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Lizzie Rovsek: Don't Forget Her Birthday!

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Well, for those of us holding off on making a decision about Lizzie and her usefulness to the show, may I present exhibit A:




FYI the text message posted from Tamra was from the day after the Valentine's party not my birthday party. Tamra told me the night of the Valentine party that she didn't call me on purpose on my birthday to cause drama. She said she had been on the show for 7 years and she knows how it works. She did it on purpose to hurt me. I was reaching out to try and make amends with her. Silly me!!

I don't have to tell any of you what I think of this woman.


And one of Lizzie's comments:


Yes! I know she posted my number. Bravo has been notified. My husband and my father aren't happy. But thanks for all the sweet messages and supportive texts Looking for the silver lining....





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Well, for those of us holding off on making a decision about Lizzie and her usefulness to the show, may I present exhibit A:



And one of Lizzie's comments:





I saw that FB post (working hard this morning, clearly) and found her reply to a well-wisher interesting:

"I don't think this show is for me. I'm sad I put myself and my family in this position. I am actually quite boring and not very relevant. I spend all my time at home with my kids and on my little company. I do stand up for what I think is right and that's what happens in the remainder of the season. It might not get me popularity votes but I am real and I was genuinely hurt over and over on this show. Please forgive me for finally letting it affect me. I just want this show to be over."

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Wow, sounds like Lizzie will be out for next year.  I think the relatively sane people like Lydia realize sooner rather than later that this show will ruin you if you stay on and get out quickly. 

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Poor Lizzie.  She deserves to be in the Bravo Hall of Fame for FINALLY being instrumental in getting that nasty Chuck-looking troll known as Tamra off of the franchise.


Vile doesn't even begin to describe Tamra.


Her Twitter is still up, though.  I sent her a lovely message now that I don't care if she blocks me or not.


I expect to be blocked from her account in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........

Edited by Persnickety1
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I had a feeling Lizzie would be a one season wonder just like Lydia ended up being.  In the old days... Lizzie, Danielle, and Lydia would have been featured full time with no question since they appeared to have lives outside the housewife drama but now Bravo just cares all about how much drama one causes at a dinner party.

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I saw that FB post (working hard this morning, clearly) and found her reply to a well-wisher interesting:

"I don't think this show is for me. I'm sad I put myself and my family in this position. I am actually quite boring and not very relevant. I spend all my time at home with my kids and on my little company. I do stand up for what I think is right and that's what happens in the remainder of the season. It might not get me popularity votes but I am real and I was genuinely hurt over and over on this show. Please forgive me for finally letting it affect me. I just want this show to be over."

Wow-it sounds like there were some pink slips passed around today or Lizzie followed in Lydia's shoes and decided to take time off to have baby #3.

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Eh, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I wish Bravo would replace her and Tamra with a couple of ball busting broads in their sixties.

Sonja and Ramona might be able to moonlight.

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Sonja and Ramona might be able to moonlight.

I'm surprised Andy/Bravo haven't come up with this yet.  They could do a Housewives/Real World mashup type thing with various women from different cities.  That would be gold!

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Lizzie just posted this via Facebook....



This is what I think about Tamra's public apology about "accidentally" leaking my phone number. How does someone apologize for screwing someone over and then blame it on them?? Accusing me of leaked stories and incriminating tweets?!! Who the hell is this woman? I'm way out in the boondocks of Kentucky with my kids and my sweet family. I don't know this game and I don't know press. I'm trying to enjoy my life and family. Filming is over. Woman, please get a life. Leave me alone. Only thing I'm guilty of is calling a spade a spade. You can have the show. It's all yours.


Yep, sounds like she's done with Bravo and any association with the RH franchise.


Damn, just as I was starting to like her....



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This is surprising coming from Lizzie. I never got the emotionally fragile vibe from her. Either she's been fired or maybe she thinks the next few episodes don't portray her in the best light?


Maybe she couldn't handle the criticism. I'm sure she's been told her entire life how special, intelligent and pretty she is. So to come on a reality show and hear people say you look like a drag queen or an incompetent Mother might have shocked her despite her cutthroat pageant background.

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This doesn't strike me as emotionally fragile at all. It strikes me as a rational and mature decision made by a woman with two young children who had her personal phone number leaked on a social media site for a bunch of lunatics to track her down. All done by a heinous piece of trash named Tamra.

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Well, we haven't seen the reunion yet, so we don't know what happened there yet. My prediction is that Tamra went into the reunion all butt-hurt from her previous night with Eddie - er, I mean, from the viewer backlash this season - and she knew that most people had sided with Shannon, so she set her sights on the next logical target: Lizzie. Tamra is the queen of deflection, she just loves to find scapegoats for her own bad behavior. My best guess is that she turned all that nastiness onto Lizzie - and Lizzie, being a normal human being who seems to know how to conduct real relationships, was disturbed by Tamra's vitriol. Similar to how Lydia was disturbed by the level of negativity at the reunion. I think some people aren't cut out for the maliciousness of these shows - and I don't think that is a bad thing at all.

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This doesn't strike me as emotionally fragile at all. It strikes me as a rational and mature decision made by a woman with two young children who had her personal phone number leaked on a social media site for a bunch of lunatics to track her down. All done by a heinous piece of trash named Tamra.


Stated so much better than I could have...Brava!



This interview is from a few days ago & she says "if she comes back for another season" or something like that.  But was this recorded before Tams gave out her phone number?



Pretty sure that was recorded right before the phone number was leaked, ScoobieDoobs.  Lizzie was so completely mortified by that fiasco that I'm sure it would have been a topic of discussion in the interview.


Lizzie is apparently back home in Kentucky at the moment on her parents' horse ranch.  She's posting up pictures of her and the kids and the gorgeous horses.  


While I understand perfectly why she won't be returning to the franchise, I'm somewhat disappointed for my own selfish reasons.  Just as she was showing a real set of balls calling out Tamra she goes *poof*...

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What I thought was interesting bout this interview is she hints things are gonna change for her drastically in Bali & the reunion, so let's see . . . 


Oh, damn, I just read all of the ladies' blogs, and one of them mentioned something about "never could have imagined what happened halfway across the globe" or something like that, and I can't remember which one it was...arghhhh!!


Maybe they're referring to Tamra's spastastic barefoot screechfest?  


Round trip ticket to Bali:   $3000.00

Dinner at a 5-Star Restaurant:  $200.00

Sideshow of Barefoot Tamra Running from the Restaurant Shrieking:  PRICELESS.


Damn, I can't wait...

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After watching Lizzie for several episodes, I think I have an understanding of who she is.


To me, it seems like Lizzie wants to present to the world that everything is rosy and perfect.  Part of that might be due to how she was raised and also being in the pageant circuit where you are judged by your smile and how poised you are under pressure.  I strongly suspect that things are not so rosy in her marriage to Christian, and I'm not sure if it is anything he's done or if she has realized that motherhood and marriage are not what she thought they would be.  I  have a feeling that when Lizzie got drunk, that her ability to maintain the facade over her true emotions went out the window.  I'm curious to see what led her to the point where she was crying in Danielle's arms that this was the worst birthday ever plus stating that her husband isn't performing sexually.  We went from the dinner where she said it wasn't so bad to what we saw afterwards.


I have a feeling that Lizzie and hubby thought they could control what the cameras captured.. but you can only pretend for so long before the cracks start to show up.

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Anybody notice that Lizzie often wore strapless dresses this season? 


I am not trying to be mean, really, but I think she was trying to squeeze herself (those post pregnancy boobs) into old cocktail dresses. It didn't look sexy. Most often she looked cheap, or dated in style. 


Sorry, I do think she is beautiful, and exotic, if you will. But her fashion sense, just no. 

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Heather Thomson.


Went googling for a pic of Lizzie sans make-up or with very little make-up (couldn't find one) but I did find this.  She's tinier than I thought. Or Christian is a goliath.  He's taller than her even when she's wearing 4" heels and standing on a step. He's easily 8-10" taller than she is.  On TV she seems more statuesque. 


Edited by ryebread
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Also found while stalking...er...googling pics of Lizzie:  the photog that took some family portraits of the Rovseks had the pics up on her site.  Pretty.  Except Lizzie is in one of those frilly, too short, dated, strapless party dresses she so fancies.  Their kids are really cute.  Look at the eyes on the baby, gorgeous.  Couple of nice shots of Christian - kids look good on him.


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Lol @ the photographers comments about Preston. That kid is seriously gorgeous but seems like a handful.


I think Lizzie is pretty but she could use a make under. If she comes back next year I wonder if she'll change her style and makeup after all the comments. That's one thing about putting yourself out there. You think you look good and have confidence then start reading about how you're a drag queen, fat, ugly, etc. It takes a strong person to not run to the surgeon or start starving to "look good" for tv.

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Lizzie is really beautiful -- she has great skin, beautiful eyes, full natural lips and a nice smile. I really enjoyed her on RHOC and thought she was one of the nicer ones.  I also think her husband is incredibly hot.  Good for her for moving beyond RHOC. Tamra is SO jealous of her.

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Yeah, I will chime in and say that I think Lizzie is very attractive. I see what people are saying about her being "too much" in presentation (and I hate her reunion dress), but I think of her as someone who is clearly beautiful in real life.

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Anybody notice that Lizzie often wore strapless dresses this season?



Yes, and I only started watching midway through the season. What struck me was her "work from home" outfit, which was a strapless, billowy white number and a matching hair bow. When I work from home, it's tees and sweatpants. True, I'm not a pageant queen, and I don't have a camera crew trained on me, but if I did, I don't think I'd be dressed to go to afternoon tea at the club. (Like Lizzie, I'm busty, and as such I know that certain styles are off-limits to me…I would never wear anything without ample support.) All that was missing from that get-up were gloves. And so much "word" on the pageant hair. Lizzie's got strong features that don't require a lot of fussing-with - she would look much better with casual hair and make-up…and attire. Especially now that her 20s are behind her. 

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Do u think Lizzie's problem is that she wears "pagent makeup", which is sppsd to be worn on a stage at a distance? They are a lovely family in those pics.


It's the hair, the make-up and whatever fillers she uses that gives her eyebrows that crazy arch.


She has that Eva Mendez type of beauty to me.  Elements of her face are beautiful but when you put them all together something just comes off so harsh looking.  

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Bumping this thread back up to say, Lizzie should probably thank her lucky stars she's not a full-time HW.


It seems to really be working out in her favor. We haven't seen her mean-drunk side come out, and yet she's been featured nearly as much as some actual full-time HWs across the franchise. 


It's S6 Luann all over again. I'll be curious to see if she gets bumped up to full-time HW next season. OC tends to cycle through more HWs than any of the other shows.

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Yet, we are stuck with Brook's interview input & likely a Brianna appearance. It would be nice to have Lizzie weigh in on some of the questions. Although, It would be tough as she has been out of the loop a few times. We see her ask the other ladies questions on more than one occasion because she was missing for some activities. At both Shannon's Aries party & at the Evine viewing party we see that she was in the dark at times.

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Maybe they're not making as much money but being a 'friend' seems to be a much more desirable position than being a housewife.  You get to be the Greek chorus without being put in the frying pan.  BTW, I've always like Lizzie.  Haven't always agreed with her but find her likable.

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What the heck is wrong with people?

Elizabeth Rovsek – Verified account ‏@LizzieRovsek

I've had so many strange and disturbing calls & emails tonight. I don't worry about the people who hate me, I'm... http://fb.me/6Spz7gtEG

I hope Lizzie is OK and safe!


Um that reply from Heather Michelle Cohen is interesting../


Here it is:


Do you really want to go there, because if you do... don't you think you should at least tell the full story instead of just playing like your a victim who has been targeted by some "jealous" person who is "hating" on you? Come on, really? How can I not comment on this? You knew I'd see it eventually. I check in a couple times a week to see if you've "gotten real" with your fans, yet! See, it doesn't bother me one bit to see another woman make it in the industry. In fact, I'm all about it, but what I can't stand is seeing people like you pretend to be something they are not. No, you are not being genuine at all!! Let's paint this picture a little clearer for your fans shall we? I know they are die hard and I'll probably get a lot of stones thrown at me for this, but what the hell? Here goes:

First off, the only reason I ever even knew who you were was because YOU were liking pictures of my (then) boyfriend on MY Instagram. He saw the notification come through on my phone and said, "Oh damn, that's my ex. Now she's stalking you, too (referring to his other ex that you stalked on social media)." At that time, I sent you a message and asked that you leave us alone, and refrain from stalking my social media!! You responded by telling me that you and he no longer spoke and that you wished us both the best. That was the last I contacted you or vice versa for about three months.

Then, in March, you sent me a message on FB telling me that I didn't "know" my boyfriend. You asked if you could call me. I gave you my number. We exchanged several text messages and spoke for hours. I was in NC about to sing at a missing person's conference, and training for my position as coordinator. I missed three classes and was unable to become certified for those classes, due to the fact that I was busy dealing with the drama that YOU created!! I cried for two days straight!! He told me to just block, and have a good performance. He swore you were lying, and I believed him until you sent me the screenshots.

I will admit, that my (now) ex ran a game on both of us. While he was telling me you were a crazy stalker and to block you... He was telling you that I was mentally ill and to block me! But, he was LIVING with me, making "love" to me, and telling me he loved me daily while you and he were sending each other little love notes and explicit videos/photos.

At one point you showed deep empathy for my pain, stating "I'm sorry... I didn't know he had a girlfriend." To which my response was, "Did you know you had a husband?"

I'm not the only girlfriend he cheated on with you. You are the reason he and his girl before me broke up! You and he have been doing this behind your husband's back for YEARS!!!

I am in a good place now! I don't even want him. What I want is for you and he both to stop creeping! This isn't "obsession" so stop flattering yourself you narcissist!! This is a woman who had her heart torn in a million pieces by a man who deceived her so blatantly. And you... Are the woman that enables him to do that time and time again!

Now. Why don't you get honest with your good fans about who you really are instead of pretending like you've been targeted by some obsessed fan? I'm hardly a fan... And only obsessed with exposing the truth! You know, all I really want from either of you is an apology, instead of both of your narcissistic/manipulative games. You're both damn good at blaming everyone else and playing the victim.

Love and light!


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She did get nasty with Christian a couple times on the show but only when she was extremely intoxicated. I think he is hot though. And he must be 8 feet tall if she is allegedly 5'8. She strikes me as way too "keeping up appearances" to be entertaining for the show.

I really want to know how the hell they are so wealthy. Is it family money.?

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