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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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4 hours ago, backformore said:

I don't understand why someone wouldn't make a copy and release it to a news station anonymously.  or "lose" it in the vicinity of Rachel Maddow. Oops! That's what I would do.

Unfortunately, I think that would just get the Dump supporters all excited that "we can say retard again - yay!"  Those of us that didn't vote for the orange plague likely never used it to begin with.

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8 hours ago, Padma said:


Also, I thought Donald was the great deal maker.  In a "great deal", a skilled negotiation, you're supposed to GET something for the trade, a concession. Jerusalem has always been a HUGE bargaining chip. 

In this case, it seems he's just giving it to Israel without getting any concessions to the Palestinians in return--settlements promised to be more abundant than ever, the wall still there, no effort toward the "two state solution" that everyone -- and the U.N. - has agreed to for decades.

So now, the U.S. won't even pretend to be a neutral broker. What does anyone get in return?  Trump International, Jerusalem?

I can't remember what microphone he was walking past when he paused for 15 seconds to take a press question, but sometime in the last few days, DT bragged about some accomplishment he achieved doing "the opposite."  He said something like "We always do the opposite--it's been working for us, am I right?"

I just rolled my eyes at the time, but reading this (excellent) analysis about a Jerusalem embassy and the loophole ALL other Presidents have been wise enough to reliably close in the past, I'm wondering if DT makes a fuckton of decisions--about matters he doesn't even understand--on the basis of just "Doing The Opposite."


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Even if the tape is released, what damage will it do? 

kellyanne conway will just say "oh, he was just joking. we all make jokes..."

the media will have a field day for literally a day and then move on to analyzing how trendy nazis are.


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7 hours ago, twoods said:

I didn't even watch that disgusting video of that hate-filled racist Trump supporter, but her comments were ridiculous. She was telling the women to speak English to her, but her sentences weren't even grammatically correct. How can you lecture someone to speak English if you can't do it yourself? I hope they find this terrible person and ban her from the mall. Same with that Chicago racist who keeps wandering around and yelling racist tirades in different stores. 

That incident is probably something that's repeated many times over on a daily basis throughout the country. People feel emboldened knowing that it's their right under the First Amendment to speak freely and besides, Donald Trump gave his permission. Unfortunately there's no distinction made in the Constitution between free speech and hate speech. I am a person that absolutely hates this type of harassment, particularly when directed at someone based solely on their ethnicity and I would have intervened and insisted that security be called. The woman probably would have slammed me silly just using her boobs as a weapon, but I think I could have outrun her. I won't accept this, nobody should accept this. But people are afraid to say anything and step in and try using logic because these haters aren't logical. People carry weapons and will use it without a second thought. But this woman just looked like a hating old Republican. The new rule of "if you see something, say something" doesn't only apply to reporting suspicious looking people or oddly placed packages. It should also apply to hate speech. If you see it, do something about it, let them know it's not acceptable.

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Apparently on NPR this morning, Newt Gingrich (who yesterday also claimed that we should disregard "Drain the Swamp" as merely a campaign idea that Trump never meant to make good on), said this: 

Should this occur, I can only hope the military will tell the Orange Asshole, "NO." But by all means, let's still go pretend that electing this authoritarian kleptocrat was some salvation for our country from an email server while we focus on "important" things like Chuck Schumer firing some of his office staff. 

Last night, I watched a documentary called The Trials of Muhammed Ali about his Ali's legal fight after being drafted. I applaud him for standing up but couldn't help but think his defense of his religion today would have him shot in seconds. By the president-elect himself. 

In unrelated, but related news, Ted Cruz, ass licker supreme, is introducing legislation called "Defense of the First Amendment Act" that enshrines in law the ability for businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ citizens. 

Dark days.

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I don't know how I feel about Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem as a Jewish-American. I'm a huge Obama fan, but I don't agree with how he handled Israel during his presidency. It's hard for me to feel bad for the Palestinians because as much as I want a solution I doubt it will happen in my lifetime (I'm in my 20's). 

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1 hour ago, Lana X said:

Even if the tape is released, what damage will it do? 

kellyanne conway will just say "oh, he was just joking. we all make jokes..."

the media will have a field day for literally a day and then move on to analyzing how trendy nazis are.

Kellyanne wouldn't even address the content of the tape; she'd focus on "how Hollywood's liberal elite are victimizing poor Mr. Trump." But I agree the tape wouldn't have much effect, beyond embarrassing Donald, which is the main reason I want to see it released. I think it's hilarious that he's threatening to sue Tom Arnold for defamation; I wonder, is he going to sue Arnold before or after he sues all those woman he sexually assaulted? The last I heard about that was when Gloria Allred uttered the word, "deposition" and then Donald had to change his pants.

So remember that Carrier deal where Donald said that he personally, alone, by himself, saved 1100 jobs, which turned out to be more like 800? Well, the real number of jobs saved is approaching zero. Carrier is going to invest $16 million ($7 million of which came from the tax breaks Trump used to bribe them to pretend not to be laying off people) in technology that will allow Carrier to replace their U.S. workers with robots.

Edited by fishcakes
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51 minutes ago, Lana X said:

kellyanne conway will just say "oh, he was just joking. we all make jokes..."

I heard a good one the other day. The punchline was "...and that's how a sentient piece of citrus fruit was elected president!" Nobody laughed. Sad!

By the by, for those who missed the last secret meeting of The Left at Bohemian Grove, here are the instructions for gaining an invitation. Please follow them to the letter.

  • Arrive at the closest nearby mosque on the third Wednesday of any month. 
  • You must be wearing the Birkenstocks you were issued upon registering as a Democrat. If you are not a democrat but would still like to attend, tuck a well-worn copy of Origin of the Species under your arm.
  • You will be casually approached outside the mosque. Could be by a man, could be by a woman. It doesn't matter. Look carefully for the upside down American flag lapel pin affixed to the person's right collar. If the flag is flying normally, that means you've been made and need to run.
  • Your contact will greet you with "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Without fail, you must reply "I jitterbugged with Rush Limbaugh at my gay cousin's wedding to his transgendered alpaca." One wrong word and you're on the list. People on the list will always receive caffeinated and/or full-fat drink options at Starbucks no matter what they order.
  • Your contact will walk away briskly. After three days pass, a dove will land on your windowsill clutching an invitation made from recycled hemp. 
  • For the love of god, don't tell Alex Jones!

See you all there!

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11 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Valerie Jarett is just  going around messing in the alt left's corn flakes

There is no such thing as the "alt left."

10 hours ago, Padma said:

Also, I thought Donald was the great deal maker.  In a "great deal", a skilled negotiation, you're supposed to GET something for the trade, a concession. Jerusalem has always been a HUGE bargaining chip. 

Yes, and this is his pattern throughout. He just commits himself to this big, grand gesture--and then says he didn't mean it or not depending on the reaction. (He assumes he can back out of anything, it seems, but he can't.) To be fair, he's not meaning to deal here--or at least, he's not making a deal with Israel or Palestine. He's just playing to his base who hate the Palestinians. If there's any dealing here it'll be Trump throwing out big statements like this and then walking them back while still getting the admiration for being anti-Palestine. Just like he gets praise for announcing things like the assassination of the Russian diplomatic are "radical Islamic terrorism" without caring about, say, the fact that the guy seemed to be objecting to Russia in Aleppo. I don't think he sees any point in even engaging with what's actually going on in the world. To get what he wants he needs to stay in the reality of the US extreme right (and Putin, I guess). 

10 hours ago, Padma said:

This -could- give Democrats a real opportunity to lead, if they choose to take it

What's sad is how I assume that no, they won't choose to take it. If they follow the usual pattern they'll say stuff about doing this but still try to appeal to their voters and act as if it's their voting base that are being extreme.

9 hours ago, twoods said:

I hope they find this terrible person and ban her from the mall.

I believe they did.

1 hour ago, candall said:

He said something like "We always do the opposite--it's been working for us, am I right?"

I think it was at his rally when he said everyone was telling him presidents don't do rallies and he said they should keep doing them because they've always done the opposite. Although in that case it's clear what's in it for him. Not so much for the people who are I guess expected to show up and cheer for him on the regular.

57 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

It's hard for me to feel bad for the Palestinians because as much as I want a solution I doubt it will happen in my lifetime (I'm in my 20's

However you feel about it, though, I don't think Trump is going to be good for Israel--or us or the world--with this stuff. 

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I'll soon be leaving my husband for your posts, NinjaPenguins, I plan to have a hand-fasting with them.  Hopefully, someday I can persuade my husband to recognize the beauty of my love for this: 


Your contact will greet you with "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Without fail, you must reply "I jitterbugged with Rush Limbaugh at my gay cousin's wedding to his transgendered alpaca." One wrong word and you're on the list. People on the list will always receive caffeinated and/or full-fat drink options at Starbucks no matter what they order.


And he'll join us in a triad of polyamory and wordsmithing.  Together we will form a co-operative farm that will exclusively grow Valerian root which we will brew as tea, and chew as a root, and hurl at the heavily armed intruders yelling the Trump battle cry, "Bigly!!!"  but oh what times we will have before then.

When they are all blissed out and finally calm, we'll try conversion therapy, in which we'll feed them organically grown, high-fiber vegetable, packed with antioxidants.   And antipsychotics, of course. 

Edited by stillshimpy
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4 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

There is no such thing as the "alt left."

Yes, and this is his pattern throughout. He just commits himself to this big, grand gesture--and then says he didn't mean it or not depending on the reaction. (He assumes he can back out of anything, it seems, but he can't.) To be fair, he's not meaning to deal here--or at least, he's not making a deal with Israel or Palestine. He's just playing to his base who hate the Palestinians. If there's any dealing here it'll be Trump throwing out big statements like this and then walking them back while still getting the admiration for being anti-Palestine. Just like he gets praise for announcing things like the assassination of the Russian diplomatic are "radical Islamic terrorism" without caring about, say, the fact that the guy seemed to be objecting to Russia in Aleppo. I don't think he sees any point in even engaging with what's actually going on in the world. To get what he wants he needs to stay in the reality of the US extreme right (and Putin, I guess). 

What's sad is how I assume that no, they won't choose to take it. If they follow the usual pattern they'll say stuff about doing this but still try to appeal to their voters and act as if it's their voting base that are being extreme.

I believe they did.

I think it was at his rally when he said everyone was telling him presidents don't do rallies and he said they should keep doing them because they've always done the opposite. Although in that case it's clear what's in it for him. Not so much for the people who are I guess expected to show up and cheer for him on the regular.

However you feel about it, though, I don't think Trump is going to be good for Israel--or us or the world--with this stuff. 

I totally agree Trump won't be good for Israel. I voted for Hillary anyway and voted for Obama in 2012. I'm not a single issue voter. Even my relatives who are super passionate about Israel voted for Hillary. However I do know people who are single issue voters when it comes to Israel and voted for Trump. I've been getting into Facebook debates with them over Trump.

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45 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I heard a good one the other day. The punchline was "...and that's how a sentient piece of citrus fruit was elected president!" Nobody laughed. Sad!

By the by, for those who missed the last secret meeting of The Left at Bohemian Grove, here are the instructions for gaining an invitation. Please follow them to the letter.

  • Arrive at the closest nearby mosque on the third Wednesday of any month. 
  • You must be wearing the Birkenstocks you were issued upon registering as a Democrat. If you are not a democrat but would still like to attend, tuck a well-worn copy of Origin of the Species under your arm.
  • You will be casually approached outside the mosque. Could be by a man, could be by a woman. It doesn't matter. Look carefully for the upside down American flag lapel pin affixed to the person's right collar. If the flag is flying normally, that means you've been made and need to run.
  • Your contact will greet you with "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Without fail, you must reply "I jitterbugged with Rush Limbaugh at my gay cousin's wedding to his transgendered alpaca." One wrong word and you're on the list. People on the list will always receive caffeinated and/or full-fat drink options at Starbucks no matter what they order.
  • Your contact will walk away briskly. After three days pass, a dove will land on your windowsill clutching an invitation made from recycled hemp. 
  • For the love of god, don't tell Alex Jones!

See you all there!

I and my Birkenstocks will be there, no fear.  Do you need me to bring treats?  I made a mean brownie, and O'Henry bars that are raved about.



He's just playing to his base who hate the Palestinians.

Problem is that most of his base also hate Jewish people (Bannon and his crowd).  Most of his base hate anyone who is not a straight, white Christian man.  Can't wait for that crowd to turn on Coral Caligula when he does something that helps Israel/Jewish Americans.

Edited by Ocean Chick
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53 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I don't know how I feel about Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem as a Jewish-American. I'm a huge Obama fan, but I don't agree with how he handled Israel during his presidency. It's hard for me to feel bad for the Palestinians because as much as I want a solution I doubt it will happen in my lifetime (I'm in my 20's). 

Palestinians as a whole, have not been the problem but they certainly have been victims of Israeli cruelties. It is Hamas protecting the Gaza Strip, that is committed to liberating Palestine through terrorism and violence which has been directed at civilians. Of course Hamas has support from other Arab nations, specifically Iran and Syria. Hamas is recognized by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the US as a terrorist organization and want to fend them off. In 1993, the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, accepted UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, and rejected "violence and terrorism"; in response, Israel officially recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.

A brief history of Israel:

1897: Zionism gets established

Jews have been scattered around Europe and Russia for centuries. However, they were never welcome anywhere, except for brief periods. Not surprisingly, many Jews dreamed of having their own nation. In 1897 Theodor Herzl officially announced the creation of the Zionist movement. The goal of Zionism was to create a nation for Jews in Palestine. Their goal was not to make friends around the world, nor to love other nations or other people. The problem they faced was that the Arabs who were living there had no desire to give it up. Also, Turkey had control of Palestine of this time, and Turkey refused to give any part of Palestine to the Jews. A few Jews moved into Palestine at this time, but only in small numbers were allowed in, and they could not take the land for their own nation. The Arabs were not concerned when the first few Jews arrived. The Arabs did not realize what was coming up in the future, just as the Native Americans did not realize what was happening when the Pilgrims landed on their shore. Only after a few years, when the quantity of Jews increased, did the Arabs become angry.

I'll fast-forward here because in the interim, between 1847 and 1948 Hitler came to power, WW2 started, Jews were massacred in concentration camps by the millions and many more millions fled to Israel for safety.

America becomes a Superpower

World War Two changed the world in one other very significant way. Specifically, it put America into the role of world leader. In 1945 America found itself with lots of advanced European technology and weapons. A group people with almost no understanding of Palestine, Zionism, or much else, suddenly became the world leader.

Israel is announced in 1948

At midnight on May 14, 1948 the British were officially ending their protection of Palestine. The Palestinians did not yet have a real government, and neither did the Zionists. The British were taking their troops away from two groups of leaderless people who were fighting with each other. The British did not care, and neither did the United Nations. In fact, nobody cared. Most of Europe was recovering from war, and most of the rest of the world had plenty of their own problems to deal with. Nobody wanted to get involved in the fighting between the Palestinians and Zionists.The Zionists announced at midnight -- the moment the British were officially gone -- that the nation of Israel will officially begin. They decided to use the borders that were discussed at the United Nations in 1947. Basically, the Zionists simply announced that they owned borders and took over Palestine as their own state. Not surprisingly, the Arab nations were annoyed with this announcement, and the fighting escalated to a serious war.

Most nations ignored the announcement about Israel. Initially, nobody considered Israel to be a nation. The exception was the United States. Midnight in Palestine was 6:00 pm at the US Capitol. According to the Truman archives, 11 minutes after 6:00 pm President Truman signed a document that recognized Israel. The United States was the world power that 'gave' Palestine to Israel. Americans decided within 11 minutes that the best solution to this problem is to recognize Israel and ignore the Palestinians. The Americans alive in 1948 were just as ignorant as most Americans today that have no idea what Zionism is, and no understanding of Palestine or Israel. Truman recognized Israel, but Truman never did anything to deal with the Palestinian problem. It never occurred to the American government that they cannot simply ignore all those Palestinians, many of whom were very angry. Two important results of the 1948 war were that a lot of the Arabs were chased out of Palestine (and many were killed), and the Jews grabbed more land from the Arabs.

The treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel has been nothing short of inhuman. UNICEF has found Israel Guilty of 'Cruel and Inhuman' Treatment of Palestinian Children. Children that are often arrested, the majority of whom for throwing stones—are frequently subject to physical violence and threats during interrogation, are coerced into confessions, and do not have immediate access to lawyers or family during questioning. Israel deliberately denies Palestinians control over their water sources and sets the ground for water domination. Since it occupied the West Bank in 1967, Israel has laid hands on Palestinian water resources through discriminatory water-sharing agreements that prevented Palestinians from maintaining or developing their water infrastructure through its illegal planning and permit regime. As a result, thousands of Palestinians are unable to access sufficient water supplies and became water-dependent on Israel.

I am not pro-Israel and I am not pro-Palestine. I am pro-human rights and I am in favor of abiding by laws, treaties, and borders decided through peaceful settlement. I am only trying to point out that to understand this conflict we need to use some critical thinking and be aware of the history of this divided country. Jerusalem is the mecca for Muslim, Christianity and Judaism and should remain an 'international city'. Allowing Netanyahau and Donald Trump to arbitrarily just create a multi-billion dollar embassy in Jerusalem and effectively transitioning Jerusalem into being the capital of Israel would have very unwanted consequences.

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13 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Trump effect alert. China tycoon coming to Ohio with $600 million investment in his auto glass company. First the underwater drone is peacefully given back and now the tycoon's are bringing in jobs and money. 

You're trying to give Trump credit for the drone's return? LOL. First he tweeted how "unpresidented" it was for them to take it, feigning outrage. Then his top aid Jason Miller credited him for negotiating its return (LOL!!!). Then, Trump tweets essentially, "What the heck! Let them keep it!" (Our high tech underwater drone? Really?)

His abrupt flip flops were so ignorant they were almost funny.

Except... except....  the U.S. has one president at a time, one president making policy at a time.  Despite Trump's pretensions Every. Single. Day. that president is still named "Obama" until noon on January 20th. America would be better without the "Trump Effect" until he's actually inaugurated.  (He's still never going to actually live in Washington, though, right? I don't know how he'll get out of it, but you know he's going to run the government--such as he does--from the 26th and 58th floors of Trump Tower).

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Trump effect alert. China tycoon coming to Ohio with $600 million investment in his auto glass company. First the underwater drone is peacefully given back and now the tycoon's are bringing in jobs and money.

News flash, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with getting the drone back. The agreement for its return was made before Trump even posted his stupid tweet. Those little fingers of his love to busy themselves commenting on things before he even knows what's going on. I think we can look forward to much more of the same with Asshole running, oops, I mean ruining the country over the next four years. Sad.

eta: Padma, i didn't see your post before posting mine, but it never hurts to repeat "facts".

Edited by parisprincess
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We'd be best served if the pile of hair, animated solely by malice and self-aggrandization was never inaugurated.   Barring that,  I hope they start drugging him soon and they put someone sane in charge of his tangerine tinted marionette strings.   

Oh yeah, baby, feel the unpresidented power.  

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News flash, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with getting the drone back. The agreement for its return was made before Trump even posted his stupid tweet. Those little fingers of his love to busy themselves commenting on things before he even knows what's going on. I think we can look forward to much more of the same with Asshole running, oops, I mean ruining the country over the next four years. Sad.

eta: Padma, i didn't see your post before posting mine, but it never hurts to repeat "facts".

Trumputin would have known exactly what was going on with the drone had he taken his Presidential Daily Briefs that day.  But he's not getting his information from the mass of people who work very hard to make sure the President and President-Elect get DAILY briefings.  He thinks he and his group of Know-Nothings don't need actual information - they can just make things up.

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11 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

More classy behavior from an apparent Trump supporter at a Louisville, KY JC Penny's store who tells some latino shoppers "to go back to where they belong" and to "speak English" and states that they are "probably on welfare." She also uses several other choice words and phrases. It was caught on video.

According to the person that shot the video, the woman ranting also apparently stated that believes that Trump is going to "fix" this. The link to the article also contains some of the video shot by another shopper's cell phone: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/speak-english-you-re-america-woman-tells-latina-shoppers-rant-n698776.

It's a really sad world when these racists, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, etc. are now coming out of the woodwork because Trump has set the example that this kind of behavior is alright - this is becoming the "new normal," so to speak. These are the kind of people that I will not for sorry for when their healthcare goes away or is too expensive for them to afford, when social security and medicare are gutted, when they realize their jobs aren't coming back and that they are too uneducated to get any other jobs, when their homes are foreclosed on, when the cost of goods starts to rise, etc. These assholes that behave like this deserve everything that they have coming to them.

I caught this video last night when it showed up on my timeline.  She is definitely a "class act," isn't she?  I've always found it amusing when ignorant idiots like this woman demand that others "speak English" or "learn to speak American" when their own grammar and speech patterns leave a great deal to be desired.  Those women conducted themselves with a dignity that is definitely foreign to this fool.  It's foreign to me, too, because I would have turned around and popped her ass right in her stupid mouth.  I don't believe in violence as a rule, but that's real talk.  After slapping the cowboy shit out of her, I would have said four words:  "Wrong person; wrong century!" 

People like this have been emboldened to come out of the woodwork and expect people to meekly take their bullshit.  As a tee shirt I read said, "Don't let your president get your ass whooped!"  

I sure would like to know what she thinks Drumpf is going to "fix."  Has she taken a close look at that swamp he never even bothered to clear or drain?  Did she stop flapping her dentured gums long enough to see that the things that have been added to that swamp will go out of their way to ensure that those "entitlements" she gets will be voucherized--to her detriment?  Someone's ability or decision to speak English should be the least of her concerns.  Hell, even Coral Caligula doesn't speak English that well.

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1 hour ago, Lunata said:

Palestinians as a whole, have not been the problem but they certainly have been victims of Israeli cruelties. It is Hamas protecting the Gaza Strip, that is committed to liberating Palestine through terrorism and violence which has been directed at civilians. Of course Hamas has support from other Arab nations, specifically Iran and Syria. Hamas is recognized by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the US as a terrorist organization and want to fend them off. In 1993, the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, accepted UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, and rejected "violence and terrorism"; in response, Israel officially recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.

A brief history of Israel:

1897: Zionism gets established

Jews have been scattered around Europe and Russia for centuries. However, they were never welcome anywhere, except for brief periods. Not surprisingly, many Jews dreamed of having their own nation. In 1897 Theodor Herzl officially announced the creation of the Zionist movement. The goal of Zionism was to create a nation for Jews in Palestine. Their goal was not to make friends around the world, nor to love other nations or other people. The problem they faced was that the Arabs who were living there had no desire to give it up. Also, Turkey had control of Palestine of this time, and Turkey refused to give any part of Palestine to the Jews. A few Jews moved into Palestine at this time, but only in small numbers were allowed in, and they could not take the land for their own nation. The Arabs were not concerned when the first few Jews arrived. The Arabs did not realize what was coming up in the future, just as the Native Americans did not realize what was happening when the Pilgrims landed on their shore. Only after a few years, when the quantity of Jews increased, did the Arabs become angry.

I'll fast-forward here because in the interim, between 1847 and 1948 Hitler came to power, WW2 started, Jews were massacred in concentration camps by the millions and many more millions fled to Israel for safety.

America becomes a Superpower

World War Two changed the world in one other very significant way. Specifically, it put America into the role of world leader. In 1945 America found itself with lots of advanced European technology and weapons. A group people with almost no understanding of Palestine, Zionism, or much else, suddenly became the world leader.

Israel is announced in 1948

At midnight on May 14, 1948 the British were officially ending their protection of Palestine. The Palestinians did not yet have a real government, and neither did the Zionists. The British were taking their troops away from two groups of leaderless people who were fighting with each other. The British did not care, and neither did the United Nations. In fact, nobody cared. Most of Europe was recovering from war, and most of the rest of the world had plenty of their own problems to deal with. Nobody wanted to get involved in the fighting between the Palestinians and Zionists.The Zionists announced at midnight -- the moment the British were officially gone -- that the nation of Israel will officially begin. They decided to use the borders that were discussed at the United Nations in 1947. Basically, the Zionists simply announced that they owned borders and took over Palestine as their own state. Not surprisingly, the Arab nations were annoyed with this announcement, and the fighting escalated to a serious war.

Most nations ignored the announcement about Israel. Initially, nobody considered Israel to be a nation. The exception was the United States. Midnight in Palestine was 6:00 pm at the US Capitol. According to the Truman archives, 11 minutes after 6:00 pm President Truman signed a document that recognized Israel. The United States was the world power that 'gave' Palestine to Israel. Americans decided within 11 minutes that the best solution to this problem is to recognize Israel and ignore the Palestinians. The Americans alive in 1948 were just as ignorant as most Americans today that have no idea what Zionism is, and no understanding of Palestine or Israel. Truman recognized Israel, but Truman never did anything to deal with the Palestinian problem. It never occurred to the American government that they cannot simply ignore all those Palestinians, many of whom were very angry. Two important results of the 1948 war were that a lot of the Arabs were chased out of Palestine (and many were killed), and the Jews grabbed more land from the Arabs.

The treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel has been nothing short of inhuman. UNICEF has found Israel Guilty of 'Cruel and Inhuman' Treatment of Palestinian Children. Children that are often arrested, the majority of whom for throwing stones—are frequently subject to physical violence and threats during interrogation, are coerced into confessions, and do not have immediate access to lawyers or family during questioning. Israel deliberately denies Palestinians control over their water sources and sets the ground for water domination. Since it occupied the West Bank in 1967, Israel has laid hands on Palestinian water resources through discriminatory water-sharing agreements that prevented Palestinians from maintaining or developing their water infrastructure through its illegal planning and permit regime. As a result, thousands of Palestinians are unable to access sufficient water supplies and became water-dependent on Israel.

I am not pro-Israel and I am not pro-Palestine. I am pro-human rights and I am in favor of abiding by laws, treaties, and borders decided through peaceful settlement. I am only trying to point out that to understand this conflict we need to use some critical thinking and be aware of the history of this divided country. Jerusalem is the mecca for Muslim, Christianity and Judaism and should remain an 'international city'. Allowing Netanyahau and Donald Trump to arbitrarily just create a multi-billion dollar embassy in Jerusalem and effectively transitioning Jerusalem into being the capital of Israel would have very unwanted consequences.

This is very interesting, I only knew about the Balfour Declaration and how it helped create Israel, but I had never realised that until 1948 there was a British Protectorate of Palestine. I don't have any horse in this race, but I've always been struck as how crazy it is that a people who had just (less than a generation before) suffered such a tragic fate only because of who they were at birth were able to treat the Palestinians who had lived there for centuries in such a harsh way. I also don't see how strangling a people so they are, literally, hopeless for their future, is a good path to peace. Hopeless people are always the most dangerous because they have nothing to lose. I don't know, my opinion seems to be such a minority, I don't understand why, it's like the political powers want things to go their way more than they want peace. It's tragic that this terrible state of affairs has been going on for more than 50 years and that there is no sign that the situation could ever be resolved, with politicians on both sides getting more and more hawkish so that they keep their voters happy in the short term, while leaving huge risks hanging over them in the longer term.  

Edited by NutMeg
typos, plus adding some text
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According to the person that shot the video, the woman ranting also apparently stated that believes that Trump is going to "fix" this. The link to the article also contains some of the video shot by another shopper's cell phone: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/speak-english-you-re-america-woman-tells-latina-shoppers-rant-n698776.


Oh, merciful Zeus, the most horrifying thing about that -- in among the millions of horrifying things -- is that woman is not like the woman in Chicago.  That woman is Chicago was unpleasant as hell but also clearly mentally ill. 

The woman in the above video doesn't actually appear to be.   She's hateful, she's dangerously ignorant, she ought to die of actual shame but that isn't the same, "I'm fucking irrational and in desperate need of medication, combined with a prolonged psychiatric evaluation!"  kind of behavior. 

Just fucking awesome.  The racist fucks of the world are now emboldened to act like people who should be the first heaved overboard in a "this lifeboat is overcrowded, save those that contribute to the world first!" scenario.  I am so ashamed of my country and the people in it. 

Don't demonize the other side.  Yup, right.  Trying not to but holy fucking Jesus, the camel and that star, thanks oh-so-much for enabling this horrific behavior.  Isn't that splendid?  Hoo-fucking-ray!  Be the epitome of an Ugly America without ever leaving your own shores.  But yup, we're expected to rise above and have compassion for their economic anxiety.  Bunch of racist bullies.  

ETA:  Also, today's daily "soak up the irony poisoning" is that horrible thing is out Christmas shopping.   Nothing can redeem your ass, lady.  Nothing.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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I can't remember what microphone he was walking past when he paused for 15 seconds to take a press question, but sometime in the last few days, DT bragged about some accomplishment he achieved doing "the opposite."  He said something like "We always do the opposite--it's been working for us, am I right?"

I just rolled my eyes at the time, but reading this (excellent) analysis about a Jerusalem embassy and the loophole ALL other Presidents have been wise enough to reliably close in the past, I'm wondering if DT makes a fuckton of decisions--about matters he doesn't even understand--on the basis of just "Doing The Opposite."


doing the opposite  - that was George Costanza's  strategy for picking up women on an episode of Seinfeld.

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27 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Instead it was over and settled almost before it happened all because Trump made the accusation before China could set the narrative and then told them to keep it before they could set the second narrative.  

Speaking of setting narratives: No.

The whole thing was done before he made the first angry Tweet, and saying they could keep it didn't change any narrative. China's narrative was that Trump was unfit to run a superpower and to say they wouldn't restrain themselves if he continued to act up as president. They didn't dignify the Tweets by addressing them as part of the actual discussion about the drone. That narrative wasn't actually challenged by Trump twice not actually knowing what was going on.

Edited by sistermagpie
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10 minutes ago, kassa said:

I know facts are hard, and especially hard to come by from the media sources you frequent, but do try to keep up.  The drone incident was settled before Trump probably even heard about it, let alone opined about it.  

Facts are especially hard if you're following the lead of the Orange Menace and don't believe there ARE any hard and fast facts.  Reality is only optional in Dump's world.

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13 hours ago, Rapunzel said:


More classy behavior from an apparent Trump supporter at a Louisville, KY JC Penny's store who tells some latino shoppers "to go back to where they belong" and to "speak English" and states that they are "probably on welfare." She also uses several other choice words and phrases. It was caught on video.


As I watched, I kept wondering when in Juno's name one of those bystanders in line was going to say something instead of giggling nervously or looking at the floor. Nobody did. Hey, folks, ya know that standing there and staying silent makes you complicit in everything that vile woman said, right? You don't have to deliver a sermon on the mount or get into a screaming match, but a simple, "you're acting like a hateful, ignorant fascist right now and if you don't stop it, I'm going to ask management to make you shut up and wait your turn or kick you the f*ck outta here" would have done wonders.

Remember: if you see something, say something? That goes not only for seeing POC in public, okay? That applies to white supremacists, too. Say something or take responsibility for staying silent and being cowards. 

I particularly thought it was rich how the ignoramus kept saying "I'm sorry I'm like this, but..." Um, WTF? You don't have to "be like this." It's a choice, dear. If you speak English so well, you can clearly read a Miss Manners column and understand that if you think someone jumps ahead of you in line, the civil way to handle it is to say, "excuse me, but I believe you may have taken my place in line." You don't use it as an excuse to let all your racist spew come out in public.

And, I'm sorry I'm this way, but man, I wish I had been in that line. I would have said something. In fact, I now consider this part of being prepared for venturing out in public these days. Must be prepared for random acts of racist hate speech and prepared to tell said ignorant entitled people that I ain't gonna tolerate that shit and if they keep it up, I'm going to ask management to deal with them. 

Duly noted, as I have Christmas shopping to do tonight and I hate shopping to begin with. I could use an outlet. Bring it on, you racist fucks. I'm ready.

Edited by potatoradio
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As I watched, I kept wondering when in Juno's name one of those bystanders in line was going to say something instead of giggling nervously or looking at the floor. Nobody did. Hey, folks, ya know that standing there and staying silent makes you complicit in everything that vile woman said, right? You don't have to deliver a sermon on the mount or get into a screaming match, but a simple, "you're acting like a hateful, ignorant fascist right now and if you don't stop it, I'm going to ask management to make you shut up and wait your turn or kick you the f*ck outta here" would have done wonders.


I'm sure everyone will die of shock, but I completely lack a flight instinct and possess an incredibly strong fight instinct.  That's how I feel too, plus, I've had theater training so I can really hit the fucking back rows when I feel like it.  

That said, behavioral experts caution against doing that, as it will actually escalate the problem.  What is advised it to completely ignore the person doing the incredibly horrible thing and instead, go to the person being shouted at, get between the two, ignore the racist, garbage human, and talk to the person being attacked about something else.   

Yeah, I know, it is against my nature too.  I very much possess a "not on my watch" type of personality, and I'm not even sure I could do it, but that's supposed to be the most helpful thing to do.   What the ranter is spoiling for is a fight, don't give it to them.  That's the thinking.  

I feel like like I should probably have a sock drawer stuffed with bail money because no way could I have just stood there and let this crap go on.   But in the interest of trying to help the actual person being attacked, that's the prescribed method.  

The fact that I live in California makes it far less likely that I'll ever be confronted by this kind of behavior.   I don't have it in me to stand by, but I'm telling myself daily that I owe it to the persecuted to do the most helpful thing for them.  

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10 hours ago, Padma said:

Not to go backwards, but I still don't understand how--even when blocking recounts--Trump's 3 state vote total had to be adjusted DOWN by tens of thousands of votes, while Hillary's basically remained unchanged.  Before they were forced to start a recount (sadly not forced to finish, or do hand counts), the difference was 107,000. Before counting, that was "adjusted" to 77,000 vote difference.  Why????

For example, here's Wisconsin, before starting, "adjusting" the precincts where Trump's totals had been "padded" by 5,000 votes.  "Padded"? What?  Why is that not just good old fashioned "voting fraud"?  Then in Detroit at least 20 ballot boxes had broken seals--showing votes could have been altered and the results were supposed to be invalidated--that's how serious it was. I could understand one.  But .. 20?

This was Wisconsin's early statement re: the so-called "padding". http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/25/report-thousands-wisconsin-votes-trump-recount-begins.html

It's only "voting fraud" if it benefits the Dems ("voting fraud" is often also fictional or greatly exaggerated).  Any fraud that benefits the GOP is given cute little euphemisms so they can continue to pretend they have some moral upper hand.  

18 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

As I watched, I kept wondering when in Juno's name one of those bystanders in line was going to say something instead of giggling nervously or looking at the floor. Nobody did. Hey, folks, ya know that standing there and staying silent makes you complicit in everything that vile woman said, right? You don't have to deliver a sermon on the mount or get into a screaming match, but a simple, "you're acting like a hateful, ignorant fascist right now and if you don't stop it, I'm going to ask management to make you shut up and wait your turn or kick you the f*ck outta here" would have done wonders.

Remember: if you see something, say something? That goes not only for seeing POC in public, okay? That applies to white supremacists, too. Say something or take responsibility for staying silent and being cowards. 

I particularly thought it was rich how the ignoramus kept saying "I'm sorry I'm like this, but..." Um, WTF? You don't have to "be like this." It's a choice, dear. If you speak English so well, you can clearly read a Miss Manners column and understand that if you think someone jumps ahead of you in line, the civil way to handle it is to say, "excuse me, but I believe you may have taken my place in line." You don't use it as an excuse to let all your racist spew come out in public.

And, I'm sorry I'm this way, but man, I wish I had been in that line. I would have said something. In fact, I now consider this part of being prepared for venturing out in public these days. Must be prepared for random acts of racist hate speech and prepared to tell said ignorant entitled people that I ain't gonna tolerate that shit and if they keep it up, I'm going to ask management to deal with them. 

Duly noted, as I have Christmas shopping to do tonight and I hate shopping to begin with. I could use an outlet. Bring it on, you racist fucks. I'm ready.

That is what makes me angriest about that video - the lack of anyone telling that old bitch to shut her trap.  I would not have been able to not say something.  Partial credit to the cashier who started to try to say something, but then he backed down as soon as she turned on him.  He should have followed that up with hitting the security button to get someone over there to haul her angry racist bitchy ass out of there.  

45 minutes ago, kassa said:

I know facts are hard, and especially hard to come by from the media sources you frequent, but do try to keep up.  The drone incident was settled before Trump probably even heard about it, let alone opined about it.  

Not to mention that his behavior was likely the reason they took the drone in the first place.  Even if he did have any hand in its return (and he most definitely did not) it would have been in service of cleaning up his own mess.  I'm not going to fall over to praise the asshat if he shits on the floor and then makes a half-hearted "someone should clean that up...no, you know what, just leave it there!  Who cares!" effort at cleaning it.  

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11 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

The fact that I live in California makes it far less likely that I'll ever be confronted by this kind of behavior.   I don't have it in me to stand by, but I'm telling myself daily that I owe it to the persecuted to do the most helpful thing for them.  

No, sadly, California has its share of bigots, too. (Remember the recent parade where people were displaying the Confederate flag? 

I went to a Trump rally in California. Afterwards, on the sidewalk, I spoke with a grandmotherly woman who spoke about how she liked his jobs message and "strength".  Then an African American woman went by with three young children, walking home from school. The nice grandmotherly woman said, in a voice loud enough for them to hear, "I'm sure they make more on welfare each month than I do with Social Security."

The thing is, when someone acts like that, its easy to be speechless, caught off guard and not know what to say. I said, something like "Oh no, I'm sure that's not so." Then I talked with the woman and complimented her on how well her children were adapting to the situation (we were all detained for hours because police had barricaded the streets because of protesters--another story. But this family was just walking through, blocked on their way home, and the kids really were  a lot less whiny than me and the grandmother.

Still, my response was weak and insufficient, predictably, as I'm someone who really doesn't like confrontation.  My point is that it's easy to be unprepared for bigots or the situations they create with others and, as a result, not react in a strong way.  Maybe now, with Trump around, we'll get better at it. (I'm still not quite sure what I wish I'd said or done, just something different.)

Edited by Padma
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13 minutes ago, Padma said:

The thing is, when someone acts like that, its easy to be speechless, caught off guard and not know what to say.

This has been my problem too. I work in a blue state in a customer service position and all too often lately I have had people casually make a statement that leaves me with my mouth agape thinking "did you just say that aloud?" My new plan is to respond with "that is offensive and has no place here." 

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1 hour ago, Lunata said:

Palestinians as a whole, have not been the problem but they certainly have been victims of Israeli cruelties. It is Hamas protecting the Gaza Strip, that is committed to liberating Palestine through terrorism and violence which has been directed at civilians. Of course Hamas has support from other Arab nations, specifically Iran and Syria. Hamas is recognized by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the US as a terrorist organization and want to fend them off. In 1993, the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, accepted UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, and rejected "violence and terrorism"; in response, Israel officially recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.

A brief history of Israel:

1897: Zionism gets established

Jews have been scattered around Europe and Russia for centuries. However, they were never welcome anywhere, except for brief periods. Not surprisingly, many Jews dreamed of having their own nation. In 1897 Theodor Herzl officially announced the creation of the Zionist movement. The goal of Zionism was to create a nation for Jews in Palestine. Their goal was not to make friends around the world, nor to love other nations or other people. The problem they faced was that the Arabs who were living there had no desire to give it up. Also, Turkey had control of Palestine of this time, and Turkey refused to give any part of Palestine to the Jews. A few Jews moved into Palestine at this time, but only in small numbers were allowed in, and they could not take the land for their own nation. The Arabs were not concerned when the first few Jews arrived. The Arabs did not realize what was coming up in the future, just as the Native Americans did not realize what was happening when the Pilgrims landed on their shore. Only after a few years, when the quantity of Jews increased, did the Arabs become angry.

I'll fast-forward here because in the interim, between 1847 and 1948 Hitler came to power, WW2 started, Jews were massacred in concentration camps by the millions and many more millions fled to Israel for safety.

America becomes a Superpower

World War Two changed the world in one other very significant way. Specifically, it put America into the role of world leader. In 1945 America found itself with lots of advanced European technology and weapons. A group people with almost no understanding of Palestine, Zionism, or much else, suddenly became the world leader.

Israel is announced in 1948

At midnight on May 14, 1948 the British were officially ending their protection of Palestine. The Palestinians did not yet have a real government, and neither did the Zionists. The British were taking their troops away from two groups of leaderless people who were fighting with each other. The British did not care, and neither did the United Nations. In fact, nobody cared. Most of Europe was recovering from war, and most of the rest of the world had plenty of their own problems to deal with. Nobody wanted to get involved in the fighting between the Palestinians and Zionists.The Zionists announced at midnight -- the moment the British were officially gone -- that the nation of Israel will officially begin. They decided to use the borders that were discussed at the United Nations in 1947. Basically, the Zionists simply announced that they owned borders and took over Palestine as their own state. Not surprisingly, the Arab nations were annoyed with this announcement, and the fighting escalated to a serious war.

Most nations ignored the announcement about Israel. Initially, nobody considered Israel to be a nation. The exception was the United States. Midnight in Palestine was 6:00 pm at the US Capitol. According to the Truman archives, 11 minutes after 6:00 pm President Truman signed a document that recognized Israel. The United States was the world power that 'gave' Palestine to Israel. Americans decided within 11 minutes that the best solution to this problem is to recognize Israel and ignore the Palestinians. The Americans alive in 1948 were just as ignorant as most Americans today that have no idea what Zionism is, and no understanding of Palestine or Israel. Truman recognized Israel, but Truman never did anything to deal with the Palestinian problem. It never occurred to the American government that they cannot simply ignore all those Palestinians, many of whom were very angry. Two important results of the 1948 war were that a lot of the Arabs were chased out of Palestine (and many were killed), and the Jews grabbed more land from the Arabs.

The treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel has been nothing short of inhuman. UNICEF has found Israel Guilty of 'Cruel and Inhuman' Treatment of Palestinian Children. Children that are often arrested, the majority of whom for throwing stones—are frequently subject to physical violence and threats during interrogation, are coerced into confessions, and do not have immediate access to lawyers or family during questioning. Israel deliberately denies Palestinians control over their water sources and sets the ground for water domination. Since it occupied the West Bank in 1967, Israel has laid hands on Palestinian water resources through discriminatory water-sharing agreements that prevented Palestinians from maintaining or developing their water infrastructure through its illegal planning and permit regime. As a result, thousands of Palestinians are unable to access sufficient water supplies and became water-dependent on Israel.

I am not pro-Israel and I am not pro-Palestine. I am pro-human rights and I am in favor of abiding by laws, treaties, and borders decided through peaceful settlement. I am only trying to point out that to understand this conflict we need to use some critical thinking and be aware of the history of this divided country. Jerusalem is the mecca for Muslim, Christianity and Judaism and should remain an 'international city'. Allowing Netanyahau and Donald Trump to arbitrarily just create a multi-billion dollar embassy in Jerusalem and effectively transitioning Jerusalem into being the capital of Israel would have very unwanted consequences.

I am well aware of the history. Palestinians should be blaming the British except they have taken their anger out on Israel. Imagine if were attacked daily by Native Americans?  I am well aware Israel is not perfect in this situation. The perfect opportunity we had for peace was ruined by Israeli extremist killing Yitzhak Rabin. I have friends in the IDF and I will support them.  

When I was in college I was harrassed by Students for Justice in Palenstine and so were my friends on different college campuses across the country for the fact that we are Jewish and love Israel. They would show up to our events and try to destroy our property.  One of my friends who is Egyptian was called names and not a real Muslim because she was friends with me. 

There are valid reasons to not have the embassy in Jerusalem. However I do not feel bad for the Palestinian people anymore. I don't think we should be giving them what they want. These are the same people who hide suicide bombers in ambulances to get over the border and make Israel look bad that they want to check all ambulances.

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32 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Duly noted, as I have Christmas shopping to do tonight and I hate shopping to begin with. I could use an outlet. Bring it on, you racist fucks. I'm ready.

PotatoRadio, already such a Wolverine!



Yes, George Costanza, inexplicably racking up points hand over fist by choosing to do the exact opposite of anything that makes sense--that sounds about right.  The evil version of George Costanza is soon our President.  o_0


23 minutes ago, Padma said:

Still, my response was insufficient.  My point is that it's easy to be unprepared for bigots or the situations they create with others when you're around.  Maybe now, with Trump around, we'll get better at it. (I'm still not quite sure what I wish I'd said or done, just something different.)

Exactly.   I have to wade into The Red Sea today and I want to have my initial "Back Off!" statement ready to go.  I know from experience that I can be brave--I'm fight over flight every time--but I also know I'm not the fastest thing on two feet, verbally.

[The first time I ran into some indecent exposure on the subway, I was speechless, but after that, I was ready with a big loud "PUT THAT LITTLE THING AWAY!!!" and got to use it several times, to my immense satisfaction.]

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So it sounds like KISS also turned down the chance to perform at Trump's inauguration, however the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has agreed to perform. That brings the supposed confirmed performers up to two that I'm aware of - the Choir and Jackie Evancho. Might be a short night, though Trump may relish having more time to spout whatever gibberish comes out of his mouth, continue his disgusting hate speech and cheering on his supporters for being just like him - racist, homophobic, misogynistic, ignorant, twits. He'll also likely spend the evening continuing to provoke and/or insult and/or threaten every country in the world,  talking about how the US needs more nuclear weapons since that will clearly make the rest of world realize that they should have fewer of them and "comes to it senses," regarding them, etc.

I am so glad I will not be watching the inauguration - I want him to have the lowest ratings for an inauguration ever. That would be quite fitting for the president who, last I heard, is coming in with the lowest approval rating ever (or at least very close to it). I admit, I get a bit of a joy out of knowing that the fact that no one will perform at his inauguration, the fact that he lost the popular vote by the biggest margin ever, and is coming in with an abysmal approval rating is just eating him alive. A man with an ego like his and who likely has NPD cannot be happy about this at all and I'm just waiting for his biggest tantrum and/or Twitter Rant yet.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 minute ago, Rapunzel said:

So it sounds like KISS also turned down the chance to perform at Trump's inauguration, however the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has agreed to perform. That brings the supposed confirmed performers up to two that I'm aware of - the Choir and Jackie Evancho. Might be a short night, though Trump may relish having more time to spout whatever gibberish comes out of his mouth, continue his disgusting hate speech and cheering on his supporters for being just like him - racist, homophobic, misogynistic, ignorant, twits. He'll also likely spend the evening continuing to provoke and/or insult and/or threaten every country in the world,  talking about how the US needs more nuclear weapons since that will clearly make the rest of world realize that they should have fewer of them and "comes to it senses," regarding them, etc.

I am so glad I will not be watching the inauguration - I want him to have the lowest rating for an inauguration ever.

I don't plan to watch either. 

But tbh, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I think the Dems' reliance on star power can be offputting to some. Despite how poor little Twitler's ego must be feeling, I think it would be easy to spin this to his supporters as a more "dignified" inauguration, especially if he can play up the inclusion of "regular people" in the inauguration. 

But don't get me wrong - I felt nothing but pleasure at the many talented people who so joyfully participated in Obama's inaugurations. 

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2 minutes ago, BBDi said:

I don't plan to watch either. 

But tbh, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I think the Dems' reliance on star power can be offputting to some. Despite how poor little Twitler's ego must be feeling, I think it would be easy to spin this to his supporters as a more "dignified" inauguration, especially if he can play up the inclusion of "regular people" in the inauguration. 

But don't get me wrong - I felt nothing but pleasure at the many talented people who so joyfully participated in Obama's inaugurations. 

I was editing my post as you were posting this response, but basically I just added in that it gives me some joy just to know that it must be eating someone like Trump alive to not be able to secure talent for the inauguration, to have lost the popular vote by a huge margin, and to be coming in with an extremely low approval rating. That's the biggest benefit of this to me - is that he is so thin skinned and needs to be loved and adored that this must be killing him.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 minute ago, Rapunzel said:

I was editing my post as you were posting this response, but basically I just added in that it gives me some joy just to know that it must be eating someone like Trump alive to not be able to secure talent for the inauguration, to have lost the popular vote by a huge margin, and to be coming in with an extremely low approval rating.

Though Trump probably wouldn't recognize artistic talent if it bit him in the ass. 

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15 hours ago, Lunata said:

Holy crap. Donald Trump has appointed (16.7 billion) billionaire Carl Icahn as his special advisor and will also have a role in selecting the new head of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Carl Icahn will not have to divest himself of any of his personal holdings, he's going to have inside information, he's going to be able to stay outside of the government but still benefit from the regulations that he's going to change or repeal. He's in the position to change the rules of the game and benefit extremely without having to divest himself of anything. Carl Icahn is a well known corporate raider and his business ethics have been questioned for years.

Welcome to the swamp Carl Icahn


Exactly. This says it all. Trump and his wealthy friends will benefit from his presidency. There isn't a doubt in the world.

15 hours ago, Moose135 said:

May that bastard burn in hell.

Yes, but not before he gives himself more money and power thanks to Trump.

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9 minutes ago, BBDi said:

Though Trump probably wouldn't recognize artistic talent if it bit him in the ass. 

Considering all the music industry Celebrities who have appeared on his Apprentice show, it's very telling that he can't get anyone to perform.  he's had several country artists on his show, and they tend to have a conservative following.   I read that he will have some DJs "perform".  (Nothing against DJs, just that they entertain by playing music from actual musicians.

Edited by backformore
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1 hour ago, stillshimpy said:

What is advised it to completely ignore the person doing the incredibly horrible thing and instead, go to the person being shouted at, get between the two, ignore the racist, garbage human, and talk to the person being attacked about something else.

I read that too, on a handy illustration, so I went ahead and looked it up - I'm just going to link directly to their tumblr so that I don't accidentally deprive someone of artwork credit.  (Aaannnd the link code button isn't working so I'll just post the actual long link.) http://maeril.tumblr.com/post/149669302551/hi-everyone-this-is-an-illustrated-guide-i-made

1 hour ago, Padma said:

The thing is, when someone acts like that, its easy to be speechless, caught off guard and not know what to say.

So true, I had a similar experience with someone I (thought I) knew forever. I stood there speechless until she finished talking and then just turned around and walked away. Later on I made a mental note of all the things I should have said so that I'd have something in the holster for next time.

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

The thing is, when someone acts like that, its easy to be speechless, caught off guard and not know what to say.

Yes.  And, the fact that people have their phones out and are recording the behavior would make a lot of people (myself included)  hesitant to get involved.  I don't want to be immortalized on YouTube as "mouthy bitch tells a racist to go to hell." With my luck, it would be "two old hags yelling at each other."

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