Maybe Kail is more pleasant OFF camera, when not stressed by filming. Like maybe there's an appealing side of her that we don't get to see because the stress of filming brings out the worst in her. NOTE that APPEALING doesn't necessarily mean NICE or KIND, it just means APPEALING as in people are drawn to it, CHARMING or ENDEARING, if you will (again, has nothing to do with nice or being a good person). 

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2 hours ago, lezlers said:

But why does Chelsea "owe" her fans televising either of her weddings?  Weddings are (supposed) to be a special, private thing shared with your loved ones.  There's no requirement that they be a televised event for millions of people to witness.  She's not the Duchess, she's a reality TV star who seems like she's getting more and more over it with every season.  I'm willing to bet she doesn't re-sign for another so it's not like she's trying to keep the producers happy for another paycheck.  Honestly, I think the girl has shown us enough of her life over the years.  She's entitled to some privacy, now.

And that's a pretty big assumption about Mary simply not knowing it's not appropriate to tell Aubree that Cole is replacing her dad in front of her and the cameras because Chelsea didn't tell her.  I mean, it's common sense.  Mary seems more the type to have to be told something 2,533 times before it finally sinks in.

Because she signed up to be on a reality show and that's her job! I personally don't give a fuck about her wedding, so I don't care that she didn't let MTV film it, but when she decided to renew her TM2 contract w/MTV, the idea is that they're supposed to show viewers what's going on in their lives. For most ppl, getting married qualifies as a major life event. It's just the principal of the matter, for me. MTV pays Chelsea damn good money to share these "private" moments, so when she chooses not to let something that big be filmed, there's a sense that she's not fulfilling her end of the bargain. (She's far from the only TM2/OG girl I feel this way about, btw). These girls need to remember that they wouldn't have what they have, or be where they are, today, if it weren't for MTV and viewers. So, in a sense, I do feel like all these girls owe it to MTV and to viewers to share the big moments in their real lives. Viewers don't tune in to just watch these girls paint their nails. 

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2 hours ago, lezlers said:

Shit man, my kids spend one day a week with my in laws  and they have a full wardrobe for both of them! And they're not even spending the night!  Not to stick up for Kail again, but Javi really should have that for Lincoln at his house anyway.  And bonus points for being guaranteed to annoy Kail's control freak ass.

I agree that Javi should just buy clothes for Lincoln just because it would irk Kail-- however, if he has 50/50 custody, why isn't he entitled to some of his child's clothes? Why shouldn't he get some of the family luggage as it is marital property? Why is it incumbent on him to purchase everything to set up a new home, such as furniture, dishes, pots, linens, etc. when technically some of the property should go to him? This is where I have some sympathy for Javi, even though I'm not a big fan-- he came home from deployment and everything about his life changed-- Kail was already used to him being gone and did not have to change one thing about her living arrangements-- she was sitting in the marital home with all of the contents and refused Javi even a bag to put their son's clothes in-- shameful. 

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10 minutes ago, Adiba said:

I agree that Javi should just buy clothes for Lincoln just because it would irk Kail-- however, if he has 50/50 custody, why isn't he entitled to some of his child's clothes? Why shouldn't he get some of the family luggage as it is marital property? Why is it incumbent on him to purchase everything to set up a new home, such as furniture, dishes, pots, linens, etc. when technically some of the property should go to him? This is where I have some sympathy for Javi, even though I'm not a big fan-- he came home from deployment and everything about his life changed-- Kail was already used to him being gone and did not have to change one thing about her living arrangements-- she was sitting in the marital home with all of the contents and refused Javi even a bag to put their son's clothes in-- shameful. 

also, I would have thought of my *son*, wanting for him to know that he was going to go on an airplane trip with Dad...and here are his clothes and his things, here in his bag.

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Kail's kids don't come first no matter how much she howls. A true parent doesn't have to constantly put on a show or say a hundred times how they are the best parent, how their kids come first. You just do it by your actions. Look at Jenelle. She is constantly saying how she should have Jace, but she never shows any action that tells us how she is ready to have him. She cannot bother to get involved in his popcorn contest so how can she be ready to be a parent full-time? She knows Jace is in school full-time and she won't have to deal with him most of the day. Kail and Jenelle talk the talk but the bullshit walks.

19 minutes ago, Adiba said:

I agree that Javi should just buy clothes for Lincoln just because it would irk Kail-- however, if he has 50/50 custody, why isn't he entitled to some of his child's clothes? Why shouldn't he get some of the family luggage as it is marital property?

The timeline is prior to the finalization of the divorce. What we are watching is before division of property has happened. For all we know Javi likely asked for some of his son's items and received them. He might have also come to the conclusion that it is best he purchase items for his son so he can have it when he needs it rather than ask the Hulk to share with him. It is best sometimes for the other parent to just purchase items for their child so it is accessible. Javi is setting up his own household I would think he would want his own items rather than the ones Kail purchased to suit her own taste. We know she didn't care about what Javi liked.

I think we assume the girls are all receiving the same pay. If someone is not showing much of their lives, and they tell the producers upfront they are not going to share much of their lives, they are then informed their pay will be cut. If that is the case and they are fine with that by signing a new contract, it doesn't bother me.

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50 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I've wondered that before, too. Clearly something we don't see. smh. Maybe Kail is more pleasant OFF camera, when not stressed by filming. Like maybe there's an appealing side of her that we don't get to see because the stress of filming brings out the worst in her. NOTE that APPEALING doesn't necessarily mean NICE or KIND, it just means APPEALING as in people are drawn to it, CHARMING or ENDEARING, if you will (again, has nothing to do with nice or being a good person). 

She must be a tiger in the sack. Seriously. She certainly doesn't have looks or charm or great conversation or good humor, things a woman might have in her tool kit if she's on the hunt for a boyfriend/baby daddy/fuck buddy. Oh, god how I loathe her. Her surly "no" when Javi asked for a glass of water or a bag to put his kid's clothes in! This after her "I just want us to be civil" voiceover. Honey. That is not "being civil". She's done it time and again. When she wants someone gone, she wants them gone. Its as if she's saying "why are you even still alive?" Javi can't handle her. None of her marks can. She'd fold like a cheap card table if someone called her on her shit. 

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While I do think Javi is very immature, I do feel for him. We don't know what went on off camera, but on camera is all I need to see what a bitch Kail is.  She looks seriously nauseated by his presence. Unlike the other guys who came on this show for fame/money (David, Nathan, etc. I'm looking at you), I think Javi genuinely loved Kailyn. He was away on deployment for 6-7 months, and when he gets back he's not welcomed in his OWN house? Then when he wants a drink, a bag to put his sons clothes in, or to even step foot in his house she is a master bitch about it. If I were Javi , I probably would not be as calm as he is so I have to give him credit. Then when he says, "I'm Lincoln's father" she said, but I'm his mother and have been raising him while you were gone. THE GUY WAS ON DEPLOYMENT, you know, for a REAL job. I know she doesn't have to leave her house for her "job", but other people do. She really just disgusts me and her attitude and brattiness about filming is annoying and I really, really, really cannot wait for the day where this show ends and these girls are screwed.

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