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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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However, the fact that Trump may have been hyperbolic about the actual numbers doesn't change the fact that Clinton supporters used "unemployment is down!" as a rebuttal to the idea of people turning to Trump out of economic stress, when in fact the economic picture is IMO nowhere as simple as that.  And we're not even taking things like McJobs and "the gig economy" (which it drives me crazy to hear people actually try to spin as a positive) into effect here.

There's certain enough economic stress for people to have supported Trump for reasons other than "man, you white folks are really racist!" (or whatever D.L. Hughley said yesterday).  To claim that racism was the reason for Trump's victory when in the past two elections the Democratic ticket was headed by an actual black man and he won seems rather a stretch for me.  

I'd go with "the economy sucks", "people are sick of all the wars", "the voters tend to get itchy for change after one party has been in power for too long", and "people really don't trust Clinton, and given what's in those emails, maybe they shouldn't" before I'd default to "OMG America is so racist, I'm scared!", but that's just me, I admit.

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3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

However, the fact that Trump may have been hyperbolic about the actual numbers doesn't change the fact that Clinton supporters used "unemployment is down!" as a rebuttal to the idea of people turning to Trump out of economic stress, when in fact the economic picture is IMO nowhere as simple as that.  

No, but they weren't diving into all those things that aren't simple either. 

7 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

To claim that racism was the reason for Trump's victory when in the past two elections the Democratic ticket was headed by an actual black man and he won seems rather a stretch for me.

It doesn't have to be the one and only reason, but having the Klan marching around in victory, a spike in hate crimes with a "Trump says hi!" message, a popular Muslim ban idea, wall-building idea, gay conversion therapy vp, misogynist language, all lives matter, bomb the terrorists and their families and take the oil from the country rhetoric and seeing "sick of wars" and "the economy sucks" and bigotry too minor to be much of a factor here seems even more of a stretch. Because it's definitely not just anti-Trump people who have somehow gotten the wrong message on that one. 

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I've reached the acceptance phase. Personally I think Trump as President will either show how strong a country we really and truly are or how weak a country we have always been.  The next four years are going to be tough on women, minorities and foreigners but I do have faith in the country.  I probably would have been a lot more upset if I didn't vote but I did my job.  I am not really upset at the people who voted for Trump. I am upset at the 49% (that might be wrong) who didn't vote in what was a very controversial and contentious election.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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20 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

There's certain enough economic stress for people to have supported Trump for reasons other than "man, you white folks are really racist!" (or whatever D.L. Hughley said yesterday).  To claim that racism was the reason for Trump's victory when in the past two elections the Democratic ticket was headed by an actual black man and he won seems rather a stretch for me.  

Maybe.  But to have 60 million people vote for a guy that spent months - years really - saying ugly things feels like a slap in the face to me and, I imagine, a lot of other people who happened to be a target of Trump's offensive babble.

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There's certain enough economic stress for people to have supported Trump for reasons other than "man, you white folks are really racist!" (or whatever D.L. Hughley said yesterday).  To claim that racism was the reason for Trump's victory when in the past two elections the Democratic ticket was headed by an actual black man and he won seems rather a stretch for me.  

I'd go with "the economy sucks", "people are sick of all the wars", "the voters tend to get itchy for change after one party has been in power for too long", and "people really don't trust Clinton, and given what's in those emails, maybe they shouldn't" before I'd default to "OMG America is so racist, I'm scared!", but that's just me, I admit.


All of these are valid and logical reasons for why so many people flocked to Trump's support and bought into his message, but I think it's disingenuous and even a little naive to pretend that racism/racial issues didn't also play a significant part in what drove a lot of these people to buy into his message in the first place. But not in the way that I think you're mistaking.

I read an article by analyst, Alan Bean, who explains this very issue, that Trump's support and subsequent win were fueled, in large part, by "white fear." Very generally, he says that Trump succeeded "by causing “white America” to panic and stirring “white fear” among people who do not want minorities to grow." He further explains:


The election result indicated that America is reaching a “tipping point” where minorities are “growing very rapidly” while the younger generations are increasingly developing liberal mindsets.

“So all of these demographic trends are moving in the direction of the Democrats and I think White America—that is folks who grew up in a nation that was controlled by white people, where decisions were made for white people—is starting to panic,” Bean argued.


Is race the be-all end-all of Trump's popularity? No. Not even a little bit. But it's a big part, and even an underlying part of what drove people on the more pressing issues of the economy: Resentment toward members of poor and lower-class minorities for reaping the benefits of government assistance, for example. These people feel left out, left behind, disenfranchised -- from being the preferred class. Trump, to a lot of these people, represented a way to recover that status and a return to a time when the country and the economy and society worked for them, put them and their needs first -- even though it, and the support of someone like him with all of the grotesquely offensive things he's said and done, spits in the face of minority classes for countless reasons. And to a lot of people, that feels just as racist.

Van Jones explained it perfectly when he talked about this "whitelash" aspect of Trump's election, because in many ways that's exactly what this is, exactly what happened. White populism fought back against a system they felt for decades has betrayed and ignored them in favor of the "other."

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I don't know if that should go in the HRC thread or here, but I'll just go with it since I think it's relevant to both campaigns: I think a lot of people who voted for Trump feel that neither the Republican nor the Democratic establishment have helped them at all and have ignored them for decades. They are probably not wrong about this. And they thought that Trump might shake things up because he's "anti-establishment" (even though he clearly isn't). All sorts of prejudices might have played into it as well for that set of voters, but frustration and resignation and despair was probably also a very strong motivator.

And I don't think this is something the Democrats can ignore. We talk about the conservative bubble where they are constantly reinforcing each other's world view. But in the age of social media such a bubble exists for progressives as well, where problems might get ignored, where one set of opinions is seen as correct and how the "real world" reacts to campaigns or candidates or issues is ignored or only perceived too late. Like all the stories coming out now about how it seems like the Clinton camp repeated many of the mistakes they made in 2008, why didn't that get addressed sooner?

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5 minutes ago, qtpye said:


Please, when has he ever had to follow the rules? 

First, he will replace all the white with pink marble, then will affix giant gold letter in the front that that spell TRUMP.  He will then replace the Lincoln Bedroom Suite with a giant rotating 360 degree water bed.  I also imagine a "yuge" hot tub in the rose garden, where he will invite all the leaders of the world to unwind.  All female white house staff will wear Hooter waitress outfits that he will personally inspect to make sure their looks are "up to par".

I also believe he will keep all of his promises to the people who voted for him...the same day he can make winged unicorns fly out of his ass.

I'm waiting to see what he bills the government for the use of the Trump jet!

and eveything else.

The RNC seems to have sucked up all of that.

Can't imagine the costs of securing one other Trump residence. Wonder which one he'll pick. Maybe he'll say, "Do them all. Bill me!"

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So Trump's a "Fifth Column" after all.  Russian Government Connections to the Trump Campaign

This is getting little attention so far, and it's infuriating.  

So... Trump lied when he said his campaign had no ties to Russia..

Not only

(1) a server in Trump Tower directly linked to Russia ("no big deal" ) . 

(2) Russian intelligence (at Putin's order) hacked into Democrats' private email and gave it to Assange to help Trump beat Hillary;

(3) The FBI Director refused to say anything about the investigation into Trump and Russian connections, but spread a damaging new rumor about Clinton's email a week before the election, obviously, again, to benefit Trump;

(4) Russian government celebrates Trump's win (where he took states no poll predicted him winning--not even his own);

(5) Now we learn the Russian government has had "many" contacts with "several" high ranking Trump campaign operatives.   Trump lied about this repeatedly.

How is this in anyway acceptable?  Trump is about to get a series of highly classified security briefings and, for my money, he looks at a minimum "beholden" to Russia for his victory --and at maximum like a fifth column!!!

So far, the tv press seems not to care, as they are carrying the new "unity" message.

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My sister has gone bs crazy since the election.  She voted for Bernie in the primary, refused to vote for Hillary and Trump in the general, and now treats every criticism of Trump as if she's being personally attacked for not voting for Hillary.  She's talking about unfriending me because my friends are being mean to her on facebook. I can't unfriend my sister (though the other one unfriended me at one point then refriended me again, but I wouldn't be surprised if she unfriends me.

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39 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Oh, it's definitely Lonesome Rhodes.  Unfortunately, this particular movie didn't exactly end with Drumpf's supporters discovering what a vile piece of shit he is before it was too late.  And, you better believe I kept waiting for that karma to come, but he has gotten away with every rotten and illegal thing he has done.

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

So Trump's a "Fifth Column" after all.  Russian Government Connections to the Trump Campaign

(5) Now we learn the Russian government has had "many" contacts with "several" high ranking Trump campaign operatives.   Trump lied about this repeatedly.

Or, to quote the article directly:


“Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump’s) entourage. Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and have occupied high-ranking positions,” he said.

“I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives.”

So the Russians know who Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, and Jefferson Sessions are, and have talked to them, on the logical (and it turns out, quite correct) theory that Trump might win this thing. Whoop-dee-freakin'-do.   I don't see any reason to be all "the Russians are coming!" and indulge in McCarthy-esque accusations of treason, at all.

If "unity" is to be our watchword, HuffPo could do better, IMO.

Of course, maybe they don't want to do better, given that WikiLeaks published an email where named "Susan" (last name not listed) said that Ariana Huffington herself had declined an invitation to be on the board of Priorities USA (the largest Dem SuperPAC) and said that it might be better for her to "[use] HuffPo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts".   Yes, let's hide those conflicts of interest instead, Ariana.  Makes the corruption go down much smoother.

Which might, just might, be a reason for HuffPo to run "Trump loves the Russkies!" scare pieces, don't you think?

Edited by DAngelus
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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

My sister has gone bs crazy since the election.  She voted for Bernie in the primary, refused to vote for Hillary and Trump in the general, and now treats every criticism of Trump as if she's being personally attacked for not voting for Hillary.  She's talking about unfriending me because my friends are being mean to her on facebook. I can't unfriend my sister (though the other one unfriended me at one point then refriended me again, but I wouldn't be surprised if she unfriends me.

My sympathies for your sister and all the abuse she must be taking. I myself grew rather infuriated at all the "Bernie Bro!" and "Go away, white guys, we don't need you!" screeds I had sent my way during the spring.  Thankfully, I have a prescription for mood stabilizers.  I can only imagine the sort of "traitor!" vitriol she must be getting as a woman who (IMO rightly) refused to help Clinton "break that glass ceiling".

Not to directly interfere, but have you considered that her reactions might not be so much about her "going bs crazy", but rather the tone of what your friends are saying?  If you don't want her to react poorly to your friends being mean…perhaps you could get your friends to not be mean?  

(Is her FB set to allow "friends of friends" to communicate? Isn't there a setting that lets you message her, but not your friends?  I don't know all the intricacies of FB, I admit.)

In any event, I hope you two work this out.  We'll have another election in four years…but she'll always be your sister.

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Not to directly interfere, but have you considered that her reactions might not be so much about her "going bs crazy", but rather the tone of what your friends are saying?  If you don't want her to react poorly to your friends being mean…perhaps you could get your friends to not be mean?


They aren't making comments addressed to her, just in general, but she's taking it personally.  Now she and my other sister want me to unfriend the people they're mad at, or to jump in and comment.  I don't want to get in the middle of it.  My mother is now mad at me for not standing up for my sister and unfriending people who she doesn't like.

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3 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

They aren't making comments addressed to her, just in general, but she's taking it personally.  Now she and my other sister want me to unfriend the people they're mad at, or to jump in and comment.  I don't want to get in the middle of it.  My mother is now mad at me for not standing up for my sister and unfriending people who she doesn't like.

So what your sisters and mom are saying is that your friends are only allowed to post what your sisters and mom approve of?  Wow.  Here's a thought - tell your sister to ignore your friends or stay off FaceBook.  LOL  I really feel for you, stuck in the middle though.

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13 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

I can only imagine the sort of "traitor!" vitriol she must be getting as a woman who (IMO rightly) refused to help Clinton "break that glass ceiling".

Actually, it sounds like she herself was feeling she didn't rightly refuse, if she was taking criticism of Trump personally. 

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2 hours ago, katha said:

We talk about the conservative bubble where they are constantly reinforcing each other's world view. But in the age of social media such a bubble exists for progressives as well, where problems might get ignored, where one set of opinions is seen as correct and how the "real world" reacts to campaigns or candidates or issues is ignored or only perceived too late.

I quite agree.  A commenter named "tempestteapot" posted this in the Guardian:


The fact is that the media got caught in a feedback loop of delusion, self-congratulation and a bigotry that is ever-present and yet almost never held to account: the bigotry of bourgeois liberal privilege. The architects of neoliberalism along with their sons and daughters are the not-so-shining light of an all-consuming self-interest and identity-based discourse that has become incapable of empathy or even simple curiosity about how others live, think and feel. We are seeing it in the appalling misreading of this election as blame and responsibility is frantically palmed off in an effort evade self-analysis, humility or grace.

Hillary Clinton failed because she both denigrated traditional working class white voters - who had for 30 years been subject to the worst effects of the policies she and her corporate Democratic colleagues championed - and at the same time offered nothing substantial enough to mobilise ethnic minorities. 30% of Hispanic voters went with Trump - 30%!!!! Young people remained - surprise surprise - unconvinced that a woman who chose Tim Kaine as VP and Ken "Fracking" Salazar to lead her transition team had learned anything from their massive support for Bernie Sanders.

The failure is on her and on Democrats like her. Nowhere else. And today, on CNN, they were talking blithely about Tim Kaine running to be the Democratic nominee in 2020 - utterly crazy, and yet such is their grip on the Democratic Party, so deep is the rot that stems from their addiction to corporate donor money, that there is every chance they will spend the next 4 years studiously avoiding any and all real lessons from what was - let's be clear - a stunning, catastrophic humiliation of them, their policies, and their corruption

Kaine in 2020?  Are they kidding?  They'd do better to run Glenn Jacobs (aka WWE wrestler "Kane") because Jacobs at least has charisma, of a sort.  Although Timmy would have a ready-made slogan:  "We're insane.  Vote Kaine"

The only thing I might disagree with is "the media got caught in a feedback loop" thesis.  I think that WikiLeaks has exposed enough collusion between CNN/CNBC/Politico/HuffPo/WaPo/NYT and the DNC/Clinton campaign to suggest that the media's fixation on a certain perception of Republicans was driven by something other than pure journalistic integrity.  As documented by the famous "Pied Piper" email, the Clinton campaign wanted to have "our press" push supposedly-unacceptable candidates (Carson/Trump/Cruz) to the front of the Republican race, because there's no way Clinton could lose to them, right? Right?

Wrong.  Turns out, that if you help Republicans find somebody they're enthusiastic about to nominate, they'll be enthusiastic about voting for him, too.  And if he's well-known and somewhat appealing and you don't define your own candidate in positive terms strongly enough, well…

Edited by DAngelus
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22 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

They aren't making comments addressed to her, just in general, but she's taking it personally.  Now she and my other sister want me to unfriend the people they're mad at, or to jump in and comment.  I don't want to get in the middle of it.  My mother is now mad at me for not standing up for my sister and unfriending people who she doesn't like.

I'm confused…are they posting these comments on your FB or hers?  If they're on yours, she can just not read your wall, right?

On the other hand if they're on her page, your friends posting "Trump is Hitler!!" articles could be understandably disturbing.  Even if they don't preface them with "You stupid bitch, look at this!" or anything like that.  They're not her friends, they can stay off of her page.  JMO.

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20 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I wonder if he gets us into a war, he will send his son Barron to fight,

Given that Barron is 10 years old, probably not. 

Or are you counting on Trump being re-elected so that Barron can be First Son at 18, towards the end of Trump's second term?

5 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

#NeverTrump #NotMyPresident

I completely understand never supporting Trump, but what is the second tag supposed mean, exactly?  He will be the President, people's distaste for him to the contrary.  Seems a bit denialist, IMO.

I haven't liked Carter/Reagan/Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush/Obama/Obama, but I didn't deny their existence.  I'm honestly not trying to seem rude (I'm probably just dense), but I'm not getting the point. My apologies.

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And yet another reason I am happy to not be a member of the FB community.

Hubby turned his off. Blocked some. Got yet another "Muslim lover!" post and gave it up. (full disclosure: he sent an employee to HR for racist rants and Muslim remained employed.)

I think Obama was a picture of diplomacy and acceptance today.

Donald? Impatient. Distracted. 

And then McConnell. Triumphant. ::glerg::

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I put #NotMyPresident strictly because he has NONE of the qualities a president needs.  He's unqualified.  And doesn't speak for me, or represent me.  At all.  In any way.  I will not have MY good reputation stained by his ungodly stances.  So no, I will NEVER view him as "POTUS".  He's just a place warmer who's occupying the White House for the next 4 years.  And I'll go about my business regardless of him, and despite him.

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10 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

And yet another reason I am happy to not be a member of the FB community.

Hubby turned his off. Blocked some. Got yet another "Muslim lover!" post and gave it up. (full disclosure: he sent an employee to HR for racist rants and Muslim remained employed.)

I think Obama was a picture of diplomacy and acceptance today.

Donald? Impatient. Distracted. 

And then McConnell. Triumphant. ::glerg::

This place is as close to social that I get.. So thanks, PTVers. For keeping me semi-sane.

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1 minute ago, walnutqueen said:

This place is as close to social that I get.. So thanks, PTVers. For keeping me semi-sane.

Me too. I don't do "the" facebook  (as my bf calls it) or "the" twitter.

I'm here. that is all.

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I was in the kitchen at work yesterday with about ten guys.  My boss said, Finagler, how do you feel about the new POTUS since you are from California... I'm sure you voted for Hillary.  (I think he said this because I'm a woman as I have never said who I voted for- other than to state I'm having a hard time choosing between the misogynist bully or the lying liar who lies.)    My reply- I think America is great for all you white males.  For the rest of us, we have to wait 4 years for the real change to occur.  

I would love to see a woman become President.  Are there any in office that might have a chance?

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6 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

I put #NotMyPresident strictly because he has NONE of the qualities a president needs.  He's unqualified.  And doesn't speak for me, or represent me.  At all.  In any way.  I will not have MY good reputation stained by his ungodly stances.  So no, I will NEVER view him as "POTUS".  He's just a place warmer who's occupying the White House for the next 4 years.  And I'll go about my business regardless of him, and despite him.

Jumping off your post, I sincerely hope that the rest of the world realizes that half of us in the US wanted no part of this guy. He is an embarrassment and I just expect more of the same. Hope I'm wrong.

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21 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

Wait...so ALL of the Trump brats will be moving to the White House?  I get Barron and the other daughter...I think her name is Tiffany...because they're young. But those grown fools Eric, Trump Jr. and Ivanka  plus their spouses and kids?  No....just no.

Curious question: When was the last time a President went into the WH with grown children?  

I would imagine that the only one moving in is Barron.  Tiffany, from my understanding, hasn't really lived with him since the divorce, she's been with Marla.  (And from things Ivana has said in the past, Trump doesn't really have much use for his kids until they're adults and ready to work in the family business.  He's not a "Dad" kind of guy.)  I can't imagine the older kids, who all have jobs and their own families, would pick up and move to DC with him.  

21 hours ago, slf said:

My mother works for the city government and a lot of her coworkers are conservative (because Texas) and she said when she went into work a lot of them were basically shellshocked. They voted for Trump thinking he wouldn't win and that Clinton was a lock. They wanted to prevent a landslide or whatever.

Did people who did this not remotely pay attention to Brexit??  That whole "we didn't think it would happen, we just wanted to vote to send a message" thing is exactly why the UK was shell shocked by the results that the majority of them did not want.  

16 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

So what happens now with all of Trump's businesses?

I've heard mention of 'blind trusts' but how does that work?  Or more to the point, what protections are there going to be in place to ensure that the next person who tries to negotiate with a Trump business doesn't have to worry about making an enemy of a president if they try to get themselves a fair deal?

He and his kids have said that they'll be running the business, and they consider that a "blind trust."  It's so not a blind trust, though.  I saw one reporter try to explain to Don Jr why it's not, and he just had blinders on and refused to acknowledge the truth he was being told.  Regardless of whether he makes a single solitary decision from the company's end while in office, it's a huge conflict of interest.  Off the top of my head - if any Trump owned company wants a government contract, the other companies competing would be screwed.  Even if the bidding process if blind, this family has already proven they have no problem behaving in a questionable ethical manner when it comes to their business (I mean, hello, that's why the man has a fraud trial starting soon), so I have little doubt they'd find a way around it.  To avoid any hint of impropriety, his children should remove themselves from bidding for any government jobs, period.  I doubt they'll go along with that, though.  Additionally, what happens when his kids are working on some project either here or abroad, and they need a variance signed off on by local officials?  It's going to be awfully hard for any local level government official in a US city or any foreign officials on those projects to refuse signing off on something presented to them by the children of the President of the United States.  And, then, in the case of those foreign officials, they'll believe they have an "in" with the White House the next time they need something.  Or, when they don't approve something, perhaps they have to fear retaliation in some form down the line (refusal to send aid when needed, refusal to abide by pre-existing treaties).  

7 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:

Jumping off your post, I sincerely hope that the rest of the world realizes that half of us in the US wanted no part of this guy. He is an embarrassment and I just expect more of the same. Hope I'm wrong.

Considering that just under half of eligible voters didn't even vote at all, it's more like 3/4 of us who don't support him.  

So far, judging from the rumored appointments to his cabinet, it sounds like when he talked about "draining the swamp," he meant he'd drain it right into his cabinet.   I haven't heard a peep from his supporters about this.  And that's one of the reasons I doubt their sincerity in saying they voted for him to change things up in Washington.  This isn't change. He's going to carry on with the exact same business/1% friendly, shit on the middle class and poor agenda that the GOP has been pushing for years.  And he was clear on that in the little policy he did talk during the campaign.  Cut taxes on the wealthiest and corporations?  Remove the "death tax" that only applies to, what, the wealthiest 0.2% in the country?  (Side note: when I heard him say that he's seen that tax "destroy families," I could not stop laughing.  He has no idea what life is like for people who aren't extraordinarily wealthy.)  Remove regulations from business, including things like food safety?  None of that is taking our government back for the people.  

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I basically called it having to chose between Darth Vadar and The Borg Queen.  Neither were particularly good options.  Bernie Sanders was too much of a socialist for me.  

Most of my family voted for Trump so I understand the logic behind it,  I think I am the only liberal in my family and I am only a social liberal.  Every word out of Trump's mouth made we want to vomit but he harnessed white male conservative fear exceptionally well.  I understand the fear and the pushback of eight years of a President many conservatives mistrusted.  This time it was them that went out in droves to vote.

And yes I am sorry but I do blame the Bernie Sanders voters who stayed home instead of at least chosing the better of two evils.  Even if Trump was that better.   You don't deserve the vitriol and hate being thrown at you but you do deserve mysogynist  homophobe who believes the exact opposite of everything you do as your President.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Christ on a cracker he just can't do it, now he's blaming the press for inciting the protesting. No Donald Duck, wrong response. A noble president elect says, "I understand that people are angry, afraid, but I promise I will work hard to bring the country together."  He's worse than shit on the bottom of one's shoe.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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This is unsurprising. Did anyone expect him to change? This ridiculous assclown is what we're in for and all we can do is pray that he doesn't go right into authoritarian action once he's inaugurated. I'm scared and I have no hope for that.

I'm so scared that it's to the point where I really wish there was some kind of shady, emergency move, some miracle that takes place in the next two months for this not to happen. I don't know what that would be, but I feel like this just cannot really occur.

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That new tweet:


Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!

One day, he lasted. One day. Wake me up in four years.

I was watching CNN when Anderson announced this new tweet as it posted, and one of the ladies on the panel was like, "Yeah, they need to take away his Twitter."

Edited by Chicken Wing
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4 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Given that Barron is 10 years old, probably not. 

Or are you counting on Trump being re-elected so that Barron can be First Son at 18, towards the end of Trump's second term?

I completely understand never supporting Trump, but what is the second tag supposed mean, exactly?  He will be the President, people's distaste for him to the contrary.  Seems a bit denialist, IMO.

I haven't liked Carter/Reagan/Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush/Obama/Obama, but I didn't deny their existence.  I'm honestly not trying to seem rude (I'm probably just dense), but I'm not getting the point. My apologies.

I meant during a potential second term.

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From the Anxiety thread, but re. Trump so moved here:


I think he has a lot of gross and in particular misogynistic impulses and always has but I have to wonder if he's secretly disgusted at the racism and homophobia of his supporters.

How could he be, though?  If you're disgusted by something like racism and homophobia, you can't bring yourself to espouse it and incite it, even to win the presidency.  I don't think he's as hard-core in his thoughts against the LGBT community and people of color as some of those people we've seen at his rallies or on the streets, no, and maybe even ambivalent in some specific situations, but disgusted by it?  No.  (And, yeah, when it comes to women - and immigrants, and Muslims - I think he's every bit as awful as it seems.)


And saying that the protesters are paid professionals.

Then a whole lot of people I know got stiffed out of some money.  And, having received emails announcing many of these demonstrations, I can assure him there was no mention of payment, so even if protestors were paid (they weren't), they sure as hell didn't know that when they opted to show up.  They turned out because they're angry and scared, and they have a constitutional right to express that.  There's nothing "unfair" about it. 

Edited by Bastet
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Good. No one should bow down to this asshole. He's a monster and should be treated like one.

I don't want to see any Hollywood celebrities at this White House- I have a feeling most of them will stay away.

I forsee a lot of championship sports teams having many members abstaining from the White House visit.

I forsee the correspondent dinner being very sparse .  

I forsee me never watching Jimmy Fallon again, because if he thinks he can have that thing on slow jamming the news in the future .

And these are all just superficial things. 

But if all the thing cares about is the superficial then he's going be really surprised.

He'll probably want to enact a law that would force the cool celebrities to show up and hang with him . 

Moved over from post election anxiety thread

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23 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Oh, Orange Man, people are protesting because they don't like you. You've been sexist enough, racist enough, homophobic enough, and gosh darn it, people just don't like you. Get used to it. 

At least he consistently manages to validate our hatred of him.

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I think Comrade Orange will pull a "Palin" and quit about halfway.  It won't be "fun" with everyone scrutinizing every move and criticizing him.

He totally wants to be adored and with the "in crowd".  As someone said, DC will be polite when they have to, but for the real insider stuff, nah he and Melanoma will be sitting outside.  

Comrade Orange only cares about himself.  That's it.  He doesn't give a rat's ass about any policy unless it benefits him in some way.  If it doesn't, then he has zero interest.  That's why he has the attention span of a gnat.  Someone can be talking about global warming and he'd be like well how does it impact my golf courses.....?  Not how it would impact the entire US or World.  Me, me, me.

Could be why his businesses fail.  He likes the big splash of opening something yuuuuge and spectacular but has no earthly clue how to maintain it, screw the details.  He's in for the quick thrill, not for the long haul.

What would his Inaugural Ball and celebrations look like?  Can Chachi sing?  Ted Nugent sings his song.  Antonio Sabato Jr takes off his shirt.  I think Wayne Newton is a Comrade Orange supporter.  Maybe Putin has someone who can come in and entertain.  Oh, wait. It'll just be the accomplishments (yuuge) and an endless film reel of Trump products, hotels, golf courses, casinos (only the ones still open).  

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32 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Christ on a cracker he just can't do it, now he's blaming the press for inciting the protesting. No Donald Duck, wrong response. A noble president elect says, "I understand that people are angry, afraid, but I promise I will work hard to bring the country together."  He's worse than shit on the bottom of one's shoe.

I can't believe you used "Donald" and "noble" in the same paragraph!

Of course, he can't hold it together.  We saw it during the debates.  He would be okay for the first 15-20 minutes and then go completely off the rails.  Today was a long day for him; he was bound to crack and show his true colors sooner or later.  I don't know what kind of meds his keepers have him on, but they need to find an extended-release cocktail and crush it up in his food.  Otherwise, we will be in for a long 4 years and wondering when this fool will start a war because his precious little feelings are hurt.

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4 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I can't believe you used "Donald" and "noble" in the same paragraph!

Of course, he can't hold it together.  We saw it during the debates.  He would be okay for the first 15-20 minutes and then go completely off the rails.  Today was a long day for him; he was bound to crack and show his true colors sooner or later.  I don't know what kind of meds his keepers have him on, but they need to find an extended-release cocktail and crush it up in his food.  Otherwise, we will be in for a long 4 years and wondering when this fool will start a war because his precious little feelings are hurt.

and impound his smart phone again.

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19 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Sweet Jiminy Cricket, don't even.

Did a pack of Trump supporters drove the Amish to the polls so Trump could win. I watched them excuse his bullshit when they wouldn't do it for anyone (including McCain and Romney), I am sure they do anything to make him do a full two terms. They have declared bloody war on the left.

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So Trump got his Twitter account back - they are mocking him a bit on LOD now. He is claiming on Twitter that all the protesters, including the good sized crowd outside of his own building in NYC, are being paid to be there.

Sure, Donald, people have to be paid to dislike you. Could it not be the fact hat you're an asshat, lost the popular vote, ran an horrific campaign, has very dubious ties to Russia (possibly treasonous), have no real policies or plans on how to execute them, wants to kick out immigrants and prevent any new ones from coming in, have no relevant experience to be President, have sunk a number of businesses (not just your own, but those of people who did work for you), filed for bankruptcy 6 times, had Daddy around to give you millions of dollars and don't know what an honest day's work is, refuse to disclose your taxes, etc., etc., etc., aren't those enough reasons to dislike you?

Edited by Rapunzel
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From the Post-Election Support thread:


I would not be surprised if he does all of a sudden start thinking he'd much rather be in with the popular President Obama than these idiots like Mike Pence (who he obviously hates), and all it takes is meeting with him more over the next two months for him to listen to anything he'll have to say. In my fantasy, Obama figures out super fast how to manipulate and influence him, pulls out Trump's inner Democrat, which he always was before anyway, and becomes a secret advisor behind the scenes to keep him from going off the rails, lol.

Interesting theory. It reminds me of the ever-wise Jimmy Carter contrasting Trump with Ted Cruz during the GOP primaries, describing Trump as "completely malleable" while painting Cruz as scary and completely rigid. And, as much of a scary loose cannon Trump is who never should have gotten this far, I always found Cruz to be phenomenally creepy. If Obama could work some of his charm on Trump's bottomless ego, so much the better.

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On November 9, 2016 at 9:36 PM, FuriousStyles said:

Wait...so ALL of the Trump brats will be moving to the White House?  I get Barron and the other daughter...I think her name is Tiffany...because they're young. But those grown fools Eric, Trump Jr. and Ivanka  plus their spouses and kids?  No....just no.

Curious question: When was the last time a President went into the WH with grown children?  

Tiffany's old enough to not HAVE to move to the White House; she's 23. Plus she's not even Melania's daughter, she's Marla's.

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35 minutes ago, lyric said:

No idea why the tweet is flipped, but here ya go


Corrupt media!!

One more...

Megyn Kelly's "revelation" about Drumpf offering journalists gifts clearly meant to shape campaign coverage immediately made me think of Joe and Meek-a's summons to Drumpf Tower in September.  Right after that pilgrimage, the tone of the show started to change.  Their blatant shilling for the Orange Cheeto was so disconcerting that Media Matters, The Washington Post and others commented on it.  Of course, those two asses will deny it until they're blue in the face.  Some of us wondered if they were auditioning to be pundits on TrumpTV.

And, yes, Drumpf's supporters got played.  Now, ask me if I feel sorry for them.

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