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S07.E07: It's Expensive To Be Me

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I didn't understand why Kyle went with Ericka.

Mykonos, baby! It is a gorgeous island overall.

Hell, I'd even contemplate a group trip there with Dorit, Brandi, Jaqueline from NJ, and Viki from OC.

Edited by AndySmith
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I thought Dorit was channeling Goldie Hawn from Overboard at her apology lunch.  Dead ringer for her even the cape.

I had a dream that I was baby sitting Portia and she was blonde, so weird how this Housewives stuff bleeds over in to your psyche.

That guy choreographer, head glam guy, paid bestie of Erika's looks like central casting hired him, if he is not stereotypical I don't know what is.  Mykonos looks amazing, it's understandable why Kyle agreed to go but honestly, since she invited the soap actresses to her video shoot it would have made sense for those two to go to Greece to worship at Erika's feet.

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9 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Rinna:  "I'm hungry all the time" - so glad she got that slice of lemon for lunch...

'thirsty all the time' more like it. 

Lisar and Eden becoming soul mates over 5 minutes of waffle babble witnessed by a crystal, followed up this episode with Eden unleashed on poor Kyle...WHEN is Kyle going to lose it with either of these 2 sockpuppets, or anyone for that matter, who feels they can lecture her apropos of nothing on her sister's sobriety? I'm not a Kim R fan, and don't want to see her or her saggy neck ever again, but Kim's health is her business and her family's business. Eden has been pumped and primed to stir up this dried up SL again, with Lisar slavering in the background. If I was Kyle, I'd cut a bitch after watching Lisar and her '1 inch from death' fingers. What an unforgivable busy body. Lisar and Eden can join Dorit in the terminally cretinous corner.

That's the 2nd time LVP has been inappropriate in front of Portia? I remember Kyle having to shut her down when they were in Italy, I think, also at a table when she brought something up and wouldn't drop it in front of Portia? Not grandmaw material yet, Pinky.

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Omg Dorit,  stop talking!  And please,  can we not have  have to see PK. Ugh! 


I don't dislike Erika but I ff through all her scenes.  Im not offended by songs or her dances or even think she's to old to do any of it.  If you can do whatever  you want in life and can, go for it,  more power to you.  I just don't care about it.  I find it boring on this show.... Sorry I hope that made a sense  lol. 

If I were Kyle I would have completely shut down Eden.  Ok, I get that on this show all these women had to deal with crazy Kim for a few seasons.  It had to be a topic of conversations, but why the hell is  Eden going in on Kyle and asking such personal questions? That was so freaking rude!

I'm not a big LVP fan but her scenes with her son made me tear up.

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8 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Rinna's pill popping is getting beought up next week and she mixes those pills in her smoothies. 

She mentioned xanax in the smoothie, which is the opposite of what she's more likely on. Similarly, the last thing that came out of her vag face at the lunch with Eileen and Dorit was something about having a valium. It's very telling that Lisar loves to make references to these tranquilizers BECAUSE they are not adderall or ritalin. But I bet she has a drawerful for when she really has to sleep. She's way too casual about this stuff for someone who is SO concerned about how close to death alcoholic Kim R is. 

8 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I am not only an addict, but I'm also the daughter/sister of an alcoholic/addict, and IMO Kyle and Kim have every right to be livid at Rinna and Eden.

I applaud you, farmgal4, for bringing authenticity to the rubbish in this episode and setting it straight on the hogwash falling out of Eden's face. Eden needs a letterbox full of cyst and disease letters over this episode. It infuriated me too. 

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1 hour ago, Tiggertoo said:

I didn't understand why Kyle went with Ericka.  I never got the sense that they were particularly close.  I think I hate the way Ericka talks, that monotone voice is very off-putting.

I really enjoyed the Lisa and family adoption scene.  So sweet to see.  And yeah, I love dogs, like too much, but just having the dog sprawled out on the table was a bit much.

My guess, is production needed someone on the cast to play off Erika and give an excuse to film her performance.  Kyle being top dog on the cast got the all expense paid trip to Greece as a bonus.  Same reason they had her two butt kissers, Eileen and Rinna and the filming of her tawdry video.  Someway. somehow they have to find a way to make Erika exciting. What was weird was Erika saying, Kyle was the only one who would go.  I do believe Erika has enjoyed being around Kyle in the off season, never really had an issue with her.  Maybe after Kyle having to subject herself to the Yolanda event in NY, they became friends.

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4 hours ago, swankie said:

I am convinced that LVP and Ken drug their dogs.  When I first saw the dog laying on it's side sleeping on the table at the adoption place, I thought it was a dog shaped purse of Lisa's.  That was so weird!

I forgot about that! It was soooo weird. I asked myself if the dog was dead. It looked so stiff and unnatural. 

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Kyle claims she is definitely not an enabler, Kathy Hilton claims Eden desperate and some of these women would steal the gold out of their grandmother's teeth.   http://www.inquisitr.com/3894109/kathy-hilton-slams-eden-sassoon-for-probing-kyle-richards-on-kim-richards-sobriety/

Kyle spent a lot of time tweeting the episode.  Worth a look.  https://twitter.com/KyleRichards?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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20 minutes ago, imjagain said:

I don't dislike Erika but I ff through all her scenes.  Im not offended by songs or her dances or even think she's to old to do any of it.  If you can do whatever  you want in life and can, go for it,  more power to you.  I just don't care about it.  I find it boring on this show.... Sorry I hope that made a sense  lol. 

No, no, it made perfect sense to me. It's really not my thing, so seeing it EVERY week just feels very monotonous. I'm glad she has a hobby that she enjoys, but I could care less and I'm tired of seeing her practice with her dancers and try on outfits. 

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8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

What exactly are Kim's problems at this point in the show?  She is working on her recovery and trying to be a good grandmother to be.  Is Kyle not supportive because she doesn't beat Kim over the head about past bad behavior?  I think it is entirely realistic to move forward on a positive note.  I do not understand the likes of Rinna or Eden wanting to try and regurgitate the past.  maybe Eden likes to share war stories of her drunken behavior, clearly Kim does not.  I don't think either way is a guarantee of continued sobriety.  I am thinking Dorit is uncomfortable in her sobriety and that is why she keeps trying to dig into Kim's.

The dog thing for legal reasons will not be discussed.  Since Kyle is being sued.  We will never hear short of court transcripts what Kyle had to say to Kim about Kingsley being in her home.  It appears it has not put much of a dent in their relationship.

I've been on this logic for seasons now.

What else is there left to discuss that hasn't been trotted out again and again and again and again and again?

Even for those who love the irony taste of blood like thirsty vampires I can't for the life of me see what the hell there still is left to suck out of the "Kim is an addict" storyline.

God help us if Kim slips up again and makes a "scene" at the local market by bickering with Kyle about how to say salsa.  We'll never hear the end of how Kim had a melt down and started babbling incoherently in a language no one has ever heard before. That would be Rinna's spin anyway. LOL.

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26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I forgot about that! It was soooo weird. I asked myself if the dog was dead. It looked so stiff and unnatural. 

OMG, Giggy and his paralyzed friend laying on the table...that just seems so unnatural for dogs not to sniff around new surroundings.  What are they doing to their dogs or are they some super lethargic breed I have never heard of?

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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Erica sure is promoting the shit out of herself this season, isn't she? I could care less about seeing a 45 year old woman trying to look and act like a 20 year old video vixen. And Kyle flying all the way to Greece to spend time with her. Producer driven, much? 

Eden is so weird. Beverly and Vidal didn't do a very good job with their daughters. I would like to know more about the dynamics of that family, never mind the Richard's family. 

You could see the glee in Rinna's eyes at that lunch with Kyle and Eden. She is elated that she could finally sit back and let someone else do her dirty work regarding Kim, and Eden doesn't even have a clue that she's being set up. I thought Kyle was really gracious about not losing her cool and telling Eden to fuck off right then and there. 

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9 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Im not understanding why people are saying that Eden, Rinna or  whoever need to stop talking about Kim and her supposed "sobriety".   If nasty ass, smug, yellow witchy tooth Kim doesn't want people talking about her, she can stay off the show.   Fuck that, she talks so much shit and goes after so many people without taking any responsibility for anything she does, so why shouldn't people be talking about her?  

So I guess people should also go around chatting aimlessly about Eileen's affair with Vinny and giggle or be perturbed by that infidelity and how disgusting it was for both of them to do that to their significant others?

People should be chatting happily about Camille Grammar (Camille's made an appearance too) and how humiliating it must have been to be dumped by Kelsey so heartlessly and how it was all caught for the cameras

They should be chatting over champagne about Taylor's black eyes and Russells suicide shaking their head and tsk tsking over brunch.

Or perhaps conversations about Erika's gold digging ways.

Or maybe, and this is my favorite maybe they all should be talking about what in fact did Harry Hamlin do?

Sure, they make appearances and I get the show must go on but I'm not a fan of the pointedly malicious direction some chose to aim themselves. Being deliberately nasty, mean and heartless with no context other than "you don't like that bitch" really doesn't cut it for me.  Unless there's some connection other than they've been in the same room and have history....... not feeling it.

At the end of the day no one wants that level of ugly for the show. Yes Kim is slipping in to film here and there and maybe she deserves a cold shoulder but that's it. No one wants Kim's sobriety, addiction, or relapse to hijack the show. I don't understand why anyone would. I'm sure Rinna can figure out an alternate way to earn that Bravo paycheck.  Scrutinizing the state of Kim's recovery is a scab that no one wants picked at anymore. Not just for Kim's sake but for OURS.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I also would love it if the show was Kyle and LVP , their families. Real estate porn and animals. i enjoyed all the scenes with LVP and Kyle, not so much with the other hanger ons. 

I am really loving Kyle this season, and you go Maurizio!!! That malibu house was insane. Portia is hilarious and despite Kyles efforts...totally going to be a spoiled brat but she is a cutie! Kyle seems like a great mom. 

Regarding Erica Jayne. Its seems like her career very expensive hobby and rock out with your bad self, but you are hardly ripping up pictures of the pope or anything. Anyone offended by you would be offended by any other pop star haha. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

8 trunks of what Erika Jayne?!?!? 1 trunk filled with sequined tit slings for performing. 1 trunk of regular tit slings for hanging out. It's Alaia. 1 trunk of makeup. 2 trunks of shoes. 3 trunks of hair.

What no trunk to hold her delusions and ego? Wait that would take an oil tanker.

The only good thing about Ol' Ms Wannabe Madonna is she's spending the goblins money so it's being put back into the economy.

Eden can just fuck off. She is as boring as hell and is nothing of substance.

Who pissess me off more is Kyle who doesn't tell Rinna and Eden to shut the fuck up and who doesn't throw those two out of her house. Grow some balls Kyle.

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11 hours ago, islandgal140 said:


Can't stand Erica's sycophantic slug lipped pussy pat choreographer. That video looked cheap and I wouldn't doubt that she spends more than she makes as an 'artist.'



2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I thought Dorit was channeling Goldie Hawn from Overboard at her apology lunch.  Dead ringer for her even the cape.

I had a dream that I was baby sitting Portia and she was blonde, so weird how this Housewives stuff bleeds over in to your psyche.

That guy choreographer, head glam guy, paid bestie of Erika's looks like central casting hired him, if he is not stereotypical I don't know what is.  Mykonos looks amazing, it's understandable why Kyle agreed to go but honestly, since she invited the soap actresses to her video shoot it would have made sense for those two to go to Greece to worship at Erika's feet.

Oh good - I've found my people.  I can not STAND "Mikey."  I hated him when he was on that "Pussycat Dolls" reality show, and I hate him here and now.  There is something so fake and bitchy about him (heyyyy, I guess he DOES fit in on this show after all! j/k)

3 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

I didn't understand why Kyle went with Ericka.  I never got the sense that they were particularly close.  I think I hate the way Ericka talks, that monotone voice is very off-putting.

I really enjoyed the Lisa and family adoption scene.  So sweet to see.  And yeah, I love dogs, like too much, but just having the dog sprawled out on the table was a bit much.

I thought it was strange too!  But then Erika did say that "Kyle was the only one who could come."  That makes me think she probably invited some of the other girls (Eileen, her #1 fangirl for sure!) but none of them were able to make it.  Sucks to be them because they place - and Greece itself of course - looked amazeballs!! It's definitely on my "bucket travel list" for sure.

At the risk of repeating other posters, I will say - in addition to the Greece porn - that the Malibu house viewing and the adoption scenes were by far the best parts of this episode.  I'm a sucker for an adoption story, and the Max one was no exception.  I was tearing up when Lisa got emotional.  Very rare to see her so vulnerable, and kind of nice.  On an aside, does anybody remember that show "An Adoption Story" that used to be on TLC in the morning/daytime? Back in the early to mid 2000s before all (or most) of their shows became super exploitive?  I used to tear up at EVERY damn episode of that show!!

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I'm going to hold off judgment on Eden for now since I think she legit wants to be helpful and is buying ALL of what Rinna is selling. Sure she was super pushy with Kyle and it was inappropriate but I feel like Rinna set up that dynamic by making it sound like Kim is standing at death's door turning the nob.  I feel like next week will kind of seal Eden's fate after she's talked to Kim.  I'm mostly distracted by all of her tattoos and her bad boob job so i'm hoping she gets a clue that Rinna's word is not to be trusted. I agree with previous posters, lots of projection there.

Loved the Vanderpump scenes tonight, all of them. Only parts worth watching. I'm pretty over Erika and I'm DEFINITELY over Mikey. I can't even stand the sound of his voice. He is THE WORST. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

My guess, is production needed someone on the cast to play off Erika and give an excuse to film her performance.  Kyle being top dog on the cast got the all expense paid trip to Greece as a bonus.  Same reason they had her two butt kissers, Eileen and Rinna and the filming of her tawdry video.  Someway. somehow they have to find a way to make Erika exciting. What was weird was Erika saying, Kyle was the only one who would go.  I do believe Erika has enjoyed being around Kyle in the off season, never really had an issue with her.  Maybe after Kyle having to subject herself to the Yolanda event in NY, they became friends.

Is the goblin paying Bravo to promote Ms. Wannabe?

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54 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh my god, Lisa Rinna--holy shit! Kim is not your sister. She is not even your friend! Quit talking about her life as if you know stuff! And, oh boy, Eden--you are behaving like a crazy-bats woman in a Lifetime movie (I'm picturing Jamie Luner, for some reason...not that I watch such garbage, haha! [I totally do.]).

Also, there is a vast difference between "Kyle never wants to talk about Kim" and "Kyle doesn't want to talk about Kim with you."

Maharincess, I don't totally disagree with you on this; IMO, they definitely have every right to vent about stuff that did actually happen and directly involves them, i.e., they were present for it. But something about the way Lisa Rinna talks about it--she acts like she has good, solid info but she doesn't, simply because she is not a close friend who would be filled in on such things. I think this bugs her. She's just being a gossip who wants people--newcomer Eden in this case--to think she's "in the know" or something. She's interested in relevance and not recovery, IMO.

This is the part that I'm completely annoyed about. Oh Kim's on the show so people have a right to talk... blah, blah, blah. Talk about what tho? LVP is on the show should the women sit around and have seriously intense discussions about Max's adoption and speculate on how it may be causing negative vibes in the family dynamic without actually sitting in on any of the scenes that at least makes them privy to SOME information and not just the information they gathered from 2 seasons ago when the subject first came up?

It's the using old information to draw up new and fresh conclusions that I feel is completely outrageous. The same with Rinna last season. Granted, there were still things popping up about Kim but Rinna wasn't involved first hand with any of those things and yet Rinna needs to bring attention to it while filming. All because she had some unfortunate interactions with a relapsed Kim during the course of a working relationship. By that logic these women could sit around all day long and speculate in the very next episode about Mauricio's wondering eye based on that tabloid from however many seasons ago.

Rinna isn't using any new material to jump to her conclusions. There is no real concrete insight into the world of Kim or Kyle. I didn't think headlines and Kim being in the news was enough for any of the cast other than Kyle to be discussing Kim because it still wasn't their own experiences they were visiting.  This season the fact that Kim is filming is what Rinna is now using as a door to bring up her first hand experiences with Kim from way back when thinking those unfortunate events partnered with what she knows via public record is enough for her to pretend that she's got enough to make declarations about Kim in her current state and I call Bull Fucking Shit. Add the addition of a addict and her sisters sad story and thread bare connection to Kim R and Lisa thinks she's all set for drunkgate 2.0 .

Uggghhhhh, please say it ain't so!

Edited by Yours Truly
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10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

8 trunks of what Erika Jayne?!?!? 1 trunk filled with sequined tit slings for performing. 1 trunk of regular tit slings for hanging out. It's Alaia. 1 trunk of makeup. 2 trunks of shoes. 3 trunks of hair.

Maybe a couple of trunks with breathing holes in them, to smuggle part of her "glam squad" into Greece?  ;-)

She is definitely a high-maintenance girl.  I wonder what the hell she is doing with Mr. Girardi that he finances all of this?

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6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Maybe a couple of trunks with breathing holes in them, to smuggle part of her "glam squad" into Greece?  ;-)

She is definitely a high-maintenance girl.  I wonder what the hell she is doing with Mr. Girardi that he finances all of this?

Only the goblin knows!

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20 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Is the goblin paying Bravo to promote Ms. Wannabe?

Kind of-he foot the bill for these ridiculous performances of Erika.  I am thinking between the plane and the related costs, the house, the staff, the wardrobe and related costs of housing a staff of 10, Tom is probably circling the drain in the quarter million dollar range.  I don't know how many people can fit into a nightclub (I assume it is an entire stage area) at the prime 3 am time slot, but Kyle and Erika were back to the house by 6 am.  So it is a hell of a lot of money for exposure to people who are already aware of her.  Erika Jayne is into her second full on year of Bravo exposure and all I have seen is she picked up a couple of stage dates that do not seem to put money in the bank.

Kyle said she flew over commercial with the Bravo crew.  My guess is she is the least obnoxious and easiest to travel with for the crew.  She is also probably the highest paid cast member.  So Bravo did have to invest in the never ended promotion of Erika Jayne.

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1 hour ago, yogi2014L said:

Regarding Erica Jayne. Its seems like her career very expensive hobby and rock out with your bad self, but you are hardly ripping up pictures of the pope or anything. Anyone offended by you would be offended by any other pop star haha. 

I've been puzzling over who she's referring to--as you say, if you're offended by Erika Jayne, wouldn't you be equally offended by, say, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, or some other more prominent female star? (In other words, someone much more notable.) The pop landscape isn't exactly full of Doris Day wannabes at this moment. The only thing I can figure is that she is referring to some of Tom's friends. Because why expend that kind of energy on EJ otherwise? (Or she's just hyping herself)

Erika doesn't really register for me (in other words I don't feel strongly about her) But, I'm more surprised by how small her sense of humor is. 

Edited by ivygirl
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55 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

This is the part that I'm completely annoyed about. Oh Kim's on the show so people have a right to talk... blah, blah, blah. Talk about what tho? LVP is on the show should the women sit around and have seriously intense discussions about Max's adoption and speculate on how it may be causing negative vibes in the family dynamic without actually sitting in on any of the scenes that at least makes them privy to SOME information and not just the information they gathered from 2 seasons ago when the subject first came up?

It's the using old information to draw up new and fresh conclusions that I feel is completely outrageous. The same with Rinna last season. Granted, there were still things popping up about Kim but Rinna wasn't involved first hand with any of those things and yet Rinna needs to bring attention to it while filming. All because she had some unfortunate interactions with a relapsed Kim during the course of a working relationship. By that logic these women could sit around all day long and speculate in the very next episode about Mauricio's wondering eye based on that tabloid from however many seasons ago.

Rinna isn't using any new material to jump to her conclusions. There is no real concrete insight into the world of Kim or Kyle. I didn't think headlines and Kim being in the news was enough for any of the cast other than Kyle to be discussing Kim because it still wasn't their own experiences they were visiting.  This season the fact that Kim is filming is what Rinna is now using as a door to bring up her first hand experiences with Kim from way back when thinking those unfortunate events partnered with what she knows via public record is enough for her to pretend that she's got enough to make declarations about Kim in her current state and I call Bull Fucking Shit. Add the addition of a addict and her sisters sad story and thread bare connection to Kim R and Lisa thinks she's all set for drunkgate 2.0 .

Uggghhhhh, please say it ain't so!

While I completely agree that seeing and hearing no more about Kim is something to be fervently desired, Eden and LR were discussing a current event, i.e., last week's convo between Kim and LR.  However, their BS about "helping" was BS.  You can't "save" anyone, no matter your level of denial.

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34 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I've been puzzling over who she's referring to--as you say, if you're offended by Erika Jayne, wouldn't you be equally offended by, say, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, or some other more prominent female star? (In other words, someone much more notable.) The pop landscape isn't exactly full of Doris Day wannabes at this moment. The only thing I can figure is that she is referring to some of Tom's friends. Because why expend that kind of energy on EJ otherwise? (Or she's just hyping herself)

Erika doesn't really register for me (in other words I don't feel strongly about her) But, I'm more surprised by how small her sense of humor is. 

The only HW that was "shocked" by an EJ video was Rinna so was that a dig towards Rinna? My oh My, what will Eileen do if Erika decides that she doesn't like Rinna? LOL

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I forgot about that! It was soooo weird. I asked myself if the dog was dead. It looked so stiff and unnatural. 

This comes up every once in a while. LVP has said that Giggy is on medication for his constant itching. My bet is something like doggy Benedril because I read dogs tolerate it better than humans when I put mine on it for a couple of days. Benedril makes you sleepy and I've actually used it as a sleeping pill on occasion.  Yep, at least Giggy is medicated and the alternative might have been, as the vet actually recommended, that Giggy be put down for all his issues. So I can't fault LVP for that.

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8 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

This comes up every once in a while. LVP has said that Giggy is on medication for his constant itching. My bet is something like doggy Benedril because I read dogs tolerate it better than humans when I put mine on it for a couple of days. Benedril makes you sleepy and I've actually used it as a sleeping pill on occasion.  Yep, at least Giggy is medicated and the alternative might have been, as the vet actually recommended, that Giggy be put down for all his issues. So I can't fault LVP for that.

Not just Giggy but the other dog, Harrison, who also suffers from Alopecia!

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

So it is a hell of a lot of money for exposure to people who are already aware of her.  Erika Jayne is into her second full on year of Bravo exposure and all I have seen is she picked up a couple of stage dates that do not seem to put money in the bank.

I actually thought the Erika Jane character was her admission ticket to Bravo and that she would cut back expenses this year. Guess I was wrong. I'm liking her better this year as she doesn't seem to be teamed up which is refreshing.

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Erica Jayne doesn't bother me, hell if I had that money I might decide to be a middle aged pop star myself. She's having fun and it looks like she has a very clear understanding of what it is and what it isn't. I have to give her credit for at least rehearsing, something Mariah Carey couldn't be bothered to do. 

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1 minute ago, Almost 3000 said:

I actually thought the Erika Jane character was her admission ticket to Bravo and that she would cut back expenses this year. Guess I was wrong. I'm liking her better this year as she doesn't seem to be teamed up which is refreshing.

I must say, her particular nuttiness is more interesting than the Satanist/witch/orgy lady that they had awhile back.  She joins a long line of superannuated HWs who had delusions of pop stardom.  She's more committed than most; she actually rehearses!  Still, the complete and utter silliness of the enterprise!  Who would be drawn to it, other than curiosity seekers?

Still, delusions that harm no one are fun to watch.  And she is funny.

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4 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

While I completely agree that seeing and hearing no more about Kim is something to be fervently desired, Eden and LR were discussing a current event, i.e., last week's convo between Kim and LR.  However, their BS about "helping" was BS.  You can't "save" anyone, no matter your level of denial.

Bravo.  Here is Eden's take:

I asked Kyle a lot of questions at lunch.  Questions she did not want to hear or think about.  But after Rinna told me Kyle was an enabler, I felt like I had to get to know Kyle and understand where she is coming from to help Kim.  Because I didn't feel a very welcoming energy at #Game Night.  I wanted to make it my mission to get to know Kyle, and for Kyle to get to know meI think she will find out soon enough I have a #HUGE heart.  And as someone who knows the pain of being an addict, I don't care who it is, or if I am close to them or not, want to help!  There is such an amazing life that comes from being sober and living your #Truth.  I want that for anyone struggling.  And if Kyle chooses not to talk about it with me, or her sister, I just hope Kim knows that I am always here. 

Maybe it is me all I see is a whole lot of I and me in Eden's statement.  She is also a master of the obvious and I am unclear what she wanted Kyle to do to make her feel more welcome.  After the won't let go of Kim after Kim offered her condolences, I pretty much had had enough of Eden.  Perhaps Eden should have extended an invitation to Kim (on or off camera) to have a session or two at her Pilates studio.

Eden, who can't seem to get out of her own way, continues with:

Kyle thought I was being invasive asking questions about her mom.  I didn't mean to make her feel like that, but as the daughter of a recovering alcoholic, (my mother), I know it comes from somewhere.  I know it comes from somewhere.  The more you know about how it started or who it may have been passed from, the more you can learn about yourself.  It helps the whole sobriety process.  One day I hope Kyle recognizes where I am coming from.

Note to Self:  You can't take it personally when others aren't ready to look at the deeper meaning of things.  #These Things Take Time

Kyle realizes Eden is coming from a position of trying to become famous and is desperately trying to find commonality it anything Kyle or Kim Richards.  Eden needs to work on getting herself well and forget about Kim or living life as one long therapy session.  We already have Eileen for that role.

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Hmm, I wonder if the pill popping housewife is Eden.  She seems the most likely candidate, it was Xanax that they were accusing the person of taking, right?  She seems like the most bland/even keeled one.  

Edit: I am watching Watch What Happens Live and the person is Lisa Rinna.  If she takes Xanax she obviously doesn't take enough, because that bitch ain't calm.  

Edited by mothmonsterman
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26 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

This comes up every once in a while. LVP has said that Giggy is on medication for his constant itching. My bet is something like doggy Benedril because I read dogs tolerate it better than humans when I put mine on it for a couple of days. Benedril makes you sleepy and I've actually used it as a sleeping pill on occasion.  Yep, at least Giggy is medicated and the alternative might have been, as the vet actually recommended, that Giggy be put down for all his issues. So I can't fault LVP for that.

Over the counter allergy meds and sleep aids can be one and the same. The tiniest bit of diphenhydramine hcl puts me out. Thank God I don't have allergies.

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3 minutes ago, rho said:


I just want one of these idiots (Rinna, Eileen or Eden) to be given an oath and substitute "my truth" for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so they can see how idiotic they sound.  I would also like the judge to cite them for contempt but those are just dreams.   The users of that phrase always try and make it sound as if "their truth" is superior to say reality. 

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1 hour ago, SFoster21 said:

While I completely agree that seeing and hearing no more about Kim is something to be fervently desired, Eden and LR were discussing a current event, i.e., last week's convo between Kim and LR.  However, their BS about "helping" was BS.  You can't "save" anyone, no matter your level of denial.

Which is why I mentioned just being in the same room with and having a history with Kim is still not enough, to me, to justify Rinna having ANY conversation that LEADS INTO speculation about Kim's current state in her sobriety, recovery or what have you. When I mention current event I'm not talking about old news being mentioned again in conversation or gathering and revisiting old wounds. I'm talking about some new conflict developing or new behavior occurring and even then I'm so against anyone bringing shit up anymore cause lather, rinse, repeat. Hell, Kim could have fallen out of her seat 5 times and slurred her words during the whole dinner and I would want everyone to just leave it be cause even though it would be new material it's still old news that can't bring nothing but vomit inducing conversations, confrontations and pearl clutching to the rest of the season which we all know would be cringe worthy. No Thank You! 

They know where these little conversations can possible take the subject matter considering we know that Kim tends to speak out when she knows its happening behind her back so this is just a set up for either Kim or Kyle to eventually have a heated reaction down the line and will "fan the flame" for the whole "inappropriate outbursts" on the part of Kim because she's got "no right" to react strongly cause, well,  ADDICT... This is where Rinna is steering it and I'm not interested. Kim being at her sisters house for a filming event and getting into a minor back and forth with Rinna over old grievances shouldn't be manipulated into a deliberately manufactured storyline that leads us back down the path and opens the door to chastising Kim within an inch of her life. AGAIN. She's been tarred and feathered. The bones are clean on that carcass and it is what it is. Time. To. Move. On.


Edited by Yours Truly
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3 minutes ago, Giselle said:

They don't want to save Kim. They don't give a rat's ass. They want a storyline and screen time.

Eden and Rinna can go fuck them selves. If they were really concerned they wouldn't "help Kim" in front of a camera. We wouldn't even hear of them helping her if they truly meant it.

That lunch between Kyle, Rinna and Edam was an ambush. I'm disappointed in Kyle that she didn't put her foot down at the party snf throw them out nor cut them down during this episode.

I completely agree.

I have no personal experience living/dealing with an addict the way these women are/have, so excuse me if my question is naive, but I really don't see how reopening wounds and dwelling on what the addicts low points were can be helpful in their current recovery.  If Kim is struggling every day to maintain whatever level of sobriety she has, I don't think it's helpful to stress her with old arguments about how she behaved during some of her low moments.  Yes, she's been nasty and mean to people, but if they truly wanted to help her they'd let the past be the past and deal in the present situation.  Jmo, like I said, this is far from my area of expertise.


And who the F does Rinna think she is blabbing about Kim's sobriety or lack thereof when she KNOWS Kyle doesn't want it talked about!?!?  How is Rinna an expert on Kim's condition?  Kyle doesn't talk to her about it, Kim doesn't talk to her about it,... As soon as she started defining "enabler" I thought for sure we're going to have a new munchenhausen thing. To me, the lunch looked like an attempt at an intervention for Kyle. I was surprised she didn't try to change the subject.  

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Erica sure is promoting the shit out of herself this season, isn't she? I could care less about seeing a 45 year old woman trying to look and act like a 20 year old video vixen. And Kyle flying all the way to Greece to spend time with her. Producer driven, much? 

Yep.  The producers seems bored and even more desperate to fit whatever they can into a hour of tv with every given episode.   The thing is RHOBH is missing a scandal.   If you look at seasons 1, 2, 4 and 5 -  why were those the most talked about or well rated seasons because they had gossip-scandal stories: Kim substance abuse,  Taylor's abuse,  Mauricio's rumored infidelity and of course Kim's substance abuse.   

The last 2 seasons it's been like trying to pull teeth trying to get these women to have something interesting to happen without it being forced.   No one cares if Erika does or does not wear panties - what the audience would had cared about if she let PK get more eyeball action at her hot pocket to make Dorit jealous and pissed.   That would had been some good drama for the group.   

I get rehash is part of storyline or sometimes good to fit a narrative but week after week Rinna for the last 3 seasons has made her storyline about Kim.   She should shift her focus since now she's bringing up enabling - make Kyle her storyline.   Problem is she won't do it because of she and the rest of the women are too friendly and/or kiss asses to each other.   

This show along with the others need to take a page out of ATL -  every season they have new storylines.  Kenya has her abusive/crazy boyfriend,  Porsha wants a baby,  Kenya and Sheree unfinished house battle,  Cynthia is moving/dealing with being a divorcee, Kandi and her Riley's daddy drama,  and Kandi is at odds with Porsha/Phaedra.   They also have their positive stuff happening with how they are funding money for Flint and the water crisis.   There something for everyone every season in that franchise.   I hardly ever see them do the same storyline like BH does.   That's why I still suggest they get them a new bunch of women after this season.   Keep LVP,  Kyle and even Erika for her twitter following but the others thing can kick rocks -  they provide nothing or they simply trying too hard 

Edited by BlackMamba
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31 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

I must say, her particular nuttiness is more interesting than the Satanist/witch/orgy lady that they had awhile back.  She joins a long line of superannuated HWs who had delusions of pop stardom.  She's more committed than most; she actually rehearses!  Still, the complete and utter silliness of the enterprise!  Who would be drawn to it, other than curiosity seekers?

Still, delusions that harm no one are fun to watch.  And she is funny.

I agree, EJ doesn't bother me. I would rather watch her then Rinna and Eileen.

Now I want to go to Greece!

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4 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

Yep.  The producers seems bored and even more desperate to fit whatever they can into a hour of tv with every given episode.   The thing is RHOBH is missing a scandal.   If you look at seasons 1, 2, 4 and 5 -  why were those the most talked about or well rated seasons because they had gossip-scandal stories: Kim substance abuse,  Taylor's abuse,  Mauricio's rumored infidelity and of course Kim's substance abuse.   

The last 2 seasons it's been like trying to pull teeth trying to get these women to have something interesting to happen without it being forced.   No one cares if Erika does or does not wear panties - what the audience would had cared about if she let PK get more eyeball action at her hot pocket to make Dorit jealous and pissed.   That would had been some good drama for the group.   

I get rehash is part of storyline or sometimes good to fit a narrative but week after week Rinna for the last 3 seasons has made her storyline about Kim.   She should shift her focus since now she's bringing up enabling - make Kyle her storyline.   Problem is she won't do it because of she and the rest of the women are too friendly and/or kiss asses to each other.   

This show along with the others need to take a page out of ATL -  every season they have new storylines.  Kenya has her abusive/crazy boyfriend,  Porsha wants a baby,  Kenya and Sheree unfinished house battle,  Cynthia is moving/dealing with being a divorcee, Kandi and her Riley's daddy drama,  and Kandi is at odds with Porsha/Phaedra.   They also have their positive stuff happening with how they are funding money for Flint and the water crisis.   There something for everyone every season in that franchise.   I hardly ever see them do the same storyline like BH does.   That's I still suggest they get them a new bunch of women after this season.   Keep LVP,  Kyle and even Erika for her twitter following but the other thing can kick rocks. 

Good point about ATL.

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I wonder if there's more history to the Eden/Kyle thing than we see.  She was a contemporary of Kim's, ran in the same circles, correct?  Which means she's got dirt on both Kim AND Kathy, and they sit down to lunch and she starts in on Big Kathy.  Hmmm...

Now, if her intentions were purely noble, the way to do that (not on tv) is not to pepper the poor woman with personal questions, but to tell her own freakin' story and let Kyle ask HER about it.  Volunteer that HER mother/father/grandmother was an addict, there's a serious genetic component, she has concerns about possibly passing it on to her kids, etc.  (Note, probably none of this should be happening in an initial get to know you lunch! Just pointing out that there are ways to bond with somebody over very personal shared experiences, but the only way to do so is to offer up yours and hope they reciprocate)

A very pregnant Dorit was on Celeb Apprentice with PK, giving Boy George 80k for some candy he was selling.  She looked VERY different in the face -- not sure if she had post-birth work done or it was all pregnancy bloat. But kudos to her for getting that body back!

Every time I start liking Rinna she pulls more crap.  Sigh.

Never had a hankering to see Greece or Malibu (always was astonished that rich people would pay so much to live right on top of each other) but damn, the views in both places were to die for.  

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Don't like Eden's intensity.  She's an odd duck IMO.  Why would a complete stranger become immediately fixated on "helping" Kim or Kyle? All of her California zen hippy aura vibing just comes across as phony posing to me.  Kyle didn't look cold or impolite at her home. Don't try to investigate Kyle's family's psycho-dynamic...deal with your own.  From the sounds of it, Eden has some serious familial issues of her own.  I guess it would be OK for her, as a fellow recovering addict, to say something like "I've been there.  If you ever want to talk..." or "I go to meetings at XXX and the group is great.  If you ever want to come, let me know".  Put your offer of assistance & support out there, but no need to become a stalker over it.  And does she need to start every sentence with "As sober women, we should..."? I understand maintaining sobriety is a struggle and takes a lot of strength.  It's important to acknowledge your recovery and to be comfortable letting others know you don't drink or drug. But is it part of any program to label yourself in every and all conversations?  Like when she goes to the Post Office, does she say, "As a sober woman, I choose the Forever Flag stamps." 

Can we please be done with the fucking underwear story now?  If I promise to pay homage to the Victoria's Secret & Fredrick's of Hollywood deities, can I never hear about Erika's pubic peek-a-boo with PK?

And speaking of Erika...I really do like her.  Not a big fan of her music or stage persona, but she's an interesting Housewife.  I do not like her hired handler Mikey.  Like the panty story, there's just too much of him.  He's exhausting.  We get it...you're fabulous. You don't have a real job. You live in a closet at Casa Girardi, & you're surrounded by items worth more than the GNP of Europe.  If Erika is going to keep him as a pet, she needs to get a handful of whatever Doggy Downers LVP gives to Giggy and Ken and calm him the F down.

Eileen and Rinna have worn out their welcome.  Eileen had been a voice of somewhat reason in the past, and Rinna and her loose lips were entertaining up to a point.  But they have come unglued.  I don't want to hear Eileen replay every. single. conversation. she's ever had.  I don't want to watch Rinna digging up dirt and innuendos like a malnourished rat terrier going after a vole.

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