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S13.E11: Jukebox Hero

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It's only been one day between episode 9 and episode 11, which means Amelia's been gone for one night, yet Owen's acting like it's been weeks. 

Of course Andrew dropped the charges. As for Alex being in Meredith's bed all day, what a cheap"reveal". Did he not drive a car to the house, or did Maggie just not see it since she was home before Meredith? So much for fleshing out this big ol' "will he, won't he" jail storyline.  

Dr. Minnick is a headache. What an unnecessary character. The attendings have always taught the residents and let them jump in and take the lead, so her method is nothing special or new. Or are the writers hoping we haven't been paying attention for 12 years.
"You're forcing a change nobody asked for." - Richard saying that to Bailey pretty much sums up this plot. 

Arizona and cars do not mix. 

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(sigh) this show.

Bailey - Have the pair to say "Catherine as a major stake holder thought that the teaching programme can be better. So i am implementing the major stake holders wishes"  you see how easy that is. To quote McDream: use your damned words. 

Honestly, I don't even blame the attendings for doing what they are doing. I don't really feel uncomfortable with throwing the baby into the pool and they'll swim technique and that's what she's doing. (and that's why it really makes me nuts no one else ever goes "I need to be taught in this way." make a specialized plan (I've taught ESL - I had to do this for each class, and some students needed a different way to be taught. I would reckon for residents it's the same). 

Alex.. seriously you couldn't have left a message for meredith?

And in this week's case of "Is this Worse than Cutting an LVAD...."
Arizona vs. Mindy and the AirBag. 

That makes no sense to me. like - yeah it was to make Mindy feel better, but is that really safe (in a NON car accident world?) also do people in the states sit in the front seat?  usually here we sit in the back seat. That was some pretty bad advice. but...

Nope. this was NOT worse than Cutting an LVAD. Arizona gets a pass. 

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That episode was written so lazily. As mentioned the reveal was a non-event - they basically wanted to stretch out the Karev question mark as long as they could. There are too many storylines going on that just aren't fleshed out or aren't being touched at all. As @funnygirl mentioned, Amelia has only been gone for one day... before that, didn't Owen mention that he hadn't "seen her in days" when they saw each other in the morning at the hospital? I just don't care about Owen and Amelia at all, and when you throw in Stef... yea, onto the next. What happened to the Meredith / Riggs / Maggie storyline? They haven't touched that since like episode 5 after all the (ridiculous) build-up. The rebellion against Minnick is half-baked and makes no sense. How the hell did the driver end up on Skype with Leah? Why did Amelia leave the yogurt on the counter!? Yogurt goes in the fridge, Amelia! Nice gesture, but jeez. 

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ndy feel better, but is that really safe (in a NON car accident world?) also do people in the states sit in the front seat?  usually here we sit in the back seat. That was some pretty bad advice. but...

The cab driver invited the woman to sit up front so she could recline the seat and be more comfortable. We usually sit in back.

Edited by chitowngirl
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As a lawyer, I wasn't surprised to find that Alex wasn't in jail.  When it said "indefinitely postponed," I assumed he'd gotten what in NY is known as an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, where if you don't get in trouble for the next 6 months to a year, the case gets wiped from your record (although doesn't always leave the computer system the way it's supposed to), but if you do get in trouble again during that time period, you will get sentenced.

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What the hell with this show still not resolving the cliffhanger about Alex's case? Yes, we see he is not in jail, but we all knew a lead character wasn't going to jail. I wanted to know how he got out of it, and two episodes since the hiatus I still don't know. 

I like Webber, but I don't think it is right the way the doctors are all freezing Minnick out. It seems very high school mean girl to me. Yes, Bailey and Catherine didn't handle things well, but that isn't Minnick's fault. Even if she's annoying, they should be respectful of her when she's trying to do her job, it is just common courtesy and professional.

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This episode was absolutely aggravating.  So much could have been resolved if people would just speak up.

Bailey should have told Richard that Katherine suggested overhauling the residency program.  Stephanie should have told Owen that Amelia was at her apartment (but I'm glad that he realized she knew where Amelia was and was concerned that she was safe and sober). I'm wondering how much Ben knew about Jo based on their conversation at the end.  I was wondering if he was headed to the courthouse at the end of the December on Bailey's behalf to convince him not to plead guilty.  As for Alex, considering that he knows about Amelia's baby, I'm hoping that in the next episode Owen shows back up at Meredith's looking for her again and he, very unfiltered, just blurts out that she had a baby that died and the thought of being pregnant again freaked her out.  

I'm just glad that the father from the car accident didn't go off on Arizona for telling her to put her legs up in the car, blaming her for his wife's injuries.

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wow what a boring uninspired ending to Alex's court case.  That can't be it, like we definitely find out more about how the case was resolved right?  

How exactly did Alex get into Meredith's bed without anyone knowing?  Did he come home after Meredith and Maggie left for the day?  And, why was he is Mer's bed?  Isn't he living there now and thus has his own bed?  Twitter is going crazy with the MerLex shippers.  ughhhhhh I'm so so against any romantic pairing between them.

What was with Maggie at the beginning, first messing up the letters in the court case and then pronouncing the word disposition wrong?  Are they starting to hint at Alzheimers/dementia or something?  

I'm so over almost every storyline they have going on except Alex and Alex/Jo.  Amelia is at Steph house?  zzzz boring.  And WTF she is working remotely discharging patients from home?  That was bizarre.  Was another attending actually reviewing the those cases and discharging the patients?  Also, I have zero interest in Minnick whatsoever.  It should be a good storyline with all the attendings banding together on Webber's side but I feel like it's being executed so poorly.

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Okay, I'm just going to ask for forgiveness for giggling a bit early in the episode thinking about the board's reaction after I realized that the Alex story wasn't going to be addressed this episode other than, knowing it was Grey's, he was going to pop up at the end and be fine.

My take of the voiceover at the end of the episode when it was showing DeLuca is that he is the 'everyday hero' in the Alex case as he dropped the charges to protect Jo and save the other 'everyday hero' of Alex who was going to go to jail (rather than to trial) to protect Jo.  I hope that Jo is meant to be an 'everyday hero' herself who was able to break away and build a life after all that has happened to her growing up.  I've got to believe that they will devote some time to this storyline soon.

I hope we aren't going to get a twisted sort of "Love's Labor Lost" type episode (classic ER storyline) with the wife who gave birth dying thus causing a fraught lawsuit for Arizona.

Finally, I know it's silly of me, but I did get a little teary that our cab driver wanted to do something he could be proud of to tell his kids when he got home and he got a small win on the way out the door. 

I pray to the gods of Shondaland to not drag him into an arc of awful if the mother dies and this becomes a thing going forward.

Edited by pennben
good lord, proofreading for me is clearly a must!
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As for Meredith's kids, it's pretty clear they will be there when needed for a story; maybe once a season they will be mentioned outside that for 'continuity'. Beyond that, the show's got nothing to offer on that front, has never purported to be anything other than what it is regarding its relationship to kids being in an episode when not relevant thereto and will leave it to each of our imaginations what the childcare arrangements are.  I found it irritating for a bit but then realized it is what it is on this front and let it go. I can understand folks feeling differently, but I don't see the show ever changing on this point.

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20 minutes ago, Dee said:

I know it's wrong, but I kind of love Petty Richard.

I liked it because you could tell he didn't want to go too far at first but Minnick is such an asshole that it makes it easy to hate her.  I keep waiting for the other show to drop and for the show to make me start rooting for her because I have a hard time seeing how they're gonna manage to keep her around as a love interest for Arizona the ways things are now.  I about died when he stole the pen.


Poor Maggie, not knowing anything.  Seriously, I wanted to hug her or pat her on the head and tell her everything will be alright when she found out Amelia is missing.

Edited by Starscream
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1 hour ago, Greysaddict said:

How exactly did Alex get into Meredith's bed without anyone knowing?  Did he come home after Meredith and Maggie left for the day?  And, why was he is Mer's bed?  Isn't he living there now and thus has his own bed?  Twitter is going crazy with the MerLex shippers.  ughhhhhh I'm so so against any romantic pairing between them.

IIRC, Alex thinks Amelia is staying at Mer's and he let her have his room.  I think he took the couch.  I am guessing that he is in Mer's bed because he was tired and wanted/needed to sleep in a real bed and/or get some rest away from living room activity.  I'm guessing he thought Mer wouldn't mind.

Someone else mentioned his car: I'm beginning to wonder if he doesn't have one because it would explain the carpool situation when he didn't live with Mer and it would also explain why he's been riding buses all around town this season.  Maybe that was his pink bike in the driveway when the show started tonight.  :P

Edited by Scatterbrained
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Ugh. The ending with Alex being home the whole damn day was so unoriginal. I called it at like 8:05 that he would be at the house or something stupid. 

I also really hate the Mer/Alex red herrings they keep throwing in there. Shonda at this point has to be trolling everyone now. She knows exactly what she's doing. 

I do have two favorite new characters though: the jail lady person on the computer who wouldn't let Mer know anything without Alex's social security number and the jail computer guy who was like "this isn't a Saks". You two rule and I wish you had a show.

I hate this show now. It really is so cliche at this point.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I thought Jo was really unfair to Ben. He was just trying to be a friend to her. 

If Amelia is going to go away, please actually go away off my screen.

I don't feel bad for Minnick. She's a jerk. I think her method has merits but if she had agreed to work with Weber, most of this could have been avoided. 

Mer and Alex have been sharing her bed. Like her and Christina used to.

Edited by Court
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I have so many problems with the Minick storyline. First of all, these are living human beings in the hospital, not cadavers, so just letting the residents do procedures because they're happening isn't a great idea. I certainly wouldn't want that to be the situation if I were having surgery. There's a reason why we've seen the way attendings handle the new doctors the way they do: they get to observe surgeries while the attending asks them questions about what's happening and why, and then they get to do small things like close. Before they do procedures, they read and study. I don't think that's a bad method. I don't know why Bailey and Katherine made it sound like the program is a total clusterfuck that needs to be overhauled by letting inexperienced doctors participate in life threatening last minute surgeries.

Part of me can see that Minick is not to blame. Like she said, this is her job and she's done it multiple times.  If Bailey gave her the authority to move surgeries and scrub in on any surgery she wants, that's on Bailey for not communicating that to everyone else. But what annoys me about Minick is her smug attitude. It's not even necessarily about surgery or her new method being better, but when she turns down a peace offering of coffee by saying, "I don't do caffeine. I don't need it." Seriously, STFU. And I say that as someone who doesn't drink coffee. When people offer me coffee, I either say, "Thank you," and hold it until they go away or I say, "No, thanks!" There's no need to act holier than thou just because you don't drink coffee.

Everyone ganging up on her was really immature though. I was cracking up when Avery offered to call a board meeting to get this straightened out and someone said that it would like nepotism since Katherine is his mother and Richard's wife. Please, Avery, PLEASE call your mom so that she can tell you she ordered this behind her husband's back.

Heh, but I totally laughed when Richard took the dry erase marker.

Jo was a snotty bitch to Ben. He wasn't asking you to break down and cry so that he would feel better about helping you. He offered his support because he knew you were going through something tough. That's what considerate friends and coworkers do. And fine, maybe she was somewhere else getting test results and that's why she wasn't there when her patient was wheezing, but that doesn't excuse her yelling at him earlier. Your job is to take care of the patient's physical injuries, not get judgmental and lecture him because you feel like shit about something totally unrelated that you did.

I do not care about Owen and Amelia AT ALL. I was kind of hoping she had just run away and then Owen would leave to search the world for her so we'd never have to see either of them again.

Amelia continues to be the worst. First she hides from her husband at her subordinate's house. Then she eats her yogurt. Then she leaves the replacement yogurt at room temperature. GET OUT!

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God, I wish Grey's Anatomy would stop trying to do legal storylines, because they always get them wrong.  No, Meredith, Alex's trial date showing as 'postponed' doesn't mean he took a plea; it means it was postponed.  (In my state, it does anyway, not sure about Washington.)

And while Minnick's personality and methods are off-putting, she's absolutely right about the piss poor training at Seattle Grace Mercy Death.  Not that Ben should've been more involved in the actual surgery of what promised to be a complicated facial repair, but Jackson shouldn't have frozen him out and could've actually used that procedure to teach the interns.  'Cause, you know, isn't SMGD a teaching hospital?



Your job is to take care of the patient's physical injuries, not get judgmental and lecture him because you feel like shit about something totally unrelated that you did.

Have you been watching GA very long? ;-)

Edited by proserpina65
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I blame Bailey for Minnick and her situation. Seriously, is this the same character that was called the Nazi at the outset? If Bailey was going to hire Minnick and agree to her demands (which were based on her experiences), whether forced by Katherine or not, she needed to back her up and make her surgeons get in line. Text book management failure.

And seriously Alex, you had a cellphone to tell Meredith you were taking the plea, but you couldn't use it to share the good news that DeLuca dropped the case? WTF 

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8 minutes ago, AriAu said:

And seriously Alex, you had a cellphone to tell Meredith you were taking the plea, but you couldn't use it to share the good news that DeLuca dropped the case? WTF 

We don't know for sure that the case was dropped, and it would be up to the prosecutors not DeLuca, but otherwise, yeah, Alex, call Meredith and let her know you're not in jail.

Dreadful episode (and I say this as a long-time, faithful viewer who's been watching since Day One). The pregnancy story line was really uninspired. It's so trite: any time there's a pregnant woman on a TV drama, it is inevitable that her pregnancy and/or birth experience will be utterly horrendous and will likely end in her and/or her baby's death. Yes, it makes for more tension, of course, but it's so boring and predictable. In this case, I guess it was all just a way to show that Alex was missed by Arizona. Fine, whatever.

Dr. Minnick is quite an unsympathetic character, isn't she? While I do agree with the point made above, that she could in theory at least be shown an ounce of courtesy, I'm hard pressed to care that she wasn't. Her "I don't drink coffee" reply to Richard was beyond rude - quite holier than thou! I was ready to tackle her, pin her arms down, and pour the coffee down her throat. Additionally, I don't like this actress' voice - very monotone. I guess at some point soon, Richard's going to find out that his own wife is the source of all this strife, and there's gonna be a showdown between the two of them, and I'm fine with that, so long as it means Minnick is jettisoned. As messed up as Catherine can be (and she's done and said some awful things), I still like her character and I like her marriage to Richard. I feel as if they are a good pairing and when they spar, it's intense, but I like that style of face to face conflict. I don't like that Richard doesn't yet know of Catherine's involvement but I'm trusting that'll come to light very soon.

Of course Alex wasn't going to be locked away, and shame on him for not shooting Meredith a quick text to clue her in. Stupid. And yes, as his is a criminal situation, it's not up to DeLuca to drop the charges, as he's not the one who's brought them.

Jo was awful to Ben. Yeesh. And will we viewers ever get to know the full story of her past? Or is that just over, and we just have to make up something in our minds to explain her name change, etc.? OTOH, I don't really care enough about her to wonder that hard...

Yogurt goes in the fridge!!!!

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Ugh, there are so many reasons I can't stand Minnick. She has a superiority complex and 50% responsible (Bailey gets the other 50%) for all of this "mutiny." Had she just worked with Richard, all of this the backlash towards her could have been avoided. I agree with the poster upthread that said she is not wrong that these doctors need better training but yeah, I'm all team Jackson on making sure hockey guy's face wasn't a practice round for Ben. But my biggest issue is really that the person playing Minnick is a horrible actress. She's just wooden and the last thing I want to see is Arizona in a relationship with a 2 x 4. It was bad enough we had to see Callie making out with Penny. At least Penny was a better actress even though there was no chemistry. I just don't get why such a successful show-runner like Shonda either can't or won't see when actors are not a good fit. 

I also agree that have zero f*cks to give about Amelia and that Jo is being ridiculous about Ben but I guess she's just a tough girl from the streets who can take care of herself. Snore. 

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Dr. Minnick's "method" is what the show has been doing this whole time. It's only this season where all of a sudden the attendings have chosen to stop teaching or not let the residents make any cuts or have control, and that's all to service this annoying plot.  I couldn't help but laugh when Dr. Minnick was thanking Arizona for adopting her method, and maybe it was unintentional but the look on Arizona's face read like "WTF is she talking about?" 

This is simply just a storyline for storyline's sake. To bring on a new character while giving two of the originals some focus - Webber and Bailey.  

Dr. Minnick is not coming in on a white horse saving the day, as if she's been the missing piece to the hospital for all these years. She's just coming through with recycled ideas and material, that only serve to make what we've known about the show and these characters look bad even though we know better. (Well, anyone who's been watching the show since the beginning should know better, anyway.) 

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3 hours ago, DEL901 said:

It's like the time a few episodes ago when she deliberate nicked an artery so the resident could practice.  That's not teaching.  That's assault.  And yes, attendings have to learn, but not at the expense of a patient.

I hope to all that is holy that this Minnick thing does not reflect reality in anyway.  As a patient, or a loved one of a patient, I would like to believe that qualified professionals, and not trainees led by a Sports Medicine Doctor (is sports medicine even a surgical field?  I thought that they referred to orthos and whatnot when surgery was required).  I understand that interns need to learn, but I'd rather they not learn on people with life-threatening issues (at least not as interns).

I'm getting a very "Hahn" vibe from Minnick and I'm not sure if the writers are trying to set her up as some kind of villain (and this is not the kind of show that needs a villain) or if, like Hahn, they've already lost control of her and she's just going to continue to spiral out until one day she just up and walks to her car and never comes back.

I had a very hard time buying the whole "let's find Alex" thing.  Sorry, but everyone one of those jails and county offices have internet access.  Plus, why the confusion? Meredith knew where Alex was charged so she should know where he would have been sent if he had gone to jail.

Also, *if* DeLuca had dropped charges, which his one small scene with Arizona seemed to insinuate he had, can he do that?  Can he drop charges in a criminal case?  I'm pretty sure he can't....

1 hour ago, funnygirl said:

Dr. Minnick's "method" is what the show has been doing this whole time. It's only this season where all of a sudden the attendings have chosen to stop teaching or not let the residents make any cuts or have control, and that's all to service this annoying plot.  I couldn't help but laugh when Dr. Minnick was thanking Arizona for adopting her method, and maybe it was unintentional but the look on Arizona's face read like "WTF is she talking about?" 

This is simply just a storyline for storyline's sake. To bring on a new character while giving two of the originals some focus - Webber and Bailey.  

Dr. Minnick is not coming in on a white horse saving the day, as if she's been the missing piece to the hospital for all these years. She's just coming through with recycled ideas and material, that only serve to make what we've known about the show and these characters look bad even though we know better. (Well, anyone who's been watching the show since the beginning should know better, anyway.) 

I've found the problem with the hospital's training is not so much the method, but the favoritism.  If an attending liked you or was sleeping with you, you were involved in all the cool, complicated surgeries and were taught advance techniques.  If not, you were left to languish on your own.  I'd have no problem with the Minnick storyline if it directly addressed the real issues and not some made-up ones.

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I have mixed feelings with Alex disappearing. He should have told Meredith he was at the house, but in his defense, she probably would have been up his butt as soon as she knew where he was. He was so emotionally drained at the end of the break that he probably needed 12 hours sleep to deal with Meredith (and everyone else). 

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I haven't watched the show in ages, but I was sucked into Alex plot, and, as always, what a failure. I don't know why I still try, really. Not that I was expecting Alex to go to jail, he is a main character and all and Meredith needs a sidekick, blah blah. But to have DeLucca drop the charges, which HE CANNOT DO IN A CRIMINAL CASE, is ridiculous. The whole thing is pathetic, and any  but what really really really annoys me is the message that what he did can and should be erased, just like that. That somehow, Alex doesn't deserve to be punished.

Alex beat DeLucca into a pulp. He almost killed the guy. I LOVE Alex, but come on. He knew what he was doing. 

Also, Jo said something like “You didn’t put him in prison, I'm the one who did". NO, Jo, you didn't do anything. A grown-up man in his middle 30's beat another man into a pulp. He put himself in prison. Not you. Alex's the guilty one here. Not you. Not DeLucca. Ugh.

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I blame Bailey for Minnick and her situation. 

I'm tempted to blame Bailey but it's really Catherine's fault for putting Bailey in such a compromising situation. Why did Catherine go to Bailey in the first place without telling her husband? This is beyond ridiculous and I don't see how Catherine can't expect this to blow up in her face once Richard finds out she's the one who initiated the whole thing without ever saying one word to him. Did she really think it would never come out? Or was she just expecting Bailey to take the fall for this? This does not speak well of Catherine and Richard's marriage or to the level of respect (or lack thereof) Catherine has for her husband.

I sometimes forget Meredith even has kids (as do the writers, apparently). I don't miss them one bit - this isn't a kid show and I'm not overly fond of children anyway. That said - when Meredith came home at the end of the day and headed straight to her room, where the hell were her kids supposed to be? Or were we to assume she had already tucked them in by that point? A simple line to Maggie - a la "just finished tucking in the kids, gotta hit the sack now" would have sufficed. See? Not that hard.

And what's up with Maggie not being able to read or pronounce words? I know this was meant for comedic relief but it made her look like an idiot and she's supposed to be the most brilliant heart surgeon in the world or something, not a dyslexic teenager, which is what she acts like half the time.

8 hours ago, Gladrags said:

Stephanie whining about the yogurt was ridiculous. Like the rest of this episode. 

I am assuming that Amelia showed up on Steph's doorstep and asked for a place to stay?  Cuz if so, then hells yeah I am gonna complain that she is eating the last of my shit.  She shows up wanting room and board and asking you to lie?  GTFOH. 

I like Steph but her character has been so ill used that I glad Jerrika Hinton has a new Alan Ball show to go to and it looks like it is something meaty enough for her to really sink her teeth into.  Good for her.


30 minutes ago, ejsquire said:

I saw this episode when the show was called ER and it was one of the most gripping hours of television ever made - "Love’s Labor Lost".

I honestly would've never even thought to compare this to LLL.  The two eps have nothing in common except a pregnant lady.  But I agree that was one of the most tense, gripping episodes of tv I can remember ever seeing.

This was kind of a mess episode, tbh.  Jo and Minnick were like the Twin Towers of Suck.  Minnick was just ridiculous.  Even worse than she was before.  And what bug crawled up Jo's but and crawled back to spew all over Ben like that?  Not cool.

The Alex reveal at the end was a big yawn to me.  I knew he wasn't in jail.  Unless Justin Chambers wasn't coming back, then he wasn't gonna be in jail.  And Justin has like five kids to put through college, he is not going anywhere yet.

Can this show stop pretending luke Arizona us an ob/gyn. She is a pediatric surgeon and a fetal surgeon. Why is she delivering babies every episode and acting like April's ob? She deals with babies after they are born or still in the womb. Why does this show not understand this. They haven't had a proper obstetrician on staff since Addison left.

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16 hours ago, Greysaddict said:

wow what a boring uninspired ending to Alex's court case.  That can't be it, like we definitely find out more about how the case was resolved right?  

How exactly did Alex get into Meredith's bed without anyone knowing?  Did he come home after Meredith and Maggie left for the day?  And, why was he is Mer's bed?  Isn't he living there now and thus has his own bed?  Twitter is going crazy with the MerLex shippers.  ughhhhhh I'm so so against any romantic pairing between them.

What was with Maggie at the beginning, first messing up the letters in the court case and then pronouncing the word disposition wrong?  Are they starting to hint at Alzheimers/dementia or something?  

I'm so over almost every storyline they have going on except Alex and Alex/Jo.  Amelia is at Steph house?  zzzz boring.  And WTF she is working remotely discharging patients from home?  That was bizarre.  Was another attending actually reviewing the those cases and discharging the patients?  Also, I have zero interest in Minnick whatsoever.  It should be a good storyline with all the attendings banding together on Webber's side but I feel like it's being executed so poorly.

I can only hope that this storyline isn't over yet.  I want to find out exactly what happened, I want Alex to confront DeLuca and sincerely apologize (and thank him if, indeed, he helped with the dropping of charges), I want Alex to still get some kind of punishment like anger management, paying DeLuca's legal and medical costs and/or community service, and I want him to have some kind of substantial conversation with Jo about everything that happened.  As botched as this storyline has been, it really isn't too much to ask.

I agree about the Merlex.  I'm telling myself that Alex thought that Amelia was in his bed, so he just crashed in Meredith's, but I agree that Shonda is just covering all of her bases and that really annoys me.   Alex and Jo have unfinished business and I want to see that resolved one way or another before anything else comes down the pike.

Speaking of Jo, she was completely out of line with Ben, but THIS is the Jo that I have been expecting to see for the last 2-3 years.  Given her ever more dramatic backstory, I think that she would put up walls and get tougher and harder.  As bitchy and cold as she was, it makes much more sense for her to be like this, then to walk around full of self pity with a sad puss on her face, gently weeping in supply closets because the attendings are mean or because Meredith doesn't understand boundaries.   She let her guard down with Alex, but since that has gone to shit, I understand why she would revert back.  She is very similar to Alex that way, and I like when the show reflects that.  She has been much more like the character who was originally introduced lately, and I for one (and I mean that one literally most likely LOL), here for it!

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