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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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18 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Brianna should have stayed in Oklahoma. She'd be perfect for Bravo's new show "Sweet Home Oklahoma. Except Brianna will always think she's too good for everybody. I loathe Brianna

Yeah, I love how Vicki says she bought Brianna a house (or a car, etc) and then it's all on Brianna to make the payments. She's lucky I'm not her kid because I'd be like "Thanks, but no. I don't want the payments. You can keep it."

I'm not sure how haughty Brianna really is. I can see where you're coming from, and at the same time my reading of her is that she's not afflicted by the disease of being rich anywhere near as much as her mother is. (And I don't really view Vicki as rich because if she stopped working, she'd probably be broke inside of two months.)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Yeah, I love how Vicki says she bought Brianna a house (or a car, etc) and then it's all on Brianna to make the payments. She's lucky I'm not her kid because I'd be like "Thanks, but no. I don't want the payments. You can keep it."

I think it could still be argued that it's a gift of a zero interest loan. That's if Vicki isn't charging interest (50/50 chance that Vicki isn't charging interest). However, Vicki shouldn't be acting like she's Lisa Vanderbucks who actually purchased homes for her children and expected no repayment nor had her children continue making payments.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think it could still be argued that it's a gift of a zero interest loan. That's if Vicki isn't charging interest (50/50 chance that Vicki isn't charging interest). However, Vicki shouldn't be acting like she's Lisa Vanderbucks who actually purchased homes for her children and expected no repayment nor had her children continue making payments.

Well, that's the point, though. It's not a zero interest loan. The loan is still through the bank. The only thing Vicki did was sign for the loan and provide the downpayment. So, it's a gift of maybe $5,000 or thereabouts, and Brianna and Ryan are still left to pay off the remaining $250,000+ principle and whatever interest accrues over the life of the loan. This, to me, is not a gift.

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think it could still be argued that it's a gift of a zero interest loan. That's if Vicki isn't charging interest (50/50 chance that Vicki isn't charging interest). However, Vicki shouldn't be acting like she's Lisa Vanderbucks who actually purchased homes for her children and expected no repayment nor had her children continue making payments.

I love Lisa but she only paid for the down payment (and the remodel) of each place for her kids. She makes sure their mortgage is no higher than their current rent before she bought either so she knew they could afford the monthly payment though.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Well, that's the point, though. It's not a zero interest loan. The loan is still through the bank. The only thing Vicki did was sign for the loan and provide the downpayment. So, it's a gift of maybe $5,000 or thereabouts, and Brianna and Ryan are still left to pay off the remaining $250,000+ principle and whatever interest accrues over the life of the loan. This, to me, is not a gift.

Not with the house because Vicki said they would pay back the down payment when they sold the Oklahoma house. I should have been more clear. I meant that repayment of Vicki's down payment is the zero interest loan.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Well, that's the point, though. It's not a zero interest loan. The loan is still through the bank. The only thing Vicki did was sign for the loan and provide the downpayment. So, it's a gift of maybe $5,000 or thereabouts, and Brianna and Ryan are still left to pay off the remaining $250,000+ principle and whatever interest accrues over the life of the loan. This, to me, is not a gift.

Well 5,000 down is not any kind of a down payment in most of CA. My son and daughter in law are buying a little  1970 cracker box with no updates except new windows  and are having to put 114,000 down.   Also unless she put it in her name the gift for down payment requires a letter stating its a gift and NOT a loan and both the gift giver and buyer has to provide copy of bank statement showing it as such.  Banks/ loan people do not want you getting a loan in order for down payment.  You can gift 13, 000 per year to each child in order not to pay taxes on it/ or have it go to your gift giving lifetime limit. Yep Vicki will have to report to IRS.  I think I understand some of these rules for us ordinary folks maybe not for the wealthy OC residents.  I believe  Brianna is going to have to continue working as a RN unless she gets a check from Bravo  

 It's nuts in most parts of California. 5,000 wouldn't be first last and deposit for a rental here. Remembering Eddie being pissed about Tamara putting  the money down for a rental for  Ryan. I remember most people thinking the amount was a down payment for a purchase.  It was phony  when Vicki "gave" that SUV as a surprise. 

Not going to miss this franchise except for Shannon when I don't turn in to see Vicki and her show. 

  • Love 3

So I just found out that someone I know faked cancer.  I guess it really is a thing that people do.  She also faked her mom dying.  She had a small charity that she was running.  I'm waiting to find out that was a scam.  So maybe she's worse than Vicki and Brooks.  


No, she's likely neither worse nor better--she just isn't on national TV.

  • Love 10
On 1/6/2017 at 8:34 PM, Almost 3000 said:

I can't find it on her twitter but thought it was interesting that her boyfriend is front and center on her Christmas card. Isn't that bad luck like getting a tattoo? Anyway, she's now shilling one step gel nail polish.

I know the above post is from January but I just had to say, the bf on the Xmas card and the vicki gel nail polish had me laughing so hard! I'm so ready for more disgusting Vicki, Vile Tamra and Cra Cra Shannon! And I'm looking forward to seeing poor David Beador searching endlessly for his balls!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Blast from the (recent) Past.  Brooks' Twitter photo posing in front of the NYSE like he's a big Wall Streeter instead of a Grifter from Mississippi.



Git it Crooks!  Show off those purloined teefs.  And make some trades and stuff.  I hear Vicki's vodka is trading at 0000.010 per share.  

  • Love 6

So I have been watching the re-runs of Season 10 on my DVR.  It is interesting to see the whole Cancer scam thing play out.  When Season 10 began in had not really unraveled yet, they had the trip to Moorea, and Cancer scam was not even a storyline yet.  Once they got back from Tahiti is when it started to unfold.  Looking back on this, I 100% think that Vicki did not know at first and was just lying and covering up out of complete blind loyalty to Brooks.  She told him she would take a bullet for him, be loyal to him and that was that.  All the lies she said were to try to cover up and make him seem more believable.  I do think that eventually she questioned him privately and may have caught on that something was off with his illness.  But I totally can accept this was pure manipulation by him.  She believed him and did not dare question him.  

What I also think is odd, is some people she got mad at and some people she did not.  When Megan questioned the situation, Vicki got angry and yelled at her.  But both Heather and Tamra also confronted her about it, and she did not get mad at them at all.  With Heather Vicki did not even raise her voice, no wagging her finger around, etc.  Then when Shannon spoke to her about it she got angry at Shannon.  It's interesting how she got so mad at Shannon, when everyone was saying the same exact thing.

Sad too, because leading up to this, Shannon and Vicki were really good friends.  I think for Shannon, when Vicki turned on her it was such a betrayal.  She was a big defender of Vicki and even backed p Vicki when she went after Megan & Jim.  They for Vicki to turn around and call Shannon vile, I think it just crossed the line.  Vicki just lost everyone's respect because she was such a blind fool and a doormat when it came to Brooks.  It was really outrageous.

  • Love 8

I think Vicki stayed quiet with Heather and Tamra because they had been on the show the longest, so - A. she didn't want to alienate the other "stars" of the show. Megan was too new, not filming with her might not even be a problem. And she probably thought SHE carried Shannon. But she had to stay in good with Tamra and Heather.  and B. Knowing her longer, they might have more dirt that would come out if she lashed out against them. Tamra, especially, would not hesitate to fight dirty. I think Vicki went ballistic on those she felt superior to. 

  • Love 3

I agree Vicki didn't know it was a scam from the beginning. There is such a sharp turnaround in her demeanor from the construction lunch at Heather's house to the Aries party. In the former, she is so quick to yell and scream, and she is crying real tears afterward. But in the latter, she comes off so quiet and withdrawn. The difference is striking. I think it's somewhere in there that Vicki started realizing something was seriously amiss. I think Vicki got sharper with Shannon because she, in some ways, felt most "betrayed" by Shannon because they were such good friends. In Vicki's mind - which, admittedly, is self-obsessed and just this shy of insane - she couldn't understand why her good friend Shannon wouldn't respect her wishes to not speak about Brooks (on camera). And, in a weird way, I kind of get her point - if it were my BFF, I'd most likely be calling them up in private to hash it out before doing it on TV. Still, Vicki screwed herself over with the name-calling and abrasiveness. That is not the way to get on Shannon's good side.

  • Love 6

I agree Vicki didn't know it was a scam from the beginning. There is such a sharp turnaround in her demeanor from the construction lunch at Heather's house to the Aries party. In the former, she is so quick to yell and scream, and she is crying real tears afterward. But in the latter, she comes off so quiet and withdrawn. 

Right - I agree.  This is what I think happened: I think Vicki began to question Brooks privately and he told her he would not answer questions about it, he was probably giving her shifty information, and told her he did not want this issue discussed on camera where it would be part of the show.  So with Brooks giving out these marching orders, Vicki dutifully followed his directive.  This is why she got so crazy with Brianna on OK when Brianna brought it up, and she did the same with Shannon at their lunch. Brooks probably told her to never discuss on camera, so she was doing everything she could to squash it completely.

Vicki just would not hear anything bad about Brooks.  All that the women were trying to do was clue her in and let her know that her BF was a shifty con man, but she would hear none of it, and got mad at them for not being true friends.  Sorry but if you are with a DB, true friends tell you.  Vicki made herself look so stupid.  And look at him now - living a cancer-free life.  LMAO  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Right - I agree.  This is what I think happened: I think Vicki began to question Brooks privately and he told her he would not answer questions about it, he was probably giving her shifty information, and told her he did not want this issue discussed on camera where it would be part of the show.  So with Brooks giving out these marching orders, Vicki dutifully followed his directive.  This is why she got so crazy with Brianna on OK when Brianna brought it up, and she did the same with Shannon at their lunch. Brooks probably told her to never discuss on camera, so she was doing everything she could to squash it completely.

Vicki just would not hear anything bad about Brooks.  All that the women were trying to do was clue her in and let her know that her BF was a shifty con man, but she would hear none of it, and got mad at them for not being true friends.  Sorry but if you are with a DB, true friends tell you.  Vicki made herself look so stupid.  And look at him now - living a cancer-free life.  LMAO  

I think the bold text is what it all comes down to. It's my understanding that she basically left Don for Brooks. I think she was desperate for this to work out (and for her to have made the "right" decision). I know people point to the "Terry Dubrow came over with an IV" lie as proof that Vicki was in on it from the beginning - or her talking about the non-existent binder - but, personally speaking, I just think Vicki lies a lot, period. I think she probably was, per her own admission, a bad girlfriend, more preoccupied with her own life/work than Brooks' illness, but she wanted to milk the situation for what it is worth (get those casseroles), so she waxed sad about going to his chemo sessions (when she really just dropped him off), keeping track of his binder (when she really just saw it once), Terry having to come over, etc. That just feels so Vicki to me. I mean, if Vicki didn't believe he had cancer to some degree, why would she ask Shannon to arrange an appointment with a doctor of City of Hope? That part makes no sense. I think Vicki screwed herself by embellishing/lying for sympathy, refusing to believe anything was amiss and then digging her heels in when it became clear that Brooks was lying. That said, I don't think the women were just trying to clue her in. I think Tamra, in particular, still had a point to prove and she expertly/deftly brought all of this out on camera via her psychic. I think the other women definitely wanted it played as a storyline. And this is the one place where I do understand Vicki feeling betrayed - these women were not her friends in this regard (this is also why I completely understand Vicki saying something to Kelly like, "Hey, there are all these things I hear about the other women that I don't talk about on camera!" - the other women did not have to address the rumors about Brooks' cancer on camera just like they don't have to address rumors of Eddie's sexuality on camera, etc). However, Vicki played it all wrong! She could have emerged from this relatively unscathed. But her continued lies, extreme defensiveness and name-calling just dug a deeper and deeper hole for her.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I think the bold text is what it all comes down to. It's my understanding that she basically left Don for Brooks. I think she was desperate for this to work out (and for her to have made the "right" decision).

In fact, she was having an affair with Brooks before she divorced Donn. She's acknowledged that she was having an affair with him at the time she and Donn renewed their vows. I suspect this played a part in Donn getting as much from her in the divorce as he did.


I know people point to the "Terry Dubrow came over with an IV" lie as proof that Vicki was in on it from the beginning - or her talking about the non-existent binder - but, personally speaking, I just think Vicki lies a lot, period. I think she probably was, per her own admission, a bad girlfriend, more preoccupied with her own life/work than Brooks' illness, but she wanted to milk the situation for what it is worth (get those casseroles), so she waxed sad about going to his chemo sessions (when she really just dropped him off), keeping track of his binder (when she really just saw it once), Terry having to come over, etc. That just feels so Vicki to me.

Vicki lies almost all the time. In my and my wife's opinions, if her mouth is moving, then she is either outright fabricating or simply lying by omission. I agree that she would have wanted to get as much sympathy for the whole thing as possible.


I mean, if Vicki didn't believe he had cancer to some degree, why would she ask Shannon to arrange an appointment with a doctor of City of Hope? That part makes no sense.

Shannon volunteered to do that. Vicki didn't ask her to do that. At the same time, Vicki didn't object or try to stop her from doing it, either.


I think Vicki screwed herself by embellishing/lying for sympathy, refusing to believe anything was amiss and then digging her heels in when it became clear that Brooks was lying.

This is also true. I think that perhaps if Vicki had realized how much the other ladies had put together about the situation, then Vicki might have chosen a different response/reaction. However, I think she was going on the assumption that the other ladies didn't have much other than their general suspicions and Vicki decided to continue to lie because of it.


That said, I don't think the women were just trying to clue her in. I think Tamra, in particular, still had a point to prove and she expertly/deftly brought all of this out on camera via her psychic. I think the other women definitely wanted it played as a storyline.

I think in the beginning they were trying to clue her in and let her know that they realize things aren't adding up. Meghan eventually turned on her because of her husband's ex who was going through cancer treatments and because, I think, Meghan believes in living as honest a life as you can. Once it became undeniable that Brooks was lying and that Vicki had to have known something about it, then I think for Meghan it became a case of "I am going to force you to admit the truth, no matter what it costs us all."

I agree that by the time of Tamra's psychic party, she had decided to use that to get all of this on camera. I also think she was in the mental frame of forcing Vicki to admit to the world that she knew Brooks was lying and that Vicki lied to cover for him. So, until they got to that point (where his and her lies were indisputable), I don't think they were trying to play it as a storyline.


And this is the one place where I do understand Vicki feeling betrayed - these women were not her friends in this regard (this is also why I completely understand Vicki saying something to Kelly like, "Hey, there are all these things I hear about the other women that I don't talk about on camera!" - the other women did not have to address the rumors about Brooks' cancer on camera just like they don't have to address rumors of Eddie's sexuality on camera, etc). However, Vicki played it all wrong! She could have emerged from this relatively unscathed. But her continued lies, extreme defensiveness and name-calling just dug a deeper and deeper hole for her.

The problem is that they had tried to be her friend and she rebuffed them by refusing to simply admit the truth. If she had admitted the truth, the entire thing would have blown over instead of blowing up into this huge thing that it eventually became. People have an amazing capacity for forgiveness. If Vicki had simply said, "Yeah, I lied for him. I didn't really know what else to do or how to get both of us out of it without completely humiliating ourselves and damaging our reputations", then the other ladies would have rallied around her. In fact, I think the audience at home would have rallied around her instead of reviling her as they do now.

As for the part of the quote that I bolded, that's another damned lie. She talks shit about them on camera all the fucking time. If she's got some dirt on someone, you can be sure she'll spill it on camera as soon as she's comfortable that the subject of the gossip isn't around to overhear.

  • Love 6

As for the part of the quote that I bolded, that's another damned lie. She talks shit about them on camera all the fucking time. If she's got some dirt on someone, you can be sure she'll spill it on camera as soon as she's comfortable that the subject of the gossip isn't around to overhear.

Yes like she did with Megan and Jim and spilling gossip (exaggerated) about their marriage, Shannon & David, etc.  

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Shannon volunteered to do that. Vicki didn't ask her to do that. At the same time, Vicki didn't object or try to stop her from doing it, either.

My understanding/recollection is that Vicki called Shannon really upset when she first found out and that she was asking for help.

3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I think in the beginning they were trying to clue her in and let her know that they realize things aren't adding up. Meghan eventually turned on her because of her husband's ex who was going through cancer treatments and because, I think, Meghan believes in living as honest a life as you can. Once it became undeniable that Brooks was lying and that Vicki had to have known something about it, then I think for Meghan it became a case of "I am going to force you to admit the truth, no matter what it costs us all."

I agree that by the time of Tamra's psychic party, she had decided to use that to get all of this on camera. I also think she was in the mental frame of forcing Vicki to admit to the world that she knew Brooks was lying and that Vicki lied to cover for him. So, until they got to that point (where his and her lies were indisputable), I don't think they were trying to play it as a storyline.

But the psychic party is what set the whole thing in motion. It created the whole storyline, and it's what caused Meghan to start snooping around. There was no talk of Brooks' inconsistencies (on camera) prior to that point. If Tamra hadn't brought Scott Cruz onto the show (and asked about Brooks), his faking might not have ever come up. Personally, I think you give Meghan way too much credit. That's part of why it's hard for me to see Vicki as the only villain of the show - I thought it was really gross how Meghan used Leann's illness as justification for her snooping into Vicki's business. There was simply no reason to go calling Brooks' old girlfriends and calling his doctors offices. She was an invasive busybody, pure and simple. The fact that she used someone else's cancer - her husbands' ex-wife's cancer, no less, not even her own relative or personal friend - to  justify her actions felt so self-serving. Especially when you consider how she made it her storyline on the show - talking with Hayley about it on camera ("When Vicki's mother died, it made me think of how you too will lose your mother!"). IMO, Meghan got off so lightly that season given the overall grossness of her behavior.

3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

As for the part of the quote that I bolded, that's another damned lie. She talks shit about them on camera all the fucking time. If she's got some dirt on someone, you can be sure she'll spill it on camera as soon as she's comfortable that the subject of the gossip isn't around to overhear.

Vicki does talk shit, but she has also kept secrets. I mean, that was the whole crux of the conflict last year. The fact of the matter is that Vicki didn't bring any of that stuff up on camera - it was ultimately Kelly who spilled the beans. It was the same thing with the baptism - Vicki didn't speak of David's affair on camera, she mentioned it to her sister-in-law in private. Now, I am not saying it is right or good for Vicki to be talking about other people behind their backs, but my basic point is that there is stuff she keeps away from the camera, and I can understand why it bothered her that the women went into all of this Brooks stuff on TV. None of them are saints. As much as I disliked Heather, I sometimes think she was the only one who understood that they all had their warts, which is why she was so able to move on with everyone after a conflict, she never got stuck on a moral high horse like Shannon does.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 5

You're forgetting Vicki and Brooks were trying to sell cancer cleansing juice. They wore hats and brought the woman who owns the company around Housewives events on camera. Hell, she was with Vicki at the finale party and in the limo. They were not trying to keep it private. They wanted to talk about how sick Brooks was, how the chemo wasn't working and how this amazing juice was helping him. That's why the other women wanted the truth to come out. That's why Heather was appalled by the Terry IV drip lie because Vicki was trying to use that as "proof" that Brooks was sick. Vicki expected them all to vouch for the story and then marvel at his recovery so they could make some cash off the hopes and desperation of people watching the show looking for anything to help beat cancer. 

  • Love 14
44 minutes ago, charming said:

They wanted to talk about how sick Brooks was, how the chemo wasn't working and how this amazing juice was helping him

One if the only "cancer " patients who ever bragged about their weight loss.

I know Vicki is a narrasistic self-involved asshole who travels for "work" but there is no way you don't notice that your live in boyfriend doesn't have cancer.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

My understanding/recollection is that Vicki called Shannon really upset when she first found out and that she was asking for help.

But the psychic party is what set the whole thing in motion. It created the whole storyline, and it's what caused Meghan to start snooping around.

Ahh, OK. Thanks for correcting me. It's hard to keep some of this stuff straight. LOL.

Really disappointed she's coming back. I get she's the "OG of the OC'" but even RHONY's OG Jill Zarin got the boot when she became too much. Here's hoping the other ladies freeze Icki out. I can't imagine in a billion years that Ick has seen the light and will have a redemption storyline, she's too much of a narcissist and you know, does nothing wrong. Pffft.

  • Love 7

In this article, Saint Vicki says she's no bully, and people will be inspired by her this season.

Gunvalson said she hopes the new season will show a time period in her life that is inspirational to others, as she overcomes a previous bad relationship and attempts to take a step back from all of the contentiousness between the women.  "Last year, it was Shannon, Tamra and Heather in the drama mix… I don’t want to use the word ‘bullies,’ but the pairing up and going after people, I don’t do that; it’s not comfortable for me,” Gunvalson said. “I like to be friends with everybody. And that’s what you’re going to see me doing often this season is walking out of the room a lot. … If there’s going to be a fight, I’m not going to be a part of it.”


  • Love 1

Really disappointed she's coming back. I get she's the "OG of the OC'" but even RHONY's OG Jill Zarin got the boot when she became too much. Here's hoping the other ladies freeze Icki out. I can't imagine in a billion years that Ick has seen the light and will have a redemption storyline, she's too much of a narcissist and you know, does nothing wrong. Pffft.

I think part of the problem is that some of these OC women are so trashy themselves, that they WANT to keep Vicki around, so they don't look quite so bad in comparison. Sadly, I don't think she's going anywhere. 

On 7/8/2017 at 2:54 PM, BBHN said:


My reaction exactly. This is the same Vicki that instantly hazes the new girl every year. Well, except the last few years. She's been public enemy number one herself, so she had no choice but to befriend Kelly Dodd. But can you imagine if Kelly came around in the early years? Before Cancergate? Vicki would have been vile to her. 

  • Love 8

I'm not sure if this is the right place for a comment about the rerun of Season 11 reunion. I'm watching it now and they've been talking about the accident at Glamis. They're rehashing why Shannon and Meghan didn't go to the hospital when Heather called them about Vicki being airlifted to the hospital. We had a similar incident years ago. A man who worked for my husband was a nice guy and good worker. His wife was a beast-no one liked her and none of us could figure out those two got together. She did something so rude and insulting to my husband and I once that caused us to avoid her at all costs. When we were required to go to "command" events, we stayed far away from her although her husband would come over to greet us and we were always cordial to him. One night when we were getting ready to go to bed, she called to say her husband had been taken to the ER in an ambulance for a suspected heart attack. We dressed quickly, I called a friend to come stay with our young children and we dashed to the hospital. We sat in the ER with her for almost 8 hours before he was determined to have not had a heart attack but some kind of severe indigestion but was admitted for observation. As we left, she didn't say "thank you so much for coming" or " I appreciate you so much for helping us" or Thank you for being here with me so I wouldn't be alone and worried". She said "See you later".   We did the right, kind and considerate thing and have never regretted it. Shannon and Meghan were wrong to not go to the hospital to see about Vicki. It's the humane thing to do. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, ghoulina said:


I think part of the problem is that some of these OC women are so trashy themselves, that they WANT to keep Vicki around, so they don't look quite so bad in comparison. Sadly, I don't think she's going anywhere. 

My reaction exactly. This is the same Vicki that instantly hazes the new girl every year. Well, except the last few years. She's been public enemy number one herself, so she had no choice but to befriend Kelly Dodd. But can you imagine if Kelly came around in the early years? Before Cancergate? Vicki would have been vile to her. 

And If she thinks Tamara will take her back she will flip her shit on kelly too. That's just my opinion though.

Edited by bagger
  • Love 4
On 7/6/2017 at 5:26 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I agree Vicki didn't know it was a scam from the beginning.

The problem I have is that Brooks ran his first cancer scam on Vicki when they first became involved online. the pancreatic cancer scam. Vicki tells Tamra she wants to leave Donn and go to Brooks.

Then we have the second cancer scare when Vicki and Tamra go on vacation. Brooks claims he is being tested, then says it was just a scare.

The third is the lymphoma season.  Brooks and Vicki's filming is centered on his "years" of dealing with this, countless treatments and of course hawking a cleansing juice.   They both used the cancer for a storyline and to sell some bullshit juice.

I believe Vicki knew from the beginning.  I do believe she is ignorant, but I doubt Brooks could pull 3 separate scams on her and she would believe it.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 12

I must be a nasty bitch and say that Vicki is hideous looking. She looks like a mummy with a dessicated  nose and some shiny skin, topped off with a blonde wig.  

Why is that normal, decent looking guy with her?  He looks like he had his own teeth, and possibly a steady income.  How can this be?  

Crooks is a bad boy?  Bad boys are hot and charismatic.  Crooks is a busted ass fugly hick with no personality.  She misses that half ass grifter?  Good grief Vicki.  You must have gotten hit in the head with a football or tripped and fell or something. You wouldn't even get as good as a family van on Crooks dollar.  More like a damn Yugo or possibly a Le Car. 

  • Love 8

All the nastiness, scams, and bitchery of Vicki aside, I was thinking that had Ms. "OG of the OC" had not been on the show from the beginning, she would NEVER make the cut as a HW today. The women seem to be picked by their above average looks and fabulous wealth. (Well, SKINNY Shannon)

Vicki has become nothing but a try-hard. No matter how she re-engineers her face or her body, she looks like an older middle aged woman from suburban Illinois. (a place I have been to and like, but it is not Newport Beach)

No matter how fashionable and expensive her wardrobe is, it is ill-fitting and always includes some weird feature(s).

No matter how she rewrites history, her sanity and morality will be in question as Brooks' succubus and co-conspirator.

No matter how "big" her company gets, I bet you HER parking lot is largely empty all day.

I miss the days when there was a semblance of actual "friendship" and connection between the women. Now Vicki is so hateful/hated that she thinks all she needs to do is show up for the "comfortable" gigs she wants to and keep the the Bravo love/$$$.

Retire already, Vicki. This is not your show anymore.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

So now she is competition for Gretchen Beaute, lol.

We can add this lip gloss to the list, jeans, wine, vodka...


Heh, I thought of Gretch , too. I visited LASplash and, I gotta be fair:  it's a good-looking site. Much of what it carries it a bit too glittery for my taste but the company has clearly put some money into promoting its products and has been around for more than 20 years (LASplash does private label in addition to its own line). Vix may have made a wise choice by having the OC Dream Collection under the LASplash name rather than trying to brand something entirely new -- let's just hope her colors aren't along the lines of Flying Football Fuschia and Woo-Hoo Watermelon -- and, hey, if she does well, I'll give her props.




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