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S11.E15: Shamrocks And Shockwaves

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  On 10/11/2016 at 6:54 PM, Sai said:

Tamra mentions the woman's  name on her twitter so now it's public record.  Kimberly Church.  She's gonna be in a lot of trouble!!


What the hell is wrong with Tamra?? Why is she CONSTANTLY doing this crap? Posting peoples' names, phone numbers, when is karma gonna finally get her good?? I'm getting tired of waiting...

  • Love 11
  On 10/11/2016 at 1:35 PM, Lizzing said:

And that would be MKE's hat line.  https://www.meghankedmonds.com/shop/

Speaking of MKE, I wanted in on her sit down with the genealogist.  That spread of tea snacks looked awesome. 


oops!!!  I could've heard wrong LOL, I thought it was Kelly's line & I was thinking we're never gonna see that again!!

Edited by teapot
  On 10/12/2016 at 3:07 AM, Giselle said:

We've never laughed with KKKelly. We've been too disgusted by her, too confused by her choices, too angry that the women let her get away with it time and time again.

Bravo casting KKKelly was one major fuck up which I hope they will correct with her firing.


Tell you what, I'll let you flick my nose until you feel better.

Then we'll sit back and laugh like little kids.

(and maybe do some other childish shit to pass the time?)

  • Love 2

And on to other things.....Megan you do not need elastic pants at 10 weeks! Get over yourself.

I'm part Irish and I was embarrassed for the American side of me! Good God.

And lastly---I never knew there was a age limit for ripped jeans! Apparently one more thing we "older" people shouldn't wear.....I'm 58 and I wear ripped jeans, high heels and have hair to my waist. Oh and cats eye glasses. I'll do me until the day I die.

Tamra had every right to cry her eyes out. Kelly is disgusting. Dump her Bravo.

  • Love 10

UUuurgh. I just watched this again. KKKelly the Klown (the best thing to come out of this episode is the snark from posters here, thankyou for gifting us with this). KKKelly's tearful recount back in the Presidential Suite with the heavily 10 weeks pregnant Meghan in her elastic waisted maternity pants is totally fallacious! And fictitious and fanciful and just a craic crock. According to Kkkelly, apropos of nothing, Heather pointed her witchy finger and accused Kkkelly of investigating her. This woman is so low rent, vulgar and declasse. In her wet brain, the only lesson she took away from the Sushi party was that the word 'cunt' should not be applied to another woman. Anything else, Kkkelly has figured out, is socially acceptable. So what's the big deal with scream/slurring 'yaar a farking LIAR, is what you are' up and down the hallowed historical home of James Joyce and George Bernard Shaw and William Butler Yeats? Can you imagine, with a bar in every void space in her house, what the Dodd zoo sounds like every evening?

Dressing down in muted matchy purple with a pussy bow for the post mortem THs .... it's not hiding her big ugly mouth. In the early scenes on the pub crawl from hell, you could see Kkkelly mouthbreathing while she morphed into her 'just add alcohol' Incredible Hulk self. Because she wasn't the centre of attention. Flicking adult women in the nose was her desperado attempt to wrest herself some camera time. She's now in damage control. I noticed in the scenes for the next episode that she is indeed still with the trip, though sitting sulkily and tearfully in a corner and trying to shift blame onto Shannon for trying to ply her with tequila (probably because she is again making the rest of the cast uncomfortable and Shannon is over it and trying to change her mood). Again, the manufactured outrage after instigating classless drama is a page right out of Kenya's playbook. 

And FIX YOUR HAIR!!!! For all their nastiness, an Atlanta Howive would not be caught dead leaving the house with that limp floppy do. She's all gaping maw and gnashers. I bet there was spit and halitosis flying also. Kkkelly is one of those unfortunate people that looks as though they'd smell bad. She really makes my skin crawl and I get a strong vibe this is exactly how Heather Dubrow feels also. I bet there is never a scene shot from this point on with Kkkelly and Heather alone. I never want to hear her shriek 'meeeean' or 'meeeeee' again. Lord, I can't abide the victim show.

  • Love 4

I think there's always some shred of honesty in a nasty comment like the one Kelly made about Tamra's daughter Sidney. I found a statement by Tamra's daughter made on Facebook a year ago, October 2015 regarding the strained relationship she and Tamra have had. Sidney Barney has been living with Simon for three years and does not wish to have any contact with Tamra.

“I watched the reunion show last night and I am disappointed,” she began her post. “I try not to talk about personal family matters with my friends, but I was made aware that my mother was talking about me and discussing our personal family matters on the show again. At this point I think it is necessary to tell the truth since she does not know how to tell the truth.”

Sidney went on to explain that Judge is “not a mother” to her, and that though she has asked the reality star to “stop treating [her] badly, to stop doing embarrassing [things],” and to stop using her siblings and her as “story lines,” Judge has continued to put the show and fame before her family’s concerns.

“If she really wanted me back in her life, she would have taken responsibility and changed two years ago when I told [her] the first time what was causing our relationship to suffer,” Sidney added. “Obviously, I am just another story line that feeds her fame and her wallet.”

  • Love 11
  On 10/12/2016 at 3:09 PM, eurekagirl mOo said:


And lastly---I never knew there was a age limit for ripped jeans! Apparently one more thing we "older" people shouldn't wear.....I'm 58 and I wear ripped jeans, high heels and have hair to my waist. Oh and cats eye glasses. I'll do me until the day I die.

Tamra had every right to cry her eyes out. Kelly is disgusting. Dump her Bravo.


rock the fuck on, girl!!!  I don't believe in expiration dates on clothing, either...everyone should wear what makes them feel great!

I think Kelly is just a bad fit here...not that everyone else is so sophisticated or self-aware, but at this point she's just embarrassing herself.  and juvenile humor annoys me to no end, and then when I'm told that I can't "take a joke" I get stabby.

  • Love 9


KKKelly (that is the funniest) is a character.

I happen to like her personality, she is the chicKKK that can drinKKK with the guys and share yucks and tales. I DON'T like her 'drunKKK personality' - guys would tell her to KKKnocKKK that shit out instead of pussy-footing around it.

What I'd do if I was her husband is to take her to a doc and get her a note, then go down to the pot shop and buy some of the best gak, go home and send the kid to grandma's for the weekend. We'd lock the doors,  run some thru a bong and I'd bang on her like Prarie Prince's drum set.

Bravo needs to do a pot themed season in OC or BH. That would settle down all the fighting and we'd see more restaurants, laughing and silliness.

That FucKKKing booze is to blame.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 4

Well, it's lucky that Kelly showed her ass because every one of these classless apes acted like the ugly American, with the exception of the pregnant one. I cannot stand a gaggle of bullies, and that's what these hos are. They pick someone to single out. And as far as Jesus Jugs 2.0 is concerned--Nah, nah, Big Pig--you dish it out with your shit-stirring, and you open yourself up to the FACT that your daughter thinks you're a nasty ho. OWN IT, as you hags love to say.

And Madame Puppet, it's too late to try to act mortified after you grinned and giggled about your "friends'" behaviour in the bar. You're perfectly fine with people acting like a gaggle of hogs, and your predator-mask face is right in the middle of it, so you can miss me with your shame about getting kicked out of the store. You were with a gaggle of hogs-OF COURSE you got kicked out of the store. Birds of a feather...

And Vicki, you (and these hags) make the "hillbillies" from Deliverance look like sophisticated bon vivants, so shaddup.

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 15

you know, I think I can see how Kelly would be that  "cool girl" that is getting so much media attention these days...the type who can watch a game, drink & burp w/the guys (so stereotypical here, I know..)

she definitely seems like the type who doesn't like other girls because they're "too much drama".  mind you, she's kind of the one who doesn't quite get how girl dynamics work, but maybe that's the down side to every "cool girl?"  just speculating...

  • Love 4
  On 10/11/2016 at 4:23 AM, WireWrap said:

Here is the problem that I see, these women are caught between a rock and a hard place when something is said on camera about a HW they are close to. If they share it, all hell breaks loose but if they don't, when the other finds out, they are called out for not being a "real" friend. So the choice becomes, do I let her know right away and protect our friendship/alliance or do I risk loosing said friendship because I didn't tell/warn them another HW was being ugly about something personal about them? Rock and a hard place when so much is said on camera. LOL


I think there is a middle ground. Especially in a situation like this where you don't want things to escalate. All Shannon had to do was tell Kelly that was not cool at all and then walk away. When Tamra asked what they talked about all she had to do was say let's talk later when everyone has had a chance to calm down. Or, she could have said, it was so awful that I would rather take some time to cool off before discussing it. 

Shannon knew that Tamra was going to react badly, why make matters worse by telling her when they are all drunk and out in public?  I think out of kindness to Tamra, Shannon should have at least waited until things were more calm and Tamra wasn't in such a majorly public space to tell her something that she knew would throw Tamra for a loop. But, then again this is Tamra and she probably loved the moment of being comforted on camera, and I guess she has never really worried about whether or not she came across as kind when she had someone in her sights either. So maybe the whole thing is moot. 


ETA: I actually see a lot of Tamra's early season behaviors in Kelly. The lashing out, the vulgarity, the racially charged statements, the scorched earth policy when it comes to getting back at someone for the smallest slight. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Kelly simply studied early seasons Tamra and turned it up a notch - but when you think about it, not by much. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 7
  On 10/11/2016 at 11:21 PM, politichick said:

Shannon probably joined this motley crew to have something fun to do outside the home since the girls need her less and clearly her marriage was at a tense stage when she started filming. 


What happened to the restaurant she and her group of fellow fancy pants were opening S1?

  • Love 5
  On 10/11/2016 at 8:31 PM, WordsWordsWords said:

I have made no secret of my disdain for Kelly ever since she first disgraced my television screen. I didn't think she could tick me off worse. WRONG!

So let me get this straight. She can't be racist because she's Mexican. Yet the first thing she does when she arrives at the lovely Powerscourt Hotel (which the HWs pronounce "cute," as if it's a quaint B&B) is to mock the host's accent, ("Me lucky charms.") and then later to assert drunkenly that all "people of Jewish descent" have sarcastic senses of humour, can take a joke, and don't take things personally.  In between times, she (and the other "ladies") yell at performers, scream at each other, grind on dancers, and make me embarrassed to be an American. Good grief on whole wheat toast with Irish butter (which is the best butter ever, by the way).

And if someone did her oh-so-funny nose-finger-flick crap to me, she'd draw back a stub.

"Kelly has an amazing ability to take a really good time and just knock it on its ass." Heather Dubrow. If she never says another true thing in her life, she's said a mouthful right there.

Drunk HWs never end well. I'm so sorry, Ireland. You are a lovely country full of interesting people, beautiful scenery, fascinating history, and delightful lore. But we sent you a herd of drunken heifers with no class and big mouths.

Speaking of big mouths, Kelly's friend is apt to wish she'd never met Ms. Dodd. I worked in banking, both in loans and mortgages and in deposits (teller work). Speaking about any account-holder is not only a fireable offense, it's legally actionable. I had to sign ironclad confidentiality agreements. If Kelly actually has a friend who said anything about about the Dubrows' loan, that friend is likely to be in some serious legal trouble. That said, Kelly might have made up the whole thing based on some public information. I wouldn't put it past her.


And this is why I adore Heather. She has the BEST zingers of anyone on the franchise without having to be crass.  

YES to everything you said 

and Vicki's shameless display when she has an alleged boyfriend who "loves" her so much that "he" sent her flowers? If any male did that to any  female bartender, he'd be arrested for assault. And if a boyfriend of any woman did that ON FILM especially, there would be an Armageddon-level breakup soon after. 

krazyKelly spoke about Tamra within hearing distance and said it more than once IIRC. I expected T to hear her and turn around and confront her.   If someone spewed such venom to me about a friend, you better believe I am saying something.  And Shannon didn't quietly or tacitly agree or remain silent. She called her out in the moment so K should have known to STOP AND DESIST.   Nope.  Even Meghan winced and grimaced during the retelling. Let's have someone say something about your kids, KrazyKelly.   I completely agree with Shannon telling T.  And I also understand Heather's ire about being tossed out. She was in a bathroom stall...so many layers of embarrassment with that whole Ugly American situation.  

  • Love 17
  On 10/11/2016 at 6:54 PM, Sai said:

Tamra mentions the woman's  name on her twitter so now it's public record.  Kimberly Church.  She's gonna be in a lot of trouble!!


Ms. Kimberly Church has only herself to blame. She should have known better not to divulge personal information. It's unethical, it could come back to haunt her possibly ruin her career.

Leaking it to someone like Kelly who has a history of shooting her mouth off was ultra stupid.

Now she knows what it feels like to have personal information leaked. Don't feel sorry for her at all. Hope it hits her hard.

  • Love 11
  On 10/12/2016 at 4:38 PM, Giselle said:

Ms. Kimberly Church has only herself to blame. She should have known better not to divulge personal information. It's unethical, it could come back to haunt her possibly ruin her career.

Leaking it to someone like Kelly who has a history of shooting her mouth off was ultra stupid.

Now she knows what it feels like to have personal information leaked. Don't feel sorry for her at all. Hope it hits her hard.


That's what I meant, Kimberly is gonna be in a lot of trouble, and she should be.

  • Love 3
  On 10/12/2016 at 4:21 PM, itsadryheat said:

What happened to the restaurant she and her group of fellow fancy pants were opening S1?


Terry got "Botched", and they sold the first mansion.  Originally Bravo was aiming for a restaurant show with Fabio, the "Top Chef" guy.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4
  On 10/12/2016 at 4:21 PM, MatildaMoody said:

I think there is a middle ground. Especially in a situation like this where you don't want things to escalate. All Shannon had to do was tell Kelly that was not cool at all and then walk away. When Tamra asked what they talked about all she had to do was say let's talk later when everyone has had a chance to calm down. Or, she could have said, it was so awful that I would rather take some time to cool off before discussing it. 

Shannon knew that Tamra was going to react badly, why make matters worse by telling her when they are all drunk and out in public?  I think out of kindness to Tamra, Shannon should have at least waited until things were more calm and Tamra wasn't in such a majorly public space to tell her something that she knew would throw Tamra for a loop. But, then again this is Tamra and she probably loved the moment of being comforted on camera, and I guess she has never really worried about whether or not she came across as kind when she had someone in her sights either. So maybe the whole thing is moot. 


ETA: I actually see a lot of Tamra's early season behaviors in Kelly. The lashing out, the vulgarity, the racially charged statements, the scorched earth policy when it comes to getting back at someone for the smallest slight. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Kelly simply studied early seasons Tamra and turned it up a notch - but when you think about it, not by much. 


There is no way that Tamra would allow Shannon to postpone telling her what Kelly said, no way. Also, there were no cameras filming them in the store (this was not a prescheduled shopping event, no signed film release from the store) , so this wasn't about camera time for Tamra, it was that she knew Kelly was talking smack about her to Shannon and she wanted to know what was said.

As for Kelly being like Tamra her first season, Nahh. Kelly is far worse, way more vulgar, way more aggressive, way more combative her first season that Tamra ever was her first season. It took Tamra a couple of seasons to allow that side of her to fully come out, Kelly, on the other hand, has put her crazy on full display straight out of the gate! Imagine how nasty Kelly will be if Bravo keeps her another couple of season? She will be a mix of Tamra, Brandi (BH), Bethenny (NY), Adriana (Miami) and Teresa (NJ) at their collective worse in 1 person. YIKES! LOL

  • Love 8
  On 10/12/2016 at 11:05 AM, queenjen said:

So Kelly Dodd is a millionaire who is university educated. And since her entrance this season, she's also been clear that she is basically THE stand up comedian and life of everyone's party. WHO has been telling Kelly that she is beautiful, hilarious, gorgeous and intelligent all her life? That desiccated muppet of a mother? Because Kelly really believes this. She is genuinely outraged both on this episode and in the blog she wrote about this episode, that the other hos don't get her sense of humor. Or WON'T get her sense of humor, as though they are deliberately withholding it from adorbs and talented Kelly because they are all 'meeeeeeeeean girls!!!!'

I'm having major Kenya flashbacks watching Kelly, along with Kelly Bensimmon flashbacks and this is deeply disturbing and traumatizing to me. In the first episode, Kelly made what seemed to be maybe an illadvised attempt at humor about Shannon's kids' school. Then she got huffy when Shannon wasn't having it and refused to give her the time of day. Except huffy for Kelly, probably then on the best behavior we'll ever see from her, morphs into flailing abusive rage (Kenya) with a side of insanity (Kelly B). And a couple of episodes later, she's stewed on Shannon's perceived slight and escalated it into 'you're a c***, is what you are! !!' in a restaurant setting, alienating the entire cast. Heather speaks for the entire universe in calling her out and reprimanding her and asking her to leave and becomes known to Kelly as Principal Dubrow. Kelly only got a reprieve because of the Glamis accident and the whole Vicki/hospital/casseroles vs Shannon and Meghan brouhaha. 

Now that's died down, there's room for Kelly to be herself again. She could so easily have learned from her earlier experiences and altered her interactions. But no. Like Kenya, this one is pathological. I suspect she has wet brain also. Heather's reaction I think didn't just reflect Heather's fury at being included in a group of women whose behavior resulted in their being asked to leave a retail establishment, it also reflected her disgust at Kelly reverting to type. Heather had Kelly pegged after the expletive dinner and it's painful for Heather to share air with this declasse horned toad. 

I was really hoping she'd huff all the way home to Michael and the rest of the menagerie. Poor Meghan. I cringed for her when Kelly forced her way into the presidential suite within her. And now she's stuck with this ugly, ignorant, insane instigator. She's not in Kenya 's league for being clever with her instigation, but she is definitely in the league for me of hos i don't want to see on my tv again. This includes boring, transparent and vicious Kenya and racists Julia from Auckland and Lidiot from Melbourne. And the Beth monster and Teresa Giudice.  Kelly Dodd is not entertaining in the slightest. She's defaulting to a disturbing level of vulgarity and aggression and there's just no story line. Bring on new blood before there's real blood. Oh, and in her blog, college educated Kelly referred to Tamra 'threating her'.  


This.  ?

  • Love 2
  On 10/12/2016 at 4:08 PM, ElDosEquis said:

I'm totally amused at the anger, angst and aneurysms a nose flickkk would cause.

I can only imagine people falling like shot soccer players, writhing on the ground until the ref shows up with a yellow card for the offender.

I can only guess that the Three Stooges/Marx Bros are persona non grata in those homes?


Reactions to something like that depend on the situation, the level of familiarity, sometimes the age or social position of the person, their personality and personal history, also whether it is done once as a joke or repetitively to pester and vex, or after stated objections.

Vicki said she didn't like it and Kelly did it again, completely disregarding another person's stated feelings and personal space. That is when it went too far. Kelly then chastised her for it. Utterly wrong.

Friend or stranger, do that to me and I'll tell them off, do it again and watch out. If it was my parents (when they were alive) or a very beloved relative it would be different. I'd probably smile but still ask them not to do it again.

For the record I love the Three Stooges.

Signing off with a hand to nose to block an eye poke.

  • Love 14
  On 10/12/2016 at 4:38 PM, Giselle said:

Ms. Kimberly Church has only herself to blame. She should have known better not to divulge personal information. It's unethical, it could come back to haunt her possibly ruin her career.

Leaking it to someone like Kelly who has a history of shooting her mouth off was ultra stupid.

Now she knows what it feels like to have personal information leaked. Don't feel sorry for her at all. Hope it hits her hard.


Yes, assuming Tams mentioned the correct name on Twitter (don't recall which poster brought it to this site).  And maybe KC did share and if she did, ITA her career should end. But-- what if, in her eagerness to bring Kelly down, Tams put the wrong name into the cyber -- maybe someone who works at the same office or different loan officer or another Kimberly. Or maybe KC remarked about T&H, "O right, I've seen them in the office" and nothing more, which may not be professional but is hardly on the level of what's being suggested. Do we have anything other than Tams' word that this woman revealed proprietary info? 

Edited by steelcitysister
apostrophes will no be denied!
  • Love 6
  On 10/11/2016 at 4:45 AM, yourmomiseasy said:


  On 10/11/2016 at 9:11 AM, bichonblitz said:



I love Kelly's hypocrisy. Her nasty words about Tamra and her daughter were not meant to be hurtful because they were said out of anger(?) and behind Tamra's back so Tamra was wrong for reacting the way she did.

I wonder if she feels the same way about Nina saying that she doesn't have to suck dick to get her bills paid or when Heather told Tamra that she was concerned about Kelly's language during the Glamis trip. Both of those things were said behind Kelly's back and yet Kelly believes that she was justified in flipping out over things which by her definition were not hurtful because they were said behind her back.

  • Love 14
  On 10/12/2016 at 3:09 PM, eurekagirl mOo said:

And on to other things.....Megan you do not need elastic pants at 10 weeks! Get over yourself.


In Megan's defense, she did IVF and hyperstimulated.  I did the same and I was about her build.  I was wearing stretchy pants before the pregnancy test was even back due to all the bloat of OHSS.   If Megan is claiming she needs stretchy pants because the baby is getting big, well, yeah, she's just wrong.  But if she's wearing them because her belly is bloated due to hyperstim, I get it.  I looked 5 months pregnant at 5 weeks.  Her belly will calm down. 

Does anyone know how many eggs she retrieved?

  • Love 10

Is it me or do Kelly's mouth and teeth seem to get bigger the drunker she gets?  

I'm sorry, but Tamra sobbing in Shannon's arms looks so damn fake.  Yes Tamra, make sure you know just the angle of the camera.   I don't see Tamra going from rage to sobbing in a short time.  I see her continue to rage, and if somebody came on the bus (where they were sure to have cameras) she would be screaming, cursing and vowing revenge.  How long was it in between the shaking, sobbing until Vicki came on the bus and Tamra seemed calm, collected. 

How is it these women wear these huge false eyelashes, and yet they never seem to come off when they are crying.   Tamra crying hysterically, and yet not a smudge of eye makeup.

  • Love 8
  On 10/12/2016 at 5:26 PM, ryebread said:

In Megan's defense, she did IVF and hyperstimulated.  I did the same and I was about her build.  I was wearing stretchy pants before the pregnancy test was even back due to all the bloat of OHSS.   If Megan is claiming she needs stretchy pants because the baby is getting big, well, yeah, she's just wrong.  But if she's wearing them because her belly is bloated due to hyperstim, I get it.  I looked 5 months pregnant at 5 weeks.  Her belly will calm down. 

Does anyone know how many eggs she retrieved?


She did say she was "bloated" not that her baby bump was causing the need for stretchy waist pants.

  • Love 9
  On 10/12/2016 at 5:18 PM, Giselle said:

Reactions to something like that depend on the situation, the level of familiarity, sometimes the age or social position of the person, their personality and personal history, also whether it is done once as a joke or repetitively to pester and vex, or after stated objections.

Vicki said she didn't like it and Kelly did it again, completely disregarding another person's stated feelings and personal space. That is when it went too far. Kelly then chastised her for it. Utterly wrong.

Friend or stranger, do that to me and I'll tell them off, do it again and watch out. If it was my parents (when they were alive) or a very beloved relative it would be different. I'd probably smile but still ask them not to do it again.

For the record I love the Three Stooges.

Signing off with a hand to nose to block an eye poke.


No, I understand the workings.

My glee comes from the inability to stop and look at the person in the eye and state - with stout words - "I wish you wouldn't do that to me, I don't care for it...."

Not any of the STAAAAWWWWWPPPPPP IIITTTTTTTT, whiny baby voice?

Now it the person does it again, or attempts to do it again? If you can, catch their finger and bend the fuck out of it or you stand up and go eye to eye and tell them to fuck off. If their point is to start with the 'You don't have a sense of humor' you ignore them and carry on.

Kelly was wrong to even start that shit, but there are ways to stop it in it's tracks without the theatrics or hand to hand combat, maybe?

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, woise guy, eh?

Edited by ElDosEquis
I most certainly say so....
  • Love 7
  On 10/12/2016 at 12:14 AM, WireWrap said:

Zero accountability, excuse after excuse for her own bad/nasty/crazy behavior, always the poor, poor victim! She really is NUTS!


Which is why I don't think this"detox" will last long. She is only doing it for custody issues in her future divorce.

She's like Kim Richards in that she needs not only rehab but also psych help, but she also has a documented history of violence.

  • Love 7
  On 10/12/2016 at 5:32 PM, notnowimbusy said:

Is it me or do Kelly's mouth and teeth seem to get bigger the drunker she gets?  

I'm sorry, but Tamra sobbing in Shannon's arms looks so damn fake.  Yes Tamra, make sure you know just the angle of the camera.   I don't see Tamra going from rage to sobbing in a short time.  I see her continue to rage, and if somebody came on the bus (where they were sure to have cameras) she would be screaming, cursing and vowing revenge.  How long was it in between the shaking, sobbing until Vicki came on the bus and Tamra seemed calm, collected. 

How is it these women wear these huge false eyelashes, and yet they never seem to come off when they are crying.   Tamra crying hysterically, and yet not a smudge of eye makeup.


Kelly's donkey teeth & too red lipstick seem to take a life of their own when she gets drunk & angry.  Disgusting woman!!!

  • Love 8
  On 10/12/2016 at 5:32 PM, notnowimbusy said:

Is it me or do Kelly's mouth and teeth seem to get bigger the drunker she gets?  

I'm sorry, but Tamra sobbing in Shannon's arms looks so damn fake.  Yes Tamra, make sure you know just the angle of the camera.   I don't see Tamra going from rage to sobbing in a short time.  I see her continue to rage, and if somebody came on the bus (where they were sure to have cameras) she would be screaming, cursing and vowing revenge.  How long was it in between the shaking, sobbing until Vicki came on the bus and Tamra seemed calm, collected. 

How is it these women wear these huge false eyelashes, and yet they never seem to come off when they are crying.   Tamra crying hysterically, and yet not a smudge of eye makeup.


No it's Vag Face, swollen lips sometimes painted red looking like a babboon's cooch.

Alot of celebrities are going for the look and why you see trout mouths and giant blow fish lips in every damn selfie  almost everyone takes these days even if they don't have surgery. 

As Roseanne Roseannadanna would have said: Hey, Kelly and the rest of you selfie mouths... Put some hemroid or vaginal cream on those lips! What are ya tryin' to do, make me sick?!

  • Love 14
  On 10/12/2016 at 5:31 PM, booboopbedoo said:

I would smack her! WTF is wrong with her? FAS??

She is going to be the reason I stop watching- there must be tons of other woman they can hire??


Apparently the rest of the cast agrees with you:  http://www.inquisitr.com/3588955/kelly-dodd-calls-out-vicki-gunvalson-for-talking-smack-about-her-with-tamra-judge-wants-tamra-fired-from-rhoc/  More Twitter battles between Kelly and Tamra.  I am going to side with Jolie on this one. . . please make it so my mom never talks to me until she gets some much needed help.

Kelly is somewhat inconsistent in her rantings.   

  • Love 2
  On 10/11/2016 at 7:24 PM, Natalie68 said:

But isn't this a HUGE no no in the mortgage world?  As in completely unethical?  Hopefully this little spill gets that person to lose whatever license they may have.   I certainly wouldn't work with anyone that was going to spill my personal info especially when they are profiting from me going to them.  


That shit in business disgusts me. People shouldn't do that. Years ago an employee of a gym I went to posted on an online forum (which was a thread where I was being trolled) that I went to that location. 

When I groomed dogs more actively had 2 v famous in the world of Chicago sports customers.  One a legendary coach, the other basketball legend. I never would tell anyone their personal business.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 1:51 AM, sasha206 said:

I totally agree. Live conservatively but you can still live well. It does seem like Tamra has done that for the most part although I think her gym was probably a very bad investment.  Her house is beautiful, but not too grande.  Contrast that with the Wilke's, Guidices, Gorgas, Lauritas, of RHONJ.  House of cards for all of them.


I'm wondering if the gym is a tax shelter.  Tamras been broke before, and I don't think she ever intends to be broke again.  Of all the women, she seems the most frugal with a somewhat modest home, and she has worn the same clothes on the show many times.  I've never seen her as much of a spender. 

Kelly, poor dumb thing.  Maybe she just needs a Snickers.

  • Love 12
  On 10/12/2016 at 6:58 PM, Mu Shu said:

I'm wondering if the gym is a tax shelter.  Tamras been broke before, and I don't think she ever intends to be broke again.  Of all the women, she seems the most frugal with a somewhat modest home, and she has worn the same clothes on the show many times.  I've never seen her as much of a spender. 

Kelly, poor dumb thing.  Maybe she just needs a Snickers.


Most likely unintentionally.  Eddie doesn't have another source of income so hopefully they are seeing some return.  I notice the expansion plans have been quashed.   I think Tamra realizes once this merry-go-round stops they better not have a lot of debt. 

  • Love 6
  On 10/12/2016 at 3:09 PM, eurekagirl mOo said:

And lastly---I never knew there was a age limit for ripped jeans! Apparently one more thing we "older" people shouldn't wear.....I'm 58 and I wear ripped jeans, high heels and have hair to my waist. Oh and cats eye glasses. I'll do me until the day I die.


As long as those jeans aren't a couple sizes too small. ;-)


  On 10/12/2016 at 3:29 PM, HumblePi said:

I think there's always some shred of honesty in a nasty comment like the one Kelly made about Tamra's daughter Sidney. I found a statement by Tamra's daughter made on Facebook a year ago, October 2015 regarding the strained relationship she and Tamra have had. Sidney


How could that be? Kelly said she didn't know about this show before she joined it. *cough*


  On 10/12/2016 at 6:58 PM, Mu Shu said:

Kelly, poor dumb thing.  Maybe she just needs a Snickers.


Who does she become after getting her Snickers bar? I'm thinking Hyanceth Boookay... (or however her name is spelt)


  On 10/12/2016 at 7:13 PM, nexxie said:

"Ugly Americans" doesn't even begin to describe these WOMEN FROM HELL!!

Loved watching the expressions on people in the background having their pub pleasantries destroyed by this crew, but really hope the producers warned them ahead of time.


I hear it's standard operating procedure to put up signs warning people that there are cameras present and they will be filmed.

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