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S02.E15: Exodus


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There is an upcoming episode entitled ace reporter that has something to do with Kara being a reporter so either she gets hired back at Catco or she finds some other way to do journalism. 

I actually really enjoyed this episode. It was miles better than last week. There was good action and pacing and I liked that Kara/Alex moment near the end. 

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 7

I know I was supposed to be overwhelmed by all the feels between Jeremiah/Alex, Maggie/Alex, Lena/Kara and most importantly Kara/Mon El, I couldn't shut off my brain:

  1. When Snapper refused to publish the story, why didn't Kara go to James to overrule him?
  2. Why didn't Alex let the DEO know where they were keeping the prisoners so they could help?  It would have been too late to stop her by then.
  3. When the alien ship was taking off with hundreds of aliens, why didn't Alex ask any of the aliens if they knew how to fly the alien ship?
  4. Why was Snapper not fired for not publishing a huge story that was proved true?
  5. What Catco resources?  Kara blogged from home and she did it only after Snapper refused to publish it.

So now all Kara needs is her ability to help people and Mon El?  Gag me.  Also, what is she going to use for money, charge people for saving them?

I did like Brian being all cheering the kiss but I'm watching to mock now.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 8

Looks like this is the end of CatCo, officially. At least James got to be useful for like three seconds this week. Poor Mehcad. Although, what resources was she using? She sent it from her laptop at home, right? Are journalists at CatCo not allowed to blog or have a Twitter? Also, if Snapper is such an awesome journalist, he should have been able to tell that Supergirl is Kara. I know that's a big part of the Superman mythos, but come on. She's right there Mr. Investigative Reporter!

Winn and his girlfriend are super cute, but I was disappointed that she was captured so easily. We saw her throw around like three guys a few episodes ago. Still, I hope we get more of them.

Lena is awesome. But Kara could be a little more tactful when talking about Cadmus with her. That's got to be a touchy subject.

Am I horrible because I laughed at the test MM played on Alex? Maybe that was dickish, but he was totally right about Alex. At least its not the blind trust we saw last week.

I actually did like this episode a lot more than the last few weeks. There was also a lot less Mon-El. Coincidence?

  • Love 8

So, Mon-el was only in a quarter of the episode-and actually wasn't a dickhead when he was

It was nice to see Alex and Maggie in action together-it's actually been a while since we've seen that.

Kara got fired, huh? That can't be the last we see of Catco. For all of Snapper's grumpiness, pretty much every criticism he's had about Kara and how she does things is spot on. 

Kara really should stop doing interviews as Supergirl. They haven't turned out well...

Edited by StarBrand
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, dippydee said:

How the heck did this episode not end with a Danvers sisters scene?!?! Come on now!

Because this season, it's all about Mon-El/Kara scenes. Didn't you get the memo? 

In all seriousness, I liked the episode, but I wanted to like it more. I mean, it was an Alex centered episode and I liked that she got to be badass again, but I didn't think J'onn was wrong in suspending her from the case. 

Mon-El played the perfect role in saying some funny stuff and supporting Kara, and not having his own storyline that overtakes the episode. Again, Chris Wood is a great actor and Mon-El truly has his moments where I genuinely really like him. 

Mehcad got...something to do, I guess? I didn't mind James this episode, at least. His friendship with Winn is good, AND he refrained from talking about Guardian, even if he was Guardian for 2.5 seconds. So....progress? Until he disappeared until the end of the episode, of course. With CatCo being gone (for now, but could be back later down the road), that's one more reason for James to leave. He's really only here now to be Winn's friend and help take down the simple bad guy when the DEO has more pressing villains to take down. 

Oh hey, Kara/Lena shipper moment. Ok, I'm going to be genuinely sad when Lena disappears for whatever reason. She truly is a fantastic character and I do love her friendship with Kara. It's hard not to ship to some extent. 

Ok, so Jeremiah got shot by Hank Henshaw but then we didn't see him nor hear from him for the rest of the episode. I assume Alex and Kara brought him back to the DEO to get checked out? Or I just totally missed the explanation, which is possible since I did go for a bathroom break around the commercials.

Some interesting lines from Snapper Carr but once more, I was mostly on his side so I didn't mind him firing Kara. I guess I have to accept that Kara is supposed to be this great reporter. I just wish we were shown it more so I could believe that this is the only career path for her. I did like her comparison of Supergirl and Kara in relation to herself. Cliche, maybe, but it resonated with me. 

And oh look, the previews for the next episode. More Mon-El, and a totally unsurprising turn of events. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, so Jeremiah got shot by Hank Henshaw but then we didn't see him nor hear from him for the rest of the episode. I assume Alex and Kara brought him back to the DEO to get checked out? Or I just totally missed the explanation, which is possible since I did go for a bathroom break around the commercials.

I thought so, too; but J'onn's line near the end ("We'll get him back" - I think) made it seem like he's missing again.

  • Love 2

Oy. Very "Ripped From The Headlines" this week. I won't elaborate my thoughts on that. And I'm on Snapper's side, which is something you're not supposed to say about a total curmudgeon. If you're in that line of work, there are rules that have to be followed. If he had tried to set Kara on fire, not only would I not have blamed him, but I'm sure Cat would have approved.

I know Supergirl is . . . well . . . Supergirl . . . but pushing on a ship really, really, REALLY hard to keep it from going Voyager? So if there's a deadly meteor storm, would she push the Earth out of the way?

Hi, James! I know he couldn't have saved Kara. Dunno what his purpose is, aside from giving the thumbs-up to Winn when he's with Lyra. I'm thinking she's going to bite his head off when they consummate. Or impregnate him.

Can't blame Alex for going off quarter-cocked. Also can't blame J'onn for testing her. I mean, he could have read her mind, but that wouldn't have been fun to watch.

I thought that about Supergirl carrying Lena. Way to stoke the flames, show!

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Trini said:

I thought so, too; but J'onn's line near the end ("We'll get him back" - I think) made it seem like he's missing again.

Ah. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Hopefully the season doesn't end with Jeremiah sacrificing himself for Kara and Alex. I'd much rather two parents actually live and Jeremiah can just leave town after being rescued and come back occasionally when he's needed. Now THAT would be a twist if Jeremiah didn't actually die and was saved. 

  • Love 1

Damn, this episode was goooooooood. It's definitely it's gotta be in the top 5 for this season. It had like quadruple the number of twists a normal episode would have and the emotion was so much more on point than last week (I acknowledge that there were some writing fails but I'm willing to overlook them when the shows his on the emotional cylinders the way it did tonight). Can’t lie, I would SO watch a spinoff where Alex and a bunch of aliens show up on a random planet and are like “…hmmmm”…. But oh my goodness, y’all, Kara and Alex. KARA AND ALEX! I legitimately got choked up when Kara’s love for Alex prevented a huge fucking spaceship from jumping to lightspeed. Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh sold the SHIT out of that scene (yes, it was cheesy, but it’s the kind of cheesy this show has always done well). Kara is coming back with Alex or she’s not coming back at all. Sniff. My HEART. I guess it's Alex's turn to fly into space to save Kara next...they throw that ball around like a hot potato. ;) That said, I can’t believe we didn’t get a scene with Kara and Alex after that. I would trade both Maggie and Mon-El in the last 5 minutes for a sister scene.

Where else to start? CL continues to slay this season, because I also choked up at her and J’onn’s scene there at the end. J’onn is so her Space Dad (I love that he has such different relationships with her and Kara—it really is so paternal). The show really is so much better when it focuses on the core Kara/Alex/J'onn trio. Also, when he tested Alex at the start, J’onn showed more brains in 2 minutes than the WHOLE cast did in ALL of last episode, so well done, J'onn! I agree he wasn't wrong in pulling Alex off duty, but I do think he should have seen it coming that locking her out entirely would just make Alex go rogue. CL and Dean Cain also played well off each other during their big showdown, and it now seems most certain that Jeremiah is sacrificing himself heroically at the end of the season. I kind of don’t buy that Alex wouldn’t be maniacally like “GOTTA FIND DAD!!!!11” now that he’s a confirmed Good Guy, but, you know. That’s the trouble with guest stars and needing to save stuff for the finale, I guess.

I’m actually glad the show ditched Kara’s reporter job, just because it gives her SOME movement on the Kara Danvers front that seems like it might spur actual character growth. I do wonder if her “It’s enough to be Supergirl and have you” to Mon-El is the show getting meta and acknowledging that they’re just dropping Kara Danvers, professional woman, which would be too bad—I do think the show loses something when it’s all Supergirl/DEO, all the time. That said, I also wonder if this is the show cutting bait with the reporter job because they realized it wasn’t working. I hope so—I’m still not buying that reporter is Kara’s ~calling, mostly because there are other places she can do the same work if she really wants to (and tbh if she feels that strongly about it she should be more upset than she is now about losing the job). Even if it’s the writers doing damage control/spin, I’d be okay with Kara having a realization that reporting was NOT her calling, and trying to figure out what is.

Special round of applause for the action in this ep. I LOVED the action scene in the bar—it was the best action set piece this show has done in a long, LONG time. Alex taking down various guards at Cadmus was also badass, and she might be emotional, but boy she also comes with bombs that can wreak some serious havoc. (And can I just say that I liked that Alex wasn't a total dummy and waltzed right in with no insurance? Alex is highly emotional and follows her heart and takes huge risks, but Alex is also not stupid and is relatively self-aware, so she knows that she can't just charge in headfirst blindly.) Apparently some guy named Michael Allowitz directed this ep, and all I can say is COME BACK SOON, because the action was really, really excellent tonight.

Now see, Mon-El is okay for me when he’s not sucking up all the screentime that ought to go to other characters, when he services Kara’s story and not vice versa, and when he’s not being a dickhead. Why can’t the show do this with him more often? I’d be like 80% more okay with him if the show treated him like this more consistently. Not a coincidence that the best episode in a while was light on Mon-El.

I liked Evil Assistant—didn’t see that swerve coming—and taser-wielding Lena. Evil Assistant is a fun chess piece they can play with later if they want.

A few nitpicks: Maggie in one scene is like “Ride or die, I’m with you!” and in the next she’s like “yeah, I totally understand, you gotta go take on Cadmus singlehandedly, I’m not going with you or calling your superpowered sister for backup or going to the DEO, I guess I'm going home and painting my nails.” Riiiiiiiiiiight. That was super contrived--no way would Maggie just let Alex go alone and tell no one and not at least follow herself. The ep also felt a little tonally dissonant early on, though that smoothed over by the end. And my left arm for a Kara and Alex scene at the end instead of the sisters with their partners, so they can talk about their massive love and really unpack all the shit Jeremiah swirled up in between and in them. Still, those are relatively minor in the scheme of things (well...sister scene aside).

Paula Yoo & Eric Carrasco wrote this week, while Caitlin Parrish & Derek Simon wrote last week’s execrable episode. I think we know who the A-team is. Night and day from last week.

But seriously, this was a very good episode.


Ok, so Jeremiah got shot by Hank Henshaw but then we didn't see him nor hear from him for the rest of the episode. I assume Alex and Kara brought him back to the DEO to get checked out? Or I just totally missed the explanation, which is possible since I did go for a bathroom break around the commercials.

No, I'm pretty sure Cadmus re-kidnapped Jeremiah.

That reminds me--Cadmus MUST know that Kara Danvers is Supergirl, they can't be that stupid, so why haven't they outed her just to make her life difficult?

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 13

It was a big step up from last weeks episode.

Alex has been an emotional roller coaster this season. It seems like everything they could throw at her, they have.

They really like to do this whole "Aliens! They are just like us!" thing but we never really see them IN public, around other people. They are always isolate them to just the bar or being around other aliens.

I feel like they really need to introduce Mercy Graves, I dont see them using her anymore in the films so might as well bring her to Supergirl.

Kara saving Alex and co. was a GREAT emotional scene, which kind of makes me wish that she failed or there was some fallout from this just to pack the necessary punch to make it even better. Seeing the King and Queen show up, it would've been a bit better if maybe they had Kara lose the ship only for it to come into contact with the mother ship.

They are seriously (im not surprised) ignoring the fact that James is in charge of Catco? He is the Cat technically right now. Where was he when Kara got fired? Seems like a bad thing to overlook but I really feel like they need to choose between Catco or DEO. They cant really do justice to both so choose one to focus on. And instead of Kara uploading her article to the internet and it SUDDENLY being MAJOR popular even though she is a total NOBODY, why not have her pass the info along to Clark or Lois? Two people who are big in the news world? Or even, and I know how they dont want to do dopples on this show, show us Iris' dopple or Lindas dopple on the news breaking the news.

I do not like how relationship heavy this show has gotten. Everyone had to be reunited with their bfs/gfs in the end while the people who are single (coincidentally the two black men) are nowhere to be seen. I was hoping to see James show up at Karas door instead of Mon-El. James has lost his place in the show since they decided he wasnt boyfriend material they need to start rebuilding his friendship with Kara if they plan on keeping him around.

And I see that they are giving Teri the Calista treatment though not as extreme.

  • Love 8

I don't mind the show cutting ties with Catco.  In fact, I like the idea.  Kara as a reporter felt like she was just copying another part of her cousin's life.  If she has to follow in anyone's footsteps, then why not Alex's?  We see Kara at the DEO more than Catco anyway so why not make her a full time agent?   

How do you guys feel about the show's political messages?  Are they bordering on preachy?

Was that Kevin Sorbo and Teri Hatcher at the end? 

I will miss Kara being at Catco. It was a part of her life that's different from the others. Now what she's got is working wit the EP (fighting) or saving the world (fighting).

Yes it was Dylan Hunt and Lois Lane at the end.

16 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Winn when he's with Lyra. I'm thinking she's going to bite his head off when they consummate. Or impregnate him.

I thought from the last episode they already had consummated. Multiple times.

20 minutes ago, StarBrand said:

And if Kara happened to be silly enough to do her blogging on a work laptop designated to her by Catco, then, yeah, she was using Catco resources...

She research an article for Catco but Snapper rejected it and refused to publish it.  Does that mean she has to garbage it and never use the information in any other form? How would they know what computer she blogged from?  She sent it from her home.

  • Love 1

How do you guys feel about the show's political messages?  Are they bordering on preachy?

I don't mind the show tackling things that parallel or reflect real life issues but it can get a bit preachy and they sometimes reference real political stuff in the dialogue in a way that just feels cringeworthy. 

Edited by Oreo2234
14 minutes ago, maczero said:

How do you guys feel about the show's political messages?  Are they bordering on preachy?

This show has never been very subtle in their political messages (see Cat Grants many speeches on feminism), but this story line has REALLY turned things up on the preachy scale. I half expected the message to actually start blinking on the screen, or they would have Kara or Alex suddenly break the fourth wall, and directly address the audience, like "See what we`re doing here audience? Do you see the parallels? Do you guys get it? We have a power point...". That being said, at least they actually HAVE a point to make. Much better than the recent Very Special Episode on gun violence Arrow just did. Yeah, the show where violence is the answer 89% of the time did an episode abut gun registration. And their big message? "Guns...are a thing." Very profound, Arrow.

  • Love 9

So CatCo has no purpose anymore. No Cat, no Kara, and James is a waste of space. So I guess that set won't be used at all, they'll get rid of it. Kara will be employed by DEO.

Mon-El was great trying to calm things down. 

Loved seeing Lena. Great action scenes and plot. Good episode.

Next week will be interesting. I wasn't expecting Teri to be Queen of Daxom.  I really hope Dean Cain is on next week too.

  • Love 3

Hey, James is alive after all!  Granted, he still didn't do much except beat one person, and mainly react to Winn and Lyra, but hey, it's a start! Still the easiest paycheck for Mehcad Brooks, I suspect.

 Sure enough, Jeremiah wasn't fully "bad", but being forced to work for Lillian and Cadmus.  Heck, he even talked her down from killing all the aliens and just deporting them, so he basically stopped Lillian from being Hitler to being.... Donald Trump, I guess?  I guess Hank only just injured him and he is back in Cadmus' clutches!

I guess I'm suppose to find it a big deal that Kara got fired from Catco, but I could care less.  Despite her claims, it felt like she was doing her job half-assed, and cared less about journalism and more about pushing her own agenda.  Snapper might have been a dick, but he was pretty much right a lot of times, and she wasn't cut out for this.  All that said, I still don't get the structure here, because isn't James the actual boss.  If she really wanted to, couldn't she have just gone to him instead.  And even if Snapper canned her, couldn't James overrule him?  Whatever.  Her time at Catco is no more, and now she can concentrate on what is actually important to her and what she is actually good at.

Hey, Mon-El was actually used well!  Again, I like Chris Wood and the character in general isn't the problem, but it was how the writers were practically making hime a co-lead.

Chyler Leigh was the MVP of this episode.  A lot of great scenes with Alex and Maggie, Kara, and J'onn.

I really hope they don't kill or turn Lyla evil.  Tamzin Merchant is so much fun in this role.

Big tease for the next episode with the introduction of Alien Teri Hatcher and Alien Kevin Sorbo!  Previews already tease who they will be, but I'm curious to see how they shake things up.

Finally, Lena!!  Always great seeing her, even if I felt like Katie McGrath was struggling a bit with her American accent in her first scene, that it brought back Merlin flashbacks.  Still, she's awesome, and I liked her helping out.  I wonder if she'll ever find out about her assistant though.  If she ever does, then I have a feeling Lena could be pretty scary!

Definitely a solid bounce back from last week.  Again, this show can certainly be great, it just needs to not be its own worst enemy sometimes.

  • Love 4

- Better show. Better.

- Less is more with Mon-El

- Hi Lena (and Lillian)! Welcome back!


I wonder if she'll ever find out about her assistant though.  If she ever does, then I have a feeling Lena could be pretty scary!

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree with Lena when it comes to feeling wronged. I have a feeling that assistant will regret helping her mother.

- J'onn's methods were questionable but he was 100% to doubt Alex. Also, is that the last we'll see of Dean Cain?

- Catco is gone then? Snapper, you decided not to publish the story. Why your boss James isn't questioning your journalistic instinct over this will remain a mystery I guess.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I know I was supposed to be overwhelmed by all the feels between Jeremiah/Alex, Maggie/Alex, Lena/Kara and most importantly Kara/Mon El, I couldn't shut off my brain:

  1. When Snapper refused to publish the story, why didn't Kara go to James to overrule him?
  2. Why didn't Alex let the DEO know where they were keeping the prisoners so they could help?  It would have been too late to stop her by then.
  3. When the alien ship was taking off with hundreds of aliens, why didn't Alex ask any of the aliens if they knew how to fly the alien ship?
  4. Why was Snapper not fired for not publishing a huge story that was proved true?
  5. What Catco resources?  Kara blogged from home and she did it only after Snapper refused to publish it.

So now all Kara needs is her ability to help people and Mon El?  Gag me.  Also, what is she going to use for money, charge people for saving them?

I did like Brian being all cheering the kiss but I'm watching to mock now.

As to 4, Snapper's point is true: Kara didn't practice journalism up to his standards. She relied on Supergirl as the single source for a huge story where Supergirl was being squirrelly about how she knew what she knew. If the show cared about Kara-as-journalist, they could have had her use potential access to numerous sources to flesh things out: Maggie Sawyer, the families/neighbors of the dozen aliens who had been kidnapped, any alien-centric ACLU equivalent, Lena and Luthorcorp records, other non-black ops government officials/agencies, etc etc. Kara could have told Snapper in confidence that her sister is a FBI agent (or whatever her cover is) and that she got some of the info from her.

Adding to your list:

6. Mindreader J'onn needs to resort to the ruse of pretending to be Jeremiah to tell if Alex is compromised.

7. When she gets a lead on their father and when the alien ship is taking off, Alex doesn't call Kara as her first option either just out of sisterly love, because she needs/wants the backup or what have you. 

8. The rest of the DEO was apparently doing f-all to find Cadmus. They literally know where each of the aliens is that Cadmus might be going after since they have the registry.

9. Mon-El says he's going to warn the alien dive bar (it apparently doesn't have a name?) about the Cadmus threat. And a few scenes later, Cadmus strikes at the alien dive bar. Did he not bother to warn the customers? Or did they just blow Mon-El's warnings off?

10. Cadmus depending on aliens falling for the old crack-in-the-taillight trick. And them falling for it with like no question!!!

11. Kara gets journalism advice from Mon-El and not (even putting aside James being the boss) 1. Clark 2. Alex 3. Wynn 4. Pretty much literally everyone else.

12. J'onn not only welcomes Alex back, but gives her an apology, and not the other way around.

13. The rando mooks idea of not hurting Lena is knocking her off a balcony. (Although it was worth it for the shipper moment of Kara carrying her.)

14. Kara doesn't go to Jimmy to get her job back, or to commiserate about losing it.

15. Supergirl doesn't just go to whatever other paper or media outlets and give them the story that Snapper rejected.

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Looks like this is the end of CatCo, officially. At least James got to be useful for like three seconds this week. Poor Mehcad. Although, what resources was she using? She sent it from her laptop at home, right? Are journalists at CatCo not allowed to blog or have a Twitter? Also, if Snapper is such an awesome journalist, he should have been able to tell that Supergirl is Kara. I know that's a big part of the Superman mythos, but come on. She's right there Mr. Investigative Reporter!

Snapper reasonably assumed that Kara was researching this story on Catco time and using sources she developed as a Catco employee.

Snapper referred to Kara having a contract. Presumably that contract limits what journalistic activities a Catco employee can do. Even if the contract didn't spell it out, I would assume that for being grossly insubordinate, Snapper would be entitled to fire her.

  • Love 7

The general public of National City knows Supergirl's face really well but has no idea who Kara Danvers is, so I wouldn't expect the majority of them to make the connection any more than the people of Metropolis and Superman/Clark. Yet it makes no practical sense that Cat, Snapper, Max Lord or Lena, all of who are or have been close to in one way or another to Kara can't recognize her as Supergirl. It doesn't really bother me, I have been part of the comic book fan base far too long for that, but I still like to come up with some sort of explanation for my own sake. I have long since held the belief that pretty much everyone but the bad guys (and a few of them too, obviously) actually knows and just doesn't say anything.

I knew Kara was strong but damn, applying enough counter force to keep the ship from moving until its engines overheat? That's impressive. I'm not sure whether that or picking up Fort Rozz last season required more strength. 

How did James get out of the bar and into his Guardian suit (which was where, exactly?) so quickly? Not that he had enough of an impact on this story for this to really be that important a question.

All the Kara/Lena shippers (of which I am one I must admit) should have a field day with the catching scene. I can't wait for the gifs.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 3

I actually don't mind Catco being pushed aside.  Or James for that matter.  Its not that I don't like either of them, its just I'd rather see them gone than used half-assed over and over again.  

Snapper was right to fire Kara.  Couldn't she just become a freelance journalist?  That's a thing, right?  It would give her more freedom and allow her to publish what she wants.

I know J'onn can mindread but wouldn't Alex have to be thinking "I'd help my dad if he asked." for that to be effective?  I don't blame him for testing her the way he did.  I was annoyed though that he apologized to her in the end - he wasn't wrong - Alex was.

And Chyler really owned that ass-kicking-in-the-cell scene.  Jesus that was intense.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I know I was supposed to be overwhelmed by all the feels between Jeremiah/Alex, Maggie/Alex, Lena/Kara and most importantly Kara/Mon El, I couldn't shut off my brain:

  1. When Snapper refused to publish the story, why didn't Kara go to James to overrule him?
  2. Why didn't Alex let the DEO know where they were keeping the prisoners so they could help?  It would have been too late to stop her by then.
  3. When the alien ship was taking off with hundreds of aliens, why didn't Alex ask any of the aliens if they knew how to fly the alien ship?
  4. Why was Snapper not fired for not publishing a huge story that was proved true?
  5. What Catco resources?  Kara blogged from home and she did it only after Snapper refused to publish it.

So now all Kara needs is her ability to help people and Mon El?  Gag me.  Also, what is she going to use for money, charge people for saving them?

I did like Brian being all cheering the kiss but I'm watching to mock now.

This show has done a terrible job of explaining what journalism is and the importance of it. Snapper kept hammering at Kara about getting sources, but I don't get a strong sense Kara knows what multiple sources were for this story or any story. In particular it seems like Jeremiah stole, not copied, the alien registry. So the DEO had no way to contact the rest of the aliens. Was Kara's article going to be the only mechanism for warning aliens? That's dumb.

Besides the bar, there must be other alien friendly businesses. Couldn't the DEO let them know to warn their customers. It just seemed like the story momentum stalled at the DEO. They could have been warning charities that help aliens. 

It also seems like they've abandoned the FBI cover for the DEO, but they're still some super secret agency? What badges are they flashing when they investigate things? What about Maggie? Does the National City PD known that she's their liason to the DEO? How was Kara's article going to explain how Cadmus got the registry? 

I'm choosing to believe that Kara posted her story on XO Jane and that's the reason people paid attention to it.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

13. The rando mooks idea of not hurting Lena is knocking her off a balcony. (Although it was worth it for the shipper moment of Kara carrying her.)

It was an accident. Lena fled to the balcony, she got knocked over in the struggle, when she fell over, the two mooks were like "Oh shit!" like they messed up.

"One misattributed quote and you put a fascist in the White House!"

Dang. The show is not messing around.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How come no one notices the scar about Kara/Supergirl's left eye and puts two and two together with the fact that they are both the same height and both blonde.  The glasses do not hide that scar.

Very few people would have been in Supergirl's presence long enough to get a close look at her face, let alone also have the chance to observe Kara. Most of those are already in the know. 

1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

This show has done a terrible job of explaining what journalism is and the importance of it. Snapper kept hammering at Kara about getting sources, but I don't get a strong sense Kara knows what multiple sources were for this story or any story. In particular it seems like Jeremiah stole, not copied, the alien registry. So the DEO had no way to contact the rest of the aliens. Was Kara's article going to be the only mechanism for warning aliens? That's dumb.

Besides the bar, there must be other alien friendly businesses. Couldn't the DEO let them know to warn their customers. It just seemed like the story momentum stalled at the DEO. They could have been warning charities that help aliens. 

It also seems like they've abandoned the FBI cover for the DEO, but they're still some super secret agency? What badges are they flashing when they investigate things? What about Maggie? Does the National City PD known that she's their liason to the DEO? How was Kara's article going to explain how Cadmus got the registry? 

I'm choosing to believe that Kara posted her story on XO Jane and that's the reason people paid attention to it.

I actually think the show, and this particular episode, did a pretty good explanation as to what journalism is and why it's so important. In this episode, Snapper spells out that a mistaken, poorly sourced story and Tru...I mean, the wrong person gets elected.

It's not Snapper's fault that the writers are not invested enough in making Kara actually interested in journalism that they don't have her learn a darn thing from his lectures.

Even if we are to pretend that Jeremiah's hacking device plus shooting up the computer somehow prevented the DEO having the registry in full, one would think there would be a) backups of this important database somewhere b) some information in hard copy form c) some information in the personal memories of DEO agents.

The trouble again is if you team up an organization like the DEO and Supergirl, there should be literally no place bad guys could hide. Cadmus struck three times that we saw in this episode: Two where Officer Friendly tried to pull the tailight trick with a half-dozen Cadmus minions nearby and the alien dive bar. Fair enough that the DEO and Supergirl didn't know about either of Officer Not-so-friendly's antics. But where literally Alex and Winn present at Dive Bar, there's no reason that they didn't call in the attack soon enough for Supergirl to search or for the DEO to deploy its surveillance by satellites/traffic cams/etc.

And to have Cadmus operating out of a LuthorCorp facility? How incompetent does the DEO have to be that they didn't check every single LuthorCorp facility for signs that they were being used by Lillian and Cadmus? 

8 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

It was an accident. Lena fled to the balcony, she got knocked over in the struggle, when she fell over, the two mooks were like "Oh shit!" like they messed up.

"One misattributed quote and you put a fascist in the White House!"

Dang. The show is not messing around.

I was being somewhat sarcastic. Still, the notion that the minions were in a position to knock Lena over the railing is some straight-up incompetence.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

9. Mon-El says he's going to warn the alien dive bar (it apparently doesn't have a name?) about the Cadmus threat. And a few scenes later, Cadmus strikes at the alien dive bar. Did he not bother to warn the customers? Or did they just blow Mon-El's warnings off?

The "secret" dive bar has been compromised at least twice now. Time for a new hangout?

3 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Imagine if Kara hadn't been there to save Lena, those guys would have had to go back and explain what happened to Lillian.

Mook: "CRAP. She is a LUTHOR -- she will literally kill us!"

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Imagine if Kara hadn't been there to save Lena, those guys would have had to go back and explain what happened to Lillian.

So true! Really, she did them a big favor.


The "secret" dive bar has been compromised at least twice now. Time for a new hangout?

Ironically, didn't Maggie initially describe it as a "safe space" way back in 2x03? I am amazed anyone goes there anymore, given that it's clearly no longer safe. That could be an interesting thing to explore if the show wanted to (which it will never, I recognize).

AVClub gave the episode a vaunted A, by the way. Only 2x01 had previous gotten an A, though several episodes came close (I would've given Human For A Day and Falling As, myself.)

  • Love 1

They're not a secret - Supergirls world has openly turned into Casablanca. If you're running away from something - come to earth. It's a third world backwater, but it's not involved in galactic politics, it has electricity, running water, and absolutely no way of stopping you from just landing and walking into the nearest city.

That said.. Winn's girlfriend learned english off-world. .. What? Is there places offering to inject any language in the galaxy directly into your brain out there or what?

Edited by Izeinwinter
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A couple other random thoughts/nitpicks:

Why doesn't Supergirl tweet and/or have a web site? @realSupergirl: I have reason to believe Cadmus is attempting to kidnap aliens. Stay safe! Failing @catcomedia won't run story. Sad!

I wish Jeremiah's motivation was more complex than "Cadmus threatened my girls so I have to do their bidding." Even if one of them wasn't Supergirl, how does it make sense that empowering Cadmus to kill numerous humans and aliens is worth the lives of two people? I know it's TV but I would love it if someone did the moral math and say "It sucks that you're going to try to hurt or kill my girls, but I'm not going to participate in your hurting and killing thousands more."

I too demand a Dean Cain/Teri Hatcher reunion. It wouldn't be bad if they could squeeze Lucy Lawless/Kevin Sorbo as well.

How did Cadmus make the time to re-kidnap Jeremiah amidst everything that was going on? Why didn't "Supergirl" show this and not just tell it?

So Cadmus organizes a deportation force. But it involves a huge friggin' spaceship. Makes me be like, "What a waste!" Think of all the knowledge to be gained from using the space ship. And apparently it was going to literally dump the people off at Whatever Planet and then return. Which again doesn't make so much with the sense, because the people being deported aren't presumably forced off the ship in any way and can just make the return trip.

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I thought Snapper did a good job of explaining the importance of journalism tonight. Unfortunately for me, it was too little too late. We've seen Kara the newly promoted journalist barely report the news and James the Pulitzer prize winning photojournalist and editor and CEO of CatCo Worldwide Media shirk his duties so he punch muggers and bankrobbers in alleys.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

No but I do believe he was in the running for Dean Cains role for Superman.

Really? REALLY?!? I can't imagine. I mean, I'm guessing he had shorter hair and was less buff before he became Hercules.

As somebody who watched too much GI Joe, I would've been happy with Jeremiah-as-bad guy until the finale, and then he'd turn the tables and reveal that having Cadmus run amok was part of the plan. Duke's plan, that is. Okay, it would be J'onn's here, but he'd have to be knocked into another coma first.

I really liked this episode, but, honestly, I think it would have been better if Kara hadn't been able to stop the ship.  I love Alex, but she was being reckless this episode, and it's not like this is the first time.  If anyone should have been getting a speech about the difference between being right and being lucky, it's her.  And, as much as I appreciate Maggie's "ride or die" attitude, J'onn was clearly the one actually looking out for her well-being, so it kind of sucks that he was the one who had to apologize.I have somewhat mixed feelings about Kara getting fired.  On the one hand, it's been pretty clear that the show has zero interest in writing that aspect of her story, so it's probably for the best that they stop pretending otherwise so that I can stop getting my hopes up.  On the other hand, without that, Kara's only story this season is her relationship with Mon El, which is just so many layers of depressing I don't even know where to start*.  

Also, as far as getting the story out, I'm surprised Supergirl can't just call a press conference or something.  An official Supergirl twitter feed could have been good, too.  Either way, she shouldn't be submitting it as a piece of investigative journalism when it's basically a personal press release.

5 hours ago, maczero said:

How do you guys feel about the show's political messages?  Are they bordering on preachy?

Personally, I don't mind it.  Like, there are several aspects that I don't think have been done particularly well, but I tend to be in the camp that believes comic book characters, by their nature, can't be apolitical.  

* For the record, though, if I had to start somewhere, the part where she said that she doesn't need to be who she is now that she has a boyfriend was really kind of gross, and it's sad that only having one really gross relationship thing is such a vast improvement over the past two episodes with them.

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8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why was Snapper not fired for not publishing a huge story that was proved true?

Hindsight is 20/20.  Just because it turned out to be true, doesn't mean it should have been published.  9 times out of 10, a poorly sourced story might not have been true.  Actually, even one untrue story is too much-the magazine would lose all credibility.

8 hours ago, StarBrand said:

For all of Snapper's grumpiness, pretty much every criticism he's had about Kara and how she does things is spot on. 

Agreed.  I thought for a moment that Lena might somehow be the 2nd source.

Didn't Kara get fired for nothing, though?  Didn't she publish her blog directly before Alex found Cadmus' location, so no aaliens were actually saved?

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, so Jeremiah got shot by Hank Henshaw but then we didn't see him nor hear from him for the rest of the episode. I assume Alex and Kara brought him back to the DEO to get checked out?


8 hours ago, Trini said:

I thought so, too; but J'onn's line near the end ("We'll get him back" - I think) made it seem like he's missing again.

Cadmus should really kill Jeremiah-they clearly can't trust him.  I was also hoping that he would punch Lillian, but I guess the visuals on that would have been bad, and Alex didn't have the time.  I know J'onn said that he couldn't get to the Luthor facility in time to stop the spaceship, but couldn't he have gone to try and round up Lillian and her henchmen?

8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I kind of don’t buy that Alex wouldn’t be maniacally like “GOTTA FIND DAD!!!!11” now that he’s a confirmed Good Guy, but, you know. That’s the trouble with guest stars and needing to save stuff for the finale, I guess.

Yeah, they should be tracking them down. Can't Supergirl concentrate on listening for Jeremiah's heartbeat or something?  If they took off in a vehicle, aren't there some kind of tracks that only she can see?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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