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S07.E12: Feeding A Need

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10 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I think this may have happened last episode with her....uhm....table "dance" (?), but I now officially find Rinna to be creepy af. CREEPY. Like, side eye, skin crawl, something's weird about her creepy. Not because of the table dance, but it just created a heightened awareness of her creepy attributes.

I like Kyle, but methinks the lady doth protest too much. She TOTALLY enabled Kim since as long as she can remember. It was her job in the alcoholic family structure. Mommy was a booze hound, Kimmy is a booze hound, Kathy was the wild one who could get away with murder, and Kyle holds it together and is "the good child". Of COURSE she enabled her! She may or may not now, but the only reason people won't shut up about it is because Kyle either can't or won't admit this fact. If she simply said "YES! This is how my family was for a long time. I've grown, I've learned, I've set boundaries and I work for something different now", people may lay off. I honestly don't think she sees it though. I think Kyle is completely unwilling or unable to see her behavior.

But why does she have to?

I've always been annoyed just with the fact that these women found it so necessary to sit in front of an addict and have so much to say all in the name of getting what exactly? What's the end goal that any of these women can't achieve unless they get the satisfaction of getting some specific words uttered by someone else?

I get that it's annoying, things pissed this one off that one off and there are a lot of anger in the air as a whole but at the end of the day I don't get the relevance it has on someone else's life to the point that anything needs to be blatantly admitted to acknowledged or explained.

I mean in my life, as in most lives there are things that people are to be accountable for. My son for example. HE HAS TO explain himself to me. I CAN hold him accountable for his actions. Within our home and our family that's to be expected. MY HUSBAND (hypothetical one since I'm single) but if I hand one yeah, my husband is expected to consider and care about what I think, my feelings and my reactions to things that affect my emotional state. We are invested in each other to that degree. And yes, there are certain expectation that people who aren't involved with each other have with each other. Friends, co-workers, acquaintance even strangers have certain expectations of each other. That's just basic society standards but there are levels. I mean Kyle doesn't need to make any declarations about anything. No one should have to clarify any such thing especially when the question stems from an inappropriate intrusion to begin with. Nah, man.  Not to mention this subject has been covered and beat to death. Continuing to harp and seek answers from this family doesn't make sense to me.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

When they showed the flashback (or was it the present) award that Rinna got (I really tuned this epi out more than I thought), I had this crazy thought - that someone at the award ceremony said "Quick! Ditch the flowers in this vase and wash it - we gotta give this bitch SOMETHING!"

Hahaha! I thought it looked like a vase also!

  • Love 2

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Its not that I am giving Eden a pass but, IMO, Rinna did more than give Eden a gun, Rinna bought the gun/the bullets, loaded it, painted targets on Kyle's/Kim's backs and then pointed Eden at them, all after hearing that Eden has unresolved issues remaining about her own sisters OD death. Yes, Eden went way overboard but I am not so sure she would have without Rinna giving her the info and then asking for her "help".

This!!!! Rinna basically rolled up to Eden gave her the loaded gun and said "In my opinion, those two are terrorists. I know you have issues with terrorists considering how your sister died. And those two...well Kim is going to make a bomb and blow shit up. And Kyle gives Kim all the money she needs to make bombs."

And yes, I know the analogy isn't all that apt because Kim's drinking and drugging mostly harms her family. It's the mostly part that angers Rinna because she's been on the receiving end of Kim's shittiness. Part of Kim's pathology is that she's externalizing. Ultimately, her using hurts herself, but she's not a person who cuts or otherwise tries to hurt herself when she feels bad. She tends to try to hurt and blame those around her.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

I think that Kyle was being sarcastic.  She is very aware of her sister's illness and addiction.  

Who's Mario?

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, queenjen said:


Erika and Tom: there just isn't any chemistry at all, is there? She leaned down again and pecked him on his age spotted balding old dome like he was a demented elder relative in the restaurant. He does have a really youthful spirit and he's obviously a very bright man. That is attractive to me at any age. Actually, I'd go for Tom over HH any day. (ducking again)


They are just so...polite with each other. They're like a friendly uncle and niece who have dinner together once or twice a year. He complimented something about her looks when they were getting up to leave and she smiled and said, "Awwww, I appreciate that." Just...polite. No intimacy at all. 

13 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

Do you mean Maurizio? If so, I'll help :)

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

How foolish does Rinna feel now that she see's what she said to Eden is on tape for the world to see? What could she possibly say in defense of herself? Rinna, time to own it, own it, own it !

Dorit's tiny little baby sitting on the couch like a little lady with Dorit was the cutest ever.

Agree that Kyle looks great. The lightened and shorter hair was a good choice. She looks radiant in her TH with that pink coat, jacket or whatever she is wearing. 

What Rinna has to deal with is Kim went away to rehab and worked hard and is working on being a healthier person.  Rinna wants to keep pigeon holing Kim into the "mostly sober" and Kyle as an enabler without benefit of finding out what progress was made.  It is Rinna attempt at power over Kim and to a lesser degree Kyle.  Kim recognizes through therapy or history that Rinna has a way of pushing her buttons and has decided to address Rinna in a far more civil manner and ditch the dirty fighting, insult technique that didn't work for either of them.  Kim grew, Rinna stalled. 

One thing Kim said, which got the conversation rolling in a downward spiral, is that Rinna uses excuses for her behavior.  Kim is correct.  Rinna continues to use excuses for bad behavior, now it is Kim provoked me, I wasn't speaking in the present tense although the exact quote is, "I know it you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying," or her comments were not made with ill intent.  Those are all excuses on Rinna's part.

At this point I think Rinna just wants another stage to make things all about her.  Kim has every reason, as does Kyle, to be upset with Rinna's comments and continuing breaking of promises.  I have no doubt Rinna will "own it" but to me it is just a further excuse to get screen time, and she uses her friend and her sister to do it. 

  • Love 19

It may be that you eat food and are still skinny, but we've seen that Lisa Rinna doesn't really eat.  She's been shown to have low self esteem and no doubt her starving herself stems from that, so I guess I kind of feel sorry for her because it must be a tough existence, but it doesn't mean she doesn't look bad.  She's trying so hard to make herself more attractive with the not eating and plastic surgery, but sadly it's having the opposite effect. 

The thing is that people have no idea whether I -- or anyone, even Lisa Rinna* -- eat or not before they call my body type a "bag pf bones" or something equally fun. 

* The show isn't showing us a a whole lot of her real life; maybe she doesn't eat on it because her lips make a terrible mess of the food, like Taylor and the cotton candy! 



I like Kyle, but methinks the lady doth protest too much. She TOTALLY enabled Kim since as long as she can remember. It was her job in the alcoholic family structure. Mommy was a booze hound, Kimmy is a booze hound, Kathy was the wild one who could get away with murder, and Kyle holds it together and is "the good child". Of COURSE she enabled her! She may or may not now, but the only reason people won't shut up about it is because Kyle either can't or won't admit this fact. If she simply said "YES! This is how my family was for a long time. I've grown, I've learned, I've set boundaries and I work for something different now", people may lay off. I honestly don't think she sees it though. I think Kyle is completely unwilling or unable to see her behavior.

What exactly constitutes enabling in this situation? I can't fault Kyle for trying to be supportive to her sister (and by extension, her sister's kids) and possibly not knowing that it was the "wrong" kind of support. And I certainly can't fault her for anything that she did or didn't do while still a kid herself. Anyway, Lisa R. said "enables," present tense, so does Kyle not have a valid argument if she has curtailed (allegedly) enabling in the past? 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5

I am sure this is an UO but what LisaR said really doesn't bother me. And whether she remembers it or doesn't really doesn't bother me. Of all the HoWives shows I only watch this one, RHNY and RHOC. This doesn't even come close to the top ten of terrible things that have been said/done on these shows. (Cancer scam, anyone?). In fact I think Kim should send flowers to LisaR. Weekly. Because otherwise Kim would have no storyline and not be pulling in a paycheck. Nice that she is going to be a grandmother but hardly stop-the-presses stuff. No one cares unless you are related or a good friend. I certainly don't. I will say that Kim looked great in the store with Kyle. Not so much in her THs. Why do they set the makeup gun to clown in the THs? Seems to be a thing and ages them (I am looking at you, Kim and LisaV) ten years.

I was fascinated by the table that was given to Erika and Tom at lunch. Near the bar or kitchen, and at the bottom of some stairs? If I was shown that table I'd ask for another one. And I am not rich like Tom. Erika does seem to be happier this season than last and more tolerable. I wonder if it has anything to do with her son?

I don't understand LisaV's need to furnish her childrens' homes. Seems pretty controlling to me. That couch was horrific. So yes, while it was nice of her to buy her kids homes, why not let them furnish to their own taste? Strange.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

See this is what has always bugged me about Kyle. Kyle made it a big point in early seasons to underline just how HARD being in her position is and yet I never got the impression that she truly put any real effort in contributing anything productive into the situation. She cleaned up messes and begrudgingly kept an eye on Kim but I never felt like she truly incorporated anything remotely helpful into her own being regarding Kim's dilemma.  It never felt as if Kyle was on this journey WITH Kim but more like she's on this wild ride BECAUSE of Kim. Now we all know Kim's addiction is a big albatross on Kyle and her life. Absolutely but my issue with Kyle has always been that I don't believe she's ever truly put in the amount of work necessary in order to be the support she seems to claim she is. Look, it's all good if Kyle isn't about it but the only reason it used to chafe my chops is cause Kyle was such a "victim" in all of it. Now don't get me wrong, there is something to be said about being the person that comes in and cleans up messes and helps with the children and overseas this, that the other but at the same time it didn't look like Kyle was going through the proper motions to address the issue. I feel like Kyle has been treating the symptoms all the while being disgusted and throwing shade at the disease without ever truly trying to help cure it.

Not trying to villainize Kyle just an observation and with that declaration it kinda confirms that Kyle just kept going on about her business and wasn't truly interested in the emotional work necessary to try to correct the issues. It was easier to stick to the surface problems than deal with the crux of it all and again that's all well and good but for someone who spent a lot of time throwing her sister under the bus and sharing with the world just how terrible it is to be tied to an addict in that way it's pretty shitty to not even have committed to some sort of necessary reflection, and knowledge in order to assist in your sisters recovery. It's like Kim does her rehab stuff and a program here and a program there and Kyle kinda just wings it throughout the journey. Of course, no one truly knows whether or not Kyle has actually participated in programs such as Al-Anon or has ever committed to educating herself about the trials and tribulations of addiction and recovery or even went to therapy FOR HERSELF about it in order to grasp a better understanding about it but I really doubt she went this far in anything that productive. Last nights display sort confirms my gut feeling.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

That is why it is crucial to give an example of a person enabling, not just throw the term out there.  Same with the terms sober/sobriety.  RInna doesn't seem to have what I would consider a really good grasp of either term.  To me, Rinna seems to enjoy/employ the tough love approach, or so she claims.  It seems incredibly hypocritical to hold Kim and Kyle to a standard that Kim cannot express her opinion because if someone disagrees with it, she is not sober, and Kyle is an enabler for not interceding, when the two chuckleheads Rinna and Eden are expressing contrary and negative opinions about others.  Eden is calling Kim a bitch.  Seems like there will never be an accord.

Kyle is aware of what happens to people who continue to abuse and use alcohol and drugs.  She has expressed her concern about Kim's continued use.  

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

The thing is that people have no idea whether I -- or anyone, even Lisa Rinna* -- eat or not before they call my body type a "bag pf bones" or something equally fun. 

* The show isn't showing us a a whole lot of her real life; maybe she doesn't eat on it because her lips make a terrible mess of the food, like Taylor and the cotton candy! 


What exactly constitutes enabling in this situation? I can't fault Kyle for trying to be supportive to her sister (and by extension, her sister's kids) and possibly not knowing that it was the "wrong" kind of support. And I certain;y can't fault her for anything that she did or didn't do while still a kid herself. Anyway, Lisa R. said "enables," present tense so does Kyle not have a valid argument if she has curtailed (allegedly) enabling in the past? 

Well, we did have Kathryn (last season), who has known Rinna for years, saying that Rinna doesn't eat. So, I suspect it is true, Rinna pushes her food around the plate but doesn't really eat of it.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

The thing is that people have no idea whether I -- or anyone, even Lisa Rinna* -- eat or not before they call my body type a "bag pf bones" or something equally fun. 

* The show isn't showing us a a whole lot of her real life; maybe she doesn't eat on it because her lips make a terrible mess of the food, like Taylor and the cotton candy! 


What exactly constitutes enabling in this situation? I can't fault Kyle for trying to be supportive to her sister (and by extension, her sister's kids) and possibly not knowing that it was the "wrong" kind of support. And I certainly can't fault her for anything that she did or didn't do while still a kid herself. Anyway, Lisa R. said "enables," present tense, so does Kyle not have a valid argument if she has curtailed (allegedly) enabling in the past? 

One thing I remember Rinna saying on WWHL is she is mindful and tracks every bite of food she puts in her mouth and exercises six days a week.  I think the no food thing comes from the fact that Rinna calls herself a "dirty vegan" and is often seen passing on food that contains dairy, eggs or animal proteins. 

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Well, we did have Kathryn (last season), who has known Rinna for years, saying that Rinna doesn't eat. So, I suspect it is true, Rinna pushes her food around the plate but doesn't really eat of it.

There was also the scene she set up of her and her kids cooking and they each took servings that looked like about 3 bites and acted like a little cheese was going to make them balloon up.


I'm also of the mind that she starts fights at all the HoWives group meals so that no one will notice that she's not eating.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I'll let you answer that question. I'm referring the behaviors the ladies on the show grilling her about, season after season.

Is this a board where we need to have a paralegal present to give an unpopular opinion? #SnarkTheShow

What behavior is it that constitutes enabling?   Fighting with her sister, defending others, defending Kim.  I believe that is the question.  Kyle has zero control over whether or not Kim is on the show and what trips or events she attends.  So that really isn't the case.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

OMG WATCHING that scene burned more calories than they actually consumed in that sitting. It was so utterly ridiculous.

OK, well, I am not at all saying that LR doesn't have some kind of weird issue with food and fat (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to learn for a fact that she does. I am saying that what we see is zero proof of it -- not her size, not her spine, and certainly not a 12-second scene of zucchini noodles. Whether she eats or doesn't, I doubt the show is going to make sure that we see a beginning-to-end family dinner.

In other news, I dig your Linda Belcher photo! She's so much funnier than fan-favorite Louise.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
Just now, booboopbedoo said:

Erika and DH act like friends and no lovers.The hug was awkward and he should have pulled her close and grabbed her ass.

I dislike her and her voice is giving me a headache.

Is Sam a little slow? Is that why he is still a bus boy at his age?

I believe, you mean Max.  He is not slow and he is learning the restaurant business from the ground up.  He also is an expediter and bartender.  His parents have discussed opening a pub style restaurant for him to run. 

  • Love 8
45 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

Very sad that Kyle doesn't know what that word means.  She is one!!  I am one for my dad so I'm not throwing stones. * 

I believe that all addicts have to have an enabler of some kind.   

*I pick up his beer.  He's in his late 70's and made it clear he's not quitting so to prevent delirium tremens, I enable.  I'm not saying it's the right or good thing to do but for right now that is what's happening.    

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

One thing that I LOVED was the Eden's response to LisaR when she said she felt like she was thrown under the bus. I wish I could remember word for word what Eden said but I remember thinking what she said was SPOT ON and then ended it with the funniest line about Lisa R then proceeding to jump under the bus because she refused to own what she said. Complete with looking under the bench and all the funny gestures.  It made me laugh so hard and I thought it was brilliant. LOL!

I loved it, too! Although I normally think Eden is a whackadoodle space cadet, I enjoyed her this episode. She did not deny a single thing she said to LisaV when talking to LisaR, which  kind of threw LisaR because she probably expected Eden to lie about it.  I liked her low key attitude at the soup kitchen,  and I liked her discussion with Kyle and Dorit and Camille at the charity about her internet boyfriend. They were making fun of her and she was going with it and being a good sport. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I like Kyle, but methinks the lady doth protest too much. She TOTALLY enabled Kim since as long as she can remember. It was her job in the alcoholic family structure. Mommy was a booze hound, Kimmy is a booze hound, Kathy was the wild one who could get away with murder, and Kyle holds it together and is "the good child". Of COURSE she enabled her! She may or may not now, but the only reason people won't shut up about it is because Kyle either can't or won't admit this fact. If she simply said "YES! This is how my family was for a long time. I've grown, I've learned, I've set boundaries and I work for something different now", people may lay off. I honestly don't think she sees it though. I think Kyle is completely unwilling or unable to see her behavior.

But why does Kyle have to admit that to these people??  I know it's a reality show and I've used that argument before in other circumstances, but this is her lifetime relationship with her family.  It's not her fault that Big Kathy and Kim were messed up. Kyle was brought up in this and these behaviors are very hard to overcome.  

I think they need to give Kim and Kyle space and see how things are going.  Our limited view seems to show things are better for Kim.  I hope that is true.  As said by someone else on this board the definitions of enabling are like the definitions of religion.  It's very personal.  Personally, I think if an addict is seriously working on sobriety, they deserve and need support.  If Kim is working on it, then to me, Kyle is not enabling.  Also, let's say Kyle admits she enables or has enabled.  Then what from these shrews?  Public stoning? Still, like many others, I think Kim should be staying away from tv, but again that's my opinion. 

  • Love 10

With the exception of Renal's talk with Eden I fast forwarded past any scene she was in. Just wasn't interested. Loved that I didn't see a lick of the other soap scum sister.

Lunch with the goblin was a mess. He is always speaking "for the camera" there is nothing organic coming out of his mouth like there is with the other husbands so I never believe anything he says. Yes they all know the camera is there but the conversation flows there is emotion shown with the goblin he makes statements and smiles. He holds himself in check always.

Lisa's children are very fortunate. Looks like Max has done some growing up. Good for him. 

Glad that Kim is staying sober. I believe the biggest factor in that is her desire to be around her grand baby. Glad Brook laid down the law. Seems to be working.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I believe, you mean Max.  He is not slow and he is learning the restaurant business from the ground up.  He also is an expediter and bartender.  His parents have discussed opening a pub style restaurant for him to run. 

They expected the same thing from Pandora. Pandora waitressed and was a hostess at their restaurants when she was home on breaks from college. This is how she became friendly with some of the girls chucklefucks from Vanderpump Rules. Jason and Pandora now run the sangria and vodka business.

I guess because the Vanderpump-Todd family business is food service, people have a hard time realizing that LVP is doing the same sort of mentor/apprenticeship thing with her kids that Mauricio is doing with his kids at The Agency. There is a long and robust tradition in the restaurant business of apprenticeship and learning the business from the ground up because there is so much that could wrong when you're completely ignorant of huge aspects of the business.

  • Love 21

Adding to the conversation on the horror that is Rinna would be redundant.  UGH!  I agree with everyone!  

What did Dorit mean when she said "how contradicting, Kyle, angel wings?"  This just after Kyle posed for pic in front of them.  It sounded mean but Kyle responded with a smile.  

This episode was worth the glimpse I got of Carson Kresley, one of my most favorite people!  I adore this man.  I want him to have a show of his own. 

Kyle was cute with the fish and her reaction to Eden's online boy friend!  Loved Eden rolling with it because she knows it is ridiculous, too.  

Good prices on the furniture LVP found.   Blue velvet couch for a 23 year old boy, probably not, but I doubt he cares.  Decor is usually not a priority for boys in that age group!  


I am very curious what Ken saw that made him cry.  I am thinking he saw a dog get hit by a car, not one of theirs.   It seemed to happen at the new condo for Max.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I agree with this. Also, the word chucklefucks has officially been added to my vocab, hope you don't mind.

Heck, if my fam had a successful business, I'd WANT to at least start out in it. Talk about having the opportunity to make honest mistakes and learn and grow! I think it's a great idea. What, is Mom gonna fire you for triple-seating someone when you're hosting LOL!?

Go right ahead. We use it all the time on the Vanderpump Rules forum.

I had a friend whose dad was a defense contractor. One summer he went to work for his dad. He rolled in late driving the jaguar his dad bought him and went up to the executive offices. His dad barely looked up and asked why his son wasn't in the mail room. I have another friend whose family owns a cookie company. He and all of his siblings have had to work the line, shipping, customer service, and every other mundane part of the business. My friend doesn't work for the company now, but he appreciated that his parents didn't give him bullshit pampered prince work.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Remember the ponies Lisa Vanderpump purchased and the guy who brought them over to surprise Ken? Than man and his wife were involved in a fatal plane crash.

The helicopter crash just happened a week ago and as Wire Wrap pointed out it would not fit with the footage.  BTW LVP has been very genuine and generous in her condolences to the family. Very, very sad.   They were huge supporters of her new pet center set to open very soon.

My best guess is it has something to do with the Yulin Dog Meat crapfest. 

  • Love 9

Harking back to last season, I'm still unclear about one thing.  What the hell was Rinna's big beef over the whole Munchhausen thing with Lisa?  If I'm remembering correctly, it was RINNA that brought it to the table (albeit she said she "heard" it from someone else) and was gabbing no-stop about it.  And LVP and Kyle were in the room and made comments about it.  But they didn't introduce the subject - that was all Rinna, right?  And then later when the discussion came up with Yolanda, Rinna deflected by saying that they ALL discussed it?  And that Lisa said "aw hell no, you're the one that brought it up and we were just there."  Because I still don't understand Rinna's obsession with LVP's supposed comment "you need to bring Kyle into this."  Can anyone shed light on this Munchhausen's Rubic's Cube?  

And I must be second rate.  I've never had a disagreement with a friend - even a not-a-friend, that necessitated my rehashing it 90 times as if there will somehow be a different outcome and especially to the point where I ruin every function.   Dear Bravo - believe it or not, I enjoy most of all the "real" moments where the couples are having fun together.   

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

The low back on her dress exposed her boney spine (yes, spines ARE bones, but hers looks too boney!). Looking like a bag of bones without any youthful 'meat' on her body just ages her. Which is the opposite to the youthful look I presume she aspires to. How dreadful!

I don't mean to skinny shame but when I saw LisaRinna in that backless dress at the "let's waste money we could have been spending to feed the poor to award some D list celeb with a trophy"ceremony I thought she looked like Mr. Burns when Marge caught him coming out of the bathtub. 


I expected fireworks at the Eden vs Rinna confrontation but all I got was a slow fart. Eden did have a point though. When Rinna said that Eden threw her under the bus, Eden essentially replied that Rinna threw herself under the bus for saying she didn't remember what was said e.g., not owning her shit!

I don't mind Eileen but I didn't miss her this episode. Thank you Montezuma!

Erika and Tom have been married for almost 2 decades. It may not be a grand passionate romance (hell it looks like tepid tap water from my tv) but damned if it doesn't work for them. They both are where they are want to be and if it wasn't they would've call it quits a while ago. Erika strikes me as quite pragmatic and loves being Ms. Giraldi.  I have no doubt that if Tom didn't want to be with her he would have bounced before Erika was legally owed half (which is past that 10 year mark in CA). I know couples who have been together half the amt of time and can barely exchange pleasantries let alone sit down to a nice lunch and enjoy benign chatter. 

Kim looked great at the store. Best I have seen her look in a long while. 

This may be sacrilege but I have never found HarryHamlin hot. Nice voice though and he is aging well. 

LVP looked great in her pantsuits this episode. 

Ahhh... to be the child of rich parents. Pandora's husband is making out like a bandit!

  • Love 12

LVP is looking very good this season.  It is very notable on WWHL last night.  Good show!  I love this witty woman.   It appears she has listened/read feedback on how her hair and make up ages her.  She is wearing a side part, the color is a tad lighter and the styling is sleeker thus more youthful.  

Kim is looking good, too. 

I like Rinna's thin, well toned body; it is beautiful.  I don't care if she eats or not, takes meds to stay thin or anything about her, really.  Just commenting on the visual.  :^) 

Erika and Tom have a marriage that works for them.  He adores her and, oddly, is proud of her "work."  One would think she would embarrass him professionally but nope!  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 10
  9 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

The low back on her dress exposed her boney spine (yes, spines ARE bones, but hers looks too boney!). Looking like a bag of bones without any youthful 'meat' on her body just ages her. Which is the opposite to the youthful look I presume she aspires to. How dreadful!

I don't mean to skinny shame but when I saw LisaRinna in that backless dress at the "let's waste money we could have been spending to feed the poor to award some D list celeb with a trophy"ceremony I thought she looked like Mr. Burns when Marge caught him coming out of the bathtub. 


I expected fireworks at the Eden vs Rinna confrontation but all I got was a slow fart. Eden did have a point though. When Rinna said that Eden threw her under the bus, Eden essentially replied that Rinna threw herself under the bus for saying she didn't remember what was said e.g., not owning her shit!

I don't mind Eileen but I didn't miss her this episode. Thank you Montezuma!

Erika and Tom have been married for almost 2 decades. It may not be a grand passionate romance (hell it looks like tepid tap water from my tv) but damned if it doesn't work for them. They both are where they are want to be and if it wasn't they would've call it quits a while ago. Erika strikes me as quite pragmatic and loves being Ms. Giraldi.  I have no doubt that if Tom didn't want to be with her he would have bounced before Erika was legally owed half (which is past that 10 year mark in CA). I know couples who have been together half the amt of time and can barely exchange pleasantries let alone sit down to a nice lunch and enjoy benign chatter. 

Kim looked great at the store. Best I have seen her look in a long while. 

This may be sacrilege but I have never found HarryHamlin hot. Nice voice though and he is aging well. 

LVP looked great in her pantsuits this episode. 

Ahhh... to be the child of rich parents. Pandora's husband is making out like a bandit!

Lisa R is a bony rony...

  • Love 2

Too much Rinna in this episode. And I don't think Eden went to LVP for an outsider's perspective to interpret Rinna's behaviour. I believe she went to LVP to maybe scope out if LVP's take on the situation was similar to Rinna's...but more importantly, she went to LVP so that she she can take Rinna down with her because at that point LVP made it clear she was going to come for Eden if she tries to mess with Kyle. Eden knew that she could kill two birds with one stone by sharing Rinna's comments to LVP so that the attention is shifted away from her, and she knew that LVP would take the information back to Kyle and she wouldn't need to. 

Rinna lecturing Eden about how her betrayal meant that she wouldn't have her back. Rinna didn't have her back long before Eden spilled the beans. She knew Eden's intent and encouraged Eden's intent but it's about the only time she ever kept her mouth shut - was when she let Eden make all of the awkward conversation. Eden actually said something sensible for once - the only reason Rinna feels thrown under the bus is because she said things that she was not willing to own as being her true feelings. I don't buy that Rinna forgot about that conversation to the point where she can adamantly deny things because regardless of whether Rinna tries to avoid talking about Kim, she still has feelings about it. Even if she didn't remember, Rinna could have been able to say 'well I do think Kyle enables Kim and I'm not sure I believe she's totally sober so yeah, while I don't remember saying those things, it's possible that I did say them because that I how I feel'. 

Eden seriously has resting bitch face. Unless she's smiling, she just looks sour. 

Dorit is warming up to me...but I think it's because she's getting more scenes with her kids who are absolutely adorable. 

Can't wait to see how Rinna manages to come to such clarity about all these words that in the past she conveniently and adamantly denied saying. 

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Harking back to last season, I'm still unclear about one thing.  What the hell was Rinna's big beef over the whole Munchhausen thing with Lisa?  If I'm remembering correctly, it was RINNA that brought it to the table (albeit she said she "heard" it from someone else) and was gabbing no-stop about it.  And LVP and Kyle were in the room and made comments about it.  But they didn't introduce the subject - that was all Rinna, right?  And then later when the discussion came up with Yolanda, Rinna deflected by saying that they ALL discussed it?  And that Lisa said "aw hell no, you're the one that brought it up and we were just there."  Because I still don't understand Rinna's obsession with LVP's supposed comment "you need to bring Kyle into this."  Can anyone shed light on this Munchhausen's Rubic's Cube?  

And I must be second rate.  I've never had a disagreement with a friend - even a not-a-friend, that necessitated my rehashing it 90 times as if there will somehow be a different outcome and especially to the point where I ruin every function.   Dear Bravo - believe it or not, I enjoy most of all the "real" moments where the couples are having fun together.   

I don't think Rinna was ever very clear about why it was all Lisa's fault! She went from everything being fine between them to Lisa "manipulated me" in a heartbeat. Of course it only changed after Eileen convinced her that Lisa did something nefarious to her. LOL 

  • Love 16
  2 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

Erika and DH act like friends and no lovers.The hug was awkward and he should have pulled her close and grabbed her ass.

I dislike her and her voice is giving me a headache.

Is Sam a little slow? Is that why he is still a bus boy at his age?

I believe, you mean Max.  He is not slow and he is learning the restaurant business from the ground up.  He also is an expediter and bartender.  His parents have discussed opening a pub style restaurant for him to run. 

Max was truly a Blessed child to be adopted by Lisa and Ken, I would love to be able to buy or build my children homes. Pandora's home is lovely , can't wait to see Max home when Lisa decorates it. Hope there is not 'PINK' anywhere.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Too much Rinna in this episode. And I don't think Eden went to LVP for an outsider's perspective to interpret Rinna's behaviour. I believe she went to LVP to maybe scope out if LVP's take on the situation was similar to Rinna's...but more importantly, she went to LVP so that she she can take Rinna down with her because at that point LVP made it clear she was going to come for Eden if she tries to mess with Kyle. Eden knew that she could kill two birds with one stone by sharing Rinna's comments to LVP so that the attention is shifted away from her, and she knew that LVP would take the information back to Kyle and she wouldn't need to. 

Rinna lecturing Eden about how her betrayal meant that she wouldn't have her back. Rinna didn't have her back long before Eden spilled the beans. She knew Eden's intent and encouraged Eden's intent but it's about the only time she ever kept her mouth shut - was when she let Eden make all of the awkward conversation. Eden actually said something sensible for once - the only reason Rinna feels thrown under the bus is because she said things that she was not willing to own as being her true feelings. I don't buy that Rinna forgot about that conversation to the point where she can adamantly deny things because regardless of whether Rinna tries to avoid talking about Kim, she still has feelings about it. Even if she didn't remember, Rinna could have been able to say 'well I do think Kyle enables Kim and I'm not sure I believe she's totally sober so yeah, while I don't remember saying those things, it's possible that I did say them because that I how I feel'. 

Eden seriously has resting bitch face. Unless she's smiling, she just looks sour. 

Dorit is warming up to me...but I think it's because she's getting more scenes with her kids who are absolutely adorable. 

Can't wait to see how Rinna manages to come to such clarity about all these words that in the past she conveniently and adamantly denied saying. 

I think Eden went to Lisa because she wanted Lisa to know how/why she was questioning Kyle/Kim, that it wasn't out of the blue and that had Rinna filled her head up with dire comments about Kim/Kyle early on. I do agree that she wanted Lisa to explain all of this to Kyle to help shift some of the blame/responsibility off of herself and onto Rinna (as it should be).

  • Love 14
43 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Harking back to last season, I'm still unclear about one thing.  What the hell was Rinna's big beef over the whole Munchhausen thing with Lisa?  If I'm remembering correctly, it was RINNA that brought it to the table (albeit she said she "heard" it from someone else) and was gabbing no-stop about it.  And LVP and Kyle were in the room and made comments about it.  But they didn't introduce the subject - that was all Rinna, right?  And then later when the discussion came up with Yolanda, Rinna deflected by saying that they ALL discussed it?  And that Lisa said "aw hell no, you're the one that brought it up and we were just there."  Because I still don't understand Rinna's obsession with LVP's supposed comment "you need to bring Kyle into this."  Can anyone shed light on this Munchhausen's Rubic's Cube?  

And I must be second rate.  I've never had a disagreement with a friend - even a not-a-friend, that necessitated my rehashing it 90 times as if there will somehow be a different outcome and especially to the point where I ruin every function.   Dear Bravo - believe it or not, I enjoy most of all the "real" moments where the couples are having fun together.   

This is my best attempt at describing the Munchausen crapfest.  Kyle, Mauricio, Rinna and Harry were out to dinner and Rinna brought up Munchausens.  I believe at the time it had far more to do with Rinna objecting to the fact Yolanda was given a big fat contract to film in her bathrobe and participate whenever she saw fit.

So after the dinner conversation, Kyle passed the information to LVP.  LVP being a good soldier of production apparently told Rinna to express her feelings on camera.  There is a pretty staged moment when Rinna drops the "M" bomb and Kyle and LVP recoil.  So according to Rinna LVP raced after her, according to LVP she walked Rinna out of her home and Rinna went into a diatribe of "what have I done?". 

Rinna then went to Yolanda to try and clear stuff up and Yolanda wasn't buying it.  So Yolanda went to the Erika BBQ and vented.  LVP and Kyle made a major mistake of trying to reel Yolanda in and say it had nothing to do with Munchausen's by Proxy and Yolanda went off and screamed at LVP how dare you defend her.

Rinna with no way out, ,first went after  Yoanda and said she was the most manipulative person in the world.  After some coaching and couching from Eileen, who was still pissed off at LVP for her affair comment decided it was all LVP's fault and Kyle was a dolt for not backing their game.  So Rinna most likely rewrote history and really screwed up LVP's vacation in Dubai. 

It gets worse, because at the finale at Kyle's desert home, Rinna pounces on Yolanda to explain herself and Yolanda's take away is LVP started the Munchausen discussion.  Rinna in her blog, then said it was her and Yolanda was mistaken-LVP didn't bring it up it was RInna.

Then in Dubai Rinna claims that Yolanda and LVP hate each other and poor Rinna is dealing with two highly narcisstic  people. 

Rinna not being satisfied with burying LVP, decides that LVP said out the gate at her birthday party, that Yolanda's Lyme Disease would be the season's entire season's storyline.  Something neither the cameras, Kyle or LVP can endorse,

So at this point is Rinna a reliable source?

I think most people just let things drop unless someone is sleeping with your husband.  

Obviously, LVP feels some vindication because Rinna has now proven herself to be an unreliable historian.

  • Love 21
9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Ugh, come on. I get that people have aesthetic preferences for all things, but why do thin women have to be called "bag of bones"? We're all bags of bones--some bags are just not as..."quilted" (like a Vera Bradley, haha!). My "dreadful" spine, not to mention my pokey hipbones (those are definitely dreadful as far as repeatedly bumping into things), might actually like some quilting sometimes, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards, and never has. And I like my food.

But as far as mocking Rinna goes--ugh, yes, that fake laughing at her own lame jokes! It's not that she laughs at all (because that could be endearing in some ways), IMO, but that it's so clearly a forced laugh designed either to prompt others to laugh too, or to fill in the "silent but for imaginary crickets" response to her "humor." And the floppy hand-clapping and falling over sideways along with it. WTF?

Obviously, I'm not pointing out that all thin women are unattractive. Perhaps I should be clearer about my derision being based on Rinna's deliberate withholding of food to be so thin as opposed to naturally thin people. I dislike this worldwide trend that thinner is better.... and this is coming from me, who was nicknamed Annie (re anorexia) because I was so thin. "How dreadful" was a playful quote from what's his name on RH of Atlanta.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Normades said:

Ericka's comment on not understanding why people question her marriage.  Here's a clue Ericka --- You're on a reality show!!!!  You get paid and we talk about you, your marriage, your life and lots of trivial things.  If it bothers you --- Don't go on a reality show!!  Plus, that was the strangest interaction I've seen between two people who are supposed to be in an intimate relationship.  I've had more chemistry and familiarity with random strangers I pass on the street.

The "zero fucks" shroud several HWs cloak themselves in is completely ridiculous for this very reason. And Erika's hold on "all the lawyers' wives HATED me" after 15 years (never mind stating that they still hate her - these are people whose spouses work with her husband) clearly shows that she knows exactly why people question her marriage and why they don't like her. Erika has truly appeared genuine in some moments, then I look at her life and think - no, there's way too much to unpack here.  

7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Its not that I am giving Eden a pass but, IMO, Rinna did more than give Eden a gun, Rinna bought the gun/the bullets, loaded it, painted targets on Kyle's/Kim's backs and then pointed Eden at them, all after hearing that Eden has unresolved issues remaining about her own sisters OD death. Yes, Eden went way overboard but I am not so sure she would have without Rinna giving her the info and then asking for her "help".


7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

One thing that I LOVED was the Eden's response to LisaR when she said she felt like she was thrown under the bus. I wish I could remember word for word what Eden said but I remember thinking what she said was SPOT ON and then ended it with the funniest line about Lisa R then proceeding to jump under the bus because she refused to own what she said. Complete with looking under the bench and all the funny gestures.  It made me laugh so hard and I thought it was brilliant. LOL!

Yeah, I thought Eden was wacky but I would have liked to see her enter the show sans Rinna's interference.  And I kind of loved the look on her face during the umpteenth Park Bench Showdown (seriously Rinna, bury whatever bodies you're hiding and invite someone into your home for coffee!); Eden just looked like 'dafuq I get myself into with these nutjobs?'. 

4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

The one point that stayed with from this episode was Kyle.  Kyle asked Kim what's an enabler?  Does that mean I give you a drink?

Really how stupid is this family?  After all these years Kyle is so uneducated about the disease that is actually killing her sister?  She doesn't know what an enabler is?  She doesn't realize the long term effects of addiction on a human body?  They all deserve each other.  God help Mario.

If there is a HW tic that enrages me like no other it is the Looks Askance, Tilts Head and says "What?" and all its variations. Whatever Kyle's situation is with Kim the bottom line is Kim is her sister and I get that Kyle's narrative might not always be consistent b/c she might be trying to protect Kim. That being said, Kyle was a child actor, she has some living under her own belt, her mother was a lot to deal with, and she's close to her niece Paris and her good friend Faye Resnick. So whenever alcohol, drugs, or any kind of irreverent behavior comes up and Kyle gets all wide-eyed I lose all patience.   

4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

This!!!! Rinna basically rolled up to Eden gave her the loaded gun and said "In my opinion, those two are terrorists. I know you have issues with terrorists considering how your sister died. And those two...well Kim is going to make a bomb and blow shit up. And Kyle gives Kim all the money she needs to make bombs."

"And Kyle gives Kim all the money she needs to make bombs." *ded*

3 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I'm not on the LVP train, I think she's a controlling ego maniac. I'd never want to be her kid.

I have to say I'm with you on this. LVP was exhibiting some pretty classic behavior last night. I see Pandora and how she flourishes because (in my opinion) she steamrolls people the way her mother does. Max - through Ken & Lisa - does have the makings for a very lovely life, but that's hard to appreciate when you cannot develop your own sense of self.

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