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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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On 8/12/2019 at 2:16 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

I believe that Ashley and Jared love each other , but their whole story and relationship is just too showy for me to believe . Even though jade and tanner are always selling stuff and love nothing more than their faces on social media , I feel that they have a relationship beyond that .. whereas Ashley and Jared are so obsessed with their story and seem to have no lives beyond social media . 

Yeah, Jade and Tanner seemed like a genuine couple, they actually appeared to like each other right from the start. Ashley/Jared and Carly/Evan are the ones that I have trouble believing. Not that you can't change your mind about a person, but it always seemed quite forced.

Despite her being the aggressor/stalker, I think Ashley will be the first to bolt, once she realizes that the "prize" she'd been chasing all those years was just a regular person after all.

I'm sure the wedding was fully comped, plus maybe some cash on top for the People exclusives and such, and she'll ride the Instagram wave for awhile, but I don't think the marriage will last. Maybe she can hawk "divorce essentials" for when the inevitable occurs.   




I guess she really is a model.


Ewww. I see nothing attractive or sexy there. She looks like a young teen.

 She does look extremely young, which makes the topless part look a bit sketchy. 

But if they were ever to do a Grease prequel, she would be a dead ringer for young Sandy! 

  • Love 7

When I see Hannah, I don’t see a 12-year-old or child beauty queen. A beautiful young woman who has a baby face and petite figure who looks young enough to play prom queen on TV? Sure, but I don’t see her as so young looking that men who’d be into her must be creepers. There are lots of women 18 through well into their 20’s who have those fresh faces and big eyes, and some women remain tiny even when they’re much older. 

Most models are young and pose not wearing much one point or another. Whether you like it or not, it’s not really anything new. There are models a lot younger than Hannah who’ve done actual nudity, and that is what really disturbs me. 

I can’t argue with young Sandy! I’ll bet Hannah will have a doll face in her older years just like Olivia Newton John.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Yeah, Jade and Tanner seemed like a genuine couple, they actually appeared to like each other right from the start. Ashley/Jared and Carly/Evan are the ones that I have trouble believing. Not that you can't change your mind about a person, but it always seemed quite forced.

Despite her being the aggressor/stalker, I think Ashley will be the first to bolt, once she realizes that the "prize" she'd been chasing all those years was just a regular person after all.

I'm sure the wedding was fully comped, plus maybe some cash on top for the People exclusives and such, and she'll ride the Instagram wave for awhile, but I don't think the marriage will last. Maybe she can hawk "divorce essentials" for when the inevitable occurs.   

 She does look extremely young, which makes the topless part look a bit sketchy. 

But if they were ever to do a Grease prequel, she would be a dead ringer for young Sandy! 

I think she is very pretty, youre right, just like sandy. dont care for the topless shot tho. 

3 hours ago, DEL901 said:


Something a little different... Apparently she's married and also may or may not have made a sex tape with Robby.

its amazing how much fame and money screws with you !!

10 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Hold on, everyone. Hannah B just said what Demi does is NOT the same as what Jed did. Glad she could clear things up with all her sage wisdom. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned about Hannah, she’s an excellent judge of character 🙄


on another note, glad Tanner is speaking for a lot of us who wish the show would stop with all the pre-planning crap that goes on. 

oh puhlease---it is the same thing. sheesh.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, DEL901 said:


Something a little different... Apparently she's married and also may or may not have made a sex tape with Robby.

Jesus Robby’s teeth in that article are horrendous. Gonna have nightmares that those chompers are gonna come after me. Yikes

  • LOL 7
16 hours ago, Quiet1 said:

So Demi lied to the girlfriend back home, cheated on her numerous times, is only on the show to plug her music career, going to fall in love and get engaged to one of the guys and ghost the girlfriend back home? Interesting.

obviously its not identical, but she came on the show involved with someone back home and immediately began a relationship with someone and is leading them on. more alike thn different.

  • Love 9

Not sure how I feel about Demi. She did say she wanted to get clarity on her feelings and see if she would develop feelings for someone else. Not sure how upfront she was with the person back home, but she did start telling people about her fairly early and even told Derek before they got too serious, so I'm not sure if she was leading him on or just confused about her own feelings. But I have no doubt TPTB knew her situation and are orchestrating it for the show. 

Edited by JKL845
  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, JKL845 said:

Not sure how I feel about Demi. She did say she wanted to get clarity on her feelings and see if she would develop feelings for someone else. Not sure how upfront she was with the person back home, but she did start telling people about her fairly early and even told Derek before they got too serious, so I'm not sure if she was leading him on or just confused about her own feelings. But I have no doubt TPTB knew her situation and are orchestrating it for the show. 

Yeah.  It may have been two weeks in tv time, but it was only 5 or 6 days in elapsed time, so she told Derek fairly quickly

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Jed’s girlfriend knew he was going on the show and agreed to it. 

No idea why you quoted me. I never said anything about Jed's girlfriend knowing if he was going on the show or not. I was alluding to Jed's ex said he lied to her (not about the show). Maybe Demi's girlfriend will do an interview & say that Demi lied to her too. I will see how it plays out & how much Demi is like Jed. I have a feeling Demi's girlfriend is not blindsided like Jed's ex was and that production is very aware of her relationship.

6 hours ago, Quiet1 said:

No idea why you quoted me. I never said anything about Jed's girlfriend knowing if he was going on the show or not. I was alluding to Jed's ex said he lied to her (not about the show). Maybe Demi's girlfriend will do an interview & say that Demi lied to her too. I will see how it plays out & how much Demi is like Jed. I have a feeling Demi's girlfriend is not blindsided like Jed's ex was and that production is very aware of her relationship.

I dont think demi is like jed, but they are both dishonest. I will tell you when I was in college i started dating this guy and I really fell for him hard--a few weeks into he admitted he had a girlfriend back home and let me tell you, if he had told me up front he was just playing around and was waiting for school break to see her, i wouldnt have gotten involved. even though it was a few weeks, it was very hurtful to me AND a few years later we saw in the college alumni newsleter he ended up marrying this same girlfriend. So really all the girls he dated in college (and I was one of many) were just little games for him to occupy him while waiting for his true love. I dont like people who arent 100% clear about that.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I dont think demi is like jed, but they are both dishonest. I will tell you when I was in college i started dating this guy and I really fell for him hard--a few weeks into he admitted he had a girlfriend back home and let me tell you, if he had told me up front he was just playing around and was waiting for school break to see her, i wouldnt have gotten involved. even though it was a few weeks, it was very hurtful to me AND a few years later we saw in the college alumni newsleter he ended up marrying this same girlfriend. So really all the girls he dated in college (and I was one of many) were just little games for him to occupy him while waiting for his true love. I dont like people who arent 100% clear about that.

Totally agree with you. I just don't know how much of this is a set up by production. Is Derek in on it? I don't know how much is fake and I think most of BIP is scripted. I think they are trying to set up an epic love story for Demi but most people aren't buying into it. I'm not anyway.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Demi is 95% heterosexual in her "fluidity" and just using this poor girl as a hook to get more air time and have a story arc for the show.

Agreed.  Not to mention agreeing with all the posters who have said that this wouldn't be considered ok if Demi's love interest back home was a guy.  She'd be vilified, just like any of the others who come on the show, leaving someone back home, prior agreement or not. She was not up front with Derek.  As soon as she realized he was interested, she owed him some sort of talk, just a "hey, just so you know, I like someone back home".

But methinks both Demi and production figured cool, we have a willing girl with fluid feelings, new ratings element.  

My prediction (no, I haven't been spoiled, so I don't know for sure):  Demi will leave BIP with her girl, and they will go onto Insta-hock for a while, doing the talk shows, ETOnline, etc., and we will see a "sad breakup", where they "truly wish the best for each other".  Cue....Demi again, back on BIP, for another chance at true love.

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Agreed.  Not to mention agreeing with all the posters who have said that this wouldn't be considered ok if Demi's love interest back home was a guy.  She'd be vilified, just like any of the others who come on the show, leaving someone back home, prior agreement or not. She was not up front with Derek.  As soon as she realized he was interested, she owed him some sort of talk, just a "hey, just so you know, I like someone back home".

But methinks both Demi and production figured cool, we have a willing girl with fluid feelings, new ratings element.  

My prediction (no, I haven't been spoiled, so I don't know for sure):  Demi will leave BIP with her girl, and they will go onto Insta-hock for a while, doing the talk shows, ETOnline, etc., and we will see a "sad breakup", where they "truly wish the best for each other".  Cue....Demi again, back on BIP, for another chance at true love.

Agree with this except I’m not even sure she’d be vilified for dating a guy. I’m trying to remember the last time they vilified a girl for screwing over a guy and can’t really remember 🤔 They do it all the time when girls screw each other over, but they tend to support women messing with guys as part of their “journey”. I’m just thinking about last season when Kendall was gaslighting Joe and basically being a f@ckgirl (hard to tell the difference between what she did and what Dean did). Instead of making her the villain ABC just turned it into a love story. (And to be clear, I’m talking about ABC and production vilifying people, I’m well aware girls like Kendall and Carley aren’t well liked on boards like this one). 

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Agree with this except I’m not even sure she’d be vilified for dating a guy. I’m trying to remember the last time they vilified a girl for screwing over a guy and can’t really remember 🤔 They do it all the time when girls screw each other over, but they tend to support women messing with guys as part of their “journey”. I’m just thinking about last season when Kendall was gaslighting Joe and basically being a f@ckgirl (hard to tell the difference between what she did and what Dean did). Instead of making her the villain ABC just turned it into a love story. (And to be clear, I’m talking about ABC and production vilifying people, I’m well aware girls like Kendall and Carley aren’t well liked on boards like this one). 

Agree with you....I couldn't stand what Kendall did to sweet Joe, who was head over heels for her.  

Anyone, male or female, who isn't open and honest with their love interest on these shows, should be treated the same.  
Derek handled Demi's story really well, but is that because it's the PC thing to do....to be supportive of any sort of fluidity or coming out?  I mean, I'd love to have seen his reaction had she said that she has a guy back home.  I'm all for people finding what works for them, but my reaction would be the same:  a person back home is a person back home, regardless of gender.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

(And to be clear, I’m talking about ABC and production vilifying people, I’m well aware girls like Kendall and Carley aren’t well liked on boards like this one). 

I actually really liked Carly on BiP, though not on The Bachelor. I think she and Evan are adorable! I've always found it interesting that I can despise someone on their original season but really like them on a franchise show. Michelle Money is another example. Of course, the reverse is true, as well, although no one immediately comes to mind that I really liked on their original season but changed my mind about on a subsequent show.

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I actually really liked Carly on BiP, though not on The Bachelor. I think she and Evan are adorable! I've always found it interesting that I can despise someone on their original season but really like them on a franchise show. Michelle Money is another example. Of course, the reverse is true, as well, although no one immediately comes to mind that I really liked on their original season but changed my mind about on a subsequent show.

Carly was the ultimate mean girl, IMO. Even on the BIP season where she met Evan, she made fun of him, took him for granted, and thought she was too good for him. I know they’ve rewritten history to turn her story into a “fairytale” but I never believed it. Evan, on the other hand, seemed genuine and a good guy. I think he and Joe definitely bailed Carly and Kendall out. 

  • Love 6

Initially, I couldn't figure out why they were unnecessarily showing so much of Carly bad-mouthing Evan because he would see the show later and it would be cruel. But it made sense later why the editors had done that. I do believe she did have a change of heart. I've had that happen a couple of times where I wasn't attracted at all to someone at first but my feelings would change after spending time with them. Granted, it was a greatly accelerated timeframe on BiP but even though I know there's a lot the editing monkeys do to make things seem different than they really are, for some reason, I've never doubted that Carly and Evan's relationship was genuine.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Scout Finch said:

Initially, I couldn't figure out why they were unnecessarily showing so much of Carly bad-mouthing Evan because he would see the show later and it would be cruel. But it made sense later why the editors had done that. I do believe she did have a change of heart. I've had that happen a couple of times where I wasn't attracted at all to someone at first but my feelings would change after spending time with them. Granted, it was a greatly accelerated timeframe on BiP but even though I know there's a lot the editing monkeys do to make things seem different than they really are, for some reason, I've never doubted that Carly and Evan's relationship was genuine.

I think she had a change of heart. I’m not sure it was genuine on the show (I really do think she just wanted to have a “happy ending” on TV). Even with a change of heart, she didn’t need to insult or belittle him. That’s the part I always had a problem with her. She can be down right mean to people, and thinks it’s funny. 

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Sterling said:

Agreed.  Not to mention agreeing with all the posters who have said that this wouldn't be considered ok if Demi's love interest back home was a guy.  She'd be vilified, just like any of the others who come on the show, leaving someone back home, prior agreement or not. She was not up front with Derek.  As soon as she realized he was interested, she owed him some sort of talk, just a "hey, just so you know, I like someone back home".

But methinks both Demi and production figured cool, we have a willing girl with fluid feelings, new ratings element.  

My prediction (no, I haven't been spoiled, so I don't know for sure):  Demi will leave BIP with her girl, and they will go onto Insta-hock for a while, doing the talk shows, ETOnline, etc., and we will see a "sad breakup", where they "truly wish the best for each other".  Cue....Demi again, back on BIP, for another chance at true love.

"Fluid"is the new "most dramatic" hahaha

17 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I think she had a change of heart. I’m not sure it was genuine on the show (I really do think she just wanted to have a “happy ending” on TV). Even with a change of heart, she didn’t need to insult or belittle him. That’s the part I always had a problem with her. She can be down right mean to people, and thinks it’s funny. 

the summer before she got dumped hard by the red haed, cannot remember his name and she had every right to be upset--she was determined to find love and by god she did, lol.

  • LOL 1
33 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

"Fluid"is the new "most dramatic" hahaha

the summer before she got dumped hard by the red haed, cannot remember his name and she had every right to be upset--she was determined to find love and by god she did, lol.

I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. The summer before she had been walking around saying she had the strongest relationship in Paradise and looking down on everybody else. At the end, the guy pulled her aside and was honest and polite in telling her that he didn’t see things progressing beyond what they had. She they blew up and ran around the place crying and screaming about how mean and unfair he treated her. The reality was she was embarrassed to be dumped on TV. I have no problem with what the guy did. He was honest and took her feelings into consideration. She’s the one who blew things up. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

"Fluid"is the new "most dramatic" hahaha

the summer before she got dumped hard by the red haed, cannot remember his name and she had every right to be upset--she was determined to find love and by god she did, lol.

KIRK. He was the one whose dad did taxidermy in his basement.

Now that I think of it, maybe Kirk would have had more in common with Kendall than Grocery Store Joe.😄

  • LOL 1
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1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. The summer before she had been walking around saying she had the strongest relationship in Paradise and looking down on everybody else. At the end, the guy pulled her aside and was honest and polite in telling her that he didn’t see things progressing beyond what they had. She they blew up and ran around the place crying and screaming about how mean and unfair he treated her. The reality was she was embarrassed to be dumped on TV. I have no problem with what the guy did. He was honest and took her feelings into consideration. She’s the one who blew things up. 

Yeah, I think he's expressed to the cameras earlier in the series that he had wanted to meet others and get to know them, but Carly glommed onto him right away and he couldn't figure out how to get unstuck without her getting unglued.  That's why the (very gentle) dumping happened at the end of the series.

  • Love 3

There was a time when I felt a bit sorry for Chad Johnson... he'd lost his mother and was spiraling...then he came on BiP and got so drunk he soiled himself.

And now, this:  https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/chad-johnson-slams-bachelor-nation-favorites-in-twitter-rant/more-on-dean/

If he is so over the Bachelor experience, why is he going on a twitter rampage getting attention for talking about the Bachelor?

Only part I really cared about:  He claims he just found out he didn't call Sarah H names and that the words were edited (with the implication he was so drunk in Paradise that he believed he must have done it.)

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19 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

If he is so over the Bachelor experience, why is he going on a twitter rampage getting attention for talking about the Bachelor?

Because it's the only way he can get any attention. The coming for Tyler was the most obvious and thirstiest one. Because one can conceivably buy that he's just having his say about the BIP drama like many others. But Tyler's not even on BIP, Hannah's season is done and he tries to come for him.

Gee could it be because Tyler's in the media because he's dating someone famous and has over 2.3 million Instagram followers? I liked that although Tyler addressed the tweet, he didn't reply directly to Chad or tag him at all so as to NOT give him that attention he was craving. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

the summer before she got dumped hard by the red haed, cannot remember his name and she had every right to be upset--she was determined to find love and by god she did, lol.

I think she was determined to find a HUSBAND, and she did.  

Despised her every single time I've ever seen her on TV & I hope Karma bites her in the ass very, very soon.  Fatally. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

KIRK. He was the one whose dad did taxidermy in his basement.

Now that I think of it, maybe Kirk would have had more in common with Kendall than Grocery Store Joe.😄

hahaha I forgot about the taxidermy. lol.

10 hours ago, Stan39 said:

I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. The summer before she had been walking around saying she had the strongest relationship in Paradise and looking down on everybody else. At the end, the guy pulled her aside and was honest and polite in telling her that he didn’t see things progressing beyond what they had. She they blew up and ran around the place crying and screaming about how mean and unfair he treated her. The reality was she was embarrassed to be dumped on TV. I have no problem with what the guy did. He was honest and took her feelings into consideration. She’s the one who blew things up. 

yes however he was happy to sleep with her and when she would tell newcomers they were like "an old married couple" he never corrected her. I think there are 2 sides to that story. maybe he should have fought a bit more but he was happy to enjoy the sex and romance until the last day.

  • Love 4
On 8/16/2019 at 9:17 PM, nutty1 said:

I think Demi was acting this whole time with Derek. My guess is she came on the show, knowing her girlfriend would show up. The producers were behind this all the way. I'd be shocked if it was anything but.

Production needed a way for Demi to stay on the show so they had her cling to Derek so she’d be a guarantee pick for the rose ceremony , but ultimately what they needed was drama before announcing their first lgbtq love story and patting themselves on the back for it .. even though the other girl has nothing to do with the show . There is fake and then there is this . Contracts are signed in advance and Demi is just a fame whore who probably brought the story line to producers knowing it would get her more instagram money . You can tell as soon as Colton’s season started that she needed to be the center of attention at all times .. and BIP is no different . If she has such “ strong “ feelings for this girl , why come on the show and not just live happily together off camera ? 

  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Demi is just a fame whore who probably brought the story line to producers knowing it would get her more instagram money . You can tell as soon as Colton’s season started that she needed to be the center of attention at all times .. and BIP is no different

I found it hilarious that everyone was speculating on whether Demi was going to leave BIP on her own at the end of tonight's episode.  Even if we hadn't already seen more drama in the previews for this season, I can't imagine Demi willingly walking away from the cameras.

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On 8/15/2019 at 2:56 PM, DEL901 said:


Something a little different... Apparently she's married and also may or may not have made a sex tape with Robby.

Who the hell are these appalling people?  Wait - never mind, I'm glad I don't know.  Yuck.

Back to Ashley and Jared: I love her wedding dress; it's refreshing to see a strapless gown that's not losing the fight with gravity.  She looked surprisingly classy.


  • Love 2
18 hours ago, DEL901 said:

There was a time when I felt a bit sorry for Chad Johnson... he'd lost his mother and was spiraling...then he came on BiP and got so drunk he soiled himself.

And now, this:  https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/chad-johnson-slams-bachelor-nation-favorites-in-twitter-rant/more-on-dean/

If he is so over the Bachelor experience, why is he going on a twitter rampage getting attention for talking about the Bachelor?

Only part I really cared about:  He claims he just found out he didn't call Sarah H names and that the words were edited (with the implication he was so drunk in Paradise that he believed he must have done it.)

I just looked at his recent tweets. What the hell?? Is he having some type of psychotic breakdown?!

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I just looked at his recent tweets. What the hell?? Is he having some type of psychotic breakdown?!

There is nothing wrong with Chad other than famewhoring. Who was even talking about or cared about Chad before he posted these ridiculous tweets? So that's the only thing happening here. A loser still trying to chase some little attention because like many of other losers who've come onto this franchise, he has little else. 

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17 minutes ago, GracieK said:

Apparently that Christian guy’s ex gf is accusing him of sleeping with her mother. It all sounds like something out of a telenovela


Ewww. If true, her mom is pretty terrible too.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, LBS said:


I forgot about half these people!  Also, I can't believe I've been watching since 2014.....

Oh that was fun! 

For those of you who didn't make it all the way to #49.  It seems Tanner tweeted ( or instagramed or something) to Demi that what she did to Derek was the same thing Jed did to Hannah B.  (What most of us have been saying.)  Demi got all mad and told Tanner she could give him lessons on "going down on your wife."  Ah Demi, Chris Harrison's favorite little girl.

  • Love 10
33 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Ahhhh, so many good times since the first season!  I did think Lacey's wedding dress was stunning though.  And nothing can ever top Clare & her therapist raccoon.   

I will say that my least fave of any and all episodes of any show involved Ashley I and Carly.  Hate them both.  Seriously. 

The funniest moment of this whole series (that gets COMPLETELY forgotten by everyone) is that Lacy was coupled up and seemed completely happy with one dude,  then at a rose ceremony another guy was into her and got to give his rose first so he picked Lacy, she said yes, and then THEY became a couple for the remainder of the show and then got married. Lol. THAT’S ALL IT TOOK TO SWAY HER! Just rearrange the order of who goes first 🤷‍♂️

So, to anyone complaining that Hannah G is wishy-washy with her feelings and just seems to go with whoever is into her, there IS precedent for this on this show. 😂😂😂

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