Bluedog100 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 @emma65.....East Texan here, too. What part?? Link to comment
nexxie March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 Loved Eileen's comment about preferring to deal with someone like Rinna over someone who operates covertly - a dig at Vanderpump, who so very much deserves it. 19 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 53 minutes ago, dosodog said: But then she refused her private plane. I mean really. If you're going to invite people on another person's trip, then the least you can do is offer up your private plane. How rude. Oh Ericka. I'm sorry your mom was not the mom you wanted and that's why you are closed off and reserved. Yet you confuse me as you repeatedly stated how terrific and loving your grandparents were and that you were with them constantly as they were helping your mom out. I think you're what you want to be when it suits you. Rinna got everything she deserved from LVP. I for one enjoyed it. Master Manipulator indeed...if you're manipulating someone as needy as Rinna. I am having a hard time keeping up with Erika's history and quite frankly it is not very interesting. It seems she got an on-air apology from her mother and that is all that matters. I don't quite understand, guarded, reserved Erika closing off to Dorit and then opening up for the cameras. Of course then again I don't buy she is shy after watching the Erika Jayne persona. I can't decide if she is an enigma or a paradox or at the heart of it just a little phony. Here is an article from last year about Erika Girardi: 22 Link to comment
BusyOctober March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) Rinna's upper lip has become a separate being! I think the rest of her body is the host to this creature. Need proof? Look back at her smoothie scene; the upper lip unfurls to reeeach out & grapple with the straw then pull it in to drink the Xanax laced nectar! That upper lip looked like a slug or a caterpillar feeling its way toward food. It was like watching a PBS nature show. Creepy and fascinating at the same time. I got a little misty when Erica talked about her grandmother when they were in the bedroom. My GM also had Alzheimer's and passed away 7 years ago. She loved holding dolls and stuffed animals toward the end. Horrible horrid disease. The non-invite to Hong Kong was obviously scripted to get the big international trip checked off the Producers to-do list. If LVP wanted to really go to HK for her cause, maybe she'd ask Kyle, possibly Dorit since these women have been non-TV friends for a while. Period. No flippin' way she invites all of these shrews to go, especially newbie Eden. I could kind of see her inviting Rinna so she had someone to kick around and humiliate. And Rinna allows herself to be used that way for the sake of screen time. LVP may not tolerate cruelty to animals, but she gets such maniacal glee out of torturing humans who dare cross her or behave in any manner she deems unacceptable. I will say I'm excited to see HK and travel porn. I was there for several summers as a teenager when my dad lived there, but that was decades ago. I doubt I'll recognize much of what these ladies will see and do, but it was an amazing experience for me. Edited March 8, 2017 by BusyOctober spelling counts 13 Link to comment
WireWrap March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 hour ago, Kokapetl said: FFS Lisa, it's Erika's plane, and Erika can invite Eileen and Lisar if she wants. Don't be such an entitled bitch. I'd kill to see Lisa board the plane and be greeted by Yolanda. Enough with the fucking rosé. Seeing Kim's house makes it even more obvious that Kim films her interview segments in front of a green screen. It is Lisa's trip, not Erika's, who said "No" to the plane and No, you do not invite others on someone else's trip without their permission first. That said, this is a mandatory cast trip and of course Eileen/Rinna are expected to go as well. 21 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I don't know if this really makes any sense but it just goes to show nobody is going to put Eden in the corner: 2 Link to comment
Popular Post ghoulina March 8, 2017 Popular Post Share March 8, 2017 I think Erika may be my favorite at this point. Her music and performances do nothing for me, and I find her marriage weird and unrelatable. But as a person - just plain ol Erika from Georgia - I find her fascinating. I loved her hearing more about her background. And I especially appreciated that she is humble and insightful enough to realize her mother was just trying her best in raising her, and that they're able to have a loving relationship today. Seeing her family home and hearing about her grandparents - I just enjoyed it all. It's episodes like this one that just reiterate my claim that these shows were so much better when the individual lives of the women were the focus - with sparing group gatherings. I wasn't nearly as bored during this episode was I was when we have constant fights about alcoholism and lymes, etc. etc. Dorit is still grating. I think she sees herself as just really fabulous and likeable and can't figure out why Erika isn't drooling all over her. She's not deep enough to realize that how Erika interacts with her isn't about Dorit; it's about Erika. Not everyone is warm and effusive and outgoing. Erika is just a guarded person. Always has been and always will be. If you accept that about her and don't push it, just take your time, you may get to know her better. If you try to force things, she's going to put her walls up even higher. Saying crap like, "You've never complimented me before" certainly isn't going to help. What WAS that? Trying to make Erika out to be a real bitch, when that's not the case at all. And I see Dorit is trying out the long-hugging ala Eden. Just no. I did have to laugh when Erika just invited Eileen on LVP's trip without permission. Wrong, but incredibly funny. That whole situation was awkward, though. None of them handled it well when Eileen came over and it was obvious they were trying not to tell her what they were talking about. In the end, I think it was good of LVP to just invite everyone. It shows she cares more about her cause than petty fights. Although, I do think once she knows she has the upper hand, she pushes things a bit too hard - telling Rinna they need her on "all fours" for the documentary, making her remove her eyelashes. It's Rinna, and she's exhausted my patience this season, so I really don't care - but it says something about LVP as well. And Rinna is just pathetic for bowing down like that. I think what bothers me most about her is she's so wishy washy. One minute she's this adamant truth-teller, who just wants to be real and own it, criticism be damned! The next minute she's groveling at the feet of the other women and practically begging them to like her again. I think I would respect her more if she was just consistent in her behavior. Final thought - LVP, wear jeans and simple blouse every day. You slay it. 28 Link to comment
WireWrap March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: I don't know if this really makes any sense but it just goes to show nobody is going to put Eden in the corner: They titled that article to make it more dramatic than it was! LOL In other words, Rinna didn't think Eden would spill the details about what Rinna said to anyone and that meant they would/could only react to it/talk about it at the reunion. 9 Link to comment
Juliegirlj March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I loved Erika's casual look-why she insists on spackeling her makeup on so much is a mystery. Her mom seems lovely and doesn't fit with the tough, unnurturting scenario she described. Perhaps we are not seeing the entire picture. It was utterly pathetic that she had her mini glam squad in tow for a visit home. I had a giggle thinking of them holed up in some rinky dink country motel tapping their feet waiting to be beckoned! Dorit understands her place in the hierarchy with the women and sees Erika as competition for 3'rd bitch in charge after LVP and Kyle. She is frustrated that she hasn't been able to manipulate Erika. A new baby always gives me joy. Sweet that the whole family was there for the birth, but as a nurse it gives me a headache! Maybe now Kim will have something to do besides the show..... i was embarrassed for Kyle in that horrible dress. She will die a bit when she sees the episode! 5 Link to comment
Duke2801 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 This episode took me to Snoozeville. I actually like Erika but did not need an entire episode dedicated to her visiting her family home. I do concur that a Casual Erika is a much prettier Erika though. She looked downright gorgeous in that scene at the end of her and her mom at the gravesite. See, EJ, you don't need to set the makeup gun to "Clown" when you are not on the stage!?! Now, as for an au natural Rinna in her "making breakfast" scene? Cue the Amy Schumer "Girl You Don't Need Makeup" video. Cuz girl, you DO need makeup! That smoothie looked delicious though. Oh and I call absolute and utter BS that she was suffering from a "stomach flu." If you actually ARE the unfortunate victim of this malady, the LAST thing you actually think about doing is shopping (well next-to-last; sex probably takes the last position). I am a longtime Kyle fan, and have often defended her outfits - even when others have called her dumpy and fashion-impaired. But, Kyle, you're on your own with that strapless number you wore to your store opening. That was pretty bad. Much better when you put the jacket on top. Speaking of that store opening. It was bad enough the HW thrust this "Fat Jewish" upon us during that insipid dog wedding on RHoNY. But now Beverly Hills too? Stop trying to make TFJ happen, Bravo. 16 Link to comment
SCS March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 58 minutes ago, WireWrap said: It is Lisa's trip Unless Lady Pump is paying the full freight -- air fare, accommodations, eats and endlessly flowing spirits for all attendees including the camera crew, it's not her trip. 22 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said: Maybe now Kim will have something to do besides the show..... We can only hope. Unfortunately, I think we may be seeing Kim's storyline for next season: Watch Kim navigate the touching travails of first-time Nana-hood. Hilarity and hijinks ensue. 11 Link to comment
WireWrap March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 4 minutes ago, steelcitysister said: Unless Lady Pump is paying the full freight -- air fare, accommodations, eats and endlessly flowing spirits for all attendees including the camera crew, it's not her trip. We can only hope. Unfortunately, I think we may be seeing Kim's storyline for next season: Watch Kim navigate the touching travails of first-time Nana-hood. Hilarity and hijinks ensue. Yes, it is considered "her" trip, just as Mexico was considered "Kyle's" trip. LOL But they were production trips, as are most of the HWs trips but they are assigned to a single HW as the hostess. 11 Link to comment
thefog March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, ghoulina said: I did have to laugh when Erika just invited Eileen on LVP's trip without permission. Wrong, but incredibly funny. That whole situation was awkward, though. None of them handled it well when Eileen came over and it was obvious they were trying not to tell her what they were talking about. In the end, I think it was good of LVP to just invite everyone. It shows she cares more about her cause than petty fights. It's not LVP's trip - she isn't paying for it. It's a cast trip and no one needed her "permission". LVP is just coming off more and more desperate and just plain mean. Edited March 8, 2017 by escape 16 Link to comment
Slider March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 It's a two way street Kim and Kyle - if you don't want Rinna talking about you, don't talk about her! Also, I'm way over LVP and her high and mightyness. Get over yourself! That was beyond rude what she did to Rinna. Rinna was over last year and had made peace with her, and LVP is the one that brought up Dubai. Why drudge it up again?! In my imaginary life, Erika is my BFF. 9 Link to comment
kokapetl March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) Lisa's delight at being able to have Lisar do whatever she wants is really creepy. And how is the dog shelter going to work? They take dogs from the pound and dress them up in Vanderpump Pets apparel, so the dog will be free, but the accessories & wardrobe it comes with will cost money? Edited March 8, 2017 by Kokapetl 10 Link to comment
Cranky One March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said: The Fat Jewish was akin to your one family member that you avoid at all costs at family gatherings. 8 hours ago, princelina said: I did have one question about "The Fat Jewish" - why does he need two business partners in order to put pictures of himself with stupid hair on instagram? My nieces and nephews have figured out how to do that independently. He makes a lot of money posting his plagiarized pictures/jokes! Rinna's lip was truly horrifying and fascinating at the same time. I'm glad they throw in some non-drama episodes here and there. Breaks up the monotony. I did not pick up Erika's southern accent coming out. But then again, I live in MS where some people need subtitles when they talk! lol Edited March 8, 2017 by Cranky One 2 Link to comment
Jel March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 This episode made me like Erika more. Rinna removing her eyelashes was pathetic "pleaser" behavior. (If someone asked me to do that or told me to do that, I'd say no.) 6 Link to comment
Neeners March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I still don't know how I feel about Erika, because at this point she's got three personalities and she's moving into Sybil territory. That scene where she got her mother to say what a wonderful daughter she was, after slight prodding, was a little strange to me. And the need to bring the glam squad is strange. 13 Link to comment
kokapetl March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 hour ago, zoeysmom said: I don't know if this really makes any sense but it just goes to show nobody is going to put Eden in the corner: Lisa is so humble! Quote "But you know I think everybody they should be thankful to join a reality show that’s a hit reality show is a luxury… it’s a luxury, really, for some of these new girls to come in and the show’s a hit show.” 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 Every year and every franchise they try and come up with some new twist or reason for a trip and often there are RH who are not on speaking terms. This I am hosting a trip really had its genesis when the Countess was the hostess in Morocco. Now it is just a way to avoid breaking the fourth wall and to get commentary on why they do or do not want to go. It sounds a little less rehearsed than, "oh looky at our calendars, we are all going to be in Paris at the same time." These time slots are blocked out weeks in advance so everyone is available to go. I think LVP is doing a good job of moving on with Rinna and Rinna loves being the center of attention so why not give her a scene with LVP? It might have gone a different way if LVP had agreed with Rinna when she said she is, "nauseous", I would agree Rinna is nauseous but perhaps she meant "nauseated". . LVP didn't have the lashes in her hand when she and Rinna hugged. It was just like the airplane thing with Erika, reminds the viewers Erika has a G4 and then we get to see her use it later in the episode. Maybe I thought I was hearing things but did Rinna tell Kim she loved her. . . again? Oh no, just don't go there. 10 minutes ago, Kokapetl said: Lisa is so humble! I actually agree with LVP it is luxury to join a hit show instead of a shit show. 17 minutes ago, Jel said: This episode made me like Erika more. Rinna removing her eyelashes was pathetic "pleaser" behavior. (If someone asked me to do that or told me to do that, I'd say no.) Not nearly as pathetic as her table dance. I actually thought Rinna looked pretty good with her natural lashes. 12 Link to comment
ghoulina March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said: I loved Erika's casual look-why she insists on spackeling her makeup on so much is a mystery. Her mom seems lovely and doesn't fit with the tough, unnurturting scenario she described. Perhaps we are not seeing the entire picture. I think it's possible her mother changed. When Erika was young, her mother was also young - having her at only 18. She raised her without Erika's father and seemed to have struggled quite a bit, and also had a rough dating life. So I can see her being very harsh on her daughter, just trying to get by and having little patience for "drama". Once she was older and done raising her daughter, she may have taken a step back and made some changes in her life. Or she may have just had a sense of relief now that she wasn't shouldering that responsibility anymore. She may have had some more time for herself and that helped her to find some peace. She may have just gotten older and they grew together in ways they couldn't relate when her mother was a young woman trying to raise a kid on her own. 41 minutes ago, escape said: It's not LVP's trip - she isn't paying for it. It's a cast trip and no one needed her "permission". LVP is just coming off more and more desperate and just plain mean. I don't personally know WHO'S paying for it, but it sounds like she has a legit reason to go there. It's not just a "let's go to ____!" vacation. She would be going there with or without the show, since this is part of her work to stop the Yulin dog festival. These women HAVE gone on trips without certain cast members before. There have been times when people couldn't come, and times when certain people just weren't invited. It's no unheard of. Again, I'm not privy to the particulars of this trip, so I'll just go by what I'm shown - which was LVP taking a trip to Hong Kong as part of a cause she supports, and inviting others along. 22 Link to comment
jaync March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 Is Kyle going to have a party every week? Bummed that we didn't see any of Erika's mom's play. Quote Erika and her mom together was really sweet and it sure explains a lot about Erika's sometimes coldness when dealing with other people. Does it, though? The correlation was lost on me. Erika vowed that she would never be like her mother, yet she had her own child as a teen, and seemingly left him as a toddler, which is pretty damn weaksauce. I just don't buy that Erika's aloofness stems totally from her mother, and that living on the opposite coast with Tom for the past couple of decades hasn't somehow shaped her attitude. Erika: My grandmother suffered for ten years. Glamsquad member: Was it a long sickness? LVP hustling those eyelashes away from Rinna was hilarious. Quote She is frustrated that she hasn't been able to manipulate Erika. I don't see that Dorit has manipulated anyone. At this point, it seems she's genuinely getting along and having fun with all the other ladies, and she's wanting the same with Erika. That said, she probably shouldn't try so hard/push the issue any further. Too bad Monty didn't live long enough to see his grandbaby. 18 Link to comment
SCS March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 hour ago, WireWrap said: Yes, it is considered "her" trip, just as Mexico was considered "Kyle's" trip. LOL But they were production trips, as are most of the HWs trips but they are assigned to a single HW as the hostess. Right. It's not her trip, it's "her" trip. LOL. And as the "hostess" assigned to "her" trip, I imagine she's got her marching orders as to "attendees" LOL. 1 hour ago, escape said: It's not LVP's trip - she isn't paying for it. It's a cast trip and no one needed her "permission". LVP is just coming off more and more desperate and just plain mean. And what escape said. 5 Link to comment
stacyasp March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 5 hours ago, Snappy said: As I saw that I thought "Holy Hell!" She looks like a muppet. There is nothing subtle, or natural about Rinna. Anything for attention. And she seems to be able to drink with a straw on the side of her mouth 1 Link to comment
Popular Post snarts March 8, 2017 Popular Post Share March 8, 2017 Quote Does anyone appreciate Dorit? I find her to be a pretentious, vapid, insufferable shell of a person. Am I alone in this? Am I missing something? I like her. I enjoy watching her with her kids and I adore her fashion sense. She seems to get along well with Kyle & LVP. Her reading of the Rinna, Eden, Kim situation was spot on. Not sure why Erika seems to have such an issue with her. I can see being reserved but, from the previews, she's downright antagonistic. Now that Erika & Kyle have become closer, I thought the old battle lines had been demolished. Let's put it this way, I'd much rather see Dorit than Eileen. Eilieen, to me, has become so boring, all she does is support Rinna. 27 Link to comment
Drumpf1737 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 6 hours ago, dosodog said: But then she refused her private plane. I mean really. I mean really how dare she deny someone she doesn't care for use of her airplane. Whew what a snob. Fuck Lisa Vanderpump. There was a time I really liked her but she is a manipulative, stealth bitch. She's been after Erika since she came on the show and she hates it that Erika won't bow to her crown. Quote The correlation was lost on me. Erika vowed that she would never be like her mother, yet she had her own child as a teen, and seemingly left him as a toddler Erika's son is in his 20's and she's 45 that's not a teen mom. I never heard anything about her leaving him as a toddler. I thought she said she worked a lot so she left him with sitters/daycare. Anyone else remember? Quote Not sure why Erika seems to have such an issue with her. I can see being reserved but, from the previews, she's downright antagonistic. Telling Dorit she's beautiful is having an issue with her and being antagonistic? I would be guarded around someone who views my being honest and direct as antagonistic. Dorit is a nosy, con artist who's upset Erika is more savvy and discerning than most and didn't immediately spill her guts. Fuck Dorit and her fake accents. Edited March 8, 2017 by Drumpf1737 12 Link to comment
Popular Post jaync March 8, 2017 Popular Post Share March 8, 2017 Quote I guess I just jive with Erika's personality,... Which one? 25 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 x 9 minutes ago, jaync said: Which one? This is the internet winner today. I think there is a lot of revisionist history going on out there when it comes to Erika being always so cool and calm: I can think of at least three times she was in someone's face last season with her voice raised and fingers pointed. 7 Link to comment
nexxie March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 hour ago, escape said: It's not LVP's trip - she isn't paying for it. It's a cast trip and no one needed her "permission". LVP is just coming off more and more desperate and just plain mean. True. Pink Pump is petty, jealous and nasty - and her carefully curated life is about covering that up. The only thing heavier than her imaginary crown is her actual mask, which is slipping a bit more with every episode. 8 Link to comment
SweetieDarling March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 11 hours ago, mbaywife123 said: Rinna reminds me of Mrs. Doubtfire on about volume setting 3 with her forced "Heeellooo". I'm always reminded of the episode of Seinfeld where he's dating the woman with noisy stomach grumbles that make it sound like her belly is saying "Helloooooo" 1 Link to comment
ghoulina March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 40 minutes ago, snarts said: Not sure why Erika seems to have such an issue with her. I can see being reserved but, from the previews, she's downright antagonistic. IMO, Dorit has been the one who's been antagonistic. Bringing her the panties after the wardrobe snafu at the white party was just really childish and nasty, IMO. I think, if anything, that caused Erika with be even MORE guarded when it comes to Dorit. Then she throws out shit like, "You've never complimented me before" - which is clearly not true. I think Dorit just doesn't get Erika's personality and is taking it as a personal affront, and almost retaliating...when nothing has really been done to her. 36 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said: Interesting take on Dorit. I can see how you'd feel that way. I guess I just jive with Erika's personality, so I generally view her with favoritism. EXCEPT for pantygate. Have we SEEN her videos?! Her camel toe? Some of the stuff she wears? That is a dress that she had to jump off of a building to get into (naked, mind you) and then she's horrified that someone commented that they could see her junk? I don't get that. Like, Dorit did say it perfectly, "you're going to put it out there on a platter...." and so on. I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing when, where, and how to show certain parts of yourself. While I wouldn't be cool with either, I can see a difference between being scantily clad on a stage or music video and having your bare parts shown in an intimate social setting. But I also don't think the wardrobe malfunction itself was what upset Erika so much. I think it was more so that instead of quietly letting her know, the girls proceeded to talk about it and laugh and make it a big thing and Dorit brought her panties, as if correcting her "bad" behavior. THEY made it into a much bigger thing than it needed to be, IMO. 22 Link to comment
Natalie68 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 13 hours ago, farmgal4 said: I love Erika, and I have so much in common with her family life before stardom. Lisa Rinna needs to leave her top lip alone. In her opening scene at home making/drinking the smoothie, her upper lip looked ridiculous. I can't believe she even allowed them to film her looking like that. She reminded me of Janice from the Muppets. NOT a good look. 1 Link to comment
Natalie68 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 10 hours ago, Dutchgirl said: Man, what a snoozer of an episode. Kyle should never wear that silver dress again. Ever. I knew it wasn't the most flattering but this photo really highlights that. Ill fitting sausage casing. 5 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 49 minutes ago, ghoulina said: IMO, Dorit has been the one who's been antagonistic. Bringing her the panties after the wardrobe snafu at the white party was just really childish and nasty, IMO. I think, if anything, that caused Erika with be even MORE guarded when it comes to Dorit. Then she throws out shit like, "You've never complimented me before" - which is clearly not true. I think Dorit just doesn't get Erika's personality and is taking it as a personal affront, and almost retaliating...when nothing has really been done to her. I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing when, where, and how to show certain parts of yourself. While I wouldn't be cool with either, I can see a difference between being scantily clad on a stage or music video and having your bare parts shown in an intimate social setting. But I also don't think the wardrobe malfunction itself was what upset Erika so much. I think it was more so that instead of quietly letting her know, the girls proceeded to talk about it and laugh and make it a big thing and Dorit brought her panties, as if correcting her "bad" behavior. THEY made it into a much bigger thing than it needed to be, IMO. Erika was pretty nonplussed with Dorit since before Pantygate. She made the stupid, "you were born in Connecticut," comment and told the Brits and Dorit she didn't like their sense of humor. Dorit is a bit of a steamroller and these shows don't get made with thoughts in the RHs heads. Erika tends not to listen so some of her comments are out of sync and she then tries to backtrack. Erika has kind of gone after Dorit on a couple of occasions. The compliment thing was bad-she could have had the same effect with, "a rare compliment from Erika Jayne." The main thing Dorit has working against her is she just uses way too many words to get her point across. So to a non-listener like Erika Dorit just compounds the situation when she drones on. The weird speech affectation is also difficult to work around. Erika was embarrassed as she had pretty much pissed on LVP, Dorit, Ken and PK with her comments about their collective sense of humor and how it offended her. How humiliating to find out she became the butt of the joke that evening with her flashing. To quote Olivia de Havilland line from FEUD, "Feuds are not never about hate. They are about pain." Erika has Eileen and Rinna to thank for the constant rehashing. Dorit and Erika were done after the escape room exercise. So Erika needs to look in the direction of Eileen and Rinna. Edited March 8, 2017 by zoeysmom 11 Link to comment
Natalie68 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 4 hours ago, zoeysmom said: I am having a hard time keeping up with Erika's history and quite frankly it is not very interesting. It seems she got an on-air apology from her mother and that is all that matters. I don't quite understand, guarded, reserved Erika closing off to Dorit and then opening up for the cameras. Of course then again I don't buy she is shy after watching the Erika Jayne persona. I can't decide if she is an enigma or a paradox or at the heart of it just a little phony. Here is an article from last year about Erika Girardi: I actually understand this. Work Natalie is much more open and gregarious than real life Natalie. Its part of my job. But put me in a party situation where I am not working and I stick to my close friends and am a bit more reserved UNLESS I know everyone well. 7 Link to comment
MaggieG March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I really liked Erika in GA. She is definitely becoming my favorite. I agree that Kyle's dress did her no favors and Lisa's lip was horrendous! Can't wait for the Hong Kong vacation porn! 3 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I'm actually starting to like Erika, but for some reason I didn't feel anything, no sympathy and no empathy, when she talked about her grandma. My grandma, that I lived with for a couple of years in my teens, passed away last year (basically on my birthday, I think it was 12:30am the day after my birthday) after an almost 2 decades long battle with Alzheimer's. When she no longer knew who anyone was or where she was we put her in an assisted living facility for people with Alzheimer's. She was there for just over 10 years. She had long since forgotten how to walk and speak and couldn't even remember how to eat. She was a dried up husk when she died and in no way resembled the vibrant woman I knew and had been so close to. I can't think about it without tears at least trying to form. Yet I felt absolutely nothing when Erika talked about having almost the exact same experience. I have no idea why. I do not like Lisa Rinna and was excited and eagerly awaiting her take down over the last few weeks and actually a bit disappointed because I wanted more blood, but I felt sorry for her in the scene with LVP. I'm starting to see Rinna as being really pathetic. It seems like if you'd ask her to she'd eat a shit sandwich with a giant smile on her face, tell you how good it was, and ask for another. (well except the eating part) 5 Link to comment
bosawks March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 I bet that french fry serving size is considered the extra large in Beverly Hills. They probably use a new potato and say each serving contains a whole potato. 11 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 10 hours ago, Dutchgirl said: Man, what a snoozer of an episode. Kyle should never wear that silver dress again. Ever. Trash Talk TV recap: He used the same photo you did and titled the garment, "Kyle's Goal Weight Dress." Actually I think these recaps are better when the episodes are a little slow. A lot more of the subtle nuances are brought out. This was a particularly good recap. 4 Link to comment
zulualpha March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 2 hours ago, Kokapetl said: Lisa's delight at being able to have Lisar do whatever she wants is really creepy. And how is the dog shelter going to work? They take dogs from the pound and dress them up in Vanderpump Pets apparel, so the dog will be free, but the accessories & wardrobe it comes with will cost money? LVP said that they are taking dogs from a kill shelter and bringing them to her "life style" shelter. With all the merch they showed it looks like it will be a shop and a shelter where people can interact with the dogs, hopefully adopting them. The merch sales should help the shelter be self sustaining. To me LVP's honesty is refreshing. She's not going to magically get over the attack from Rinna, Eileen and to a certain extent Kyle that occurred in Dubai last year. That obviously took a toll on LVP and imo was not deserved. Rinna has some well deserved payback coming her way imo. Also clearly this is not the first time Rinna has had to admit wrongdoing and fall on her sword. She has the script down pat. LVP is also defending Eden on a regular basis and I admire her for that as well. Eden isn't the most popular but she didn't deserve the ass chewing Kim gave her or the comment from Kim "Eden makes my skin crawl". Glass houses Kim. 1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said: I mean really how dare she deny someone she doesn't care for use of her airplane. Whew what a snob. Fuck Lisa Vanderpump. There was a time I really liked her but she is a manipulative, stealth bitch. She's been after Erika since she came on the show and she hates it that Erika won't bow to her crown. It's not Erika's plane. Not sure it's even her husband's plane but in any event she has to ask permission from Tom before she can use it. Obviously she was told no for this trip. I have never seen anyone on this show bow to LVP's crown. Quite the contrary she's the constant target of newbie's and wannabe's that come on the show and target her to get attention. YMMV. 19 Link to comment
WireWrap March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 3 hours ago, escape said: It's not LVP's trip - she isn't paying for it. It's a cast trip and no one needed her "permission". LVP is just coming off more and more desperate and just plain mean. It ia her trip as it was scheduled to coincide with her scheduled trip there to protest the Yulin Dog Festival. 2 hours ago, steelcitysister said: Right. It's not her trip, it's "her" trip. LOL. And as the "hostess" assigned to "her" trip, I imagine she's got her marching orders as to "attendees" LOL. And what escape said. This is no different than Erika's trip to Greece. It was a trip that each HW already had planned and production decided to include it on the show. With Erika, only Kyle was free to attend but with Lisa, all of the others had open schedules at the time, so all went. But, this was an event that Lisa was already going to, HW show or not. 4 Link to comment
Drumpf1737 March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 30 minutes ago, zulualpha said: It's not Erika's plane. Then Lisa Vanderpump shouldn't invite herself to use it, if it's not even Erika's to give. Edited March 8, 2017 by Drumpf1737 4 Link to comment
Jamie Satyr March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 1 minute ago, Drumpf1737 said: Then Lisa Vanderpump shouldn't invite herself to use it, if it's not even Erika's to give. I doubt a private plane could make it to HONG KONG! For a Trans-Pacific or Atlantic destination, I want something a little bulkier around me! That little jet of Erika's can go down and be lost much too easily IMO! ;-) 5 Link to comment
zoeysmom March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 (edited) 20 minutes ago, WireWrap said: It ia her trip as it was scheduled to coincide with her scheduled trip there to protest the Yulin Dog Festival. This is no different than Erika's trip to Greece. It was a trip that each HW already had planned and production decided to include it on the show. With Erika, only Kyle was free to attend but with Lisa, all of the others had open schedules at the time, so all went. But, this was an event that Lisa was already going to, HW show or not. The Hong Kong trip was planned in advance according to Kyle, so the idea a day or so before take off they would use the Girardi plane was a joke and just a bantering opportunity for LVP and Erika. Not sure if a G4 has the fuel capacity to fly from LA to Hong Kong without out of route fuel stops. I am not sure if Kyle was the only one who could go to Greece, but they needed Kyle or someone to be there to film it. Otherwise production would have just used local footage for the Erika segment. To make it work for the show there needed to be another RH for Erika to bounce off. Kyle said she flew to Greece with the production crew. It is better if these women not be on other continents during filming. Edited March 8, 2017 by zoeysmom 10 Link to comment
snarts March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 Quote Telling Dorit she's beautiful is having an issue with her and being antagonistic? I would be guarded around someone who views my being honest and direct as antagonistic. Dorit is a nosy, con artist who's upset Erika is more savvy and discerning than most and didn't immediately spill her guts. Fuck Dorit and her fake accents. No, I referred to the preview, where Erika tells Dorit off after a seemingly innocuous question. Nothing Dorit has done warrants that venom. Unless, of course, Ms. NoFucks is still holding onto that grudge about pantygate. Then she can join Eileen on her pity party bus. 12 Link to comment
Jamie Satyr March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 3 minutes ago, snarts said: No, I referred to the preview, where Erika tells Dorit off after a seemingly innocuous question. Nothing Dorit has done warrants that venom. Unless, of course, Ms. NoFucks is still holding onto that grudge about pantygate. Then she can join Eileen on her pity party bus. Going around talking about Erika like that, then exacerbating the situation actually buying her underwear would have offended me! I'd tell the b!tch off too! ;-) 11 Link to comment
AndySmith March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 Quote where Erika tells Dorit off after a seemingly innocuous question Dorit whining about how everyone else in the group loves her and opens up to her and Ericka doesn't and why don't you Ericka why why why YOU MUST LOVE ME!!! Like, shut the fuck up, Dorit. Geez. 17 Link to comment
KungFuBunny March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 15 hours ago, mbaywife123 said: Heck, LisaR would allow someone to film her butt hole if she gets paid/airtime. Wait…isn’t that what the plastic surgeon sewed in under her nose?? I think she is being paid to show her ass 12 Link to comment
WireWrap March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 17 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said: Then Lisa Vanderpump shouldn't invite herself to use it, if it's not even Erika's to give. She wasn't serious! That plane isn't built for crossing oceans/long flights. 13 Link to comment
Giselle March 8, 2017 Share March 8, 2017 15 hours ago, PumpkinPK said: I can't get over the little serving dishes at Kyle's party that each contain 5 or so french fries. Made me laugh. Darling those fries weren't served for eating, they were handed around for sniffing. Fat and calories don't go over very well in Beverly Hills. Sniffing a French fry with ketchup keeps you with in your allotted daily caloric intake of 150 calories. Zero carbs and calories... Fabulous! 6 Link to comment
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