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TAR in the Media

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Yep, this is officially 'jumping the shark.' I hated the sound of the social media season, but I admit the season turned out to be really good, as the cast had no one I'd actually heard of, and it still had a great balance of relationships, genders, and ages. Plus the scenery and locales that season was stunning.

I expect no such turnaround this season. I agree this is the ultimate middle finger to fans, and it's honestly going to be hard to justify watching this.

I may have mentioned this already, but I would be a lot more open to stupid crap like this if we were still getting 2 seasons a year. If this is all we have to look forward to for the foreseeable future, then I agree its time to just pull the plug.

Edited by TheRabbi
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Those 2 on TAR make it a no go to watch for me. I couldn't even deal with them on BB. Horrible vile people that needed CBS to step in more than once from their mob mentality and they reward them with TAR? Nope, not watching.

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Once again, I don’t know if Worldrace came up with the idea of what might wind up happening, or if CBS “insisted” on that. I think it’s the latter. I admit that I could be wrong. I’m a little queasy either way.

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Unfortunately, Paul and Josh won't be the dumbest team out there (*cough*Caleb/Tai*cough*), so their odds of going out first aren't great. OTOH, if by some chance they make it to the last leg and come in second, at least Paul's immediate meltdown should be the stuff of legend.

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On ‎5‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:38 PM, Lantern7 said:

From Reality Blurred: two-time Racer slated to appear on next Survivor. I know that I can be a hothead about that series and TAR, and I probably need perspective. That said, would I be justified in thinking this bit of casting would be seen as appeasement for potentially flooding TAR31 with alumni from CBS’ other series? Or am I seeing too much evil in the network?

ETA: Apologies if that was too off-topic. I tend to think the worse too often.

Okay so that was Mike in the previews.  I thought it was him but then I questioned it because he did not get any screen time like Johnny Nitro did.  You would think that a guy who was on TAR and had a show on HBO would merit a mention but I guess not.

If the rumors are true, F-U CBS for putting together the Josh and Paul team and for bringing Rachel back on my TV.  I don't need that shit. 

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“Asshates”? ?

I just want confirmation on the theme, one way or the other. I can’t imagine anyone from Survivor I’d want to see. I mean, there’s Sandra and Cirie, but that ain’t gonna happen.

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

I can’t imagine anyone from Survivor I’d want to see.

Well, I'd like to see Russell Hantz racing with Benjamin "Coach" Wade... No, I'm lying.  They can both ESAD.

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Maybe this show will have a pleasant surprise in store for us. 


”Fly to Pyongyang...”

”Teams will now travel to North Korea, where they will loudly shout in a public square how much the leader stinks and should go away already.”

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I'll still watch because I like the show, but my stomach is turning at the thought of all those Paul talking heads that producers will think appeal to people for some reason. And I suppose there will be a banging pots and pans challenge.

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The only silver lining is I don't watch Survivor or BB so it's unlikely I will recognize more than a couple people in the cast. No pre-hate, It'll all come organically during leg 1 lol.

There's always a few people on Survivor each season worth rooting for, right? Maybe they could go "White Hats" from Survivor and "Black Hats or Ass Hats" from BB. Even the Social Media season had pairs to root for rather quickly, if it ends up being an entire cast of people I'd rather see eliminated, I'm not going to be happy. I'll still watch because I'm loyal to TAR until the bitter bitter end....but I might be actively rooting for a Final Destination style plane crash (in jest, of course) for the Final leg.

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I sent an email to CBS saying that I will not be watching. Paul and  Josh were massive bullies, and that is being polite. I refuse to watch them again. Paul had two seasons of crappy behavior and Josh the one season. Neer mind the awful people from other seasons

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Backlash from online fan reaction? If that’s the case and we get actual Racers, I’ll take back most of the meant shit I’ve said about CBS. Or they’ll just say, “Fuck it, let’s call Dr. Will and ‘Mike Boogie’.”

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3 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Backlash from online fan reaction? If that’s the case and we get actual Racers, I’ll take back most of the meant shit I’ve said about CBS. Or they’ll just say, “Fuck it, let’s call Dr. Will and ‘Mike Boogie’.”

I'd bet the Paul/Josh one was due to fan backlash. However, it does seem like they're deciding on a different take for the upcoming TAR season, and Josh/Paul (and Corey/James and Caleb) don't fit into that take for whatever reason.

They still seem to be keeping their other teams, so it can't be that we're getting actual Racers. 

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@Lady Calypso . . . so TAR31 may wind up heavy with Big Brother contestants that were not first choices.

I think it would be easier for CBS to track down all TAR fans, and send people to kick them in the genitals. That would be less painful than what we’re facing now.

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I had a rough day. This . . . makes me feel a little better. The prospect of housemates doing a legit show still turns my stomach, but maybe — maybe — CBS will bring in previous Racers, because trading one fanbase for another would be too risky.

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15 hours ago, spankydoll said:

I want Charla on every season. Every one. 

I'd like to see a season with all of the team's who were first to go home. 

Charla and Mirna, my favorite team ever and my beloved season five!!!

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On 6/2/2018 at 10:08 AM, Lantern7 said:

Backlash from online fan reaction? If that’s the case and we get actual Racers, I’ll take back most of the meant shit I’ve said about CBS. Or they’ll just say, “Fuck it, let’s call Dr. Will and ‘Mike Boogie’.”

This may reflect the seachange created by ABC's canceling Roseanne. Known asshats -- asshats with a list of priors as long as your sleeve -- are perhaps no longer prized as bait.

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I had a hard time watching and keeping my bile down with Cody and Jessica. I told myself to just stay off the threads since I couldn't keep myself from typing out all the nasty behavior of both of them on Big Brother, which was not happening on The Amazing Race. Those behaviors were, of course, cut for broadcast in exchange for a love story that would have already fizzled out if Jessica hadn't returned home to a huge social media following of the love story. She was getting fed up with Cody's clingyness in the house, and I don't think he would have taken her putting her foot down about it very well to make a long-term relationship last. She called him out once in the house and I think that would have continued. He's a bit overbearing in all aspects of his life, and I hope they attend marriage counselling before actually marrying if they plan to actually have a marriage and not just pull a Rachel Reilly to have everything broadcast.

My biggest disgust, however, was that people were defending the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and just plain nasty comments from both of them. People kept saying things online, not necessarily here because I stepped away, claiming that too big a deal was being made about the comments and Jessica would help sort Cody out, which completely ignores her racist and nasty comments. She sat there and laughed at Cody's hateful remarks and had no problem adding her own. I wanted them to lose so badly so that I could yell, "VICTIM NOISES!!!" at the screen and laugh. There was no doubt in my mind that they would handle the tasks well because they did on Big Brother, I just can't stand them.

But I watched. Paul and Josh was going to be a hard pass. Paul wanted to appear in blackface as part of a stupid snake outfit he wore to the eviction ceremony of an African American woman who was practically exiled while waiting for the vote. TPTB didn't let him, he just painted a design and acted all offended that people had a problem with it. He also insists that the c-word should just be used more often and American's would get used to it like they have in Australia. He reamed Josh out for saying "retard", and when Josh was saying it to mean "a little slow" (I think), Paul explained how that was the problem. He's a hypocrite of the highest order, and doesn't realize it about himself. I can point out my hypocrisy A little bit of self-awareness wouldn't hurt him, but he shows no reason to try and grasp it. 

Paul would order the other houseguests around, and they did his bidding because he was a returnee who figured out that many were much more interested in their social media followers and subsequent opportunities with advertising, etc., and Paul would discuss it with them. They did the shit though; they own their parts and I'm not blaming him for everything. Josh was a huge bully without any assistance and then Paul tells him acting like an ass and tormenting the others (banging pots and pans, etc. for the non watchers), would earn him fan favorite. 

Out of the four of them, Cody and Josh are the least offensive to me solely because Josh's issues are based in immaturity and he has shown a willingness to grow and Cody just spouts what he thinks and doesn't care about the backlash. Asshole for sure, but not a hypocrite. Jess and Paul are just hateful, and Jess hides behind that creepy pageant smile. Whenever she's going to say something mean or dismissive, she plasters that smile on and it gives me the creeps, but that's largely because of the famous Reddit horror story about Tommy Taffy. I'm not linking it on purpose and suggest no one search for it because the writing will draw you in and you won't be able to stop reading; trigger alert to everything but mostly abuses of all kinds.

For one of my hypocrisy's, I think that we  are living in a time period that is causing some of us to become easily offended, and some of the things will ultimately not seem like that big of a deal. When you are living in a powder keg because there are things being said and actions being taken to intentionally cause hurt and anger, it becomes easy to see it everywhere. I truly don't believe Paul is a racist who intended to appear in blackface to antagonize an woman of color, but he didn't see any problem with it either, because he's an asshole. 

In summary:

12 hours ago, Pallas said:

This may reflect the seachange created by ABC's canceling Roseanne. Known asshats -- asshats with a list of priors as long as your sleeve -- are perhaps no longer prized as bait.

A silver lining of that shitstorm. 

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On 6/3/2018 at 12:28 PM, Sandycat said:

Charla and Mirna, my favorite team ever and my beloved season five!!!

Me too!   Love them and best season, ever.  I have been losing interest as time marches on.

Edited by Wings
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Just curious, since the names have been announced, why are people not discussing them here? It shouldn't be a spoiler.

I am not sure that I will be watching. The Survivor teams are all people that I flat out never wanted to see on my screen. There is one person who was a bully in her season and is awful in her annual Rob Has a Podcast appearance. One is totally over played and I want nothing to do with him. The third team is comprised of people who I have no love for. There is one TAR team that I never needed to see again. He is a bully, borderline abusive. The other teams I don't remember based on names. The BB brother teams are of no interest to me. One team has someone who I found offensive and a misogynist in his season.

So I am sitting this out. I'll follow what is happening on the boards but it is awful casting filled with asshats from the word go.

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I will give them credit for going back to Season 5 for a pair of racers. Overall, the new cast is prett good. I could do without one woman from Survivor. It will be interesting to see how everyone does. All of these people are gamers and a lot of them well rounded and smart people. Usually, AR will pick a team who haven't even left the country before and now it's an even playing field. It should make for some good racing. Of course, there are other teams I would like to see but this isn't a true AR cast. I'm a bigger Survivor fan then AR & BB and I'm looking forward to seeing how they do. Now, we have to wait for the race in 29 days or so and then let the editors do their work. We might not see this cast until late 2018 or early 2019. That's a long wait.

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Ok, in general, I like this cast.  I don't know all of the BB peeps, maybe I'll have time to watch their seasons (or parts) before TAR starts. Are Nicole and Victor a thing, or just paired for the show?  I like all the other teams, though a bit meh on Rupert.  I will guess he and Laura will be an early elimination.  Eliza and Corinne, that will be fun.  I so hope Colin and Christie haven't changed, much at least.  Wouldn't another ox task be hilarious?

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55 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

Ok, in general, I like this cast.  I don't know all of the BB peeps, maybe I'll have time to watch their seasons (or parts) before TAR starts. Are Nicole and Victor a thing, or just paired for the show?  I like all the other teams, though a bit meh on Rupert.  I will guess he and Laura will be an early elimination.  Eliza and Corinne, that will be fun.  I so hope Colin and Christie haven't changed, much at least.  Wouldn't another ox task be hilarious?

Nicole and Victor started dating after they were on BB18 together (after her showmance fizzled out).   Rachel and Elissa are sisters, Elissa was on BB15 and tried to hide she was Rachel's sister (who had been on 2 seasons of BB).   Janelle and Britney have been on two seasons each of BB and competed against each other in BB14.   There are plenty of video clips of all of them at their best/worst/funniest.  

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 I knew Victor and Nicole dated (which..really?) but do Brittney and Janelle have any connection/interaction beyond the season they were on?

 They are so having a Switchback Ox task. 

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Pressure is on the Racers. They gotta represent the franchise. Hey, “Broken Ox”! You two still wanna eat a doughy and lovable dope alive, leaving a grieving widow behind? This time, nobody would hate you if you take down Rupert.

ETA: I know, not an apt comparison. Chip never got to wear on people’s nerves over the years. I get how he’d rub some the wrong way, but he was never the pantload Rupert was.

Edited by Lantern7
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Ack, I'm torn.  I'd love to watch Becca and Floyd race again, but I hate this concept in general and also just can't bear to have BB Rachael on my screen. 

What an odd mix of TAR teams, though.  And going back to season 5 with Colin & Christie?  What's with that?  Maybe just a redemption shot for them?  I have no memory of Art & JJ, none at all. 

Maybe some enterprising TAR loyalist can edit each episode to cut out all the BB and Survivor teams, leaving just the TAR teams.  Or at least let us know when Rachael gets booted and it's safe to watch again.  Short of that, I'm just going to hope that Becca and Floyd do their post-episode videos and I'll skip TAR and just watch those.

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3 hours ago, chaifan said:

And going back to season 5 with Colin & Christie?  What's with that?  Maybe just a redemption shot for them? 

Its my understanding that TAR has tried to get Colin & Christie on again previously, but the timing never worked out.  Christie was pregant at least once, maybe twice.

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4 hours ago, chaifan said:

Ack, I'm torn.  I'd love to watch Becca and Floyd race again, but I hate this concept in general and also just can't bear to have BB Rachael on my screen. 

What an odd mix of TAR teams, though.  And going back to season 5 with Colin & Christie?  What's with that?  Maybe just a redemption shot for them?  I have no memory of Art & JJ, none at all. 

Maybe some enterprising TAR loyalist can edit each episode to cut out all the BB and Survivor teams, leaving just the TAR teams.  Or at least let us know when Rachael gets booted and it's safe to watch again.  Short of that, I'm just going to hope that Becca and Floyd do their post-episode videos and I'll skip TAR and just watch those.

I can understand Colin & Christie. They were fan favorites back in the day. This was pre social media. There might have been more buzz on them had there been. I remember Art & JJ but their casting is sooooooo random. I don’t even think they were a good team nor a particular fan favorite. Without looking and from my memory I think they were/are airline pilots. I was taken aback by their second chance. They were a couple of sort macho but dull guys. 

Edited by ByaNose
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12 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Art and JJ were the one pair I had to look up; they were border patrol agents.  Still no memory of them even after watching snippets of some random mat interview.

That's right. I guess I confused them with or made up the occupation of airline pilots. When I looked them I did remember their faces but not so much their "storyline". I still think they are a radom pick out of all the racers. They came in 2nd place ahead of Brenden & Rachel which I.don't.recall.at.all. LOL!!

Art & JJ.PNG

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Just saw on a TAR fans Facebook group . . . Justin & Diana are expecting. There’s a picture of a onesie with a globe, with “The World Is Waiting For Me” over that. One, I don’t hate Justin enough to not like the announcement. Two, that probably explains why they’re not on TAR31. Diana even put in an “ETA” for December 27.

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I recorded it. Did anyone give Joey shit about him and Tim failing on TAR? “We put Joey’s hot dogs in a locked box with a handle. That gives his opponents a two-minute headstart.”

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No mention. That hurts. Not as much as Anderson Cooper going through his entire life in his autobiography with zero words about The Mole, but it still stinks. Wouldn’t people want to know competitive eaters can (slightly) do more than competitively eat?

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