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S07.E20: Fake Out

Tara Ariano

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Regarding the wacky house Chelsea and her friends visited? I live somewhat close to Nashville, so I can attest to the fact that when Opryland was still open? They had a similar attraction. While I had enough sense not to get on the roller coaster, (I have what I think is an inner ear problem, meaning I lose the contents of my stomach on rides that go up and down).  So I thought the strange house would be safe. WRONG. The humanity!  They almost had to call the paramedics.  It was gruesome. I really should not have watched the latest episode.

  • Love 3
  On 2/10/2017 at 1:05 AM, Trace said:

"Aint holding shit"???  He is the biological father of Isaac.  He holds some cards, come on.  I used to hate Jo. Not anymore.  He is a better parent and more focused on Isaac these days.  Kail is very obviously in the phase that all teenage parents eventually go through, meaning:  "I have to make up for all I missed out on when I decided to get knocked up at 16".   Bitch please.  Me and millions of other people have zero sympathy for you.  We don't follow you on twitter or what the fuck ever and all we concern ourselves with is Isaac.  Not your dick of the week.


Gosh, I hate to defend Kail, but if it's a phase that all teenage parents go through, she's at a disadvantage in going through it right now, when Jo appears to have stepped up to the plate.  And good for him, but he had his own phase when he was pursuing his rapping career and Kail was the one raising Isaac.


  On 2/14/2017 at 7:26 AM, GreatKazu said:

Leah, if you are going to follow the time-out method of Jo Frost then learn to do it right. When you put your child in time-out you aren't supposed to talk to her.


RIGHT!  The whole thing is to ignore the kid, not say, "I'm going to sit here with you until your three minutes are up" and continue to engage.  It's the being ignored that gets the kid's attention.  And she added 30 seconds for some sort of additional infraction--wrong.

Then again, people fuck it up even when Jo Frost is standing. right. there. telling them what to do.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
Clarify that it's Jo Frost, the Supernanny, not Jo the teen dad.
  • Love 5
  On 2/14/2017 at 5:44 PM, Trace said:

Regarding the wacky house Chelsea and her friends visited? I live somewhat close to Nashville, so I can attest to the fact that when Opryland was still open? They had a similar attraction. While I had enough sense not to get on the roller coaster, (I have what I think is an inner ear problem, meaning I lose the contents of my stomach on rides that go up and down).  So I thought the strange house would be safe. WRONG. The humanity!  They almost had to call the paramedics.  It was gruesome. I really should not have watched the latest episode.


I feel like I should apologize to you for laughing so hard at this post.  I'm really sorry, but this is really funny.  I'm also the asshole that would have held your hair and rubbed your back, while laughing, in this moment.  Because really?  You can't make stuff like this up, it just happens.  You just gotta roll with it.  

  • Love 4
  On 2/14/2017 at 5:56 PM, MissMel said:

I feel like I should apologize to you for laughing so hard at this post.  I'm really sorry, but this is really funny.  I'm also the asshole that would have held your hair and rubbed your back, while laughing, in this moment.  Because really?  You can't make stuff like this up, it just happens.  You just gotta roll with it.  


You're almost making me wonder when one of my older sibs joined this board.  But then you apologized, so I knew you could never be one of those four......

  • Love 3

Obviously, Jo is thrilled to spend all the time with Isaac he can get! But, Kail is treating him like a daycare center rather then his father. Watching Isaac for exactly 3 hours means Vee and Jo are going to feed him dinner etc., but then he's not even staying over for the night. The baby probably needs bathtime etc. too so it may be messing with her sleep schedule if Kail is dropping in mid evening with a days notice. It would make more sense if they just decide everytime she has that night class he gets him for the whole day instead of this weird piecemeal situation.

Also, Vee and Jo moved to Delaware away from Vee's support network because Kail needed to move there. Now, Vee's stuck in another state with none of her family around to help her when she needs a hand. I see where she's coming from.

Jenelle likes the idea of Dave and Nathan 'fighting' over her, but at some point Nathan pretty clearly decided he wanted nothing to do with her. Why she's entertaining the idea when he cheated on her is beyond me.

Edited by swishandflick
  • Love 17
  On 2/14/2017 at 4:16 PM, Calm81 said:


Chelsea: Nothing to say. I'm happy for her. I like her friends they seem genuine. Except, Chelsea has a weird relationship with her mother, it's almost like Chelsea finds her annoying and doesn't really chit chat like she does with Randy.  A lot of episodes with her mom she's usually annoyed by something her mom is saying or doing. Weird.


I have to give Chelsea this one.  Lois really does seem to be a bit of an idiot.  One of those people you wind up in a conversation with and you have to give a bit of a blank stare because you just cannot believe some of the dumbness that comes out of their mouths.

  • Love 19

I'm not a parent and don't ever intend to become with, so I can't fathom what Leah must be going through with Ali. I know parents want to see their kids able to do everything all the other kids can do, but the reality is that Ali can't do those things. She hasn't been able to for 7 years. During their conversation in the car I got the sense that they've maybe bolstered Ali's confidence TOO much. I'm not saying she should live in fear of her condition, but if they'd done what the doctors said she would know her own limits. I like that she's confident! I just am waiting for the other shoe to fall and Ali have no idea what's going on. Does she even know that she has MD? There's a kid I know of with a rare form of dwarfism and his muscles are also very tight. However, he knows what it's called, why he's different, what happens in every surgery, etc. I think it's very empowering for him.

It's so surreal to see Nathan looking even somewhat reasonable. I hope he keeps growing up. UBT creeps me out more and more each episode. The isolation thing is terrifying. Maryssa seemed outgoing and playful when she first appeared, and now she's as quiet as Jace.
It also drives me up the wall when parents dismiss all responsibility by saying "oh he just does what he wants! He's very strong-willed!" I have a niece who was born the day after Kaiser and she's strong-willed but definitely has rules and boundaries. That can't start in kindergarten. Kids need it.

Chelsea's scenes were a little boring this week, but I still like to watch her just because everything about it is so refreshing, and it's nice to see one of them actually devote themselves to being a parent instead of selling terrible t-shirts.

Jo seems like he's biding his time. I really think he wants what's best for Isaac, which is ample time with both parents. I do think Vee had a valid concern, but at least they talked about it like adults. Not even one door slam!

  • Love 6

Ugh Jenelle and David just anger me when they're on screen. I feel bad for all these kids. And yes, he is super controlling. What about when he discusses things regarding Marysa with her mom? Is that allowed? I can't with them.

I also can't with that hose beast Kail. Totally on Vee's side and I like that she threw in some shade about Kail's multiple vacations.

Lincoln was so cute sleeping with his hands behind his head!

  • Love 13
  On 2/14/2017 at 5:45 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:



RIGHT!  The whole thing is to ignore the kid, not say, "I'm going to sit here with you until your three minutes are up" and continue to engage.  It's the being ignored that gets the kid's attention.  And she added 30 seconds for some sort of additional infraction--wrong.



When Addie was screaming the entire time, I'm yelling at the TV "THAT IS NOT HOW TIME OUT WORKS!!!"

  • Love 10
  On 2/14/2017 at 6:44 PM, luvgoldens said:

Kail has Jo pick her up so she can be there for Isaac's first day of school. Then when Isaac gets out of the car at school, mother of the year asks does he have all the school supplies he needs. Really? Was she going to pull them out of thin air at the curb if he didn't?  Of course Jo and Vi had it already covered. Obviously getting Isaac ready for 1st grade wasn't on Kail's busy schedule.


It was just Kail's way of undermining Jo as a parent. Like when she asked Isaac what was in his lunchbox. I know a lot of guys can be clueless, but come on, it's not like Jo was going to send Isaac off to school with mayonnaise on Wonder Bread and a Hawaiian Punch.

  • Love 17
  On 2/14/2017 at 5:29 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

Debz OG.  OMG.  WTF. She has a great body, but she can't move it for shit. She dances like she's terrified of falling. Watching the girls' reactions to the video was classic.  


This.  And why was Farrah applauding?  For real, I hope if I ever show up in public, looking like Debz, my children would be nice enough to coax me into the car and check me into the first hospital that has a fifth floor room available for 72 hours.  

  • Love 17
  On 2/14/2017 at 6:03 PM, Trace said:

You're almost making me wonder when one of my older sibs joined this board.  But then you apologized, so I knew you could never be one of those four......


Haha, yeah.  I don't have any siblings here or anywhere else.  I used to have an older sister but she died a few years ago.  I still blame her for all my asshole tendencies though.  She never apologized either.  ;-)

  • Love 3
  On 2/14/2017 at 6:44 PM, luvgoldens said:

Kail has Jo pick her up so she can be there for Isaac's first day of school. Then when Isaac gets out of the car at school, mother of the year asks does he have all the school supplies he needs. Really? Was she going to pull them out of thin air at the curb if he didn't?  Of course Jo and Vi had it already covered. Obviously getting Isaac ready for 1st grade wasn't on Kail's busy schedule.


Right?! This was the times she was going on all kinds of vacations.  She was either in Texas visiting her sister with her awful group of loud friends she took with her OR she had just gotten back from Hawaii.  Her Instagram shows Hawaii around mid September. I'm jot sure when Isaac started school.  She put her own stupid needs above her kid and couldn't even put the phone down long enough to talk with him.  She makes me so mad. 

  On 2/14/2017 at 6:56 PM, teapot said:

When Addie was screaming the entire time, I'm yelling at the TV "THAT IS NOT HOW TIME OUT WORKS!!!"


Hahahaha Me too!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 6

Jenelle and Dave make me so mad, I don't think Nathan is a winner by any means, but no matter what he does they shit on it... he wants to discuss parenting, all he wanted was to be on the same page and know what was going on, he could have left out that it seems like Kaiser does whatever he wants at Jenelles, but Jenelle didn't even deny that, and in fact she reinforced It. Nathan wasn't acting like he desperately wanted to be back with Jenelle in my opinion. 

I can both Jo and Vee's side in their discussion, I think Jo is right that not rocking the boat at this point is best, but when is it ok to rock the boat for Kail? She never handles change well so it's not like waiting truly helps.  But I also see Vee's point that her family is having to live at Kails will, and that's not really fair. It's a grey area because Isaac is part of the family so to some degree they do have to accommodate him and Kail, but I feel like Kail is taking advantage and Jo is letting her because she already proved she will cut him out if she wants to. 

  • Love 9
  On 2/14/2017 at 6:22 PM, swishandflick said:

Also, Vee and Jo moved to Delaware away from Vee's support network because Kail needed to move there. Now, Vee's stuck in another state with none of her family around to help her when she needs a hand. I see where she's coming from.


I still see Vee's very valid point about custody and I do feel for her, having to deal with Kail's demands and moods, but I will say this: she went into this with her eyes wide open. Jo was pretty upfront to her before he moved to Delaware that he had to put Isaac first and that she was free to come if she wanted but he wasn't staying behind for her. I think it is finally starting to sink into her how much she has to sacrifice of herself and her baby to appease Kail.  She had the choice not to follow Jo and get pregnant and I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities back home but she apparently was enough in love with Jo to make that leap. What can I say, being a grown up sucks and I think she might be realizing that now. At least she is dealing with it in a mature way instead of how most of the people on this show act.

  • Love 16
  On 2/14/2017 at 4:16 PM, Calm81 said:

I don't see it as Jo threw vee under the bus because he knew this would air and Kailyn would eventually see that it WAS Vee who ignited the conversation about custody agreements. He probably didn't want Kailyn to find out while watching the episode and start drama with Vee and he'd rather any issue to be resolved IRL timeline versus when the show airs.


Jo is between a rock and a hard place. He has to walk a very fine line and avoid enraging the Hulk again.  I totally get Vee's point, but I don't think Jo handled it horribly or anything. He's probably worried about rocking the boat with Karl during a time when Isaac is still so uncertain and upset about everything. Best to maintain the status quo for now. In the future, though, it'd be prudent to heed Vee's words. 

  • Love 7

Regarding the wacky house Chelsea and her friends visited? I live somewhat close to Nashville, so I can attest to the fact that when Opryland was still open? They had a similar attraction. While I had enough sense not to get on the roller coaster, (I have what I think is an inner ear problem, meaning I lose the contents of my stomach on rides that go up and down).  So I thought the strange house would be safe. WRONG. The humanity!  They almost had to call the paramedics.  It was gruesome. I really should not have watched the latest episode.


I thought the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz was unique! I didn't not realize that they have these all over the country. It made me faint, too. So don't feel bad.

  On 2/14/2017 at 7:25 PM, Mkay said:

Right?! This was the times she was going on all kinds of vacations.  She was either in Texas visiting her sister with her awful group of loud friends she took with her OR she had just gotten back from Hawaii.  Her Instagram shows Hawaii around mid September. I'm jot sure when Isaac started school.  She put her own stupid needs above her kid and couldn't even put the phone down long enough to talk with him.  She makes me so mad. 

Hahahaha Me too!


Speaking of vacations, I loved that Vee mentioned Kail's many vacations during her talk with Jo.

  • Love 21

Leah getting upset at Adrenaline for spilling water in the vehicle did not make sense to me since Leah did not care before about the cleanliness of her vehicle. Upon rewatch I realize they were not in Leah's vehicle. It was that same van Leah was shown driving when Ali was in her willchar as they drove to Ohio. Leah's vehicle has tan colored seats. The other vehicle had black colored seats. It had to be a rental. Why else would she worry about it getting dirty?

  • Love 8
  On 2/14/2017 at 10:13 PM, GreatKazu said:

Leah getting upset at Adrenaline for spilling water in the vehicle did not make sense to me since Leah did not care before about the cleanliness of her vehicle. Upon rewatch I realize they were not in Leah's vehicle. It was that same van Leah was shown driving when Ali was in her willchar as they drove to Ohio. Leah's vehicle has tan colored seats. The other vehicle had black colored seats. It had to be a rental. Why else would she worry about it getting dirty?


Great catch. Most likely a rental.  She wanted to make sure the Doctor saw the kid use the wheelchair. 

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  On 2/14/2017 at 6:39 PM, Brooklynista said:

I have to give Chelsea this one.  Lois really does seem to be a bit of an idiot.  One of those people you wind up in a conversation with and you have to give a bit of a blank stare because you just cannot believe some of the dumbness that comes out of their mouths.


Hahaha yes!!! I wonder how she and Randy ever got together, and what the attraction was. Randy must be pretty smart to be a dentist, and I'm not saying everyone has to marry their intellectual equal, but there is a huuuuuge gap there! Does anybody watch the young and the restless? I always say that victor's situation is a good argument for marrying someone smart if you want children who aren't total dolts. He is clearly intelligent, while Nikki has a lot to be desired (but I love her...she is actually one of my favorite characters!). Of Nikki's children, Victoria is intelligent, but Nick and Dylan are dumb as rocks, and both have smart dads. It also seems important to victor that his offspring take over his business, so maaaaybe he should have thought about genes before he married!

Haha sorry so O/T! Chelsea is no Rhodes Scholar, but even she surpasses her mom by a lot. I wonder what she would be like if she had Randy and a smart lady for parents. ?

  • Love 6

I think Jo is super duper happy with Vee...however when he and Kail are getting along they really get along and have a bunch of chemistry.  I think when Kail is not being a vile beast, Jo likes her a lot.  I am sure that is part of Vee's issue as well and it's understandable.  

Edited by shelley1234
  • Love 3
  On 2/15/2017 at 1:17 AM, LotusFlower said:

All I could think of was all those Friday and Saturday (and Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday...) nights that Janelle spent partying after Jace was born and making Barbara stay home to care for him.


And she could barely be bothered to watch Jace during the day before she went partying, either. Piece of crap though he is, I will give Nathan just enough credit to say he probably spends most of his custody days with Kaiser and lets Kaiser's willing grandmother have him some nights so he can go out. Quite a bit different then dumping the child every night (and day) on the tired and unhappy grandmother. Jenelle is such a fucking hypocrite and so oblivious it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

  • Love 13

Janelle sets the bar so low sometimes I have to remind myself Nathan is better in comparison to her but he's not mister fucking rogers either, is he? He's infinitely better than Janelle in that he seems to actually love his child and has shown at times the desire to meet his basic needs. Take away the head trauma and he might have been the kind of guy on track to mature enough in a few years time to get out of his own way and at least have consistent involvement with son and steady employment and perhaps a more stable(ish) relationship with another woman. But this is a guy who was never rushing to court for full custody or expressing concern with janelle and David and whatever other paycho junkies that were watching the roll. He enjoys his time with kaiser but it wouldn't surprise me if he on occasion, or even frequently, was letting grandma do the lions share of work during his days. Still infinitely preferable to uncle douchbag!!

Edited by dabronx
  • Love 5

I know Chelsea is boring but it is nice to see ONE relationship in this franchise where they seem to genuinely love and care about each other. Her keeping some stuff from MTV out of respect and her love for Cole is something most of them aren't willing to do. (I personally would NEVER sell my child's privacy at all so I'm not giving her huge props. But at least she acts a little aware of it.  Call me crazy but I'd rather work a 9-5 with a decent salary than have millions of people know all about my relationships and kids!)  I think they ought to just live on what they've saved and his job and skip the social media propping, etc. 

  • Love 14

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Jo kind of betrayed his wife when he spoke to Kail about custody? He totally buckled to her needy self centered BS about how she is on her own now and needs extra help, and didn't stand up for Vee when Kail expressed that she now had bad feelings about her. I like Jo, but grow a pair dude. Also, Javi should have called the police when Kail refused to let him come back to his own house after he returned from being deployed. Why do all these people keep caving to her? 

  • Love 20

When you see little Kaiser Roll light up and laugh, he is so sweet-natured and affectionate, you just want to pick him up and squeeze him. He throws a little temper tantrum, then he gets over it. Nathan was probably like that as a child, and it makes me sad to see how damaged he is. He still has that sweetness but it's sandwiched in with so much other stuff, whether head trauma, PTSD, steroid abuse, or all of the above. Then add Jenelle. One thing I am pretty sure of. Kaiser did not inherit his sweet nature from his mother. 

All his life, Jace will always know he was the son she gave away. Even if that is the luckiest thing that ever happened to him. I sincerely hope he is intelligent enough to know he was the lucky one. I used to worry that Jace was growing up to be a little hellion, but he has seemed really calm and sensible the last season or so. He enjoys his activities and has friends at school just like a normal kid. He has so much to overcome. Barb seems to be doing a really good job with him. 

Kaiser Roll's cheerful nature may help him overcome the many disadvantages he'll face growing up in Jenelle's home; I hope so. Remember how neglected he's been, just tossed in his crib with a bottle and left to cry -- and yet he seems really happy, not anxious or fearful. He may be resilient enough to withstand the mountains of shit all around him. 

  • Love 15

Yesterday MTV played all of their 16 and pregnant episodes before playing the recent teen mom episodes, it was like a little FU to Jenelle because it literally showed her leaving Jace with Barb before her little speech about how Nate shouldn't leave Kai with his mom. I also found it hilarious that at the very beginning of the episode when they give their little speech and then say "because I'm pregnant" she said something really close to how she announced her engagement to UBT... I don't remember word for word, but it was along the lines of "we chose forever".

Also I just remembered I meant to say this in a different post... but when UBT is complaining that Kai shouldn't be restricted... you mean like. It throwing him in a crib with a hotdog when he cries? Just wondering...

  • Love 8

I finally had a chance to catch the new episode last night. As usual, so much to touch upon.

I have noticed several have mentioned on this thread and Kail's thread the idea of her moving away and Jo needing to secure a child visitation order. First of all, Jo and Kail do have a court order for child visitation and child support. What needs to happen is, Jo needs to ask Kail for a modification of their court order. Second, the idea that Kail can just move on a whim, is not as easy as it was the first time around.  I think some are forgetting Kail is dealing with two children from two different fathers, one of whom is in the military and who is based in Delaware. Kail demanded she stay put in Delaware due to Javi's military career and of course, to stick it to Jo by keeping Isaac away from him. Things have changed now. She may have been at the mercy of Javi and his attorney who would make it so that she can't leave Delaware for the time being due to Javi's visitation. I am not saying that is the case, merely pointing out Javi and his attorney may have requested Kail stay near Javi and where he is stationed for the time being because it makes it easier for him to have visitation with his child. Kail is not working. Javi is the parent with the career and it was this career that a judge felt it he could give the order for Kail to move to Delaware. It has now come back to bite Kail in her ginormous fake ass. I also don't see Kail leaving anytime soon due to  the fact she now has a boyfriend there.


There is no reason why Kail and Jo do not have a custody agreement that is articulated and filed with the court.


They do have one @poeticlicensed. Remember when Kail and Jo were going to court during the time when she pulled a fast one by moving to Delaware against the orders of the judge and bought that home with Javi? Remember how she demanded the court order spelled out there wouldn't be any other people at the drop-offs, only her and Jo? But, when she married Javi, that all changed.

At this point, it seems all the things in the court order are not being followed. I can see why Vee is worried. Kail can change the order anytime she wants, as she sees fit, as we have seen over the seasons.

I have to say it. Gracie and Adderall are brats. I know they are kids and I have to remind myself of that fact, but damn! They irritate the hell out of me when I see them behave the way they do. Gracie would not have had that smile and smirk on her face very long if she was my child and I told her to get off the swing.

Leah really pissed me off with how she didn't tell Cory exactly what the doctor told her. He never said Ali is getting stronger. He said it is quite normal for a child whose brain is maturing and growing, like Ali's, for the signals in the brain to work better with sending signals to the muscles which gives the child some strength. He did make it clear it is only temporary without actually saying the word temporary. Leah is not good with comprehension, that is one major problem. She also chooses to not hear what she does not want to hear.


She claimed on twitter either today or yesterday that she's had the same friends since the beginning. Whatever Kail. 


Whatever is right. Yesterday MTV aired Kail's first episode. My DVR recorded it. She sure as hell doesn't have the same friends.

I know I shouldn't, but I had some sympathy for Nathan. It is clear he is trying to show some maturity by being the better person and wanting a healthy relationship with Jenelle. But, UBT and Jenelle have to stomp all over that like it is a pile of shit. When Nathan mentioned having had a 1 percent chance of wanting to work things out with Jenelle, it just solidified what I thought about him - he did want to work things out with Jenelle. No matter what she said, Jenelle wanted to get back with Nathan, too. They just had a fucked up way of showing it. UBT is the transitional boyfriend that Roseanne Conner told Dan about when detailing why Becky's new boyfriend was history. Sadly, Jenelle got knocked up by this guy as well and he will surely be her downfall.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 15

Did anyone else find it weird that Kail didn't walk Isaac into school on the first day?  I don't remember being walked into school on the first day but I also think my parents worked so I was on my own lol  but it seems like most of the other moms walked their kids in on their first day of 1st grade. 

But then again maybe they had a meeting previously so the kids know where to go? 

UBT seemed oddly nice and calm this episode..... like in the car... he appeared to be a caring parent. It was a little odd. 
And i also caught the red flag of Janelle saying 'you know, you read/see all my texts"

  • Love 4
  On 2/15/2017 at 7:37 PM, gunderda said:

Did anyone else find it weird that Kail didn't walk Isaac into school on the first day?  I don't remember being walked into school on the first day but I also think my parents worked so I was on my own lol  but it seems like most of the other moms walked their kids in on their first day of 1st grade. 


I'm sure if they were allowed to film it she'd walk Isaac in. 

  • Love 6
  On 2/15/2017 at 7:37 PM, gunderda said:

Did anyone else find it weird that Kail didn't walk Isaac into school on the first day?  I don't remember being walked into school on the first day but I also think my parents worked so I was on my own lol  but it seems like most of the other moms walked their kids in on their first day of 1st grade. 


I noticed that as well and wondered if it wasn't a re-enactment. The schoolyard and parking area looked suspiciously empty when they dropped Isaac off. It didn't have the energy or activity you'd expect for the first day of a new school year.

  • Love 6
  On 2/15/2017 at 7:37 PM, gunderda said:

Did anyone else find it weird that Kail didn't walk Isaac into school on the first day?  I don't remember being walked into school on the first day but I also think my parents worked so I was on my own lol  but it seems like most of the other moms walked their kids in on their first day of 1st grade. 


Nah.  At my daughters' school, only the Kindergarten parents are allowed to walk them into the building on the first day of school.  Everyone else gets dropped off in drive-line, and quickly.  

  • Love 4
  On 2/15/2017 at 4:58 PM, SPLAIN said:

I have to say it. Gracie and Adderall are brats. I know they are kids and I have to remind myself of that fact, but damn! They irritate the hell out of me when I see them behave the way they do. Gracie would not have had that smile and smirk on her face very long if she was my child and I told her to get off the swing.



They really are. I try to remember that they're in a crappy situation with a druggie mom and disabled sister who always gets first billing, but Christ on a cross, those two get on my last damn nerve. 

  • Love 10

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