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S07.E13: Cake Therapy

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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I just re-watched it and you are correct, so I apologize for my mistake. But I think I know why Lisa said that, she was referring to the cameras filming the Rinna/Eden conversation so "It was out there already", it was on film for all to see/hear. You never hear any HW on any HW show across the entire franchise mention the cameras during filming, maybe in their THs and the reunion, but never when they are in the midst of filming the regular season.

Oh, I agree that Lisa was alluding to the cameras.  No need to apologize.  I had to watch it several times, because I felt like I was missing something that caused Kyle to turn on LVP the way she did.  It was such a bizarre reaction to what seemed like an innocent comment. Had LVP been referring to the arrest, Kyle's reaction would have made sense.  But, all she did was back up what Eden was saying. 

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Thisssss.  All day long. And twice on Sunday. When it comes to Kim vs. Rinna, I'm on nobody's side.  They can both go kick rocks as far as I'm concerned.

Kim R. does crack me up though. She apparently doesn't subscribe to the school of thought: "don't start none, won't be none."  She looooves to start shit, and then get mortally offended by what the other person says back in retaliation ("think of my children... think of my UNBORN grandchild!!").  Girl, bye.  Your children know you're a hot mess (see: Dr. Phil interview). While it was tacky as hell of Rinna bringing up her arrest at game night, it was like saying water is wet.  EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS.  It's not some deeply-guarded family secret. 

I'm thinking producer intervention.  Or, that person who is their "handler" so to speak (heee maybe I'm just giddy with anticipations of The Americans coming back on next week).  Somebody with access to the footage had to have alerted Rinna that yea, she actually did say what she said. 

Either that, or she really was just outright lying in Mexico.  Maybe she did remember saying what she said to Eden, but forgot that the cameras were rolling at the time.  And thought she could get away with it. 

In any case, yeah, she comes out looking like a turd.  Oh well!

And yet, she still vehemently denies that she "said anything" about Harry Hamlin.  So those apologies had to have been 100% sincere, right?  (my answer: wrong)

This! Especially the bolded. I know this is false hope but let this finally be over so we never have to see Kim again.

I was with Erika "I'm going to be an alcoholic by the time this is over."

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50 minutes ago, Cranky One said:

The Golden Girls these women are not!

Forget the dessert party...the highlight (besides Bambi in the pool with her tennis ball) was Ken all hunched over trying to read the paperwork in front of him at the space they were looking at. I was waiting for him to topple over!

I thought I saw him moving his lips, trying to sound out the words?

I am going to go buy a real cheesecake and share it with my dog, who is NOT a Bambi, but has a better personality and better behaved that this bunch of fucking vultures.

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32 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Also, why did no one (Kim? Lisa?) point out that Rinna has apologized to Kim multiple times and tacitly conceded closure before immediately reversing ("I love you" to "I will fuck you up"; making amends on Game Night then proceeding to fantasize about Kim's death). Why should this be any different?

Carnie Wilson was irritating as fuck. And as someone who finds addiction and mental health narrative compelling (rooting for Jules Wainstein), this show has literally metamorphosed into Celebrity Rehab. 

I was waiting for Dr Phil, Dr Drew, Dr Kervorkian and Dr Perper to come out and chat with the group.

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Technically Lisa Rinna didn’t really “own” saying those things because she is still sticking to the I don’t remember plot.  These things she can’t remember saying happened after Game Night  - it’s a miracle how she can’t recall what she said but knows exactly when she went into a fugue state.

Dorit asked Lisa Rinna what exactly did Kim do at Game Night to drive you to say those horrible things. When Lisa Rinna snapped back snottily, what Dorit you don’t remember? I was saying to Rinna . girl bye! You should not be showing “disbelief” at another person in terms of “memory” while still shoving down our throats that you don’t remember EnablerGate.

In Mexico, when Ericka went to Rinna’s room and kept telling her to stick to the facts….I have a feeling Ericka knew she said those things to Eden not because Rinna confessed to Ericka that she did but because in many convesrations they’ve had off camera, Rinna probably has said these things to Eileen and Ericka most likely each time Kim was in the news i.e. appearing on Dr. Phil, disappearing from Brooke’s wedding, being arrested at the hotel, being held at Target.

Kim’s still an asshole.

Kyle’s snap at LVP to pick a lane. I believe Kyle and LVP had a discussion prior to this party on taking “them” down and Kyle thought they had the same agenda.  Kyle wanted to take Eden down and forgive Rinna (her fuck you to Kim for remaining friends with Brandi Grossville), and LVP wanted to take Rinna down and adopt Eden (LVP likes broken things)

As for Lisa gloating…I thought it was DEElicious….Bwahahahaha


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I liked Eileen tonight.  She did a good job of being both supportive of Rinna and somewhat realistic about Kim and her opinion of Kim's sobriety.  I like when people give a specific example.  Hers of only seeing Kim not sober Poker Night was a pretty cool thing to say.  It is what she has lived with Kim and Kim was plenty nasty to Eileen on several occasions.

13 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Kyle has really been letting the mask slip this season and I'm actually beginning to believe that she's actually a much better actress and more of a Machiavellic (TM Camille) mastermind than LVP could ever hope to be as well as suspect that she has herself never let go of the feud between the two of them. 

The hissing last night was such a jarring loss of the composure and discipline that Kyle managed to adopt vis-a-vis her onscreen persona after the lovely conduct to which she treated viewers at the original Game Night. Aside from being completely illogical, it was also rather ironic considering the neutrality and equivocation in which she herself has indulged with respect to conflicts between Kim and the rest of the cast over the years. 

It has often - rather unaccountably imo - been said that Lisa was not a ride or die friend to Kyle despite aggressively and kind of stupidly defending her for much of the first two seasons while Kyle fantasized about how predatory Lisa was. But why isn't Lisa entitled to voice an opinion that differs from Kim's, especially when she wasn't even vilifying Kim? 

This reminds me of how Kyle participated in the encouragement of Dorit and then started physically grabbing her when Eileen began the Game Night pile-on. 

The funny thing about last season was that Kyle was seen as a member of Team LVP when she actually just nimbly seconded LVP's guilt and watched her get shit slung at her all while keeping her own hands clean AND managing to do a Saint of the Year act by not actively maligning Lisa. 

Kyle certainly got off the fence in this episode.  I saw some growth in Kyle, when she reminded her sister her comments about Harry came off as her implying something about him.  And it carried some weight.  I thought she also handled her conversation with Eileen well.

I was expecting some blow back from LVP over the "pick a lane", and LVP doesn't deem it necessary to discuss.  Andy showed the clip on WWHL and it ended with the pick a lane comment and LVP chose to address the bigger picture. At this point in the show, Kyle and Kim had both been fairly patient with Eden and her intrusions and a direct assault in front of most of the group (sans LVP) at Harry's BBQ.  Kim is definitely fed up with Eden.  Kyle and rightfully so, is holding Eden accountable for her words.  She as gone after Kim one on one with most of the cast. 

I see growth in the relationship between Kyle and LVP.  LVP is abandoning the strict ride or die nonsense.  Kyle is able to appreciate LVP's feelings of vindication without going overboard.  Last season, no one would listen to Kyle and her feelings about LVP and Yolanda Munchausen situation.  She was bright enough to observe there was a rift between the two and defended LVP when appropriate. 

Eden to me, has some unrealistic expectations of people when it comes to the loss of her sister and father.  Huge events in her life but not every death, overdose, or addiction gives someone the right to interject themselves in another's life.  To me there are far more differences than similarities between the Sassoon sisters and the Richards sisters.  Since it was known to the Richards what Catya died from, I think it would have been up to them to ask Eden for her input.  Upon meeting Eden, Kim immediately expressed her condolences to Eden.  Maybe Eden wanted to discuss it and felt offended that Kim didn't inquire more?  Maybe Kim felt as if she would not want her privacy invaded and didn't ask anything more of Eden? Eden certainly made herself available, instead she just came on with expectations that damn it she was going to insert herself.

Most of the cast respects Erika's "guarded" personality, I am just not sure why they can't respect Kim's approach to recovery. 

It is amazing to me that Eden has zero introspection.  After promising not to live tweet during the episode, because she is going live today (not sure where) she tweeted this:

"Catya A #life taken BY#addiction.  Kim and Kyle just toss HER around as if it is always about them. #HURTS SHE is #dead my #sister #RHOBH"

Drunk or sober there is no reasoning with Eden.  She just doesn't get life.  Her own mother has tried to talk her off the ledge and she won't walk to safer ground.

Kim Richards tweeted she actually got up and left during the episode.  (I am assuming during filming.) She also indicated there was a lot more said.  I wonder if Bravo will do a Dinner Party From Hell, special edition out of it.

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I think animal rights is an admirable fight. However LVP might want to mention that China has a bit of a problem with women's rights and freedom of the press. The citizens of that country might have some issues fighting against Yulin since they only decriminalized homosexuality like, last Friday.

Passion for one issue does not indicate a lack of concern for others (and Lisa is an advocate for other causes). Everyone can't do everything at once -- and I say that as a person who has given it a good try (and also ultimately made animal welfare a top priority among the rest).

Ken's crying made me cry even though I hid my eyes from whatever images they were showing, however unclear they may have been in screen-on-screen format. Ugh, I just can't even.  

While I thought that, all things considered, it was a fairly impressive move for Rinna to admit her shit, when she then said that a sober person doesn't act like that, I wished Kim had said, "Does a sober person bust up a wine glass on a restaurant table over some vague-ass husband nonsense?"



Vyle: "Pick a lane" (hissed to LVP)= enabling her sister. 

It really doesn't.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 minute ago, rags said:

Kim R. was really ranting on twitter last night.  She really needs to stay away from social media & off TV.

Twatter is nothing more than driving by someone's house, with the windows rolled down in the car and screaming at the top of your lungs.

The neighbors get a show and laugh at you.

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31 minutes ago, rags said:

Kim R. was really ranting on twitter last night.  She really needs to stay away from social media & off TV.

Kyle suggested Kim write a blog or live tweet and after asking what live tweeting was, Kim decided on the latter.  I am glad she is putting her feelings out there.  It shows she is actually watching the episodes this year.  Kim has said part of her recovery is standing up for herself.  I guess I like it better than Kyle doing it on her behalf.

Edited by zoeysmom
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This fucken show is the Seinfeld of the 2000s, it's about NOTHING, I mean NOTHING at all. It's all who said what to who and when, rinse and repeat. I cannot believe they are rehashing things that happened 2 and 3 seasons ago. I don't give a rats ass about 90% of what of what they are saying because it hurts my brain to have to go back in mind several years ago to remember who said what, when they said it, what tone they used,  what the event immediately before and after it was. This show is like cotton candy. It's pretty and yummy, but it melts into nothing in my mind after it's gone. THe things I enjoyed from the episode were:

  • Kyle's dog in the pool
  • Carnie Wilson's sad Sara Lee cheesecakes. They looked horrible
  • THe sad blue bunny Rinna gave Kim. It looked like one of those cheap easter basket things

I get that Kim is excited about having a grandchild, but she is so overly attached to all things children and baby, it borders on manic. We don't need to hear about her daughter's cervix. I have always felt she was over attached to her kids, like it fills a hole in her soul. 

LVP needs to STFU. I hate that she is so gleeful over conflict. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I think LisaR cried in Mexico when she was busted because she knew she wa busted. Not because she was sad no one believed her. I think it was a moment when she realized people see her for what she is and she was scared of what was going to come. 

I felt like Eileen and Erica were not shocked about her confession that she said it. Even the way she said it was so fake I spoke to Harry and I  think I did say it.  Really? After some deep reconciliation now you recall saying it, stfu.

I found it interesting once Kyle snapped at vanderpump, vanderpump shut up and sat there. I would be happy to see Lisar get what she deserves too, she piled alot of Vanderpump last year. With Eileen screaming "She doesn't lie" at the reunion oh but she does.

Carnie got on my nervous, she is def a big personality, it was odd that she cold towards Eden , unless she knew the story.

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 I just can't believe that Bravo is back to rehashing the Kim Richards/sobriety subject. 

 I still can't stop staring at Kim's eyebrows.They remind  me of black caterpillars.One  more thing...please Bravo, no more Carnie Wilson.

Edited by chenoa333
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BTW, what's up with all the huggy kissy face stuff? Camille comes in and gives Carnie a big hug. I'm figuring they know each other. Then Camille says she is so glad to meet Carnie. WTF? Is this just a Beverly Hills thing? I don't kiss and hug my friends unless it's a special occasion, , much less someone I just met.  I find it so fakey weird.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I feel like Carnie's personality is, at a glance, one I should like (and I know people with a similar one)--she seems like a down-to-earth, humorous, and self-deprecating person. But there's something that puts me off a little after that first glance--like she's trying too hard to be those things, maybe? I don't know. But she did make some good points, IMO, particularly about never being "normal."

Edited by TattleTeeny
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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Thisssss.  All day long. And twice on Sunday. When it comes to Kim vs. Rinna, I'm on nobody's side.  They can both go kick rocks as far as I'm concerned.

Kim R. does crack me up though. She apparently doesn't subscribe to the school of thought: "don't start none, won't be none."  She looooves to start shit, and then get mortally offended by what the other person says back in retaliation ("think of my children... think of my UNBORN grandchild!!").  Girl, bye.  Your children know you're a hot mess (see: Dr. Phil interview). While it was tacky as hell of Rinna bringing up her arrest at game night, it was like saying water is wet.  EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS.  It's not some deeply-guarded family secret. 

I'm thinking producer intervention.  Or, that person who is their "handler" so to speak (heee maybe I'm just giddy with anticipations of The Americans coming back on next week).  Somebody with access to the footage had to have alerted Rinna that yea, she actually did say what she said. 

Either that, or she really was just outright lying in Mexico.  Maybe she did remember saying what she said to Eden, but forgot that the cameras were rolling at the time.  And thought she could get away with it. 

In any case, yeah, she comes out looking like a turd.  Oh well!

And yet, she still vehemently denies that she "said anything" about Harry Hamlin.  So those apologies had to have been 100% sincere, right?  (my answer: wrong)

Well, Kim did not repeat the comment about HH after she apologized, unlike Rinna who kept talking smack about Kim after all of her apologies and all her promises to stop talking about her. When you apologize then keep repeating the same offensive behavior you are not sorry in the least and in this case, that means that Rinna was not really sorry but Kim was.

Oh, and Kim is splitting hairs over the HH comment but technically, she is correct, she didn't say any 1 thing HH did, she only alluded that he did something bad/nefarious. Which is still wrong.

Edited by WireWrap
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9 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

BTW, what's up with all the huggy kissy face stuff? Camille comes in and gives Carnie a big hug. I'm figuring they know each other. Then Camille says she is so glad to meet Carnie. WTF? Is this just a Beverly Hills thing? I don't kiss and hug my friends unless it's a special occasion, , much less someone I just met.  I find it so fakey weird.

This I kind of get.  It's like when you have a dear friend - from let's say college - who lives across the country now.  But now you've also made a dear friend in recent years at your office.  You talk about the friends to each other so much that they almost "feel" like they know each other; so when they actually meet in person for the first time, a hug might feel more natural than a handshake.

Just my take on it!

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14 hours ago, chick binewski said:

I'm not a huge fan of Kyle but yeah, she becomes especially bothersome with Kim. Sometimes I understand she's trying to defend her sister but most of the time I get the feeling that's their dynamic because neither of them seem all that nice. Kyle being friends with Bethenny and Faye Resnick makes me think she battles like this on the regular.  

Oh definitely. Kyle's a mean girl for sure. She's learned to reign it in tho over the seasons and although I have my issues with Kyle I'm pleased that she at least has finally been able to show us some pretty cool qualities that have helped me soften up a bit on her.

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54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It is amazing to me that Eden has zero introspection.  After promising not to live tweet during the episode, because she is going live today (not sure where) she tweeted this:

"Catya A #life taken BY#addiction.  Kim and Kyle just toss HER around as if it is always about them. #HURTS SHE is #dead my #sister #RHOBH"

Drunk or sober there is no reasoning with Eden.  She just doesn't get life.  Her own mother has tried to talk her off the ledge and she won't walk to safer ground.

Kim Richards tweeted she actually got up and left during the episode.  (I am assuming during filming.) She also indicated there was a lot more said.  I wonder if Bravo will do a Dinner Party From Hell, special edition out of it.

It's probably been said before, but Eden needs a hashtag intervention. Seriously. I use hashtags jokingly sometimes in the course of writing or talking ("hashtag I'm so hilarious!"), but in practice, Eden's hashtags are useless. I wouldn't want to see the Tweets or Insta posts associated with "#dead".

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Anyone remember that Sex & the City episode where Jennifer Coolidge plays a new divorcee whose post divorce coping involves making really tacky purses out of crap that lies around her house and tries to sell the purses to all her friends at a cocktail party in her apartment?  That's the vibe I got off of Carnie, especially when she crashed the Rinna/Eileen/Kyle confab in the living room to talk up her desserts.  Way too try hard on the selling of the sad mini cheesecakes. 

My hot take on why Kyle jumped on LVP was because she thought LVP was going to say the things that were "out there" were beyond the scope of just what Rinna told Eden, like the arrest and rehab stints.  Kyle is hardly ever quick on the uptake and often erroneously understands where people are going in their statements.  Plus, she is always on edge around conflicts with her sister.  That being said, Rinna needs to thank Kim for getting Harry more (now virtual) ink than he's had since Reagan was in office.

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1 hour ago, aimlessbird said:

Kim has not moved on in the least.  Her comments on Twitter last night showed that.  I don't know if Kim wants the attention and publicity or if she is just not able to let it go.   Very very sad.

I suspect that she wants her "side" out there and is defending herself, nothing more. She sure is loving it though. LOL

1 hour ago, CatMomma said:

Oh, I agree that Lisa was alluding to the cameras.  No need to apologize.  I had to watch it several times, because I felt like I was missing something that caused Kyle to turn on LVP the way she did.  It was such a bizarre reaction to what seemed like an innocent comment. Had LVP been referring to the arrest, Kyle's reaction would have made sense.  But, all she did was back up what Eden was saying. 

I suspect that the rumors of Kyle (and Kim) wanting Eden fired/gone during filming were true! She does blame all of this on Eden and isn't holding any of it against Rinna which is odd/confusing to say the least. Yes, Eden was weird with/about Kyle/Kim without Rinna's comments but they pushed Eden over the edge IMO.  

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Yeah, the Carnie sighting was all types of desperate. I was expecting Chynna & Wendy to pop out and the trio would start singing, 'Hold On', to Kim.

Edited by rags
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14 hours ago, CatMomma said:

Because she's playing with semantics. She didn't say anything about Harry Hamlin, but she definitely implied something. Not saying it's ok, but it is what it is. Fake apology or not, she admitted not knowing anything about Harry Hamlin two freakin' years ago.  So why does LR keep bringing it up?  That should have been the end of it.  

And, how does that absolve LR of her actions?  Implying that Kim isn't sober and close to death.  That Kyle is an enabler.  All things she knows nothing about, yet she has no problem saying it on camera.  How is what she's doing any different from what Kim did two years ago?


And In ONE heated exchange. I mean damn. Sometimes people go low in an attempt to jab in a argument I never took that to be that big of a deal. I mean yeah, it caused distress and it ain't cool to just throw shit out there but it was the result of an escalating back and forth and Kim got her hands dirty. The way this incident goes on and on you'd think Kim was bullying LR all season and taunting her continuously with threats of outing her husband. I just don't get why it's got to be such a thing. Add that Kim admitted not knowing anything and that she threw it out there just to strike back during that argument I'm so over the exaggerated importance put in what Kim said, implied whatever. I think that's why Kim keeps saying she never said anything cause in all honesty they are talking about one random jab that didn't even produce any actual dirt for crying out loud so I'd be a little WTF too if 2 years later it's still being treated like the biggest scandal that ever scandaled.

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Exellent post @zoeysmom.  I agree with every word.  

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

"Catya A #life taken BY#addiction.  Kim and Kyle just toss HER around as if it is always about them. #HURTS SHE is #dead my #sister #RHOBH"

Yes, they did make it about themselves because YOU did.  The sole reason for her  meddling was based on her sister's death.  

I got a chuckle out of Erika, when in the middle of the fray a small bit of progress was made when Kim apologized to Rinna for implying Harry had a secret.  GOOD! Erika says, desperately wanting to move forward LOL!  

It ended with this topic finished. Is it really?


ETA.  Every time I see Kyle's dog with her tennis ball I get a hit of Spanglish, "don't throw the ball!" 

Edited by wings707
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12 hours ago, RinaX said:

Well, that happened. I actually don't dislike Lisa Rinna. There are small elements of truth in the things she spouts. As always, it's the cowardly way she tries to dodge responsibility for saying those things that irks me. That's why it's so hard to buy any apology from her.

That hiss from Kyle to LisaV was everything. IMO Kyle knows she can be unreasonable when defending Kim, which is why she tries to stay out of conversations about her and seem "unsupportive". Because when she does go there, we get things like the aforementioned hiss. 

I'm actually looking forward to letting this mess drop and getting back to Dorit vs Erika, because I don't enjoy any situation that has me on Kim Richard's side.

Dorit vs Erika looks interesting - maybe even popcorn-worthy!

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Exellent post @zoeysmom.  I agree with every word.  

Yes, they did make it about themselves because YOU did.  The sole reason for her meddling was based on her sister's death.  

I got a chuckle out of Erika, when in the middle of the fray a small bit of progress was made when Kim apologized to Rinna for implying Harry had a secret.  GOOD! Erika says, desperately wanting to move forward LOL!  

It ended with this topic finished. Is it really?

I've never been a big fan of Erika, but she owned this episode. 

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

So, can we now add "Game Night" to the phrases that we NEVER want to hear again, especially out of Rinna's mouth?  Along with "my truth" and "own it", if I heard Rinna say "Game Night" one more time, I was going to throw something at my TV ~~ she must have said it at least 10 times during the course of the dessert night at Kyle's.

Her continuously bringing up the night of games at Kyle's was, to me, a way to deflect/defend the things she said to Eden about Kyle and Kim.  I'm not defending Kim, because she can be nasty, but Rinna can be just as bad.


Am I only the one who gets confused by all the game nights? I feel like there's one every other season and sometimes I forgot which one they are talking about.

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10 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

Am I only the one who gets confused by all the game nights? I feel like there's one every other season and sometimes I forgot which one they are talking about.

Call it whatever, game night, ladies trip, dinner, gathering, lunch....any event where more than 3 of the HWs get together and you have a fight/argument. Someone always gets offended, someone always behaves badly or someone decides that is the perfect time to share something another HW said about HW X or to confront HW Y about what she said about HW X! They all tend to run together because no gathering is ever just about having fun, the producers will not allow it! LOL

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The best part to me was Eileen's sudden, silent, ghosting when Kyle sat down.  

I'm always annoyed when these women gasp about how hurt their children/husbands/families/unborn are.  Gets a big eye roll from me.

Also loved the way Rinna  owns it,moves on, but seeks the opportunity to attack at the first opportunity. First Dorit, and then the shocking lack of empathy from Kim  - as if Rinna is empathetic to those she detests.   Rinna claiming g she did this as a result of Kim attacking her is odd.  She's a grown up. Was she still out of control the next day? Also ihought it was funny that she did not bring up any of the excuses she used in her blog, i.e. she was speaking of the past when she said near death etc. etc.   But i have to admit she's good at getting the heat off herself.  She manages to dodge the really viscous side of her personality.

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14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Everyone forgets the rampage Rinna went on well after Amsterdam on Twitter about Kim.  Kim is talking about post-Amsterdam attacks. They re vicious and Harry Hamlin chimed in.

That's another thing I don't understand. When Kim speaks about apologies I believe she's mainly talking about the fact that Rinna continued to talk about her struggles even after being asked to stop PLUS how bat shit crazy she went on Kim after Amsterdam. To me that is head over heels way more critical than one awkward limo ride and nasty line about her husband and some uncomfortable filming time.  Rinna went in on Kim and as much as Kim was showing her ass during her seasons on the show she didn't ever do anything to Rinna specifically that warranted Rinna's volatile attacks towards Kim. The only thing Kim has done since then is continue to point out to Rinna, if the conversation allows, how inappropriately aggressive she became with Kim through threatening texts and twitter rants. Which she has every right cause damn did Rinna go way overboard.

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5 minutes ago, Stinamaia said:

The best part to me was Eileen's sudden, silent, ghosting when Kyle sat down.  

I'm always annoyed when these women gasp about how hurt their children/husbands/families/unborn are.  Gets a big eye roll from me.

Also loved the way Rinna  owns it,moves on, but seeks the opportunity to attack at the first opportunity. First Dorit, and then the shocking lack of empathy from Kim  - as if Rinna is empathetic to those she detests.   Rinna claiming g she did this as a result of Kim attacking her is odd.  She's a grown up. Was she still out of control the next day? Also ihought it was funny that she did not bring up any of the excuses she used in her blog, i.e. she was speaking of the past when she said near death etc. etc.   But i have to admit she's good at getting the heat off herself.  She manages to dodge the really viscous side of her personality.

Erika is correct, Rinna has more lives than a cat! LOL

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10 minutes ago, Stinamaia said:

The best part to me was Eileen's sudden, silent, ghosting when Kyle sat down.  

I'm always annoyed when these women gasp about how hurt their children/husbands/families/unborn are.  Gets a big eye roll from me.

Also loved the way Rinna  owns it,moves on, but seeks the opportunity to attack at the first opportunity. First Dorit, and then the shocking lack of empathy from Kim  - as if Rinna is empathetic to those she detests.   Rinna claiming g she did this as a result of Kim attacking her is odd.  She's a grown up. Was she still out of control the next day? Also ihought it was funny that she did not bring up any of the excuses she used in her blog, i.e. she was speaking of the past when she said near death etc. etc.   But i have to admit she's good at getting the heat off herself.  She manages to dodge the really viscous side of her personality.

Erika said it best, Rinna is like a cat with nine lives.

To me, if someone asking me for an apology, or refusing to apologize (again) for the Harry comments, threw me into a rage the next day, real help is needed.  Rinna already used the Harry comments to justify the attempted strangulation, glass smash.

In the case of Kim, her kids have said it does effect them adversely and Kathy Hilton makes no bones about it and how she feels.  To the point they really never forgave Brandi for the crystal meth comment. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Eden's blog is up.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon/eden-sassoon-how-are-they-supposed

She just doesn't get how she comes across to the others even with video evidence. She is aggressive, preachy, annoying and whinny all at the same time! LOL Yes, neither Kyle or Kim would let her explain herself or finish a sentence but she never gets to the point she is trying to make, ever. She beats around the bush as my father use to say. LOL

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14 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

To be fair, Lisa Rinna didn't bring it up this season until Kim reignited their fight at Game Night. Lisa Rinna was being perfectly nice to her that night. If it is true that Lisa Rinna has not let things go, it is equally true for Kim as well.

But all Kim mentioned was how Rinna treated her and never apologized. Kim didn't bring up Harry she brought up a relevant point to the current conversation and then pointed out Rinna's inability to apologize for sending threatening texts and her twitter rants. LISA brought it up to defend herself trying to introduce the two wrongs make a right logic by pointing out how "horrible of a person" Kim was to "attack" her husband therefore making it reasonable for her to have done those things to Kim, which NOT.  LR brought up HH to deflect the valid argument Kim was making about Rinna.

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14 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Regardless, it's all kind of tit-for-tat at this point. Lisa Rinna was rough on Twitter two seasons ago. So, it's okay for Kim to bring up old issues but Lisa can't just because something happened to happen post-Amsterdam? I don't really see that big a difference here.

She can it was just that the original sentiment was that Kim was the one to introduce it this season when it was LR who brought it up yet again when all Kim was doing was pointing out her experience with Rinna and her temper and lack of apology. The HH stuff could have stayed off the table had Rinna owned that particular part of their beef right then and there instead of thinking that the HH stuff alleviated any guilt from the nasty attacks she continued lobbying towards Kim waaaaayyyy after the heated moment passed.

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11 hours ago, Teddybear said:

I wonder if Lisa R consulted with someone in between filming those episodes who told her she really should fess up.  I know that was not her own decision.  Harry, publicist, attorney?


She knew the cameras were there and once Eden spilled the beans, she realized it would make the cut.  

Edited by CatMomma
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19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Eden's blog is up.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon/eden-sassoon-how-are-they-supposed

She just doesn't get how she comes across to the others even with video evidence. She is aggressive, preachy, annoying and whinny all at the same time! LOL Yes, neither Kyle or Kim would let her explain herself or finish a sentence but she never gets to the point she is trying to make, ever. She beats around the bush as my father use to say. LOL

Seems she beats around the bush in order to try to hold attention as long as possible - sort of like those looooooong hugs. A bit more therapy needed perhaps.

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Passion for one issue does not indicate a lack of concern for others (and Lisa is an advocate for other causes). Everyone can't do everything at once -- and I say that as a person who has given it a good try (and also ultimately made animal welfare a top priority among the rest).

Ken's crying made me cry even though I hid my eyes from whatever images they were showing, however unclear they may have been in screen-on-screen format. Ugh, I just can't even.  

So agree with this. Lisa's only one person. She is one of my heroes for the work she does around animal welfare.  

Couldn't bring myself to watch or listen to to the Yulin stuff, which makes me admire and appreciate Lisa and Ken all the more for addressing it.  It's clearly incredibly difficult for them too, but they have the actual courage to do it, unlike me. 

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31 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Eden's blog is up.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon/eden-sassoon-how-are-they-supposed

She just doesn't get how she comes across to the others even with video evidence. She is aggressive, preachy, annoying and whinny all at the same time! LOL Yes, neither Kyle or Kim would let her explain herself or finish a sentence but she never gets to the point she is trying to make, ever. She beats around the bush as my father use to say. LOL

Eden doesn't understand or watch the how closely.  She flat out asked Rinna if Kim was sober.  That would be questioning Kim's sobriety.  Saying someone's comments don't sound like something a sober person would say, is questioning someone's sobriety. 

Oh Eden's blog looks like she has transferred her crush to Carnie Wilson.  Run Carnie, run!!

From Eden's Blog:

I mean, god, everytime I turn around, there is another confessional from Kim and Kyle about how I disgust them or how much torture it will be if I come up and talk to them.  How are they suppose to understand where I am coming from, or even act like they have compassion for me if they won't let me speak to them?  #GetToKnowMe.

I can break this down for Eden pretty quickly.  First off neither Kim nor Kyle have used disgust or torture to describe Eden.  Maybe they should.  Second, Eden seems to forget the fact she had an opportunity to get to know Kim and Kyle at Game Night.  Instead she inserted her big fat opinion and sided with Rinna and put Kim down.  Third, lunch with Kyle was an inquisition and you made the stupid Eden and Catya/Kim and Kyle reference. Fourth, at Dorit's party you jumped to the wrong conclusion about Kim's angst over her daughter having a baby, Fifth, BBQ at the Hamlins and you took the opportunity to address Kyle in front of the others and called Kim, rude and abrasive Sixth, you went to Gatsby Night and brought up the same old stuff about you and your sister and asked why they were mad and they told you.  Seventh, you delivered the Rinna bombshell to LVP and asked her to pass it on to Kyle, which she did with an explanation about your previous behavior.  Eighth, you have no sense of timing and showed yourself again at the Cheescake Party. 

Eden apparently has never learned the old adage you have one chance to make a good first impression. She had seven and could not get out of her own way. Nor can she grasp the idea if you don't like someone you can't expect them to like you.  No one wants to hear from Eden because she is irrelevant and boring.  I don't think Kim and Kyle are really out there searching for new friends or praying they meet someone with a bunch of problems they can listen to. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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22 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Eden's blog is up.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon/eden-sassoon-how-are-they-supposed

She just doesn't get how she comes across to the others even with video evidence. She is aggressive, preachy, annoying and whinny all at the same time! LOL Yes, neither Kyle or Kim would let her explain herself or finish a sentence but she never gets to the point she is trying to make, ever. She beats around the bush as my father use to say. LOL

Ugh. No kidding.  She must be exhausting to be around. Absolutely no self awareness.

Maybe she can only make her point in hashtags?  #Itwasrinnawhostartedit, #stopdeflectingrinna, #Ilikehugssosueme.

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1 hour ago, dolphincorn said:

Kyle does enable Kim: she enables her to be an immature bitch when she gets into fights with her cast mates.

In order to realize you are an 'enabler' you need to admit it to yourself.


I had a younger brother who was a "kim". 

He NEVER wanted to accept any responsibility for his actions or behavior and would always look for someone to bail him out of tight spots.

When I stopped taking up for him - and cleaning up HIS messes -  I realized that I was part of the problem.

By jumping in and defending him every time he fucked up, it just made things worse.


Kyle just has to tell the other hags to go talk to kim if they want info about her staying off of the air fresheners and drugs.....and is it really anyone's business what problems she has?

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4 hours ago, racked said:

Eden really does seem innocent in all of this, so I think the real reason Kim and Kyle are vilifying her still is that they just find her creepy and unlikable.  Which she kind of is, but I almost feel bad for her.

I did feel sorry for her when it looked like she was being ignored by everyone, but she is creepy and unlikeable.  And I find all of her concern for others to be really all about showing everyone how SHE is so concerned for others.  

2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

It is amazing to me that Eden has zero introspection.  After promising not to live tweet during the episode, because she is going live today (not sure where) she tweeted this:

"Catya A #life taken BY#addiction.  Kim and Kyle just toss HER around as if it is always about them. #HURTS SHE is #dead my #sister #RHOBH"

Drunk or sober there is no reasoning with Eden.  She just doesn't get life.  Her own mother has tried to talk her off the ledge and she won't walk to safer ground.

Like that ^ - she has never just shared about hurting for her sister; it's always in the context of "that's why I'M going to help YOU!  And you will let me!"

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I feel like Carnie's personality is, at a glance, one I should like (and I know people with a similar one)--she seems like a down-to-earth, humorous, and self-deprecating person. But there's something that puts me off a little after that first glance--like she's trying too hard to be those things. maybe? I don't know. But she did make some good points, IMO, particularly about never being "normal."

I know what you mean - and if you've ever seen her on Celebrity Wife Swap - she's a total vulgarian.

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6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Eden doesn't understand or watch the how closely.  She flat out asked Rinna if Kim was sober.  That would be questioning Kim's sobriety.  Saying someone's comments don't sound like something a sober person would say, is questioning someone's sobriety. 

Oh Eden's blog looks like she has transferred her crush to Carnie Wilson.  Run Carnie, run!!

From Eden's Blog:

I mean, god, everytime I turn around, there is another confessional from Kim and Kyle about how I disgust them or how much torture it will be if I come up and talk to them.  How are they suppose to understand where I am coming from, or even act like they have compassion for me if they won't let me speak to them?  #GetToKnowMe.

I can break this down for Eden pretty quickly.  First off neither Kim nor Kyle have used disgust or torture to describe Eden.  Maybe they should.  Second, Eden seems to forget the fact she had an opportunity to get to know Kim and Kyle at Game Night.  Instead she inserted her big fat opinion and sided with Rinna and put Kim down.  Third, lunch with Kyle was an inquisition and you made the stupid Eden and Catya/Kim and Kyle reference. Fourth, at Dorit's party you jumped to the wrong conclusion about Kim's angst over her daughter having a baby, Fifth, BBQ at the Hamlins and you took the opportunity to address Kyle in front of the others and called Kim, rude and abrasive Sixth, you went to Gatsby Night and brought up the same old stuff about you and your sister and asked why they were mad and they told you.  Seventh, you delivered the Rinna bombshell to LVP and asked her to pass it on to Kyle, which she did with an explanation about your previous behavior.  Eighth, you have no sense of timing and showed yourself again at the Cheescake Party. 

Eden apparently has never learned the old adage you have one chance to make a good first impression. She had seven and could not get out of her own way. Nor can she grasp the idea if you don't like someone you can't expect them to like you.  No one wants to hear from Eden because she is irrelevant and boring.  I don't think Kim and Kyle are really out there searching for new friends or praying they meet someone with a bunch of problems they can listen to. 

Well, Kim kind of did in last nights episode. She said that Eden "made her skin crawl" which is pretty much equal to "disgust"! LOL I don't disagree with your overall summary of Eden, she has crossed the line when it comes to Kim/Kyle but I am not so sure it would have been about Kim's sobriety had it not been for Rinna's dire comments about them to her. I think she still would have been annoying but maybe not so aggressive in her approach to them without that. That said, we will never know because Rinna poisoned the well right off the bat.

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Ken made me get tearful. I think LVP walked away from him because she would have started crying which would have made him cry more....

I love Bambi and she is a total golden (swimming in the pool). Adorable! I wish Bambi had shook her wet fur at LR.

Where can I get the top that Kim's sponsor was wearing? 

LR is just so fake.

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