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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Sneak peak of Ashley I on Millionaire Matchmaker. She's talking about her "perfect man" Jared. According to her, he told her he didn't want to date her because he "couldn't stand not having her in his life" if they broke up. Which, if true, then fuck you, Jared. Not that Ashley is not a deluded drama queen, but I just hate when guys say shit like that.

Jared sucks. He obviously is flattered that Ashley is so gone on him and he keeps her hanging on with little tidbits of encouragement. He doesn't want her for himself but he doesn't want to give up that crazy obsessive adoration. I think if Ashley could find the right guy for her (NOT Jared) she would settle down and be happy and less of a drama queen. She needs to see Jared for what he really is.

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Hmm. Jared acts just like a narcissist would. I know one well. Keeps his ex wife, and ex girlfriends around as best friends while being married to the 2nd wife. Has to have that reassurance of no matter what he does,  it'll be ok with those who love him as a friend or the current loyal wife's unconditional love. They take all the fan clubs energy and feel powerful because they can get away with it.  

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She's not a reliable narrator.  But even if he did say it, Ashley is almost 30 years old and is responsible for her own behavior.  She's had plenty of time and opportunity to move on from Jared.  Not that she should have no feelings at all, but she's chosen to fixate and obsess. 

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I would not be surprised to find out that Ashley and Jared have been dating, and this whole thing is fake, but Jared is faking it a little too well with Caila and that's just freaking Ashley out a little more than she'd expected. Because if it's all fake, and she is saying such hateful things about her "friend" Caila then she is a worse person than I thought. But if it started fake and then Jared seemed to be too into Caila, I could see Ashley completely losing her shit and being this hateful as a way of lashing out at the wrong person.

But yeah, there is a LOT off about their storyline. Everything about it actually.

I wonder what Millionaire Matchmaker fans, who don't know the whole Ashley/Jared saga, will make of her.

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23 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Sneak peak of Ashley I on Millionaire Matchmaker. She's talking about her "perfect man" Jared. According to her, he told her he didn't want to date her because he "couldn't stand not having her in his life" if they broke up. Which, if true, then fuck you, Jared. Not that Ashley is not a deluded drama queen, but I just hate when guys say shit like that.

Maybe I'm just giving Jared the benefit of the doubt, but I feel as though he may have said something similar to what Ashley's narrating but... different.

Basically I picture her pressuring him to explain why he's not into her. Jared, being the "nice" guy ("nice" is up for debate), probably didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying "because I don't find you attractive in a sexual or romantic way." So instead of being upfront and honest, he went ahead and made up a BS reason along the lines of: "You're just such a good friend that I'd never want to jeopardize our friendship by dating one another. If something went wrong, I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend." Ashley probably heard those words and in her mind, believed him to be professing some sort of deeper love (a la "he couldn't stand not having her in his life.") 

Ugh, it's just a train wreck all the way around.

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2 hours ago, whimsey98 said:

I'm questioning how honest she is being all the way around.  This appears to be her way of getting camera face time.  And I'm not so sure that Jared isn't in on her game--there's something off about their story line.   

He might be.  The way he's interacted with her on the show is strange, as others have noted. I think he really likes Caila, but he also probably likes the ego stroke that Ashley provides since Caila is, quite reasonably, reticent about their little romance. Agreed on Ashley milking this thing for camera time. 

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Ashley is the one doing the heavy lifting for Jared, basically being his pimp.  

With Ashley around, Jared doesn't actually have to get to know another girl like Caila; learn about her, find things in common, ask about her background, etc.  Ashley is going to do all that research and feed it to him, along with her biased personal recommendations.  

After Jared gets an entertaining little taste of somebody like Caila, Ashey is there to shut it all down for him so he doesn't have to "hurt" her.  Then, he just waits til Ashley brings him another victim to try out.  Meanwhile, they platonically stroke each other and keep those egos healthy.  Jared never strays TOO far and Ashley keeps him close and dependent. 

Lather, rinse and repeat.  

Edited by leighdear
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For those curious, on Million Dollar Matchmaker Ashley got yelled at by Patti for being so hung up on Jared and ordered her to unfollow him on social media. Ashley cried a lot (natch) but did it. She went on dates with two guys and got along great with both of them. Brendan was very open and eager to find his future wife, and Chris was a romantic dater who likes to take things slow. Ashley ended up picking Chris (I knew she would, she has everything he claims to want), and he reciprocated, and they left the resort together. Hopefully this will help Ashley get the hell over Jared.

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Ash acted like she didnt want to be there even tho she has been whoring herself up the wazoo. There is Matchmaker, 2 Family Feuds, and FOUR franchise appearances if you count Janner's wedding special.

Patti didnt yell at Ash hard enuff. I am so sick of seeing this psycho bitch and her clown face on my TV.

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The Bachelor franchise has reached the point where there is too much famewhoring and fakery to be fun anymore, even for "wrong reasons" viewers. Everyone is on the show to get on another show and/or get more Instagram endorsements. You can see the wheels turning in people's heads. Ashley: "if I act crazy over Jared and Caila, the producers will let me stay even if I don't get a rose"; Nick: "if I act upset about Amanda making out with Josh, I'll get more screen time"; Carly: "Evan disgusts me, but if I pretend to like him, I'll get to stick around longer" etc. I'm starting to get sick of it.

Edited by chocolatine
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Also, on MM, Ashley's body language was very clear that she was not into Chris.  Although their bodies were side by side, her head was leaning away.  She had no intention of getting over Jared on that show, only to be on another show.

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I thought Million Dollar Matchmaker was about finding dates for people who were MILLIONAIRES but couldn't find dates on their own.   So - Ashley is a millionaire?  

Though I am cracking up learning that this was filmed before the current BiP,  since  the Million Dollar lady "CURED" Ashley of her obsession with Jared.  Not for long!

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10 hours ago, backformore said:

I thought Million Dollar Matchmaker was about finding dates for people who were MILLIONAIRES but couldn't find dates on their own.   So - Ashley is a millionaire?  

Though I am cracking up learning that this was filmed before the current BiP,  since  the Million Dollar lady "CURED" Ashley of her obsession with Jared.  Not for long!


I havent watched the show in yrs but most of the original millionaires probably wern't millionaires in the first place. It was explained on the show that Patti is a TB fan so she wanted to help Ashley out. But as I said before, Ash didnt want to be there. Like nobody forced her to accept a paid stay at a resort and TV appearance fee. She certainly didnt want to listen to Patti's brand of tough love.

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Ashley wants a paycheck for just being Ashley.  Any show, for any reason.  She has realized that as long as people will pay her to snivel, sob, act irrationally desperate and refuse to show a shred of self-esteem, she will be able to continue on this path.  And Jared is simply her current co-conspirator. 

When they both get tired of looking ridiculous and cashing those paychecks, they'll stop.  But not until they have had enough.  

Edited by leighdear
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On August 27, 2016 at 6:45 PM, seacliffsal said:

Also, on MM, Ashley's body language was very clear that she was not into Chris.  Although their bodies were side by side, her head was leaning away.  She had no intention of getting over Jared on that show, only to be on another show.

I was surprised that Patti didn't pick up on this, it was so obvious that Ashley was NOT into Chris!  I'm sure Ashley "deleted" Jared from her phone for all of 2 seconds--she probably had his contact info loaded back on her phone before the elevator got to her floor at the hotel!

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On August 27, 2016 at 1:29 PM, leighdear said:

Ashley is the one doing the heavy lifting for Jared, basically being his pimp.  

With Ashley around, Jared doesn't actually have to get to know another girl like Caila; learn about her, find things in common, ask about her background, etc.  Ashley is going to do all that research and feed it to him, along with her biased personal recommendations.  

After Jared gets an entertaining little taste of somebody like Caila, Ashey is there to shut it all down for him so he doesn't have to "hurt" her.  Then, he just waits til Ashley brings him another victim to try out.  Meanwhile, they platonically stroke each other and keep those egos healthy.  Jared never strays TOO far and Ashley keeps him close and dependent. 

Lather, rinse and repeat.  

Honestly, Ashley playing the crazy ex-girlfriend role helps Jared a lot. Gives the new girl an "enemy" to focus and try to beat out for the "prize" of winning Jared's attention. Much as nobody wants to admit it, when there's a crazy ex lurking in the background, it does often make the new person work that much harder AND takes the focus off where it really should be at this stage, which is figuring out whether Jared is actually worth it. 

Kinda like the Bach/Bach'ette shows themselves, everyone's too busy fighting over the lead to realize it's a dullard farmer/boring sales guy/insert other not-so-great catches and they're not really worth the effort. 

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On August 25, 2016 at 1:20 PM, chocolatine said:

Sneak peak of Ashley I on Millionaire Matchmaker. She's talking about her "perfect man" Jared. According to her, he told her he didn't want to date her because he "couldn't stand not having her in his life" if they broke up. Which, if true, then fuck you, Jared. Not that Ashley is not a deluded drama queen, but I just hate when guys say shit like that.

So I caught the re-run last night so I watched it again out of boredom. I noticed how fake the first attempt at crying was. She started in right away, really trying to work up tears, couldn't manage that so she did a big dry snort and hid her face in her hands. And patty wasn't even talking about Jared at that time. When she started about Jared I could tell the crying was real. It's annoying that she came in with patty saying she's "known for crying". No she's known for crying about Jared. She cried about Chris. But she doesn't just cry over everything so I don't think it was necessary to pretend that she was so overwhelmed by the process. she's never acted like that before.

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Ashley posted a blog on Cosmo explaining what really happened with Caila.

The article was edited after the fact because it violated Ashley's contract with BiP. RealitySteve posted screen caps, though. They seem to explain what really happened.

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8 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I remember reading over the summer that Amanda was looking to move the kids to Atlanta and that Josh coming to Cali was only temporary. Wouldn't be surprised if the actual father of her kids was able to at least temporarily block her on that, especially with the information in his pocket of Amanda having left twice in the past year, each for significant periods of time, to film reality television shows while he or her parents cared for the girls. And if that's the case, I could imagine Josh blowing a gasket over it. 

ETA: Caila, Ashley and Jared were featured on Ellen today. When asked what they do outside the show, Ashley said she works for Cosmopolitan. Does she, actually? Or does she just mean she writes the post-show recaps? I want to give her the benefit of the doubt here, because classifying recap-writing as her "working" for them would be really sad. 

Edited by Jillibean
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I am curious how the ex feels about all this. He did an interview after she appeared on Ben's season to deny some of the claims she made and at the time I thought he sounded a little famewhorey himself, when he said he wouldn't be opposed to going on a Bachelor type show himself. However, since then, I read that he got involved with this woman who had a very tragic story (lost her husband, brother-in-law and father in a plane crash and I think she had a one year old and her sister was pregnant at the time or the other way around) and they are very committed and happy. And you don't really see or hear much from him. 

But I would be curious to hear his take on all this, especially when Amanda goes around making ridiculous comments about finding a father for her children. Also, apparently her mother posted a picture on Instagram of Josh at the hospital with one of Amanda's daughters, who had an asthma attack a week or two ago. She posted it to praise Josh and give the whole spiel of how amazing he and Amanda are together. Except apparently Amanda's ex was also there everyday with his daughter and rumor is that a few days after the child got out of the hospital, Amanda was off to some Bachelor type appearance in Vegas.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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3 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I am curious how the ex feels about all this. He did an interview after she appeared on Ben's season to deny some of the claims she made and at the time I thought he sounded a little famewhorey himself, when he said he wouldn't be opposed to going on a Bachelor type show himself.

IIRC, that was in response to being asked whether he still had feelings for Amanda and was upset that she was pursuing another man on a TV show. He said no, he was happy for her, then added half-jokingly that he wouldn't mind if he got the same opportunity for himself.


But I would be curious to hear his take on all this, especially when Amanda goes around making ridiculous comments about finding a father for her children.

I'm glad he's not taking the bait; it would be a lose-lose situation if he engaged in a public feud with her. The biggest losers being the children.


and rumor is that a few days after the child got out of the hospital, Amanda was off to some Bachelor type appearance in Vegas or something

I already had a very low opinion of her for leaving her daughters to film Bachelor and BiP, but leaving a child with a chronic illness is even worse. Asthma must be very scary for a child who's too young to understand what it is and how to manage it, and she can't even rely on her mom to help her through it. And to add insult to injury, Amanda got the "saintly mother" edit on both shows.

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The parents on the show often get a sympathetic edit, and I never understand why. If you're not the primary caretaker, your kids are older, etc., fine. Otherwise, what on earth are you doing?

For once, I would like to hear the bachelor say: "Oh! You left young children at home for six weeks to come on a reality TV show?? That demonstrates very poor character and lack of empathy. You may be a good person, but, given the brief time we have together, I don't think we can get past this. Goodbye."

This will never happen, unfortunately.

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7 hours ago, huahaha said:

For once, I would like to hear the bachelor say: "Oh! You left young children at home for six weeks to come on a reality TV show?? That demonstrates very poor character and lack of empathy. You may be a good person, but, given the brief time we have together, I don't think we can get past this. Goodbye."

HA! I would love it if the bachelor/bachelorette would say "I would hope the mother/father of my children would make them their priority so this isn't going to work for me. See ya!"

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So, in that US magazine article, it's being presented that she realized her mistake in breaking up with Vinny and then tried to rekindle their romance.  I really wish the article had clarified that after she was dumped by Brett, she realized what a mistake she had made...

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Amanda's ex is taking her to court to get more time with the children, since she's gone so often filming "multiple TV shows". He's also unhappy about how the media attention is affecting the children:


In the paperwork, obtained by Radar, he rips his reality star ex for going on “multiple TV shows,” claiming she has “been scrutinized for how she has acted by hundreds of thousands of fans, and it has put my daughters in tons of media attention, which I believe is causing harm.”

While I hope they can figure it out amicably for the sake of the children, I'm glad someone is calling Amanda out publicly on her selfishness.

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Wow she makes now “over $20,000 to $30,000 per month." 

"says he babysat the girls from June 4 to June 20, so their mom could film Bachelor in Paradise."  Is it babysitting when you're their father?

I actually don't think he's being unreasonable. If he's got them more, she's making more money, they he should be giving her less. 

Edited by Artsda
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10 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Wow she makes now “over $20,000 to $30,000 per month." 

"says he babysat the girls from June 4 to June 20, so their mom could film Bachelor in Paradise."  Is it babysitting when you're their father?

I actually don't think he's being unreasonable. If he's got them more, she's making more money, they he should be giving her less. 

Yes, apparently it's all from the Instagram shilling.

The babysitting comment was not a direct quote from him, but yeah, it's really lame when fathers refer to taking care of their own children that way. Unfortunately, I hear men say it all the time these days.

He's definitely not being unreasonable. Maybe a teeny bit spiteful, but I can't really blame him, considering Amanda trashed him on national television, publicly proclaimed she's looking for a father for *his* children, and is now posting "family" pictures with a guy she's known for two months, all while getting the "Saint Amanda" treatment on the show and in the media.

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5 hours ago, Artsda said:

Wow she makes now “over $20,000 to $30,000 per month." 

"says he babysat the girls from June 4 to June 20, so their mom could film Bachelor in Paradise."  Is it babysitting when you're their father?

I actually don't think he's being unreasonable. If he's got them more, she's making more money, they he should be giving her less. 

If she gave him the kids during non-custodial times, then yes, I could consider it "baby-sitting".  Especially if they aren't adjusting the child support payments for the extra time.

I saw on TMZ that the father was also pushing for full-custody because Amanda is putting them in daycare now.  Not sure how that's going to fly unless he's not working.  One of the girls should be old enough for pre-school anyways.  I'm guessing he wants a piece of the Bachelor family pie.

It'll be interesting to see if the father gets anything written into the agreement about media exposure.  I know that Jason Mesnick's ex-wife banned their son from any more TV appearances, but she wasn't able to keep him off Jason and Molly's social media.

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Jade & Tanner comment on their decision to do Bootcamp.




This season, which premieres on October 7, was filmed for two and a half weeks back in April. All of the reality stars were eager to discuss their experiences at boot camp, especially Jade and Tanner, who joined the cast just three months after getting married on a televised Bachelor special.

“I guess, you know, we didn’t look at it as a negative thing like, ‘Our marriage is in trouble … We’re in shambles, we need it to fix us,’” Jade explained to me. “We’re more like, ‘Let’s learn from these couples now so we don’t have problems later.’ Because both of us come from divorced families … we really want to get through everything together. And so we just felt like, why not? We’ve done everything else on TV!”

“I’m usually up for anything,” Tanner added. “Nothing really scares me.”


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