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Rachel Lindsay Will Be The Bachelorette's First African-American Headliner

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This is a relief. Since the first episode or so, I figured if Rachel couldn't make it deep into the season and become Bachelorette, production was going to stick with white leads indefinitely. I also like that she's in her early 30s and has charisma and intelligence. Not only will it probably make her season a lot more palatable than most, it may also nudge the next couple of seasons in a better direction. The surprise casting of Nick this season helped goose the demographics a little bit older (still mostly 25 year olds, but still), and this should have a decent ripple effect age-wise for the contestants in the short term -- I'd expect her final four to have some really decent Bachelor prospects.

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I'm actually glad about this, which is surprising to me.  I didn't like Rachel at all at the beginning of this season of The Bachelor.  I didn't like her in the intro package and I didn't like her initial interactions.  But she grew on me a lot during her date with Nick in New Orleans.  So I think she probably will make a good Bachelorette.

And thank god it's not Corinne!!

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I have a feeling they announced it early to cut Kristina's fans off at the knees.  As far as we've seen, Kristina's gotten the typical Bachelorette editing this season.  The franchise has a chance at a black lead and doesn't want the internet to ruin it.  It would be a much worse look for the franchise if they had Rachel involved in similar shenanigans as Britt/Kaitlyn or Caila/JoJo.  That makes me think the next few episodes aren't edited as favorably to Rachel.

Edited by saylubee
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I don't feel I know Rachel well enough yet to feel one way or another about her being the Bachelorette, but I am confused and shocked that they announced it on Jimmy Kimmel without the usual fanfare and before she is eliminated! 

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I'm surprised they've announced it already. They've essentially spoiled the rest of the season, as we all know who Nick's two favorites are — and if one of them is the next Bachelorette, well... there you go.

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13 hours ago, saylubee said:

I have a feeling they announced it early to cut Kristina's fans off at the knees.

Good point. Could very well be since I think they've wanted to cast a woman of color for a long time and were just waiting to see how Rachel was going to be liked by the audience. Since she has for the most part been well received I think they announced it early to have more time for additional casting. I mean although it shouldn't be seen as being racist there are bachelors who wouldn't be attracted to a woman of color and why waste Rachel's time, theirs, or the shows if their not open to that going in. Plus not sure how many black bachelors they would have in their reserve contestant pool but we know traditionally they haven't had as many black contestants, (and therefore probably not enough black applicants) and they need a good mix of choices for her.

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Rachel on Kimmel said they announce early b/c they start filming in a couple of week. Maybe she mispoke but it sounds like they film before the Bachelor stop airing.

Also, there have been lead Bachelorette on the show where majority of the contestant were not attracted or interested in the lead. Ashlee for one (that was brutal). I don't think the producers care that much about the final product or a love story. 

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I haven't watched Nick's season. I just couldn't take him again. How is Rachel? What's she like? I'm glad we're getting some diversity, but I also want entertainment. The Bachelor/B'ette has always been a form of mindless drivel I use to escape. I skipped big chunks of JoJo's season too because I was tired of her as well. Does Rachel have the personality to carry a season with fun & some excitement? I usually enjoy B'ette seasons  a lot because the guys tend to be goofy & fun so I'm ready for a good season. 

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I haven't watched the latest episode.  To me, they haven't shown a lot of Rachel.  I think the most viewers got from her was her one-on-one in New Orleans, and she came across lively and fun.  For my part, I never thought she was all that into Nick (which is a point in her favor, heh). There were rumors that she didn't get along with another frontrunner, Vanessa, who annoyed me greatly.  Also a point in her favor for me.

That said, godspeed to her.  People are already speculating on which former black male contestants should be cast, and I'm thinking, "Um, she may be open to men of all races.  Not sure why she's already being pigeon-holed to black men only."  This kind of stuff is partially why I (as a black woman) never cared about a black woman being a lead.  Lord knows the black men who have appeared on the show have no problem pursuing white women. I wish her well, and hope she comes out the other side in good spirits.   

Anyway, once I read that mainstream media was announcing her as Bachelorette, any remaining interest I had in Nick's season vanished.  I may watch the WTA, but generally speaking, I don't give much of a damn about how it ends. Lurker mode has been activated. 

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1 hour ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

People are already speculating on which former black male contestants should be cast, and I'm thinking, "Um, she may be open to men of all races.  Not sure why she's already being pigeon-holed to black men only."

I think it's just so we can see more black men on the show than usual. No one I've seen has yet to say she should have all black men to choose from. Granted, I don't search every corner of the internet for opinions on this shit show so I'm sure there are some out there, but I don't think the majority feel that way. I mean, obviously she's open to other races, she's on the show were there was a 100% chance the lead was going to be a white guy. I think it would just be nice to see more balance in the contestant pool which, historically, has been predominantly white.

I'm not sure, yet, how I feel about Rachel as the lead because I did really like her and it is next to impossible to stay likable as the lead on this circus. I also thought she was better than that. But I guess she's just like the rest of them, only with a fancy degree.

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I was referring to PTV Bachelor forum, and the only suggestions I've seen to date were black men.  I didn't write that others have speculated on a black male only cast - only that the former cast members mentioned are black.  There are a couple of implicit assumptions going on with the speculation, but that's all I state about it and let it go.  I'll see what happens when her season airs. 

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17 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Anyway, once I read that mainstream media was announcing her as Bachelorette, any remaining interest I had in Nick's season vanished.  I may watch the WTA, but generally speaking, I don't give much of a damn about how it ends. Lurker mode has been activated. 

If this season has been more "The Corinne Show" than The Bachelor, the WTA is going to be "The Corinne Show" on steroids!

15 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I was referring to PTV Bachelor forum, and the only suggestions I've seen to date were black men.  I didn't write that others have speculated on a black male only cast - only that the former cast members mentioned are black.  There are a couple of implicit assumptions going on with the speculation, but that's all I state about it and let it go.  I'll see what happens when her season airs. 

Not that I have anything against them, but please, show, I am begging you, no more former cast members.  How hard can it be for them to actually get new people????

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

If this season has been more "The Corinne Show" than The Bachelor, the WTA is going to be "The Corinne Show" on steroids!

Point! I skipped over a lot of the Corinne drama, so I don't have much of an opinion on her. Still, not interested in watching a re-hashing, either, but other than Jasmine's crazy exit, what's there to discuss? 

1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Not that I have anything against them, but please, show, I am begging you, no more former cast members.  How hard can it be for them to actually get new people????

It shouldn't be too difficult. 

I saw the Jimmy Kimmel clip of her announcement, and I loved the dress she wore. I had...questions about some of her style choices during the show.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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4 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Point! I skipped over a lot of the Corinne drama, so I don't have much of an opinion on her. Still, not interested in watching a re-hashing, either, but other than Jasmine's crazy exit, what's there to discuss? 

If I had to guess, I expect we'll discuss Corinne's nanny. Then we'll talk about Corinne and Taylor's relative levels of emotional intelligence. Perhaps we might take a deeper dive into whether Alexis was dressed as a shark or a dolphin on the first night. And then we'll conclude with some more about Corinne and her multi-million dollar company.

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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

If this season has been more "The Corinne Show" than The Bachelor, the WTA is going to be "The Corinne Show" on steroids!

Not that I have anything against them, but please, show, I am begging you, no more former cast members.  How hard can it be for them to actually get new people????

Because I'm a dork I would love if Chris Bukowski showed up. Even if it were just to give her a rose, ask for a chance & be turned down, because he amuses me. Is Rachel tall? Does she own a boat? Mikey T might be interested...

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@ramble, alas, Rachel is petite, and thus will not fulfill Mikey's requirements.  

1 hour ago, kingshearte said:

If I had to guess, I expect we'll discuss Corinne's nanny. Then we'll talk about Corinne and Taylor's relative levels of emotional intelligence. Perhaps we might take a deeper dive into whether Alexis was dressed as a shark or a dolphin on the first night. And then we'll conclude with some more about Corinne and her multi-million dollar company.

Spoiler alert!

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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On 2/14/2017 at 3:24 PM, ramble said:

I haven't watched Nick's season. I just couldn't take him again. How is Rachel? What's she like? I'm glad we're getting some diversity, but I also want entertainment. The Bachelor/B'ette has always been a form of mindless drivel I use to escape. I skipped big chunks of JoJo's season too because I was tired of her as well. Does Rachel have the personality to carry a season with fun & some excitement? I usually enjoy B'ette seasons  a lot because the guys tend to be goofy & fun so I'm ready for a good season. 

I haven't watched either, so I have no clue how Rachel will be as a lead.  It's good that she's intelligent, educated and mature.  

I am just hoping that all the chatting about Rachel takes ALL of the limelight off Ick Vile and his whoever-he-chooses girl of the moment.  HA!  He thought he was so unique, but he was just 3-time loser.....Little did he know he was actually just a prop to get Rachel in front of America and then on the throne as the REAL unique Bachelorette!!  

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They always start filming The Bachelorette soon after the Bachelor finale, so that isn't the reason.

My guess is they want to give some other guys a chance to apply. It may have been too late if they waited a few more weeks. I have also read that she didn't have the same social media following as some of the girls, so maybe they want to start boosting that now. They can edit shows the week before the show airs, so I am sure we will get a great edit from now until she leaves. I cannot wait to "meet" her dad, the judge, on hometown dates.

I was OK with her getting it, but once I saw her on Kimmel, I was hooked. She is the whole package and I think she will do a great job.

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18 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I saw the Jimmy Kimmel clip of her announcement, and I loved the dress she wore. I had...questions about some of her style choices during the show.


9 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I was OK with her getting it, but once I saw her on Kimmel, I was hooked. She is the whole package and I think she will do a great job.

I agree with both of you. I had stated early in the season that I really liked her but I thought she could use some help with her hair and styling. I thought when she wore her hair up on a recent episode that it looked really good on her. So when I saw how much better her hair and over all look was on Jimmy Kimmel I was sooo glad the show was/is giving her the full attention/time that they give all the leads. I'm looking forward to a lot of different looks on her (hair and clothes) and can't wait to see how her season goes.

11 hours ago, leighdear said:

 He thought he was so unique, but he was just 3-time loser.....Little did he know he was actually just a prop to get Rachel in front of America and then on the throne as the REAL unique Bachelorette!!  

Well how Nick's season ends and if he and his F1 end up staying together is yet to be seen but one thing I've learned from this show is you can never 100% predict who will and won't stay together. I mean who would have thought that Kaitlyn and Shawn would still be together or that Ben and Lauren could be on the verge of a breakup? He could very well not last with his chosen one but it's definitely not a given. And the only way that I see him being cast has legitimately skewed the results is that we now have a older B'ette. Which is a good thing. But to say he was a prop to get the first black b'ette is stretching it in my opinion. He's already been interviewed by Howard Stern stating that the fact she was black had nothing to do with him taking her so far and everything to do with him genuinely liking, respecting and having a easy fun time with her. And I think that showed when he was with her. He was always so relaxed/ laughing with her but they had serious conversations too. Also the fact that he had other black women to choose from but didn't take them that far shows he kept her until right up to the end because he genuinely wanted her there and wasn't being told by producers to keep her around. And I haven't heard of any viewer that has made that statement or come to that conclusion either.

Edited by yorklee2
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I wasn't a fan of Rachel's hair on the Bachelor or Kimmel's show.  I think Rachel would look amazing with Marley/Senegalese/Nubian twists or even micro-braids, but I can't see it happening on the show because:

  1. It doesn't fit the show's view of refined;
  2. I suspect none of the show's hair stylists know a thing about hair beyond "straight with weave."  Maybe throw some ombre and barrel curls in there to mix it up a bit.

But, hey, I'd love to be wrong in this regard. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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13 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

Well how Nick's season ends and if he and his F1 end up staying together is yet to be seen but one thing I've learned from this show is you can never 100% predict who will and won't stay together. I mean who would have thought that Kaitlyn and Shawn would still be together or that Ben and Lauren could be on the verge of a breakup

Seeing this made me think of something.  Is it possible the Rachel as Bachelorette announcement was done early to turn the entertainment press's focus toward Rachel and away from the Ben & Lauren issues?

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Seeing this made me think of something.  Is it possible the Rachel as Bachelorette announcement was done early to turn the entertainment press's focus toward Rachel and away from the Ben & Lauren issues?

Of course.  The brass wants positive, positive, positive up front & center at all times.  Rachel is their bright & shiny new toy to dangle in front of the media & the masses so they don't take close note of anything untoward happening in the background.  Those couples that aren't already legally married & popping out babies are of little interest to the showrunners. 

15 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

But to say he was a prop to get the first black b'ette is stretching it in my opinion. He's already been interviewed by Howard Stern stating that the fact she was black had nothing to do with him taking her so far and everything to do with him genuinely liking, respecting and having a easy fun time with her. And I think that showed when he was with her. He was always so relaxed/ laughing with her but they had serious conversations too. Also the fact that he had other black women to choose from but didn't take them that far shows he kept her until right up to the end because he genuinely wanted her there and wasn't being told by producers to keep her around. And I haven't heard of any viewer that has made that statement or come to that conclusion either.

See, I absolutely believe that Nick friendzoned her as quickly and efficiently as the producers told him to.  Of course he was happy & relaxed with her, since he knew there was no way he was going to have to get engaged to her.  It was probably a nice break for him.  

I also think she'd look better with a different hairstyle.  Those straightened, then curled lengths do NOTHING to highlight her features.  

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Seeing this made me think of something.  Is it possible the Rachel as Bachelorette announcement was done early to turn the entertainment press's focus toward Rachel and away from the Ben & Lauren issues?

Another poster has mentioned this too. It was @TheFinalRose and she posted it in the spoilers column. But yeah you ladies could be on to something. Guess we'll know in the next few weeks.

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I know we all mostly hate repeats being cast but I thought Kirsten Baldwin of Yahoo had two guys from JoJo's season that would work for me to be part of Rachel's guys, if they are single (not that having a girlfriend ever stopped anyone from being on this dumb show):


The two I like are Christian and Jake Patton.

Edited by CindyBee
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2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Question: Do we KNOW that Rachel's going to be the Bachelorette, or could this be another swerve by TPTB? Remember when they went so far as to shoot Bachelorette promo photos showing Caila holding the rose, only to decide on JoJo later?

Caila was never officially announced as the new Bachelorette despite taking promo photos.

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At first I thought this was no big deal and I was appalled that  Wells  said, "People aren't ready for an African American Bachelorette," when we've had African American Miss Americas and stars of other TV show for years, but I always come back to the value of something like this to young girls.  I remember Oprah talking about what the first really dark skinned model on the cover of Glamour meant to her. TV dramas are fiction and everybody knows it, but this will be a chance for teen girls to see a real attractive young black woman, who is a lawyer, with a big group of men competing for her. 

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I remember back when Beverly Johnson was all over the magazine covers, then Iman, then on to Tyra Banks.  All moved on to substantial careers.  But the sad part is I can only name those 3.  If you go back to the birth of the "Supermodels" (magazines, runway and commercials), you get Christie Brinkley, Cindy Crawford, Elle McPherson, Kim Alexis, etc.  Iman & Tyra were definitely there too, but were the exception rather than the rule. 

I just listened to Reality Steve's podcast with Clare Crawley, and she says she thinks Rachel is gonna kill it.  She's smart enough to not buy into everything, but also can go along when she needs to.  

I'm looking forward to seeing her. 

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I always go back and forth on this.  I personally feel like people in general, but certainly young girls should find their role models in their parents or other real people instead of celebrities and sports people.   I would pray that no young girl is affirmed by watching a woman of any color compete with other women for the affection of a man they barely know. 

I have never understood the people that were upset because black people were not participating in this show. There are so many other barriers that we have to overcome that being on the Bachelor franchise being seen as an accomplishment is strange to me.  That was before I found out about the hawking and the opportunities that come out of it....then I reconsidered. Why shouldn't everyone have the equal opportunity to hawk,shill and shame themselves and their families?  

When looking at the track record of who gets married, no one can honestly say this show is about true love.  It is some morbid entertainment.  I have yet to know of a Black person that was featured prominently on a reality show that did not come out looking terrible. I am afraid for Rachel on one hand and on the other hopefully that if a minority has to be a lead on this show that there is not total character assassination, and that people can separate her as an individual and not a representative of a whole race any more than Corinne represents every blonde girl.

I can totally understand the pressure that was put on her to say yes.....primarily because of this "first" thing...and let's face it, I would love to go to beautiful locales for free and  have someone do my hair, makeup and pick out clothing for me.  I get it, but I wish it had never happened. At this point, since it has been so long it just looks like a stunt. 

I already had someone send me a post or something where someone said thank you to Nick, because "it never would have happened without him."  Hmmm part of the plan I think and I am a cynical person.  Just going by what models and others have said about beauty in television, I did wonder if they would hire someone that could make her look as great as the other leads, and not orange. or red.  I have now seen too many vicious posts etc,  about her hair, how she looks, her gap,  I would bet that 50% of the Caucasian women who have been on this show have had hair extensions...so why should she be held to a different standard?  To be fair, however, I get that people have also criticized the other women that are on this show.   That is just the thing, because the history of exclusion it is hard to look at things as if this is just another season and every comment is just another comment. 

The whole non casting thing just played into the old stereotypes - Black women are not attractive, black women are not worth having men fight over them, not worthy of being pursued, etc.  From what I have read most of of the ones who were casts were mixed race and/or sent off very, very early.   I just hope this season can be treated as just another person coming on the show and going through the process.  Sadly, however, I don't think that is going to happen. Everything she does, say , etc. is going to be under a microscope.  I was not kidding when I said they probably vetted her like a security clearance for the Pentagon. 

I also have yet to see anyone post anything positive enough about other seasons for me to hope that they will "bring back" anyone.  They need to just move forward with all new people and do something to change the formula of the show. 

Does it operate the same?  Rose ceremonies, one on one dates?  Hometowns?  

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14 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I already had someone send me a post or something where someone said thank you to Nick, because "it never would have happened without him."

Not surprised.  I remember some commentary before the season, apparently praising Nick for being open to all races.  Still get a good chuckle out of that one. 

I think Rachel is lovely, but I'm not a fan of the hair-styling we've seen.  True, most of the women, leads and contestants, wear extensions.  But the styles I mentioned upthread also commonly use extensions.  Difference is they are geared towards Afro-textured hair and I have zero faith in this show's styling team to know anything about it. So I'm not against extensions, as long as they suit the person.  IMO, from what I saw on the show and in the Jimmy Kimmel clip, Rachel's extensions did not suit her. 

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I agree they were way too heavy, not cut well and I'm not quite sure if the color was quite right.  I actually was not referring to your post but others from different boards or social media that people have made me aware of. I would not expect her to wear certain Styles because she probably doesn't in her everyday life. I don't know that she posts on social media but different social media profiles of her would probably indicate if she normally does I would not necessarily think it was because they didn't know how to style them but because she doesn't normally wear her hair that way.  

I would guess the contestants have to style their own hair doing this process unless someone can shed some light on that.  In her normal everyday home life she may be used to going nto the stylist  often and didn't have the opportunity while filming and had to do it herself.  If I had to do my own hair all the time it would be a hot mess!

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23 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I would guess the contestants have to style their own hair doing this process unless someone can shed some light on that. 

Yes, they do, but often one of the contestants is a hairdresser (e.g. Michelle Money, Clare Crawley, Ashley Salter) and helps the other women style their hair.

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According to one of the hosts on Afterbuzz who knows a producer, they already knew that they wanted to make Rachel the Bachelorette before they even decided who the Bachelor was for this season. That must've factored into their Nick vs Luke decision, as I can't imagine All American Army Vet Luke bringing Rachel anywhere near hometowns.

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That's interesting that TPTB wanted Rachel to be the Bachelorette before Nick was even cast.   And her being their choice probably was what tipped the decision to cast him over Luke, given that they had to know Nick would do WHATEVER he was told to do.   

I think its been pretty common knowledge for awhile that certain people are cast with being the next lead in mind----some come through like Rachel while others fizzle out.

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6 hours ago, dom16 said:

According to one of the hosts on Afterbuzz who knows a producer, they already knew that they wanted to make Rachel the Bachelorette before they even decided who the Bachelor was for this season. That must've factored into their Nick vs Luke decision, as I can't imagine All American Army Vet Luke bringing Rachel anywhere near hometowns.

I don't get this. The US Army is made up of 21 percent African Americans (http://www.statisticbrain.com/demographics-of-active-duty-u-s-military/). I imagine Luke would have been quite comfortable with the idea of bringing Rachel or any other African American home to meet the family. Is Nick's hometown or family supposed to be more enlightened?

I do agree with the above poster that Show knew Nick would do anything they asked, just as he did on Kaitlyn's show, which may not have been true of an All American Army Vet. Who knows what they asked....

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Interesting.  If true, so much for "...this wouldn't have happened without Nick." It also helps to explain why I never saw what others did with Nick and Rachel.  I never thought she was that into him, or vice versa.     

18 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I would guess the contestants have to style their own hair doing this process unless someone can shed some light on that.  In her normal everyday home life she may be used to going nto the stylist  often and didn't have the opportunity while filming and had to do it herself.  If I had to do my own hair all the time it would be a hot mess!

I assumed that leads got stylists - wardrobe and hair.  But maybe not.  I know the contestants don't, to chocolatine's point. 

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Someone on Afterbuzz was a guest, and one of her clients knows a producer of the show. Supposedly, the producer said they knew Rachel was going to be the next Bachelorette before they knew Nick was going to be the Bachelor.

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27 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Someone on Afterbuzz was a guest, and one of her clients knows a producer of the show. Supposedly, the producer said they knew Rachel was going to be the next Bachelorette before they knew Nick was going to be the Bachelor.

Yes, this makes total sense.  The pressure to have a lead of color was extreme.  Her family must have known this and went on with the charade on the home visit.  GAH!  I like them even less for this. 

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23 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

 If true, so much for "...this wouldn't have happened without Nick."

If Nick didn't bring her to the finale four and let her go the first night or week 2, than she wouldn't be the next lead, no matter why she was cast for.

If it was Luke, she might not have went as far as she did, hence she wouldn't be the next lead. So the people who said it wouldn't happen without Nick are probably correct, that probably why the producers went with him instead of Luke b/c they knew Nick would date a WOC and she is Nick's "type"

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If they already knew she was going to be Bachelorette before Nick was cast, I'm sure whoever the lead was would have been told to take her to final 4, regardless of what race of women he dates.  For the record, I have no doubt race is not a factor when it comes to who he dates in the "real world".

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42 minutes ago, gator12 said:

If Nick didn't bring her to the finale four and let her go the first night or week 2, than she wouldn't be the next lead, no matter why she was cast for.

If it was Luke, she might not have went as far as she did, hence she wouldn't be the next lead. So the people who said it wouldn't happen without Nick are probably correct, that probably why the producers went with him instead of Luke b/c they knew Nick would date a WOC and she is Nick's "type"

This implies Luke would not date a woman of color and that Rachel, a woman of color, is Nick's type. I'm not watching Nick's season (because Nick, ick) but are these things both true and how would we know that? From BIP and the two Bachelorette series where Nick was F2, which I did watch, he seemed willing indeed to do anything to be front and center, but how do we know that Nick and only Nick could be the Bachelor to be able to lead in the first Minority Bachelorette Ever? 

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Yeah WTF? So it's assumed that Rachel should be grateful for any of these skinny jeans wearing white boys who would be willing to sacrifice and be a martyr by having her in their final 4? I would think the real question would be whether Rachel would be willing to date any of these jobless wonders.

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