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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Tom Arnold has Apprentice Outtakes, Promises They’re As Offensive As Everyone Suspects.

Despite the fact that Tom Arnold says he'll never be the one to leak Donald Trump's infamous Apprentice outtakes, the actor confirmed that the footage is indeed as filthy as it's rumored to be. "It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children," Arnold told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The comedian says the repugnant mash-up of Trump's worst comments was originally sent to him by Apprentice staffers who thought the supercut would make for a fun holiday gag. "[When] the people sent it to me, it was funny. (WTF?) Hundreds of people have seen these. It was sort of a Christmas video they put together. He wasn’t going to be president of the United States," Arnold said, adding that those producers won't ever release the footage because they're afraid of being blacklisted in their industry. No one — including Arnold Schwarzenegger's agent, who asked him — could convince Arnold to leak the tapes, which he said show the president-elect saying "every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever."

When it became clear that Trump had a realistic chance of taking the White House, Arnold claims Hillary Clinton as well as new Apprentice star Arnold Schwarzenegger's agent got involved and wanted the tapes released. "The Sunday before the election, I get a call from [Schwarzenegger] CAA agent, sitting next to [Clinton]. They said, ‘I need you to release him saying the N-word.’ I said, ‘Well, now these people – two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They’re scared of his people, they’re scared of they’ll never work again, there’s a $5 million confidentiality agreement.' "


Edited by numbnut
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Donald Trump's supporters didn't care that he sexually assaulted women. They certainly would not have cared about saying racial slurs and so on.

once again: nobody cares.

we all gotta care more about stupid emails than say degrading each other. 

GAH. i need to build a bunker. LOL

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2 minutes ago, Lana X said:

I feel this. I fear for the minorities the most. The poor, people of color (any color but white) will most likely be screwed. If you're rich and a person of color, you may be okay. Maybe kanye west can help the struggling folk out there. ::eye roll::

The Kardshians, Kanye West, Beyonce, social media, all those superficial things that created this culture are precisely the reasons we've become nothing more than a society of consumers. We want big cars, we want the newest Smartphone, we want the apps that find us a parking spot in the city or one that can see who's at our front door when we're in work. We're not builders, innovators, inventors, mathematicians, or thinkers. We're narcissistic, selfish, consuming sheep. As long as we have those tangible things that speak to our greed and narcissism, we're okay. We're good with that and won't complain too much or cause a lot of trouble as long as we get what satisfies us. We don't care about 450,000 dead civilians in Syria even though we had a hand in killing some of them, we don't bristle at the thoughts of Iran having nuclear weapons, we never consider the fact that we could all suddenly find ourselves not able to have what we've had all these years. Freedom to consume vast amounts of 'stuff'.  Flat screen TV? Sure, why not buy 2 of them, we can charge it on the credit card. New 50k SUV?, sure take payments for five years. We've all been living in a very unrealistic world that has rejected any conscience from what's going on in the rest of the world that may ultimately affect our lives here in the US and around the world.

We've all felt confident that what has been going on in the Middle East, Germany and France can't happen here because we're separated by oceans. It's a small world now and intercontinental missiles can reach the mainland of the US on either coast in a matter of minutes. Thirty minutes to be exact if it's launched from Russia and 15 minutes if it's launched from Europe. Who do we blame, politicians? Do we blame television networks for giving ups programs that we demand because we can live vicariously through watching the Kardashians spend millions of dollars recklessly?

Of course we're not all like this and it's the good people, the hard working, 'saving for a rainy day' person that supports their church, donates to charity and volunteers their time that will be the most screwed because I just don't think they deserve to suffer the same fate as those who didn't give a shit about anything else but themselves and their power and wealth.

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Donald Trump's supporters didn't care that he sexually assaulted women. They certainly would not have cared about saying racial slurs and so on.

once again: nobody cares.


I really do believe the one truthful, honest thing Trump has said was way back when he claimed he could shoot someone and it wouldn't cost him support. I do believe that's true. I do believe there is next to nothing he can do that would make his followers turn away from him. He could literally murder your whole family right in front of you. Eh, no biggie. Long as he brings back jobs.

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Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

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16 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Dammit, I swear I didn't see this tweet until just now, AFTER my post earlier (maybe in another subforum) about Trump following the autocrat playbook, hahahaha:

What frightens me is that these men could have been selected from central casting.  They all have that "look"--like villains on the show 24 or some other political thriller.  But, when I first saw this picture, a perceptible chill raced down my spine.  I closed my eyes briefly and looked at the picture again.  That's when it hit me that something was missing:  The uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel.  

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3 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

What frightens me is that these men could have been selected from central casting.  They all have that "look"--like villains on the show 24 or some other political thriller.  But, when I first saw this picture, a perceptible chill raced down my spine.  I closed my eyes briefly and looked at the picture again.  That's when it hit me that something was missing:  The uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel.  

Yea they do. Very good point. The SS... it scares me to think about it. That this is what it's coming down to somewhat.

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Yippee!  More of trump shit for the rest of us to pay for.

NO democrat could ever get away with this even if they had the White House, Senate, Congress and the Supreme Court.  But IMO, I doubt a democrat would ever do any of this anyway.

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Just now, Duke Silver said:

Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

I agree. There might be a small portion of the Trump crowd who stuck with him because they convinced themselves that he's not really racist, not really sexist, didn't actually assault anyone, doesn't actually think these things, it's all secondhand rumors -- they might be swayed if they saw that, yes, he actually does do that. But I feel they make up a tiny fraction of his supporters anyway, and they might still rationalize it away. The red flags have been waving like a windsock in a hurricane for months and people didn't care. They won't care about this. The only thing that would get him, that would force people to change their minds, force the powers that be to actually act, is a smoking gun that detailed something literally treasonous like proof of collusion with Russia or something like that as you said.

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5 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

but the russia ties dont have any affect on anyone either. they dont give a crap. I think russia = $$$ 

Some theorize that Trump owes Russia money and they "own" him. even more great (sigh!)

Money does seem to be the driving force. spreading the wealth to donald and co

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10 minutes ago, Lunata said:

We're not builders, innovators, inventors, mathematicians, or thinkers. We're narcissistic, selfish, consuming sheep.

This makes me even more sad at the way education's so disparaged. It might show people better ways of not being bored, you know? 

8 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him.

I keep thinking of that scene at the end of The Dead Zone where the crazy candidate for president is ruined when he grabs a baby to use as a human shield against a gunman. Only I don't think that would bother them either. They like it when he acts like a coward and have completely separated good character from being heroic.

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The Kardshians, Kanye West, Beyonce, social media, all those superficial things that created this culture are precisely the reasons we've become nothing more than a society of consumers. We want big cars, we want the newest Smartphone, we want the apps that find us a parking spot in the city or one that can see who's at our front door when we're in work. We're not builders, innovators, inventors, mathematicians, or thinkers. We're narcissistic, selfish, consuming sheep. As long as we have those tangible things that speak to our greed and narcissism, we're okay. We're good with that and won't complain too much or cause a lot of trouble as long as we get what satisfies us. We don't care about 450,000 dead civilians in Syria even though we had a hand in killing some of them, we don't bristle at the thoughts of Iran having nuclear weapons, we never consider the fact that we could all suddenly find ourselves not able to have what we've had all these years.

but celebrity culture has always existed as long as there have been celebrities. I dont understand how this new wave of the rich and famous have created all this.

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3 minutes ago, Lana X said:

but celebrity culture has always existed as long as there have been celebrities. I dont understand how this new wave of the rich and famous have created all this.

Me either. I'm inclined to think celebrity worship is a symptom, rather than a cause.

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9 minutes ago, Lana X said:

but the russia ties dont have any affect on anyone either. they dont give a crap. I think russia = $$$ 

Some theorize that Trump owes Russia money and they "own" him. even more great (sigh!)

Money does seem to be the driving force. spreading the wealth to donald and co

Slam-dunk proof of collusion with Putin would definitely be a seismic event that would bring him down, and I'm as pessimistic as anyone about the prospects of impeachment & conviction.

I just don't agree with your read about how (yes, even GOP'ers) the house/Senate would be forced to react.  We can agree to disagree.

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19 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I really do believe the one truthful, honest thing Trump has said was way back when he claimed he could shoot someone and it wouldn't cost him support. I do believe that's true. I do believe there is next to nothing he can do that would make his followers turn away from him. He could literally murder your whole family right in front of you.

Agreed. This was the one thing he said that I took "seriously, not literally" and it made me so sad and angry that he was not proven wrong. 

I suppose, to finish the quote, he really should have added, "...and, because I am a sociopath, I will use whatever propaganda machine works on you and you will believe that getting conned and worse is the best thing that could have happened to you and anyone who tells you differently is....well, probably Hillary or Obama or some other librull idiot...."

I mean, I have no trouble believing that Dementor Conway could spin his shooting someone point blank on the street and the MSM would find a way to blame Hillary anyway. I can hear it now: 

"Well, but remember, if this five year old child had had a gun/wasn't a POC/wasn't a girl/wasn't a terrorist/wasn't insulting me/wasn't being unpatriotic/simply had opened her mind....this wouldn't have happened." Headline from CNN: Hillary's emails kill a child. Don't ask us how. Heil! 

Good luck with this one, GOP/TeaBaggers/Freedom Caucus. He's all yours. This is your crowning achievement after eight plus years of obstructionism and hate. Congrats, and pray like hell the other side still has some mercy left when the pendulum swings back...

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23 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I agree. There might be a small portion of the Trump crowd who stuck with him because they convinced themselves that he's not really racist, not really sexist, didn't actually assault anyone, doesn't actually think these things, it's all secondhand rumors -- they might be swayed if they saw that, yes, he actually does do that. But I feel they make up a tiny fraction of his supporters anyway, and they might still rationalize it away. The red flags have been waving like a windsock in a hurricane for months and people didn't care. They won't care about this. The only thing that would get him, that would force people to change their minds, force the powers that be to actually act, is a smoking gun that detailed something literally treasonous like proof of collusion with Russia or something like that as you said.

Honestly, I think Mango Mussolini could rape a woman in front of some of his followers and they'd be fine with it, just as long as the resulting baby couldn't be aborted.  Because abortion is just wrong.  And I'm not even joking here.

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1 hour ago, numbnut said:

The comedian says the repugnant mash-up of Trump's worst comments was originally sent to him by Apprentice staffers who thought the supercut would make for a fun holiday gag. "[When] the people sent it to me, it was funny. (WTF?) Hundreds of people have seen these. It was sort of a Christmas video they put together. He wasn’t going to be president of the United States," Arnold said, adding that those producers won't ever release the footage because they're afraid of being blacklisted in their industry.

Sounds like we need the Russians to hack some emails...

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38 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

I agree about wanting a Big Bombshell (like Putin collaboration) because nothing else will force Republicans to DO something about him.

But I disagree about not wanting to know the "little things" like what Tom Arnold reference ("little" for Trump would be "career busters" for others).   I want EVERYTHING negative to come out on him, all at once or in pieces, it doesn't matter. There is an obligation to history to document all the dirt on this man, the sooner and the more complete it is, the better.  Eventually, some followers might start paying attention. But even if they don't, we know it makes HIM (more) crazy, which is worth something right there.

If he shot someone on 5th Avenue, he'd probably spin it into gutsy "self defense" or a macho story of heroism and "being a good guy with a gun".

Of all the vulnerable people I'm worried about with Trump, Muslims are an increasing concern. He really IS conflating "radical Islam" with "Muslims in general", esp. to people who don't pay much attention to details to begin with . The poll yesterday showed most Americans think the U.S. has 54 million Muslims (of 360 million people).  The reality?  3 million.

Trump is stoking fear in a way that creates suspicions and hatred. ("Hmmm. He's a Muslim. I'm afraid. He's probably a terrorist.")  It's a very small step from there to demonizing and scapegoating members of an entire religion.  (And he already mentioned FDR's internment of Japanese in WWII as a positive thing, "for their own protection").

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2 minutes ago, stormy said:

No matter what disparaging information is said or written about ass in chief, the trumpers will just call if fake news.  

Nothing will make the "true believers" turn on Twitler unless it impacts them personally:  lose job, benefits, home, etc.

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Just now, hoosier80 said:

Nothing will make the "true believers" turn on Twitler unless it impacts them personally:  lose job, benefits, home, etc.

But then, of course, they will blame it on the Dems that their coal jobs didn't come back, not Trump lying to them about that.

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A perfect metaphor for how Trump & Co view the environment. (Hint: It's all about them).

Here's why his rally in Mobile had a 50' tall cedar NEWLY CUT tree behind it.


Just wait until threats and bribes can become so much more powerful once he's president.

Oh, and I doubt this guy is going to buy "three cedar trees" to replace it once he finds out how much trees cost.  (And that crane? How much employee time and money did Trump's little "I won! You lost! Suckers!" victory tour COST???? He had 9 rallies.  NINE!!!!  I really want to know the price tag for this obnoxious ego-fest.)

Edited by Padma
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I, too, think that the only thing that will turn them is when the jobs don't come back.  Even if companies are slapped with an import tax, they will just pass the cost onto the consumer.  So people still won't have their jobs and now stuff will cost more.

When that happens, the Dems had better get the message out that THEY were honest with people regarding retraining, and keep hammering that point. 

Problem is, this will take time.  I'm going to be curious if anyone goes back to Carrier in March and talks to people who thought their job was safe and now find out it's not.

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41 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

SMH.  I wish someone would break all his fingers so he couldn't tweet anymore.  He's gonna get people killed.

Trump constantly criticized Obama for NOT impulsively calling any instance of violence "radical Islamic terrorism" before the facts were in.  I guess now, we won't have to wait for facts, Trump will use whatever label suits him at the time.

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33 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I was at Target and as I passed the dollar aisle they had flashcards of the US President's and I just teared up. On the cover was Washington and JFK.  How can this buffoon even be associated with those two great men? My heart broken again with the realization of how well and truly fucked we are. 


I'm heartbroken myself, and I don't blame you for tearing up. I'm a total lefty, and I was never a huge fan of either Reagan or Bush version 2.0, but I don't think either one of them was ever filled with the pure evil that fills Trump. I fear for myself, my family, my friends, my community, my nation, and the world at large. We are truly fucked.

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People rejected the uglier aspects of Nazism but gave ground in ways that ultimately made it successful. They conceded premises to faulty arguments. They rejected the “facts” of propaganda, but not the impressions of it. The new paradigm of authoritarianism was so disorienting that they simply could not see it for what it was, let alone confront it.



Outside of Germany people often wonder at the palpable fraudulence of Nazi propaganda, the stupid incredible exaggerations, the ludicrous reticences concerning what is generally known. Who can be convinced by it? They ask. The answer is that it is not meant to convince but to impress.

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59 minutes ago, Padma said:

I agree about wanting a Big Bombshell (like Putin collaboration) because nothing else will force Republicans to DO something about him.

But I disagree about not wanting to know the "little things" like what Tom Arnold reference ("little" for Trump would be "career busters" for others).   I want EVERYTHING negative to come out on him, all at once or in pieces, it doesn't matter. There is an obligation to history to document all the dirt on this man, the sooner and the more complete it is, the better.  Eventually, some followers might start paying attention. But even if they don't, we know it makes HIM (more) crazy, which is worth something right there.

If he shot someone on 5th Avenue, he'd probably spin it into gutsy "self defense" or a macho story of heroism and "being a good guy with a gun".

Of all the vulnerable people I'm worried about with Trump, Muslims are an increasing concern. He really IS conflating "radical Islam" with "Muslims in general", esp. to people who don't pay much attention to details to begin with . The poll yesterday showed most Americans think the U.S. has 54 million Muslims (of 360 million people).  The reality?  3 million.

Trump is stoking fear in a way that creates suspicions and hatred. ("Hmmm. He's a Muslim. I'm afraid. He's probably a terrorist.")  It's a very small step from there to demonizing and scapegoating members of an entire religion.  (And he already mentioned FDR's internment of Japanese in WWII as a positive thing, "for their own protection").

And, yet, these same people are reluctant to demonize crazy White guys like the trolls who are threatening Jewish people in Whitefish, Montana, where the mother of White supremacist, Richard Spencer, owns a building.  The "troll storm" was instigated by a post on the anti-Semitic site, Daily Stormer, in reaction to calls for Ms. Spencer to sell the building.  Pictures of Whitefish residents, including Jewish residents, were published--incuding a child--with the Star of David symbol.  Although the post called for people not to use violence or threats, several people were targeted and received death threats anyway.

Now, of course, it would be wrong to demonize and scapegoat an entire group of people for the hateful actions of a few.  But, it's always been interesting to me why the alarm is always so muted for the homegrown right-wing extremists we have right here.  Who's going to protect us from them especially now that one of them will be in the White House as an "adviser."

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33 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, yet, these same people are reluctant to demonize crazy White guys like the trolls who are threatening Jewish people in Whitefish, Montana, where the mother of White supremacist, Richard Spencer, owns a building.  The "troll storm" was instigated by a post on the anti-Semitic site, Daily Stormer, in reaction to calls for Ms. Spencer to sell the building.  Pictures of Whitefish residents, including Jewish residents, were published--incuding a child--with the Star of David symbol.  Although the post called for people not to use violence or threats, several people were targeted and received death threats anyway.

Now, of course, it would be wrong to demonize and scapegoat an entire group of people for the hateful actions of a few.  But, it's always been interesting to me why the alarm is always so muted for the homegrown right-wing extremists we have right here.  Who's going to protect us from them especially now that one of them will be in the White House as an "adviser."

Yes. all the nasty cracks about Huma Abedin (who was no kind of extremist), but little being said by the same people about Bannon (who is). Or Flynn, who also is.  And Flynn's ties to the neo-Nazis in Austria neatly coincide with Putin's promoting them (and Flynn's own ties to Putin, who is far more interested in propping up the far right parties in Europe than the communists.)  On MTPD today, Chuck Todd said he thought Flynn was the most likely of Trump team to be "sacrificed" if the political heat gets to be too much on his Putin-loving appointments. I hope so.

Did they release the warrant Comey filed for Weiner's laptop re; Hillary? That would be interesting to see.  What a farce.  (And with all the hacking, and his strange conduct, and the potential for blackmail--or simply collusion, per Giuliani, who has been oddly quiet of late--really makes you want to know if he got this idea for helping Trump all by himself.)

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9 minutes ago, Padma said:

On MTPD today, Chuck Todd said he thought Flynn was the most likely of Trump team to be "sacrificed" if the political heat gets to be too much on his Putin-loving appointments. I hope so.

FWIW, a couple friends of mine in the Democratic Party mused to me last week exactly that:  the consensus fear of Flynn on the left might lead to horse-trading, w/ Flynn sacrificed to get a post requiring confirmation (which NSA does NOT) through the Senate.  I assume Dems will dangle that in exchange for Tillerson (who will get through anyway, regardless of Dems objections).  I might have actually posted about that here; hard to tell as it seems my life, every conversation the past month has been political in nature.  My gf and I are taking a long weekend after New Years to decompress.

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7 minutes ago, VMepicgrl said:


The "adult" media won't do the job but Teen Vogue does? And doing a, dare I say, better freaking job.

'The "alt-right" is known for its extremist and racist views, as well as being severely anti-Semitic. It seems like the association between the Trump campaign and neo-Nazis won't be broken any time soon, as his chosen national security advisor, General Mike Flynn, recently met with Heinz-Christian Strache — the head of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party, which was established by former Nazis after World War II.'

The body of the the linked article supplies many links.

At least someone is doing something and hopefully "kids" will at least heed the alarm. We need them educated about this menace and I'm sure not all parents are able to nor want to nor think it needs doing.

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'Time To Say Goodbye'

Andrea Bocelli 'will NOT be singing at Trump's inauguration' after fans threatened to boycott his music if he performed.

Page Six reported that the famous tenor had been approached by Trump personally to play at his inauguration.

But a Boycott Bocelli movement on social media supposedly forced him to reconsider. 

Oh....Garth Brooks too, he's out.

Edited by Lunata
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36 minutes ago, Lunata said:

'Time To Say Goodbye'

Andrea Bocelli 'will NOT be singing at Trump's inauguration' after fans threatened to boycott his music if he performed.

Page Six reported that the famous tenor had been approached by Trump personally to play at his inauguration.

But a Boycott Bocelli movement on social media supposedly forced him to reconsider. 

Oh....Garth Brooks too, he's out.

That is really, truly encouraging. People are pushing back, and it's working.

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8 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

I hope they wind up having Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr & ted Nugent in a (D-list) celebrity death match as entertainment on 1/20.  I still refuse to watch, but love to read the stories afterwards.

The Wrap reported that two Republican standbys, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent, were willing, but nothing has been announced. Maybe the transition team is afraid that Ted Nugent might grab his dick again at the inauguration.

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On the "Things That Unexpectedly Make You Cry These Days" List:

Was watching Cabaret last night. I've seen it many times before. But this time--when Liza Minnelli et al (an apolitical group for the most part) stop in the beautiful outdoor café in Bavaria--and the boys in the cafe begin to sing a folk song about the "Fatherland" and gradually it and they transform into a mass movement--I started crying. Because, suddenly, it felt all too familiar.  Getting into the car as they quickly leave, Michael York says to his apolitical friend, "Do you still think you can control them?"

I used to smirk when Trump talked about his "movement", but now I see he's right and his followers--and what they will bring after them--are even scarier than he is.

I actually heard Gingrich today saying that thing about "If his people do anything wrong, Trump can just pardon them."   \

How can I still be so surprised by the hypocrisy of these people?

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Maybe the transition team is afraid that Ted Nugent might grab his dick again at the inauguration.

Or someone has pointed out that perhaps having a performer whose main claim to fame is a song about vaginas and contains the words "I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand" might not be a great idea given Trump's boasting of sexual assault. 

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6 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here.  It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event.  **Let's be clear:  his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff.

If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.

I agree with you, Duke. Frankly, the only hope with this freaking antichrist is some plot successfully completed by rogue CIA operatives still residing within that organization or another part of the intelligence community that recognizes the nuclear bombs the human race is sitting on here. They can make this threat disappear and no one would ever be able to tie it back to them or even make a case for any 'irregularity' to his 'misfortune'.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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9 minutes ago, millennium said:

Wait until he's on Mount Rushmore.

Like he'd ever share space with other presidents; he'd need to commission a new National Monument as his own mountain -- Tor Trump?

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2 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Like he'd ever share space with other presidents; he'd need to commission a new National Monument as his own mountain -- Tor Trump?

Mount Rushmore is the Mount Olympus of U.S. presidents.   You can bet your bippy he has his eye on it.

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