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S01.E02: Spring

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11 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

I think Rory should seriously consider getting her Master's and teaching at Chilton.  I don't know why she was so quick to dismiss it.

That was the best prospect of the entire series. And, for those 5 minutes, I thought she was really good with the class. I could see her as a teacher. The next Max Medina - smart, demanding, but compassionate and inspiring. She should have really considered that route. 

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I think by the time Francie randomly showed up, launching Paris back into high school mode, I actually was like "enough".  Enough of the random nostalgia-based cameos.  I found her storylines boring in the original series, I found no use for her here.  

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11 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

I think Rory should seriously consider getting her Master's and teaching at Chilton.  I don't know why she was so quick to dismiss it.

I commented on this on another thread, but there are a few reasons:

1. [Edited for spoilers].


1. Rory felt as if taking a non-journalism job would be an admission that she had failed in her field. She told Jess that the headmaster at Chilton could "smell" failure on her when he offered her the position. I think Rory eventually made her peace with the fact that journalism didn't work out for her as a career path, since she was able to admit that to Christopher in Fall, but it took her a while to be able to admit that to herself. At least with the SH Gazette job, she was still technically working in her field.

2. Even though the headmaster prefaced his offer with a great deal of praise about how liked and respected Rory had been at Chilton, it was pretty clear he was offering the job out of sympathy for an alumna who'd fallen on hard times. No one wants to feel like a charity case.

3. Strictly from a pragmatic perspective, it's a dumb idea to go get a Master's solely on a casual promise of potential future employment. Aside from the money issue--Rory has said she is strapped for cash--a Master's is a serious investment of time and effort. To go get a Master's just to get a specific job that may or may not materialize is a stupid idea. Not to mention that the offer was extended by a kindly old man who's likely thisclose to retirement. Who knows whether the headmaster's successor would be as kindly disposed towards Rory when she showed up degree in hand looking for the job she had been promised? Also, after being burned by the SandeeSays website fiasco, where Rory showed up for a job believing she had it in the bag only to learn that she did not, I'm guessing Rory will be very cautious about taking seeming offers of employment at face value.

When I was in university, I knew professors who would casually suggest to impressionable students "You should do [X]" or "Don't waste your time with [X graduate degree], you should do a [Y graduate degree]" and students, easily influenced by the attention and approbation of the professors, would hang on their every word and follow their advice. The professors lost nothing by tossing off with an air of supreme authority dumb, even thoughtless suggestions that the students swallowed hook, line and sinker. The headmaster's "offer" to Rory, such as it was, reminded me of that: well-intentioned, perhaps, but not thought through.

Edited by Eyes High
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14 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Paris freak out in the bathroom was my favorite thing. That and her questioning every time Rory and Doyle were talking about their lives ("you guys email?")

Her physicality in that scene was great - pacing like a caged animal, and then:

13 hours ago, tankgirl73 said:

Paris kicking the door closed, epic pose holding it shut, in those sky-high heels no less... Highlight of the episode.

Absolutely. Maybe her over the top emotions in those scenes are because she's pregnant? (that seemed like such a throw away line, I don't think Rory even reacted to it.)

11 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

And I literally shrieked with laughter at his huge stacked wig.  What was that all about?

I haven't seen the movie, but I believe it's an homage to one of the characters in Eraserhead.

9 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Loved Mae Whitman standing right next to Lauren and Alexis. I thought Lauren and Alexis looked more like mother and daughter than Lauren and Mae, but seeing all three of them together at once, it's pretty even IMO

LOL, I loved seeing Mae but somehow I totally blanked out on Lauren playing her Mom on Parenthood (hated Lauren's character, but loved Mae's).

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11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Rory didn't want the job at the website aka Faux Buzzfeed until she couldn't find any better options. And then she walked in, expecting the job and got a job interview instead. Now, the CEO was pretty harsh and unprofessional in some ways and I dislike the environment, but Rory coming in unprepared is even worse. She's supposed to be 30/32. She's acting like she's 22. 

I had a strong sense of deja vu with that scene. Somebody help me out. Was there not the exact same situation in another TV show? It's driving me crazy.

Also, I've never been to therapy, but I can't imagine you would sit there in silence for an hour. Why didn't the therapist ask them some questions? Or was that some kind of attempt a humor that I completely missed? Worst therapist ever.

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17 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:


Also, I've never been to therapy, but I can't imagine you would sit there in silence for an hour. Why didn't the therapist ask them some questions? Or was that some kind of attempt a humor that I completely missed? Worst therapist ever.

That was actually one of the more realistic situations ever on this show.

My first few sessions with my first therapist were completely silent. She did ask questions, but I'd either not answer or I would give a very curt answer that she could do absolutely nothing with.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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Also it really pissed me off how Rory dismissed the website like that. Get off your high horse Rory. You have no prospects, no place to live, your personal life is in shambles. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with the site from what I could see. So it seemed [stereotypically ]  millenial, at least it was a job and there was no indication that it was some trashy gossip site like TMZ. I hated how she acted all condescending and above it all and thought she could just walk into the interview totally unprepared because it wasn't "real news" to her. And she was totally rude in that phone call afterwards. 

I agree that Rory should have been prepared for the interview. She should have came with various ideas that she has, as well as a portfolio of her other work (stuff that she did in the past 9 years, there has to be something). She should have researched the website, knew what it was like and be able to ask intelligent questions. While she may not have got a job it would have serious increased her odds. I get that Rory thought they were just giving her a job, but even still I feel like it would be common sense to come prepared just in case. As for the phone call, that was dumb and unrealistic in both parties. The girl on the website, wouldn't have called Rory right after it. Rory if anything would get an email saying they chose another applicant or nothing at all. She wouldn't have known Rory's phone situation unless she filled out an application.

The whole Logan thing bothers me. I was okay with him being the guy that just hooks up with whoever, as that is who he always was. From the first episode, I figured that he had other girls but they knew he might be hooking up with others, as it was all friends with benefits. But to have him (and Rory) be cheating is just awful. It was bad enough that Rory was cheating on Paul but now they have Logan cheating too, except he's actual engaged. The also to just have Rory have a one night stand like it was nothing, was completely out of character.

I am with the group that did not like that Luke and Lorieli were lying again. And hope it all gets resolved peacefully next episode.

I liked the Chilton stuff, and am hoping that Rory does take his advice and go back for her masters degree is something with solid jobs such as teaching. She did a good job addressing that class. Unlike Paris, which as usual was funny.

Lastly, Mr. Kim. I had to rewind as I was sure I just missed something. It did explain where he has been, and why he wasn't at Lane's wedding. I've always thought that he lived in Korea, which may still be true.

Overall, slightly better then last episode, but not by a lot.

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Absolutely. Maybe [Paris'] over the top emotions in those scenes are because she's pregnant? (that seemed like such a throw away line, I don't think Rory even reacted to it.)

What did Paris say?  I was thinking there was a throwaway line that made it sound like she was pregnant but then I forgot about it.

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2 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

What did Paris say?  I was thinking there was a throwaway line that made it sound like she was pregnant but then I forgot about it.

she said that she "even missed her last period" referring to being stressed.

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Also, I've never been to therapy, but I can't imagine you would sit there in silence for an hour. Why didn't the therapist ask them some questions? Or was that some kind of attempt a humor that I completely missed? Worst therapist ever.

As a Social worker, I agree. While I don't do counseling in my current job, I do know that it would be her job to get them to talk to each other.  Even if it resulted in them yelling. It's one thing to try the silence thing once maybe, but not for an hour and definitely not every time. She is there to help them fix their relationship and deal with the grief of losing Richard.

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6 minutes ago, blueray said:

As a Social worker, I agree. While I don't do counseling in my current job, I do know that it would be her job to get them to talk to each other.  Even if it resulted in them yelling. It's one thing to try the silence thing once maybe, but not for an hour and definitely not every time. She is there to help them fix their relationship and deal with the grief of losing Richard.

True, but if you are paying a therapist to help you with relationships and grief and then refuse to talk to her isn't that on you?  No one can make anyone else talk if they don't want to.

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28 minutes ago, blueray said:

she said that she "even missed her last period" referring to being stressed.

I couldn't remember the phrasing, thanks! Given this is TV (okay, Netflix) Paris attributing stress as the cause of her missed period is probably more denial than anything else. Combine it with her hyper emotional state, and going to the bathroom a lot during the episode,  I'm thinking she's actually pregnant, and maybe it'll help them reconcile.

Edited by Clanstarling
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55 minutes ago, blueray said:

to just have Rory have a one night stand like it was nothing, was completely out of character.

I actually appreciated that because it showed a small bit of character development! Current Rory should not be the same person she was at 22, and her lack of growth, emotionally and professionally, is one of the things that made me itch.

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"We're outside, we can only go inside." Can't argue with that logic.

THE SECRET BAR! (by far the best part of that neverending town meeting)

Mitchum coming out of nowhere with a chair made my life! "He thinks we're friends." No one thinks that, Logan.

The comparison between Paris and Michel kinda worked!

I have my own issues with Alex Kingston (Doctor Who related), but I think the character really works. She's like an extreme version of Lorelai and boy does Rory has experience with dealing with crazy. And it shows.

TOO MUCH LOGAN!! And the Odette thing... my oh my, Rory where have you got yourself into? You're moving too fast to see yourself clearly and it will come back to bite you in the ass. Hard.

Lulu looks younger than Rory.

Luke: "I'm not gonna make it."

I'm amazed at how much better Rory and Paris's friendship is being depicted than during the Yale years. Rory actually seems to like her now. I loved everything about going back to Chilton. I want more! Kinda wish they had gotten CMM so we could have one last scene with Rory, Paris and Tristin together.

Emily was at her worst in this episode, IMHO. pushing Richard's wishes on Luke, walking out on therapy like that. I'm not a L/L shipper by any means but her rant on them being "roomantes" was odious. Almost as odious as her vicious rant at the funeral. Kinda made me wish Luke and Lorelai wouldn't get marry at all. Don't let her get in your head Lorelai!!

(I'm forever amazed some people don't see why Lorelai left at 17)

Logan and Rory's interactions still don't make sense if you take S7 in account... Awesome!

Man, Rory's profession seems brutal. What the hell is "on spec"? Are you telling me she went through all that with Alex Kingston and will get no money whatsoever? And that she'll do that piece on NY lines for GQ with no garantee of money as well? Although the later is a little more understandable, being a HUGE opportunity and all, seems more like a trial piece than anything, but the thing with Naomi? Rory put a lot of time on her. Kinda makes me think she's not being very smart here.The lawyer obviously was expecting more of a fight. How the hell does Rory eat?

The whole thing with Sandradee (sp?) was the more real thing this show has ever done with Rory's career I swear! Frankly, I'm loving Hot!Mess Rory! Forget about Logan, I think she's paying for having a college life way more fabulous than anyone should have had. I love the realness. Finally!

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Was that actually Tristan making a cameo? It was such a quick shot I couldn't tell if it was Chad Michael Murray and I didn't pause to see...

Edit: I now know it was a recast.

I liked this episode less than the first one, but I tended to always find Daniel's episodes a little flat for some reason. I'm sure there were some that he did that were brilliant, but this seems consistent with his less interesting ones, at least as far as the jokes were concerned.

I loved Paris' epic meltdown and the randomness of Francine showing up to ratchet up the tension. It definitely felt like a reunion movie-type thing to do, but the actors really sold it and the pacing was good. And I laughed, so all is forgiven. I still don't feel like they have properly developed her as a woman running some kind of surrogacy business, though. I need some background on that story line to buy it. What prompted her to even look into surrogacy?

I loved the shot of Mr. Kim, if only because we finally get that after all of these years, and I also loved the joke about Luke having multiple Caesars. Cute nods to two of the show's weirder bits of history.

Some negatives ...

I feel like we have already been through the Luke franchising his business idea, and that's one of my criticisms of the revival so far - it seems to be recycling old story beats instead of building on them in new ways. If Luke was finally amenable to franchising, then I could appreciate the show bringing the subject up again...but clearly he isn't, so why are we bothering with this a second time? Lorelai lying about the therapy felt pretty random especially since lying was one of the things that caused problems in their relationship. She kept secrets about talking with Christopher and then he kept secrets about April. And all of that felt like manufactured drama and lame writing. So does this. So why are we seeing it again? I think it would be more interesting for Luke to actually confront Lorelai about the fact that she's going to therapy by herself and then maybe admit that he used the Book and Tape at a pivotal moment in his life to get the courage to speak with her about starting a relationship. That would have felt like a bit of a payoff. Instead we just have something else that could possibly cause them to fight and argue with each other and I'm not sure we really need that.

And then we have Rory cheating and messing with people's lives which I really really hate about her and didn't ever think would become one of her defining characteristics. I assumed that between Winter and Spring she had ditched Paul or Peter or whatever his name was off camera. But no! They are apparently still together even if he's in none of her scenes and she never speaks with him. And on top of that Logan is engaged? Wow, that's super classy Rory. You clearly learned nothing from the Lindsay/Dean fiasco. Of all the characters I want to see make a cameo I hope Lindsay pops up in the next two movies somewhere to remind her just how horrible she's been in the past and apparently continues to be.

I actually somewhat liked Rory in the first movie but now she's mired down in some of her worst character traits - entitlement, self pity and selfish disregard for the feelings of others.

RORY: If you could buckle down, ignore Paris and deal with a crummy writing assignment like talking about a parking lot getting repaved just to prove that you could do it on your own in spite of the obstacles, why are you now, years later, boohooing and grumbling about Logan's father helping you set up a business meeting? If you don't like Mitchum Huntzberger then just sidestep him and do it on your own steam. If you accept his offer then admit that this is how things work and handle someone you don't particularly like helping you out. Don't accept his help and then act all put out, you stupid idiot. I'm sorry but this stuff really really pisses me off.

Remember: Mitchum had no faith in you as a writer...and doesn't know you and Logan are an item...but here he is, offering to help you out...and you're resenting it?

Check yourself, please.

And the thing is Alexis Bledel is really doing good work here. I like this performance of Rory far better than anything she did in the last two seasons of the show. She feels a bit more like a woman now and an extension of herself from the earlier seasons of the show. It's just unfortunate that her character is going through these so-called struggles that I'm sure 90% of us would love to deal with. Oh poor baby - you have multiple homes you can stay in around the world, people offering you various jobs and praising you to the rafters and then you show up with nothing prepared and absolutely no sense of self esteem and get all pissed off when people show you the door? Why aren't you preparing for anything? Why aren't you making lists? Remember how well all of that worked for you when you were a kid? Keep doing it!


The therapy storyline didn't amount to much for me. I can't help but wonder what Amy would have done with it if she had scripted it herself because we just got a lot of scenes of them sitting there saying nothing and it felt like time in the episode that could have been put to better use. I tend to find therapy scenes on television shows a bit tricky because if the lead characters start stating overtly what their problems are it takes away from the realism of the show or just makes it feel a little bit too meta. So I'm glad that we didn't get Emily and Lorelai sussing their differences out in a pedestrian way, but I still feel like we didn't get much out of the experience. And I definitely have no respect for that therapist. No decent therapist will allow clients to come in the week after week after week saying nothing to each other until they've fiinally quit. Therapy is an opportunity to repair lifelong scars and a therapist would definitely insist on working on those even if by taking it slowly.

I never really fell in love with Paris and Doyle as a couple so their marital woes seem pointless to me. I like that Paris is kind of becoming her mother in a weird way if only for the symmetry, but I still feel like we could have had something better with Paris.

I liked the Paul Anka cameo, but I'm a little confused by the different dreams Lorelei has been having and the emphasis placed on them.

The Rachel Ray cameo was awkward because Rachel kept gesturing with her hands and it didn't feel at all natural. The cameos from Aussiello and the Gilmore Guys and Amy however were perfect. I hated Sasha from Bunheads as Rory's potential new boss. That girl's body language is really awkward and their argument at the end of the episode was dumb and silly and in no way realistic. I would have much rather seen the guy from the Stanford Eagle Gazette pop up to remind Rory of how she ended up quitting that job to finish catching up at Yale or something like that.

The job with the alcoholic Brit took up too much time in these two films if all it amounted to was a small disappointment for Rory. It felt like a gag that stretched on more than it needed to.

I haven't seen the last two movies yet, but I kind of like the idea of Rory teaching at Chilton even if it isn't some fancy-pants job that she can boast about for the rest of her life. Is there still a Rory Gilmore Planetarium out there? Does she have to live up to that name?

I was a bit thrown by Rory having a one-night stand off camera with a Wookie even though I know what they were going for in terms of her character development. This was definitely a moment where she had crossed into panic mode over her life choices, but I found it really uncomfortable that Rory, presumably still fresh from lovemaking, would throw herself onto her mother's hotel bed and describe what had just happened with her mother calmly responding as if this was no problem at all. I did see a little bit of Lorelai's old panic from Lauren's performance and I really appreciated that. Lorelai was never comfortable with the idea of Rory having sex and apparently still isn't!

And you know what? There's absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with someone who happens to be wearing a costume. I hate how television makes that into some big taboo when it really isn't. People get dressed up for all different occasions throughout the year. Why is it so funny to hook up with a Star Wars or Star Trek fan? Didn't Rory dress up as a Kill Bill character once? Hasn't Rory dressed up as a pilgrim? Didn't she basically dress up as Sleeping Beauty for the Chilton dance? Shut up Whory. You aren't better than everyone.

It wasn't a bad movie but it does feel strangely like these are really a Supercut of episodes all mushed together.

I absolutely loved Sally Struthers during the movie scene. That woman knows how to mug for the camera.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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15 hours ago, FrumiusManxome said:

I hated how she acted all condescending and above it all and thought she could just walk into the interview totally unprepared because it wasn't "real news" to her. And she was totally rude in that phone call afterwards. 


Appalling. That's Rory for you. Even if she thought she had the job (which she clearly did when she walked in), what was she planning to write about when she started?? She STILL had no ideas! Did she think they would give her a list of 'choose your own adventure' topics to select from? It was grating. She had nothing! No ideas, no portfolio of her past work, nothing fresh. Coasting on a stupid New Yorker piece from goodness knows how long ago. Entitled their name is Rory freaking Gilmore. I get so agitated when I think of the character!  

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I liked the therapy sessions between Lorelai and Emily, long overdue. Emily's description of roommates for Luke and Lorelai was funny. I have had that same argument with elder members of my family. It doesn't count if you're not married, even though marriages aren't always permanent.

I really think Amy is just ignoring season 7 growth for several characters. Logan, Rory, and now Emily and Lorelai's baby steps of progress. Even Richard's touching words to his daughter in the finale are apparently forgotten by all. I'm not a fan of this reverse of all the characters. 

I noticed that Lorelai said in her therapy session that she and Chris *had* a complicated relationship, hinting that they don't have much contact. It's sad but ultimately realistic. She's been with Luke for 9 years and chose that relationship, given the issues that she and Chris would bring up. It still bums me out because I love their friendship.

I agree with Headmaster Charleston, Rory would be a great teacher. She looked happy to be at Chilton, and it was nice seeing real friendship between her and Paris. 

I'm in the minority yet again because I really enjoyed Lorelai and Rory's wookie conversation. I'm glad Lorelai was supportive to Rory's flailing, and wasn't all sanctimonious about Rory and Logan. They can talk to each other like adults. I laughed at her pointing out it was more slutty to sleep with an engaged guy than to have a one night stand. It felt like good natured teasing instead of being preachy, like she was about Dean. 

15 hours ago, snarktini said:

Frustrated that Lorelei insisted in therapy that all that stuff was in the past. Oh, honey, it's not in the past if you haven't ever actually worked through it.

In my experience, people who say it was all in the past are people who don't want to admit their share of the blame, or want to forget about it. She and Emily need to deal with this stuff, it's been going on for 30+ years.

23 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Rory was kind of funny in this one: "I'm tap dancing in front of the kids, I think I'm scaring them"

I really liked some of her comic moments when she is flustered. The sleeping with a wookie freak-out, and the end scene when she moves home. Rory is a character I like but could never identify with, she was too perfect. This new floundering Rory I get, and it feels different than her behaviour in season 6. 

Also, it was a mistake releasing these episodes all at once. I have forgone sleep to watch them. 

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15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

At 30, she should be settling down and not be "here and there". But I'm a 22 year old who's almost in the same boat, so maybe I was hoping for more from Rory.

Obviously Rory was hoping for more from Rory too. But sometimes life deals you different cards. If you're only 22, maybe don't judge your elders so harshly. You have no idea if you'll still be in that same boat in ten years. I disliked much of Rory in this revival, but not feeling settled in her life/career absolutely rings true. I'm not in her chosen field of journalism, but I can totally relate to the situation. Grad school + postdoc + visiting professor position(s) very much leaves people squarely in their early 30s but still not settled. It's not easy.

Not to mention she was based in NYC! I lived there, and SO many people drift from job to job and apartment to apartment through their 20s, 30s, and 40s. It's quite typical of many of my friends there, in all sorts of professional fields.

That was the most realistic part of Rory in the revival, in my opinion. (However, shipping boxes all over god's green earth was NOT part of that realism...)

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1 hour ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

Are you telling me she went through all that with Alex Kingston and will get no money whatsoever? And that she'll do that piece on NY lines for GQ with no garantee of money as well? Although the later is a little more understandable, being a HUGE opportunity and all, seems more like a trial piece than anything, but the thing with Naomi?

I assumed that the travel expenses Rory was racking up were covered by the agreement as she worked on the book, for those face to face meetings. It'd answer the questions about where Rory's getting the money for all the London travel at any rate. But then to state to the lawyer that they didn't have a contract, just a verbal agreement!? WTH???

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4 hours ago, CalamityBoPeep said:

I assumed that the travel expenses Rory was racking up were covered by the agreement as she worked on the book, for those face to face meetings. It'd answer the questions about where Rory's getting the money for all the London travel at any rate. But then to state to the lawyer that they didn't have a contract, just a verbal agreement!? WTH???

Rory actually said their arrangement was "on spec" which I only have the faintest idea of what it means. I don't even know how can that be possible when it comes to writing a book. It sounds even worst than a verbal agreement.

The more I think about it the more insane the whole thing with Naomi was. How is it possible Rory didn't work out an hourly rate or any sort of payment schedule that included any all time spent on the travelling and business lunches + expenses (the later being the very least Naomi probably paid)? That was A LOT of valuable time Naomi wasted. And what about the expectations Naomi created? What about possible job offers Rory had to pass up because she had this long term agreement to honor? I don't know how it works in the UK or the US, but in my mess of a country Rory could have sued Naomi's ass and got her time's worth. Considering Naomi had a lawyer call Rory, I imagine she knew it too. I can't believe how naive Rory was. 

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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10 minutes ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

I can't believe how naive Rory was. 

Especially considering that everyone - Logan, Mitchell, the Condé Nast people - were eye-rolling the moment her name was mentioned. She clearly had a reputation as not being very reliable, which Rory acknowledged. (And honestly, I think Rory realized it was a gamble, but thought the potential payoff justified the risk of failure.)

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IIRC, on spec means you do the work, without being paid, or having any agreement to be paid, in hopes that you can sell the work and/or drum up more business. Something that's not bad for fairly minor projects not involving a lot of up front money, but terrible for anything you have to shell out big bucks for on your own.

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5 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Also, I've never been to therapy, but I can't imagine you would sit there in silence for an hour. Why didn't the therapist ask them some questions? Or was that some kind of attempt a humor that I completely missed? Worst therapist ever.

I thought she was awful as well. I'm no expert. I went a few times as a child, and then later as a teen. I thought the whole purpose was to talk. Shouldn't the therapist be asking questions. Anything? Or does she just want to get your money, and doesn't care about anything else?


3 hours ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

THE SECRET BAR! (by far the best part of that neverending town meeting)

I forgot about that. I LOVED the Secret Bar. So great. 

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6 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Absolutely. Maybe her over the top emotions in those scenes are because she's pregnant? (that seemed like such a throw away line, I don't think Rory even reacted to it.)

I was wondering the same thing, I have only gotten to watch Winter and Spring, I will hopefully finish Summer and Fall tomorrow when my sister can come back over so I am remaining unspoiled but I left this episode feeling that Paris was going to end up being pregnant....not sure how I feel about that but I do love Paris in this so it could be interesting : )

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5 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

I had a strong sense of deja vu with that scene. Somebody help me out. Was there not the exact same situation in another TV show? It's driving me crazy.

Also, I've never been to therapy, but I can't imagine you would sit there in silence for an hour. Why didn't the therapist ask them some questions? Or was that some kind of attempt a humor that I completely missed? Worst therapist ever.

it was the same scene from this show.  Rory had these newspaper people clamouring over her, and she was like "oh it's nothing, it's not something fancy-schamcy what i dreamed so no." Then she realised she wasn't going to get anything better then she called the place where she got the offer, and they told her they couldn't wait forever. 

And during this whole thing - I couldn't help but have Mr. Huntzberger's voice "You're not cut out to be a journalist." (i can't remember the whole spiel - but it had a lot of Rory didn't really speak up have her own voice, have original ideas. She sits down listens, isn't aggressive enough." then she pouted and cried, and stole a boat. Everyone said how unfair Mr. Huntzburger was, and now here we are 10 years later and it really seems like he was on the nose. She isn't firm with River Song, she falls asleep on a story  - she doesn't have other great ideas off the top of her head when asked... like i get this is what she wants to do - but maybe this isn't what she's supposed to do

When I was 22 i had all these plans. I'm 33 now, and I hit none of them. I realised that I needed to go back to school, and finally do something I was really good at (and I love my job now, it's not full time or anything but it's in my field, and it works). I'm surprised no one in Rory's trusted circle had this conversation. (but Rory was always handled with kids gloves). it's okay if Rory isn't supposed to be Christiane Amanpour. But it isn't okay to be bratty because people put a year into wooing her, and she couldn't take 3 minutes to treat it seriously, and then acted like a brat that the CEO realised that and went in a new direction. 

Rory screwing Logan and she knows he's engaged and what not? Because we didn't see this before. I'm surprised we didn't get a "But he's my Logan." in a pout voice.

Hi. Mr. Kim. 

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5 hours ago, blueray said:

I agree that Rory should have been prepared for the interview. She should have came with various ideas that she has, as well as a portfolio of her other work (stuff that she did in the past 9 years, there has to be something). She should have researched the website, knew what it was like and be able to ask intelligent questions.

I'm pretty sure she didn't prepare thoroughly because they approached her. She expected to be wooed. She even admitted that when she said under her breath that selling meant a different outfit.

I think Rory is having a hard time accepting that her lifelong dream of being a print reporter is more and more unlikely, because newspapers, especially, are an endangered species. It's hard to give up something like that, even if I agree she was unreasonable at the web interview. And I don't think Headmaster Charleston's suggestion to teach came from a place of pity for her. He was sitting in on her talk and saw how engaged she was with the students. If anything, he was telling her she had options if she wanted them.

4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Was that actually Tristan making a cameo?

No. In the end credits, the actor is listed as a Tristan lookalike or double (can't remember). I don't know why Francie couldn't have said she saw Tristan and that sent Paris into her tailspin.

As for the therapy sessions, the patients are paying for the time to do what they want. If it's 50 minutes of silence, it's 50 minutes of silence. That's a gigantic waste of money, but it's not on the therapist to force things.

I hate everything about the Rory/Logan story.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The most interesting insight from the counseling sessions was Emily telling Lorelai she quit because after 6 sessions Lorelai was exactly the same.  And that she wasn't going to pay someone to not agree with her.

4 hours ago, hippielamb said:

In my experience, people who say it was all in the past are people who don't want to admit their share of the blame, or want to forget about it. She and Emily need to deal with this stuff, it's been going on for 30+ years.

Another way to look at it is that people who continually bring up things that you did 30 years ago are only looking for their pound of flesh.  It's clear that Emily has never worked through her hurt and bitterness over things Lorelai did that were her decisions to make.  Continually bringing it up can't change what happened and won't help their relationship.  I suppose it's up to Emily whether she wants to keep using it against Lorelai or move past it so they can have a better relationship.

I really liked Rory and Lorelai's trip to NYC and talking to the people in lines and how Lorelai kept wandering off and then showing up with what everyone was waiting for.  I wish Rory had gone ahead and at least tried to write an article about lines to see how it went--it wasn't like she had anything else going on.  Somehow intertwining Lorelai's experiences would have been interesting.  And I wish she'd asked the first people in line after the guys eating lunch on the steps why they were waiting in line.

Edited by shron17
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't know why Francie couldn't have said she saw Tristan and that sent Paris into her tailspin.

That would have been perfect, actually!  Francie could have taken that moment to rub it in that Tristan was there but apparently couldn't even be bothered to say 'hello' to Paris and sent her into a freakout about why, which would lead to a freakout about why she even cared.  No need for a split-second shot of a "lookalike" at all.

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

And during this whole thing - I couldn't help but have Mr. Huntzberger's voice "You're not cut out to be a journalist." (i can't remember the whole spiel - but it had a lot of Rory didn't really speak up have her own voice, have original ideas. She sits down listens, isn't aggressive enough." then she pouted and cried, and stole a boat. Everyone said how unfair Mr. Huntzburger was, and now here we are 10 years later and it really seems like he was on the nose. She isn't firm with River Song, she falls asleep on a story  - she doesn't have other great ideas off the top of her head when asked... like i get this is what she wants to do - but maybe this isn't what she's supposed to do.

I have always wondered if ASP meant for us to draw that conclusion too or if she really intended for Huntzberger to be written a bastard. Because I agree completely, he was absolutely right, Rory didn't have it. But she would have/would still make a first-class assistant and/or event organizer, something like that - she was fantastic at those things; I could totally picture her in a Chief of Staff type job or as a campaign organizer or running a company. I think she would have been happier doing that, too, because it would have come naturally - she wouldn't always be fighting to become something she isn't. (And at this point as much as I always bitch about ASP I have got to say, I always end up forgetting her characters are fictional people and I don't really need to waste my time trying to fix their lives. Heh.)

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I don't get what Rory found so irritating about the GQ lines premise.  That sounded interesting, and her various interview subjects were all pleasant and actually fairly articulate on the subject (I couldn't believe when she started to fall asleep while listening to that first guy).  Not to mention, the moment where they found a bunch of people queuing up mistakenly behind some people just eating lunch is a made-to-order anecdote with which to begin an article.  Rory has terrible writing instincts, apparently.

Two episodes in, Paris is definitely the highlight of the revival for me.  That moment where she kicks the bathroom door shut and then holds the pose = awesome.

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15 minutes ago, morgankobi said:

That was the lucky outfit? 

Yeah....but also, we've see that dress before right?



I don't get what Rory found so irritating about the GQ lines premise.  That sounded interesting, and her various interview subjects were all pleasant and actually fairly articulate on the subject (I couldn't believe when she started to fall asleep while listening to that first guy).  Not to mention, the moment where they found a bunch of people queuing up mistakenly behind some people just eating lunch is a made-to-order anecdote with which to begin an article. 

We are talking about the girl who made magic out of a parking lot article once upon a time. The GQ article pratically wrote itself after what we saw of those characters in line. Rory's heart wasn't in it anymore.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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Rory pissed me off so much in this episode. Getting a masters in education and taking up a career in teaching would be ideal for Rory's situation right now. I have so many concerns about Rory's life status. I know she doesn't have student loans, but she surely has some expenses. What is she doing for insurance? She would have been kicked off Lorelai's when she turned 26. Teaching would be a steady salary with benefits. I'm 26 now and a job with benefits is basically the Holy Grail for my friends and me. 

As soon as I saw it was a DP episode, I lowered my expectations.

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Just now, AmandaPanda said:

Rory pissed me off so much in this episode. Getting a masters in education and taking up a career in teaching would be ideal for Rory's situation right now. I have so many concerns about Rory's life status. I know she doesn't have student loans, but she surely has some expenses. What is she doing for insurance? She would have been kicked off Lorelai's when she turned 26. Teaching would be a steady salary with benefits. I'm 26 now and a job with benefits is basically the Holy Grail for my friends and me. 

Honestly, Rory doesn't have to worry about insurance.  Grandma's money will cover any actual emergency that might come up.

Actually, you would think she'd have gotten something in Richard's will, now that I think of it.

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I guarantee Emily would be supportive of Rory using an inheritance from Richard to pay for her masters. I still think that is/would be her best option. Speaking of, I thought it was odd that the only inheritance that was mentioned was for Luke. I'm sure Rory and Lorelei would have received something, but it certainly didn't appear that way. Rory was broke! Maybe Richard left it all to Emily, to be bequeathed to the girls when SHE passes?

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Definitely liked this one better than Winter but I'm in the minority of those who actually liked it.  I didn't mind that it was more Rory-centric as well.  I thought Alexis rose up to the material for the most part.  She's hot or miss for sure but when she hits ( the get shorty line killed me) she hits.

I was hoping she'd do more out of the Line story.  For the five minutes we spent of it she got a lot of good material, even from the first guy she talked to.  Hell I'll write that article.

I do like Rory being extra supportive of Paris even when Paris goes paranoia bonkers.  It's a great display of their "angry friend" friendship.  And of course she would give a "nice to see you" to Francie.  Very Rory.

Emily annoyed me.  Yes Lorelai hesitated at first in therapy but then Emily starts going for the same attacks she's been giving ad nauseum.  I don't blame Lorelai for storming out (even if they were out of time hee).  Despite her tendencies for being unchanging and selfish at least Lorelai does seem to be examining that flaw of hers for the first time but of course Emily is the one who shuts down.  Where I was 50-50 on them last episode I'm Team Lorelai after this episode in this struggle.

Part of me was hoping when Emily was going on about Lorelai's failed relationships and not settling down that Lorelai would turn around and bring up the time Emily broke her and Luke up by means of Christopher.

The town stuff: glad we got a town meeting it was good to see Babette, Morey, Andrew and even Bootsy back to their old town shenanigans.

Mr. Kim!!!

Good callback to the picnic basket festival.

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On 11/25/2016 at 0:44 PM, amensisterfriend said:

Sadly enough, this may be the highlight of the entire revival for me so far. You guys, I'm not kidding. I wish I were! 

Sweet Jesus, this is all WAY worse than I anticipated and I came in with low expectations anyway.  WTF is the point of these 30 second cameos  - Jason, Francine, the Tristan clone?  No point in hell, does nothing to move along the story.  It's like a stupid reunion - just show the faces but for no apparent reason.  

However, I was somehow tickled to finally see Mr. Kim.  One (literal) split second of joy in 89 minutes of torture.  

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One thing I loved about this episode wasn't that even when Paris was going full on distrustful jealous Paris, Rory never took the bait. She didn't even get momentarily upset. I love that their friendship, as weird as it is, is so strong and enduring.  I felt this way by the end of Season Six of the original series and it was reaffirmed here - Paris and Rory's friendship feels more natural to who Rory is now than her friendship with Lane. 

Was a little surprised she didn't pitch a story about late in life surrogacy featuring Paris, but Rory is not really one for coming up with story ideas. She never was an investigative journalist. She'd make a good political speech writer though. And I would love following her as a teacher at Chilton. Her school storylines were always more interesting to me than her romances. 

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On 11/26/2016 at 4:12 PM, Lady Calypso said:

So....Logan having a fiancee has to be another clue that him and Rory will break things off for good this time....right? Oh god, please let me be right because I was on board with these two being endgame before watching this. Now, I want both of them to move on from each other because both of them are toxic for one another. Seriously, these two are in their 30s now. Rory should be settling down; I agree with Emily that it's not the time to explore and travel because she's had all of this time to do so. At 30, she should be settling down and not be "here and there". But I'm a 22 year old who's almost in the same boat, so maybe I was hoping for more from Rory.

The Logan/Rory affair just gets worse and worse.  The biggest problem is the show hasn't explored either Rory or Logan's feelings behind cheating on their respective boyfriend/fiancee. Neither of them express any real guilt, there's no wrestling with their actions - it's just "you're there, it's convenient" If Logan still hung up on Rory? Does he feel pressured to marry this French heiress because she's "appropriate" for a Huntzbeger? Is Rory going to Logan for comfort and nostalgia?  Even in the god-awful Dean-Affair storyline, you understood that Rory was feeling insecure, scared and missing the security of her puppy dog high school boyfriend. But apparently Rory and Logan are just horrible, selfish people who don't care about anyone else. 

Like most people here I assumed Rory broke up with Paul in the time skip. WHY are they dragging it out? They're hardly going to have an emotional, break-up scene with a character the writers view as a joke. 

It's obvious AS-P never saw Logan as anything more than the jerk she introduced in s5 and the guy who leads Rory astray. The fact she never watched s7 shows here, because she's ignored every scrap of his character development. Coming from someone who was never keen on Logan - he deserved much better and I really feel for Logan fans. It seems super unlikely that he and Rory going to be end game at this point, (if there even is an end game), but my Jess/Rory dreams are fast dying because Jess needs to stay away from such an awful person.  (Assuming he's kept his s6 development and hasn't also reverted to his original asshole self). 

Enjoyed the Chilton bits and wish they'd been longer.  Chilton was one of the stronger aspects of the show imo, especially compared to Yale in later seasons. It would have been great for a more general reunion with Rory catching up with lots of Chilton students rather than a few isolated Paris/Francie/Headmaster scenes. Having tonnes of people from her class together - Madeline and Louise (and even characters like Brad) - would have been entertaining, especially if they were all more successful than Rory. (Feeling like a failure at a school reunion is something a lot of people can relate to, especially someone like Rory who was the rising star back then). 

On 11/26/2016 at 8:15 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

I will say, I think there has been some decent and logical development of Rory's career situation. I think the failed article for GQ and her crappy interview with Sandee shows that she isn't a dynamic or creative enough for the new style of journalism that has been developing. She is expects things to fall in her lap and can't roll with the punches. It's almost like the Sherman-Palladinos have been listening to fan critiques.

On 11/26/2016 at 1:13 PM, Bec said:

I suppose the point of the SandeeSays CEO is that she's kinda like Rory but younger (as in she looks about 12) and more "with it" on how media works now.

Yeah, I like this story, too. She's finding out her dream career is not as great as she thought it was going to be, that's she's not so well-suited for it, now she has to figure out where she does fit - happens to a lot of people, this is very relatable stuff.

This doesn't feel the same as the plot where she floundered before. At least I'm hoping this doesn't head towards Rory committing another crime and then miraculously getting back on track to the ambitious job she's still not that suited for. Maybe something more down-to-earth will happen this time.

If Rory's journalism failure on every front (SandeeSays, the book writing, the GQ article) is leading up to her getting her Masters/PhD and going into English teaching, I'll be satisfied with her story - whatever happens relationship-wise. And hopefully the constant "you're amazing Rory" from Lorelai/Luke/Emily/Charleston is meant to be as ironic and false as it seems. 

Overall, I did enjoy Spring more than Winter - more stuff actually happened and despite my frustrations, I'm more interested in Rory's plotline that Lorelai's. Lorelai they're going all over the place with no consistent dilemma for her: Does she want a kid? (Is the surrogate stuff all finished now? It felt incomplete). Does she want to expand the Inn/Is Luke going to franchise his diner? Does she want to marry Luke? At least with Rory she has a clear "where am I going with my career" arc, Lorelai is just flailing for no clear reason. And please, enough with the L/L drama. 

Also - what was with the mysterious letter Emily claimed Lorelai wrote for her?? 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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Loved Mae Whitman standing right next to Lauren and Alexis. I thought Lauren and Alexis looked more like mother and daughter than Lauren and Mae, but seeing all three of them together at once, it's pretty even IMO

I think Alexis looks much more like she could be Lauren's daughter.  With Mae, she and Lauren worked very well together, but Mae was cast on Parenthood to be the daughter of Maura Tierney.  It was just happenstance that Tierney had to drop out, and Graham was brought in.  It was nice to have them all together for a moment, but the thing that struck me is that Alexis and Lauren both towered over Mae.         


Was that the old black and white movie The Women playing in the background of Rory's interview with the Sandie magazine?


Yes, it seemed like it was running on a continuous loop.  The whole set up in that office was just very weird. 

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The Logan/Rory affair just gets worse and worse.  The biggest problem is the show hasn't explored either Rory or Logan's feelings behind cheating on their respective boyfriend/fiancee. Neither of them express any real guilt, there's no wrestling with their actions - it's just "you're there, it's convenient" If Logan still hung up on Rory? Does he feel pressured to marry this French heiress because she's "appropriate" for a Huntzbeger? Is Rory going to Logan for comfort and nostalgia?  Even in the god-awful Dean-Affair storyline, you understood that Rory was feeling insecure, scared and missing the security of her puppy dog high school boyfriend. But apparently Rory and Logan are just horrible, selfish people who don't care about anyone else. 

Like most people here I assumed Rory broke up with Paul in the time skip. WHY are they dragging it out? They're hardly going to have an emotional, break-up scene with a character the writers view as a joke.


 This just nails it so perfectly. Someone remarked that they'd have liked to see a little of Logan's point of view, but somehow we still don't really have Rory's POV either. Do they think they love each other when it's really due to nostalgia, feeling lost and scared about the future? Do they tell themselves it's just a casual arrangement but actually love each other? Do they feel guilty about cheating and, if not, WHY?! For all the time we spend with Rory this revival, we so rarely seemed to get indications of her actual thoughts and feelings, especially when it came to her ghastly mess of a love life. 

And please, enough with the L/L drama.

I know, right?! Even/especially as someone who doesn't ship them, I wanted to finally see them connected and happy, both because I find their drama such a drag and because I'm always hoping to get on board with the general love most people have for them. 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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6 hours ago, Daisy said:

And during this whole thing - I couldn't help but have Mr. Huntzberger's voice "You're not cut out to be a journalist." (i can't remember the whole spiel - but it had a lot of Rory didn't really speak up have her own voice, have original ideas. She sits down listens, isn't aggressive enough." then she pouted and cried, and stole a boat. Everyone said how unfair Mr. Huntzburger was, and now here we are 10 years later and it really seems like he was on the nose. She isn't firm with River Song, she falls asleep on a story  - she doesn't have other great ideas off the top of her head when asked... like i get this is what she wants to do - but maybe this isn't what she's supposed to do

I loved all of your post but trimmed it down because this part resonated with me most. The first time I watched the show I remember feeling just as betrayed as Rory. He offered her the position to recompense for the family's shittiness and then it felt like he was only dragging it out to burst her bubble in the end. Upon rewatch, I think it was the best advice she ever got. It really feels like she's just been coasting this whole time trying to make the freelance thing work when she's not cut out for it. Jess, with his street smarts and constant drifting and couch surfing, he could probably make it work. Rory's smart, but I never got the impression she was crafty and determined, the same way Lorelai is. And that's coming from someone who tried the freelance life and eventually settled for the safe route and landed a staff position at 25.

A good friend of mine is Rory's age and after struggling for a decade to climb the ladder in a competitive and creative industry, finally quit to start teaching high school and hasn't looked back. Sure Headmaster Charleston was shamelessly pitying her but I don't think teaching would be the worst thing for Rory, not necessarily at Chilton but it wouldn't hurt to consider it. Moreover, it shocks me that Rory is so adamant about pursuing a journalism career but never made the effort to adapt to the 21st century. She wants to model her career after Christiane Amanpour but never considered (on screen at least) getting in front of the camera. The news industry is changing rapidly and there are new innovative ways of becoming a journalist but she's fixated on the past.

It makes me wonder why she isn't working for some SandeeSays type web publication. I've got a couple friends who write full time for a living. They freelance for major publications but one article every month doesn't pay the bills. The majority of their income comes from writing garbage listicles under a pen name. It's not stuff they're proud of but it puts food on the table and allows them the liberty of churning out the prestigious work at their leisure.

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41 minutes ago, amensisterfriend said:

 This just nails it so perfectly. Someone remarked that they'd have liked to see a little of Logan's point of view, but somehow we still don't really have Rory's POV either. Do they think they love each other when it's really due to nostalgia, feeling lost and scared about the future? Do they tell themselves it's just a casual arrangement but actually love each other? Do they feel guilty about cheating and, if not, WHY?! For all the time we spend with Rory this revival, we so rarely seemed to get indications of her actual thoughts and feelings, especially when it came to her ghastly mess of a love life. 

I know, right?! Even/especially as someone who doesn't ship them, I wanted to finally see them connected and happy, both because I find their drama such a drag and because I'm always hoping to get on board with the general love most people have for them. 

Ugh, exactly. Rory and Logan having just one conversation about how lonely she gets while travelling and the stress of Logan's job making it tough for him to have a relationship could explain their perspective a little. And if AS-P has just left out the fiancee/Paul Logan and Rory casually hooking up wouldn't even be an issue. They might look a bit pathetic hung up on the past but not bad people.

That's the thing with Luke/Lorelai - what good is more drama going to do? They'll probably end up together anyway, because all of Lorelai's other love interests are out of the picture. (Seriously is Chris going to pop up again for Marriage Round 2?) So extra drama is only going to drag things out for people who don't like the couple, and annoy shippers who just want to see them happy. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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I found the Line stuff really close to my heart, because I had a really interesting experience standing in line for one of the Luke's Diner Netflix promotional things last month. I stood in line for two hours, and spent most of the time chatting with the couple in front of me about whether or not we were stupid to be standing in line for so long, bonded with a middle aged ladies dog who was just passing by, got into a big debate about Jess vs Logan and their merits, and made friends with a yoga instructor behind me. It really was interesting to behold so many different people all together, bonding over Gilmore nostalgia. 

I would write the hell out of that article. 

By the way, I was there for over two hours before I got my free cup of coffee, and it was totally worth it. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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On 11/25/2016 at 2:04 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Louise and Madeline should have been back...and the irony would have been that both were successful in their own right..plus having hisbands/kids.  the two 'underachievers' having more success then the two type A's.

Husbands/kids = success? Dude.

Logan and Rory make me ill, still. She's all fired up about the Wookie, when she's cheating on her boyfriend to be another man's other woman. UGH.

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