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S13.E06: Roar

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As much as Murphy wouldn't have been my first choice as a character to bring back, I like that it plays into a larger story arc - the problems with the teaching program and the lack of discipline at GSM. I was kind of nervous Catherine was about to blame Bailey for all the second-chancers still working there, but it'll be interesting to see how it affects everyone for it to be Webber.

Seconding that I love Alex as the male lead this season! He's doing great. As much as I love him in peds, I don't mind the clinic storyline and would love to see the clinic grow as a setting even after the court stuff is done.

  • Love 11
17 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Okay, coming from someone who always shits on Amelia... that Alex /Amelia scene was probably the best of the season so far. Really great stuff from both of them. 

IA.  That wasn't dramatic silliness, that was some legit strong acting by both of them.  I feel bad for Amelia, carrying all that by herself.  She really needs to tell Owen how she feels, and he would be a prick to hold that against her.  But does Amelia not want children at all anymore, or is she just scared to have one?

That poor kid.  Honestly, that poor family.  Road rage is beyond stupid, but the father couldn't have known where it would lead.  He'll have that on his head the rest of his life.  Did anyone else think the actual person he was chasing would show up?

Yay to no love triangle this week!  

  • Love 7

Alex was awesome tonight. I loved the scene with him and Amelia. I wasn't a big fan of the show bringing back Leah, but I do like it is bringing up issues of how they are teaching residents. I'm glad they didn't ignore that like I thought they would. I  laughed that Meredith had the thickest file. It would have been out of character for Maggie and Riggs to judge Leah considering how they were treated when they first arrived. I was surprised Leah didn't ask how Callie was doing. I'm sure that is coming next week.

  • Love 6

I was saying in another thread that I didn't think Leah coming back was necessarily a retcon, because I felt like it was totally plausible that she could excel at another hospital / program. So I like that they actually are addressing something that fans have noted since the LVAD was cut and Izzie was let back in season 3... 10 years ago! I mean, I doubt this will be something that fundamentally changes the show, where suddenly we won't see surgeons fucking up in over-the-top ways, but it's fine with me that they're at least acknowledging the trend. 

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

But does Amelia not want children at all anymore, or is she just scared to have one?

It wasn't clear.  Owen is open to adopting - wasn't he obsessed with a kid whose parents were both in the hospital?  

Amelia and Owen could probably just borrow a kid from the hospital 24/7 daycare center.  The parents aren't likely to notice, and that's where their baby would end up anyway.

  • Love 13
11 minutes ago, izabella said:

It wasn't clear.  Owen is open to adopting - wasn't he obsessed with a kid whose parents were both in the hospital?  

Amelia and Owen could probably just borrow a kid from the hospital 24/7 daycare center.  The parents aren't likely to notice, and that's where their baby would end up anyway.

Especially Mer's three. I think Amelia did a lot of childcare when she lived with Mer.

  • Love 5

I didn't read any spoilers so I was surprised to see Leah Murphy back at the hospital. I never minded the character, so I'm interested to see where she goes.

Meredith's thick file ... LMAO. So which doctors at Grey Sloan haven't screwed up at some point over the years? Hmmm ... I don't recall Arizona doing anything stupid, but I may be wrong. 

I'm no fan of Alex Karev, but in today's episode I didn't mind him at all. The scene with Amelia was fantastic, and I liked the way he fought to stay on the pregnant woman's case.  

Good to see Brigid Brannagh, too. 

Edited by Gladrags
  • Love 2

Oh sure, Catherine, blame Leah's shortcomings on the teaching. Never mind the fact that her peers were excelling. She just sucks(ed), but yeah let's go ahead and blame everyone else. 

While I appreciate her pointing out the absurdity of how a lot of these characters were given leniency after doing things they probably should've been fired for, I think it's pretty silly that it's coming up now after all this time and the many many mishaps. But I guess they need something to build a story around. 

Meredith is insufferable. 

The best part of this season, for me, is the heavy material Alex is getting. I just wish he wasn't handcuffed to the sisters all the time. Show me more of him and Arizona. And what about some bro-time with Jackson and Ben? Expand his horizons outside of the annoying "sister" trio. Though I did like his scene with Amelia, completely separate from the norm. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 5

I really liked the episode up until the very end.  I was annoyed that we watched DeLuca watching Alex/Jo speak instead of getting to hear the conversation. I don't care if it was about the case. We've waited weeks to see them interacting and when its just the two of them having a conversation we don't get to hear it.  And the end scene? Way too coupley for my taste. I actually now think they are going to go with Merlex.  Alex, Meredith, the kids and the sisters all having their waffles.  MerDer didn't even have those kinds of family moments.

The Amelia/Alex scene was one of my favorites.  I find Alex/Amelia being friends far more believable than Alex/Maggie being friends. 

I also liked that they seem to be acknowledging that the doctors aren't being trained. I hope its shown as being not just Richard's fault though. Training residents has been a problem long before Richard starting overseeing the residency programs. It goes all the way back to the early seasons.

  • Love 5

Meredith's thick file ... LMAO. So which doctors at Grey Sloan haven't screwed up at some point over the years? Hmmm ... I don't recall Arizona doing anything stupid, but I may be wrong. 

Arizona did her residency at Hopkins. They have made Arizona the "moral center" which is why it made no sense that she told Jackson about April's pregnancy.

Just now, BooksRule said:

Can someone give me a brief recap of the conversation between Catherine and Bailey?  And what Alex and Meredith said in that last scene?  My cable box decided to act up and both scenes were all pixelated and I missed the entire dialog.  Thanks!

Bailey told Catherine that she wasn't going to fire Alex, because he's a good doctor and doesn't deserve to have his life ruined due to a mistake.  She (Bailey) made mistakes when she was younger, and her superiors let her learn from them, so she's letting Alex do the same thing.  Catherine said OK, because Alex was no longer the issue.  Catherine was reading several files from GS employees (Meredith, Alex, Leah, etc) and she wondered why all these people were making so many mistakes, not why they were being allowed to work there.  Catherine believed the problem was how GS was teaching interns, and wanted to discuss the matter further with Bailey.  Bailey felt Richard should be part of the discussion, since he's the director, and Catherine looked uncomfortable, implying that Richard was part of the problem.

Alex crawled in bed with Meredith (platonically!) and told her the trial date was set and that work had gone ok.  He wanted to start having Waffle Sundays with everyone in the house, even Amelia if necessary.  Meredith groused and said that Amelia talks too much, but Alex told Meredith that she needed to be nicer to Amelia, because she and Maggie will be there if Alex isn't around, probably referring to him being in jail.  

I think that's it.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I really liked the episode up until the very end.  I was annoyed that we watched DeLuca watching Alex/Jo speak instead of getting to hear the conversation. I don't care if it was about the case. We've waited weeks to see them interacting and when its just the two of them having a conversation we don't get to hear it.  And the end scene? Way too coupley for my taste. I actually now think they are going to go with Merlex.  Alex, Meredith, the kids and the sisters all having their waffles.  MerDer didn't even have those kinds of family moments.

I have to admit this episode was the first time I really have wondered. There was Jo saying it's like Jolex never existed. Then the end scene after that particular patient story .

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I really liked the episode up until the very end.  I was annoyed that we watched DeLuca watching Alex/Jo speak instead of getting to hear the conversation. I don't care if it was about the case. We've waited weeks to see them interacting and when its just the two of them having a conversation we don't get to hear it.  And the end scene? Way too coupley for my taste. I actually now think they are going to go with Merlex.  Alex, Meredith, the kids and the sisters all having their waffles.  MerDer didn't even have those kinds of family moments.

The Amelia/Alex scene was one of my favorites.  I find Alex/Amelia being friends far more believable than Alex/Maggie being friends. 

I also liked that they seem to be acknowledging that the doctors aren't being trained. I hope its shown as being not just Richard's fault though. Training residents has been a problem long before Richard starting overseeing the residency programs. It goes all the way back to the early seasons.

*Sigh*  I have never, ever, ever really believed that they were going to go there.  Until tonight, and honestly that thought bums me out so much that I couldn't even really enjoy this episode, as great as it was for Alex and as much as I did like their friendship scenes.  Between the complete lack of any kind of Jo/Alex development after all the build up, this new DeLuca angle and Alex's conversation with the soon to be dad in the clinic, where the dad goes on and on about his best friend and how she has always been there, blah blah.  *Sigh* I think it may be happening and it is just a deal breaker for me.  NOW Alex is getting good screentime but I feel that its just to get him ready to step in as the Leading Man for all of the sisters, until they move on and its just he and Meredith settling for one another. He can forgo having a family of his own because he has Maggie(!) and Amelia(!!) and Meredith, and oh yeah, he can raise the kids of a guy who never respected him and thought so little of him.  Awesome.  He defended Amelia of all people, who he barely knows, yet allowed Meredith to call Jo a hoodlum, a tramp and basically dismiss their relationship for years.  I would desperately love to be wrong about this, (and am willing to be talked out of it if possible) but the writing seems to be on the wall here.  I am bitter and unhappy.  *Sigh*  

Also, Leah is apparently the second coming of Maggie who is the second coming of the one and only Cristina Yang.  What a shock.  Also, I like Jo's hair better curly and DeLuca with scruff.  Thank god Alex looks better than he has in years, so there is that.  Just in time to bang Meredith.  UGH SORRY I CAN"T HELP IT!

And now they're coming for Richard.  Is it too late to go back and never start watching this show?  

  • Love 2

I thought the point was reinforcing the Meredith / Alex friendship more than hinting at anything romantic. The patient and the baby daddy were best friends who decided that since they had no romantic prospects, they'd raise a family together - but not be in a relationship. Alex is scared that he's going to go to jail, so he's trying to enjoy the moments with the family he has - Meredith and her kids. Grey's is never subtle; I think if they wanted to do Alex / Meredith, they'd never have gone down the Riggs / Maggie / Meredith path, Jo would have been beheaded long ago, and Alex and Mer would have been boinking by the end of last season. I could be totally wrong, but I just don't see it. I thought the first and last scenes were nice. I know lots of people complained that we rarely see Mer support Alex, but tonight her only two scene were supporting Alex's storyline. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 10

Catherine can't read too good if she thinks all these screw-ups resulted from poor instruction.  They are nearly all resulting from rampant fraternization that the hospital already briefly - and halfheartedly - tried to curtail.  Catherine is even guilty of it herself.  Maybe she reconsidered her position on Alex when she discovered how Shane butchered Alex's dad and Alex was gracious enough not to sue.

It bothers me that Alex has become the hospital saint to everybody this season while still showing no apparent remorse for what he did.  Although it seems weird to see DeLuca be all, "he's the bad guy" while Alex has become more decent than he's ever been.

Ugh, with that speech to Pierce, they are either turning Leah into another Perfect Penny or there's some hidden vendetta angle.

By the way, I think we're safe from any chance of Meredith and Alex having sex as long as she's acting like his mommy the way she was at the beginning of the episode.  I know that's a bit of a leap of faith after the whole Gizzie fiasco, but I'm counting on Shonda having learned something from that.

Edited by Starscream
  • Love 3

Wasn't anticipating this episode to be as strong as it was. Despite disliking the contrived and narrative-focused Leah return, I was impressed with the show's growing self-awareness with regard to its own absurdities (all the screw-ups that go sans consequence) and the potential for drama that'll come as a result of motivated, believable changes in the program -- hopefully they're actualized. 

There wasn't as much Meredith tonight, but because she's been used so often lately, this was a welcome change of pace. (Her position as nucleus doesn't need to be reinforced 24/7.)  While I remain (thankfully) certain that Alex and Meredith will never be more than friends, I am appreciating the Alex/Jo/DeLuca story -- I think they are definitely moving towards a romantic triangle there (and I'm engaged in the accompanying narrative machinations) -- and am keeping my mind open to Jo. She's part of the show's current best storyline, and this could finally be the year in which she transcends her shoddily crafted origins and proves herself worthy of emotional investment outside of two-dimensional writer-imposed constructs. 

Speaking of which, after seven years of having serious misgivings about Amelia's inconsistent and manipulative portrayal, the strength of the actress' performance tonight may have helped to figuratively burn her past "sins". I'm keeping my mind open here as well.... 

Proof that the show is better than it was four years ago? Its ability to turn former failures (Amelia, Jo, etc.) into possible successes. In fact, the show's trajectory is no longer so decidedly a descent. Let's hope this faith in the series' current prospects isn't misplaced. 

Edited by upperco
  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, doram said:

Was it just me or was Meredith not in this episode at all until the last few moments?

And can they give Japril a meatier arc? They're exes living together and co-parenting their new born. There should be some angst, some tension. Now, I have to remind myself that they're not still married. 

She was in the first few minutes and the last few minutes. 

So Jo and Alex are just over like that? What was the point of them and what was the point of her secretly being married to an abuser? Is it ever gonna come up?

Deluca can shut up anytime. Him and Jo together is dumb and I don't care about it at all.

I almost thought Meredith and Alex were gonna kiss at the end. Please universe don't let that happen.

Oh how great Murphy is back. Sarcasm! Never liked her and never cared about her. Waste of time.

  • Love 8

Merlex is coming. While I do think Shonda is more focused on the friendship right now and having Meredith support him she's throwing very non subtle hints in and trying to figure out the reaction. It's why Alex is now getting so much focus and Alex is now St. Alex. They're getting him ready to be good enough for The Sun. 

I can't take any of his sudden niceness seriously until he apologises for DeLuca for what he did. He still clearly couldn't give a crap.

Jo/DeLuca I think Is just getting Jo out of Alex's orbit so he's free to start pining for Mer without any excess baggage.


Riggs wife will return at the end of the season and he'll get back with her. I don't think they'd have written Mer/Riggs so poorly if there was Any investment in them. 

The only relationship the writers have focused on and you can tell are putting serious thought into is Meredith/Alex.

  • Love 6

I have so many thoughts...


The first is it really annoys me that Grey's still doesn't get that in a real hospital the chief of surgery would not be hiring and firing people...this is a small thing but HR even in a hospital does this.  Miranda would make recommendations but this is NOT her decision.

Catherine SHUT UP

Please either develop Delucca as a character or stop trying to give him more of a role. 

Alex and Mer-waffles love this-but agree with Meredith... NO AMELIA

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Merlex is coming. While I do think Shonda is more focused on the friendship right now and having Meredith support him she's throwing very non subtle hints in and trying to figure out the reaction. It's why Alex is now getting so much focus and Alex is now St. Alex. They're getting him ready to be good enough for The Sun. 

I can't take any of his sudden niceness seriously until he apologises for DeLuca for what he did. He still clearly couldn't give a crap.

Jo/DeLuca I think Is just getting Jo out of Alex's orbit so he's free to start pining for Mer without any excess baggage.


Riggs wife will return at the end of the season and he'll get back with her. I don't think they'd have written Mer/Riggs so poorly if there was Any investment in them. 

The only relationship the writers have focused on and you can tell are putting serious thought into is Meredith/Alex.

I think that they will slide Maggie place for Riggs, Jo and DeLuca will get together and then Alex and Mer.  Its the laziest and easiest way to do it, so why not?

I agree about the Alex stuff.  Whatever kind of "redemption" they are trying to pull off isn't working because we already know that he is a great doctor.  We've known for years.  And apparently he is great with Meredith and Amelia, but who cares?  That's irrelevant to what his supposed "storyline" is about.  He has gotten pissy with Bailey and Arizona, gave a half-assed apology to Jo that didn't even address the awful stuff he said to her, and hasn't even looked in DeLuca's direction at all.  I know that they aren't supposed to talk about the court case, but I wish he would focus his regretful gaze on someone besides himself and that lady's hand rash.  At this rate, Jo's husband stuff will come out at trial and he will come off as more of a victim than ever before, without ever having been sorry for what got him there in the first place.  If he isn't ordered to go through some kind of anger management or therapy and have real personal growth, then this storyline is a fail to me, no matter how perfect and saintly of a doctor and friend they make him.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Starscream said:

It bothers me that Alex has become the hospital saint to everybody this season while still showing no apparent remorse for what he did.  Although it seems weird to see DeLuca be all, "he's the bad guy" while Alex has become more decent than he's ever been.

It's really bothering me too. He was right about the patient but the way he went about it was all sorts of wrong. Bailey was right, he's on thin ice and acting like the Chief of Surgery should be running to him because he paged her was incredibly entitled. He keeps forgetting that anyone else in Bailey's position i.e. a Chief of Surgery who hadn't mentored him, would have suspended him until a verdict had been reached (yes I know the other attendings have been reckless and should've been suspended too). Bailey gave him a huge break by putting him in the clinic and he barely ever acts like he appreciates it. I doubt the show will address this because it looks like they're determined to redeem him in this way.

That being said, his scene with Amelia was very well done.

Murphy is an...interesting choice to bring back. I'm not sure what they plan to do with her.

  • Love 1

I liked this better than the last couple and they seem to be addressing a lot complaints on here, including my own so I was happy about that.  I am still not happy about Leah being back but I do like that it's bringing up the lack of teaching in the hospital (a conversation we were just having in the spoiler thread).  I love the small detail of Meredith's file being huge and like twice the size of everyone else's.  

Originally I groaned to myself thinking they were surely laying the groundwork for MerLex with their two scenes especially in conjunction with the patient storyline, but then I realized, these were totally two types of interactions Meredith would have shared with Cristina/her person.  Sitting next to each other without talking about anything and then laying on the bed but totally separate.  The one thing I noticed was there was no physical touching in either scene (except for Meredith fixing Alex's tie)  which makes me think they were trying to make the scene completely platonic.  If they were really trying to plant Merlex seeds I feel like they would have been slightly more physical, an arm around one another, holding hands, etc.  It could be because I am 100% anti a romantic pairing but I didn't feel any chemistry or sexual tension.

Also, what's a Jolex?  I don't even have words to describe how much I hate everything they've done to Jo and Jolex.  I'm actually happy Alex is Meredith's person so he can be the savior of clinic patients otherwise he'd be thrown to the wolves as well.  I actually enjoy the clinic and I hope they keep using it in the the show for other reasons that to hammer into our heads that ALEX IS A GOOD DOCTOR.  

  • Love 4

It's the one thing that is halting my sympathy for Alex. His complete lack of remorse for what he actually did. He's acting like a martyr and it's pissing me off. I'm being hit over the head with how "amazing" of a doctor he is. Two episodes in a row of him making miraculous diagnosies of two patients people defending him as a good doctor. He's being charged with felony assault. That we know he actually did. It doesn't matter if Deluca is physically healed, Alex deserves to be punished in some form, he should not get away scot free with this. 

The alex/Amelia scene was powerful and I felt it. The problem I have with it is it was done so Alex can tell Meredith to back off of Amelia. Amelia and April were on the same damn case, it's a huge elephant now that their common loss is not being discussed. Maybe its coming. Amelia is scared to death to have another baby after hers died, and April did actually have a baby after hers died. April could offer amazing insight into this specific and delicate situation that NO other character can deliver with as much honesty. So I hope thats on the horizon cause my immediate thought to seeing Amelia spill this to Alex was, "it should have been April". 

If Leah's return is the catalyst to Grey Sloan getting nailed for their crappy teaching then I am all for it. Catherine is right to question bailey's treatment of Alex and this situation and she's right to question webber. Wanna know who this teaching hospital failed? April Kepner. Her mentor was too distracted by his drama with Cristina to actually teach her, every attending dismissed her for the most shallow things (I.e: Callie: "i need you to change your voice"). Meredith Grey had teachers bending over backwards to help AND cover for her. All of them had mentors that gave a damn except April. 

But just looking at Jo and Stephanie's intern class. The attendings were too busy having sex with all of them to actually teach. Leah with Alex and Arizona, Stephanie and Jackson, Shane with Cristina, and jo and Alex. Is it a secret that Stephanie really started to excel once Amelia became her mentor, and Jo's apparently the crappiest resident ever?

Speaking of Jo and Alex, I feel so sorry for fans of this pair. Cause even if they get together she will always be second to Meredith. It's sad. 

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

It's the one thing that is halting my sympathy for Alex. His complete lack of remorse for what he actually did. He's acting like a martyr and it's pissing me off. I'm being hit over the head with how "amazing" of a doctor he is. Two episodes in a row of him making miraculous diagnosies of two patients people defending him as a good doctor. He's being charged with felony assault. That we know he actually did. It doesn't matter if Deluca is physically healed, Alex deserves to be punished in some form, he should not get away scot free with this. 

I agree, this is an issue for me as well.  I wish the show would have addressed WHY he jumped right into attacking DeLuca to the brink of death.  There were really easy ways to tie this into his backstory and make him look remorseful and sympathetic but for some reason the writers chose to ignore that.  Maybe it will all come out at the trial but I'm not holding my breath.  

  • Love 5

I barely made it through the last episode, but I thought this one was decent, minus the MerLex stuff I really don't care for.

Finally it's established that no one really knows about Amelia's past. It makes a bit more sense now. 

Can we just skip the trial and all and get right to the point where Alex is officially declared a saint? He'll be raising people from the dead in the next episode the way things are going. And now even Amelia confides in him. Everyone loves him! Except for DeLuca, but who cares about him. It's great that Alex is finally in the spotlight having been neglected for so long, but this storyline is really not satisfying for me.

I'm sorta OK with having Leah back (in small doses, meaning she doesn't turn into Perfect Penny #2, which is sadly the way it's gonna go), but just please, please, please don't let her be Arizona's new love interest.

  • Love 5

I know that they aren't supposed to talk about the court case, but I wish he would focus his regretful gaze on someone besides himself and that lady's hand rash

I agree. I get why he wouldn't speak directly to DeLuca until the court case is finished (I would think his lawyer would have told him that even if we didn't see it) but he hasn't expressed remorse to anyone. Jo would be the logical choice but as GreysAddict said, "what's a Jolex?".  We're 6 episodes in and 2 months have passed in the Grey's world. There's been ample time to have Alex express his remorse to anyone just to show its there but there's been zero.


I'm actually happy Alex is Meredith's person so he can be the savior of clinic patients otherwise he'd be thrown to the wolves as well.

I wish I could be happy about it. For me, Alex becoming Meredith's person has destroyed so much of him. His long term relationship and half his personality was shoved aside to wedge him into the sisterhood and have him available for The Sun 24/7 after Cristina left. We'll wait and see where this story goes but I will not be shocked if the entire story is to bring Merlex together.


Not excited for Leah to be back

Me either. Even if Leah has managed to become the Best! Resident! Ever! it still makes no sense for them to bring her back. She tried to sue the hospital because someone broke up with her.  She slept with 2 attendings and wasn't able to handle the breakups and keep it separate from her career.  Why on earth would they bring back an HR nightmare waiting to happen again?

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Nobodysfan said:

Such a moving storyline - I will have to take back what I said about Amelia and Caterina who portrays her, I cried so much with her, such a powerful scene and the boy, what a story!

How do you understand the raised eyebrow of Riggs when Maggie tells him Kepner likes everybody???

i always took that as a slight Meredith thing, but then Maggie is like i was Kepner, and he was like "Oops. almost spilled the beans."

don't really have a view on this episode. I know i am supposed to feel sorry for Amelia - but I don't. because this is crap you discuss before you get married. and so whatever happens is just going to vex my soul. 

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

April Kepner. Her mentor was too distracted by his drama with Cristina to actually teach her, every attending dismissed her for the most shallow things (I.e: Callie: "i need you to change your voice"). Meredith Grey had teachers bending over backwards to help AND cover for her. All of them had mentors that gave a damn except April. 

This could also be applied to Jo. She hasn't been declared any more inept then the rest of them (except Leah who was proven not as good more then once). She has no specialty and the attendings have been shown to sideline her repeatedly because they had a personal preference for Stephanie or Perfect Penny. 

April was failed but I believe Owen apologised for failing her when he took her back. Jo isn't shown as being incapable she's just not the favourite. I wish the show could maybe address her issues instead of usual bringing in a guest star to be the centre of a storyline that could easily be for her.

  • Love 4
46 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I agree. I get why he wouldn't speak directly to DeLuca until the court case is finished (I would think his lawyer would have told him that even if we didn't see it) but he hasn't expressed remorse to anyone. Jo would be the logical choice but as GreysAddict said, "what's a Jolex?".  We're 6 episodes in and 2 months have passed in the Grey's world. There's been ample time to have Alex express his remorse to anyone just to show its there but there's been zero.

I wish I could be happy about it. For me, Alex becoming Meredith's person has destroyed so much of him. His long term relationship and half his personality was shoved aside to wedge him into the sisterhood and have him available for The Sun 24/7 after Cristina left. We'll wait and see where this story goes but I will not be shocked if the entire story is to bring Merlex together.

Me either. Even if Leah has managed to become the Best! Resident! Ever! it still makes no sense for them to bring her back. She tried to sue the hospital because someone broke up with her.  She slept with 2 attendings and wasn't able to handle the breakups and keep it separate from her career.  Why on earth would they bring back an HR nightmare waiting to happen again?

I have always got the feeling Jo wants nothing to do with Alex and Alex is respecting (or doesn't want anything to do with Jo). hence no talken, hence no JoLex, that bridge is burned. 

I also never thought that Alex shoved aside anything to be with Meredith (lol the Sun, i forgot that) Meredith has always, pretty much after they got over the ratting her out for chief resident thing, as defended Alex and wanted Alex to be happy and settled and what not. Alex always balanced his relationships with his Mere-relationship and when it came to choose between 1 or the other, he always chose Jo. (but he also explained why - when in the house - he was never going to boot anyone out. that house symbolized family to him). I don't get the MerLex thing happening - or seeing it working but it's Shonda and i wouldn't put it past her to be dumb like that so who knows - but for me personally I am not seeing that vibeage. 

In regards to remorse of what he's done - for me, I've seen it. He tried to apologise to DeLuca and he (obviously, and understandably) freaked out and left. I feel that he's giving everyone space - not just because it legally makes sense, but out of respect (because we've seen Alex - hell, we've seen everyone, say screw the pooch if they FELT they just needed to get their point across). by this time if it was old Grey's, DeLuca + Alex would have crossed the bridge, crossed the street - something, and he'd be like "Dude, i'm SORRY. i didn't mean it, I hazed out - I was angry - i honestly thought you were hurting her etc" and quite frankly venting to make himself feel better. This time he's just giving everyone their space etc etc, and letting it blow over. (and also, because it's the show it's all going to come out during the trial). 

But i say this as someone who loves Alex. I can totally see though why people can't see it or don't think it's there, it's a YMMV situation to be sure. 

Edited by Daisy
  • Love 5

Meredith was a great Friend and wanted Alex's happiness until Derek and Cristina left and suddenly she started acting like a petulant child who needed all his attention. He was shown repeatedly sidelining Jo for Meredith and never sticking upJo when Meredith would slate her and their relationship. She was a bitch to Jo and he let her be. Even the shows version of addressing this treatment showed the writers real opinion on Jo when Mer offered a back arsed apology more or less telling her she let her do it so why not.

Secondly he hadn't shown remorse. Unless relating to the effect it had on his career he's just pitied himself and lashed out. The show seems to fully support his attitude tho so whatevs I guess.

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