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S07.E03: Going Commando

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:


Agree with all of this.  Sophia is lovely and LVP's dated look has got to go.  I was thinking when watching this how lovely she's look with a nice layered or sleek "lob."  If she did that and ditched the fake eyelashes, I thinks she would look 10 years younger.

Lisa would also look younger if she ditched the high heels.  She can't walk in them, and the way she hobbles around make her look much older than she is.

I think Sophia is going to look just like Maurico's mom (Estella?) some day.

I hate Kyle's hair color.  The black color looked great on her and now it looks dull and average.  I don't think she's really 5'2''.  Maybe in heels, but I think she's probably really only 5' in her bare feet.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I think she's doing a great job with her girls especially considering what a weird childhood she had.

  • Love 8

Judging from some of the merchandise in that watch store LVP was in, it seems that the richer you get, the more vulgar your tastes become. $960,000 for a watch Donald Trump would consider too gaudy? No thanks! Ken needs to be careful with his new watch as well - it looks so heavy he might be in danger of throwing his new hip out...

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

But your N=1 experiment situation doesn't equate to "all teenagers should be left to their own devices in NYC."

Most teens that I know (including myself at that age!) are nowhere near mature enough to be put in a situation like that.  And most parents I know would never allow it (for good reason, imo). 

Well it appears the Hamlin girls survived so they were able to handle it. I think a lot of people are making a lot of assumptions about the Hamlin girls based on a handful of scenes, They don't seem all that sheltered to me. Spoiled yes but not sheltered.

  • Love 7

I finally saw the episode after reading the comments. 

I thought Lisa was being self deprecating, they asked didn't she use to act and she said yes back in black and white, PK pilled on adding oh those silent films? Lisa laughed and said yes those! Erika jumped in with that's not nice. She totally missed the cue, they were joking. That's when PK said it was self deprecating British humor. Lisa was making fun of how long ago she acted. Erika seemed smarter, but seeing her more she doesn't seem to catch a lot of things said.  Even Kyle was laughing with the acting jokes.

I feel like Erika didn't like Dorit or PK from the get go. maybe she just didn't click with them or maybe she was upset she was the new girls and Erika was left with no team with Yo gone. Either way she has taken offense to PK twice now, his silent film joke, and when he was explaining how Dorit and he met. I'm actually not that bothered by Dorit, she is rich, pretty and easygoing while showing me how that 1% live, which is what I want from my housewives. (also some people posted Dorit reminded them of Britany Murphy, she actually reminds me of Morgan Stewart from Rich Kids of BH

LisaR is a drag to watch, it was surprising the difference  between Kyles daughter to LisaR daughters. She seemed so much more mature and just observing how effing stupid they were. 


  • Love 12
On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 9:15 PM, wings707 said:

DIRECTV is the best service you can get. I have had it for over 20 years. What do you mean? 


DirectTV is awesome!  And not cheap, in my opinion.


On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 6:39 AM, MyAimIsTrue said:


Three episodes in and Dorit can go already.  The last straw was finding out a nanny took her son to speech therapy because, really, what kind of parent wouldn't go to such an appointment?

A working mom!  I have a nanny who takes my son to his speech therapy appointments.  The nanny is there specifically for the purpose of filling in for me.  I pay her to take him to school and appointments, that is the whole point.  If he was seriously ill or something, I would obviously go to the doctor for that.  Speech therapy is not a big deal, it is just an appointment.  My nanny waits in the hallway, which is what I would be doing if I took off time from work to go. 


On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 6:58 AM, Juliegirlj said:

I think the Hamlin girls are attractive-albeit devoid of personality..They bore me. I'm sure Kyle's daughter is a nice girl, but she did not inherit her parents better physical traits... poor thing ( I feel bad even thinking it)


Kyle's daughter is... let's face it - super ugly.  (I obviously don't think kids are off limits here)  She looks like Mauricio's mother.  Especially with her height, she reminds me of Lurch.


On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:49 AM, WireWrap said:


Lisa grabbed/touched the end of Erika's dress. We don't know that she pulled it up and exposed anything or exposed the lack of anything.

I do NOT like to be grabbed at, and I would be very upset if someone even touched my skirt.  Even if a friend did it.  That is super creepy. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

For purposes of the show PK admitted to seeing Erika's hoo-ha, before the revelation she was commando and after.   So what anyone else claims including Erika, it is an impossibility or not likely is kind of irrelevant.  Now the guy is a liar because Erika had an embarrassing  moment? Far more experienced celebs have had the crotch shot and Erika just seemed to want to add that to her list.  My  guess is the camera person shooting opposite Erika got a glimpse as well. 

I don't think I've seen anyone calling PK a liar.  Where the dispute lies, however, is where his eye line would have naturally gone and how much effort he had to put into getting the upskirt view.  PK's chair was, although directly across from Erika, angled toward facing Lisa and Ken.  Thus, he had to turn his head to consistently get the multiple looks he said he saw.  Some posters seem to think his natural gaze would be looking right at Erika, but even if that were so, most non pervs don't consistently stare at peoples' crotches when conversing with them.  For as much of a view he admitted to, it wasn't just a flash, it was a stare.  We teach children not to stare at people who are unusual; a grown man should be able to do the same, especially if it made him as uncomfortable as he claimed.  All he had to do was NOT look and/or make eye contact when speaking to Erika, like a normal adult. But this is RHs, there thankfully are no normal adults, otherwise there would be no show.

  • Love 10

What's with the weird NYC hate in this thread? Yes it used to be pretty bad but it's a lot safer nowadays. A couple weeks after I turned 18 I moved here for college - was I just not supposed to go? God forbid someone who is 18 (which LisaR's older daughter is) be unsupervised in NY? I don't get this line of thinking. I mean, I'm here and alive 7 years later and being unsupervised in college at 18 in NYC didn't kill me. Hell, since we lived in jersey, my friends and I would sometimes wind up in NYC alone to go watch broadway shows or whatever. Not at night, granted, but it's not like we were robbed or kidnapped as teens while wandering about. Yes, LisaR's daughters might not appear to be super street-smart but I know nothing about them, and leaving them alone in NYC for a night is probably no different than leaving them alone in BH. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Edited by syzygy
  • Love 14

NYC is not the problem, IMO.  Rinna's daughters are the problem, what with already being on dating apps and wanting to hook up with creepy older men.  THAT is what will get them into trouble - they are the types to look for trouble instead of going shopping, sight seeing, and eating their way through one of the coolest cities in the country.

  • Love 16

 My son has been doing speech and occupational therapy since  age 3. The first year the therapist wanted me in there with him.  It helped me learn tips and techniques that we could do at home.  He's now 6 I don't go in with him very often,  ( it's easier for the therapists) but after every session we have a good 15 min conversation about how he did  what our goals are for the next week.  So the fact that dorit doesn't go seems incredibly selfish to me. I totally understand if she was busy working.... 

I feel so bad for Eileen. 

Not a fan of the Hamlin girls. 

Kyle looks fantastic this season! 

Erika... I kind of liked last season but she had the Yo connection, so was turned off by that.  I find myself ffing  all her scenes except the ones with the other women. I don't care about her dancers,  videos ect. 

I don't think she flashed PK on purpose.  She looked to have had a napkin on her most of the time. 

PK and Dorit are kind of annoying. 

  • Love 7

I don't think I've seen anyone calling PK a liar.  Where the dispute lies, however, is where his eye line would have naturally gone and how much effort he had to put into getting the upskirt view.  PK's chair was, although directly across from Erika, angled toward facing Lisa and Ken.  Thus, he had to turn his head to consistently get the multiple looks he said he saw.  Some posters seem to think his natural gaze would be looking right at Erika, but even if that were so, most non pervs don't consistently stare at peoples' crotches when conversing with them.  For as much of a view he admitted to, it wasn't just a flash, it was a stare.  We teach children not to stare at people who are unusual; a grown man should be able to do the same, especially if it made him as uncomfortable as he claimed.  All he had to do was NOT look and/or make eye contact when speaking to Erika, like a normal adult. But this is RHs, there thankfully are no normal adults, otherwise there would be no show.

Erika is denying she had a flash show, in her blog,  so that is what I am referring.  Okay we saw less than two seconds of PK and his "staring".  No one in the group, mentioned seeing PK staring or leering and they were present.  I think it is pretty much a natural reflex to look when someone  makes that announcement and I believe PK and Dorit preceded Erika in their arrival so he would have seen Erika sit down initially.

Years ago my husband and I became friends with a new couple in the neighborhood.  She was a naval officer and her husband worked out of the home.  One day in passing, and these weren't yuck a minute or salacious people, she mentioned she had three breasts.  It was in the context she had to have all her uniforms altered.  My husband, who is not a perv, said no matter what, after her statement, he had a hard time not checking out her chest.  He was trying to figure out where the third breast was.  (It was attached to the interior side of her left breast.)

When someone is called a pervert it implies they are gaining some sort of sexual gratification out for their behavior.  He said he did not receive sexual gratification.  My comment would be he was impolite and too curious. 

Here is another issue I have with the not introvert whatsoever Erika.  She once again is headed down the talking head confessionals talking about people need to earn her friendship and respect, however, last year it was all about people not immediately respecting her husband and making asses out of themselves at her home. She was also giving herself some sort of RH immunity thinking she could spew crap about LVP, and then blame Kathryn for interfering with a possible friendship with LVP. So between her ignorance of British Humor and its implementation, and going after Dorit for saying Americans (as if one who is American can't say "Americans like hotdogs,", "Americans are  prudish"), one can start a sentence with Americans, regardless of where they were born or raised.  Erika was just so intent on getting that line in, and she inserted it at the wrong time.   

The people who stay out of trouble on the show, seems to be Kyle lately, don't have a lot of opinions about what or how one should behave, what they should say or how they feel.  If they stick to how they felt in the situation they usually come out on top.  Except Eileen, because she just keeps going and going.

  • Love 11

What's with the weird NYC hate in this thread? Yes it used to be pretty bad but it's a lot safer nowadays. A couple weeks after I turned 18 I moved here for college - was I just not supposed to go? God forbid someone who is 18 (which LisaR's older daughter is) be unsupervised in NY? I don't get this line of thinking. I mean, I'm here and alive 7 years later and being unsupervised in college at 18 in NYC didn't kill me. Hell, since we lived in jersey, my friends and I would sometimes wind up in NYC alone to go watch broadway shows or whatever. Not at night, granted, but it's not like we were robbed or kidnapped as teens while wandering about. Yes, LisaR's daughters might not appear to be super street-smart but I know nothing about them, and leaving them alone in NYC for a night is probably no different than leaving them alone in BH. Just wanted to throw that out there.

My objection is that the oldest one is still in high school.  According to Rinna she was returning to LA to finish high school.  I have a hard time leaving two high school students alone, for two nights, in unchaperoned territory.  I almost regret expressing my opinion because obviously nothing went awry and it is unfair to borrow trouble, even when it comes to Rinna. 

  • Love 7

I understand the concern about two teenagers being left in NYC alone (even though one is 18), but let's be honest, these girls probably stayed in some swanky hotel with a restaurant, spa, room service, etc. at their beck and call. Charged to Harry's credit card, of course. It's not like they were roaming 70's era Times Square.

Edited by Alison
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

For purposes of the show PK admitted to seeing Erika's hoo-ha, before the revelation she was commando and after.   So what anyone else claims including Erika, it is an impossibility or not likely is kind of irrelevant.  Now the guy is a liar because Erika had an embarrassing  moment? Far more experienced celebs have had the crotch shot and Erika just seemed to want to add that to her list.  My  guess is the camera person shooting opposite Erika got a glimpse as well.  Whatever happened to , "How Many FVCKS Do I Give?", Erika?   Nobody questioned her reasoning for going commando, although she is fairly insufferable with the idea it would ruin the line of her dress.  I will say this about Erika, although she was defensive in her blog, she had the smarts to stop engaging with Kenya Moore:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/12/22/which-rhoa-slammed-dorit-pk-kemsley-in-defense-of-erika-girardi/

To me it is how they handle the aftermath.  Does Erika deny thereby calling PK a liar?  Does she apologize for an inadvertent flash?  Same goes with Dorit, she can call it to Erika's attention, joke about it and let it go.  What kind of disappoints me, is the self-righteousness of Eileen and Rinna weighing in.  Had it been one of their husbands, they might feel differently.  Neither can say how their husband would act in the moment. 

I am beginning to get the impression, the producers were working overtime to create drama and this is just a blip on the road to 20 more episodes.

I can just hear it now:  LVP called Kyle before taping and manipulated her into wearing white panties under her, otherwise, fabulous jumpsuit...she told Kyle to bring it up, so it could be a topic of conversation, all to point out Erika's lack of underwear. Why?  Well, they would tell you "jealousy!" or maybe she was commando under the t-shirt dress thingy (didn't want to ruin the lines- it's couture, you know) and they were tired of being flashed?

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, izabella said:

NYC is not the problem, IMO.  Rinna's daughters are the problem, what with already being on dating apps and wanting to hook up with creepy older men.  THAT is what will get them into trouble - they are the types to look for trouble instead of going shopping, sight seeing, and eating their way through one of the coolest cities in the country.

Yes!  And the looks they gave each other when Rinna said it's not like they'd be going out to clubs...they have fake ids.

  • Love 5

Don't know for certain, but I think that the cameras don't have to follow these women around 24/7. There are times that are off-limits. For example, LVP is a working woman; she has 3 restaurants and we don't see her in those. We don't see any of them at their own doctor's appointments, getting their hair colored, having their nails done, going to the gym, etc.

I watch only two of the HW shows (Jersey and this one) and I am pretty certain I have seen all of those things at some time or another. But yeah, the cameras are definitely not chasing these chicks around 24/7.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

Lisa might have lost her mind, leaving a 15 & 19 year old alone in NYC???  I am sure they have a credit card or two so they won't starve but honestly, at their ages judgment is dicey.  Hasn't Lisa ever seen Taken?

I don't see the big deal. Millions of people around their ages live on their own in NYC while attending college. Haha, I spent many days of my senior year in high school buying clothes in the Village with my dad's CC (far from the fun potential of Harry's, I'm sure).  

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, AnitaKnight said:

I can just hear it now:  LVP called Kyle before taping and manipulated her into wearing white panties under her, otherwise, fabulous jumpsuit...she told Kyle to bring it up, so it could be a topic of conversation, all to point out Erika's lack of underwear. Why?  Well, they would tell you "jealousy!" or maybe she was commando under the t-shirt dress thingy (didn't want to ruin the lines- it's couture, you know) and they were tired of being flashed?

You forgot the part where Erika told Lisa on the phone that day she wasn't going to wear any panties because of her dress. Lisa then went all Bobby Fischer and used the easily manipulated Kyle so she could setup Erika to "bring her down" this season. This was Lisa's plan all along. I can see the reunion discussion now of Pantygate 2016. The only thing missing are the tabloid photos of said incident Lisa so desperately wanted. She was then going to convince Dorito to take them to Hong Kong and bring them out during their last night there. 

Edited by DawnDavenport
  • Love 13
On December 21, 2016 at 7:16 AM, RedheadZombie said:

My point was that baby didn't have a misshapen head because she favored her side - her caretaker did.  And if I had a nanny whose job is to stare at my baby 24/7 (Jaggar has his own nannies), I would expect her to reposition my baby frequently enough to avoid a misshapen head.   If the baby's head is flat on one side, then she spends the majority of the time laying on that side.  A baby that age should be spending a good deal of time in someone's arms, upright on a bouncy seat, playing on her tummy, and sleeping somewhat on her other side.  Again, this baby isn't being cared for by a mom who's also caring for the home,  splitting time with the other child, spending time with hubby.  Her sole responsibility is caring for one infant. 

It just irritates me because so many people with money chintz on their child care expenses.  They use Au Pairs, undocumented workers who barely speak English - all to save money, rather than paying for a well-trained nanny with experience.  On Ladies of London, Marissa is the one who discovered who newborn was gray and lethargic - not the "baby nurse", whose job involved only caring for the infant. 

My son wore a helmet too.  His head was asymmetrical, which caused his head the fall naturally to one side, thus making it worse over time.  I tried to wake up every hour during the night to reposition him, used bolsters and to keep him on his un-favored side, but it didn't work. So not snark from me, I get it.  And it's not purely a cosmetic issue -- asymmetric  heads can cause vision problems, and difficulty fitting glasses. The helmet wasn't so bad. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, DawnDavenport said:

You forgot the part where Erika told Lisa on the phone that day she wasn't going to wear any panties because of her dress. Lisa then went all Bobby Fischer and used the easily manipulated Kyle so she could setup Erika to "bring her down" this season. This was Lisa's plan all along. I can see the reunion discussion now of Pantygate 2016. The only thing missing are the tabloid photos of said incident Lisa so desperately wanted. She was then going to convince Dorito to take them to Hong Kong and bring them out during their last night there. 

Wellll, the camera man did manage to make sure he got the shot of Kyle walking away so we, the viewers, would be well aware of her fashion faux-pas, and although he knew of the situation either didn't tell Kyle until they got to the restaurant, or Kyle purposely (on LVP's orders, naturally) waited.  The big question is, did LVP rely on the Bravo cameraman's natural inclination to catch the shot of Kyle's white pantied butt, or did she pull him into her web as well?  I fear we're going to need to rely on a cheesy psychic for this one.

Could there be editing room floor footage of an unnecessarily blurred crotch shot of Erika?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Alison said:


I understand the concern about two teenagers being left in NYC alone (even though one is 18), but let's be honest, these girls probably stayed in some swanky hotel with a restaurant, spa, room service, etc. at their beck and call. Charged to Harry's credit card, of course. It's not like they were roaming 70's era Times Square.


That's what I imagined; they probably didn't even leave the hotel. These days, the really nice hotels have everything you could possibly want to do right there on the grounds. 

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, AnitaKnight said:

Wellll, the camera man did manage to make sure he got the shot of Kyle walking away so we, the viewers, would be well aware of her fashion faux-pas, and although he knew of the situation either didn't tell Kyle until they got to the restaurant, or Kyle purposely (on LVP's orders, naturally) waited.  The big question is, did LVP rely on the Bravo cameraman's natural inclination to catch the shot of Kyle's white pantied butt, or did she pull him into her web as well?  I fear we're going to need to rely on a cheesy psychic for this one.

Could there be editing room floor footage of an unnecessarily blurred crotch shot of Erika?

I don't think we need a psychic, we need another booze and pill fueled Brandi appearance by video at the reunion to clear this all up for us! Naturally, LVP manipulated the entire incident! It's the only way she can continue to wear that heavy crown dahlings. It's the Bobby Fischer Crown of Manipulation.

  • Love 7

LVP has a nice blog, mostly about her new dog but she does foreshadow the future.  There was a beaver shot, and LVP claims it was inadvertent on Erika's part. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-it-is-an  There is actually a comment from LVP telling Erika to cover her snatch.  I don't think it gets any clearer. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I don't believe Lisa VP's red sun dress was couture.  

Am I humorless? I don't think, "If I stuck a pole up his ass, I could probably do the floor as well" is witty. She loves this dog?

I thought it was funny! The poor pup sneezed he didn't throw up on the the counter...Like Lisa would ever hurt a dog..Really? It was a JOKE and I enjoyed it. 

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, syzygy said:

What's with the weird NYC hate in this thread? Yes it used to be pretty bad but it's a lot safer nowadays. A couple weeks after I turned 18 I moved here for college - was I just not supposed to go? God forbid someone who is 18 (which LisaR's older daughter is) be unsupervised in NY? I don't get this line of thinking. I mean, I'm here and alive 7 years later and being unsupervised in college at 18 in NYC didn't kill me. Hell, since we lived in jersey, my friends and I would sometimes wind up in NYC alone to go watch broadway shows or whatever. Not at night, granted, but it's not like we were robbed or kidnapped as teens while wandering about. Yes, LisaR's daughters might not appear to be super street-smart but I know nothing about them, and leaving them alone in NYC for a night is probably no different than leaving them alone in BH. Just wanted to throw that out there.

I don't think anyone is down on nyc - the city is amazing, I think everyone knows that.  Not everyone's cup of tea, and you couldn't pay me to live there, but I appreciate it as a fun place to visit.  It is very different than CA.  I guess it is just the fact that 15 is a bit young to be there (or anywhere) totally unsupervised.  My friends and I went to Myrtle Beach at 16, unsupervised and we were totally out of control.  It was a blast, but that is way too young to be given that kind of freedom.


16 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I thought it was funny! The poor pup sneezed he didn't throw up on the the counter...Like Lisa would ever hurt a dog..Really? It was a JOKE and I enjoyed it. 

Her jokes are just not funny.  She is trying SO VERY HARD to be witty.  It falls flat.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

LVP has a nice blog, mostly about her new dog but she does foreshadow the future.  There was a beaver shot, and LVP claims it was inadvertent on Erika's part. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/lisa-vanderpump-it-is-an  There is actually a comment from LVP telling Erika to cover her snatch.  I don't think it gets any clearer. 

I watched the video at the top of LVP's blog and the last shot with the napkin shows her dress riding up really high, along with the buttoned slit essentially ending above her pelvis. I didn't catch that. So it appears Snatchgate 2016 is a real thing and it plays throughout the season? On my!  I would rather see this than anything with crazy Kim blaming her issues on everyone else.

It will be interesting to see if the group dynamics change this season. Sometimes there's a shift from beginning to end. 

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh my god, it is so obnoxious.

But then we have the private jet that Mauricio "purchased" and was talking/bragging to Tom Gerardi about, the ugly Rose Bentley, whatever new car Harry Hamlin got for LisaR, and the Lambourghini that Kyle drove Lisar to for the workout. They all do it. I'm not offended by it. It's just Erika seems to always be defensive about it. if she would just relax and loosen up, she would be more enjoyable to watch and no one would care. 

LVP bragging about having 15 horses isn't offensive at all. She is passionate about animals and their well-being so more power to her. It's one aspect of her that I do not find fake and manufactured. 

Edited by DawnDavenport
  • Love 17
3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't see the big deal. Millions of people around their ages live on their own in NYC while attending college. Haha, I spent many days of my senior year in high school buying clothes in the Village with my dad's CC (far from the fun potential of Harry's, I'm sure).  

I agree.

Gigi was dropped off, on her own indefinitely, in NYC at the age of seventeen.  Yo decorated her million dollar pad, and left her with advice that now was the time to make it in modeling, and education is less important (don't tell daddy).

Then it was seventeen year old Bella's turn.  And instead of moving her in with older and more experienced Gigi, she got her own pad.

But that's usually explained away as European mentality.  You know - sophisticated, mature, superior sense of humor, etc.

I don't recall this amount of outrage with the Hadid girls.  But then they're so much prettier, and better models . . . .

And again, where is the scene where Amelia is whoring herself out to middle-aged men?  How was that possibly gleaned from this episode?  I don't believe enough was seen to paint these girls as irresponsible sluts, too stupid and reckless to stay safe in an expensive hotel, using daddy's credit card.  They will be sneaking into clubs with fake id's, and having sex with old rich perverts.  It's getting tiresome.

  • Love 6


I agree.

Gigi was dropped off, on her own indefinitely, in NYC at the age of seventeen.  Yo decorated her million dollar pad, and left her with advice that now was the time to make it in modeling, and education is less important (don't tell daddy).

Then it was seventeen year old Bella's turn.  And instead of moving her in with older and more experienced Gigi, she got her own pad.

But that's usually explained away as European mentality.  You know - sophisticated, mature, superior sense of humor, etc.

I don't recall this amount of outrage with the Hadid girls.  But then they're so much prettier, and better models . . . .


Right! And it goes without saying that regular families live in NYC with teenage girls, who I imagine do the same kinds of things suburban teenage girls do: go out with their friends and without parents.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Kyle's daughter is... let's face it - super ugly.  (I obviously don't think kids are off limits here)  She looks like Mauricio's mother.  Especially with her height, she reminds me of Lurch.


I wanted to give the poster's comments a big LIKE until I came to this comment.  It makes me want to apologize to Sophia, her family, and other posters.  Super Ugly?  She doesn't even come close to being unattractive. She has a nice ethnic look. I won't comment on the horrible "Lurch" comparison.  Perhaps I have different standards.  This person's face below is ugly to me...but might not even rise to the "super" level.


Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I agree.

Gigi was dropped off, on her own indefinitely, in NYC at the age of seventeen.  Yo decorated her million dollar pad, and left her with advice that now was the time to make it in modeling, and education is less important (don't tell daddy).

Then it was seventeen year old Bella's turn.  And instead of moving her in with older and more experienced Gigi, she got her own pad.

But that's usually explained away as European mentality.  You know - sophisticated, mature, superior sense of humor, etc.

I don't recall this amount of outrage with the Hadid girls.  But then they're so much prettier, and better models . . . .

And again, where is the scene where Amelia is whoring herself out to middle-aged men?  How was that possibly gleaned from this episode?  I don't believe enough was seen to paint these girls as irresponsible sluts, too stupid and reckless to stay safe in an expensive hotel, using daddy's credit card.  They will be sneaking into clubs with fake id's, and having sex with old rich perverts.  It's getting tiresome.

Gigi was 18 and finished high school.  And allegedly enrolled in college until she hit it big.  Bella was no saint-she got arrested right after graduating from high school and was rewarded with a new apartment in NYC a couple of months shy of her 18th birthday.  Then again poor Bella was suffering from Lyme Disease and self-medicating, not merely drinking and cruising around at 4 am, while her mother vacationed in Europe.

Amelia should have her lips sewn shut, she had no business ratting out her older sister to the world, about allegedly picking up on 35 year old men from the internet.  I got the impression Delilah had gotten an inquiry from someone, not dated him.   I don't know these girls did anything untold, but damn they seem naïve.  I always felt kind of bad for them when one of them made the chub-chub comment and the ripe age of either 15 or 12.  These girls seem a little unaware about blurting stuff out in front of the cameras and I do believe they have had previous runs on reality TV.  If there is a finger to be pointed about blurting stuff out, one need go no further than Rinna.  I hope they realize there can be consequences for diarrhea of the mouth.  At least this time no Oregonians were offended. 

3 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I wanted to give the poster's comments a big LIKE until I came to this comment.  It makes me want to apologize to Sophia, her family, and other posters.  Super Ugly?  She doesn't even come close to being unattractive. She has a nice ethnic look. I won't comment on the horrible "Lurch" comparison.  Perhaps I have different standards.  This person's face below is ugly to me...but might not even rise to the "super" level.


Unseen footage had Rinna's daughters talking about getting their lips done while Sophia sits by and listens:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/episode-3/videos/unseen-moment-dont-touch-your-lips  Sophia to me has a prominent nose, but she has nice straight teeth and there sure isn't anything she can do about being 5'10" tall, anymore than Kyle can about being 5'2".  I don't see Sophia as being all that different than Bella, pre-plastic surgery. 

  • Love 6

Is Kyle's hair naturally black/dark brown or this lighter colour? I find the darker shade suits her much better and she looks younger with the darker hair but I think she's a beautiful woman regardless. I have to say that all of Kyle's kids seem to be well adjusted and normal kids which I think says a lot about how Kyle and Mauricio parent their children. I'm surprised by some of the harsh comments about Sophia. Beauty is the in eye of the beholder I guess. I think she's a pretty girl who is likely still growing into her looks and confidence as well. And speaking of Kyle, I love how she's become the resident guru on all things LVP. She knows LVP well and reads LVP's moves for everyone so they know when to retreat and when it's okay to march forward, haha. 

Eileen has dealt with a lot of loss and so soon after one another. So much energy goes into grieving...to do it so often, not an easy thing to deal with at all. Felt for her during her scenes this episode. 

Why is Rinna showing up to a casting and talking about her vaginal birthing story? Rinna...yeah, you should be worried about your 18 year old daughter who is on a paid dating app and trying to make 'business connections' on it as well. Her daughter seems like a classic case of teenager who thinks she knows about the world than she really does. 

Dorit's husband looked super creepy with his eyes constantly averting to Erika's crotch. I did really like Erika's dress though. 

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Snatch Dance - oh what a feeling.


Oh what a feeling, From the glimpses I'm stealing....


IF that old fucker was enthralled with seeing some vagina that happens to be attached to a stone cold, humorless asshole?

Patty Puss's Puss may be unique and special to her, but she needs to remember that half the planet has the same equipment - Nothing to see here, move along?

I am sure that the guys from the 'Sham Squad' line up to being a daily sacrifice to lady bits...........Clorox and baby wipes.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

LVP reminds me a bit of Jill Zarin who had all these doughty ladies who lunch outfits her first season or two and then she got a new style team and she looked great. To bad it was also around the time she became hated so she didn't get much credit for it. Lisa has many items custom made for her and ironically those are the very clothes that make her look dated, that and being oddly stuck in an episode of Dynasty. Gah, those gloves. They looked ridiculous on the Countess and just as ill advised on LVP. WWTT...

LVP definitely needs an update and a make-under. She dresses in 80s drag. It's ridiculous. And it ages her. I really wasn't joking when I said I spent a lot of season 1 trying to figure out if Lisa was a lesser known Collins sister.

Erika could also use a make-under. If you've seen pictures of Erika from before the show, you'll notice how much younger she looks without the beat face. Erika's entire look is so over the top that it just feels exhausting. It seems like she must be doing 2+ hours of hair and makeup every time she films.

LuAnn missed her opportunity to make Countess brand snatch guards and we need them over on Beverly Hills. Snatchgate is making me wish that Phaedra Parks was there. It's going escalate and that is going to annoy me. After Erika flashed them, Phaedra would have said something like "Use a prayer cloth honey. Hide your lusty thighs from prying eyes." But Erika is pretty humorless and probably would have had issues with that too.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 7

Wtf is so British about that humor? Haven't we all done sarcastic put downs that don't have to be fancy and right out of Monty Python or something? I was more annoyed by the egos on all of them thinking they were witty (including Doritos - who sounds Canadian). 

In my lowly group of friends, no one would ask if they had a spare pair of knickers for another friend - whist feeling her up. I usually really like LVP, but her big gaffaw really pissed my off. She knew exactly what she was doing - setting up an "enemy" for a big embarrassment. That is if I believe that it wasn't all scripted. Panties rarely come up (in conversation, not on the body) - never mind twice at one happy hour. And now that bitchy Doritos is bringing her a pair complete with a not funny remark? Ick. 

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

LVP definitely needs an update and a make-under. She dresses in 80s drag. It's ridiculous. And it ages her. I really wasn't joking when I said I spent a lot of season 1 trying to figure out if Lisa was a lesser known Collins sister.

Erika could also use a make-under. If you've seen pictures of Erika from before the show, you'll notice how much younger she looks without the beat face. Erika's entire look is so over the top that it just feels exhausting. It seems like she must be doing 2+ hours of hair and makeup every time she films.

LuAnn missed her opportunity to make Countess brand snatch guards and we need them over on Beverly Hills. Snatchgate is making me wish that Phaedra Parks was there. It's going escalate and that is going to annoy me. After Erika flashed them, Phaedra would have said something like "Use a prayer cloth honey. Hide your lusty thighs from prying eyes." But Erika is pretty humorless and probably would have had issues with that too.

Erika has no sense of humor, none. I don't think Tom allows it. LOL

  • Love 16

The clip that made me laugh was the scene in NY - Lisa smiling about just how 'clever' her little darlings were with the cellphone?


No matter how much you think you can trust a child/teen/young adult?

there is the "No one will ever know" scenario and the inter-sibling kind of bets they make with each other. MY little brothers were ALWAYS trying to pull off shit to prove they were 'mature'. The Rinna Spawn are too stupid, inexperienced and immature to have been left alone (Yes, we had no reports of a shit hammer coming down) but I can see LR being lulled into a false sense of security..

"MOM, you can trust us, we behaved when we went to NYC the last time!"

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