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S07.E16: And Then There Were Four

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I've just seen this, later than usual. The Big Skeevy, Richie Wakile, was mouthbreathing. I swear. I had a nanosecond of something that felt like respect for Kathy when it looked like she was going to turn away and ice Teresa! But no! Of course she didn't. Thirsty is now looking like window licking pathetic. And where was Rosie stashed? Did anyone else notice the hideous jumpsuits (bahahaha) that featured in the Bravo for Felons Envy fashion show? It'd be cool if this was some subsonic shade from Melissa, because I'm totally believing the bff routine from her and Tre.

I did not understand the point of the mothers and daughters dinner between Siggy and Dolores, except as a filler scene. And in one shot, through the kitchen door, there was someone on the staircase. I thought it was a kid eavesdropping, but nothing more was said about that, so it was just weird, like this entire episode. 

Something was off, and it smelled like Wack Jac to me. I think she was expected to be at the Envy end of season show and pulled at the last minute. Her last passive aggressive hurrah with Bravo, because surely she's not coming back? The opening scene had me gagging. Jac languishing on her hideous sofa with her Hermes orange notebook, so contrived and so pathetic. In the last couple of episodes, Chris Laurita seems to have become desperate to get his wife to keep bringing in the cheque. Like when he had that conversation with Joe Gorga about Vermont while Jac leaned on their car horn like the petulant dissembling moron she truly is. I'm wondering if she has become so deluded that she believes she is indispensable to this franchise, and Chris has seen the writing on the wall and is doing anything to try and reel that cheque back within reach. In this episode, he's sweating on how his wack wife is going to ensure that she is not invited back. Her bilious smirk from her sick sofa made me want to puke. And at some stage, they've obviously colluded on Jac not attending the Envy show in order to make the finale all about Jac. She's obviously ordered him to wait in the carpark to whisk her away from her Mobwives style attempted sit down with Tre at Rails. And when Siggy literally dropped to her knees when Jac got her inevitable make up with Dolores over, what was that? Siggy, yet again, snatching crumbs from what she perceives is the relevance table? And btw, Ms Relationship Expert, when you sought your parents' assistance in hosting those traditional Friday night dinners because you'd become alienated from your faith and its customs and your family? I think you need to close your mouth about smoked hams being treif. Pretty sure your mother has a lifelong handle on the dietary requirements. Siggy is just an imbecile. 

I had to applaud Melissa for sticking to her guns and being consistent with Jac. While Jac was doing something in Las Vegas, Melissa was in teacher college and she knows how to deal with children who are out of control.  Melissa refused to answer Jac in Vermont, not because she didn't know the answer to the strippergate question, but because of the way Jac was speaking to/at her. And she said this.  Similarly here, Jac's disgusting dismissal of Melissa, preceded in her TH by her assessment of her as 'unimportant'. Who's having the last laugh now, Jac? I have zero respect for Tre, and really don't care to see her on my tv and I think Melissa is too boring for this franchise, but walking into a restaurant to be confronted by that bloated finger pointer ... I think they were justified in refusing to interact with her. What an incredibly rude and mannerless piece of trash Jac is. (I'm absolutely going to watch this scene again and count how many times Jac says 'one on one' also).  Remembering back to her seemingly guileless friendship with Danielle Staub in the first seasons where Jac was naive and trusting and then fastforwarding to the creepy, unhinged 'Glamma' of today really tickles me. Because Danielle has raised a decent daughter and Danielle appears to be coming back next season. I trust that the Lauritas will be wallowing in the same thirsty wilderness as the Wakiles, and I feel sorry for the Wakiles being stuck with Wack Jac. 

I guess this franchise is going to continue to deadend itself by being centred around 41 counts of unaccountablility plus zero remorse Teresa. But if they are promising the return of the original Prostitution Whore, I'm definitely in for at least a look. I actually find myself placing Danielle Staub considerably higher on the class and authenticity scale than Teresa Giudice could ever hope to ascend. But that's just my weird mind. I can see Teresa ditching poor bland Melissa faster than she can sign a fraudulent income statement. 

  • Love 11
  On 10/31/2016 at 6:31 AM, SheTalksShit said:

I just can't with Jacqueline. "Tere sa, w,ill you sit here and Melissa, will you leave the room?" She said it abruptly, too, like they'd barely  even had time to greet everyone. And why would Melissa respect Jacqueline's wishes to do ANYTHING after the way she talked to her in Vermont? 

It's funny how her attitude immediately changed once she saw Teresa and Melissa arrive together, laughing and getting along. It's so obvious that got under her skin and she just couldn't take it and decided, "Ok, I can't take another second of this, Teresa, sit over here, Melissa, leave the room!


Right! That was so crazy. I did like Melissa's reaction: "Bitch, I am not your dog"

I also kinda liked the red dress she was wearing.

Jacqueline looked the craziest to me when she was leaning out of the car, saw that the ladies were chasing her and waved and had her ride hightail out of there

  • Love 8

I love Dolores but that just seemed shady.  Had she called and left a message saying that she was thinking of Jac and wanted her included, there would be no room for misinterpretation but that is not at all what she did so I was glad she apologized for that, but only that. 


I don't see the shadiness. Maybe some nagginess, but shady? Maybe Dolores thought there was a possibility that Jacqueline felt better? I myself wouldn't call--I'd just assume that if a friend felt better, she'd just show up. But I really fail to see how that labels someone as shady. I understand even less how it's a "setup"! For what?!

  • Love 6

Dolores is not saying Jac is wrong but she thought the way Jac handled the face to face (by barking demands) was wrong.  It's 2 different things


I think that is what Dolores was saying as well. Isn't Dolores friends with Jac, Teresa, and Caroline? I would imagine off the show that she can be friends with them all and not speak ill of the others. The drama that the ladies have with each other probably does not come up in conversation when hanging out with the others individually. Though being on the show almost makes everyone talk about each other all the time, but overall I think Dolores handled herself well on the show in regards to her being friends with all of them and being fairly diplomatic.

  • Love 4
  On 10/31/2016 at 4:36 PM, queenjen said:

And btw, Ms Relationship Expert, when you sought your parents' assistance in hosting those traditional Friday night dinners because you'd become alienated from your faith and its customs and your family? I think you need to close your mouth about smoked hams being treif. Pretty sure your mother has a lifelong handle on the dietary requirements. Siggy is just an imbecile. 


Thank you! I was just going to write the same thing, but you beat me to it. 

  • Love 4

Jail and public humiliation has humbled Teresa. 


A truly humbled person wouldn't continue to crave the spotlight before, during, and after they were imprisoned. Nor would they have a brand new luxury vehicle waiting for them when they were released. And above all, they wouldn't blame their decade-plus long law breaking on others. The only thing Teresa learned from prison was some yoga moves, and how to make a homemade dildo. Heffa probably doesn't even know what Namaste means.

  • Love 8

My snob detector went off a little bit with our relationship expert extroadinaire, Siggy, who cries at the drop of a hat and is forever telling everybody that she loves them.  First,  when she was talking to the camera saying she was going to have the lunch at her house but changed her mind because she didn't know how wild it would get, then she said something like: I mean, have you seen my house?

Then when she was running through the parking lot after Jac she kept saying to Dolores: I just had a pedicure, I just had a pedicure! Well, then, idiot, stop running through the parking lot, put your expensive shoes back on and go back in the restaurant so your precious pedi doesn't get ruined. Can not stand that phony.

Why would Jac have someone waiting in the car for her? Why didn't she drive herself?  What if her one on one's and then lunch took a couple of hours? She had that all planned out. Actually, production probably had that all planned out. Along with the parking lot marathon with Sig and Dolores. 

  • Love 12
  On 10/31/2016 at 7:37 PM, jaync said:

A truly humbled person wouldn't continue to crave the spotlight before, during, and after they were imprisoned. Nor would they have a brand new luxury vehicle waiting for them when they were released. And above all, they wouldn't blame their decade-plus long law breaking on others. The only thing Teresa learned from prison was some yoga moves, and how to make a homemade dildo. Heffa probably doesn't even know what Namaste means.


Seriously! If she had truly been humbled, she wouldn't be blaming her stint in prison on Melissa, Caroline, or Jacqueline.  A humbled person would realize her own culpability in making her life what it is and isn't now. Because from what I recall, neither Melissa, Caroline, or Jacqueline convinced Joe and Teresa that they should fake their income for a decade to fraudulently obtain mortgages. No, Teresa is blaming them because she and Joe got caught. That is by, my definition, a person who has not been humbled.

  • Love 6

Siggy is very self absorbed.  Even when she's supposedly helping someone else it all eventually circles back to Siggy.  Like the meal she had with her mother and Dolore's mother where on the face of it they were making it sound like they were honoring their moms and their mom's commitments to their families.  Dolores followed thru with the theme but Siggy ended up chastising her mom about moving the family to Israel when Siggy was 17.  That was a long time ago Siggy, let it fucking go.  Then she really lost me when she moved the lunch for her dear dear friends from her home to a public place and hired security!  I think that's a housewife first.  Siggy only cares about how things are going to affect Siggy, Siggy's stuff and Siggy's reputation.  She's very phony.

  • Love 7
  On 10/31/2016 at 8:07 PM, HunterHunted said:

Seriously! If she had truly been humbled, she wouldn't be blaming her stint in prison on Melissa, Caroline, or Jacqueline.  A humbled person would realize her own culpability in making her life what it is and isn't now. Because from what I recall, neither Melissa, Caroline, or Jacqueline convinced Joe and Teresa that they should fake their income for a decade to fraudulently obtain mortgages. No, Teresa is blaming them because she and Joe got caught. That is by, my definition, a person who has not been humbled.


Sometime take a glance at Teresa's deposition/testimony with the Trustee.  She basically told him it was none of his business what she did with her company money.  This would be the woman who filed a voluntary BK.  She has not been humbled she has been empowered for three years on this show.  Her meteoric rise to top of the fame heap had far more to do with the indictment, plea and incarceration.  It seems rather odd to reward her with endless ploys for sympathy and power grabs is ludicrous.  She was never humbled by the experience.

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I died laughing when Teresa walked up to Kathy, who seemed so relieved to be talking to Delores, and then Delores walked away, and Teresa said something like, "Well, she walked away; now I'm going to walk away, too." Bwaaaah! Kathy just stood there like, "DAMMIT. I can't get one minute on screen!" And fugly Richie with his rude, corny shit...smh. They resemble some sort of creepy, cringe-worthy, embarrassing SNL couple, who walk in and have everyone saying, "Oh, no...here they come." SO embarrassing. I KINDA want Bravo to keep them around just beggin' and scraping for crumbs. It's amusing to watch the lengths to which some people will go. Sad.

  On 10/31/2016 at 9:01 PM, StevieRocks said:


Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 12
  On 10/31/2016 at 8:16 PM, zulualpha said:

Siggy is very self absorbed.  Even when she's supposedly helping someone else it all eventually circles back to Siggy.  Like the meal she had with her mother and Dolore's mother where on the face of it they were making it sound like they were honoring their moms and their mom's commitments to their families.  Dolores followed thru with the theme but Siggy ended up chastising her mom about moving the family to Israel when Siggy was 17.  That was a long time ago Siggy, let it fucking go.  Then she really lost me when she moved the lunch for her dear dear friends from her home to a public place and hired security!  I think that's a housewife first.  Siggy only cares about how things are going to affect Siggy, Siggy's stuff and Siggy's reputation.  She's very phony.


I think she was just sharing an important, emotionally-charged memory with the others in her overly dramatic way. After growing up comfortably and safely in the US, who wants to move back to the motherland to potentially be bombed? And perhaps have to serve in the Israeli Army?

I also don't blame Siggy from moving a potential melee from her house to a restaurant. although hiring security was a bit much. She shares her home with her kids and her husband and maybe they didn't want fighting and other craziness taking place there either.

As for Teresa, for all we know she may feel totally wretched and ashamed about the financial fraud, jail, and the havoc it has wreaked on her family but she sure as fuck isn't going to share that with us because that's not how she is or how she was raised. She has four children and a life to rebuild, so she's keeping her eyes on the prize, as well she should. I think it's wrong to assume she feels no remorse or shame.

  • Love 18

How many weeks had Jac been lying on that couch, lol? If she was THAT sick she should have been in bed so as not to infect the entire house. She has Chris and Nick's nanny/teacher to help with the kids. And why has she been in full makeup the whole time she's been on the couch? I don't know anyone who has the energy to apply eyeliner, mascara, blush, etc., when they are so ill they have to lay on the couch and write in a notebook to communicate.

Loved Melissa in the pink dress at her dinner with Joe. She looked gorgeous and has a killer body. When they showed the photo of Melissa's family when Mel was a child I was struck by how much Antonia looks like her. They look identical!

I though it was rude of the women to bring their shit to the fashion show on what was supposed to be Mel's day. Tre talking to Mel while Mel was trying to write her speech about feeling upset, missing Joe and Gia being upset.  Siggy bringing up the Jac drama and setting up a "sit down" at her house.  I guess since it's all for tv it doesn't matter but if this was RL that would have been crappy on their part to bring their issues to Mel's event.

Enough with the disgusting Wakilies! Richie was his usual obnoxious self, commenting on how Tre has aged. He must have been reading all the comments online where everyone said how great she looked after prison, how refreshed and younger she appeared and that made him jealous so he had to get in a dig. Pathetic pig. Kathy looked awful, IMO. Too much makeup applied in a garish manner, awful dress and girlfriend really needs to cover those hams she's sporting as arms. Dress to highlight your assets, cover your flaws. I hope this is the last I see of them EVER! It was obvious to me that when Dolores and Kathy were talking that production told Tre to go over and join the conversation knowing they were talking about Jac.  I LMAO when, after Dolores walked away, Tre said, "Well she left so I'm going" and turned and left, haha! Kathy said "Oh Jeez' under her breath and rolled her eyes, soooo disappointed that Tre cut off her screen time, lol! Well played Tre!

I was surprised Tre even knew the name Osama Bid Laden. I loathe Jac, but comparing the two was a bit much.  I got a good laugh when Tre and Mel were in the car driving and Tre was on a rant about Jac, then stopped for a few seconds when she spied some attractive landscaping to comment in a calm voice, "Oooo, I'd like to plant those at my house". That struck me as so funny.

I've had enough of Siggy and hope she's not asked back. She's too obnoxious, grating, and over dramatic. I think she was trying to be the Jewish Caroline - the over involved stifling mom type and the supposed voice of reason. Didn't work for Caro, hasn't worked for her.

IIRC, Dolores' husband cheated on her while she was pregnant. No way could I have any more that a civil "talk when we have to about the kids" relationship if my husband did that to me.

Edited by happykitteh
Because "too" and "two" are different
  • Love 8

The Wakiles are amusing. It's just not in the way they were hoping.  The desperation wafts off of them. 

Maybe Frank was willing to pay for the kitchen remodel because he still has an equity stake in the house.  My son is going through a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife and I doubt they'll ever have a cease-fire, so seeing a decent relationship between exes is nice in comparison.  

Jacqueline overreacted as usual and didn't deserve an apology from Delores. Siggy dropping to the ground when they made up was ridiculously overdramatic.  Especially as I doubt it'll be the last fight between them. I've had friends like Jac who are emotional vampires and eventually I've had the strength to walk away for good. 

Mel looked gorgeous in that pink dress for the romantic dinner. JoeGo definitely seems much more relaxed and happy this season. 

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Wacko Jacko is such a contrived, manipulative cow. She genuinely believes that because she had a hand in the original casting of the show way back when, and because she helped get Dolores and Siggy on this season that she can call the shots. I remember reading back at the time, but the show was meant to wrap filming for the season at Melissa's fashion show - but they had to go on after that date because Jacqueline was a no-show and then demanded a one-on-one sit-down with everyone she had pissed off. Not only did this piss off the other housewives and production more, but when it happened she ended up running out on the whole thing anyway!!

Joe Gorga apologising for the ''crumbs'' comment. It was a comment designed for a storyline. Meh, whatever! Something tells me they also did it for business purposes. Hear me out - because viewers of these shows are predominantly women, they hear his obnoxiously sexist remark about Melissa's store and end up rushing to buy her clothes in support of her. I wouldn't be shocked if that was their goal.

Teresa still makes me laugh. She's learned so much after ''camp'' (JUST CALL IT PRISON BITCH!), she's no longer the table-flipper we first knew her as but she's easily calling Jacqueline an evil bitch and comparing her to Osama Bin Laden! And to top it off, she's getting all Namaste with Danielle frickin' Staub! Too funny.

I welcome Stauby back for Season 8 because this show has really missed some genuinely crazy shit that made it a success to begin with. Since the Gorga/Walkie's turned up, this show slowly went down a dark path that it never really recovered from. We need some funny/crazy from the person who believed 'Bye' was a threat and who thought it wasn't in any way strange to show up at a reunion with a mannequin head in her purse!! I mean, that was some funny shit!

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Jacqueline is so self-absorbed and lacks zero awareness about her own behaviour but talks about everyone else. I thought Teresa and Melissa handled her perfectly. Teresa brought the bad cop and Melissa brought the good cop, lol. Any sane and well intentioned person would know that you don't approach peace with people with that kind of attitude right off the bat. Siggy and Dolores likes to separate the nasty behaviour from the person that is Jacqueline. They are one in the same. Stop making excuses for her by talking about her 'delivery'. Jacqueline knew damn well what she was trying to achieve when she started pointing Melissa out of the room before she barely said hello to everyone. Why Siggy and Dolores always trying to explain away Jacqueline likes to drop nasty bombs on people and then run away and while she's at it, she treats her other friends like shit too - ignoring them, seeing your barefoot friends run after you, you open the car doors, wave and then peel off in your car....Siggy and Dolores are idiots if they think that's how a normal person behaves with their friends. A sensible adult doesn't need to punish the entire room just because they don't like one or two people in it. 

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I'm with you, Bumblesquat. And further, when JoeGo asked Melissa how well the fashion show went, she almost went crosseyed trying to 'think like a boss'. She eventually says how good it was for online sales, because she's all about online sales and she things they've tripled. I personally was thrilled that she now had 45 orders instead of 15, keep bringing in the cake, Melissa! She did look great in that blush pink dress she was wearing. BUT for the love of the reincarnation of Danielle Staub, PLEASE check out the promo photo of Melissa and Teresa for their WWHL appearance after the show. I'm too tech backward to link it, it's on TT. Teresa looks like a man and Melissa looks like her badly made up head has been glued to her body at a funny angle. I about peed myself at the horror these 2 must be experiencing that this photo is out. They look like drag versions of themselves, it's priceless. 

As for Teresa being humbled? No. Teresa is humbled only by the fact that she got caught. And frankly, she's more mad as hell about that. And I hope she realises that it'll take 6 months of yoga classes for her to buy a new winter coat. But it won't be classes. It'll be dvds or a 'yoga line'. Spare me. 

  • Love 5
  On 10/31/2016 at 4:40 AM, zulualpha said:

Jacqueline should go work on Manzoed With Children.  Seriously, why is she on RH?  She doesn't like Teresa or Melissa, she needs to leave.  Let Caroline deal with her childish, unstable behavior.  I was hoping she'd skip the reunion but I guess not. 


Can someone please tell me what happened between Caroline and her siblings? (Wasn't watching back then.) If whatever it was hadn't taken place, I could see Jac on the Manzo show instead of this one.

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I want to know same, nexxie. Especially the tea on what happened between Dina and Caroline. And what is the relationship between the Lauritas and Caroline, because Wack Jac could sure use some support with Nicholas. I've wondered before if Caroline 'all about fambly' Manzo is involved with her brother's fambly. Jac's behavior has deteriorated so drastically since the early seasons, I wonder if the pressure of a special needs child and financial issues has contributed. I'm sure she's bitter as hell that her special needs child SL and her Glamma SL aren't enough to make her bulletproof on this franchise. I do feel for her regarding Nick. But then she says or does something, screeching and finger pointing or smirking in full makeup from her sick sofa, and I lose patience and interest. 

  • Love 6
  On 11/1/2016 at 12:47 AM, nexxie said:

Can someone please tell me what happened between Caroline and her siblings? (Wasn't watching back then.) If whatever it was hadn't taken place, I could see Jac on the Manzo show instead of this one.


I think there are many siblings in Caroline's family but only a few have been on the show. She has a gay brother who got married  on the show and I seem to recall a sister who lived with them for a while who had a domestic pig or some such thing. The only sibling that I recall her feuding with was her sister, Dina who was married to Al's s brother for a while. I can't remember why she and Dina don't speak to each other. I believe Caroline always got along with the Laurita' s. Her sons have a business partnership with Jaq' s husband. All that said, these people seem to be raging hot heads who value grudges more than the precious love of family.

  • Love 4
  On 11/1/2016 at 12:47 AM, nexxie said:

Can someone please tell me what happened between Caroline and her siblings? (Wasn't watching back then.) If whatever it was hadn't taken place, I could see Jac on the Manzo show instead of this one.


I've been wondering this myself. I thought Caroline and Dina were the ones on the outs and that Caro and Chris got along well with each other.  Jac would be a better fit for the Manzo show since they're family and they (presumably) get along and like Jac.  And since I don't watch the Manzo show I'd never have to see Jac again so it's a win for me! If Caroline knows Chris is hurting for money you'd think she'd throw him a bone and talk Andy into letting them be part time on her show. Unless, of course, Caro doesn't want her siblings horning in on her thing - even though she got on Tre's ass for Tre being upset the Gorgas and Wakilies joined RHWNJ.

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Oh, and even with that glitch in Melissa's fashion show, where it was like, is it over?  

Her show was still much better than Kim D's. Kim D has a tacky line, or maybe not so tacky but it seriously lacks variety and that's difference  I noticed with Melissa's show.  Kim D is nothing but skin tight and/or lace pattern dresses. The pieces Melissa had were different.I think I saw bathing suits, shorts,  pant jumper I think that's what I saw, it was red, it looked nice on the model, she had casual wear,  nice job Melissa. 


I was surprised Tre even knew the name Osama Bid Laden. I loathe Jac, but comparing the two was a bit much.  I got a good laugh when Tre and Mel were in the car driving and Tre was on a rant about Jac, then stopped for a few seconds when she spied some attractive landscaping to comment in a calm voice, "Oooo, I'd like to plant those at my house". That struck me as so funny.


LOL, I know. Then she said she was only going to the luncheon for the food fuck "Osama" AKA  Jacqueline.  I'm sorry, I know she's nuts, but she is good reality tv..

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 5

I've always referred to Posche as the Whor Koutur Stor


Don't you mean Prostitooshun Whor Koutur Stor? ;)

I wonder if Danielle's appearance on the show is foreshadowing for next season? I hope so, since it could shake up the dynamics quite nicely.

I still like Kathy, but she needs to appear on the show without Richie. Of all the brothers to represent on this franchise...

I like Dolores, she can stay. Siggy, not so much.

Between Jac and Chris needing the income from this show plus her trying to keep herself relevant and front center after being a "Friend of" last year, I think Jac tried to play a certain role on the show this season, and it backfired on her spectacularly. We'll see if it impressed Andy enough to keep her.

Who knows what next season will be like, but if they go the route of Teresa, Melissa, Jacqueline, Dolores, and Danielle, it could be interesting. Kathy can stay a Friend of, but only if she promises to keep Richie off-screen.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 2:43 PM, Barb23 said:


I liked the discussion between Tre & Mel about Mel being put on Joe G's camp visiting list.  I think Mel was trying to make a joke out of it (being included in Joe's but not Tre's) but Tre didn't want to hear it.  She kept saying there isn't a list but it sounded like there was one (or something similar) last  year for her.


Of course there is a list, she said as much in her book.  Teresa is such a liar, she forgets how to tell the truth.


  On 11/1/2016 at 12:12 AM, queenjen said:

As for Teresa being humbled? No. Teresa is humbled only by the fact that she got caught. And frankly, she's more mad as hell about that. And I hope she realises that it'll take 6 months of yoga classes for her to buy a new winter coat. But it won't be classes. It'll be dvds or a 'yoga line'. Spare me. 


She is very angry she was caught.  She will never be humbled.  

  • Love 2
  On 10/31/2016 at 9:51 PM, Feline Goddess said:

Maybe Frank was willing to pay for the kitchen remodel because he still has an equity stake in the house.  My son is going through a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife and I doubt they'll ever have a cease-fire, so seeing a decent relationship between exes is nice in comparison.  


Given the fact that Dolores lived with her more recent ex and then came BACK to that house, it makes me think Frank owns it. So I can see why the two of tem would collaborate on the remodel. 

  • Love 1

She's learned so much after ''camp'' (JUST CALL IT PRISON BITCH!), she's no longer the table-flipper we first knew her as but she's easily calling Jacqueline an evil bitch and comparing her to Osama Bin Laden!


And, still using her fave insult "cunt". All the Lotus and praying hands positions in the world can't mask the true ugliness inside.


But it won't be classes. It'll be dvds or a 'yoga line'.


Good call, and I bet the line will be called "NamasTre". I'm sure Joey will buy lots of it like he did her books, because somebody has to pay for Juicy's ramen noodles and Slim Jims for the next three years.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure how much longer this show can survive. The first few seasons were the best. As much as I hate the Manzos, the best seasons featured the Lauritas, Guidices, Manzos and Gorgas. But the infighting, the feuding, the complete discord has ruined the show. They have tried twice now to bring in new cast members and it just doesn't work without at least some of that core cast. They need to either get rid of everyone and start over, or get everyone from the original cast to behave. Barring that, I think the show is on life support. 

  • Love 3

"And Hillbillies prefer to be called "sons of the soil", but it ain't gonna happen."


HA! I don't care if you're mocking me; it was good to laugh for a minute at this stupid-ass job today.

Meh, call me crazy or jaded by working in an editorial capacity for approximately 2,650 years (with most of that trying to get people who should know better to call shit by its official name in print), but it's not a matter of what someone wants to call it; it just is--it is happening! With so much fodder to mock this woman (whom I do enjoy in the confines of the show), I really don't get the zeroing in on "camp" (or "away").

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8
  On 11/1/2016 at 3:28 PM, heatherchandler said:

Of course there is a list, she said as much in her book.  Teresa is such a liar, she forgets how to tell the truth.


She is very angry she was caught.  She will never be humbled.  


I would love it if Teresa tried to find more and more ridiculous ways to refer to the list as anything, but a list.

Teresa: There's no list. Joe just tells the Department of Corrections all of the people he would like to see while he's at camp.

Melissa: So a list.

Teresa: Nope. They put each name on an index card in his file.

Other versions

Melissa: So a list.

Teresa: No. They put all of the names of the visitors Joe has approved into the visitors tab in his electronic file. When someone shows up who isn't in Joe's visitors tab, they don't let you in. But if the person is in Joe's visitors tab, then they let me in. I mean they let the person who is in the visitors tab in.

Melissa: So it's a list in the visitors tab.

Teresa: It's in an electronic file so it's really a series of ones and zeros, but that's a bit of a pedantic answer. Anyway, the names in the visitors tab are entered separately and never exist together as a list unless you do a customized query of all individuals entered into Joe Giudices' approved visitors tab.

Melissa: rolls her eyes as hard as possible, gives the biggest side eye, and thinks to herself  "Bitch, none of these words are in your vocabulary and you don't know any of this info. You had someone write this down for you. You are trying your damnedest to not admit that there is a list and you refused to put my name on it." So a list! 

  • Love 5

Got to roll my eyes at Jac's star turn. She seems to think it's her show, but no one else cooperates. Wasn't she demoted to a supporting character a few seasons back? It's all kind of funny. Old hands Tre & Melissa cooly sabotaged her big finale show moment without much effort. All Jac got was a finger in the wind driving off, in extreme long shot with only the new girls to witness.

  • Love 5

Got to roll my eyes at Jac's star turn. She seems to think it's her show, but no one else cooperates. Wasn't she demoted to a supporting character a few seasons back? It's all kind of funny.


I'm surprised she admitted that it was all about the money this season. Well, points for honesty, I guess.

  • Love 1
  On 11/2/2016 at 2:33 AM, HunterHunted said:

I would love it if Teresa tried to find more and more ridiculous ways to refer to the list as anything, but a list.

Teresa: There's no list. Joe just tells the Department of Corrections all of the people he would like to see while he's at camp.

Melissa: So a list.

Teresa: Nope. They put each name on an index card in his file.

Other versions

Melissa: So a list.

Teresa: No. They put all of the names of the visitors Joe has approved into the visitors tab in his electronic file. When someone shows up who isn't in Joe's visitors tab, they don't let you in. But if the person is in Joe's visitors tab, then they let me in. I mean they let the person who is in the visitors tab in.

Melissa: So it's a list in the visitors tab.

Teresa: It's in an electronic file so it's really a series of ones and zeros, but that's a bit of a pedantic answer. Anyway, the names in the visitors tab are entered separately and never exist together as a list unless you do a customized query of all individuals entered into Joe Giudices' approved visitors tab.

Melissa: rolls her eyes as hard as possible, gives the biggest side eye, and thinks to herself  "Bitch, none of these words are in your vocabulary and you don't know any of this info. You had someone write this down for you. You are trying your damnedest to not admit that there is a list and you refused to put my name on it." So a list! 


Hahaha!  This is awesome.  I have bolded my favorite part.

How about the look on her face when she said, "there is no list!"  She had a weird smile on her face, and kind of laughed.  I wonder if she is dumb enough to have convinced herself of her own lies.  


  On 11/1/2016 at 4:48 PM, archer1267 said:

HeatherChandler (love the handle), I think TT = Tamara Tattles. I'm not sure if this is the pic QueenJen referred to. (I actually liked Teresa's dress...go figure!)


Thank you!  I thought she was referring to a pic of them on WWHL, looks like this was taken at the Envy fashion show.  I like her dress too, but CRAZILY, I actually like Melissa's dress.  AAhh can't believe I like something she wore.

  • Love 3
  On 10/31/2016 at 1:47 PM, FamilyVan said:

Typical Jac - pretending to be asleep while the phone buzzes, while camera crew stands 3 feet away filming inside your house.  Hoo kay!! Jac needs to go - don't want to see her on this show, and also I do not think being on the show is good for her and it's not doing much for her image.

My take on them is I am not sure why they didn't just stay married. I mean he seems like he is in the picture a lot, hanging out with her and the kids at home, supporting her with money - ??


I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about Delores' relationship with Frank.  Basically, the only thing they're NOT doing is sleeping together.  They're still friends, confidents, co-parents and he still financially supporters her.  So they're married without living together or having sex.  So how does that effect Frank's relationship with his girlfriend?  I would NOT be able to hang with my partner financially (and let's be real) emotionally supporting another woman with whom he shares children.   I'm also curious how Delores' ex-fiancee dealt with it.  Was he really cool with his fiancée being supported by another man?

The whole thing is just SO strange.

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