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Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp

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 I just want to say that not having a opinion about what happens to you next is not a question of intelligence. Plenty of people have dreams and goals despite ignorance or having a low I. Q , (and I think we all know people like this).  It comes from not being informed about one's choices, being scared about making decisions, being presented with limited options, being used to listening to other people and have them make your decisions for you, lack of confidence, uncertainty about the road less taken, etc. 

Joy is not a genius, but I do think she would have more of opinion with a different support system. 

I don't get the feeling Jana wants more airtime.  Some people are more private. 

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12 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree Jill said college was an option as FU moment.       


Well, --   I can't get my response out of this box, so I'll just put it in there.... I think this might be the case. But to me it's more likely that the double message from Jill -- College is an option! College is evil and of the devil! -- reflects the gaslighting that I'm 100 percent convinced JB and M practiced on them day and night for years and years.  

Having been thusly gaslighted myself, I feel as if I recognize this as the kind of thing that I and others of my fellow family gaslightees naively said after we'd been fed a poisonous stew of contradictory-only-we're-assured-it's-not-contradictory-garbage over and over. Somehow they'd got us to believe that two contradictory things were true, usually as a means of making us think that we had some kind of choice when, in fact, we didn't. It's the "I never said that!" part of gaslighting. Of course college is an option for you, dear! BLAH BLAH and then some poisonous crap that warns you off it. But then of course they do want you to do what you want to do ... except ... and on and on.    Pretty quickly you don't know what you want or what they want and you're saying things that sound nuts to everybody else.  

I can't imagine the Duggs haven't done this to the kids. I think all venomous control freaks do it. And it would leave the kids saying things that sound nutso because they've been turned upside down and backwards, pretty constantly, on the question of what their parents mean and what their parents want from and for them. The parents undercut with poison and knives one minute and then turn around and deny that and sweetly wish them the best the next minute. And we all want to believe that our parents aren't trying to destroy our souls..... Unfortunately for the Duggarlings, their parents have been trying to do that. 


Edited by Churchhoney
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21 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Joy is not a genius, but I do think she would have more of opinion with a different support system. 

She'd have to first have a support system that valued education and even allowed her to have an opinion in the first place.

I get that not everyone wants to go to college, and its rigors are simply not for everyone, but I'm sure if I had a son or daughter, I would hate it if people thought s/he was dumber than dirt. And I'd make sure they at least could find a trade or learn a skill that would enable them to have a job that allowed them to live on their own if they didn't want to go to college.

Joy seems perfectly content right now to be a barefoot country bumpkin, but OTOH, it's not like she's even been encouraged to contemplate any other path. She does not yet know what she doesn't know because she knows all there is to know because she's got the bestest parents ever.  

That, to me, is sad. She had a lot of spunk and I loved her tomboyish cuteness. Now, she's confined to a prim and proper joyless (no pun intended) existence as a future brood mare.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
Need a nap
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It's not until you see full body shots of the Duggars that you realize how squat and dumpy they are. I mean, damn TLC, you couldn't spring for a professional stylist? You were okay with your "talent" showing up to a photo shoot in Goodwill rags? 

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 @Kokapetl That was TLC's promo shot for this season. Which means that after the two hour Jinger wedding repeat extravaganza to end Sweeps, they're going to start us in on Joy and Austin. At least he didn't propose holding a styrofoam cup secretly taped by house security in Boob's office. Or even on the front porch of the family home. 

Jill got lucky, but that's probably the last time she did. 

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2 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

But my eye is drawn to the sane looking ones, Babe and Ginge.

I really hope they stay in Texas . Far away from JB and maybe there's a chance Jinger could be deprogrammed .

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At first I couldn't pick Joy's intended out of the lineup because he looks like he could be one of her brothers. Then I realized he was the one standing next to her. Derrick looks like he thinks he's in the middle of shampoo commercial hair flip.

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12 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

How have I never seen this picture before? They're as good as married.


What an insane pic!  Truly cringeworthy for so many reasons. Trying waaaaay too hard!  Every one of them looks totally bizarre, except for Jeremy and jinge. 

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Do not like the shoe skirt combo on Jana.

For some reason, Jill's skirt defrauds me. 

What is up with the half hand on JD's shoulder?  Who or what is that?

ETA:  I enlarged it and think that is the hand of the brother.  I don't remember his name.  The one with the failed courtship.

Edited by truthtalk2014
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2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Jinger has KNEES. Who knew?

BTW. Saw a kneecap. Totally not defrauded.

See, that kneecap turned me gay. Satan must have built a fortress in my heart. Good for you, though.

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2 minutes ago, truthtalk2014 said:

Do not like the shoe skirt combo on Jana.

For some reason, Jill's skirt defrauds me. 

What is up with the half hand on JD's shoulder?  Who or what is that?

Seems to be a hand or at least fingers in Joy's hair too. Very odd photoshop it seems. Joe at the end looks like he was plucked from another universe.

I can only imagine what Boob thinks when he sees Derick's flowing locks.

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14 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

What a surprise. Jill is clinging to her headship. Jessa and Ben are ready with jazz hands for Broadway.

One day Bin and Jessa might regret that they never worked this hard at something -- anything -- else.

Truly shows their desperation to keep this show rolling. Also looks a little too much like dancing, if you ask me, Jessa.  You and TLC are leading your young siblings astray. Wonder if it's symbolic that Joy's there at the edge of the bulk of the "lonely Duggars club," just about to be edged away by that guy who kind of looks like another Duggar brother? 

I'm sure somebody was yelling at them to Smile big! Jump! Dance! Lean towards the camera! Laugh! But pictures like this always look so ridiculous you wonder why PR still thinks that's a good idea. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, louannems said:

"That guy who kind of looks like another Duggar brother?"

At first, I thought Joy's guy was her brother!

Well, it is Arkansas, after all.  You might be a redneck if...your uncle is also your brother...your family tree does not fork...

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On 2/10/2017 at 4:45 AM, GeeGolly said:

I agree Jill said college was an option as FU moment. It goes against everything they've been spewing. Not mixing with, or taking direction from, the secular world. JB knows that college would expose his kids to many of the things they've been sheltering hiding their kids from. And for her to say that this late in the game would be a sad reflection on her, Joy, the twins, Josiah, Joe, Jinger, Jessa, JD, Jana and Josh if it were true. Out of 11 independently thinking kids, not one pursued even a 2 year degree?

As @Arwen Evenstar posted - alternative facts. The Duggars need to watch the news because alternative facts emphasizes stupidity and pisses people off.

And yet... Derrick went off to a secular college, so.  And would probably want Izzy to go there as well, on account of Pistol Pete.  There's some conflict right there.

21 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Ha, now I can't quote anything at all it seems, but... my point here ties into the above:  It's possible that what JimBoob and Mechelle preach behind the scenes is, "Sure you can go to college if you want... if you go to the college we approve of.  Which basically means none of them."  

Joy-appropriate content:  her outfit is hideous in the promo pics.  Is "frontier nun" a style thing now?  She's seriously showing not an inch of skin, which strikes me as excessive.  She needs to toss/replace the hideous fringed jacket three sizes too big, or the boots.

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Well, now that she's courting, she can't let Austin stare at her knockers, so she must cover up as much as possible. She can't be stirring up desires that can't be righteously fulfilled. /s

Seriously, I CAN forgive the boots, since it was a winter shoot. 

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17 hours ago, Portia said:

See, that kneecap turned me gay. Satan must have built a fortress in my heart. Good for you, though.

You see, the Duggars were wise to protect us from the Dangers of Defrauding Knees! See how quickly the sight of knees turned you into a lesbian? You'll have to go to JTTH and spend hours being deprogrammed now!  All because of those knees!  Will you be able to pray it away?????

Loved your post...it totes cracked me up!!! Good for Jinger for being so bold!

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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2 hours ago, awaken said:

Yes, what is with the fingers emerging from joy's hair?!  Are those her own or austin's?  If his, that seems pretty publicly intimate!

I trace the hands seen on both JD and Joy back to Josiah. The photographer probably ordered them to Get close! Get chummy! Pretend you really like each other! So Josiah reached out in both directions to pseudo-side-hug the sibs in his vicinity. 

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Oh my, I clicked on the picture and it enlarged. Yikes!

Did someone mention fringe on Joy's jacket? Because that fringe is Joy's straightened hair. I think they were dressed for these shots. With the exception of maybe Ben's shoes, all the other shoes look brand new. And Jana is wearing what looks to be a brand new watch the exact color of her shoes.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Oh my, I clicked on the picture and it enlarged. Yikes!

Did someone mention fringe on Joy's jacket? Because that fringe is Joy's straightened hair. I think they were dressed for these shots. With the exception of maybe Ben's shoes, all the other shoes look brand new. And Jana is wearing what looks to be a brand new watch the exact color of her shoes.

I think the clothes are their own. Jill's dress is her typical low-cut tank dress with a tee underneath. I hope those shoes didn't give her a bunion. 

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Joy is such a blind follower and it is heartbreaking.  It is so obvious she has been beaten down and brainwashed.  If Boob demands her to get married and be pregnant by year's end....She will be....And every year until the end of her child bearing years!  So sad.

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25 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

Joy is such a blind follower and it is heartbreaking.  It is so obvious she has been beaten down and brainwashed.  If Boob demands her to get married and be pregnant by year's end....She will be....And every year until the end of her child bearing years!  So sad.

I can't help but think that at least some of that pressure would be off if they were off tv, too.

 "Gotta keep the show and the show money flowing!" and "Gotta keep up our international widely broadcast image as the main pumpers out of God's army!" have to be seen as compelling motivations here to keep the marriages and new kids coming. If TLC pulled the plug, motivation one, at least, would vanish, and there might be a smidgen of room in JB's brain to think, Who the heck's going to pay for all these kids so I can afford a wheel chair, not an office chair? And he might back off the demands an inch. Kinda too late for Joy at this point, though, I suppose.

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On 2/10/2017 at 9:44 PM, Sew Sumi said:

They didn't add the twins, which is odd since they turned 18 in December, certainly before they took these promo shots. 

True, but in the show timeline the twins are still 17. Maybe they'll get to be in the promo shot for the next season.

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4 hours ago, Triple P said:

True, but in the show timeline the twins are still 17. Maybe they'll get to be in the promo shot for the next season.

Good point. However, they, and Jason who is 16, are getting lots of talking heads, and the twins have been shown selling their cars on the strip by the highway. They haven't been invisible like James, Justin (save his role as chaperone on the last episode), Jackson, and Lost Girls, aside from Miracle Counter Licker. 

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On 2/10/2017 at 9:48 PM, awaken said:

What an insane pic!  Truly cringeworthy for so many reasons. Trying waaaaay too hard!  Every one of them looks totally bizarre, except for Jeremy and jinge. 

The Duggar on the far left (Orvis circa 2003) and the Duggar on the far right (generic Fleet Farm off the rack) are wearing shirts my husband donated to Goodwill a year ago.  That's probably OK except my husband is 74.  And now that I look closely, the hippy dippy, druggie dude looks like he is wearing a Carhartt shirt hubby donated as well.  Trendy they are not.  

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I keep forgetting she's supposed to be in luuuuuuuuuurve. Just no.

What happened to her? She used to have spark, now she's as dull and ditchwater and whoever mentioned a hidden ability to mindless violence is right in my book.

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3 hours ago, MunichNark said:

I keep forgetting she's supposed to be in luuuuuuuuuurve. Just no.

What happened to her? She used to have spark, now she's as dull and ditchwater and whoever mentioned a hidden ability to mindless violence is right in my book.

Yep. Joy was the one screaming..."Git 'im!" over and over again while Derick was on his sled gunning for the poor cat.

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yep. Joy was the one screaming..."Git 'im!" over and over again while Derick was on his sled gunning for the poor cat.

I wonder whether the gun love and the cat hate could be Joy's very very well suppressed rebellion coming out. And, of course, aiming at all the wrong targets, the way suppressed anger always does. If I were in her situation, I'd definitely want to make something go splat. But it wouldn't be deer or raccoons or cats. It'd be Jim Bob. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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How much stock do you all put in Inquisitr articles? (I'm guessing not much...) I was just checking Google for any news on someone's theory (Sew Sumi?) that there would be a super special Valentine's Day engagement announcement, and all I found was an article on that site showing a pic of Joy Anna holding a bag of baking soda that was, in their opinion, suspiciously hiding her left ring finger. I don't want to post or link if that's not an acceptable source...

But I would say it's pretty certain that they are engaged by this point anyways...

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I saw that picture as well. This is what happens when people have too much time on their hands:-))) It's easy to over analyse everything, even the most spur of the moment snaps.

I don't doubt that they are engaged or near to it, because otherweise he'd not be showing up everywhere. Those people don't "just" do things for the fun of it.

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