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Rumored Presidential Appointments

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I think this is the best thread for this post. The Huffington Post had an article about how Nate Silver is adjusting polls before putting them in the model and that's why his model is showing higher odds for Trump than the NYT and Huffpost models do. Nate Silver went on a huge Twitter rant against the writer and the article. He was obviously livid. However, the Huffington Post article was interesting and if they're right about what Nate Silver is doing then that could explain the difference in the models. It's been interesting watching what's happening with all the polls and models because they don't all agree, especially the LA Times one, and everyone in that world is arguing with each other and it's starting to get a little publicly nasty.

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Olbermann being off normal broadcast channels has SO totally unchained him.

Over the past ten days or so there have been some amazing rants. Trump is noticing too. Olbermann talks about Trump's plans for Trump TV and discusses how Trump just happens to be picking on Olbermann's ex-girlfriend (still normal friend) among all of the press corps reporting on Trump's rallies. Hmm. I wonder why Trump would do that?  It's a mystery! (no it's not).


That video is actually Olbermann relatively calm (but relevant to the idea of Olbermann having an effect).

Here are some FAR angrier Olber-rants. Warning--there's a LOT of shouting.:
Be Angry With Donald Trump, But Not Afraid!
Donald Trump and His Uncanny Resemblance to Horror
Trump is Right. This Email Debacle is Worse than Watergate
Donald Trump Must Withdraw. Here's Why.
You’re Lying to Yourself if You Think Trump is the Answer

Edited by Kromm
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Kellyanne seems to be the best deflector ever. Listened to her on CNN Sirious broadcast today. She used hundreds of words to 1. Not admit that last nights' rally disruption was not an assassination attempt, and 2. Not admit that Donald was wrong for calling a Nevada early voting place rigged for allowing all voters in line at closing time to vote. One thing I know - any candidate in the future that hires her will never get my vote because that candidate won't value the truth.

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Kellyanne seems to be the best deflector ever. Listened to her on CNN Sirious broadcast today. She used hundreds of words to 1. Not admit that last nights' rally disruption was not an assassination attempt, and 2. Not admit that Donald was wrong for calling a Nevada early voting place rigged for allowing all voters in line at closing time to vote. One thing I know - any candidate in the future that hires her will never get my vote because that candidate won't value the truth.

She actually said he actually said you couldn't vote if you were still in line at the time the election site closed?! (Directed at both Kellyanne & DJT Sr.: BITCH, PLEASE!!). Hopefully most people are smarter than that. I've heard reminders on TV, & read them on Social Media, more than once this week that if you're in line & haven't voted at the time your polls close, you're still entitled/allowed to vote. Who's trying to influence the election now/again??

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Donald said the situation where the voting location stayed open was rigged. Tapper asked Kelly Anne to admit Donald was wrong- she wouldn't, just kept deflecting. So she didn't say it, Donald said it - she just wouldn't answer the question and admit Donald was just stirring up trouble.  

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Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC:  We have not made this (the emails) the centerpiece of our campaign. 

So, don't trust your own eyes and ears.  You didn't hear and see Trump continually bringing it up continually, no siree.

Now she's asking the host "Let's be fair."

Now she's calling it unfair that Hillary has a good ground game.  OMG.

Edited by backgroundnoise
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1 hour ago, backgroundnoise said:

Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC:  We have not made this (the emails) the centerpiece of our campaign. 

So, don't trust your own eyes and ears.  You didn't hear and see Trump continually bringing it up continually, no siree.

Now she's asking the host "Let's be fair."

Now she's calling it unfair that Hillary has a good ground game.  OMG.

Kellyanne is proof positive that evil lurks the earth in all forms.  Why she hasn't been struck down by lightning yet, turned into a pillar of salt or broken out into boils is beyond my comprehension.

Not only does Hillary have a good ground game, but as was pointed out on Joy Reid's show yesterday, folks underestimate how masterful a debater she is.  They reminded viewers of the way she methodically broke Drumpf down by subtly baiting him. And, because he's so lacking in discipline, he fell for it each time.  Not to mention the amount of preparation and her composure.

But, I guess Hillary preparing for the debates and not being distracted by Drumpf's fuckery is also "unfair," right, Kellyanne?

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Donald said the situation where the voting location stayed open was rigged. Tapper asked Kelly Anne to admit Donald was wrong- she wouldn't, just kept deflecting. So she didn't say it, Donald said it - she just wouldn't answer the question and admit Donald was just stirring up trouble.  

I understood that. I just can't believe he said it--well, I guess I can since it was him, or that she repeated it. Guess she was just trying to be a good Campaign Manager. 

But everybody should know that as long as you're in line & waiting to vote when your polling place closes, you're still allowed to vote. I've heard that stressed both on TV & in my Twitter feed (haven't been on my FB much recently) this week.

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In bitching about polling places staying open, Kelly Anne Conway brings up email again, AND then says that Hillary's MAID had access to, and was in charge of printing out, "classified documents."  When asked what the fuck she was talking about she said "it's all over the news." 


I didn't think I could ever hate anyone half as much as I hate Donald Trump - but I was wrong.  I hate her half as much. 

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Is Hugh Hewitt considered a surrogate for Orange Hitler?  If so, I can't stand the guy.  Every single time he's on MSNBC he sneaks in some half-baked bullshit story and tries to pass it off as legitimate news.  Also, his voice sucks.  I can't believe he has a radio show or that anyone can stand listening to him for more than five minutes.

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Do you think media people will wait a week before they start talking about the 2020 election, or will it start on Wednesday?  Or possibly shortly after a winner is declared tomorrow?

There are only 1457 days until Election day, after all.

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Although her dumb ass is not officially a Drumpf surrogate, Governor Half-Wit (a/k/a Sarah Palin) weighed in on her distrust of the polls.  Except...she claimed they were for strippers and skiers.

This is why I have to respectfully disagree when the always classy President Obama stated that he wouldn't have been worried or scared if Senator McCain had won the election in 2008.  Sheee-it!  was terrified at the prospect of Sarah Palin being one heart attack or melanoma away from the White House.

Sarah Palin Tries to Stay Relevant

Edited by MulletorHater
To fix URL to Palin video
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I have developed a great deal of respect for Ana. She's more conservative than me( a moderate Republican until this farce of an election), but I find myself nodding in agreement with Ana every time she is on CNN. 

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5 hours ago, UYI said:

Yeah. Though I appreciate and agree with everything she said about the Orange Menace, I see she's voting for Hillary, not because she thinks Hillary's a better choice, but it's her "protest" vote against Trump.  

This in particular, had me raising my eyebrows:



I did not want to vote for Hilary Clinton. Unlike Senator Bernie Sanders, I do care about her "damn emails." I am disturbed by the blurry lines and for-profit overlap between Clinton's philanthropic, business and political worlds.

Most of us suspected Hillary Clinton was going to run for President again in 2016. She and Bill Clinton knew it too. They knew they would be under scrutiny. If for no other reason, they could have and should have behaved differently.

No, she shouldn't have set up a private server, which could have compromised national security. No, she shouldn't have given paid speeches to Wall Street. No, her closest aide, Huma Abedin, should not have had an ethically questionable arrangement that allowed her to simultaneously work for four different Clinton-related entities, including the Department of State. No, the Clinton Foundation should not have accepted donations from countries which abuse human rights and discriminate against gays and women."

Bolding mine: I'm sure she is aware that the Clintons weren't the only ones to have private servers and delete emails. Powell, Rice, Dubya. So unless she's going to call them out as well, and not talk as if the Clintons were the only ones to do so? On this, she can stay mum.

The foundation: I can't think of a better FUCK YOU! than to use funds/money from such countries to help those people that these countries kill and abuse.

But that's just me.

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I don't really disagree with what Ana is saying about both Bill and Hillary not minding their Ps and Qs better in anticipation of her 2016 run.  That server was one big helluva unforced error, as were a number of the Foundations transactions (the uranium one) and for sure Bill being that honorable poobah for that international for-profit college organization.

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47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah. Though I appreciate and agree with everything she said about the Orange Menace, I see she's voting for Hillary, not because she thinks Hillary's a better choice, but it's her "protest" vote against Trump. 

The way I understand it, she was originally planning to write in her mother's name as a protest, until she realized how close the vote in Florida would be. So it's not so much a protest vote as it is a "don't want Trump to win" vote.

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Proof positive that when it comes to assholery, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  According to Media Matters, Drumpf's son, Uday, is promoting an alt-right video claiming that Hillary is engaged in satanism and that her aides are trying to kidnap children, make the children disappear and be sold into "all kinds of things."

I long for the day when this blight on humanity--Drumpf and his trifling and deplorable family--disappear.  I long for the day when we don't have to see them, hear from them or hear about them.  I long for the day when their brand becomes so tainted that they end up in debtors prison.  It is frightening that out of all the smart people who could have been nominated, these monsters are being propped by Rancid Preibus and the rest of the party who have sold their souls to stay in power.  

 Uday Promotes Video by alt-right

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The foundation: I can't think of a better FUCK YOU! than to use funds/money from such countries to help those people that these countries kill and abuse.

I wish countries including the United States wouldn't sell arms and ammo to countries which abuse human rights and discriminate against gays and women and worse, but name me a country that doesn't (unfortunately)!  At least the $$ in the Clinton Foundation is being used to do good and they are accountable for it.

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People are crazy.

I saw this linked on Huff Post:

catholic priest puts aborted fetus on altar in an appeal for voting for Trump


Ahead of Tuesday’s presidential election, the Rev. Frank Pavone took an aborted fetus, laid it upon an altar Sunday and posted a live video on Facebook. Pavone, a Catholic priest who heads New York-based Priests for Life, said the fetus was entrusted to him by a pathologist for burial.

During an already heated and divisive campaign season, Pavone’s video has raised questions for some about what is appropriate antiabortion and political activism in the church. As of Monday afternoon, the video, which is 44 minutes long, had 236,000 views. In it, he holds up a poster of graphics of abortion procedures.

In Pavone’s Facebook appeal, he wrote, “we have to decide if we will allow this child killing to continue in America or not. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic platform says yes, let the child-killing continue (and you pay for it); Donald Trump and the Republican platform says no, the child should be protected.”

I've never been so proud to call myself an ex-catholic.

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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That McNeny or Scottie or whoever that blonde fembot was can STFU about Obama being "tone deaf" when touting all the things they did accomplish under his presidency. I quickly switched the channel.

They're two different people: Kayleigh McEnany and Scottie Nell Hughes. Both are awful, but I think Scottie may be worse. 

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6 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Why do these women all look the same? They all sound fake, dumb as a box of rocks and share the same bottle of blonde hair dye. It was hard to tell them apart. 

Roger Ailes. That was his "type" when he was sexually harassing casting for female news anchors at Fox News.

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11 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Why do these women all look the same? They all sound fake, dumb as a box of rocks and share the same bottle of blonde hair dye. It was hard to tell them apart. 

Kayleigh = crazy stare

Scottie = evil stare

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Early voting is like picking the winner of a baseball game in the 7th inning. Stop this early voting craze. Quit making it so easy to vote.


Fuck him so, so hard.  And pay your child support, asshole.


On 11/8/2016 at 10:25 AM, Bookish Jen said:

Tomi Lahren = Just plain evil

Katrina Pierson = from a different planet.

Edited by Lisin
Removed twitter embed
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On 11/8/2016 at 10:43 AM, starri said:
Fuck him so, so hard.  And pay your child support, asshole.


Katrina Pierson = from a different planet.

Ann Coulter = Should be sent to another planet

Chicks on the Right = Until 2008 thought Barack Obama was the name of an upscale shoe designer, and probably only got into politics because of Sarah Palin. "OMG! She's a mom and she's pretty! Just like us! Awesomesauce!"

Edited by Lisin
Removed twitter embed
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18 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah. Though I appreciate and agree with everything she said about the Orange Menace, I see she's voting for Hillary, not because she thinks Hillary's a better choice, but it's her "protest" vote against Trump.  

This in particular, had me raising my eyebrows:



I did not want to vote for Hilary Clinton. Unlike Senator Bernie Sanders, I do care about her "damn emails." I am disturbed by the blurry lines and for-profit overlap between Clinton's philanthropic, business and political worlds.

Most of us suspected Hillary Clinton was going to run for President again in 2016. She and Bill Clinton knew it too. They knew they would be under scrutiny. If for no other reason, they could have and should have behaved differently.

No, she shouldn't have set up a private server, which could have compromised national security. No, she shouldn't have given paid speeches to Wall Street. No, her closest aide, Huma Abedin, should not have had an ethically questionable arrangement that allowed her to simultaneously work for four different Clinton-related entities, including the Department of State. No, the Clinton Foundation should not have accepted donations from countries which abuse human rights and discriminate against gays and women."


Bolding mine: I'm sure she is aware that the Clintons weren't the only ones to have private servers and delete emails. Powell, Rice, Dubya. So unless she's going to call them out as well, and not talk as if the Clintons were the only ones to do so? On this, she can stay mum.

The foundation: I can't think of a better FUCK YOU! than to use funds/money from such countries to help those people that these countries kill and abuse.

But that's just me.

It is not just you. 

It is okay to hold the private  server against Hillary and only Hillary because those other people with private servers were not running for president in 2016, but she was (/sarcasm). These people need to stop finding tiny loopholes to "justify" their different rules for Clinton.  I am so tired of the hypocrisy.  

As for the foundation getting money from these countries, would she be happier if these countries kept their money to help pay the costs associated with abuse and discrimination? 

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And, so it begins...

We're still mid-day and the circular firing squad has already started.  Apparently, uber surrogate, Roger Stone, is already complaining that Drumpf "ran one of the worst campaigns in modern history" in Nevada.  Roger Stone Complains About Campaign

It kind of reminds me of what happened when Governor Half-Wit was thrown under the bus by campaign aides when Senator McCain lost the election in 2008.

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4 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, so it begins...

We're still mid-day and the circular firing squad has already started.  Apparently, uber surrogate, Roger Stone, is already complaining that Drumpf "ran one of the worst campaigns in modern history" in Nevada.  Roger Stone Complains About Campaign

It kind of reminds me of what happened when Governor Half-Wit was thrown under the bus by campaign aides when Senator McCain lost the election in 2008.


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34 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, so it begins...

We're still mid-day and the circular firing squad has already started.  Apparently, uber surrogate, Roger Stone, is already complaining that Drumpf "ran one of the worst campaigns in modern history" in Nevada.  Roger Stone Complains About Campaign

It kind of reminds me of what happened when Governor Half-Wit was thrown under the bus by campaign aides when Senator McCain lost the election in 2008.

I thought they were "friends."

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Hey Joe Walsh? Thanks for admitting the only way your side can win anymore is if voting opportunities are severely restricted.

And you don't deserve to share the same moniker with the former Eagle who gave us "Life's Been Good" and "Rocky Mountain Way".

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