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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Flipping through channels, I landed on Fox News, and caught a little of Hannity.  Poor Hannity, I think he had his hopes set on getting a cabinet post himself.  He is reporting that Trump still has a chance, hope he pulls it off, but Hannity's face and tone show his sadness. 

SO - Hillary is corrupt, the Clintons are the "elite", and Trump represents the working class.  Rudy G is optimistic, he is SURE Trump is going to win.  

They KNOW it's over.   Hannity declares it "neck and neck" - then he interviews Ivanka, Don Jr, and Tiffany.  They're talking about the "real Americans"  voting for Trump..  They look serious, subdued,  defeated, trying to force smiles as they talk about states that are still in play. 

Yeah - Trump fills up arenas all over the country.  Hillary?  she relies on Jay-z dropping F-bombs to get people to come out.  Nobody wants to hear Hillary - they want to see Beyoncé, Springsteen. 

Wow.  Grasping at straws. 

I'm good at reading body language  - they KNOW it's over.  (nobody told Rudy, though) 

40 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Conversion therapy gives that horror show way more dignity than it deserves.  Beat and torture that gay out of your kid is more to the point.

It's also illegal in some states.  AND - The AMA, the Am. Psychiatric Association , and the World Health Organization has denounced the practice.   But, Mike Pence thinks it's OK, so what do they know.

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I don't do twitter (I "waste"** enough time on PTV), has Trump sent any tweets recently?  Rumor is that caretakers took his twitter away, but they are supposedly saying they didn't, perhaps because they are realizing that it makes him look like a toddler.  If they really did take him twitter away from him then they are stupid - you don't stop tweeting, you jsut make sure you are tweeting for him.  Sure, some people might notice that his tweets are suddenly a bit more rational and more about policy than revenge and whining, but there would be the small chance that someone night start thinking he was presidential-ish.  

14 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

They are showing a speech Trump is giving in Scranton, and as soon as they cut to him, the first words out his mouth are about Hillary and her e-mails (but remember, KellyAnne says that those are not "main message of their campaign." 

What if it was true, that the media was really against him, that 98% of his speeches were about policy and uplifting messages on making America great, and that the media is just showing the 2% where he criticizes Clinton? Then he is an idiot for continuing to spend 2% of his speech criticizing her since he knows that is what they will show. one of the many, many, oh so many, you wouldn't believe how many, things that annoy me about Trump and this whole election, is that the Trumpsters keep saying that the media focuses on the wrong parts of his speeches.  Then stop saying those parts.  If all you ever say is about you policies and actual true facts then the media would report on something other than the negative stuff.

** I put "waste" in quotes because have spent a lot more time on the current event board than I really should, but I would not consider any of it a waste of my time.   I hope that sometime tomorrow this board turns into a bunch of yipee-ing, and whoo-hoo-ing and I find myself in an exhausted heap on the couch from doing my happy dance till my feet hurt.  But before I am too exhausted (and, so I don't jinx anything, or before I am too depressed) to post, I just want to say that I am extremely happy to have all of you people on this board.   You have been a wealth of information and have help me find perspective.  I am fortunate enough to live in a very blue part of a very blue state.  I have only seen one anti-Hillary ad.  The robo-calls are for local elections.  I have not seen a yard with a Trump sign (haven't seen any Clinton signs either, now that I think about it).  I look at the red states on the maps and I wonder about my fellow Americans.  I read these posts and I am comforted to know that those red states aren't as red as my blue state is blue. I wish a lot of luck to all of you who are living is the red and the toss up states  - I hope you can vote (and celebrate) in peace.     

Edited by needschocolate
I realized I forgot to wish luck to those in red states.
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4 hours ago, madmaverick said:

Good piece in The Guardian on who is to blame for Trump.  There needs to be a reckoning and soul searching. 

Excellent article -- thanks for sharing.

My post-election hope is that Trump is no longer considered newsworthy, that he'll be ignored by the media.  Is that even a possibility? 

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Trump is SO jealous that celebrities don't like him anymore. I can't help but laugh when I see these clips of him like "I don't need Jay-Z, or Beyonce or Bruce Springsteen," etc. The dude looks SAD when he says this, I swear to god.

And it makes sense. The only thing he's ever cared about in his life are fame and celebrity. Being one and hanging out with them. He doesn't care about these people at his rallies. It kills him to be rejected by the people he actually wants to be in with.

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Just caught Drumpf at his late night Michigan rally. Holy shit - he is super Oompa Loopma looking right now. Cheetos indeed. He must have slathered on more self tanner on the plane ride from his last stop. He is self-medicating with tanner.

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Trump is SO jealous that celebrities don't like him anymore. I can't help but laugh when I see these clips of him like "I don't need Jay-Z, or Beyonce or Bruce Springsteen," etc. The dude looks SAD when he says this, I swear to god.

And it makes sense. The only thing he's ever cared about in his life are fame and celebrity. Being one and hanging out with them. He doesn't care about these people at his rallies. It kills him to be rejected by the people he actually wants to be in with.

Yes, he thought that Celebrity Apprentice would have resulted in having a bunch of celebrity friends.  He had country and pop singers, and other entertainers, but I guess none of them were interested. 

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13 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Ann Coulter said that if only people who had four grandparents born in the United States were allowed to vote, Trump would win all 50 states.  Does she not realize that that would preclude Trump and all of his kids?

Are they even registered?   I remember for the primary, his kids weren't even registered to vote.

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Watched this interview of Emily Maitlis from BBC Newsnight interviewing Trump back in 2011.  I think I would have found him and his fam creepy (especially his sons), and even the female employees, as they appear in this film even without knowing what we know now.  Trump 2011 is essentially Trump 2016.  You can see the same character traits before they were amplified on a national stage.   Fascinating.  I did not know that he was averse to handshakes.  Almost feel sorry for the guy going through a political campaign... not!

This BBC interview with a Trump biographer was also very interesting.  He seemed to have grasped the essentials of Trump's character.  

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18 minutes ago, backformore said:

I don't want him to have a heart attack.  I want him to be humiliated, be a laughingstock.  I want him to get the fewest electoral votes ever in any election.   I want all the times he called other people "loser"  to come back and haunt him.  I want Melania to leave him for someone younger and better looking.  I want him to lose his lawsuits and end up paying a lot of money to people he ripped off.  I want his businesses to go broke, and to have nobody want to work for him again.   I want him to be left with a few angry friends - Kelly Anne, Rudy G, and Chris Christie.  I want Trump TV to go broke in a week, and for Donald Trump to be a disgrace, and never be on my TV again. 

I want all those things, too.  Having to face them whilst recovering from a debilitating heart attack would be icing on the cake.  

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40 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I don't want him to have a heart attack.  I want him to be humiliated, be a laughingstock.  I want him to get the fewest electoral votes ever in any election.   I want all the times he called other people "loser"  to come back and haunt him.  I want Melania to leave him for someone younger and better looking.  I want him to lose his lawsuits and end up paying a lot of money to people he ripped off.  I want his businesses to go broke, and to have nobody want to work for him again.   I want him to be left with a few angry friends - Kelly Anne, Rudy G, and Chris Christie.  I want Trump TV to go broke in a week, and for Donald Trump to be a disgrace, and never be on my TV again. 

I want Melania' new squeeze to be younger, better looking, richer and more powerful whose member is bigger and functional without viagra.  I want Melania to expose all of Donald's shortcomings.   

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

I don't want him to have a heart attack.  I want him to be humiliated, be a laughingstock.  I want him to get the fewest electoral votes ever in any election.   I want all the times he called other people "loser"  to come back and haunt him.  I want Melania to leave him for someone younger and better looking.  I want him to lose his lawsuits and end up paying a lot of money to people he ripped off.  I want his businesses to go broke, and to have nobody want to work for him again.   I want him to be left with a few angry friends - Kelly Anne, Rudy G, and Chris Christie.  I want Trump TV to go broke in a week, and for Donald Trump to be a disgrace, and never be on my TV again. 

I want to see him wear a white pantsuit.

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6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Ann Coulter said that if only people who had four grandparents born in the United States were allowed to vote, Trump would win all 50 states.  Does she not realize that that would preclude Trump and all of his kids?

One of the Twitter replies to that was along the lines of, "and their ancestors should all have lived here before 1400."

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

I don't want him to have a heart attack.  I want him to be humiliated, be a laughingstock.  I want him to get the fewest electoral votes ever in any election.   I want all the times he called other people "loser"  to come back and haunt him.  I want Melania to leave him for someone younger and better looking.  I want him to lose his lawsuits and end up paying a lot of money to people he ripped off.  I want his businesses to go broke, and to have nobody want to work for him again.   I want him to be left with a few angry friends - Kelly Anne, Rudy G, and Chris Christie.  I want Trump TV to go broke in a week, and for Donald Trump to be a disgrace, and never be on my TV again. 

I hope Trump refuses to pay Kelly Anne and all the other surrogates and they all turn on him, telling all his supporters what deranged toddler he really is.  It may be the only hope for his supporters stop supporting him and make them "once bitten, twice shy" about following someone like him ever again.  

I feel confident that Rudy and Chris will drop him and latch on to whichever republican is leading the polls next time, which will make his children his only "friends." 

I vote no on the heart attack too, it might get him some sympathy.  

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7 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Ann Coulter said that if only people who had four grandparents born in the United States were allowed to vote, Trump would win all 50 states.  Does she not realize that that would preclude Trump and all of his kids?

Does she even realize that the simple fact that the majority might have grandparents not born in the US is exactly why Trump shouldn't win?

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I posted this in the Hillary thread, in response to another Gilmore Girls comment (Rory wanting to write college essay on Hillary Clinton), but it should be mentioned here - 

I have been having Gilmore Girls on in the background, in preparation for their Netflix return.  Had an episode on recently that originally aired in November, 2001.  Sooki and Lorelai are hoping to get property to open their own inn and Lorelai opens an envelope containing the results of the title search - 

Lorelai: Guess who owns it 

Sooki: As long as it isn't that bastard, Donald Trump. 

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Because he can't go without attention for even a single hour, he called into Fox and Friends this morning claiming that polls are just made up without actual interviews being conducted.

I know it's not uncommon for Steve Doocy to be dumbstruck, but even by his standards, the silence was uncomfortable.

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Look, here's what needs to happen when he's not elected...
Weekly mid-80s-quality (think A Team, Magnum PI, etc...) TV show with Trump, Giuliani, Christie, and KAC (plus the craaaaaazy brunette surrogate from Texas whose name I constantly forget) who remain on the side of evil and become a sort of criminal empire, ala SPECTRE or the Legion of Doom.
Fighting against them will be Obama and Bill Clinton... and the TV show is really just a buddy pic vehicle for them as they make their way across the US charming the shit out of people and being generally hilarious, and both a little too self-important but in a charming, roguish way.

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7 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Ann Coulter said that if only people who had four grandparents born in the United States were allowed to vote, Trump would win all 50 states.  Does she not realize that that would preclude Trump and all of his kids?

Ha well all 4 of my grandparents were born here and I voted for Hillary.  

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3 minutes ago, partofme said:

Ha well all 4 of my grandparents were born here and I voted for Hillary.  

Ditto.  Hell, my great-grandfather was Secretary of the Treasury and a Senator.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

Because he can't go without attention for even a single hour, he called into Fox and Friends this morning claiming that polls are just made up without actual interviews being conducted.

I know it's not uncommon for Steve Doocy to be dumbstruck, but even by his standards, the silence was uncomfortable.

Starri, here is an interesting NYT accounting of Drumpf's last campaign rally.  The word used to describe it was "improvised."  I said somewhere upthread that everything with this guy is all smoke and mirrors.

Drumpf's Improvised Last Rally

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1 hour ago, needschocolate said:

I hope Trump refuses to pay Kelly Anne and all the other surrogates and they all turn on him, telling all his supporters what deranged toddler he really is.  It may be the only hope for his supporters stop supporting him and make them "once bitten, twice shy" about following someone like him ever again.  

I feel confident that Rudy and Chris will drop him and latch on to whichever republican is leading the polls next time, which will make his children his only "friends." 

I vote no on the heart attack too, it might get him some sympathy.  

Meh, I'd opt for the heart attack and take my chances.

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On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 5:25 PM, Padma said:

Panda didn't say anything, I just can't get rid of the quote box (actually, Padma says a lot of great things, I just wasn't intending to quote her this time, and once there's a quote box, my phone will not let me delete it)

1 hour ago, starri said:

When Trump went to vote, he got booed on his way in and booed on his way out.

You're Welcome,


I posted a video of this in the celebration of voting thread.  I love it.

Edited by backformore
because I realized my quote box thing could come across as rude
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They'd blame the heart attack on Hillary.  I already saw a meme on Facebook of Comey being asked his choice: "heart attack or car accident?"

He will be fine and start his network and surround himself with all the people who burned their bridges for him... but he's doomed to socialize for eternity with people he wouldn't voluntarily give the time of day to.   He wants to be the guy that Beyonce and Jay Z hang out with, not the one they laugh at.  

One of the biggest mysteries I want solved in the aftermath is what the hell hold he had over Christie.  Christie, Springsteen superfan.  Truly, nothing else explains his subservient behavior towards Trump.  At least not that I can think of. 

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40 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

My mom (a conservative Catholic) just texted me that she voted all Republican down ballot today...and did not vote for Trump! She hasn't said who she voted for, but I'm proud of her for not giving him her vote.

If the Facebook posts by my registered Republican and Republican-leaning friends/relatives are an indication of a larger trend Coral Caligula (love it!) doesn't have the widespread GOP voter support he'd like us to think. A few are strongly pro-Johnson, while another is talking up McMullin, but I've seen very few pro-Trump posts on my news feed.

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14 minutes ago, kassa said:

They'd blame the heart attack on Hillary.  I already saw a meme on Facebook of Comey being asked his choice: "heart attack or car accident?"

He will be fine and start his network and surround himself with all the people who burned their bridges for him... but he's doomed to socialize for eternity with people he wouldn't voluntarily give the time of day to.   He wants to be the guy that Beyonce and Jay Z hang out with, not the one they laugh at.  

One of the biggest mysteries I want solved in the aftermath is what the hell hold he had over Christie.  Christie, Springsteen superfan.  Truly, nothing else explains his subservient behavior towards Trump.  At least not that I can think of. 

My guess is that Christie was motivated by ambition without principles just like Rudy.  I'm sure a big promise was made to him, especially after offering him VP then calling to say, "Uh, sorry. No."  Like others around Trump, these two are unprincipled and shameless.

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This is hilarious:



Tom Brady may not share Donald Trump‘s affection.

While the Republican nominee claimed in a speech on Monday night that Brady had voted for him, wife Gisele Bündchen denied it in her Instagram comments.

“Gisele I heard you and Tom were backing Trump! Is that true??” one fan asked her.

NO!” Bündchen replied.

Note the exclamation point...heh heh.

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13 hours ago, backformore said:

I'm good at reading body language  - they KNOW it's over.  (nobody told Rudy, though) 

Oh, they told him.  But he's not human so normal body language does not apply.


9 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Ann Coulter said that if only people who had four grandparents born in the United States were allowed to vote, Trump would win all 50 states.  Does she not realize that that would preclude Trump and all of his kids?

All four of my grandparents were.  Half my great-grandparents were.  In fact on one branch of the family, we've been here so long we're not quite certain when we got here.  I'd rather light myself on fire than vote for Trump, and the same goes for most of my family.

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16 hours ago, madmaverick said:

Good piece in The Guardian on who is to blame for Trump.  There needs to be a reckoning and soul searching. 

That is the best article I've read on this. Thanks for linking it.

You know, IF Trump loses (please, please), it will be the first time he's had to admit it. I mean even all the bankruptcies, he got to keep most of his stuff and also hid the truth of how bad it was from the public.

Tonight (please!) will be a very public and total and final rejection by a majority of voters. I guess he can go ahead and claim massive voting fraud and whine and lie, but it will still be a very PUBLIC and PERSONAL defeat, known and felt around the world.

It is hard to imagine a personality like his dealing with it (we remember, of course, how he mocked Romney as "a loser" who "should have won the easiest election in history" (or somesuch).  I predict depression.  And I don't feel sorry for him at all.  Actually, I hope he IS depressed and DOES feel, as he told Fox and Friends this morning, that it was "just a colossal waste of time and energy and money".

Edited by Padma
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2 hours ago, partofme said:

Ha well all 4 of my grandparents were born here and I voted for Hillary.  

Ditto.  Hell, I'm Native American on one side.  As such, I'd like to ask Coulter to get her nasty immigrant (I assume she was born in Hell) ass out of my country.  

1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:

My mom (a conservative Catholic) just texted me that she voted all Republican down ballot today...and did not vote for Trump! She hasn't said who she voted for, but I'm proud of her for not giving him her vote.

My Mom's a moderately Conservative Catholic.  She said "If they'd nominated Kasich, they would have had my vote.  Not this."  

32 minutes ago, kassa said:

One of the biggest mysteries I want solved in the aftermath is what the hell hold he had over Christie.  Christie, Springsteen superfan.  Truly, nothing else explains his subservient behavior towards Trump.  At least not that I can think of. 

My theory is that he knew the Bridgegate investigation could not go well for him, and Fuckface von Clownstick promised he'd pardon him or something.  

Am I the only one who thinks that Melania has been subtly trying to subvert this whole mess all along?  The plagiarized speech, the Pussy Bow shirt (twice), describing her husband's behavior on social media as what she'd fight as First Lady, essentially telling Anderson Cooper that her husband is a child who was easily manipulated by Billy Bush...  

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I was gleefully anticipating a book from Ivana, but then I realized that she can't really do much without involving her kids, and probably won't.  She's been magically missing from this whole process.  Good for her (I guess).  

Tiffany, we're counting on you.  Write it all now.  Then, the day you get that inheritance transferred into your account, shop the completed ms around and get yourself a nice bidding war going while the topic is hot.

I wouldn't worry about your half siblings.  They certainly don't worry about you.

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Yes, I've been wondering for awhile if she was plotting an escape plan for her and her son.  She has to be looking at his other vapid, boot-licking children and thinking, you know, I don't want this for my little boy.  And she has to know that he has no respect for her and has cheated on her over and over again.

Last night at his rally, he was telling people that he's the change they've been waiting for their entire lives, and that he was their last chance to change things in the country.  His narcissism is just ... unbelievable. 

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18 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Melania has been subtly trying to subvert this whole mess all along?  The plagiarized speech, the Pussy Bow shirt (twice), describing her husband's behavior on social media as what she'd fight as First Lady, essentially telling Anderson Cooper that her husband is a child who was easily manipulated by Billy Bush...  

Yes, she may actually be smarter than everyone gives her credit for. 

I compare it to when  Marla Maples was asked what kid of father Donald was, and she replied that he was a GREAT dad, who always came through, with a check, whenever Tiffany needed anything.    I think Melania may be subtly giving a message that she is not 100% in his corner. Nobody is brave enough to openly oppose him.

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On 11/7/2016 at 0:04 PM, Padma said:

Just saw John Ralston interviewed from Nev.  Everyone seems to agree that he is a super-guru on Nevada politics.  He said--and I want to quote him exactly--"Trump is dead in Nevada."

One can only hope.

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16 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Yes, I've been wondering for awhile if she was plotting an escape plan for her and her son.  She has to be looking at his other vapid, boot-licking children and thinking, you know, I don't want this for my little boy.  And she has to know that he has no respect for her and has cheated on her over and over again.

Last night at his rally, he was telling people that he's the change they've been waiting for their entire lives, and that he was their last chance to change things in the country.  His narcissism is just ... unbelievable. 

The thrill of the past 18 months for Donald Trump has been a narcissist's wet dream. I'm surprised his head hasn't exploded yet. (too bad) But the feeding off his frenzied fans ends today IF HE LOSES and I wouldn't want to be Melania tomorrow because she's going to have to transition from living with a boasting, gloating narcissistic monster, brute, savage, barbarian, animal, swine, pig, ogre, fiend, demon, devil husband, to one that won't have that need for attention filled on a minute by minute basis any longer. That's why I think if he loses, he's not going to politely concede and retreat from the spotlight as he should.

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At what point do we taxpayers get to stop paying the Secret Service to watch this guy's ass?  Do they just silently slip away as soon as the election is called?  Or do they have to stick around until the actual Electoral College votes?  I would love to have some of them retire shortly and write tell all books.

ETA - apparently, they usually hang around for a week

Edited by Frost
Found the answer to my own question!
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2 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Coral Caligula has already launched a lawsuit claiming voting stations were open too long in. Nevada and the votes that were cast should be tossed. Such an asshole! Probably the first of many. Good grief!

Oh pul-eeze! If there were still people in line at the time the polling place was scheduled to close, they were REQUIRED to stay open as long as it took to get those people to vote. He should know that. He probably thought it was Hillary's people pulling crap.

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